Uradni list

Številka 58
Uradni list RS, št. 58/2007 z dne 2. 7. 2007
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 58/2007 z dne 2. 7. 2007


65. Uredba o ratifikaciji Spremenjenega dopolnilnega sporazuma med Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Republike Slovenije o zagotavljanju strokovne pomoči Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo Vladi Republike Slovenije, stran 975.

Na podlagi prve in tretje alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 - uradno prečiščeno besedilo in 20/06 - ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Spremenjeni dopolnilni sporazum med Mednarodno agencijo za atomsko energijo in Vlado Republike Slovenije o zagotavljanju strokovne pomoči Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo Vladi Republike Slovenije, sklenjen v Ljubljani dne 10. 5. 2006 in na Dunaju dne 16. 3. 2006.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
THE INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY AGENCY (hereinafter called the »Agency«) and THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA (hereinafter called the »Government«) hereby enter into this Agreement concerning the provision of technical assistance to the Government by or through the Agency.
Basic Conditions Governing Technical Assistance
The Government and the Agency (hereinafter called the »Parties«) shall apply to the technical assistance provided to the Government by the Agency the basic conditions governing such technical assistance which are set out in the Annex hereto which constitutes an integral part of this Agreement.
Safety Standards and Measures
The Government shall apply to the operations making use of the technical assistance provided to it pursuant to this Agreement the Agency's Safety Standards and Measures defined in document INFCIRC/18/Rev.1 and the applicable safety standards as they are established in accordance with that document and as they may be revised from time to time.
Peaceful Use Undertaking and Safeguards
1. The Government undertakes that the technical assistance it receives pursuant to this Agreement shall be used only for peaceful applications of atomic energy and, in particular, that such assistance shall not be used for the manufacture of nuclear weapons, for the furtherance of any military purpose and for uses which could contribute to the proliferation of nuclear weapons, such as research on, development, testing or manufacture of a nuclear explosive device.
2. To this end and to the extent required by the Board of Governors of the Agency, the Agency's safeguards rights and responsibilities provided for in paragraph A of Article XII of its Statute shall be implemented and maintained with respect to a project subject to this Agreement pursuant to an applicable safeguards agreement which is in force between the Government and the Agency or, in the absence of such an agreement, pursuant to a safeguards agreement to be concluded between the Government and the Agency prior to the implementation of the assistance approved for the project.
Physical Protection
To the extent relevant, the Government shall take all the measures necessary for the physical protection of nuclear facilities, equipment and materials relating directly to the technical assistance provided by or through the Agency. The Government shall be guided by the recommendations of the Agency set forth in document INFCIRC/225/Rev.4 and as they may be revised from time to time.
Title to Equipment or Materials
1. Title to the equipment and materials provided to the Government by or through the Agency in relation to a project subject to this Agreement shall vest in the Government upon the release of the equipment and materials from the customs office at the port of entry in the Republic of Slovenia to the consignee or the representative of the Government duly authorized to claim the equipment/materials on behalf of the project.
2. Upon such transfer of title to the equipment and materials, the Government:
(a) shall assume full and exclusive responsibility and all liabilities for the handling, use, maintenance, storage and disposal of such equipment and materials;
(b) undertakes that:
(i) it shall ensure the proper operation and adequate maintenance of the equipment;
(ii) the equipment shall be made available for use by any expert provided by or through the Agency as may be required for the discharge of his professional duties; and
(iii) to the extent relevant, the use of the equipment and materials shall be subject to the provisions of Article III of this Agreement.
Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement which cannot be settled by negotiation or another agreed mode of settlement shall be submitted to arbitration at the request of either Party to this Agreement. Each Party shall appoint one arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall elect a third, who shall be the Chairman. If within thirty days of the request for arbitration either Party has not appointed an arbitrator or within fifteen days of the appointment of the second arbitrator the third arbitrator has not been elected, either Party may request the Secretary General of the United Nations to appoint an arbitrator. A majority of the members of the arbitral tribunal shall constitute a quorum, and all decisions shall be made by majority vote. The arbitral procedure shall be established by the arbitrators, and the expenses of the arbitration shall be borne by the Parties as assessed by the arbitrators. The arbitral award shall contain a statement of the reasons on which it is based and shall be accepted by the Parties as the final adjudication of the dispute.
