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Številka 19
Uradni list RS, št. 19/2007 z dne 2. 3. 2007
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 19/2007 z dne 2. 3. 2007


29. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete (BHUČPS), stran 800.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete (BHUČPS)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete (BHUČPS), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 1. februarja 2007.
Št. 001-22-21/07
Ljubljana, dne 9. februarja 2007
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete, podpisan na Brdu pri Kranju 25. oktobra 2006.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete
Republika Slovenija in Republika Madžarska (v nadaljevanju pogodbenici) sta se
ob upoštevanju prijateljskih vezi med državama,
da bi v interesu varnosti okrepili ter poglobili sodelovanje organov za zatiranje kriminalitete,
v prepričanju, da bi celovito razvijali sodelovanje na obmejnih območjih in med organi, pristojnimi za izvajanje tega sporazuma,
da bi s pomočjo usklajenih dejavnosti še učinkoviteje delovali proti mednarodnemu organiziranemu kriminalu,
ob upoštevanju svojih mednarodnih obveznosti ter notranjih zakonov in drugih predpisov,
ocenjujoč rezultate svojega dosedanjega sodelovanja
I. poglavje
Splošne določbe
1. člen
Področje sodelovanja
1. Z namenom varovanja javnega reda in javne varnosti pogodbenici okrepita sodelovanje na področju preprečevanja, odkrivanja in pregona kaznivih dejanj (v nadaljevanju: zatiranje kriminalitete), ki so podlaga za izdajo evropskega naloga za prijetje, ter mejnega in prometnega policijskega dela. Pogodbenici sodelujeta v skladu s tem sporazumom, pri čemer upoštevata svoje notranje zakone in druge predpise ter mednarodne obveznosti.
2. Pogodbenica lahko delno ali v celoti odkloni sodelovanje ali postavi pogoje zanj, če to ogroža oziroma krši njeno suverenost, notranjo varnost, javni red ali če je v nasprotju z njenimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi.
3. Zaprosilo, ki se nanaša na vojaško ali politično kaznivo dejanje, se ne pošilja oziroma ga ni moč izpolniti. Dejanja ni mogoče šteti za politično kaznivo dejanje, če je pri njegovi storitvi, upoštevajoč vse okoliščine, namen, motiv kaznivega dejanja, način njegove storitve ter predmete, ki so bili uporabljeni ali namenjeni za storitev, kriminalna narava kaznivega dejanja prevladala nad politično.
4. Sodelovanje ne vsebuje pravne pomoči, ki je v pristojnosti pravosodnih organov pogodbenic.
5. Sodelovanje po tem sporazumu ne vsebuje upravnega sodelovanja organov pogodbenic pri davčnih, pristojbinskih in carinskih upravnih zadevah.
2. člen
Organi za sodelovanje in obmejno območje
1. Policija in drugi organi za zatiranje kriminalitete, ki sodelujejo pri izvajanju tega sporazuma in so v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi pogodbenic pooblaščeni za zatiranje kriminalitete ter druge naloge po tem sporazumu (v nadaljevanju: pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje), so:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava in njene notranje organizacijske enote ter območne organizacijske enote;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Policija, Mejna straža, službe Carinske in finančne straže, ki opravljajo naloge preiskovanja in preprečevanja kriminala, Služba za notranji nadzor.
2. Centralne službe za stike pri izvajanju tega sporazuma so:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Državna glavna policijska kapitanija, Center za mednarodno sodelovanje na področju kriminalitete.
3. Obmejna območja po tem sporazumu so:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– območje v krajevni pristojnosti Policijske uprave Murska Sobota;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– območje županije Zala,
– območje županije Vas.
4. Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti nemudoma pisno obvestita o spremembi centralnih služb za stike oziroma pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje ter obmejnih območij.
II. poglavje
Splošna pravila sodelovanja organov za zatiranje kriminalitete
3. člen
Sodelovanje na podlagi zaprosila
1. Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic sodelujejo in si pomagajo na podlagi zaprosila.
2. Če ta sporazum ne določa drugače, si pogodbenici zaprosila in odgovore nanje pisno pošiljata in jih sprejemata (sem spada tudi pošiljanje po telefaksu in elektronski telekomunikacijski mreži) prek centralnih služb za stike. V nujnih primerih so zaprosila lahko tudi ustna; ustna zaprosila je treba nemudoma pisno potrditi.
3. Izključno centralne službe za stike pogodbenic lahko izpolnijo zaprosila, pri katerih gre za izmenjavo informacij, ki jih je pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice pridobil z dovoljenjem pravosodnih organov za odkrivanje kaznivega dejanja, za katero se izreka kazen zapora dve leti ali več, od davčnih služb, ponudnika elektronskih komunikacijskih storitev, organov, ki obdelujejo zdravstvene podatke in druge z njimi povezane podatke ter podatke, ki se kvalificirajo kot gospodarska skrivnost (bančna skrivnost, poslovna skrivnost, tajnost vrednostih papirjev, zavarovalniška skrivnost, blagajniška skrivnost).
4. Če je na podlagi zakonov in drugih predpisov pogodbenic za pošiljanje oziroma izpolnitev zaprosila potrebno dovoljenje, odobritev, privolitev oziroma soglasje pravosodnih organov, je dovoljeno izpolniti zaprosilo šele po pridobitvi dovoljenja, odobritve, privolitve oziroma soglasja.
5. Pravosodni organi po tem sporazumu so:
a) za Republiko Slovenijo: sodišča in državna tožilstva;
b) za Republiko Madžarsko: sodišča in organi tožilstva.
6. Če pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice nima pooblastil ali ni pristojen za reševanje zaprosila, ga pošlje pristojnemu organu in o tem obvesti organ, ki ga je poslal.
7. Če izpolnitev pod pogoji iz zaprosila ni ali je samo delno mogoča, pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje ali centralna služba za stike zaprošene pogodbenice o tem nemudoma obvesti organ, ki ga je poslal.
8. Če je ob prejemu zaprosila očitno, da ne bo izpolnjeno v roku, ki je v njem določen, in je v utemeljitvi roka izrecno navedeno, da bi zamuda ogrozila uspešnost postopka pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke, mora pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje ali centralna služba za stike zaprošene pogodbenice navesti rok, v katerem je mogoča izpolnitev zaprosila.
9. Po obvestilu iz sedmega in osmega odstavka pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke sporoči, ali naj se zaprosilo kljub temu izpolni. Nato se pooblaščena organa za sodelovanje pogodbenic dogovorita o nadaljnjem reševanju zaprosila.
10. Pri reševanju zaprosil pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice in drugi organi, ki rešujejo zaprosila, ali organi, ki z njimi sodelujejo, ukrepajo v skladu z zaprosilom in v njem navedenimi tehničnimi sredstvi, razen če je to v nasprotju z zakoni in drugimi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice.
4. člen
Vsebina zaprosila in jezik
1. Če ni s tem sporazumom določeno drugače, zaprosilo vsebuje najmanj:
a) ime pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje, ki je zaprosilo poslal;
b) predmet zaprosila;
c) opis in pravno kvalifikacijo dejanja, ki je predmet zaprosila;
d) rok za izpolnitev zaprosila in obrazložitev nujnosti reševanja;
e) dovoljenje pravosodnih organov, kadar je potrebno;
f) prošnjo za udeležbo člana pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke pri izpolnitvi zaprosila, če to zahteva;
g) identifikacijske podatke osebe, če so znani, v obsegu, ki je potreben za izpolnitev zaprosila.
2. Pogodbenici pri izvajanju tega sporazuma uporabljata slovenski in madžarski jezik. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje se lahko dogovorijo, da pri svojih stikih uporabljajo drug jezik.
III. poglavje
Oblike sodelovanja
5. člen
Ukrepanje v nujnih primerih
1. Na podlagi zaprosila lahko pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi za zavarovanje sledi in dokazov na svojem državnem območju ugotavljajo identiteto, na javnem kraju opravijo poostreno kontrolo, opravijo pregled zgradb, objektov, krajev, oblačil, paketov in vozil ter primejo iskano osebo in jo pridržijo.
2. O izvedbi ukrepov iz prejšnjega odstavka je treba nemudoma obvestiti pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke.
6. člen
Izmenjava informacij
Za učinkovito zatiranje kriminalitete pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic na podlagi zaprosila pošljejo zlasti:
a) podatke o osebah, udeleženih v organiziranem kriminalu, informacije, ki se nanašajo na povezave storilcev s kaznivim dejanjem, o organiziranih kriminalnih združbah in skupinah kriminalcev, značilnem obnašanju storilcev in skupin, o kaznivih dejanjih, ki so v pripravi ali so ostala pri poskusu ali so bila storjena, zlasti pa informacije o času, kraju in načinu storitve dejanja, napadenih objektih, posebnih okoliščinah in izvedenih ukrepih, kadar je to potrebno, za zatiranje kriminalitete;
b) informacije o metodah in novih oblikah mednarodnega kriminala;
c) informacije o izsledkih kriminalističnih, kriminoloških raziskav in drugih raziskav, o praksi, delovnih metodah in uporabi sredstev pri preiskavah z namenom njihovega izboljšanja;
d) informacije o predmetih ali vzorcih predmetov, s katerimi so bila storjena kazniva dejanja ali so na njih sledi kaznivega dejanja, so bili uporabljeni ali namenjeni kot sredstva pri storitvi kaznivega dejanja ali izvirajo iz njega;
e) informacije o veljavni pravni ureditvi v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji po tem sporazumu;
f) informacije o premoženjski koristi, pridobljeni s kaznivim dejanjem ali zaradi njega.
7. člen
Pošiljanje informacij brez zaprosila
Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic lahko v posameznih primerih tudi brez zaprosila pošiljajo informacije, ki jih potrebujejo pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje druge pogodbenice za zatiranje kriminalitete in odvrnitev nevarnosti, ki ogroža javni red in javno varnost.
8. člen
Neposredna izmenjava informacij
1. Pošiljanje zaprosil in odgovarjanje nanje lahko potekata neposredno med pooblaščenimi organi za sodelovanje, če:
a) za informacijo prosijo pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje, pristojni v obmejnem območju, ta pa se nanaša izključno na obmejno območje, ali
b) bi izmenjava informacij prek centralnih služb za stike povzročila zamudo, ki bi ogrozila interese postopka ali uspešno izpolnitev zaprosila.
2. Šteje se, da se informacija nanaša na obmejno območje, zlasti če se podatki nanašajo na:
a) osebo iz zaprosila, katere prebivališče (kraj prebivanja) je na obmejnem območju, ali se domneva, da se v času zaprosila tam zadržuje;
b) dejavnost obravnavane osebe v obmejnem območju;
c) predmet, za katerega se domneva, da je v obmejnem območju;
d) sedež pravne osebe v obmejnem območju in njeno dejavnost.
3. Neposredna izmenjava informacij iz prvega in drugega odstavka vsebuje zlasti:
a) ugotavljanje in potrditev identitete oseb, kraja in naslova prebivališča;
b) ugotavljanje obstoja, veljavnosti in omejitev vozniških dovoljenj, dovoljenj za vodno in zračno plovbo;
c) dajanje identifikacijskih podatkov motornih vozil (registrska številka, številka šasije, številka motorja);
d) ugotovitev identitete in iskanje lastnika (upravljavca) ali uporabnika motornih vozil ter vodnih in zračnih plovil;
e) ugotovitev obstoja orožnih listin, njihove veljavnosti in omejitev;
f) ugotovitev lastnika, naročnika in uporabnika elektronske telekomunikacijske terminalne opreme;
g) poizvedbe o predmetih in vzorcih;
h) iskanje oseb s posebnim strokovnim znanjem.
9. člen
Skupna analiza javne varnosti
Pogodbenici si redno izmenjavata informacije in analize razmer na področju kriminalitete, javnega reda in javne varnosti. Po potrebi skupaj analizirata osrednja vprašanja o razmerah na področju kriminalitete in njenem preprečevanju ter se dogovorita o potrebnih posebnih ukrepih.
10. člen
Iskanje oseb in predmetov
1. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic si na zaprosilo v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi pomagajo pri iskanju osebe ali predmeta na neznanem kraju oziroma pri ugotavljanju identitete neznanih oseb ali trupel.
2. Na zaprosilo pogodbenice prosilke lahko pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice razpiše tiralico. Če pogoji za razpis tiralice iz katerega koli razloga ne obstajajo več, vključujoč tudi prijetje iz tretjega odstavka, se tiralica nemudoma prekliče.
3. O prijetju osebe, ki je bilo opravljeno na podlagi razpisane tiralice na zaprosilo pogodbenice prosilke na območju zaprošene pogodbenice, je treba nemudoma obvestiti centralno službo za stike pogodbenice prosilke.
