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Uradni list RS, št. 73/2006 z dne 13. 7. 2006
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 73/2006 z dne 13. 7. 2006


75. Zakon o ratifikaciji Mednarodne konvencije o ureditvi kitolova in Protokola k Mednarodni konvenciji o ureditvi kitolova, podpisani v Washingtonu, z datumom 2. december 1946 (MKUK), stran 1033.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Mednarodne konvencije o ureditvi kitolova in Protokola k Mednarodni konvenciji o ureditvi kitolova, podpisani v Washingtonu, z datumom 2. december 1946 (MKUK), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 23. julija 2006.
Št. 001-22-107/06
Ljubljana, dne 3. julija 2006
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificirata se Mednarodna konvencija o ureditvi kitolova, sestavljena v Washingtonu 2. decembra 1946, in Protokol k Mednarodni konvenciji o ureditvi kitolova, podpisani v Washingtonu, z datumom 2. december 1946, sestavljen v Washingtonu 19. novembra 1956.
2. člen
Besedilo konvencije in protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
for the Regulation of Whaling
The Governments whose duly authorised representatives have subscribed hereto,
Recognizing the interest of the nations of the world in safeguarding for future generations the great natural resources represented by the whale stocks;
Considering that the history of whaling has seen over-fishing of one area after another and of one species of whale after another to such a degree that it is essential to protect all species of whales from further over-fishing;
Recognizing that the whale stocks are susceptible of natural increases if whaling is properly regulated, and that increases in the size of whale stocks will permit increases in the number of whales which may be captured without endangering these natural resources;
Recognizing that it is in the common interest to achieve the optimum level of whale stocks as rapidly as possible without causing widespread economic and nutritional distress;
Recognizing that in the course of achieving these objectives, whaling operations should be confined to those species best able to sustain exploitation in order to give an interval for recovery to certain species of whales now depleted in numbers;
Desiring to establish a system of international regulation for the whale fisheries to ensure proper and effective conservation and development of whale stocks on the basis of the principles embodied in the provisions of the International Agreement for the Regulation of Whaling, signed in London on 8th June, 1937, and the protocols to that Agreement signed in London on 24th June, 1938, and 26th November, 1945; and
Having decided to conclude a convention to provide for the proper conservation of whale stocks and thus make possible the orderly development of the whaling industry;
Have agreed as follows:
Article I
1. This Convention includes the Schedule attached thereto which forms an integral part thereof. All references to “Convention” shall be understood as including the said Schedule either in its present terms or as amended in accordance with the provisions of Article V.
2. This Convention applies to factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers under the jurisdiction of the Contracting Governments and to all waters in which whaling is prosecuted by such factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers.
Article II
As used in this Convention:
– “Factory ship” means a ship in which or on which whales are treated either wholly or in part;
– “Land station” means a factory on the land at which whales are treated either wholly or in part;
– “Whale catcher” means a ship used for the purpose of hunting, taking, towing, holding on to, or scouting for whales;
– “Contracting Government” means any Government which has deposited an instrument of ratification or has given notice of adherence to this Convention.
Article III
1. The Contracting Governments agree to establish an International Whaling Commission, hereinafter referred to as the Commission, to be composed of one member from each Contracting Government. Each member shall have one vote and may be accompanied by one or more experts and advisers.
2. The Commission shall elect from its own members a Chairman and Vice-Chairman and shall determine its own Rules of Procedure. Decisions of the Commission shall be taken by a simple majority of those members voting except that a three-fourths majority of those members voting shall be required for action in pursuance of Article V. The Rules of Procedure may provide for decisions otherwise than at meetings of the Commission.
3. The Commission may appoint its own Secretary and staff.
4. The Commission may set up, from among its own members and experts or advisers, such committees as it considers desirable to perform such functions as it may authorize.
5. The expenses of each member of the Commission and of his experts and advisers shall be determined by his own Government.
6. Recognizing that specialized agencies related to the United Nations will be concerned with the conservation and development of whale fisheries and the products arising therefrom and desiring to avoid duplication of functions, the Contracting Governments will consult among themselves within two years after the coming into force of this Convention to decide whether the Commission shall be brought within the framework of a specialized agency related to the United Nations.
7. In the meantime the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland shall arrange, in consultation with the other Contracting Governments, to convene the first meeting of the Commission, and shall initiate the consultation referred to in paragraph 6 above.
8. Subsequent meetings of the Commission shall be convened as the Commission may determine.
Article IV
1. The Commission may either in collaboration with or through independent agencies of the Contracting Governments or other public or private agencies, establishments, or organizations, or independently (a) encourage, recommend, or if necessary, organize studies and investigations relating to whales and whaling; (b) collect and analyze statistical information concerning the current condition and trend of the whale stocks and the effects of whaling activities thereon; (c) study, appraise, and disseminate information concerning methods of maintaining and increasing the populations of whale stocks.
2. The Commission shall arrange for the publication of reports of its activities, and it may publish independently or in collaboration with the International Bureau for Whaling Statistics at Sandefjord in Norway and other organizations and agencies such reports as it deems appropriate, as well as statistical, scientific, and other pertinent information relating to whales and whaling.
Article V
1. The Commission may amend from time to time the provisions of the Schedule by adopting regulations with respect to the conservation and utilization of whale resources, fixing (a) protected and unprotected species; (b) open and closed seasons; (c) open and closed waters, including the designation of sanctuary areas; (d) size limits for each species; (e) time, methods, and intensity of whaling (including the maximum catch of whales to be taken in any one season); (f) types and specifications of gear and apparatus and appliances which may be used; (g) methods of measurement; and (h) catch returns and other statistical and biological records.
2. These amendments of the Schedule (a) shall be such as are necessary to carry out the objectives and purposes of this Convention and to provide for the conservation, development, and optimum utilization of the whale resources; (b) shall be based on scientific findings; (c) shall not involve restrictions on the number or nationality of factory ships or land stations, nor allocate specific quotas to any factory or ship or land station or to any group of factory ships or land stations; and (d) shall take into consideration the interests of the consumers of whale products and the whaling industry.
