Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji sprememb Konvencije o ustanovitvi Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino (MSKSIL)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji sprememb Konvencije o ustanovitvi Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino (MSKSIL), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 1. februarja 2007.
Št. 001-22-15/07
Ljubljana, dne 9. februarja 2007
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificirajo se spremembe Konvencije o ustanovitvi Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino, sprejete 1. oktobra 2003 v Ženevi.
2. člen
Besedilo sprememb konvencije se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Establishing the World Intellectual Property Organization
Article 6: General Assembly
Article 7: [deleted]
Article 8: Coordination Committee
Article 9: International Bureau
Article 11: Finances
Article 17: Amendments
Article 20: Final Provisions
Article 21: Transitional Provisions
Article 6
General Assembly
(1)(a) There shall be a General Assembly consisting of the States party to this Convention.
(b) The Government of each State shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Government which has appointed it.
(2) The General Assembly shall:
(i) discuss matters of general interest in the field of intellectual property and may adopt recommendations relating to such matters, having regard for the competence and autonomy of the Unions;
(ii) appoint the Director General upon nomination by the Coordination Committee;
(iii) review and approve reports of the Director General concerning the Organization and give him all necessary instructions;
(iv) review and approve the reports and activities of the Coordination Committee and give instructions to such Committee;
(v) adopt the biennial budget of expenses common to the Unions;
(vi) approve the measures proposed by the Director General concerning the administration of the international agreements referred to in Article 4(iii);
(vii) adopt amendments to this Convention as provided in Article 17;
(viii) adopt the financial regulations of the Organization;
(ix) determine the working languages of the Secretariat, taking into consideration the practice of the United Nations;
(x) invite States referred to under Article 5(2)(ii) to become party to this Convention;
(xi) determine which States not Members of the Organization and which intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations shall be admitted to its meetings as observers;
(xii) exercise such other functions as are appropriate under this Convention.
(3)(a) Subject to paragraph (b), each State shall have one vote in the General Assembly.
(b) No State may vote in the General Assembly on any question relating to a treaty for which the General Assembly is competent and to which the State is not a party.
(c) One–half of the States members of the General Assembly shall constitute a quorum.
(d) Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (c), if, in any session, the number of States represented is less than one-half but equal to or more than one-third of the States members of the General Assembly, the General Assembly may make decisions but, with the exception of decisions concerning its own procedure, all such decisions shall take effect only if the following conditions are fulfilled. The International Bureau shall communicate the said decisions to the States members of the General Assembly which were not represented and shall invite them to express in writing their vote or abstention within a period of three months from the date of the communication. If, at the expiration of this period, the number of States having thus expressed their vote or abstention attains the number of States which was lacking for attaining the quorum in the session itself, such decisions shall take effect provided that at the same time the required majority still obtains.
(e) Subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (f) and (g), the General Assembly shall make its decisions by a majority of two-thirds of the votes cast.
(f) The approval of measures concerning the administration of international agreements referred to in Article 4(iii) shall require a majority of three-fourths of the votes cast.
(g) The approval of an agreement with the United Nations under Articles 57 and 63 of the Charter of the United Nations shall require a majority of nine-tenths of the votes cast.
(h) For the appointment of the Director General (paragraph (2)(ii), the approval of measures proposed by the Director General concerning the administration of international agreements (paragraph (2) (vi)), and the transfer of headquarters (Article 10), the required majority must be attained not only in the General Assembly but also in the Assembly of the Paris Union and the Assembly of the Berne Union.
(i) Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(j) A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one State only.
(4)(a) The General Assembly shall meet once in every calendar year in ordinary session, upon convocation by the Director General.
(b) The General Assembly shall meet in extraordinary session upon convocation by the Director General either at the request of the Coordination Committee or at the request of one-fourth of the States members of the General Assembly.
(c) Meetings shall be held at the headquarters of the Organization.
(5) The General Assembly shall adopt its own rules of procedure.
[Article 7
Article 8
Coordination Committee
(1)(a) There shall be a Coordination Committee consisting of the States party to this Convention which are members of the Executive Committee of the Paris Union, or the Executive Committee of the Berne Union, or both. However, if either of these Executive Committees is composed of more than one-fourth of the number of the countries members of the Assembly which elected it, then such Executive Committee shall designate from among its members the States which will be members of the Coordination Committee, in such a way that their number shall not exceed the one-fourth referred to above, it being understood that the country on the territory of which the Organization has its headquarters shall not be included in the computation of the said one-fourth.