General Provisions
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date upon which the Agency receives the written notification from the Government that the constitutional requirements for its entry into force have been fulfilled, and shall be provisionally applied by the Parties from the date of the last signature.
2. This Agreement may be terminated by either Party by written notice to the other and shall terminate sixty days after receipt of such notice.
Done, in duplicate in the English language, both copies being equally authentic.
Andrej Stritar (s)
Ljubljana 10. 5. 2006
Mohamed ElBaradei (s)
Director General
Vienna 16-03-2006
Article I
Scope of this Annex
1. Pursuant to Article 1 of the Agreement, this Annex embodies the basic conditions under which the Agency shall assist the Government in carrying out its technical projects, and under which such Agency-assisted projects shall be executed. It shall apply to all such Agency assistance and to such Project Documents or other instruments (hereinafter called Project Documents) as the Parties may conclude to define the particulars of such assistance and the respective responsibilities of the Parties hereunder in more detail in regard to such projects.
2. Assistance shall be provided by the Agency under this Annex only in response to requests submitted by the Government and approved by the Agency. Such assistance shall be made available to the Government, or to such entity as the Government may designate, and shall be furnished and received in accordance with the relevant and applicable resolutions and decisions of the competent organs of the Agency, and subject to the availability of the necessary funds to the Agency.
Article II
Forms of Assistance
1. Assistance which may be made available by the Agency to the Government under this Annex may consist of:
(a) The services of advisory experts and consultants, including consultant firms or organizations, selected by and responsible to the Agency;
(b) The services of operational experts selected by the Agency, to perform functions of an operational, executive or administrative character as civil servants of the Government or as employees of such entities as the Government may designate under Article I, paragraph 2, hereof:
(c) Equipment and supplies not readily available in the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter called the country);
(d) Seminars, training programmes, demonstration projects, expert working groups and related activities;
(e) Scholarships and fellowships, or similar arrangements under which candidates nominated by the Government and approved by the Agency may study or receive training; and
(f) Any other form of assistance which may be agreed upon by the Government and the Agency.
2. Requests for assistance shall be presented by the Government to the Agency in the form and in accordance with procedures established by the Agency for such requests. The Government shall provide the Agency with all appropriate facilities and relevant information to appraise the request, including an expression of its intent with respect to the follow-up of investment-oriented projects.
3. Assistance may be provided by the Agency to the Government either directly or with such external assistance as the Agency may deem appropriate.
Article III
Execution of Projects
1. The Government shall remain responsible for its Agency-assisted development projects and the realization of their objectives as described in the relevant Project Documents, and shall carry out such parts of such projects as may be stipulated in the provisions of this Annex and such Project Documents. The Agency undertakes to complement and supplement the Government's participation in such projects through assistance to the Government in fulfilling its intent with respect to investment follow-up. The Government shall inform the Agency of the National Liaison Organization directly responsible for the Government's participation in each Agency-assisted project.
2. Compliance by the Government with any prior obligations agreed to be necessary or appropriate for Agency assistance to a particular project shall be a condition of performance by the Agency of its responsibilities with respect to that project. Should provision of such assistance be commenced before such prior obligations have been met, it may be terminated or suspended without notice and at the discretion of the Agency.