3. Each of such amendments shall become effective with respect to the Contracting Governments ninety days following notification of the amendment by the Commission to each of the Contracting Governments, except that (a) if any Government presents to the Commission objection to any amendment prior to the expiration of this ninety-day period, the amendment shall not become effective with respect to any of the Governments for an additional ninety days; (b) thereupon, any other Contracting Government may present objection to the amendment at any time prior to the expiration of the additional ninety-day period, or before the expiration of thirty days from the date of receipt of the last objection received during such additional ninety-day period, whichever date shall be the later; and (c) thereafter, the amendment shall become effective with respect to all Contracting Governments which have not presented objection but shall not become effective with respect to any Government which has so objected until such date as the objection is withdrawn. The Commission shall notify each Contracting Government immediately upon receipt of each objection and withdrawal and each Contracting Government shall acknowledge receipt of all notifications of amendments, objections, and withdrawals.
4. No amendments shall become effective before 1st July, 1949.
Article VI
The Commission may from time to time make recommendations to any or all Contracting Governments on any matters which relate to whales or whaling and to the objectives and purposes of this Convention.
Article VII
The Contracting Government shall ensure prompt transmission to the International Bureau for Whaling Statistics at Sandefjord in Norway, or to such other body as the Commission may designate, of notifications and statistical and other information required by this Convention in such form and manner as may be prescribed by the Commission.
Article VIII
1. Notwithstanding anything contained in this Convention any Contracting Government may grant to any of its nationals a special permit authorizing that national to kill, take and treat whales for purposes of scientific research subject to such restrictions as to number and subject to such other conditions as the Contracting Government thinks fit, and the killing, taking, and treating of whales in accordance with the provisions of this Article shall be exempt from the operation of this Convention. Each Contracting Government shall report at once to the Commission all such authorizations which it has granted. Each Contracting Government may at any time revoke any such special permit which it has granted.
2. Any whales taken under these special permits shall so far as practicable be processed and the proceeds shall be dealt with in accordance with directions issued by the Government by which the permit was granted.
3. Each Contracting Government shall transmit to such body as may be designated by the Commission, in so far as practicable, and at intervals of not more than one year, scientific information available to that Government with respect to whales and whaling, including the results of research conducted pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article and to Article IV.
4. Recognizing that continuous collection and analysis of biological data in connection with the operations of factory ships and land stations are indispensable to sound and constructive management of the whale fisheries, the Contracting Governments will take all practicable measures to obtain such data.
Article IX
1. Each Contracting Government shall take appropriate measures to ensure the application of the provisions of this Convention and the punishment of infractions against the said provisions in operations carried out by persons or by vessels under its jurisdiction.
2. No bonus or other remuneration calculated with relation to the results of their work shall be paid to the gunners and crews of whale catchers in respect of any whales the taking of which is forbidden by this Convention.
3. Prosecution for infractions against or contraventions of this Convention shall be instituted by the Government having jurisdiction over the offence.
4. Each Contracting Government shall transmit to the Commission full details of each infraction of the provisions of this Convention by persons or vessels under the jurisdiction of that Government as reported by its inspectors. This information shall include a statement of measures taken for dealing with the infraction and of penalties imposed.
Article X
1. This Convention shall be ratified and the instruments of ratifications shall be deposited with the Government of the United States of America.
2. Any Government which has not signed this Convention may adhere thereto after it enters into force by a notification in writing to the Government of the United States of America.
3. The Government of the United States of America shall inform all other signatory Governments and all adhering Governments of all ratifications deposited and adherences received.
4. This Convention shall, when instruments of ratification have been deposited by at least six signatory Governments, which shall include the Governments of the Netherlands, Norway, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America, enter into force with respect to those Governments and shall enter into force with respect to each Government which subsequently ratifies or adheres on the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification or the receipt of its notification of adherence.
5. The provisions of the Schedule shall not apply prior to 1st July, 1948. Amendments to the Schedule adopted pursuant to Article V shall not apply prior to 1st July, 1949.
Article XI
Any Contracting Government may withdraw from this Convention on 30th June, of any year by giving notice on or before 1st January, of the same year to the depository Government, which upon receipt of such a notice shall at once communicate it to the other Contracting Governments. Any other Contracting Government may, in like manner, within one month of the receipt of a copy of such a notice from the depository Government give notice of withdrawal, so that the Convention shall cease to be in force on 30th June, of the same year with respect to the Government giving such notice of withdrawal.
The Convention shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Convention.
DONE in Washington this second day of December, 1946, in the English language, the original of which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America shall transmit certified copies thereof to all the other signatory and adhering Governments.
1. (a) There shall be maintained on each factory ship at least two inspectors of whaling for the purpose of maintaining twenty-four hour inspection. These inspectors shall be appointed and paid by the Government having jurisdiction over the factory ship.
(b) Adequate inspection shall be maintained at each land station. The inspectors serving at each land station shall be appointed and paid by the Government having jurisdiction over the land station.
2. It is forbidden to take or kill gray whales or right whales, except when the meat and products of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines.
3. It is forbidden to take or kill calves or suckling whales or female whales which are accompanied by calves or suckling whales.
4. It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of taking or treating baleen whales in any of the following areas:
(a) in the waters north of 66° North Latitude except that from 150° East Longitude eastward as far as 140° West Longitude the taking or killing of baleen whales by a factory ship or whale catcher shall be permitted between 66° North Latitude and 72° North Latitude;
(b) in the Atlantic Ocean and its dependent waters north of 40° South Latitude;
(c) in the Pacific Ocean and its dependent waters east of 150° West Longitude between 40° South Latitude and 35° North Latitude;
(d) in the Pacific Ocean and its dependent waters west of 150° West Longitude between 40° South Latitude and 20° North Latitude;
(e) in the Indian Ocean and its dependent waters north of 40° South Latitude.
5. It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of taking or treating baleen whales in the waters south of 40° South Latitude from 70° West Longitude westward as far as 160° West Longitude.