(b) The Government of each State member of the Coordination Committee shall be represented by one delegate, who may be assisted by alternate delegates, advisors, and experts.
(c) The expenses of each delegation shall be borne by the Government which has appointed it.
(2) If the other Unions administered by the Organization wish to be represented as such in the Coordination Committee, their representatives must be appointed from among the States members of the Coordination Committee.
(3) The Coordination Committee shall:
(i) give advice to the organs of the Unions, the General Assembly and the Director General, on all administrative, financial and other matters of common interest either to two or more of the Unions, or to one or more of the Unions and the Organization, and in particular on the budget of expenses common to the Unions;
(ii) prepare the draft agenda of the General Assembly;
(iii) [deleted]
(iv) [deleted]
(v) when the term of office of the Director General is about to expire, or when there is a vacancy in the post of the Director General, nominate a candidate for appointment to such position by the General Assembly; if the General Assembly does not appoint its nominee, the Coordination Committee shall nominate another candidate; this procedure shall be repeated until the latest nominee is appointed by the General Assembly;
(vi) if the post of the Director General becomes vacant between two sessions of the General Assembly, appoint an Acting Director General for the term preceding the assuming of office by the new Director General;
(vii) perform such other functions as are allocated to it under this Convention.
(4)(a) The Coordination Committee shall meet once every year in ordinary session, upon convocation by the Director General. It shall normally meet at the headquarters of the Organization.
(b) The Coordination Committee shall meet in extraordinary session, upon convocation by the Director General, either on his own initiative, or at the request of its Chairman or one-fourth of its members.
(5)(a) Each State, whether a member of one or both of the Executive Committees referred to in paragraph (1)(a), shall have one vote in the Coordination Committee.
(b) One-half of the members of the Coordination Committee shall constitute a quorum.
(c) A delegate may represent, and vote in the name of, one State only.
(6)(a) The Coordination Committee shall express its opinions and make its decisions by a simple majority of the votes cast. Abstentions shall not be considered as votes.
(b) Even if a simple majority is obtained, any member of the Coordination Committee may, immediately after the vote, request that the votes be the subject of a special recount in the following manner: two separate lists shall be prepared, one containing the names of the States members of the Executive Committee of the Paris Union and the other the names of the States members of the Executive Committee of the Berne Union; the vote of each State shall be inscribed opposite its name in each list in which it appears. Should this special recount indicate that a simple majority has not been obtained in each of those lists, the proposal shall not be considered as carried.
(7) Any State Member of the Organization which is not a member of the Coordination Committee may be represented at the meetings of the Committee by observers having the right to take part in the debates but without the right to vote.
(8) The Coordination Committee shall establish its own rules of procedure.
Article 9
International Bureau
(1) The International Bureau shall be the Secretariat of the Organization.
(2) The International Bureau shall be directed by the Director General, assisted by two or more Deputy Directors General.
(3) The Director General shall be appointed for a fixed term of six years. He shall be eligible for reappointment only for one further fixed term of six years. All other conditions of the appointment shall be fixed by the General Assembly.(1)
(4)(a) The Director General shall be the chief executive of the Organization.
(b) He shall represent the Organization.
(c) He shall report to, and conform to the instructions of, the General Assembly as to the internal and external affairs of the Organization.
(5) The Director General shall prepare the draft programs and budgets and periodical reports on activities. He shall transmit them to the Governments of the interested States and to the competent organs of the Unions and the Organization.
(6) The Director General and any staff member designated by him shall participate, without the right to vote, in all meetings of the General Assembly, the Coordination Committee, and any other committee or working group. The Director General or a staff member designated by him shall be ex officio secretary of these bodies.
(7) The Director General shall appoint the staff necessary for the efficient performance of the tasks of the International Bureau. He shall appoint the Deputy Directors General after approval by the Coordination Committee. The conditions of employment shall be fixed by the staff regulations to be approved by the Coordination Committee on the proposal of the Director General. The paramount consideration in the employment of the staff in the determination of the conditions of service shall be the necessity of securing the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity. Due regard shall be paid to the importance of recruiting the staff on as wide a geographical basis as possible.
(8) The nature of the responsibilities of the Director General and of the staff shall be exclusively international. In the discharge of their duties they shall not seek or receive instructions from any Government or from any authority external to the Organization. They shall refrain from any action which might prejudice their position as international officials. Each Member State undertakes to respect the exclusively international character of the responsibilities of the Director General and the staff, and not to seek to influence them in the discharge of their duties.