3. The National Liaison Organization shall assign a full-time National Liaison Officer who shall perform such functions as are assigned to him by the National Liaison Organization. The Agency shall appoint a Country Officer responsible to oversee the Agency's assistance at the project level. He shall serve as the principal channel of communication with the Government on all technical assistance matters. The Agency Country Officer shall maintain liaison on behalf of the Agency with the appropriate organs of the Government, including the National Liaison Organization, and shall inform the Government of the policies, criteria and procedures of the Agency. He shall supervise and coordinate activities of experts and other personnel and be responsible for the on-the-job training of national Government counterparts. He shall be responsible for the management and efficient utilization of all Agency-financed inputs, including equipment provided to the project.
4. In the performance of their duties, advisory experts and consultants shall act in close consultation with the Government and with persons or bodies designated by the Government, and shall comply with such instructions from the Government as may be appropriate to the nature of their duties and the assistance to be given and as may be mutually agreed upon between the Agency and the Government. Operational experts shall be solely responsible to, and be under the exclusive direction of, the Government or the entity to which they are assigned, but shall not be required to perform any functions incompatible with their international status or with the purposes of the Agency. The Government undertakes that the commencing date of each operational expert in its service shall coincide with the effective date of his contract with the Agency.
5. Recipients of fellowships shall be selected by the Agency. Such fellowships shall be administered in accordance with the fellowship policies and practices of the Agency.
6. Technical and other equipment, materials, supplies and other property financed or provided by the Agency shall belong to the Agency unless and until such time as ownership thereof is transferred, on terms and conditions mutually agreed upon between the Government and the Agency, to the Government or to an entity nominated by it.
7. Patent rights, copyright rights, and other similar rights to any discoveries or work resulting from Agency assistance under this Annex shall belong to the Agency. Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties in each case, however, the Government shall have the right to use any such discoveries or work within the country free of royalty or any charge of similar nature.
Article IV
Information Concerning Projects
1. The Government shall furnish the Agency with such relevant reports, maps, accounts, records, statements, documents and other information as it may request concerning any Agency-assisted projects, its execution or its continued feasibility and soundness, or concerning the compliance by the Government with its responsibilities under this Annex or Project Documents.
2. The Agency undertakes that the Government shall be kept currently informed of the progress of its assistance activities under this Annex. Either party shall have the right, at any time, to observe the progress of operations on Agency-assisted projects.
3. The Government shall, subsequent to the completion of a Agency-assisted project, make available to the Agency at its request information as to benefits derived from and activities undertaken to further the purposes of that project, including information necessary or appropriate to its evaluation or to evaluation of Agency assistance, and shall consult with and permit observation by the Agency for this purpose.
4. The Parties shall consult each other regarding the publication, as appropriate, of any information relating to any Agency-assisted project or to benefits derived therefrom. However, any information relating to any investment-oriented project may be released by the Agency to potential investors, unless and until the Government has requested the Agency in writing to restrict the release of information relating to such project.
Article V
Participation and Contribution of Government in Execution of Project
1. In fulfillment of the Government's responsibility to participate and co-operate in the execution of the projects assisted by the Agency under this Annex, it shall contribute the following in kind to the extent detailed in relevant Project Documents:
(a) local counterpart professional and other services, including national counterparts to operational experts;
(b) land, buildings, and training and other facilities available or produced within the country; and
(c) equipment, materials and supplies available or produced within the country.
2. Whenever the provision of equipment forms part of Agency assistance to the Government, the latter shall meet charges relating to customs clearance of such equipment, its transportation from the port of entry to the project site together with any incidental handling or storage and related expenses, its insurance after delivery to the project site, and its installation and maintenance.
3. The Government shall also meet the salaries of trainees and recipients of fellowships during the period of their fellowships.
4. If so provided in the Project Document, the Government shall pay, or arrange to have paid, to the Agency the sums required, to the extent specified in the Project Budget of the Project Document, for the provision of any of the items enumerated in paragraph 1 of this Article.
5. Monies payable to the Agency under the preceding paragraph shall be paid to an account designated for this purpose by the Agency and shall be administered in accordance with the applicable financial regulations and rules of the Agency.