6. It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of taking or treating humpback whales in any waters south of 40° South Latitude.
7. (a) It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of taking or treating baleen whales in any waters south of 40° South Latitude, except during the period from December 15 to April 1 following, both days inclusive.
(b) Notwithstanding the above prohibition of treatment during a closed season, the treatment of whales which have been taken during the open season may be completed after the end of the open season.
8. (a) The number of baleen whales taken during the open season caught in any waters south of 40° South Latitude by whale catchers attached to factory ships under the jurisdiction of the Contracting Governments shall not exceed sixteen thousand blue-whale units.
(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, blue-whale units shall be calculated on the basis that one blue whale equals:
(1) two fin whales or
(2) two and a half humpback whales or
(3) six sei whales.
(c) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention, within two days after the end of each calendar week, of data on the number of blue-whale units taken in any waters south of 40° South Latitude by all whale catchers attached to factory ships under the jurisdiction of each Contracting Government.
(d) If it should appear that the maximum catch of whales permitted by subparagraph (a) of this paragraph may be reached before April 1 of any year, the Commission, or such other body as the Commission may designate, shall determine, on the basis of the data provided, the date on which the maximum catch of whales shall be deemed to have been reached and shall notify each Contracting Government of the date not less than two weeks in advance thereof. The taking of baleen whales by whale catchers attached to factory ships shall be illegal in any waters south of 40° South Latitude after the date so determined.
(e) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention of each factory ship intending to engage in whaling operations in any waters south of 40° South Latitude.
9. It is forbidden to take or kill any blue, fin, sei, humpback, or sperm whales below the following lengths:
(a) blue whales            70 feet (21.3 meters)
(b) fin whales             55 feet (16.8 meters)
(c) sei whales             40 feet (12.2 meters)
(d) humpback whales        35 feet (10.7 meter s)
(e) sperm whales           35 feet (10.7 meters)
except that blue whales of not less than 65 feet (19.8 meters), fin whales of not less than 50 feet (15.2 meters), and sei whales of not less than 35 feet (10.7 meters) in length may be taken for delivery to land stations provided that the meat of such whales is to be used for local consumption as human or animal food.
Whales must be measured when at rest on deck or platform, as accurately as possible by means of a steel tape measure fitted at the zero end with a spiked handle which can be stuck into the deck planking abreast of one end of the whale. The tape measure shall be stretched in a straight line parallel with the whale's body and read abreast the other end of the whale. The ends of the whale, for measurement purposes, shall be the point of the upper jaw and the notch between the tail flukes. Measurements, after being accurately read on the tape measure, shall be logged to the nearest foot: that is to say, any whale between 75'6" and 76'6" shall be logged as 76', and any whale between 76'6" and 77'6" shall be logged as 77'. The measurement of any whale which falls on an exact half foot shall be logged at the next half foot, e.g. 76'6" precisely, shall be logged as 77'.
10. It is forbidden to use a land station or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of taking or treating baleen whales in any area or in any waters for more than six months in any period of twelve months, such period of six months to be continuous.
11. It is forbidden to use a factory ship, which has been used during a season in any waters south of 40° South Latitude for the purpose of treating baleen whales, in any other area for the same purpose within a period of one year from the termination of that season.
12. (a) All whales taken shall be delivered to the factory ship or land station and all parts of such whales shall be processed by boiling or otherwise, except the internal organs, whale bone and flippers of all whales, the meat of sperm whales and of part s of whales intended for human food or feeding animals.
(b) Complete treatment of the carcasses of "Dauhval" and of whales used as fenders will not be required in cases where the meat or bone of such whales is in bad condition.
13. The taking of whales for delivery to a factory ship shall be so regulated or restricted by the master or person in charge of the factory ship that no whale carcass (except of a whale used as a fender) shall remain in the sea for a longer period than thirty-three hours from the time of killing to the time when it is taken up on to the deck of the factory ship for treatment. All whale catchers engaged in taking whales must report by radio to the factory ship the time when each whale is caught.
14. Gunners and crews of factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers shall be engaged on such terms that their remuneration shall depend to a considerable extent upon such factors as the species, size, and yield at whales taken, and not merely upon the number of the whales taken. No bonus or other remuneration shall be paid to the gunners or crews of whale catchers in respect to the taking at milk-filled or lactating whales.
15. Copies at all official laws and regulations relating to whales and whaling and changes in such laws and regulations shall be transmitted to the Commission.
16. Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the Convention with regard to all factory ships and land stations of statistical information (a) concerning the number of whales of each species taken, the number thereof lost, and the number treated at each factory ship or land station, and (b) as to the aggregate amounts of oil of each grade and quantities of meal, fertilizer (guano), and other products derived from them, together with (c) particulars with respect to each whale treated in the factory ship or land station as to the date and approximate latitude and longitude of taking, the species and sex of the whale, its length and, if it contains a foetus, the length and sex, if ascertainable, of the foetus. The data referred to in (a) and (c) above shall be verified at the time or the tally and there shall also be notification to the Commission of any information which may be collected or obtained concerning the calving grounds and migration routes or whales.
In communicating this information there shall be specified:
(a) the name and gross tonnage of each factory ship;
(b) the number and aggregate gross tonnage of the whale catchers;
(c) a list of the land stations which were in operation during the period concerned.
17. Notwithstanding the definition of land station contained in Article II of the Convention, a factory ship operating under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Government, and the movements of which are confined solely to the territorial waters of that Government, shall be subject to the regulations governing the operation of land stations within the following areas:
(a) on the coast or Madagascar and its dependencies, and on the west coasts of French Africa;
(b) on the west coast of Australia in the area known as Shark Bay and northward to Northwest Cape and including Exmouth Gulf and King George's Sound, including the port of Albany; and on the east coast of Australia, in Twofold Bay and Jervis Bay.