Article 11
(1) The Budget of the Organization shall present the income and expenses of the Organization and the Unions administered by the Organization in a fair and transparent manner.
(2) The budget shall be financed from the following sources:
(i) contributions of Member States;
(ii) fees and charges due for services performed by the International Bureau;
(iii) sale of, or royalties on, the publications of the International Bureau;
(iv) gifts, bequests, and subventions, given to the Organization;
(v) rents, interests, and other miscellaneous income, of the Organization.
(3)(a) For the purpose of establishing its contribution towards the budget, each State party to this Convention shall belong to a class, and shall pay its annual contribution on the basis of the number of units assigned to that class.
(b) The number of classes and the units assigned to each class shall be established by the General Assembly meeting in joint session with the Assemblies of the Unions whose constituent treaties provide for the payment of a contribution.
(c) Subject to any conditions governing eligibility for membership of any classes, each State shall, (i) at the time of becoming party to this Convention, or (ii) at the time of becoming a member of a Union which provides for a contribution, whichever occurs earlier, indicate the class to which it wishes to belong. Any such State may, subject to any conditions governing eligibility for membership of any class, change class. If it chooses a lower class, the State must announce it to the General Assembly at one of its ordinary sessions. Any such change shall take effect at the beginning of the calendar year following the session.
(d) The annual contribution of each State shall be an amount in the same proportion to the total sum to be contributed to the budget by all States as the number of its units is to the total of the units of all the States.
(e) Contributions shall become due on the first of January of each year.
(f) If the budget is not adopted before the beginning of a new financial period, the budget shall be at the same level as the budget of the previous year, in accordance with the financial regulations.
(4) Any State party to this Convention which is in arrears in the payment of its financial contributions shall not exercise its vote in any of the bodies of the Organization of which it is a member, if the amount of its arrears equals or exceeds the amount of the contributions due from it for the preceding two full years. However, any of these bodies may allow such a State to continue to exercise its vote in that body if, and as long as, it is satisfied that the delay in payment arises from exceptional and unavoidable circumstances.
(5) The Organization, with the approval of the Coordination Committee, may receive gifts, bequests, and subventions, directly from Governments, public or private institutions, associations or private persons.
(6)(a) The Organization shall have a working capital fund which shall be constituted by a single payment made by the Unions and by each State party to this Convention not member of any Union. If the fund becomes insufficient, it shall be increased.
(b) The amount of the single payment of each Union and its possible participation in any increase shall be decided by its Assembly.
(c) The amount of the single payment of each State party to this Convention not member of any Union and its part in any increase shall be a proportion of the contribution of that State for the year in which the fund is established or the increase decided. The proportion and the terms of payment shall be fixed by the General Assembly on the proposal of the Director General and after it has heard the advice of the Coordination Committee.
(7)(a) In the headquarters agreement concluded with the State on the territory of which the Organization has its headquarters, it shall be provided that, whenever the working capital fund is insufficient, such State shall grant advances. The amount of these advances and the conditions on which they are granted shall be the subject of separate agreements, in each case, between such State and the Organization. As long as it remains under the obligation to grant advances, such State shall have an ex officio seat on the Coordination Committee.
(b) The State referred to in subparagraph (a) and the Organization shall each have the right to denounce the obligation to grant advances, by written notification. Denunciation shall take effect three years after the end of the year in which it has been notified.
(8) The auditing of the accounts shall be effected by one or more Member States, or by external auditors, as provided in the financial regulations. They shall be designated, with their agreement, by the General Assembly.
Article 17
(1) Proposals for the amendment of this Convention may be initiated by any Member State, by the Coordination Committee, or by the Director General. Such proposals shall be communicated by the Director General to the Member States at least six months in advance of their consideration by the General Assembly.
(2) Amendments shall be adopted by the General Assembly. Amendments shall be adopted by a simple majority of the votes cast, provided that the General Assembly shall vote only on such proposals for amendments as have previously been adopted by the Assembly of the Paris Union and the Assembly of the Berne Union according to the rules applicable in each of them regarding the adoption of amendments to the administrative provisions of their respective Conventions.
(3) Any amendment shall enter into force one month after written notifications of acceptance, effected in accordance with their respective constitutional processes, have been received by the Director General from three-fourths of the States Members of the Organization, entitled to vote on the proposal for amendment pursuant to paragraph (2), at the time the General Assembly adopted the amendment. Any amendments thus accepted shall bind all the States which are Members of the Organization at the time the amendment enters into force or which become Members at a subsequent date, provided that any amendment increasing the financial obligations of Member States shall bind only those States which have notified their acceptance of such amendment.