6. The cost of items constituting the Government's contribution to the project and any sums payable by the Government in pursuance of this Article, as detailed in Project Budgets, shall be considered as estimates based on the best information available at the time of preparation of such Project Budgets. Such sums shall be subject to adjustment whenever necessary to reflect the actual cost of any such items purchased thereafter.
7. The Government shall as appropriate display signs at each project identifying it as one assisted by the Agency.
Article VI
National Participation Costs
1. In addition to the contribution referred to in Article V above, the Government shall assist the Agency in providing it with assistance by paying or arranging to pay for the following local costs or facilities, in the amounts specified in the relevant Project Document or otherwise determined by the Agency in pursuance of relevant decisions of its governing bodies:
(a) Local administrative and clerical services, including necessary local secretarial help, interpreter-translators, and related assistance;
(b) Transportation of personnel within the country; and
(c) Postage and telecommunications for official purposes.
2. Monies payable under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid by the Government and administered by the Agency in accordance with Article V, paragraph 5.
Article VII
Relation to Assistance From Other Sources
In the event that assistance towards the execution of a project is obtained by either Party from other sources, the Parties shall consult each other with a view to effective co-ordination and utilization of assistance received by the Government from all sources. The obligations of the Government hereunder shall not be modified by any arrangements it may enter into with other entities co-operating with it in the execution of a project.
Article VIII
Use of Assistance
The Government shall exert its best efforts to make the most effective use of the assistance provided by the Agency and shall use such assistance for the purpose for which it is intended. Without restricting the generality of the foregoing, the Government shall take such steps to this end as are specified in the Project Document.
Article IX
Privileges and Immunities
1. The Government shall apply to the Agency, to its property, funds and assets, and to its officials and experts, the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
2. (a) Except as the Parties may otherwise agree in Project Documents relating to specific projects, the Government shall grant all persons, other than Government nationals employed locally, performing services on behalf of the Agency, who are not covered by paragraph 1 above the same privileges and immunities as officials of the Agency under Section 18 of the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency.
(b) For purposes of the Agreement on the Privileges and Immunities of the International Atomic Energy Agency referred to in the preceding parts of this Article:
(1) All papers and documents relating to a project in the possession or under the control of the persons referred to in sub-paragraph 2 (a) above shall be deemed to be documents belonging to the Agency; and
(2) Equipment, materials and supplies brought into or purchased or leased by those persons within the country for purposes of a project shall be deemed to be property of the Agency.
3. The expression »persons performing services« as used in Articles IX, X and XIII of this Annex includes operational experts, volunteers, consultants, and juridical as well as natural persons and their employees. It includes governmental or non-governmental organizations or firms which the Agency may retain to execute or to assist in the execution of Agency assistance to a project, and their employees. Nothing in this Annex shall be construed to limit the privileges, immunities or facilities conferred upon such organizations or firms or their employees in any other instrument.
Article X
Facilities for Execution of Agency Assistance
1. The Government shall take any measures which may be necessary to exempt the Agency, its officials, experts and other persons performing services on its behalf from regulations or other legal provisions which may interfere with operations under this Annex, and shall grant them such other facilities as may be necessary for the speedy and efficient execution of Agency assistance. It shall, in particular, grant them the following rights and facilities:
(a) prompt clearance of officials, experts and other persons performing services on behalf of the Agency;
(b) prompt issuance without cost of necessary visas, licenses or permits;
(c) access to the site of work and all necessary rights of way;
(d) free movement within or to or from the country, to the extent necessary for proper execution of Agency assistance;
(e) the most favourable legal rate of exchange;
(f) any permits necessary for the importation of equipment, materials and supplies, and for their subsequent exportation;
(g) any permits necessary for importation of property belonging to and intended for the personal use or consumption of officials or experts of the Agency or other persons performing services on the Agency’s behalf, and for the subsequent exportation of such property; and
(h) prompt release from customs of the items mentioned in sub-paragraphs (f) and (g) above.