11. člen
Čezmejno tajno opazovanje
1. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic so pri preiskovanju na svojem državnem območju pooblaščeni nadaljevati tajno opazovanje na območju druge pogodbenice, če gre za osebo, ki je osumljena udeležbe v organizirani kriminalni skupini ali storitve naklepnega kaznivega dejanja, za katero je predpisana kazen najmanj pet let zapora, ali osebo, ki je povezana z njo ali se pripravlja, da bo navezala stik z njo, če je centralna služba za stike slednje odobrila na podlagi predhodno poslanega zaprosila. Za dovoljenje se lahko postavijo pogoji.
2. Ob sumu kaznivih dejanj iz prejšnjega odstavka lahko pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic tajno opazujejo osebo, ki je povezana s storilcem, če je mogoče utemeljeno sklepati, da bi s pomočjo te osebe identificirali ali odkrili storilca ali bi jih privedla do storilca.
3. Na zahtevo pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice je treba nadaljevanje tajnega opazovanja nemudoma prepustiti pooblaščenemu organu za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice. Pogodbenici si na zaprosilo lahko vzajemno pomagata pri tajnem opazovanju.
4. Dovoljenje za tajno opazovanje velja za celotno območje pogodbenic. Pri tajnem opazovanju se skupna državna meja pogodbenic lahko prestopi tudi zunaj mejnih prehodov in obratovalnega časa.
5. Če bi zaradi zamude nastala nevarnost ali bili ogroženi interesi zatiranja kriminalitete, se tajno opazovanje lahko izvaja tudi brez predhodnega dovoljenja iz prvega odstavka. V tem primeru se ob prestopu državne meje nemudoma obvesti pristojni pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice. Zaprosilo se potem nemudoma pošlje centralni službi za stike zaprošene pogodbenice. V zaprosilu se navedejo razlogi za prestop državne meje brez predhodnega dovoljenja.
6. Pristojna pooblaščena organa za sodelovanje iz prejšnjega odstavka sta:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Glavna državna policijska kapitanija.
7. Tajno opazovanje iz petega odstavka je treba prekiniti takoj, če to zahteva pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice ali če dovoljenje, potrebno za izpolnitev zaprosila, ni bilo pridobljeno v petih urah po prestopu državne meje.
8. Tajno opazovanje se lahko izvaja samo pod temi pogoji:
a) uradnik izvaja tajno opazovanje skladno s tem členom in notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi tiste pogodbenice, na območju katere deluje, poleg tega ravna skladno z navodili krajevno pristojnega pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje;
b) razen v primeru iz petega odstavka mora imeti uradnik, ki izvaja tajno opazovanje, pri sebi dokument, ki potrjuje, da je bilo tajno opazovanje dovoljeno;
c) uradnik, ki izvaja tajno opazovanje, mora biti vedno zmožen izkazati, da opravlja uradno nalogo;
d) uradnik, ki izvaja tajno opazovanje, ne sme vstopiti v zasebno stanovanje ali v prostore, ki niso javno dostopni, lahko pa vstopi v prostore za delo, obratovalne in poslovne prostore, ki so javno dostopni med delovnim časom;
e) uradnik, ki izvaja tajno opazovanje, pripravi poročilo za centralno službo za stike zaprošene pogodbenice;
f) če so za izvajanje tajnega opazovanja potrebna tudi tehnična sredstva, se smejo uporabljati, če to dovoljujejo zakoni in drugi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice. V zaprosilu iz prvega odstavka se navedejo tehnična sredstva, ki se bodo uporabljala za tajno opazovanje;
g) pri uporabi vozil za tajno opazovanje veljajo prometni predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice.
12. člen
Čezmejno zasledovanje (zasledovanje po vroči sledi)
1. Pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke lahko brez predhodnega dovoljenja druge pogodbenice nadaljuje zasledovanje osebe na območju zaprošene pogodbenice, če je ta oseba na območju pogodbenice prosilke storila ali poskusila storiti kaznivo dejanje, ki je podlaga za izdajo evropskega naloga za prijetje, in
a) so jo pri tem zalotili ali
b) je na begu iz pridržanja, pripora ali prestajanja zaporne kazni in če bi zamuda zaradi obvestila pooblaščenemu organu za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice močno otežila prijetje storilca oziroma bi močno ogrozila interese zatiranja kriminalitete ter če se domneva, da pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice ne bi mogel prevzeti zasledovanja v primernem času.
2. V primerih iz prejšnjega odstavka se takoj, ko je mogoče, obvesti pristojni pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice, vendar najpozneje pri prestopu državne meje.
3. Pristojni pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje iz prejšnjega odstavka so:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Policijska uprava Murska Sobota;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico, odvisno od kraja prestopa državne meje:
– Glavna policijska kapitanija županije Zala,
– Glavna policijska kapitanija županije Vas.
4. Zasledovanje se nemudoma prekine, če to zahteva pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
5. Če uradnik pogodbenice prosilke, ki izvaja zasledovanje, to zahteva, pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice zasledovano osebo prime, da bi ugotovil njeno identiteto ali ji odvzel prostost.
6. Če zahteva za prekinitev zasledovanja ni dana in če pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje ne more pravočasno prevzeti zasledovanja, sme uradnik pogodbenice prosilke, ki izvaja zasledovanje, zasledovano osebo pridržati na kraju samem. O tem ukrepu se nemudoma obvesti pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
7. Zasledovanje se lahko izvaja na celotnem območju pogodbenic brez časovne omejitve.
8. Zasledovanje se lahko izvaja pod temi pogoji:
a) uradnik, ki izvaja zasledovanje, mora ravnati v skladu s tem sporazumom in zakoni ter drugimi predpisi pogodbenice, na območju katere izvaja zasledovanje;
b) zasledovanje se lahko izvaja le na kopnem;
c) uradnik, ki izvaja zasledovanje, ne sme vstopiti v zasebno stanovanje ali prostore, lahko pa vstopi v prostore za delo, obratovalne in poslovne prostore, ki so javno dostopni med delovnim časom;
d) uradnik, ki izvaja zasledovanje, mora biti vedno zmožen izkazati, da opravlja uradno nalogo;
e) pri uporabi vozil med zasledovanjem veljajo prometni predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice. Za prepoznavo je treba na vozilu uporabljati razpoznavni znak;
f) uradnik, ki izvaja zasledovanje, mora biti nedvoumno razpoznaven po uniformi ali dopolnilnih označbah, nameščenih na vozilu;
g) predmeti, ki jih ima prijeta oseba, se po možnosti shranijo na varnem do prihoda pristojnih pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje;
h) če so za izvajanje zasledovanja potrebna tudi tehnična sredstva, se smejo uporabljati, če to dovoljujejo zakoni in drugi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice;
i) uradnik, ki izvaja zasledovanje, po končanem zasledovanju poroča pristojnemu pooblaščenemu organu za sodelovanje ali centralni službi za stike zaprošene pogodbenice. Na zahtevo teh organov ostane dosegljiv, dokler niso okoliščine zasledovanja ustrezno razjasnjene. Ta pogoj velja tudi za primere, ko zasledovana oseba ni bila prijeta.
9. Osebo, ki so jo prijeli med zasledovanjem, zasliši pristojni pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice. Osebno svobodo prijete osebe je moč omejiti v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice.
10. O zasledovanju je treba obvestiti tudi centralno službo za stike pogodbenice.
13. člen
Kontrolirana pošiljka
1. Pod pogoji iz tega člena pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic na podlagi zaprosila omogočijo kontrolirano pošiljko na območju svoje države. Kontrolirana pošiljka je prikrita dejavnost pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje, pri kateri se v okviru mednarodnega sodelovanja na območje pogodbenic omogoči vnos stvari, s katerimi razpolaga opazovana oseba, na območje pogodbenic in iznos s tega območja v drugo državo ter prevoz čez območje pogodbenic z namenom odkrivanja kaznivih dejanj in identifikacije čim širšega kroga oseb, udeleženih pri storitvi kaznivega dejanja.
2. Zaprosilo za kontrolirano pošiljko, poslano centralnim službam za stike, poleg podatkov iz prvega odstavka 4. člena tega sporazuma vsebuje tudi podatke o:
a) vsebini pošiljke, predvideni poti in času trajanja ter načinu prevoza, identifikaciji prevoznega sredstva,
b) načinu spremstva,
c) tehničnih sredstvih, ki bodo v uporabi,
d) številu sodelujočih v spremstvu iz pogodbenice prosilke,
e) načinu vzdrževanja stikov med udeleženci kontrolirane pošiljke,
f) okoliščinah predaje in prevzema pošiljke,
g) ukrepih ob prijetju,
h) ukrepih ob nepričakovanih okoliščinah.
3. Če bi zamuda povzročila tveganje ali ogrozila interese zatiranja kriminalitete, lahko pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenice pošljejo ali sprejmejo zaprosilo za kontrolirano pošiljko tudi neposredno. Zaprosilo je treba nato nemudoma poslati centralni službi za stike pogodbenic. Zaprosilu je treba priložiti dokumente, ki potrjujejo kontrolirano pošiljko.
4. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje se vsakokrat dogovorijo o datumu in načinu izvedbe kontrolirane pošiljke ter o stopnji svojega sodelovanja. Pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice lahko omeji ali odkloni kontrolirano pošiljko, če pomeni nesprejemljivo tveganje za udeležene osebe oziroma splošno varnost.
5. Ukaze v zvezi s kontrolirano pošiljko odreja pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice. O identiteti osebe, ki odreja ukaze, je treba obvestiti pogodbenico prosilko. Kontrolirana pošiljka se izvaja na način, da jo je mogoče vsak čas prestreči. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke lahko spremljajo pošiljko tudi po prevzemu, uradnih pooblastil pa ne smejo izvajati. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke morajo pri tem ravnati v skladu s tem členom in zakoni ter drugimi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice ter navodili vodje pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
6. Pogodbenici zagotavljata izvedbo kontrolirane pošiljke tudi iz tretje v nadaljnjo državo. V tem primeru za predhodno soglasje teh držav poskrbi pogodbenica prosilka in o tem obvesti zaprošeno pogodbenico.
7. Udeležba tajnega delavca v spremstvu kontrolirane pošiljke je mogoča samo z dovoljenjem pravosodnega organa pogodbenice, ki uporablja tajnega delavca.
14. člen
Uporaba tajnih delavcev
1. Pogodbenici na podlagi zaprosila, poslanega centralnim službam za stike, vsaka na svojem državnem območju dovolita delovanje tajnih delavcev pogodbenice prosilke, če je to potrebno zaradi uspešnega odkritja kaznivega dejanja, za katero se izdaja evropski nalog za prijetje in je bilo storjeno ali je v pripravi na območju pogodbenice prosilke, če odkritje kaznivega dejanja ni mogoče brez tajnega delavca ali je to bistveno oteženo. Na zaprosilo pogodbenice prosilke je mogoče uporabiti tajnega delavca zaprošene pogodbenice na njenem območju.
2. Tajni delavec iz tega sporazuma je uradnik poklicne sestave pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje za zatiranje kriminalitete, ki deluje tajno z namenom zbiranja prikritih informacij.
3. Če je za uporabo tajnega delavca potrebno dovoljenje pravosodnih organov pogodbenic, je tajnega delavca mogoče uporabiti samo po pridobitvi dovoljenja. Soglasje vsakokrat velja za celotno državno območje pogodbenice.
4. Zaprosilo za uporabo tajnega delavca vsebuje poleg podatkov iz prvega odstavka 4. člena tega sporazuma še:
a) čas trajanja uporabe tajnega delavca,
b) pogoje uporabe tajnega delavca,
c) pravice in dolžnosti tajnega delavca,
d) ukrepe, če je razkrita identiteta tajnega delavca,
e) navodila o pravilih kazenske odgovornosti ter odgovornosti tajnega delavca za povzročeno škodo pri delovanju.
5. Uporaba tajnega delavca se vedno omeji na posamičen primer in traja določen čas, vendar največ šest mesecev. Podaljša se lahko največ za dve leti. Uporabo tajnega delavca pripravijo pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic usklajeno. Tajni delavec sme svojo dejavnost začeti po posebnem dogovoru organov za sodelovanje in pridobitvi dovoljenja iz tretjega odstavka. Ta dogovor mora vsebovati tudi podatke iz četrtega in enajstega odstavka.
6. Tajnega delavca usmerja pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke, če opravlja svoje delo na območju druge pogodbenice po nalogu in na zaprosilo pogodbenice prosilke. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic se lahko dogovorijo, da tajni delavec, ki ga je dala na voljo zaprošena pogodbenica, ukrepa po nalogu in navodilih pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke na območju zaprošene pogodbenice. Če je utemeljeno, se lahko pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic dogovorijo tudi drugače, kot je navedeno.