Article 20
Final Provisions
(1)(a) This Convention shall be signed in a single copy in English, French, Russian and Spanish, all texts being equally authentic, and shall be deposited with the Government of Sweden.
(b) This Convention shall remain open for signature at Stockholm until January 13, 1968.
(2) Official texts shall be established by the Director General, after consultation with the interested Governments, in German, Italian and Portuguese, and such other languages as the General Assembly may designate.
(3) The Director General shall transmit two duly certified copies of this Convention and of each amendment adopted by the General Assembly to the Governments of the States members of the Paris or Berne Unions, to the Government of any other State when it accedes to this Convention, and, on request, to the Government of any other State. The copies of the signed text of the Convention transmitted to the Governments shall be certified by the Government of Sweden.
(4) The Director General shall register this Convention with the Secretariat of the United Nations.
Article 21
Transitional Provisions
(1) Until the first Director General assumes office, references in this Convention to the International Bureau or to the Director General shall be deemed to be references to the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property (also called the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Intellectual Property (BIRPI)), or its Director, respectively.
(2)(a) States which are members of any of the Unions but which have not become party to this Convention may, for five years from the date of entry into force of this Convention, exercise, if they so desire, the same rights as if they had become party to this Convention. Any State desiring to exercise such rights shall give written notification to this effect to the Director General; this notification shall be effective on the date of its receipt. Such States shall be deemed to be members of the General Assembly until the expiration of the said period.
(b) Upon expiration of this five-year period, such States shall have no right to vote in the General Assembly, and the Coordination Committee.
(c) Upon becoming party to this Convention, such States shall regain such right to vote.
(3)(a) As long as there are States members of the Paris or Berne Unions which have not become party to this Convention, the International Bureau and the Director General shall also function as the United International Bureaux for the Protection of Industrial, Literary and Artistic Property, and its Director, respectively.
(b) The staff in the employment of the said Bureaux on the date of entry into force of this Convention shall, during the transitional period referred to in subparagraph (a), be considered as also employed by the International Bureau.
(4)(a) Once all the States members of the Paris Union have become Members of the Organization, the rights, obligations, and property, of the Bureau of that Union shall devolve on the International Bureau of the Organization.
(b) Once all the States members of the Berne Union have become Members of the Organization, the rights, obligations, and property, of the Bureau of that Union shall devolve on the International Bureau of the Organization.
(1) Text adopted in September 1999, but not yet in force.
o ustanovitvi svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino
6. člen: Generalna skupščina
7. člen: [črtano]
8. člen: Koordinacijski odbor
9. člen: Mednarodni urad
11. člen: Finance
17. člen: Spremembe
20. člen: Protokolarne določbe
21. člen: Prehodne določbe
6. člen
Generalna skupščina
(1) (a) Ustanovi se generalna skupščina, ki jo sestavljajo države članice te konvencije.
(b) Vlado vsake države članice zastopa delegat, ki mu pomagajo namestniki, svetovalci in strokovnjaki.
(c) Stroške vsake delegacije krije vlada, ki jo je določila.
(2) Generalna skupščina:
(i) obravnava splošne zadeve s področja intelektualne lastnine in lahko sprejema priporočila glede njih, pri čemer upošteva pristojnost in samostojnost unij;
(ii) imenuje generalnega direktorja na predlog koordinacijskega odbora;
(iii) pregleduje in potrjuje poročila generalnega direktorja, ki se nanašajo na organizacijo, in mu daje vsa potrebna navodila;
(iv) pregleduje in potrjuje poročila in delo koordinacijskega odbora ter mu daje navodila;
(v) sprejema dveletni proračun skupnih stroškov za unije;
(vi) potrjuje ukrepe, ki jih predlaga generalni direktor v zvezi z mednarodnimi sporazumi iz točke (iii) 4. člena;
(vii) sprejema spremembe te konvencije v skladu s 17. členom;
(viii) sprejema finančni pravilnik organizacije;
(ix) določa delovne jezike tajništva po zgledu prakse Združenih narodov;
(x) vabi države, omenjene v točki (ii) drugega odstavka 5. člena, naj postanejo članice te konvencije;
(xi) odloča, katere države, ki niso članice organizacije, in katere medvladne in mednarodne nevladne organizacije smejo biti navzoče na njenih zasedanjih kot opazovalke;
(xii) opravlja vse druge koristne naloge po tej konvenciji.