18. The following expressions have the meanings respectively assigned to them, that is to say:
– "baleen whale" means any whale other than a toothed whale;
– "blue whale" means any whale known by the name of blue whale, Sibbald's rorqual, or sulphur bottom;
– "fin whale" means any whale known by the name of common finback, common rorqual, finback, finner, fin whale, herring whale, razorback, or true fin whale;
– "sei whale" means any whale known by the name of Balaenoptera borealis, sei whale, Rudolphi's rorqual, pollack whale, or coalfish whale, and shall be taken to include Balaenoptera brydei, Bryde's whale;
– "gray whale" means any whale known by the name of gray whale, California gray, devil fish, hard head, mussel digger, gray back, rip sack;
– "humpback whale" means any whale know by the name of bunch, humpback, humpback whale, humpbacked whale, hump whale, or hunchbacked whale;
– "right whale" means any whale know by the name of Atlantic right whale, Arctic right whale, Biscayan right whale, bowhead, great polar whale, Greenland right whale, Greenland whale, Nordkaper, North Atlantic right whale, North Cape whale, Pacific right whale, pigmy right whale, Southern pigmy right whale, or Southern right whale;
– "sperm whale" means any whale known by the name of sperm whale, spermacet whale, cachalot, or pot whale;
– "Dauhval" means any unclaimed dead whale found floating.
to the International Convention
for the Regulation of Whaling, Signed at Washington Under Date of December 2, 1946
The Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling signed at Washington under date of 2nd December, 1946 which Convention is hereinafter referred to as the 1946 Whaling Convention, desiring to extend the application of that Convention to helicopters and other aircraft and to include provisions on methods of inspection among those Schedule provisions which may be amended by the Commission, agree as follows:
Article I
Subparagraph 3 of the Article II of the 1946 Whaling Convention shall be amended to read as follows: “3. ‘whale catcher’ means a helicopter, or other aircraft, or a ship, used for the purpose of hunting, taking, killing, towing, holding on to, or scouting for whales.”
Article II
Paragraph 1 of Article V of the 1946 Whaling Convention shall be amended by deleting the word “and” preceding clause (h), substituting a semicolon for the period at the end of the paragraph, and adding the following language: “and (i) methods of inspection”.
Article III
1. This Protocol shall be open for signature and ratification or for adherence on behalf of any Contracting Government to the 1946 Whaling Convention.
2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the date upon which instruments of ratification have been deposited with, or written notifications of adherence have been received by, the Government of the United States of America on behalf of all the Contracting Governments to the 1946 Whaling Convention.
3. The Government of the United States of America shall inform all Governments signatory or adhering to the 1946 Whaling Convention of all ratifications deposited and adherences received.
4. This Protocol shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter, following which period it shall be open for adherence.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Protocol.
DONE in Washington this nineteenth day of November, 1956, in the English Language, the original of which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America. The Government of the United States of America shall transmit certified copies thereof to all Governments signatory or adhering to the 1946 Whaling Convention.
o ureditvi kitolova
Vlade, katerih pooblaščeni predstavniki so podpisali to konvencijo,
ob spoznanju interesa držav sveta za varovanje staležev kitov kot pomembnih naravnih virov za prihodnje rodove;
ker je v zgodovini kitolova na različnih območjih prihajalo do prelova kitov v tolikšnem obsegu, da je nujno zavarovati vse vrste kitov pred nadaljnjim prelovom;
ob spoznanju, da se staleži kitov lahko povečajo po naravni poti, če je kitolov pravilno urejen, in da bo povečanje staležev kitov omogočilo povečanje števila kitov, ki jih je mogoče uloviti, ne da bi bili ti naravni viri ogroženi;
ob spoznanju, da je v skupnem interesu, da se čim prej dosežejo optimalni staleži kitov, ne da bi to povzročilo obsežne gospodarske in prehranske težave;
ob spoznanju, da bi moral biti pri uresničevanju teh ciljev kitolov omejen na tiste vrste, ki najbolje prenesejo izkoriščanje, tako da bi imele vrste kitov, katerih število je zdaj močno zmanjšano, čas za obnovo;
v želji, da se vzpostavi sistem mednarodne ureditve kitolova za zagotovitev pravilnega in učinkovitega ohranjanja in rasti staležev kitov na podlagi načel Mednarodnega sporazuma o ureditvi kitolova, podpisanega v Londonu 8. junija 1937, in njegovih protokolov, podpisanih v Londonu 24. junija 1938 in 26. novembra 1945, in
ob odločitvi o sklenitvi te konvencije za ohranjanje staležev kitov in omogočanje urejenega razvoja kitolovne industrije;
so se dogovorile:
I. člen
1. Konvenciji je priložen program, ki je njen sestavni del. Vsako sklicevanje na konvencijo vključuje tudi omenjeni program v njegovi sedanji obliki ali kakor bo spremenjen v skladu s V. členom.
2. Konvencija se uporablja za predelovalne ladje, kopenske postaje in kitolovke, ki so v pristojnosti vlad pogodbenic, ter za vse vode, v katerih izvajajo kitolov.
II. člen
Izrazi, uporabljeni v tej konvenciji:
– "predelovalna ladja" je ladja, v ali na kateri se kiti predelujejo v celoti ali delno;
– "kopenska postaja" je obrat na kopnem, v katerem kite predelujejo v celoti ali delno;
– "kitolovka" je ladja, ki se uporablja za lov, ulov, vlečenje, zadrževanje ali sledenje kitov;
– "vlade pogodbenice" pomeni vse vlade, ki so deponirale listino o ratifikaciji ali poslale uradno obvestilo o pristopu h konvenciji.
III. člen
1. Vlade pogodbenice soglašajo, da se ustanovi Mednarodna komisija za kitolov, v nadaljevanju komisija, v kateri je po en član iz vsake vlade pogodbenice. Vsak član ima en glas, spremlja ga lahko en ali več strokovnjakov ali svetovalcev.
2. Komisija med člani izvoli predsednika in podpredsednika ter sprejme svoj poslovnik. Komisija odloča z navadno večino članov, ki glasujejo, razen pri zadevah iz V. člena, ko se zahteva tričetrtinska večina. V poslovniku je lahko predvideno, da se odločitve sprejemajo tudi drugače kakor na sestankih komisije.
