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FI N° 23.200 (SI) Serapis N° 2004 0464
1.01 The Guarantor declares that it is well acquainted with the terms, conditions and clauses of the Finance Contract, a true copy of which, as signed by the parties thereto, has been delivered to the Guarantor by the Bank.
2.01 The Guarantor, as primary obligor and not merely as surety, guarantees entirely the full and punctual performance of all the monetary obligations of the Borrower to the Bank under the Finance Contract, including all payments of interest without any limitation, commissions, incidental charges and other expenses and all the sums being due by the Borrower to the Bank under any provision of the Finance Contract. 2.02 The Guarantor undertakes to promptly furnish information to the Bank on legislation or the regulatory framework affecting the Borrower, which may have an impact on the implementation of the Project.
3.01 Demand may be made under this Guarantee Agreement as soon as the Borrower has not performed all or part of the obligations guaranteed pursuant to Article 2.01 of this Guarantee Agreement. 3.02 The Guarantor hereby waives irrevocably any objection or exception in law to the total or partial enforcement of this Guarantee Agreement. It undertakes to perform its obligations upon first written demand by the Bank whenever such demand is made and to pay the sums due without any limitation, retention or condition, without the Bank having to furnish any special evidence in support of its request other than the reason for the demand under this Guarantee Agreement. In particular, the Bank is not bound to prove that it has taken any action against the Borrower; it is not obliged, prior to the enforcement of this Guarantee Agreement, to realise securities or to enforce any other security that the Borrower or a third party may have constituted. 3.03 The payment by the Guarantor shall fall due on the tenth Business Day following that on which demand is made. For the purpose of this Guarantee Agreement “Business Day” means a day on which banks are open for business in Luxembourg and Ljubljana. 3.04 In the event of the Bank making demand, the Guarantor shall have the right to discharge immediately, under the conditions set out in the Finance Contract, all the monetary obligations of the Borrower under the Finance Contract which are still outstanding at the time of such discharge.
4.01 When the Guarantor has made a payment to the Bank, it is subrogated, to the extent of such payment, to the rights and actions relating to the said payment that the Bank has against the Borrower; this right of subrogation shall not be invoked to the detriment of the Bank.
5.01 The Guarantor shall inform the Bank forthwith of any fact or event likely to jeopardise the performance of its obligations under this Guarantee Agreement. 5.02 The Guarantor shall notify the Bank of the completion of the procedures necessary in the Republic of Slovenia to the entry into force of the Guarantee Agreement.
6.01 The Bank may agree to and shall notify the Guarantor of amendments made to the Finance Contract which do not increase the amounts payable by the Borrower thereunder. The Bank may grant the Borrower extensions of time of up to three months in respect of each repayment of principal or payment of interest and any other incidental expenses as it sees fit. Any such extension of time shall be notified to the Guarantor. Any modifications in the Finance Contract other than those referred to in the previous two paragraphs of this Article 6 shall be submitted for approval to the Guarantor. The latter may refuse its approval only if the proposed modifications are likely to be prejudicial to it in its capacity as Guarantor.
7.01 Taxes or fiscal charges, legal costs and other expenses incurred in the execution or implementation of this Guarantee Agreement shall be borne by the Guarantor. The Guarantor shall make payments hereunder without withholding or deduction on account of tax or fiscal charges.
8.01 The legal relations between the parties to this Guarantee Agreement, its formation and validity shall be governed by the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. 8.02 The place of performance of this Guarantee Agreement is the head office of the Bank. 8.03 The parties hereto submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities and all disputes concerning the Guarantee Agreement shall be submitted to such court. The decision of the Court of Justice of the European Communities shall be conclusive and shall be accepted as such by the parties without restriction or reservation. 8.04 The parties hereto agree that this Guarantee Agreement is of a commercial nature and hereby undertake to waive any immunities, which they may now or hereafter enjoy in any country from the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. 8.05 In any legal action arising out of this Guarantee Agreement the certificate of the Bank as to any amount due to the Bank under this Guarantee Agreement shall be prima facie evidence of such amount. 8.06 This Guarantee Agreement shall enter into force upon confirmation by the Bank to the Guarantor that it has received a certified copy of the instrument of ratification by the Guarantor.