(3) (a) Ob upoštevanju odstavka (b) ima vsaka država v generalni skupščini en glas.
(b) Nobena država ne more v generalni skupščini glasovati o zadevah v zvezi s pogodbo, za katero je pristojna generalna skupščina, če ni pogodbenica te pogodbe.
(c) Sklepčnost zagotavlja polovica predstavnikov držav članic generalne skupščin.
(d) Ne glede na pododstavek (c) lahko generalna skupščina, če je na njenem zasedanju manj kot polovica, vendar tretjina ali več držav članic generalne skupščine, sprejema sklepe, razen tistih, ki se nanašajo na njen postopek, ki postanejo veljavni šele, ko so izpolnjeni navedeni pogoji. Mednarodni urad jih sporoči državam članicam generalne skupščine, ki niso bile navzoče, in jih povabi, naj v treh mesecih od dneva sporočila pisno glasujejo ali se glasovanja vzdržijo. Če po poteku tega roka število držav, ki so tako glasovale ali so se glasovanja vzdržale, doseže število, ki je manjkalo, da bi bilo zasedanje sklepčno, začnejo sklepi veljati, če v tem času še obstaja potrebna večina.
(e) Ob upoštevanju pododstavkov (e) in (f) generalna skupščina sprejema sklepe z dvotretjinsko večino oddanih glasov.
(f) Za sprejetje določb v zvezi z mednarodnimi sporazumi iz točke (iii) 4. člena je potrebna tričetrtinska večina oddanih glasov.
(g) Za potrditev kakšnega sporazuma z Organizacijo združenih narodov na podlagi 57. in 63. člena ustanovne listine Združenih narodov je potrebna devetdesetinska večina oddanih glasov.
(h) Za imenovanje generalnega direktorja (točka (ii) drugega odstavka), za sprejetje ukrepov, ki jih generalni direktor predlaga v zvezi z mednarodnimi sporazumi (točka (v) drugega odstavka), in za prenos sedeža (10. člen) ni predvidena večina, potrebna le v Generalni skupščini, temveč tudi v skupščini pariške unije in v skupščini bernske unije.
(i) Vzdržani glasovi se ne upoštevajo.
(j) Posamezen delegat lahko zastopa le eno državo in glasuje le v njenem imenu.
(4) (a) Generalna skupščina se zbere enkrat letno na rednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor.
(b) Generalna skupščina se zbere na izrednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor, če to zahteva koordinacijski odbor ali četrtina držav članic generalne skupščine.
(c) Zasedanje je na sedežu organizacije.
(5) Generalna skupščina sprejme poslovnik.
[7. člen
8. člen
Koordinacijski odbor
(1) (a) Ustanovi se koordinacijski odbor, v katerem so države članice te konvencije, ki so članice izvršilnega odbora pariške unije, izvršilnega odbora bernske unije ali obeh. Če eden od teh izvršilnih odborov zajema več kot četrtino držav članic skupščine, ki ga je izvolila, določi omenjeni odbor med svojimi članicami tiste države, ki bodo članice koordinacijskega odbora, in sicer tako, da njihovo število ne presega omenjene četrtine, pri čemer je mišljeno, da se država, na ozemlju katere je sedež organizacije, ne upošteva pri izračunu te četrtine.
(b) Vlado vsake države koordinacijskega odbora zastopa delegat, ki mu lahko pomagajo namestniki, svetovalci in strokovnjaki.
(c) Stroške vsake delegacije krije vlada, ki jo je določila.
(2) Če druge unije pod upravo organizacije želijo, da bi bile kot take zastopane v koordinacijskem odboru, morajo biti njihovi predstavniki določeni med državami članicami koordinacijskega odbora.
(3) Koordinacijski odbor:
(i) daje mnenja organom unij, generalni skupščini in generalnemu direktorju o vseh administrativnih in finančnih vprašanjih ter o drugih vprašanjih, ki so skupnega pomena za dve ali več unij ali za eno ali več unij in organizacijo, zlasti pa o proračunu skupnih stroškov unij;
(ii) pripravlja osnutek dnevnega reda generalne skupščine;
(iii) [črtano]
(iv) [črtano]
(v) predlaga po prenehanju funkcije generalnemu direktorju ali če je to mesto izpraznjeno, generalni skupščini ime kandidata, da ga imenuje; če generalna skupščina ne imenuje predlaganega kandidata, predlaga koordinacijski odbor drugega kandidata; enak postopek se ponavlja, dokler generalna skupščina ne imenuje zadnjega predlaganega kandidata;
(vi) imenuje na mesto generalnega direktorja, ki se izprazni med dvema zasedanjema generalne skupščine, vršilca dolžnosti generalnega direktorja za čas, dokler mesta ne zasede nov generalni direktor;
(vii) izpolnjuje vse druge obveznosti, ki jih ima po tej konvenciji.