3. Komisija lahko imenuje sekretarja in osebje.
4. Komisija lahko ustanovi odbore svojih članov in strokovnjakov ali svetovalcev, za katere meni, da je potrebno, da opravljajo naloge, za katere jih pooblasti.
5. Stroške članov komisije in njihovih strokovnjakov ali svetovalcev določijo njihove vlade.
6. Ker se bodo z ohranjanjem in razvojem kitolova in kitolovnih proizvodov ukvarjale specializirane agencije, povezane z Združenimi narodi, in v želji, da bi se izognili podvajanju pristojnosti, se bodo v dveh letih od začetka veljavnosti konvencije vlade pogodbenice med seboj posvetovale in odločile, ali naj komisijo vključijo v okvir specializirane agencije, povezane z Združenimi narodi.
7. V vmesnem času bo Vlada Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska v posvetovanju z drugimi vladami pogodbenicami poskrbela za sklic prvega sestanka komisije in začela posvetovanje iz prejšnjega odstavka.
8. Naslednji sestanki komisije se skličejo, kakor odloči komisija.
IV. člen
1. Komisija lahko v sodelovanju z neodvisnimi agencijami vlad pogodbenic ali drugimi javnimi ali zasebnimi agencijami, ustanovami ali organizacijami ali prek njih, lahko pa tudi neodvisno (a) spodbuja, priporoča ali organizira študije in raziskave v zvezi s kitolovom, če je potrebno; (b) zbira in analizira statistične informacije o obstoječem stanju in spremembah staležev kitov in učinkih kitolovnih dejavnosti na njih; (c) preučuje, ocenjuje in razširja informacije o načinih ohranjanja in povečevanja staležev kitov.
2. Komisija poskrbi za objavo poročil o svojih dejavnostih in lahko neodvisno ali v sodelovanju z Mednarodnim uradom za kitolovno statistiko v Sandefjordu na Norveškem in drugimi organizacijami in agencijami objavi poročila, za katera meni, da je to primerno, in statistične, znanstvene in druge ustrezne informacije v zvezi s kitolovom.
V. člen
1. Komisija lahko občasno spremeni določbe programa, tako da sprejme pravila o ohranjanju in rabi kitov, s katerimi določi (a) zavarovane in nezavarovane vrste; (b) kitolovno sezono in lovopust; (c) kitolovne in nekitolovne vode, vključno z določitvijo zavarovanih območij; (d) mejne velikosti za posamezne vrste; (e) čas, načine in intenzivnost kitolova (vključno z največjim dovoljenim ulovom kitov v posamezni sezoni); (f) vrste in specifikacije orodja, naprav in pripomočkov, ki se smejo uporabljati; (g) načine meritev in (h) statistiko o ulovu in druge statistične in biološke podatke.
2. Spremembe programa (a) ustrezajo uresničevanju ciljev in namena te konvencije in zagotavljanju ohranjanja rasti in optimalne rabe staležev kitov; (b) temeljijo na znanstvenih dognanjih; (c) ne vsebujejo omejitev števila ali državne pripadnosti predelovalnih ladij ali kopenskih postaj in ne določajo kvot za kateri koli obrat, ladjo ali kopensko postajo ali za katero koli skupino predelovalnih ladij ali kopenskih postaj in (d) upoštevajo interese porabnikov kitolovnih proizvodov in kitolovne industrije.
3. Vsaka sprememba začne za vlade pogodbenice veljati devetdeset dni po tem, ko komisija o spremembi uradno obvesti vse vlade pogodbenice, razen če (a) katera vlada predloži komisiji ugovor proti spremembi pred potekom tega devetdesetdnevnega roka, sprememba za nobeno vlado ne velja še dodatnih devetdeset dni; (b) nato lahko katera koli druga vlada pogodbenica predloži ugovor proti spremembi pred potekom dodatnih devetdesetih dni ali pred potekom tridesetih dni od dneva prejema zadnjega ugovora, prejetega v obdobju dodatnih devetdesetih dni, odvisno od tega, kateri datum je poznejši, in (c) nato sprememba začne veljati za vse vlade pogodbenice, ki niso predložile ugovora, ne velja pa za vlade, ki so ugovarjale do dneva, ko ugovor umaknejo. Komisija uradno obvesti vse vlade pogodbenice takoj po prejemu posameznega ugovora ali umika ugovora, vlade pogodbenice pa potrdijo prejem uradnih obvestil o spremembah, ugovorih in umikih ugovorov.
4. Nobena sprememba ne začne veljati pred 1. julijem 1949.
VI. člen
Komisija lahko občasno pošlje priporočilo kateri koli ali vsem vladam pogodbenicam o kateri koli zadevi, ki se nanaša na kite ali kitolov ter na cilje in namene te konvencije.
VII. člen
Vlade pogodbenice zagotovijo, da se Mednarodnemu uradu za kitolovno statistiko v Sandefjordu na Norveškem ali drugemu organu, ki ga določi komisija, čim prej pošljejo uradna obvestila ter statistični in drugi podatki, ki jih zahteva konvencija, v obliki in na način, ki ga določi komisija.
VIII. člen
1. Ne glede na vsebino konvencije lahko vsaka vlada pogodbenica vsakemu svojemu državljanu izda posebno dovoljenje, ki mu omogoča, da ubija, lovi in obdeluje kite za znanstvenoraziskovalne namene ob upoštevanju omejitev glede števila in drugih pogojev, za katere vlada pogodbenica meni, da so ustrezni, tako da so ubijanje, kitolov in predelava kitov po določbah tega člena izvzeti iz izvajanja konvencije. Vsaka vlada pogodbenica takoj poroča komisiji o vseh takih izdanih dovoljenjih. Vsaka vlada pogodbenica lahko kadar koli prekliče vsako posebno dovoljenje, ki ga je izdala.