2. As assistance under this Annex is being provided for the benefit of the Government and people of the Republic of Slovenia, the Government shall bear all risks of operations arising under this Annex. It shall be responsible for dealing with claims which may be brought by third parties against the Agency, its officials, experts or other persons performing services on its behalf, and shall hold them harmless in respect of claims or liabilities arising from operations under this Annex. The foregoing provision shall not apply where the Parties have agreed that a claim or liability arises from the gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the above-mentioned individuals.
Article XI
Suspension or Termination of Assistance
1. The Agency may by written notice to the Government suspend its assistance to any project if in the judgment of the Agency any circumstance arises which interferes with or threatens to interfere with the successful completion of the project or the accomplishment of its purposes. The Agency may, in the same or a subsequent written notice, indicate the conditions under which it is prepared to resume its assistance to the project. Any such suspension shall continue until such time as such conditions are accepted by the Government and as the Agency shall give written notice to the Government that it is prepared to resume its assistance.
2. If any situation referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall continue for a period of fourteen days after notice thereof and of suspension shall have been given by the Agency to the Government, then at any time thereafter during the continuance thereof, the Agency may by written notice to the Government terminate its assistance to the project.
3. The provisions of this Article shall be without prejudice to any other rights or remedies the Agency may have in the circumstances, whether under general principles of law or otherwise.
Article XII
This Annex may be modified by written agreement between the Parties hereto. Any relevant matter for which no provision is made in this Annex shall be settled by the Parties in keeping with the relevant resolutions and decisions of the appropriate organs of the Agency. Each Party shall give full and sympathetic consideration to any proposal advanced by the other Party under this Article.
MEDNARODNA AGENCIJA ZA ATOMSKO ENERGIJO (v nadaljnjem besedilu: agencija) in VLADA REPUBLIKE SLOVENIJE (v nadaljnjem besedilu: vlada) sklepata sporazum o zagotavljanju tehnične pomoči, ki jo vladi zagotavlja agencija ali se zagotavlja prek nje.
Temeljni pogoji za tehnično pomoč
Vlada in agencija (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) uporabljata za tehnično pomoč, ki jo vladi zagotavlja agencija, temeljne pogoje za dodelitev tehnične pomoči iz priloge, ki je sestavni del tega sporazuma.
Varnostni standardi in ukrepi
Vlada pri uporabi tehnične pomoči, ki ji je zagotovljena v skladu s tem sporazumom, upošteva varnostne standarde in ukrepe agencije, določene v dokumentu INFCIRC/18/spremembe l, ter veljavne varnostne standarde, ki so določeni skladno s tem dokumentom in se lahko občasno spremenijo.
Zaveza miroljubne uporabe in varovanje
1. Vlada se zavezuje, da bo tehnična pomoč, ki jo prejme skladno s tem sporazumom, namenjena samo za miroljubno uporabo jedrske energije, zlasti pa, da se taka pomoč ne bo uporabljala za izdelavo jedrskega orožja, pospeševanje kakršne koli uporabe v vojaške namene ter take uporabe, ki bi lahko prispevala k širjenju jedrskega orožja, kot so na primer raziskovanje, razvoj, preizkušanje ali izdelava jedrskih eksplozivnih sredstev.
2. V ta namen in v obsegu, ki ga zahteva Svet guvernerjev agencije, se morajo pravice in odgovornosti agencije glede varovanja, kot so določene v odstavku A XII. člena statuta agencije, v zvezi s projektom po tem sporazumu izvajati in ohranjati skladno z veljavnim sporazumom o varovanju med vlado in agencijo, če pa takega sporazuma ni, skladno s sporazumom o varovanju med njima, ki ga je treba skleniti pred začetkom uporabe odobrene pomoči za ta projekt.