(4) (a) Koordinacijski odbor se zbere enkrat letno na rednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor. To zasedanje je načeloma na sedežu organizacije.
(b) Koordinacijski odbor se zbere na izrednem zasedanju, ki ga skliče generalni direktor na lastno pobudo ali na zahtevo svojega predsednika oziroma četrtine svojih članov.
(5) (a) Vsaka država ima v koordinacijskem odboru le en glas, ne glede na to, ali je članica le enega ali pa obeh izvršilnih odborov, omenjenih v pododstavku (a) prvega odstavka.
(b) Za sklepčnost je potrebna polovica članov koordinacijskega odbora.
(c) Posamezen delegat lahko zastopa le eno državo in glasuje le v njenem imenu.
(6) (a) Koordinacijski odbor izraža svoja mnenja in sprejema sklepe z navadno večino glasov. Vzdržani glasovi se ne upoštevajo.
(b) Celo če je bila dosežena navadna večina, lahko vsak član koordinacijskega odbora neposredno po glasovanju zahteva, naj se glasovi posebej izračunajo takole: sestavita se dve ločeni listi, tako da so na eni imena držav članic izvršilnega odbora pariške unije, na drugi pa imena držav članic izvršilnega odbora bernske unije; glas vsake države se vpiše poleg njenega imena na vseh listah, v katerih je uvrščena. Če poseben izračun pokaže, da na nobeni omenjeni listi ni dobljena navadna večina, se šteje, da predlog ni sprejet.
(7) Državo članico organizacije, ki ni članica kooperacijskega odbora, lahko zastopajo opazovalci, ki imajo pravico sodelovati v razpravi, nimajo pa pravice glasovati.
(8) Koordinacijski odbor sestavi svoj poslovnik.
9. člen
Mednarodni urad
(1) Mednarodni urad je tajništvo organizacije.
(2) Mednarodni urad vodi generalni direktor, ki mu pomagata dva ali več generalnih namestnikov.
(3) Generalni direktor se imenuje za šest let. Ponovno se lahko imenuje za nadaljnjih šest let. Vse druge pogoje v zvezi z imenovanjem določi generalna skupščina.
(4) (a) Generalni direktor je najvišji funkcionar organizacije.
(b) Generalni direktor predstavlja organizacijo.
(c) Generalni direktor daje generalni skupščini poročila in sprejema njene smernice glede notranjih in zunanjih zadev organizacije.
(5) Generalni direktor pripravlja osnutke proračunov in programov ter redna poročila o delu. Pošilja jih vladam prizadetih držav ter pristojnim organom unij in organizacije.
(6) Generalni direktor in vsi člani osebja, ki jih določi, se udeležujejo brez glasovalne pravice vseh zasedanj generalne skupščine, koordinacijskega odbora ter vsakega drugega odbora ali vsake druge delovne skupine. Generalni direktor ali član osebja, ki ga določi, je po uradni dolžnosti tajnik omenjenih organov.
(7) Generalni direktor imenuje osebje, ki je potrebno za dobro delovanje mednarodnega urada. Imenuje svoje namestnike, ko dobi soglasje koordinacijskega odbora. Zaposlitveni pogoji so določeni v statutu osebja, ki ga mora na predlog generalnega direktorja potrditi koordinacijski odbor. Nujnost, da si v službah zagotovi visoke strokovnjake na podlagi njihove učinkovitosti, usposobljenosti in moralnih vrednost, mora biti glavno merilo pri zaposlovanju osebja in določanju pogojev zanj. Na ustrezen način je treba paziti, da se osebje izbere s čim širšega zemljepisnega območja.
(8) Naloge generalnega direktorja in članov osebja so strogo mednarodne. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog ne smejo zahtevati, niti prejemati navodil vlad ali organov zunaj organizacije. Vzdržati se morajo vsakega dejanja, zaradi katerega bi lahko postal vprašljiv njihov položaj mednarodnega uslužbenca. Vsaka država članica se zavezuje, da bo spoštovala izključno mednarodno naravo nalog generalnega direktorja in članov osebja in si ne bo prizadevala vplivati nanje pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
11. člen
(1) V proračunu organizacije morajo biti prihodki in odhodki organizacije in unij, ki jih upravlja, prikazani pošteno in pregledno.