7. Na zaprosilo pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice se delovanje tajnega delavca nemudoma prekine.
8. V primeru iz šestega odstavka pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice ugotovi, ali je uporaba tajnega delavca potrebna, in določi pogoje za njegovo uporabo ter uporabo informacij, pridobljenih med preiskavo. O tem je treba obvestiti pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke.
9. Zaprošena pogodbenica lahko ponudi kadrovsko, organizacijsko in tehnično pomoč za dejavnost tajnega delavca. Pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice mora storiti vse za varnost tajnega delavca pogodbenice prosilke.
10. Po koncu uporabe tajnega delavca se o rezultatih uporabe nemudoma v pisni obliki obvesti pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
11. Za dejavnost tajnega delavca se uporabljajo notranji zakoni in drugi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice pod pogojem, da niso v nasprotju z zakoni in drugimi predpisi pogodbenice prosilke.
15. člen
Sodelovanje pri programu zaščite
1. Pogodbenici lahko prek svojih pristojnih organov med kazenskim postopkom zaprosita za preselitev prič, žrtev oziroma oškodovancev in obdolžencev ter z njimi povezanih drugih zaščitenih oseb (v nadaljevanju: osebe) z območja ene na območje druge pogodbenice in zagotovitev zaščite tudi po tem. Ta ukrep ne sme ovirati kazenskega postopka na območju pogodbenic.
2. Zaprosilo za predajo ali prevzem zaščite mora poleg podatkov iz prvega odstavka 4. člena tega sporazuma vsebovati tudi:
a) zaprosilo, ki se nanaša na tajnost,
b) status oseb v kazenskem postopku,
c) informacijo o ogroženosti osebe ter njeni stopnji,
d) razlog za preselitev osebe na območje zaprošene pogodbenice,
e) predlagano obliko in stopnjo zaščite,
f) potreben čas trajanja namestitve na območju zaprošene pogodbenice in možnost za njegovo podaljšanje.
3. Po odobritvi zaprosila se organi pogodbenic, določeni za izvajanje zaščite, neposredno dogovorijo o predaji oziroma prevzemu zaščite, njenem načinu, času trajanja ter načinu vzdrževanja zvez. Dokumenti, ki so potrebni za izvajanje zaščite, so priloga k temu dogovoru.
4. Stroške prevoza, zdravstvenega in socialnega zavarovanja poravna pogodbenica prosilka. Zaprošena pogodbenica poravna stroške za plače sodelavcev, ki ščitijo osebe.
5. Oseba je lahko deležna le tistih oblik zaščite, ki jih določajo notranji zakoni in drugi predpisi o zaščiti prič zaprošene pogodbenice.
6. Če zaščita po predaji ni mogoča ali pa je ni več mogoče zagotoviti, organ za izvajanje zaščite zaprošene pogodbenice nemudoma obvesti ustrezni organ v pogodbenici prosilki.
7. Oseba spoštuje zakone in druge predpise zaprošene pogodbenice. Če oseba krši zakone in druge predpise zaprošene pogodbenice ali ne spoštuje pravil obnašanja, ki so bila določena zanjo, organ zaprošene pogodbenice, ki izvaja zaščito, o tem nemudoma obvesti ustrezni organ v pogodbenici prosilki.
8. Če oseba stori dejanje, ki neupravičeno in močno ogroža sodelavce zaprošene pogodbenice, ki izvajajo zaščito, organ zaprošene pogodbenice nemudoma da pobudo za vrnitev osebe, ustrezni organ v pogodbenici prosilki pa to izvede.
9. Pristojna pooblaščena organa za sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega člena sta:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Glavna državna policijska kapitanija.
16. člen
Ustanovitev skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine
1. Centralne službe za stike pogodbenic lahko v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi za uspešno preiskovanje kaznivih dejanj iz prvega odstavka 1. člena tega sporazuma s posebnim dogovorom ustanovijo skupno kriminalistično preiskovalno skupino, zlasti če je preiskava kaznivega dejanja, ki poteka na območju več držav članic Evropske unije, posebno zapletena ali je potrebna uskladitev dela.
2. Dogovor mora vsebovati zlasti:
a) opis kaznivega dejanja, zaradi katerega se ustanovi skupna kriminalistična preiskovalna skupina,
b) delovno področje,
c) sestavo kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine,
d) ime vodje kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine,
e) čas trajanja delovanja in pogoje za podaljšanje,
f) pravice in dolžnosti napotenega člana skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine,
g) pogoje delovanja,
h) organizacijske ukrepe in kritje stroškov delovanja,
i) informacije v zvezi s pravili o kazenskopravni odgovornosti ter odgovornosti za škodo, ki jo je v okviru svojega delovanja povzročil napoteni član skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine.
3. Če je za udeležbo napotenega člana pogodbenice prosilke v skupni kriminalistični preiskovalni skupini v posebnem postopku te skupine potrebno dovoljenje v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi zaprošene pogodbenice, je udeležba mogoča samo po pridobitvi dovoljenja.
4. Pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice po svojih možnostih zagotavlja namestitvene, organizacijske, tehnične in infrastrukturne možnosti, potrebne za delovanje skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine. Skupno kriminalistično preiskovalno skupino vodi imenovani član pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
5. Napoteni član pogodbenice prosilke v skupni kriminalistični preiskovalni skupini ne sme samostojno izvajati pooblastil na območju zaprošene pogodbenice.
6. Član pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke, napoten v skupno kriminalistično preiskovalno skupino, lahko izroči članom skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine iz zaprošene pogodbenice vse netajne podatke in informacije, ki jih ima, v enakih primerih in pod enakimi pogoji kot svojemu pooblaščenemu organu za sodelovanje.
7. Vodja službe, ki je ustanovila skupno kriminalistično preiskovalno skupino, dovoli, da ima napoteni član druge pogodbenice na razpolago tajne podatke, ki so jih kot take določili pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje. Za dajanje podatkov, ki so jih določili organi, ki niso udeleženi pri sodelovanju, je treba pridobiti dovoljenje, kot določajo notranji zakoni in drugi predpisi pogodbenic.
8. Podatki ali informacije, ki so na razpolago skupni kriminalistični preiskovalni skupini, se lahko uporabijo izključno za:
a) preiskovanje tistega kaznivega dejanja, za katero je bila skupna kriminalistična preiskovalna skupina ustanovljena;
b) odkrivanje in preiskovanje drugih kaznivih dejanj s predhodnim soglasjem pogodbenice, ki je podatek ali informacijo dala;
c) preprečevanje kaznivih dejanj, ki neposredno in močno ogrožajo javno varnost, s predhodnim soglasjem pogodbenice, ki pošilja podatke in informacije, pa tudi v kazenskem postopku, ki je bil uveden zaradi teh kaznivih dejanj.
9. Napoteni član pooblaščenega organa pogodbenice prosilke, ki sodeluje v skupni kriminalistični preiskovalni skupini, ki deluje na območju zaprošene pogodbenice, lahko uporabi drugo osebo, ki sodeluje s pooblaščenim organom za sodelovanje njegove države.
10. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da bosta sodelujočo osebo iz devetega odstavka oziroma podatek, ki ga zagotovi, zaščitili vsaj tako, kot to predvidevajo zakoni in drugi predpisi njunih držav za zaščito sodelavcev, ki sodelujejo z organi za zatiranje kriminalitete, ter podatkov, ki jih te osebe pošiljajo.
17. člen
Prikrito zbiranje informacij
1. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic lahko pri preiskovanju kriminalitete v skladu z zaprosilom, poslanim prek centralnih služb za stike, ter v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi svojih držav prikrito zbirajo informacije in se o ugotovitvah zbiranja medsebojno obveščajo.
2. Zaprosilo, ki se nanaša na prikrito zbiranje informacij, mora vsebovati poleg navedenega v prvem odstavku 4. člena tega sporazuma, še:
a) navedbo sredstva ali načina;
b) čas trajanja tajnega ukrepa;
c) podatke, ki bodo zapisani in poslani;
d) način pošiljanja podatkov;
e) način zagotavljanja pomoči pri morebitnem tajnem zbiranju informacij v drugi državi;
f) kopijo dovoljenja organa pristojnega za prikrito zbiranje podatkov v zvezi z odkrivanjem kaznivega dejanja, ki poteka v državi pogodbenici prosilki.
3. Če je za začetek reševanja zaprosila, ki se nanaša na prikrito zbiranje podatkov, potrebno dovoljenje pravosodnih organov v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic, je treba kopijo dovoljenja poslati zaprošeni pogodbenici. Če za reševanje zaprosila tako dovoljenje ni potrebno, pogodbenica prosilka o tem v zaprosilu obvesti centralno službo za stike zaprošene pogodbenice. Pooblaščeni organ za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice začne reševati zaprosilo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi svoje države in po pridobitvi dovoljenja svojega pravosodnega organa, če je to potrebno.
4. Pogodbenici se zavezujeta, da osebi, ki sodeluje z organi za zatiranje kriminalitete, oziroma za podatek, ki ga pošilja, zagotovita vsaj tako zaščito, kot jo določajo zakoni in drugi predpisi njunih držav za osebe, ki sodelujejo z organi za zatiranje kriminalitete, ter podatke, ki so jih priskrbeli.
18. člen
Napotitev uradnikov za zvezo
1. Pogodbenica lahko z odobritvijo centralne službe za stike druge pogodbenice za določen čas napoti uradnike za zvezo k policijskim in drugim organom za zatiranje kriminalitete druge pogodbenice.
2. Namen napotitve uradnikov za zvezo je pospešitev sodelovanja na podlagi tega sporazuma med pogodbenicama ter sprotno zagotavljanje pomoči pri:
a) izmenjavi informacij za preprečevanje in zatiranje kaznivih dejanj;
b) izpolnjevanju zaprosil v zvezi s kaznivimi dejanji;
c) sodelovanju v zvezi z nadzorom zunanjih meja Evropske unije in izvajanju sporazumov o ponovnem prevzemu oseb;
d) pošiljanje informacij, potrebnih za izvajanje nalog organov, pristojnih za odpravljanje nevarnosti, ki ogrožajo javni red.
3. Uradniki za zvezo svetujejo in pomagajo organom za zatiranje kriminalitete, niso pa pooblaščeni za samostojno izvajanje ukrepov za njeno preprečevanje in zatiranje.
4. Uradnik za zvezo opravlja naloge na podlagi navodil pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice, ki napoti uradnika za zvezo, ter v skladu z dogovorom s pooblaščenim organom za sodelovanje pogodbenice, ki uradnika sprejme. Uradnik za zvezo o svoji dejavnosti redno obvešča centralno službo za stike pogodbenice, ki uradnika sprejme.
5. Pristojni ministri pogodbenic se lahko dogovorijo, da uradnik za zvezo posamezne pogodbenice, ki deluje v tretji državi, zastopa interese druge pogodbenice v tej tretji državi za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
6. Pristojni ministri pogodbenic se dogovorijo o podrobnih pogojih delovanja uradnika za zvezo.
19. člen
Sodelovanje v skupnih kontaktnih službah
1. Pogodbenici lahko zaradi lažje izmenjave informacij in sodelovanja pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje ustanovita skupne kontaktne službe v bližini skupne državne meje.
2. V skupnih kontaktnih službah delajo uradniki pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje pogodbenic na podlagi svojih pooblastil v neposredni bližini. Neposredno si izmenjavajo informacije ter pomagajo usklajevati sodelovanje po tem sporazumu.
3. Sodelovanje lahko zajema tudi pripravo in udeležbo pri predaji ali ponovnem prevzemu oseb na podlagi veljavnih mednarodnih sporazumov, sklenjenih med pogodbenicama.
4. Uradniki, ki opravljajo službo v skupnih kontaktnih službah, niso pooblaščeni za ukrepanje, razen pooblastil, navedenih v drugem in tretjem odstavku. Uradnike, ki delajo v skupnih kontaktnih službah, vodijo njihovi nacionalni organi.
5. Pogodbenici se o krajih ustanovitve skupnih kontaktnih služb, pogojih ustanovitve, načinu sodelovanja in stroških dogovorita v posebni mednarodni pogodbi.
6. Pogodbenici se lahko dogovorita, da pri delu v skupnih kontaktnih službah sodeluje tudi uradnik organa za zatiranje kriminalitete tretje države.
20. člen
Skupne obmejne patrulje
1. Zaradi zagotovitve javne varnosti in javnega reda, zatiranja kaznivih dejanj ter nadzora skupne državne meje lahko pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic v oddaljenosti do deset kilometrov od mejne črte v notranjost državnega območja pogodbenic izvajajo skupno patruljiranje. V to območje spada naselje znotraj teh desetih kilometrov, in sicer do svoje upravne meje, tudi če presega to razdaljo.