Fizično varovanje
Vlada v ustreznem obsegu sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za fizično varovanje jedrskih objektov, opreme in materiala, neposredno povezanih s tehnično pomočjo, ki jo zagotavlja agencija ali se zagotavlja prek nje. Vlada se ravna po priporočilih agencije, ki so določena v dokumentu INFCIRC/225/spremembe 4 in se lahko občasno spremenijo.
Pravica do opreme ali materiala
1. V zvezi s projektom po tem sporazumu preide pravica do opreme in materiala, ki ju je vladi zagotovila agencija ali sta se zagotovila prek nje, na vlado ob predaji opreme in materiala iz carinskega urada uvoznega pristanišča v Republiki Sloveniji naslovniku ali predstavniku vlade, ki je pravilno pooblaščen, da prevzame opremo ali material za projekt.
2. Ob takem prenosu pravice do opreme in materiala vlada:
a) prevzame polno in izključno obveznost in vso odgovornost za upravljanje, uporabo, vzdrževanje, skladiščenje in odlaganje take opreme in materiala;
b) se zavezuje, da bo:
i) zagotavljala ustrezno delovanje in primerno vzdrževanje opreme;
ii) oprema na voljo strokovnjaku, ki ga določi agencija, kot se lahko zahteva za opravljanje njegovih poklicnih dolžnosti, in
iii) v ustreznem obsegu uporaba opreme in materiala usklajena z določbami III. člena tega sporazuma.
Reševanje sporov
Spor zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma, ki se ne reši s pogajanji ali kako drugače sporazumno, se na zahtevo ene ali druge pogodbenice tega sporazuma predloži arbitraži. Vsaka pogodbenica imenuje enega razsodnika, ki izvolita tretjega, ki bo predsednik. Če v tridesetih dneh po zahtevi za arbitražo pogodbenica še ni imenovala svojega razsodnika ali če v petnajstih dneh po imenovanju drugega razsodnika tretji še ni izvoljen, lahko katera koli pogodbenica zahteva, da ga določi generalni sekretar Združenih narodov. Večina članov razsodišča sestavlja kvorum, ki vse odločitve sprejema z večino glasov. Postopek pred arbitražo določijo razsodniki, stroške arbitraže, kot jih ocenijo razsodniki, pa krijeta pogodbenici. Razsodba vsebuje navedbo razlogov, na katerih temelji, pogodbenici pa jo sprejemata kot končno razsodbo spora.
Splošni določbi
1. Sporazum začne veljati z dnem, ko agencija prejme pisno uradno obvestilo vlade, da so izpolnjeni notranjepravni pogoji za začetek njegove veljavnosti, pogodbenici pa ga začasno uporabljata z dnem zadnjega podpisa.
2. Sporazum lahko odpove katera koli pogodbenica s pisnim uradnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici, odpoved pa začne veljati v šestdesetih dneh po prejemu takega obvestila.
Sestavljeno v dveh izvodih v angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta oba izvoda enako verodostojna.
Andrej Stritar l.r.
Ljubljana, 10. 5. 2006
dr. Mohamed ElBaradei l.r.
generalni direktor
Dunaj, 16. 3. 2006
I. člen
Vsebina priloge
1. V skladu s I. členom sporazuma ta priloga zajema temeljne pogoje, pod katerimi agencija pomaga vladi pri izvajanju njenih tehničnih projektov in pod katerimi se taki projekti izvajajo ob pomoči agencije. Uporablja se za tako pomoč agencije in za take projektne dokumente ali druge dokumente (v nadaljnjem besedilu: projektni dokumenti), ki jih pogodbenici lahko skleneta, da bi podrobneje določili posebnosti take pomoči in obveznosti pogodbenic do takih projektov.
2. Agencija zagotavlja pomoč po tej prilogi samo na podlagi vloge, ki jo predloži vlada in jo odobri agencija. Taka pomoč je na voljo vladi ali tisti instituciji, ki jo lahko določi vlada, dobi in sprejema pa se v skladu z ustreznimi in veljavnimi sklepi in odločitvami pristojnih organov agencije, če ima agencija na voljo potrebna sredstva.