2. Kiti, ulovljeni na podlagi posebnih dovoljenj, se predelajo, kolikor je mogoče, z iztržkom pa se ravna v skladu z navodili vlade, ki je izdala dovoljenje.
3. Če je mogoče, vsaka vlada pogodbenica pošlje organu, ki ga določi komisija, v časovnih presledkih, ki niso daljši od enega leta, znanstvene informacije o kitih in kitolovu, ki so ji na voljo, vključno z izsledki raziskav, opravljenih na podlagi prvega odstavka tega člena in IV. člena.
4. Ob priznavanju, da sta stalno zbiranje in analiza bioloških podatkov, povezanih z dejavnostmi predelovalnih ladij in kopenskih postaj, nujno potrebna za preudarno in konstruktivno upravljanje kitolova, bodo vlade pogodbenice sprejele vse izvedljive ukrepe za pridobivanje takih podatkov.
IX. člen
1. Vsaka vlada pogodbenica sprejme ustrezne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovi izvajanje konvencije in kaznovanje za kršitve njenih določb, ki jih pri svojih dejavnostih storijo osebe ali plovila v njeni pristojnosti.
2. Harpunarjem in posadkam kitolovk se ne plačujejo premije ali nadomestila, izračunana na podlagi rezultatov njihovega dela, v zvezi s kiti, katerih lov je s konvencijo prepovedan.
3. Pregon zaradi kršitev konvencije ali ravnanja v nasprotju z njo sproži vlada, v katere pristojnost spadajo taka dejanja.
4. Vsaka vlada pogodbenica pošlje komisiji vse podrobnosti o kršitvah določb konvencije, ki jih storijo osebe ali plovila v njeni pristojnosti, kakor o njih poročajo njeni inšpektorji. Taka informacija vključuje navedbo ukrepov, sprejetih zaradi obravnavanja kršitve, in izrečenih kazni.
X. člen
1. Konvencija se ratificira, listine o ratifikaciji pa se deponirajo pri vladi Združenih držav Amerike.
2. Vlada, ki ni podpisala konvencije, lahko po začetku njene veljavnosti k njej pristopi, o čemer pisno uradno obvesti vlado Združenih držav Amerike.
3. Vlada Združenih držav Amerike obvesti vse druge vlade pogodbenice in vse vlade, ki h konvenciji pristopijo, o deponiranih ratifikacijah in prejetih obvestilih o pristopu.
4. Konvencija začne veljati, ko listine o ratifikaciji deponira vsaj šest vlad podpisnic, med njimi vlade Nizozemske, Norveške, Zveze sovjetskih socialističnih republik, Združenega kraljestva Velika Britanija in Severna Irska ter Združenih držav Amerike, za te vlade, za druge vlade, ki pozneje ratificirajo ali pristopijo h konvenciji, pa začne veljati na dan deponiranja listine o ratifikaciji ali na dan prejema njihovega uradnega obvestila o pristopu.
5. Določbe programa se ne uporabljajo pred 1. julijem 1948. Spremembe programa, sprejete na podlagi V. člena, se ne uporabljajo pred 1. julijem 1949.
XI. člen
Vsaka vlada pogodbenica lahko odpove konvencijo vsako leto 30. junija, tako da 1. januarja istega leta ali pred tem datumom o odpovedi obvesti vlado depozitarja, ki po prejemu obvestila to takoj sporoči drugim vladam pogodbenicam. Druga vlada pogodbenica lahko enako v enem mesecu po prejemu takega obvestila od depozitarja pošlje obvestilo o svoji odpovedi, tako da konvencija zanjo preneha veljati 30. junija istega leta.
Datum konvencije je datum, ko je konvencija na voljo za podpis, podpiše pa se lahko v štirinajstih dneh od navedenega datuma.
V POTRDITEV tega so pravilno pooblaščeni podpisniki podpisali to konvencijo.
SESTAVLJENO v Washingtonu drugega decembra 1946 v angleškem jeziku; izvirnik se deponira v arhivih vlade Združenih držav Amerike. Vlada Združenih držav Amerike pošlje overjene izvode konvencije vsem drugim vladam podpisnicam in pristopnicam.
1. (a) Na vsaki predelovalni ladji sta za zagotovitev štiriindvajseturnega nadzora najmanj dva inšpektorja za kitolov. Inšpektorja imenuje in plačuje vlada, v katere pristojnost spada predelovalna ladja.
(b) Na vsaki kopenski postaji je zagotovljen ustrezen nadzor. Inšpektorje, ki so v službi na posamezni kopenski postaji, imenuje in plačuje vlada, v katere pristojnost spada kopenska postaja.
2. Prepovedano je loviti ali ubijati sive ali biskajske kite, razen kadar se meso ali izdelki iz njih uporabljajo izključno za lokalno porabo domorodcev.
3. Prepovedano je loviti ali ubijati mlade kite ali mladiče, ki še sesajo, ali samice, ki jih spremljajo mladi kiti ali mladiči, ki še sesajo.
4. Na vseh naslednjih območjih je prepovedana uporaba predelovalne ladje ali kitolovke, ki je z njo povezana, za lov na vosate kite ali njihovo predelavo:
(a) v vodah severno od 66° severne zemljepisne širine, razen tistih vzhodno od 150° vzhodne zemljepisne dolžine pa vse do l40° zahodne zemljepisne dolžine, kjer je predelovalnim ladjam ali kitolovkam dovoljeno loviti ali ubijati vosate kite med 66° in 72° severne zemljepisne širine;
(b) v Atlantskem oceanu in z njim povezanih vodah severno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine;
(c) v Tihem oceanu in z njim povezanih vodah vzhodno od 150° zahodne zemljepisne dolžine med 40° južne zemljepisne širine in 35° severne zemljepisne širine;
(d) v Tihem oceanu in z njim povezanih vodah zahodno od 150° zahodne zemljepisne dolžine med 40° južne zemljepisne širine in 20° severne zemljepisne širine;
(e) v Indijskem oceanu in z njim povezanih vodah severno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine.