2. Pri skupnem patruljiranju so tudi uradniki pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje druge pogodbenice pooblaščeni, da ugotavljajo istovetnost oseb in jih, če se skušajo izogniti preverjanju, primejo skladno s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi.
3. Samo uradniki pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje tiste pogodbenice, na katere državnem območju se izvaja skupno patruljiranje, so pooblaščeni, da izvajajo druge ukrepe in uporabljajo prisilna sredstva.
4. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega člena so:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Državno poveljstvo mejne straže,
– Državna glavna policijska kapitanija,
– Državno poveljstvo carinske in finančne straže.
21. člen
Sodelovanje pri zagotavljanju javne varnosti ob večjih prireditvah
1. Pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic si medsebojno pomagajo pri policijskem varovanju prireditev, za katere se pričakuje, da bo udeležba večja in bosta ogrožena javna varnost in prometni red druge pogodbenice, in sicer zlasti:
a) s hitrim medsebojnim obveščanjem,
b) izvajanjem medsebojno usklajenih policijskih ukrepov,
c) zagotavljanjem strokovnjakov in opreme.
2. Pooblaščena organa za sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega člena sta:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Državna glavna policijska kapitanija.
22. člen
Sodelovanje pri zagotavljanju varnosti v cestnem prometu
1. Sodelovanje pri zagotavljanju varnosti v cestnem prometu vsebuje:
a) vzajemno obveščanje o okoliščinah, pomembnih za cestni promet, kot so gostota prometa, prometni zastoji, ovire, vplivi izrednih vremenskih razmer, in ukrepih, kot so ukrepi za usmerjanje in omejevanje prometa, ter zagotavljanje nemotenega poteka prometa in čezmejnega prometa motornih vozil;
b) izmenjavo informacij o kaznivih dejanjih v zvezi s cestnim prometom in poglavitnih načinih storitve;
c) vzajemno obveščanje o izkušnjah, pridobljenih pri prometnopolicijskem delu;
d) izmenjavo izkušenj o prometni varnosti.
2. Pooblaščena organa za sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega člena sta:
a) za slovensko pogodbenico:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Generalna policijska uprava;
b) za madžarsko pogodbenico:
– Državna glavna policijska kapitanija.
23. člen
Sodelovanje pri usposabljanju, izpopolnjevanju in preprečevanju kriminalitete
1. Sodelovanje pristojnih organov pogodbenic pri usposabljanju in izpopolnjevanju vsebuje:
a) izmenjavo učnih načrtov in učnih snovi;
b) izvajanje skupnih seminarjev in predavanj ter organizacijo skupnih tečajev;
c) povabilo predstavnikov druge pogodbenice kot opazovalcev, prikaz vaj in posebnih akcij;
d) omogočanje udeležbe na tečajih predstavnikom druge pogodbenice.
2. Pri izvajanju tega sporazuma nacionalni točki za stike za preprečevanje kriminalitete (nacionalna točka za stike Evropske mreže za preprečevanje kriminalitete) sodelujeta pri odkrivanju in medsebojni izmenjavi metod za preprečevanje kriminalitete, ki so se uveljavile na nacionalni ravni, ter pri organizaciji strokovnega svetovanja, ki je potrebno za izvajanje metod za preprečevanje kriminalitete.
3. Predstavniki pogodbenic, vodje izobraževalnih ustanov in ustanov za usposabljanje bodo po potrebi organizirali delovna srečanja za usklajevanje in pospešeno izvajanje ukrepov.
IV. poglavje
Pravna razmerja pri izvajanju postopkov na območju druge pogodbenice
24. člen
Pravila vstopa, izstopa in prebivanja
1. Če ta sporazum ne ureja drugače, lahko uradniki pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice za izvajanje svojih nalog iz tega sporazuma vstopajo na območje druge pogodbenice z veljavno službeno izkaznico s fotografijo, se tam zadržujejo do izvedbe službene naloge in nato izstopijo.
2. Tajni delavec iz 14. člena tega sporazuma lahko brez posebnega dovoljenja s prirejeno listino vstopi na območje zaprošene pogodbenice in se tam zadržuje do izvedbe službene naloge, toda najdlje za čas, določen v petem odstavku 14. člena tega sporazuma, in nato izstopi. Centralni službi za stike pogodbenic si vzajemno pošljeta vzorčne izvode prirejenih listin.
25. člen
Pravila za nošenje uniforme, uporabo prisilnih sredstev in službenega orožja
1. Če ta sporazum ne ureja drugače, je uradnik pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke na območju zaprošene pogodbenice upravičen:
a) nositi uniformo;
b) storilca, ki ga je zalotil med storitvijo kaznivega dejanja ali je poskušal pobegniti, prijeti in pridržati, vendar ga mora nemudoma predati pristojnemu krajevnemu pooblaščenemu organu za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice.
2. Uradnik pooblaščenega organa pogodbenice prosilke na območju zaprošene pogodbenice pri opravljanju svojih nalog iz tega sporazuma ter pri vstopu in izstopu lahko nosi svoje službeno orožje in potrebno službeno opremo.
3. Uradnik pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke lahko pri izvajanju nalog iz tega sporazuma na območju zaprošene pogodbenice v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi te države in ob upoštevanju načela sorazmernosti uporablja ta prisilna sredstva: fizično silo, sredstva za vklepanje, kemična ali električna sredstva za pasivizacijo, gumijevko in službenega psa.
4. Uradnik lahko na območju zaprošene pogodbenice uporablja službeno orožje samo v zakonitem silobranu oziroma skrajni sili.
5. Vodja pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje zaprošene pogodbenice pouči tujega uradnika, ki ukrepa na njenem državnem območju, pod kakšnimi pogoji se uporabljajo prisilna sredstva iz tega člena.
26. člen
Službena razmerja in zaščita članov organov za zatiranje kriminalitete
1. Za službeno pravno razmerje, delovno razmerje in disciplinsko odgovornost uradnika pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje pogodbenice prosilke veljajo zakoni in drugi predpisi njegove države.
2. Pri opravljanju nalog iz tega sporazuma zaprošena pogodbenica na svojem območju članu pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje druge pogodbenice zagotovi enako zaščito in pomoč kot članu svojega pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje.
27. člen
Kazenskopravna odgovornost
Uradniki pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje, ki opravljajo naloge po tem sporazumu na območju druge pogodbenice, se zaradi kaznivih dejanj, ki so jih storili ali so bila storjena zoper njih, obravnavajo enako kot uradniki pogodbenice, na območju katere delujejo.
28. člen
Odškodninska odgovornost
1. Ko uradnik pogodbenice opravlja svoje naloge na območju druge pogodbenice v skladu s tem sporazumom, je pogodbenica pošiljateljica odgovorna za škodo, ki jo je povzročil med svojim delovanjem, v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi pogodbenice, na območju katere je bila povzročena škoda.
2. Pogodbenica, na območju katere je bila povzročena škoda iz prejšnjega odstavka, povrne škodo pod istimi pogoji, kot da bi jo povzročil njen uradnik.
3. Pogodbenica, katere uradnik je povzročil škodo tretji osebi na območju druge pogodbenice, slednji v celotnem obsegu povrne znesek odškodnine, ki jo je pogodbenica plačala oškodovancem ali drugim upravičenim osebam na podlagi pravice oškodovanca.
4. Ne glede na uveljavljanje pravic proti tretjim osebam, razen določb prejšnjega odstavka, se pogodbenici v primeru iz prvega odstavka vzajemno odpovedujeta zahtevku za povračilo škode, ki sta jo utrpeli ena od druge, razen če je bila škoda povzročena naklepno ali iz hude malomarnosti.
V. poglavje
Varstvo podatkov
29. člen
Osebni podatki, ki jih je mogoče pošiljati
Pogodbenici si lahko za izvajanje tega sporazuma pošiljata:
a) osebne identifikacijske podatke posameznikov, ki so sodelovali pri storitvi kaznivega dejanja, in drugih oseb, ki so povezane s kaznivim dejanjem: priimek, prejšnji priimek, ime, druga imena (psevdonim, porogljiv vzdevek, vzdevek), spol, čas in kraj rojstva, prebivališče, sedanje ali morebitno prejšnje državljanstvo ter biometrične podatke posameznika v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi, ki urejajo potne dokumente, ali drugimi pravnimi predpisi;
b) podatke dokumenta, ki potrjuje identiteto posameznika iz točke a, in sicer potnega lista oziroma drugega potovalnega dokumenta (številka, datum izdaje, izdajatelj, kraj izdaje, čas veljavnosti, območna veljavnost);
c) podatke, ki se nanašajo na prstne odtise in odtise dlani, profile ali vzorce DNK, osebne opise, fotografije oseb, ki so sodelovale pri storitvi kaznivega dejanja;
d) osebne podatke iz informacij, navedenih v tretjem odstavku 8. člena tega sporazuma;
e) osebne podatke, ki jih zbirata in pošiljata pogodbenici v skladu s tem sporazumom.
30. člen
Pravila ravnanja s podatki
V okviru sodelovanja po tem sporazumu ter ob upoštevanju Konvencije Sveta Evrope o varstvu posameznikov glede na avtomatsko obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki je bila sestavljena 28. januarja 1981 v Strasbourgu, ter Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o varstvu posameznikov glede na avtomatsko obdelavo osebnih podatkov, ki se nanaša na nadzorne organe in čezmejni prenos podatkov, sestavljenega 8. novembra 2001 v Strasbourgu, pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje pogodbenic ravnajo s podatki v skladu s temi določbami:
a) v zaprosilu je treba označiti vrsto in namen uporabe zahtevanih podatkov;
b) pogodbenica, ki podatke prejme (v nadaljevanju prejemnica), lahko uporabi osebne podatke samo za namene tega sporazuma in pod pogoji, ki jih je določila pogodbenica, ki je podatke poslala (v nadaljevanju pošiljateljica). Na zahtevo pošiljateljice mora prejemnica poslati informacije o uporabi izročenih osebnih podatkov;
c) pred pošiljanjem mora pošiljateljica, potem ko je ugotovila, da je izročitev podatkov nujna in je v sorazmerju z označenim namenom ter v skladu z njenimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi, preveriti pravilnost podatkov, ki bodo poslani;
d) pri pošiljanju podatkov pošiljateljica navede rok za izbris ali uničenje podatkov v skladu s svojimi veljavnimi notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi. Če pošiljateljica sporoči prejemnici poseben rok za hrambo podatkov, ga prejemnica upošteva;
e) osebne podatke je mogoče poslati izključno pooblaščenim organom za sodelovanje iz 2. člena tega sporazuma. Pošiljanje podatkov drugim organom je mogoče le s predhodnim pisnim soglasjem pošiljateljice na podlagi preučitve pogojev pod točko c;
f) o podatkih, ki so bili poslani in prejeti na podlagi tega sporazuma, morajo organi, ki podatke obdelujejo, voditi evidenco, ki vsebuje vsaj: namen in vsebino poslanih podatkov, organ prejemnice ter datum pošiljanja. Elektronsko pošiljanje podatkov se samodejno evidentira. Evidence se hranijo najmanj pet let, evidenca o poslanih občutljivih podatkih se hrani toliko časa, kot določajo notranji zakoni in drugi predpisi, ki urejajo te podatke. Podatki iz evidence se lahko uporabljajo izključno za preverjanje upoštevanja pravil, ki se nanašajo na varstvo podatkov.
31. člen
Obveščanje posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki
Prejemnica se mora posvetovati s pošiljateljico o tem, ali lahko obvesti posameznika, na katerega se nanašajo osebni podatki, o njegovih osebnih podatkih, ki so v evidenci, in o namenu njihove uporabe. Prejemnica se v tej zadevi ravna po navodilih pošiljateljice.
32. člen
Ravnanje s podatki v postopku na območju druge pogodbenice
1. Pri izvajanja tega sporazuma je nadziranje obdelave osebnih podatkov, ki so bili zbrani v postopku na območju druge pogodbenice, naloga pristojnih organov tiste pogodbenice, za katero so bili zbrani. Obdelava podatkov poteka v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi te pogodbenice. Pri tem je treba upoštevati zahteve o ravnanju s podatki, ki jih je določil organ, ki je podatke poslal.
2. Člani pooblaščenega organa za sodelovanje, ki opravljajo svoje naloge na območju druge pogodbenice, nimajo neposrednega dostopa do elektronsko obdelanih podatkov te pogodbenice.