(2) Proračun se financira:
(i) s prispevki držav članic;
(ii) s pristojbinami in plačili za storitve, ki jih opravi Mednarodni urad;
(iii) s prodajo publikacij Mednarodnega urada in drugih pravic v zvezi z njimi;
(iv) z darili, volili in subvencijami, ki jih dobiva organizacija;
(v) z najemninami, obrestmi in raznimi drugimi dohodki organizacije.
(3) (a) Da bi se odmeril prispevek za proračun, je vsaka država članica te konvencije razvrščena v določen razred in plačuje letni prispevek na podlagi števila enot, dodeljenih temu razredu.
(b) Število razredov, ki se uporabljajo za države unije, in enot za vsak razred določi generalna skupščina na skupnem zasedanju s skupščinami drugih unij, katerih ustanovne pogodbe predvidevajo plačilo prispevka.
(c) Ob upoštevanju vseh pogojev v zvezi z razvrstitvijo v razrede vsaka država, (i) ko postane pogodbenica te konvencije ali (ii) ko postane članica unije, v kateri je predvideno plačilo prispevka, odvisno od tega, kaj je prej, navede razred, v katerega želi biti razvrščena. Razred lahko spremeni ob upoštevanju vseh pogojev v zvezi z razvrstitvijo v razrede. Če izbere nižjega, mora o tem obvestiti generalno skupščino na kakšnem njenem rednem zasedanju. Sprememba začne veljati z začetkom koledarskega leta, ki sledi omenjenemu zasedanju.
(d) Letni prispevek vsake države sestavlja znesek, ki je v takem razmerju do vsote prispevkov vseh držav v proračun, kot je število njenih enot do skupnega števila enot vseh držav, ki plačujejo prispevek.
(e) Prispevki zapadejo v plačilo vsako leto 1. januarja.
(f) Če proračun ni sprejet pred začetkom novega finančnega leta, se veljavnost proračuna za preteklo leto podaljša, kot to določa finančni pravilnik.
(4) Država članica te konvencije, ki je v zamudi s plačilom svojega prispevka, ne more uveljaviti glasovalne pravice v nobenem organu organizacije, katerega članica je, če je njen zaostanek enak znesku prispevkov, ki jih dolguje za dve pretekli leti, ali večji od njega. Zadevni državi pa se sme dovoliti, da dalje uveljavlja svojo glasovalno pravico v omenjenem organu, če meni, da so zamudo povzročile izjemne in neizbežne okoliščine.
(5) Organizacija sme z dovoljenjem koordinacijskega odbora sprejemati darila, volila in subvencije, ki jih dajejo neposredno vlade, javne ali zasebne ustanove, društva ali posamezniki.
(6) (a) Organizacija razpolaga z obratnim skladom, ki se oblikuje z enkratnim vplačilom unij in vsake države članice te konvencije, ki ni članica neke unije. Če postane sklad nezadosten, se odloči o njegovem povečanju.
(b) O znesku enkratnega vplačila unije in njenem morebitnem deležu pri vsakem povečanju odloči njena skupščina.
(c) Znesek enkratnega vplačila vsake države članice te konvencije, ki ni članica neke unije, ter njen delež pri vsakem povečanju sta sorazmerna njenemu prispevku za leto, v katerem je bil sklad konstituiran ali je bilo odločeno o povečanju. O sorazmerju in načinu vplačila določi generalna skupščina na predlog generalnega direktorja in po zaslišanju koordinacijskega odbora.
(7) (a) Sporazum o sedežu, sklenjen z državo, na ozemlju katere ima organizacija sedež, mora določati, da ta država daje posojila, kadar ni dovolj obratnih sredstev. Znesek tega posojila in pogoji, pod katerimi se dajejo, določajo posebni sporazumi med tako državo in organizacijo. Dokler je taka država dolžna dajati posojila, ima po uradni dolžnosti eno mesto v koordinacijskem odboru.
(b) Država iz pododstavka (a) in organizacija imata pravico, da s pisnim uradnim obvestilom odpovesta obveznost dajanja posojil. Odpoved začne veljati tri leta po koncu leta, v katerem je bilo dano uradno obvestilo..
(8) Račune pregleda ena ali več držav članic ali zunanji revizorji, kot predpisuje finančni pravilnik. Z njihovim soglasjem jih določi generalna skupščina.