II. člen
Oblike pomoči
1. Pomoč, ki jo agencija lahko da na voljo vladi po tej prilogi, lahko sestavljajo:
a) storitve svetovalnih izvedencev in svetovalcev skupaj s svetovalnimi podjetji ali organizacijami, ki jih izbere agencija in so ji odgovorne;
b) storitve izvedbenih strokovnjakov, ki jih izbere agencija za opravljanje izvedbenih, neposrednih ali administrativnih dejavnosti kot državne uradnike vlade ali zaposlene v takih institucijah, kot jih lahko določi vlada po drugem odstavku I. člena;
c) oprema in material, ki nista takoj na voljo v Republiki Sloveniji (v nadaljnjem besedilu: država);
d) seminarji, programi usposabljanja, predstavitveni projekti, strokovne delovne skupine in podobne dejavnosti;
e) štipendije ali podobno, s pomočjo katerih lahko kandidati, ki jih imenuje vlada in odobri agencija, študirajo in se usposabljajo, in
f) vsaka druga oblika pomoči, o kateri se lahko dogovorita vlada in agencija.
2. Vloge za pomoč vlada pošlje agenciji v obliki in v skladu s postopki, ki jih za take vloge določi agencija. Vlada zagotovi agenciji vse ustrezne zmogljivosti in informacije, bistvene za presojo vlog, skupaj z izjavo o svojih namenih v zvezi s spremljanjem naložbeno usmerjenih projektov.
3. Agencija lahko nameni pomoč vladi neposredno ali s tako obliko zunanje pomoči, za katero meni, da je ustrezna.
III. člen
Izvajanje projektov
1. Vlada je odgovorna za svoje razvojne projekte, za katere dobi pomoč agencije, in za uresničitev njihovih ciljev, tako kot je zapisano v ustreznih projektnih dokumentih, in izvaja tiste dele takih projektov, ki so lahko opredeljeni z določbami te priloge in takimi projektnimi dokumenti. Agencija se zavezuje, da bo izpopolnila in dopolnila udeležbo vlade pri takih projektih, in sicer s pomočjo vladi pri izpopolnitvi njenih namenov glede na spremljanje naložbe. Vlada obvesti agencijo o nacionalnem organu za zvezo, ki je neposredno odgovoren za udeležbo vlade pri vsakem projektu, ki se uresničuje ob pomoči agencije.
2. Soglasje vlade s predhodnimi obveznostmi, o katerih je bilo dogovorjeno, da so potrebne ali primerne za pomoč agencije pri posameznem projektu, je prvi pogoj za izpolnjevanje obveznosti agencije pri posameznem projektu. Če se taka pomoč začne dajati prej, preden so bile izpolnjene te predhodne obveznosti, jo ima agencija pravico ustaviti ali odložiti brez obvestila in po svoji presoji.
3. Nacionalni organ za zvezo na primeren način določi uradnika za zvezo s polnim delovnim časom, ki opravlja svojo nalogo tako, kot to predpiše nacionalni organ za zvezo. Agencija imenuje uradnika za državo, odgovornega za nadziranje pomoči agencije na ravni projekta. Tako je agencija v stikih z vlado glede vseh vprašanj tehnične pomoči. Uradnik za državo, ki ga imenuje agencija, v njenem imenu vzdržuje zvezo z ustreznimi organi vlade, vključno z nacionalnim organom za zvezo, ter obvešča vlado o politiki, merilih in postopkih agencije. Nadzoruje in usklajuje dejavnosti izvedencev in drugega osebja ter je odgovoren za usposabljanje sodelujočega vladnega osebja na delovnem mestu. Odgovoren je za upravljanje in učinkovito uporabo finančnih vložkov agencije, skupaj z opremo, zagotovljeno za projekt.