33. člen
Varstvo tajnih podatkov
1. Pogodbenici pri izvajanju tega sporazuma za varovanje prejetih tajnih podatkov uporabljata te določbe:
a) za prejete tajne podatke, ki so bili tako označeni na podlagi zakonov in drugih predpisov pogodbenice, ki jih pošlje (v nadaljevanju pošiljateljica), mora pogodbenica, ki jih prejme (v nadaljevanju prejemnica), zagotoviti enako zaščito kot za podatke, ki so opremljeni z oznako tajnosti po svojih zakonih in drugih predpisih v skladu s preglednico ustreznic, ki je priloga tega sporazuma. Ta priloga je sestavni del tega sporazuma;
b) pogodbenici obdelujeta tajne podatke v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi, ki se nanašajo na tajne podatke, kot so določeni v preglednici ustreznic, navedeni v točki a;
c) pošiljateljica nemudoma pisno obvesti prejemnico o spremembah v zvezi s podatki oziroma o spremembi oznake tajnosti, času veljavnosti tajnih podatkov, prenehanju tajnosti. Prejemnica v skladu z obvestilom spremeni oznako tajnosti, čas veljavnosti oziroma preneha obravnavati podatek kot tajen;
d) pošiljateljica označi čas veljavnosti tajnega podatka;
e) tajni podatki se lahko uporabijo samo v tiste namene, za katere so bili poslani. Dostop do njih se omeji samo na tiste osebe, ki so pooblaščene za dostop skladno z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi;
f) poslane tajne podatke je organom, ki niso navedeni v tem sporazumu, dovoljeno poslati samo s predhodnim pisnim soglasjem pošiljateljice;
g) prejemnica o vsaki kršitvi pravnih predpisov, ki urejajo varstvo tajnih podatkov, nemudoma obvesti pošiljateljico. Obvestilo vsebuje okoliščine kršitve ustreznih zakonov in drugih predpisov, posledice in ukrepe, ki so bili uvedeni za omejitev posledic, in preprečitev kršitve teh predpisov v prihodnje;
h) pošiljanje dokumentov, podatkov, informacij in tehničnih naprav tretji državi je po tem sporazumu mogoče samo ob pisnem soglasju pristojnega organa pošiljateljice;
i) dostop do tajnih podatkov, potrebnih za delo skupne kriminalistične preiskovalne skupine, ustanovljene v skladu s 16. členom tega sporazuma, napotenemu uradniku druge pogodbenice dovoli vodja organa, ki je ustanovil to skupino, če gre za podatke, ki so jih za tajne označili pooblaščeni organi za sodelovanje po tem sporazumu. Za pošiljanje tajnih podatkov, ki so jih označili za tajne organi, ki niso udeleženci sodelovanja, je potrebno njihovo soglasje.
2. O organih, ki so bili določeni za nadzor varstva tajnih podatkov, poslanih na podlagi tega sporazuma, se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita v tridesetih dneh po začetku veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
VI. poglavje
Končne določbe
34. člen
Skupna komisija
1. Pogodbenici za spodbujanje in ocenjevanje sodelovanja iz tega sporazuma ustanovita skupno komisijo. O njeni sestavi se obvestita po diplomatski poti.
2. Skupna komisija se srečuje po potrebi in se sestaja izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Madžarski.
3. Skupna komisija lahko da predlog pristojnim vladnim organom pogodbenic za reševanje vprašanj v zvezi z izvajanjem tega sporazuma in krepitvijo sodelovanja.
35. člen
Če se centralni službi za stike pogodbenic ne dogovorita drugače ali če ta sporazum tega ne ureja drugače, pogodbenici sami poravnata lastne stroške, ki nastanejo pri ukrepanju pooblaščenih organov za sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.
36. člen
Razmerje do drugih mednarodnih sporazumov
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na obveznosti, ki sta jih pogodbenici prevzeli v drugih dvo- ali večstranskih mednarodnih sporazumih.
37. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Morebitne spore v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma pogodbenici rešujeta s pogajanji v okviru skupne komisije, ki sta jo ustanovili na podlagi 34. člena tega sporazuma.
2. Če skupna komisija ne more razrešiti spornega vprašanja, se spor reši po diplomatski poti.
38. člen
Začetek veljavnosti sporazuma in druge določbe
1. Sporazum je treba ratificirati. Veljati začne devetdeseti dan po prejemu zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so končani notranjepravni postopki za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
2. 12. člen tega sporazuma se začne uporabljati dan po razglasitvi sklepov Sveta Evropske unije, ki pogodbenicama odobri celovito prevzemanje Konvencije o izvajanju Schengenskega sporazuma z dne 14. junija 1985 o postopni odpravi kontrol na skupnih mejah, podpisane dne 19. junija 1990 v Schengnu (v nadaljevanju: Schengenska konvencija), ter pravnih aktov, ki temeljijo na teh dveh dokumentih oziroma so drugače povezani z njima.
3. Od datuma iz prejšnjega odstavka, se čezmejno tajno opazovanje uporabi ob sumu kaznivih dejanj, ki so podlaga za izdajo evropskega naloga za prijetje.
4. Od datuma iz drugega odstavka, se določbe tega sporazuma, ki se nanašajo na skupno patruljo v zvezi z nadzorom skupne državne meje, lahko uporabljajo, če je uveden ukrep, določen v drugem odstavku 2. člena Schengenske konvencije.
5. Biometrični podatki iz točke a 29. člena tega sporazuma se začnejo pošiljati, ko madžarska pogodbenica po diplomatski poti obvesti slovensko pogodbenico, da so izpolnjeni notranjepravni postopki za izvajanje tega člena.
6. Sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica ga lahko po diplomatski poti kadar koli pisno odpove. V tem primeru preneha veljati naslednji dan po poteku šestih mesecev od dneva, ko je bilo prejeto uradno obvestilo o odpovedi.
7. Pogodbenici lahko odložita izvajanje tega sporazuma deloma ali v celoti, če krši ali ogroža njuno suverenost, varnost, javni red ali če je v nasprotju z njunimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi. O sprejetju ali preklicu takih ukrepov se pogodbenici nemudoma obvestita po diplomatski poti. Odložitev izvajanja tega sporazuma ali njen preklic začne veljati z dnem prejema obvestila.
8. Sočasno z začetkom veljavnosti tega sporazuma preneha veljati Dogovor med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju v boju proti terorizmu, ilegalnemu prometu z mamili in organiziranem kriminalu, ki je bil podpisan 19. maja 1993 v Budimpešti.
9. Za registracijo tega sporazuma pri Sekretariatu Združenih narodov v skladu s 102. členom Ustanovne listine Združenih narodov poskrbi madžarska pogodbenica. Madžarska pogodbenica o registraciji nemudoma obvesti slovensko.
Sestavljeno v/na Brdu 25. oktobra 2006 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, madžarskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so besedila v vseh treh jezikih enako verodostojna. Pri sporu v zvezi z razlago tega sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Republiko Slovenijo
Dragutin Mate l.r.
Za Republiko Madžarsko
Dr. Petrètei József l.r.
k prvemu odstavku 33. člena Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete
Oznake tajnih podatkov in njihove ustreznice
Upoštevajoč točko a prvega odstavka 33. člena Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o čezmejnem policijskem sodelovanju organov za zatiranje kriminalitete pogodbenici v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in drugimi predpisi Republike Slovenije in Republike Madžarske ugotovita, da so spodaj navedene oznake tajnih podatkov ustrezne:
In the Republic of Slovenia
In the Republic of Hungary
„Szigorúan titkos!”
„Korlátozott terjesztésű!”
English equivalent
between the Republic of Hungary and the Republic of Slovenia on cross-border co-operation of law enforcement authorities
The Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter the Contracting Parties),
considering the friendly relations between the two states,
with a view to enhancing and deepening co-operation of law enforcement authorities in the interest of security,
convinced that mutual co-operation between the border regions and the authorities competent in the implementation of this Agreement shall be developed in a comprehensive manner,
with a view to combating international organised crime even more efficiently through their co-ordinated action,
taking into account their international obligations and national laws and regulations,
having taken stock of the results of their co-operation to date,
have agreed as follows:
Chapter I
General Provisions
Article 1
Scope of Co-operation
1. With a view to protecting public order and public security, the Contracting Parties shall enhance co-operation in the fields of prevention, detection and prosecution of criminal acts (hereinafter referred to as crime suppression) that constitute grounds for the issuing of the European arrest warrant, and shall improve border and traffic policing. The Contracting Parties shall co-operate in accordance with this Agreement whilst taking account of their national laws and regulations and international obligations.
2. Either Contracting Party may refuse co-operation in whole or in part or set certain conditions thereof, if this threatens or violates its sovereignty, internal security, public order or if it is contrary to its national laws and regulations.
3. A request concerning military or political crime shall not be submitted and shall not be complied with. An act shall not be considered a political crime if in the course of perpetration, whilst taking due account of the circumstances, purpose, motive, modus operandi and objects used or planned to be used, its criminal nature outweighs its the political nature.
4. Co-operation shall not comprise legal assistance, which is under the responsibility of the judicial authorities of the Contracting Parties.
5. Co-operation under this Agreement shall not comprise administrative co-operation between the authorities of the Contracting Parties in charge of taxes, levies and customs matters.
Article 2
Co-operating Authorities and the Border Region
1. The police and other law enforcement authorities, which co-operate in the implementation of this Agreement and have been authorised in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties to suppress crime and perform other duties under this Agreement (hereinafter the authorised co-operating authorities) shall be as follows:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate and its internal and regional organisational units,
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– the Police, the Border Guard, the services of the Customs and Finance Guard performing tasks of criminal investigation and crime prevention, the Protection Service of the Policing Agencies.
2. The central contact points for the implementation of this Agreement shall be as follows:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Police Headquarters International Law Enforcement Co-operation Center.
3. The following are the border regions under this Agreement:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– the region under the competence of the Murska Sobota Police Directorate.
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– the area of Zala County;
– the area of Vas County.
4. The Contracting Parties shall immediately notify each other of any changes in their central contact points and authorised co-operating authorities and border regions in writing through diplomatic channels.
Chapter II
General Rules of Co-operation between the Law Enforcement Authorities
Article 3
Co-operation based on Request
1. With a view to implementing the provisions of this Agreement, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall co-operate and mutually assist each other on the basis of request.
2. Unless otherwise provided in this Agreement, requests and responses thereto shall be sent and received in writing (including transmission by telefax and the electronic telecommunications network) through the central contact points of the Contracting Parties. In urgent cases, requests can also be made verbally; verbal requests shall be confirmed in writing without delay.
3. Exclusively the central contact points of the Contracting Parties shall execute the requests concomitant with the transfer of data, which the co-operating authorities of the requested Contracting Party obtained from the tax administration, the electronic telecommunications service provider, entities handling health care and related data and data qualified as economic secrets (bank secret, business secret, securities secret, insurance secret, fund secret) with the permission of the judicial authorities in order to investigate criminal acts sanctioned with imprisonment of at least two years.
4. If, according to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties, the authorisation, approval, assent or consent of the judicial authorities is required for the transmission or compliance with the request, the request shall be complied with only after such authorisation, approval, assent or consent has been obtained.
5. The judicial authorities under this Agreement shall be:
a) for the Republic of Slovenia: courts and state prosecutors’ offices;
b) for the Republic of Hungary: courts and prosecutors’ offices.
6. If the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party does not have the power or competence to process the request, it shall forward the request to a competent authority and notify the requesting authority thereof.
7. If, according to the conditions set forth in the request, the request cannot, or cannot fully be complied with, the authorised co-operating authority or the central contact point of the requested Contracting Party shall immediately notify the requesting authority thereof.
8. If it is evident that the deadline for compliance with the request specified in it cannot be met, and if the reasons for the deadline indicate explicitly that any delay will lead to substantial impairment of the proceedings of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party, the authorised co-operating authority or central contact point of the requested Contracting Party shall promptly indicate the estimated time needed for execution of the request.
9. Following the notification referred to in paragraphs (7) and (8) above, the authorised co-operating authorities of the requesting Contracting Party shall indicate whether the request is to be upheld nonetheless. The authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall then make arrangements on how to process the request further.
10. In the course of the execution of requests, the authorised co-operating authorities of the requested Contracting Party and other authorities participating in the execution of the request or co-operating with them shall take action in accordance with the conditions and using the technical instruments indicated in the request provided that it is not contrary to the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 4
Contents of the Request and Language
1. Unless otherwise specified in this Agreement, the request shall include at least:
a) the name of the requesting authorised co-operating authority;
b) the subject of the request;
c) the description and legal qualification of the act to which the request refers;
d) the time limit set for the fulfilment of the request and grounds for the degree of urgency;
e) where necessary, the authorisation of the judicial authorities;
f) the request to involve a member of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party in the execution of the request, if so requested by the requesting Contracting Party;
g) identification data of the person concerned, if known, to the extent necessary for the execution of the request.
2. For the implementation of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties shall use the Hungarian and Slovenian languages. The authorised co-operating authorities may agree to use other languages for their communication.