9.01 Notices and other communications given hereunder shall be sent to the respective address set out below: – for the Guarantor: Ministry of Finance Župančičeva, 3 1502 Ljubljana Slovenia – for the Bank: 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Each party may, by notice to the other, change its addresses as set out above. 9.02 Notices and other communications, for which fixed periods are laid down in this Guarantee Agreement or which themselves fix periods binding on the addressee, shall be served by hand delivery, registered letter, telegram, telex, confirmed fax or any other means of transmission which affords evidence of receipt by the addressee. The date of registration or, as the case may be, the stated date of receipt of transmission shall be conclusive for the determination of a period. 9.03 The Recitals forms part of this Guarantee Agreement. The following Annex is attached hereto: Annex I Certified English translation of the relevant provisions of the Law on the Guarantee.
FI št. 23.200 (SI) Serapis št. 2004 0464
1.01 Garant izjavlja, da je dobro seznanjen s pogoji in določili finančne pogodbe, katere izvirnik, tak kot sta ga pogodbenici podpisali, je banka dostavila garantu.
2.01 Garant kot prvi zavezanec in ne le kot porok v celoti jamči za popolno in pravočasno izpolnjevanje vseh denarnih obveznosti kreditojemalke do banke po finančni pogodbi skupaj z vsemi plačili obresti brez vsakršnih omejitev, provizij, nepredvidenih stroškov in drugih izdatkov ter vseh zneskov, ki jih kreditojemalka dolguje banki na podlagi določb finančne pogodbe. 2.02 Garant se obvezuje, da bo banki nemudoma priskrbel informacije o zakonodaji oziroma pravnem okviru, ki zadeva kreditojemalko in bi lahko vplival na izvedbo projekta.
3.01 Zahtevek na podlagi te garancijske pogodbe je mogoče dati, kakor hitro kreditojemalka ne izpolni vseh obveznosti ali dela obveznosti, za katere velja garancija v skladu s členom 2.01 te pogodbe. 3.02 Garant se nepreklicno odreka vsakršnemu ugovoru ali zakonskim izjemam v zvezi s popolnim ali delnim uveljavljanjem te garancijske pogodbe. Obvezuje se, da bo na prvi pisni poziv banke izpolnil svoje obveznosti ob vsakem takem zahtevku in plačal zapadle zneske brez vsakršnih omejitev, zadrževanja ali pogojev, ne da bi bilo banki treba priskrbeti kaka druga posebna dokazila v podporo njenemu zahtevku, razen razloga za zahtevek, ki izhaja iz te garancijske pogodbe. Še posebej banka ni dolžna dokazovati, da je sprožila kak postopek proti kreditojemalki; pred uveljavljanjem te garancijske pogodbe ni dolžna unovčiti vrednostnih papirjev ali uveljavljati kakega drugega jamstva, ki ga je morebiti zagotovila kreditojemalka ali kaka tretja stran. 3.03 Garantovo plačilo zapade deseti delovni dan po datumu zahtevka. V tej garancijski pogodbi »delovni dan« pomeni dan, ko banke v Luxembourgu in Ljubljani poslujejo. 3.04 Če banka poda zahtevek, ima garant pravico pod pogoji, ki so navedeni v finančni pogodbi, takoj poravnati vse denarne obveznosti kreditojemalke iz finančne pogodbe, ki so ob taki poravnavi še neplačane.
4.01 Ko garant izvede plačilo banki, v obsegu takega plačila prevzame pravice in terjatve, ki jih ima banka do kreditojemalke v zvezi s tem plačilom; na pravico do subrogacije se ni mogoče sklicevati v škodo banke.