5. Prepovedana je uporaba predelovalne ladje ali kitolovke, ki je z njo povezana, za lov na vosate kite ali njihovo predelavo v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine, in sicer od 70° do 160° zahodne zemljepisne dolžine.
6. Prepovedana je uporaba predelovalne ladje ali kitolovke, ki je z njo povezana, za lov na kite grbavce ali njihovo predelavo kjer koli v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine.
7. (a) Prepovedana je uporaba predelovalne ladje ali kitolovke, ki je z njo povezana, za lov na vosate kite ali njihovo predelavo kjer koli v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine, razen v obdobju med 15. decembrom in 1. aprilom naslednjega leta, vključno z obema navedenima dnevoma.
(b) Predelava kitov, ki so bili ulovljeni v lovni dobi, se ne glede na gornjo prepoved predelave v varstveni dobi lahko dokonča po koncu lovne dobe.
8. (a) Število vosatih kitov, ki jih kjer koli v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine v lovni dobi ulovijo kitolovke, povezane s predelovalno ladjo, ki so v pristojnosti vlad pogodbenic, ne sme presegati šestnajst tisoč enot sinjega kita.
(b) Za namene pododstavka a tega odstavka se enote sinjega kita izračunajo tako, da se šteje, da je en sinji kit enako kot:
(1) dva hrbtopluta kita ali
(2) dva in pol kita grbavca ali
(3) šest zajvalov.
(c) V dveh dneh po koncu vsakega koledarskega tedna se pošlje uradno obvestilo v skladu s 7. členom konvencije s podatki o številu ulovljenih enot sinjega kita, ki jih kjer koli v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine ulovijo kitolovke, povezane s predelovalnimi ladjami, ki so v pristojnosti vlad posameznih pogodbenic.
(d) Če bi se izkazalo, da je mogoče, da bo največji dovoljeni ulov kitov, ki ga dovoljuje pododstavek a tega odstavka, dosežen pred 1. aprilom posameznega leta, Komisija ali drugo telo, ki ga imenuje Komisija, na podlagi predloženih podatkov določi datum, ko je bil dosežen največji dovoljeni ulov kitov, in najmanj dva tedna vnaprej o tem datumu uradno obvesti vlade vseh pogodbenic. Lov na vosate kite s kitolovkami, povezanimi s predelovalnimi ladjami, v vseh vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine, je po tem datumu nezakonit.
(e) V skladu s 7. členom konvencije je treba poslati uradno obvestilo o vseh predelovalnih ladjah, ki načrtujejo kitolov kjer koli v vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine.
9. Prepovedano je loviti ali ubiti sinjega kita, hrbtoplutega kita, zajvala, kita grbavca ali kita glavača, ki je krajši, kot je navedeno:
(a) sinji kit           70 čevljev (21,3 metra)
(b) hrbtopluti kit      55 čevljev (16,8 metra)
(c) zajval              40 čevljev (12,2 metra)
(d) kit grbavec         35 čevljev (10,7 metra)
(e) kit glavač          35 čevljev (10,7 metra),
le da je mogoče sinjega kita, ki ni krajši od 65 čevljev (19,8 metra), hrbtoplutega kita, ki ni krajši od 50 čevljev (15,2 metra), in zajvala, ki ni krajši od 35 čevljev (10,7 metra), ujeti za kopensko postajo, če je meso takih kitov namenjeno za lokalno prehrano ljudi ali živali.
Kite je treba čim natančneje izmeriti, ko mirujejo na palubi ali ploščadi, in sicer z jeklenim tračnim metrom, na točki nič opremljenim s konico, ki jo je mogoče pritrditi v tla palube na enem koncu kita. Tračni meter se potegne v ravni črti vzporedno s kitovim trupom in odčita na drugem koncu kita. Pri merjenju se za konca kita štejeta vrh zgornje čeljusti in najgloblja točka med obema polovicama repne plavuti. Mere, ki se natančno odčitajo s tračnega metra, se vpišejo zaokrožene na cel čevelj, in sicer tako, da se vpiše, da je kit, katerega mere so med 75' 6" in 76' 6", dolg 76' in da je kit, katerega mere so med 76' 6" in 77' 6", dolg 77'. Mere kita, katerega dolžina je natanko na polovici čevlja, se vpišejo tako, kakor če bi segle v naslednjo polovico čevlja, npr. 76' 6", za kar se vpiše 77'.
10. V posameznem dvanajstmesečnem obdobju je za lov na vosate kite ali njihovo predelavo na vseh območjih in vseh vodah za več kot šest mesecev prepovedana uporaba kopenske postaje ali kitolovke, ki je z njo povezana, pri čemer mora biti tako šestmesečno obdobje neprekinjeno.
11. Prepovedana je uporaba predelovalne ladje, ki se je v eni sezoni uporabljala v katerih koli vodah južno od 40° južne zemljepisne širine za predelavo vosatih kitov, na katerem koli drugem območju za isti namen v enem letu po koncu tiste sezone.
12. (a) Vsi ulovljeni kiti se dostavijo predelovalni ladji ali kopenski postaji, vsi njihovi deli pa se predelajo s kuhanjem ali kako drugače, razen notranjih organov, kosti in plavuti vseh kitov, mesa kita glavača in delov kitov, ki so namenjeni za prehrano ljudi ali živali.
(b) Popolna predelava trupel "dauhvalov" in kitov, ki se uporabljajo kot branik, se ne zahteva, kadar so meso ali kosti takih kitov v slabem stanju.
13. Poveljnik ali oseba, odgovorna za predelovalno ladjo, uredi ali omeji ulov kitov za dobavo predelovalni ladji tako, da nobeno truplo kita (razen kita, ki se uporablja za branik) v morju ne ostane več kot triintrideset ur od takrat, ko je bil ubit, in do takrat, ko se potegne na palubo predelovalne ladje za obdelavo. Vse kitolovke, ki sodelujejo pri kitolovu, morajo po radiu obvestiti predelovalno ladjo o uri, ko je bil kit ulovljen.