Chapter III
Forms of Co-operation
Article 5
Taking Action in Urgent Cases
1. Upon request, with a view to securing traces and evidence, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may, in accordance with their internal laws and regulations, within the territory of their own states, carry out identity checks, intensive checks in public places, search buildings, facilities, locations, clothes, packages and vehicles and may apprehend and detain the wanted person.
2. The authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party shall be immediately notified of the implementation of the measures specified in Paragraph (1).
Article 6
Exchange of Information
With a view to effectively suppressing crime and in response to a request, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall send this information in particular:
a) data about the persons involved in organised crime, information with regard to perpetrators' connections with the criminal act committed, organised crime associations and groups of criminals, typical conduct of perpetrators and groups, criminal acts that have been planned or attempted or committed, and notably, information about the time, place and modus operandi, the facilities attacked, special circumstances and measures taken, where necessary, for crime suppression;
b) methods and new forms of international crime;
c) findings of criminal, criminological and other crime related research, the practice, working methods and use of instruments in investigations with a view to their improvement;
d) information about the objects, or their reproductions, used for the commission of criminal acts or containing traces of criminal acts, used or intended to be used as instruments of crime, or originating from criminal acts;
e) legal regulations in place with regard to criminal acts under this Agreement;
f) proceeds of crime.
Article 7
Transfer of Information without Request
In particular cases, the authorised co-operating authorities may transfer information without prior request if such information is needed by the authorised co-operating authorities of the other Contracting Party for the purposes of crime suppression and to thwart threats to public order and security.
Article 8
Direct Exchange of Information
1. Requests and replies may be exchanged directly between the authorised co-operating authorities if:
a) the information is requested by the authorised co-operating authorities having competence in the border region, and the information transferred refers solely to the border region or
b) the exchange of information via the central contact points would cause delay that could jeopardise the interests of the procedure or successful execution of the request.
2. Information shall be regarded as related to the border region, in particular, if the data relate to
a) a person referred to in the request whose place of residence (place of stay) is in the border region, or it may be presumed that the person concerned is staying there at the time when the request is transmitted;
b) the activities of the person concerned in the border area;
c) a thing which is presumably located in the border region;
d) the place of establishment of a legal entity located in the border region or its activities.
3. Direct exchange of information from paragraphs (1) and (2) shall extend, in particular, to the following areas:
a) establishment and confirmation of the identity of persons, their place of stay and address;
b) establishment of the existence, validity and restrictions of driving licences, shipping and pilot’s licences;
c) transfer of identification data of motor vehicles (registration number, chassis number, engine number);
d) establishment of the identity and search for the owner (operator) or user of road vehicles, vessels and aircrafts;
e) establishment of the existence of firearms licences, their validity and restrictions;
f) identification of the owner, subscriber and user of electronic telecommunication terminal equipment;
g) inquiries about objects and samples;
h) search for persons with special expertise.
Article 9
Joint Analyses of Public Security
The Contracting Parties shall regularly exchange information and analyses concerning their crime situation and the situation of public order and public security. They shall jointly analyse core issues of the crime situation and crime prevention and discuss and agree on the action to be taken on an ad hoc basis.
Article 10
Wanted Persons and Objects
1. The authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall, upon request and in accordance with their internal laws and regulations, assist one another in searching for persons or objects in unknown locations and in establishing the identity of unknown persons or corpses.
2. At the request of the requesting Contracting Party, the authorised co-operating authorities of the requested Contracting Party may issue an arrest warrant. If the grounds for the arrest warrant cease to exist for any reason whatsoever, including arrest under paragraph (3), the arrest warrant shall be withdrawn immediately.
3. The central contact point of the requesting Contracting Party shall be immediately notified of the arrest of a person based on the arrest warrant issued upon request of the requesting Contracting Party in the territory of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 11
Cross-border Surveillance
1. In the course of investigation in their national territory, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall be authorised to continue surveillance in the territory of the other Contracting Party if its central contact point has authorised this in response to a prior request and if this concerns a person who has been suspected of engagement in an organised criminal group or suspected of intentionally committing a criminal act sanctioned with imprisonment of at least five years or a person who has been associated with them or is about to establish contact with them. Conditions may be attached to the authorisation.
2. In case of suspicion of criminal acts specified in Paragraph (1), the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may pursue the surveillance of the person in contact with the perpetrator when there is reason to believe that this person may assist in the identification or finding of the perpetrator or may lead to the perpetrator.
3. Upon request of the authorised co-operating authorities of the requested Contracting Party, the continuation of surveillance shall be transferred immediately to the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party. Upon request, the Contracting Parties may mutually assist one another in conducting surveillance.
4. The authorisation for surveillance shall be valid to the entire territory of the states of the Contracting Parties. In the course of surveillance the common state border of the Contracting Parties may also be crossed outside border crossing points and business hours.
5. In the event that a delay would give rise to danger or jeopardise the interests of criminal investigation, surveillance may be continued even without the advance authorisation stipulated in Paragraph (1). In this case the competent authorised co-operating authorities of the requested Contracting Party shall be notified immediately upon crossing the state border. The request shall be sent subsequently but without delay to the central contact point of the requested Contracting Party. The request shall indicate the reasons for crossing the border without prior authorisation.
6. The competent authorised co-operating authorities referred to in Paragraph (5) shall be:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Police Headquarters.
7. Surveillance according to Paragraph (5) shall cease immediately if so requested by the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party, or where the authorisation, necessary for the execution of the request, has not been obtained within five hours from crossing the border.
8. Surveillance may be carried out only under the following conditions:
a) the officers conducting surveillance shall comply with the provisions of this Article and with the internal laws and regulations of the Contracting Party on whose territory they are operating; they shall act in accordance with the instructions of the authorised co-operating authority with territorial competence;
b) except in situations provided for in Paragraph (5), the officer conducting surveillance shall carry a document verifying that the surveillance has been authorised;
c) the officer conducting surveillance must be able at all times to prove that he is acting in an official capacity;
d) the officer conducting surveillance may not enter a private home or places not accessible to the public, but may enter work premises, service and business premises and areas which are accessible to the public during working hours;
e) the officer conducting surveillance shall submit a report to the central contact point of the requested Contracting Party;
f) when technical instruments are also needed for conducting surveillance, they may be used when that is permitted under the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party. The request according to Paragraph (1) shall specify the technical instruments of surveillance to be applied;
g) the use of vehicles for surveillance shall be subject to the traffic regulations of the requested Contracting Party.
Article 12
Cross-border Pursuit (Hot Pursuit)
1. The authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party may, without prior authorisation of the other Contracting Party, continue the pursuit in the territory of the requested Contracting Party if the person concerned committed or attempted to commit, in the territory of the requesting Contracting Party, a criminal act which serves as the basis for issuing the European arrest warrant and:
a) was caught in the act or
b) escaped from detention, provisional custody or while serving a sentence involving deprivation of liberty and if the delay caused by notifying the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party would render the arrest of the perpetrator substantially more difficult or severely jeopardise the interests of crime suppression and it is probable that the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party would not be able to take over the pursuit in time.
2. In the cases referred to in Paragraph (1), the competent authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall be notified as soon as possible, but not later than at the time of crossing the state border.
3. The competent authorised co-operating authorities under Paragraph (2) shall be:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– the Murska Sobota Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party, depending on the place of crossing the state border:
– Zala County Police Directorate,
– Vas County Police Directorate.
4. The hot pursuit shall cease immediately if so required by the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party.
5. If the pursuing officer of the requesting Contracting Party so requests, the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall challenge the pursued person in order to establish the person’s identity or to make an arrest.
6. If no request to cease the hot pursuit is made and if the authorised co-operating authority is unable to intervene quickly enough, the pursuing officers of the requesting Contracting Party may detain the person pursued on the spot. The competent authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall be immediately notified of this action.
7. The pursuit may be carried out in the entire territory of the Contracting Parties without limits in time.
8. The pursuit may be carried out according to the following conditions:
a) the pursuing officer must comply with the provisions of this Agreement and with the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory he is operating;
b) the pursuit may be carried out exclusively on land;
c) the pursuing officer may not enter private homes or premises, but may enter work, plant and business premises open to the public during working hours;
d) the pursuing officers must at all times be able to prove that they are acting in an official capacity;
e) in using vehicles in the course of pursuit, the traffic rules of the requested Contracting Party shall be observed. A vehicle must be identifiable by means of an accessory fitted to the vehicle;
f) the pursuing officer shall be identifiable unambiguously by his uniform or accessories fitted to the vehicle;
g) objects in possession of the arrested individual shall preferably be stored in a safe place until the arrival of the authorised co-operating authorities;
h) if technical instruments are required for the conduct of hot pursuit, they may be used if this is enabled under the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party;
i) after completion of the pursuit, the pursuing officers shall report on their mission to the competent authorised co-operating authority or central contact point of the requested Contracting Party. At the request of those authorities, they shall remain at their disposal until the circumstances surrounding their action have been sufficiently clarified. This condition shall apply even where the hot pursuit has not resulted in the arrest of the person pursued.
9. The person arrested in the course of the pursuit shall be questioned by the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party. The person's freedom may be restricted in accordance with the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party.
10. The central contact point of the Contracting Party shall be notified of the pursuit.
Article 13
Controlled Delivery
1. Based on request, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall enable controlled delivery within the territory of their own states in accordance with the conditions set forth in this Article. Controlled delivery is a covert activity of the authorised co-operating authorities, in the course of which – within the framework of international co-operation – they enable the passing of a thing in possession of a person subject to surveillance to and from the territory of the Contracting Parties to another state and its transit through the territory of the Contracting Parties with a view to enabling the detection of criminal acts and the identification of persons participating in the perpetration of criminal acts in the widest range possible.
2. In addition to the data set forth in Article 4 (1) of this Agreement, the request sent to the central contact points for controlled delivery shall include:
a) the content of the consignment, the expected route of travel, the time frame and means of transportation, the information enabling the identification of a vehicle;
b) the mode of escort;
c) the technical instruments to be used;
d) the number of participants in the escort on the part of the requesting Contracting Party;
e) the mode of maintaining contact with the participants of the controlled delivery;
f) the circumstances of handing over and taking over the consignment;
g) the measures to be carried out upon arrest;
h) the measures to be carried out in unexpected circumstances.
3. If the delay could pose a risk or threaten the interests of crime suppression activities, the request for controlled delivery may be directly sent or received by the authorised co-operating authorities. Such a request shall be sent subsequently as soon as possible to the central contact points of the Contracting Parties. The request shall contain documents substantiating controlled delivery.
4. The authorised co-operating authorities shall agree on the date and modus operandi of the controlled delivery and the extent of their involvement on each occasion. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party may restrict or refuse controlled delivery if it could endanger the persons participating in it or public security to an unacceptable extent.
5. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall be in command of the controlled delivery; the requesting Contracting Party shall be informed of the person in charge. The controlled delivery shall be carried out in a manner that will allow easy interception at any time. Following takeover, the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party may escort the consignment but may not exercise official powers. In the course of this, the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party shall act in accordance with the provisions of this Article, the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party and the instructions of the person in charge of the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party.
6. The Contracting Parties shall also enable the execution of controlled deliveries starting out from a third country to a further country. In this case, the requesting Contracting Party shall obtain the prior authorisation of the states concerned, of which the requested Contracting Party shall be notified.
7. The participation of an undercover agent in the controlled delivery is possible only with the authorisation of the judicial authorities of the Contracting Party which is using the undercover agent.
Article 14
Use of Undercover Agents
1. Based on the request submitted to the central contact point, either Party shall allow the operation of undercover agents of the requesting Party in its national territory if this is necessary for the successful detection of a criminal act, which serves as a basis for the issuing of the European arrest warrant and has been committed or the preparations thereof have taken place in the territory of the requesting Contracting Party, provided that the detection of the criminal act would not be possible or would be substantially more difficult without the use of the undercover agent. At the request of the requesting Contracting Party, it shall be possible to use the undercover agent of the requested Contracting Party in its territory.
2. For the purposes of this Agreement, an undercover agent is a member of the regular staff of the authorised co-operating authority performing tasks of criminal investigation, acting under cover to gather intelligence information.
3. If an authorisation of the judicial authorities is needed for the use of the undercover agent, it shall be possible to use them only after such authorisation has been obtained. The authorisation shall always cover the entire national territory of the Contracting Party concerned.
4. The request to use an undercover agent shall include, in addition to the data stipulated in Article 4 of this Agreement:
a) the duration of the use of the undercover agent;
b) the conditions of the use of the undercover agent;
c) the rights and duties of the undercover agent;
d) the measures to be taken in case the identity of the undercover agent has been disclosed;
e) information concerning the relevant provisions of legal regulations specifying the criminal liability and civil liability of the undercover agent for damage caused within his scope of operation.