17. člen
(1) Spremembo te konvencije lahko predlaga vsaka država članica ali koordinacijski odbor ali generalni direktor. Generalni direktor mora sporočiti tak predlog državam članicam vsaj šest mesecev pred njegovo predložitvijo generalni skupščini v obravnavo.
(2) Vse spremembe sprejema generalna skupščina. Spremembe se sprejemajo z navadno večino glasov, pri čemer generalna skupščina glasuje samo za predloge, ki jih je prej sprejela skupščina pariške unije ali skupščina bernske unije po pravilih, ki jih uporabljata pri spremembah administrativnih določb ustreznih konvencij.
(3) Vsaka sprememba začne veljati po enem mesecu, ko generalni direktor prejme pisna uradna obvestila, da so jo v skladu s svojimi ustreznimi ustavnimi predpisi sprejele tri četrtine držav, ki so bile članice organizacije in so imele v trenutku, ko je generalna skupščina sprejela spremembo, predlagano na podlagi drugega odstavka, pravico glasovati. Vsaka tako sprejeta sprememba je obvezna za vse države, ki so v trenutku uveljavitve spremembe članice organizacije ali pozneje postanejo njene članice, vsaka sprememba, ki povečuje finančne obveznosti držav članic, pa zavezuje samo tiste, ki so sporočile, da so jo sprejele.
20. člen
Protokolarne določbe
(1) (a) Ta konvencija je podpisana v enem izvodu v angleškem, španskem, francoskem in ruskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna; deponirana je pri švedski vladi.
(b) Ta konvencija ostane na voljo za podpis v Stockholmu vse do 13. januarja 1968.
(2) Uradna besedila izda generalni direktor po posvetovanju s posameznimi vladami v nemškem, italijanskem, portugalskem ter v drugih jezikih, ki jih generalna skupščina zahteva.
(3) Generalni direktor pošlje dva overjena izvoda te konvencije in vseh sprememb, ki jih generalna skupščina sprejme, vladam držav članic pariške ali bernske unije, vladi vsake druge države, če pristopi k tej konvenciji, in vladi vsake države, ki vloži zahtevo za pristop. Izvode podpisanega besedila konvencije, ki se pošiljajo vladam, potrdi švedska vlada.
(4) Generalni direktor registrira to konvencijo pri tajništvu organizacije Združenih narodov.
21. člen
Prehodne določbe
(1) Dokler prvi generalni direktor ne zasede svojega položaja, se šteje, da se sklicevanje na Mednarodni urad ali generalnega direktorja v tej konvenciji nanaša na združene mednarodne urade za varstvo industrijske, književne in umetniške lastnine (imenovane tudi združeni mednarodni uradi za varstvo intelektualne lastnine – BIRPI) ali na njihovega direktorja.
(2) (a) Države, ki so članice posamezne unije, pa še niso pogodbenice te konvencije, lahko, če to želijo, pet let od začetka veljavnosti konvencije uveljavljajo enake pravice, kot da bi bile njene pogodbenice. Vsaka država, ki želi uveljavljati te pravice, mora o tem pisno uradno obvestiti generalnega direktorja: uradno obvestilo začne veljati z dnem, ko je bilo prejeto. Take države se štejejo za članice generalne skupščine do poteka omenjenega obdobja.
(b) Po poteku petih let te države nimajo več glasovalne pravice v generalni skupščini in ne v koordinacijskem odboru.
(c) Ko postanejo omenjene države pogodbenice te konvencije, smejo spet uveljavljati svojo glasovalno pravico.
(3) (a) Dokler vse države članice pariške ali bernske unije ne postanejo pogodbenice te konvencije, opravljata Mednarodni urad in generalni direktor tudi naloge združenih mednarodnih uradov za varstvo industrijske, književne in umetniške lastnine in njihovih direktorjev.
(b) Za osebje, ki je zaposleno v omenjenih uradih na dan, ko začne veljati ta konvencija, se v prehodnem obdobju iz pododstavka (a) šteje, kot da je zaposleno pri mednarodnem uradu.
(4) (a) Ko vse države članice pariške unije postanejo članice organizacije, preidejo pravice, obveznosti in dobrine urada unije na Mednarodni urad organizacije.
(b) Ko vse države članice bernske unije postanejo članice organizacije, preidejo pravice, obveznosti in lastnina urada te unije na Mednarodni urad organizacije.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sprememb konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo – Urad Republike Slovenije za intelektualno lastnino.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 318-01/06-18/1
Ljubljana, dne 1. februarja 2007
EPA 1215-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.