5.01 Garant takoj obvesti banko o vsakem dejstvu ali dogodku, ki bi lahko ogrozil izpolnjevanje njegovih obveznosti iz te garancijske pogodbe. 5.02 Garant uradno obvesti banko o dokončanju postopkov, ki so v Republiki Sloveniji potrebni za začetek veljavnosti garancijske pogodbe.
6.01 Banka lahko soglaša z dopolnitvami finančne pogodbe, s katerimi se ne povečujejo zneski, ki jih kreditojemalka plača na njeni podlagi, in o njih uradno obvesti garanta. Banka lahko na način, ki se ji zdi ustrezen, kreditojemalki odobri do trimesečno podaljšanje roka za vsako odplačilo glavnice ali plačilo obresti in drugih spremljajočih stroškov. O vsakem takem podaljšanju uradno obvesti garanta. Razen sprememb iz zgornjih dveh odstavkov tega 6. člena je treba vse druge spremembe v finančni pogodbi predložiti v odobritev garantu. Slednji lahko svojo odobritev odreče samo, če bi predlagane spremembe lahko škodljivo vplivale nanj kot garanta.
7.01 Davki ali druge dajatve, sodni in drugi stroški, ki nastanejo pri sklepanju ali izvajanju te garancijske pogodbe, bremenijo garanta. Garant bo plačila iz te pogodbe opravljal brez vsakršnega odbitka ali zmanjšanja zaradi davkov ali drugih dajatev.
8.01 Pravna razmerja med pogodbenicama iz te garancijske pogodbe, njeno sestavo in veljavnost ureja zakonodaja Velikega vojvodstva Luksemburg. 8.02 Kraj izpolnitve te garancijske pogodbe je sedež banke. 8.03 Pogodbenici se podrejata izključni pristojnosti Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti in vsi spori v zvezi z garancijsko pogodbo se predložijo temu sodišču. Odločitev Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti je dokončna in jo kot tako pogodbenici sprejmeta brez omejitev ali pridržkov. 8.04 Pogodbenici soglašata, da je ta garancijska pogodba komercialne narave, in se obvezujeta, da se bosta odpovedali vsem morebitnim imunitetam, ki jih uživata zdaj ali bi jih lahko uživali v prihodnje v kateri koli državi v zvezi s sodno pristojnostjo Sodišča Evropskih skupnosti. 8.05 V katerem koli pravnem sporu v zvezi s to garancijsko pogodbo je potrdilo banke o kakem znesku, dolgovanem banki po tej garancijski pogodbi, dokaz prima facie o takem znesku. 8.06 Ta garancijska pogodba začne veljati, ko banka potrdi garantu, da je prejela kopijo akta o ratifikaciji, ki jo je overil garant.
9.01 Obvestila in druga sporočila po tej pogodbi se pošljejo na spodaj navedena ustrezna naslova: – za garanta: Ministrstvo za finance Župančičeva 3 1502 Ljubljana Slovenija – za banko: 100 Boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2950 Luxembourg Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg Vsaka pogodbenica lahko z obvestilom drugi pogodbenici spremeni svoj zgoraj navedeni naslov. 9.02 Obvestila in druga sporočila, za katera so v tej garancijski pogodbi določeni stalni roki ali v katerih so določeni za naslovnika zavezujoči roki, se vročijo osebno ali pošljejo s priporočenim pismom, telegramom, teleksom, potrjenim telefaksom ali na kakršen koli drug način, ki dokazuje, da je naslovnik obvestilo prejel. Rok se določi glede na datum potrdila o oddaji priporočenega obvestila ali v nekaterih primerih glede na navedeni datum prejema oddanega obvestila. 9.03 Uvodne navedbe so sestavni del te garancijske pogodbe. Pogodbi je priložena naslednja priloga: Priloga I Sodno overjen angleški prevod ustreznih določb Zakona o poroštvu.