5. An undercover agent shall be used on a case-by-case basis for a specific period of time, which shall not exceed 6 months. The use of the undercover agent may be extended for maximum 2 years. Activities for the use of the undercover agent shall be co-ordinated by the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties. The undercover agent may commence his activities following the ad hoc arrangement between the authorised co-operating authorities and after obtaining the authorisation according to Paragraph (3) hereof. This arrangement shall contain the information set forth in Paragraphs (4) and (11).
6. When operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party on assignment and in response to the request of the requesting Contracting Party, the undercover agent shall be instructed by the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party. The authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may also agree that the undercover agent of the requested Contracting Party take action on assignment and under the instructions of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party in the territory of the requested Contracting Party. In justified cases, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may also make different arrangements.
7. The activities of the undercover agent shall be immediately suspended if so requested by the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party.
8. In the case according to the second sentence of Paragraph (6), the need to use an undercover agent, the conditions of use and the use made of information acquired through the investigation shall be determined by the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party. The authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party shall be notified of this.
9. The requested Contracting Party may provide human resources as well as organisational and technical assistance for the activities of the undercover agent. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall do whatever is necessary to ensure the safety of the undercover agent of the requesting Contracting Party.
10. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall be notified in writing of the results achieved through the use of the undercover agent.
11. The use of the undercover agent shall be subject to the national laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party provided that they do not conflict with the laws and regulations of the requesting Contracting Party.
Article 15
Co-operation in the Witness Protection Programme
1. In the course of criminal proceedings, the Contracting Parties may request via their authorised co-operating authorities that witnesses, victims and suspects and, in view of them, other persons under protection (hereinafter the persons concerned) be transferred from the territory of one Contracting Party to the territory of another Contracting Party and that they be granted protection thereafter. This procedure must not obstruct the criminal proceedings in the territories of the Contracting Parties.
2. In addition to the data specified in Article 4 (1) of this Agreement, the request for handing over or taking over protection shall include:
a) request for confidentiality;
b) the status of the persons concerned in the criminal proceedings;
c) information concerning the threat to the person and its severity;
d) the reasons for moving the person concerned to the territory of the requested Contracting Party;
e) the recommended form and level of protection;
f) the necessary duration of stay in the territory of the requested Contracting Party and the possibility of extension.
3. After the request has been approved, the authorities in charge of providing protection shall directly agree on the handing over and taking over protection, its mode and duration and ways of maintaining contact. The documents required for performing protection shall constitute an annex to this arrangement.
4. The costs of transfer and social insurance shall be covered by the requesting Contracting Party. The requested Contracting Party shall cover the cost of salaries of the personnel protecting the persons concerned.
5. The person concerned may only benefit from the forms of protection that are provided for by the national laws and regulations on witness protection of the requested Contracting Party.
6. If after the transfer the protection can no longer be guaranteed, or cannot be guaranteed at all, the authority of the requested Contracting Party in charge of carrying out protection shall immediately inform its counterpart at the requesting Contracting Party.
7. The person concerned shall comply with the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party. If the person concerned violates the laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party or fails to respect the rules of behaviour determined specifically for him, the authority of the requested Contracting Party in charge of protection shall immediately inform its counterpart at the requesting Contracting Party.
8. In the event of an act of the person concerned that would unjustifiably and severely jeopardise the staff members of the requested Contracting Party performing protection, this authority of the requested Contracting Party shall immediately initiate the return of the person concerned and its counterpart at the requesting Contracting Party shall comply with this initiative.
9. The competent authorised co-operating authorities for the implementation of this Article shall be:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Police Headquarters.
Article 16
Establishment of Joint Crime Detection Teams
1. In order to successfully detect criminal acts referred to in Article 1 (1) of this Agreement, joint crime detection teams may be set up via the central contact points of the Contracting Parties, in accordance with their national laws and regulations, by ad hoc arrangement, particularly if the detection of a criminal act extending to the territories of several EU Member States is particularly complicated or requires co-ordination.
2. Such arrangement shall include in particular:
a) the description of the criminal act for the detection of which the crime detection team is set up;
b) the scope of activities;
c) the composition of the joint crime detection team;
d) the leader of the joint crime detection team;
e) the duration of operation and the conditions of extension;
f) the rights and duties of the seconded member of the joint crime detection team;
g) the conditions of operation;
h) organisational measures and bearing the costs of operation;
i) information concerning the rules governing the criminal liability of the seconded member of the joint crime detection team as well as his civil liability for damage caused within the scope of his operation.
3. To the extent that a certain procedure of the joint crime detection team requires that the seconded member has an authorisation to join the team in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the requested Contracting Party, this member may participate only after such authorisation has been granted.
4. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall, within its limits of possibility, provide accommodation and the organisational, technical and infrastructural facilities necessary for the operation of the joint crime detection team. The joint crime detection team shall be headed by the appointed member of the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party.
5. A member of the requesting Contracting Party seconded to the joint crime detection team shall not exercise his powers independently in the territory of the requested Contracting Party.
6. The member of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party seconded to the joint crime detection team may transfer non-classified data and information in his possession to the members of the requested Contracting Party participating in the joint crime detection team in the same cases and under the same conditions as in the case of transferring such information to his own authorised co-operating authority.
7. The head of the authority setting up the joint crime detection team shall grant permission to render classified data required for the work of the joint crime detection team available to the seconded member of the other Contracting Party in the case of data classified by the authorised co-operating authorities. To transfer data classified by authorities that do not participate in this co-operation, the permission specified in the internal laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties shall be obtained.
8. The data and information made available to the joint crime detection team may be used exclusively for the following purposes:
a) to detect a criminal act for which the joint crime detection team was set up;
b) to detect or investigate other criminal acts with the prior approval of the Contracting Party transferring the data or information;
c) to prevent criminal acts directly and severely jeopardising public security and – with the advance approval of the Contracting Party transferring the data or information – in the course of criminal procedures initiated on account of such criminal acts.
9. The seconded member of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party participating in the joint crime detection team which is operating in the territory of the requested Contracting Party may use another person who is co-operating with the authorised co-operating authority of his state.
10. The Contracting Parties undertake to grant at least the same level of protection to the co-operating person according to Paragraph (9) and the data provided by him as that stipulated by the laws and regulations of their states for the protection of persons co-operating with their law enforcement authorities and the data provided by them.
Article 17
Covert Gathering of Information
1. In accordance with requests received via their central contact points, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may, in the course of crime detection and in accordance with the internal laws and regulations of their states, covertly gather information and inform each other of the results.
2. In addition to the data set forth in Article 4 (1) of this Agreement, the request for covert gathering of information shall include:
a) indication of the instrument or method;
b) the duration of the covert measure;
c) the scope of data to be recorded and transferred;
d) the manner of transferring the data;
e) the manner of providing assistance in the event of the covert gathering of information in the other country;
f) a copy of the authorisation by the authority in charge of the covert gathering of information related to the detection of a criminal act in progress in the state of the requesting Contracting Party.
3. To the extent that the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties require the authorisation of the judicial authorities for compliance with a request for the covert gathering of information, a copy of the authorisation shall be sent to the requested Contracting Party. If no such authorisation is required the requesting Contracting Party shall inform the central contact point of the requested Contracting Party thereof in the request. The authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall begin processing the request in accordance with its national laws and regulations and, when needed, after obtaining the authorisation from its judicial authority.
4. The Contracting Parties undertake to grant at least the same level of protection to the person co-operating with the law enforcement authorities and the data provided by him as that stipulated by the laws and regulations of their states for the protection of persons co-operating with their law enforcement authorities and the data provided by them.
Article 18
Secondment of Liaison Officers
1. Each Contracting Party may, with the authorisation of the central contact point of the other Contracting Party, second liaison officers to work with the police and other law enforcement authorities of the other Contracting Party for a specified period.
2. The secondment of liaison officers is intended to accelerate co-operation between the Contracting Parties under this Agreement and to provide continuous assistance in:
a) exchanging information for the purposes of the prevention and suppression of criminal acts;
b) executing requests related to criminal acts;
c) co-operation related to the surveillance of the external borders of the European Union and implementation of readmission agreements;
d) transferring the information needed for the operation of the authorities in charge of preventing threats to public order.
3. Liaison officers shall provide advice and assistance to law enforcement authorities and shall not be empowered to take independent action in order to prevent and suppress crime.
4. The liaison officer shall perform his duties in accordance with the instructions of the seconding authorised co-operating authority of the Contracting Party and in accordance with the arrangement made with the authorised co-operating authority of the Contracting Party to which he is seconded. The liaison officer shall regularly inform the central contact point of the Contracting Party to which he is seconded about his activities.
5. The competent Ministers of the Contracting Parties may agree that the liaison officer of a Contracting Party operating in a third state represent the interests of the other Contracting Party in this third state with a view to implementing this Agreement.
6. The detailed conditions of the operation of the liaison officer shall be agreed upon by the competent Ministers of the Contracting Parties.
Article 19
Co-operation at Joint Contact Stations
1. In order to facilitate the exchange of information and the co-operation of the authorised co-operating authorities, the Contracting Parties may establish joint contact stations in the vicinity of the common state border.
2. At joint contact stations, the officers of the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall perform duties within their powers in close proximity. They shall directly exchange information and help co-ordinate co-operation activities under this Agreement.
3. Co-operation may involve preparation and participation in the surrender or readmission of persons within the framework of the international agreements in force concluded between the Contracting Parties.
4. The officers performing their duties at joint contact stations shall not act beyond the powers referred to in Paragraphs (2) and (3). The officers at joint contact stations shall be under the command of their national authorities.
5. The Contracting Parties shall define the locations of joint contact stations, the conditions of their establishment, the manner of co-operation and financial arrangements in a separate international agreement.
6. The Contracting Parties may agree that officers of law enforcement authorities of third states co-operate in the activities taking place at joint contact stations.
Article 20
Joint Border Patrols
1. With a view to ensuring public security and public order, suppressing criminal acts and performing surveillance of the common state border, the authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties may perform joint patrolling within the 10-kilometre stretch of land spanning inland from the common border line of the Contracting Parties. This area shall include all settlements within these 10 kilometres up to their administrative borders even if these extend beyond the specified distance.
2. When performing joint patrolling, the officers of the authorised co-operating authorities of the other Contracting Party shall also be empowered to check the identity of persons and, if these attempt to evade such checks, apprehend them in accordance with their national laws and regulations.
3. Only the officers of the co-operating authority of the Contracting Party in whose state territory the joint patrol service is being performed shall be authorised to take other action and to apply means of restraint.
4. The authorised co-operating authorities for the purposes of this Article are:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Headquarters of the Border Guard;
– National Police Headquarters;
– National Headquarters of the Customs and Finance Guard.
Article 21
Co-operation for Public Security at Major Events
1. The authorised co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall mutually assist each other in providing police protection at events where high attendance is expected and public security and the traffic order of the other Contracting Party might be threatened, in particular by means of:
a) rapid exchange of information;
b) mutually co-ordinated police action;
c) providing experts and equipment.
2. The authorised co-operating authorities for the purposes of this Article are:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Police Headquarters.
Article 22
Co-operation in Ensuring Road Safety
1. Co-operation in ensuring road safety shall comprise:
a) mutual exchange of information on circumstances relevant to road traffic such as traffic density, traffic jams and obstructions on the roadway, impact of adverse weather conditions and measures taken, such as those introduced to divert and restrict traffic and ensure uninterrupted traffic flow and cross-border motor vehicle traffic;
b) exchange of information on criminal acts related to road traffic and the most common modes of perpetration;
c) sharing experience gained in traffic policing;
d) exchange of experience in road safety.
2. The authorised co-operating authorities for the implementation of this Article are:
a) for the Slovenian Contracting Party:
– Ministry of the Interior, Police, General Police Directorate;
b) for the Hungarian Contracting Party:
– National Police Headquarters.
Article 23
Co-operation in Training, Further Training and Crime Prevention
1. Co-operation of the competent authorities of the Contracting Parties in the field of training and further training shall comprise:
a) exchanging course syllabuses and teaching materials;
b) implementing joint seminars and lectures, and organisation of joint courses;
c) inviting representatives of the other Contracting Party to participate as observers, presentation of drills and special training exercises;
d) enabling representatives of the other Contracting Party to participate in courses.
2. The national law enforcement contact points for the implementation of this Agreement (the national contact point of the European Crime Prevention Network) shall co-operate in developing and exchanging crime prevention methods proven at the national level and in the organisation of activities relating to expert consulting for the implementation of crime prevention methods.
3. The representatives of the Contracting Parties, heads of education centres and training institutions shall organise working meetings as the need arises for the purpose of co-ordinating and facilitating the implementation of these measures.