14. Harpunarji in posadke predelovalnih ladij, kopenskih postaj in kitolovk so zaposleni pod takimi pogoji, da je njihovo plačilo v glavnem odvisno od vrste, velikosti in donosa ulovljenih živali, ne pa zgolj od števila ulovljenih kitov. Harpunarji ali posadka kitolovk ne dobi nobenega dodatka ali druge nagrade za ulov samic z mlekom ali doječih samic.
15. Komisiji se pošlje izvod vseh zakonov in drugih predpisov, ki se nanašajo na kite in kitolov, ter njihovih sprememb.
16. V skladu s 7. členom konvencije se za vse predelovalne ladje in kopenske postaje pošlje uradno obvestilo o statističnih podatkih, ki se nanašajo na (a) število ulovljenih kitov po vrstah, število izgubljenih kitov in kitov, ki jih je predelala posamezna predelovalna ladja ali kopenska postaja, in (b) skupno količino olja posamezne kategorije in količine moke, gnojila (gvano) in drugih iz njih pridobljenih proizvodov skupaj s (c) podrobnostmi o vsakem kitu, ki je bil predelan na predelovalni ladji ali kopenski postaji, datumu in približni zemeljski širini in dolžini kraja ulova, vrsti, spolu kita, njegovi dolžini in pri brejih samicah dolžini plodu in njegovem spolu, če je prepoznaven. Podatki iz a in c se preverjajo pri obračunu, Komisija pa se obvesti tudi o vseh podatkih, ki jih je mogoče zbrati ali pridobiti o območjih poleganja mladičev in selitvenih poteh kitov.
Pri sporočanju teh podatkov bodo navedeni:
(a) ime in bruto tonaža vsake predelovalne ladje;
(b) število in skupna bruto tonaža kitolovk;
(c) seznam kopenskih postaj, ki so obratovale v obravnavanem obdobju.
17. Ne glede na opredelitev kopenske postaje v 2. členu konvencije veljajo za predelovalno ladjo, ki deluje na območju pristojnosti vlade pogodbenice in katere gibanje je omejeno izključno na teritorialno morje te vlade, predpisi, ki urejajo delovanje kopenskih postaj na naslednjih območjih:
(a) na obali Madagaskarja in njegovih odvisnih ozemelj ter na zahodnih obalah francoske Afrike;
(b) na zahodni obali Avstralije na območju, imenovanem zaliv Shark, ter proti severu do rta Northwest z zalivom Exmouth in ožino King George s pristaniščem Albany ter na vzhodni obali Avstralije v zalivih Twofold in Jervis.
18. Navedeni izrazi pomenijo:
– "vosati kit" pomeni vsakega kita, ki ni zobat;
– "sinji kit" pomeni kita pod imenom sinji kit (Balaenoptera musculus);
– "hrbtopluti kit" pomeni kita pod imenom hrbtopluti ali brazdasti kit (Balaenoptera physalus);
– "zajval" pomeni kita pod imenom borealni kit (Balaenoptera borealis) in se šteje, da vključuje tudi brydovega kita (Balaenoptera edeni, Balaenoptera brydei);
– "sivi kit" pomeni kita pod imenom sivi kit (Eschrichtius robustus);
– "grbasti kit" pomeni kita pod imenom grbasti kit (Megaptera novaeangliae);
– "biskajski kit" pomeni kita pod imenom biskajski kit (Eubalaena glacialis, Eubaalena australis);
– "kit glavač" pomeni kita pod imenom kit glavač (Physeter macrocephalus);
– "dauhval" pomeni plavajoče truplo kita, ki si ga nihče ne lasti.
k Mednarodni konvenciji
o ureditvi kitolova, podpisani v Washingtonu,
z datumom 2. december 1946
Vlade pogodbenice Mednarodne konvencije o ureditvi kitolova, podpisane v Washingtonu, z datumom 2. december 1946, v nadaljevanju Konvencija o kitolovu, 1946, ki želijo razširiti uporabo te konvencije na helikopterje in druga zračna plovila ter vključiti določbe o načinih inšpekcijskega pregleda med tiste določbe programa, ki jih komisija lahko spremeni, se dogovorijo:
I. člen
Tretja točka II. člena Konvencije o kitolovu, 1946, se spremeni, tako da se glasi: "3. "kitolovka" je helikopter ali drugo zračno plovilo ali ladja, ki se uporablja za lov, ulov, ubijanje, vlečenje, zadrževanje ali iskanje kitov."
II. člen
Prvi odstavek V. člena Konvencije o kitolovu, 1946, se spremeni, tako da se črta beseda "in" pred točko h doda podpičje in na koncu odstavka doda besedilo: "in (i) načini inšpekcijskega pregleda".
III. člen
1. Protokol je na voljo za podpis, ratifikacijo ali pristop vsem vladam pogodbenicam Konvencije o kitolovu, 1946.
2. Protokol začne veljati z dnem, ko se pri Vladi Združenih držav Amerike deponirajo listine o ratifikaciji ali ko prejme pisna uradna obvestila o pristopu vseh vlad pogodbenic Konvencije o kitolovu, 1946.
3. Vlada Združenih držav Amerike obvesti vse vlade pogodbenice ali vse vlade, ki so pristopile h Konvenciji o kitolovu, 1946, o vseh deponiranih listinah o ratifikaciji in prejetih obvestilih o pristopu.
4. Datum protokola je datum, ko je protokol na voljo za podpis, podpiše pa se lahko v štirinajstih dneh od tega datuma, temu pa sledi obdobje, ko je drugim vladam na voljo za pristop.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta protokol.
SESTAVLJENO v Washingtonu devetnajstega novembra 1956 v angleškem jeziku; izvirnik se deponira v arhivih Vlade Združenih držav Amerike. Vlada Združenih držav Amerike pošlje overjene izvode protokola vsem vladam podpisnicam Konvencije o kitolovu, 1946, in pristopnicam k njej.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije in protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Številka: 801-12/06-22/1
Ljubljana, dne 23. junija 2006
EPA 895-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.

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