Chapter IV
Legal Relations in the Course of Procedures in the Territory of the other Contracting Party
Article 24
Rules of Entry, Exit and Stay
1. Unless otherwise specified in the provisions of this Agreement, officers of the authorised co-operating authority of the Contracting Party may enter the territory of the other Contracting Party with a view to performing duties under this Agreement with a valid service pass with a photo and may stay there until completing their assignment and then exit.
2. The undercover agent referred to in Article 14 of this Agreement may, without special authorisation, enter the territory of the requested Contracting Party with covert documents and may stay there until completing the assignment, but not longer than for the period specified in Article 14 (5) of this Agreement, and then exit. The central contact points of the Contracting Parties shall mutually exchange specimens of covert documents.
Article 25
Rules with regard to Wearing Uniforms, Using Means of Restraint and Service Weapons
1. Unless otherwise specified in the provisions of this Agreement, the officer of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party operating in the territory of the requested Contracting Party shall be entitled:
a) to wear a uniform;
b) to apprehend and detain the perpetrator who has been caught in the act or attempted to escape, in which case the officer shall immediately hand over the perpetrator to the local authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party.
2. The officer of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party may carry his service weapons and other necessary equipment while performing his duties under this Agreement in the territory of the requested Contracting Party and upon entering and exiting.
3. While carrying out duties in the territory of the requested Contracting Party in accordance with this Agreement, the officer of the authorised co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party may, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the state of the requested Contracting Party and the principle of proportionality, use the following means of restraint: physical force, handcuffs, chemical or electrically charged incapacitating device, truncheon and police service dog.
4. The officer may use service weapons in the territory of the requested Contracting Party solely for legitimate self-defence or as a last resort.
5. The head of the authorised co-operating authority of the requested Contracting Party shall instruct the foreign officer operating in the territory of his state about the conditions attached to the use of means of restraint under this Article.
Article 26
Service Relations and Protection of Members of Law Enforcement Authorities
1. The service relationship, employment and disciplinary liability of the member of the co-operating authority of the requesting Contracting Party shall be governed by the laws and regulations of his own state.
2. In its territory, the requested Contracting Party shall guarantee the same level of protection and assistance to the member of the authorised co-operating authority of the other Contracting Party as to the member of its own authorised co-operating authority.
Article 27
Criminal Liability
The officers of the authorised co-operating authority performing their activities in the territory of the other Contracting Party under this Agreement shall be treated the same way with respect to criminal acts committed by them or against them as the officers of the Contracting Party according to the place of their activities.
Article 28
Civil Liability
1. When the officers of a Contracting Party are operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party under this Agreement, the first Contracting Party shall be liable for any damage caused by them in the course of their operations, in accordance with the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party in whose territory the damage was caused.
2. The Contracting Party in whose territory the damage referred to in Paragraph (1) was caused shall make good such damage under the conditions applicable to damage caused by its own officers.
3. The Contracting Party whose officers have caused damage to a third person in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall reimburse the latter in full any sums it has paid to the injured parties or persons entitled on their behalf.
4. Without prejudice to the exercise of its rights vis-à-vis third parties and with the exception of the provisions of Paragraph (3), each Contracting Party shall refrain from requesting reimbursement of damages it has sustained from the other Contracting Party in the case provided for by Paragraph (1) save where the damage was caused intentionally or by gross negligence.
Chapter V
Data Protection
Article 29
Transferable Personal Data
For the purposes of implementing the provisions of this Agreement, the Contracting Parties may transfer the following personal data:
a) personal identification data of individuals who have participated in the commission of a criminal act and their contacts with regard to this criminal act: surname, previous surname, forename, other names (alias, mock name, nickname), gender, date and place of birth, residence, current and any previous nationalities, and biometrical data in accordance with the laws and regulations governing travel documents and other legal regulations;
b) data of the document confirming the identity of the individual referred to in Point a) above, i.e. a passport or other travel document (number, date of issue, name of issuing authority, place of issue, period of validity, territorial validity);
c) data including fingerprints and palm prints, DNA profiles or samples, personal descriptions and photographs of persons who participated in the commission of criminal acts;
d) personal data contained in the information referred to in Article 8 (3) of this Agreement;
e) personal data gathered and transferred by the co-operating Contracting Parties under this Agreement.
Article 30
Rules of Data Handling
Under the co-operation specified in this Agreement, the co-operating authorities of the Contracting Parties shall act in accordance with the following provisions concerning data handling, taking into account the provisions of the Council of Europe Convention for Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data signed in Strasbourg on 28 January 1981 and its Additional Protocol regarding supervisory authorities and the transborder data flows signed in Strasbourg on 8 November 2001:
a) The request shall indicate the type of data required and the purpose of their use.
b) The receiving Contracting Party (hereinafter the recipient) may use personal data solely for the purposes specified in this Agreement and under the conditions defined by the sending Contracting Party (hereinafter the sender). At the sender's request, the recipient shall provide information on the use made of such personal data.
c) Prior to the transfer of the data, the sender, having ascertained that the transfer of the data was necessary for the purpose indicated, was proportionate to it and was in line with its internal laws and regulations, shall make sure that the data to be transferred are correct.
d) When transferring the data, the sender shall indicate the deadline for the deletion or destruction of data as provided for by its national laws and regulations. If the sender notified the recipient to observe the time limit for data storage, the recipient shall comply with it.
e) Personal data may be transferred solely to the authorised co-operating authorities referred to in Article 2 of this Agreement. Transfer of data to other authorities is possible only with the prior written authorisation of the sender and after the consideration of conditions referred to in Point c).
f) The data processing authorities shall keep record of the data transferred and received in accordance with this Agreement, containing at least the following: the purpose and contents of the transferred data, the receiving authority and the date of transfer. On-line transmission of data shall be logged automatically. Logs shall be kept for at least five years whereas the records containing sensitive data shall be kept for as long as provided for by the relevant national laws and regulations governing such data. The data of these records may only be used to supervise compliance with the rules of data protection.
Article 31
Informing the Data Subject
The recipient shall consult the sender about whether it may inform the data subject about his/her personal data kept in the records and the purpose of their use. The recipient shall comply with the sender's instructions in this respect.
Article 32
Data Handling in the Course of Procedures Carried out in the Territory of the Other Contracting Party
1. In the course of the implementation of this Agreement, supervision of the handling of personal data obtained in the course of procedures carried out in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall be the task of the competent authorities of the Contracting Party for whom these personal data were obtained. The handling of the data shall be effected in accordance with the internal laws and regulations of this Contracting Party. In the course of this, the requirements of data handling specified by the authority transferring the personal data shall be adhered to.
2. Members of the authorised co-operating authorities operating in the territory of the other Contracting Party shall not have direct access to automatically processed data of this Contracting Party.
Article 33
Protection of Classified Information
1. While implementing this Agreement, the Contracting Party shall use the following provisions to protect received classified information:
a) The information classified according to the laws and regulations of the Contracting Party transferring the classified information (hereinafter the sender) shall be granted the same level of protection by the Contracting Party receiving the classified information (hereinafter the recipient) as the protection accorded to the information supplied with the classification marking in accordance with its own laws and regulations based on the table of equivalence constituting the annex to this Agreement. This annex shall constitute an integral part of this Agreement.
b) Both Contracting Parties shall process classified information in accordance with the laws and regulations related to the classified information specified in the table of equivalence referred to in Point a).
c) The sender shall immediately notify the recipient in writing of any changes in the information, the marking of classified information, its validity period and declassification. The recipient shall modify the classification marking or validity period or declassify the information in accordance with the notification.
d) The sender shall indicate the validity period of classified information.
e) Classified information may be used solely for the purposes for which it was transferred. Access to classified information shall be limited to those persons who have been authorized to have access in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
f) The classified information transferred may be transmitted to authorities other than those specified in this Agreement only with prior written authorisation of the sender.
g) Any violation of the laws and regulations governing the protection of classified information on the part of the recipient shall be immediately made known to the sender. The notification shall extend to the circumstances pertaining to the violation of the regulations, the consequences and the measures taken to alleviate the impact, as well as the measures introduced to prevent any further violation of the relevant laws and regulations.
h) The transfer of documents, data, information and technical devices to a third country under this Agreement shall be possible only with the prior written authorisation of the competent sending authority.
i) Access to classified information necessary for the work of the joint crime detection team set up pursuant to Article 16 of this Agreement shall be granted to the seconded officer of the other Contracting Party by the leader of the authority that set up the joint crime detection team in the case of information classified by the authorised co-operating authorities specified in this Agreement. To transfer information classified by authorities not participating in the co-operation, the consent of the classifier shall be obtained.
2. The Contracting Parties shall notify each other about the authorities in charge of supervising the protection of classified information through diplomatic channels within thirty days of the entry into force of this Agreement.
Chapter VI
Final Provisions
Article 34
Joint Committee
1. The Contracting Parties shall set up a Joint Committee to facilitate and evaluate the co-operation under this Agreement. They shall notify each other of the composition of the Committee through diplomatic channels.
2. The Joint Committee shall meet when necessary and shall hold its meetings alternately in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Republic of Hungary.
3. The Joint Committee may put forward proposals to the competent governmental authorities of the Contracting Parties with regard to resolving issues related to the implementation of this Agreement and enhancement of co-operation.
Article 35
Unless otherwise agreed by the central contact points of the Contracting Parties or unless otherwise provided for in this Agreement, both Contracting Parties shall bear the costs incurred in the course of the actions of their own co-operating authorities.
Article 36
Relations to Other International Agreements
The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the obligations undertaken by the Contracting Parties under other bilateral or multilateral international agreements.
Article 37
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any disputes related to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiations within the framework of the Joint Committee set up by the Contracting Parties in accordance with Article 34 of this Agreement.
2. If the Joint Committee is unable do decide the disputed issue, the dispute shall be resolved through diplomatic channels.
Article 38
Entry into Force and Other Provisions
1. This Agreement shall be subject to ratification. This Agreement shall enter into force on the ninetieth day following the receipt of the last notification by which the Contracting Parties inform each other through diplomatic channels that they have fulfilled the internal legal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement.
2. Article 12 of this Agreement shall be applied by the Contracting Parties from the day following the date of promulgation of the decisions of the Council of the European Union approving the full application of the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders, signed in Schengen on 19 June 1990 (hereinafter the Schengen Implementation Convention) and the legal instruments based on them or otherwise related to them.
3. As from the date specified in Paragraph (2) of this Article, cross-border surveillance shall be applied in cases of suspicion of criminal acts constituting the basis for issuing the European arrest warrant.
4. As from the date specified in Paragraph (2) of this Article, the provisions of this Agreement concerning the joint patrols related to the supervision of the common border may be applied only in the event of the introduction of the measure specified in Article 2 (2) of the Schengen Implementation Convention.
5. The transfer of biometric data referred to in Point a) of Article 29 of this Agreement shall be effected when the Hungarian Contracting Party has notified the Slovenian Contracting Party through diplomatic channels that all internal legal procedures required for the implementation of this Article have been completed.
6. This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each Contracting Party may at any time denounce the Agreement by written notification through diplomatic channels. In such a case the Agreement shall cease to have effect on the day following the expiry of six months from the date when the notification of denunciation was received.
7. Either of the Contracting Parties may suspend, in part or in whole, the application of this Agreement if it violates or threatens its sovereignty, security, public order, or if it conflicts with its laws and regulations. The Contracting Parties shall immediately notify each other of the adoption or withdrawal of such measures through diplomatic channels. Any suspension of the application of this Agreement or its withdrawal shall become effective on the date of receiving the notification.
8. Upon the entry into force of this Agreement, the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Hungary on co-operation in combating terrorism, illegal trafficking in drugs, and organised crime, signed at Budapest on 19 May 1993, shall cease to have effect.
9. The Hungarian Contracting Party shall register this Agreement with the Secretariat of the United Nations in accordance with Article 102 of the United Nations Charter. The Hungarian Contracting Party shall immediately notify the Slovenian Contracting Party of the registration.
Done at Brdo on 25th October 2006 in two original copies, in the Slovenian, Hungarian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence in the interpretation of this Agreement the English text shall prevail.
For the Republic of Slovenia
Dragutin Mate m.p.
For the Republic of Hungary
Dr. Petrètei József m.p.
to Article 33 (1) of the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary on cross-border co-operation of law enforcement authorities
Classification markings and their equivalents
Referring to Article 33 (1) (a) of the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary on cross-border co-operation of law enforcement authorities in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary, the Contracting Parties establish that the following markings of classified information are equivalent:
In the Republic of Slovenia
In the Republic of Hungary
„Szigorúan titkos!”
„Korlátozott terjesztésű!”
English equivalent
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 200-10/06-40/1
Ljubljana, dne 1. februarja 2007
EPA 1231-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v madžarskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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