4. Pri opravljanju svojih nalog se svetovalni izvedenci in svetovalci vedno posvetujejo z vlado in osebami ali organi, ki jih določi vlada, in spoštujejo tista njena navodila, ki ustrezajo naravi njihovih nalog in pomoči, ki jo je treba dati, in kot so lahko skupno dogovorjene med agencijo in vlado. Izvedbeni strokovnjaki so izključno odgovorni vladi ali instituciji, ki ji pripadajo in so izključno pod njenim vodstvom, vendar se od njih ne zahteva, da opravljajo dejavnosti, ki niso v skladu z njihovim mednarodnim položajem ali namenom agencije. Vlada se zavezuje, da se datum, ko izvedbeni strokovnjak začne opravljati storitve, ujema z datumom začetka veljavnosti njegove pogodbe z agencijo.
5. Štipendiste izbere agencija. Štipendije so usklajene s štipendijsko politiko in prakso agencije.
6. Tehnična in druga oprema, material, predmeti in drugo premoženje, ki ga financira ali zagotavlja agencija, pripada njej, razen če se in dokler se njihovo lastništvo ne prenese v skladu s pogoji, ki so skupno dogovorjeni med vlado in agencijo, na vlado ali institucijo, ki jo ta določi.
7. Patentne, avtorska in sorodne pravice, povezane s kakršnim koli odkritjem ali delom, ki izhaja iz pomoči agencije po tej prilogi, pripadajo njej. Če se za vsak posamičen primer pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače, ima vlada pravico uporabljati taka odkritja ali delo v državi, ne da bi se plačevale licenčnine in podobne davščine.
IV. člen
Informacije o projektih
1. Vlada zagotavlja agenciji tista ustrezna poročila, načrte, račune, evidence, izjave, dokumente in druge informacije, ki jih agencija zahteva o projektu, ki se izvaja ob pomoči agencije, njegovem izvajanju ali nadaljnji izvedljivosti in ustreznosti ali spoštovanju obveznosti vlade po tej prilogi ali projektnih dokumentih.
2. Agencija se zavezuje, da bo sproti obveščala vlado o poteku svojih dejavnosti glede pomoči po tej prilogi. Vsaka pogodbenica ima pravico, da kadar koli pregleda potek del pri projektih, ki se uresničujejo ob pomoči agencije.
3. Vlada takoj po dokončanju projekta, ki je bil izveden ob pomoči agencije, da agenciji na njeno zahtevo informacije o koristih projekta in dejavnostih, ki so bile opravljene, da bi se dosegli cilji tega projekta, skupaj z informacijami, ki so potrebne ali ustrezne za oceno projekta ali presojo pomoči agencije, pri čemer se posvetuje z agencijo in ji omogoči, da se seznani s temi cilji.
4. Pogodbenici se po potrebi posvetujeta o objavljanju informacij, ki se nanašajo na projekte, izvedene ob pomoči agencije, ali koristi teh projektov. Kakršne koli informacije, ki se nanašajo na naložbeno usmerjene projekte, pa agencija lahko da morebitnim vlagateljem, razen če vlada pisno ne zahteva od agencije, da omeji objavo informacij, ki se nanašajo na take projekte.
V. člen
Udeležba in prispevek vlade pri izvajanju projekta
1. Vlada pri izpolnjevanju obveznosti, da se udeleži in sodeluje pri izvajanju projektov, ki se uresničujejo ob pomoči agencije po tej prilogi, zagotovi v obsegu, podrobno določenem v ustreznih projektnih dokumentih, te storitve v naravi:
a) strokovne in druge storitve lokalnih sodelavcev, vključno z nacionalnimi izvedbenimi strokovnjaki;
b) zemljišče, stavbe, sredstva za usposabljanje in druge potrebe, ki so na voljo ali se proizvajajo v državi; in
c) opremo, material in predmete, ki so na voljo ali se proizvajajo v državi.
2. Kadar je zagotavljanje opreme del pomoči agencije vladi, ta krije stroške carinjenja take opreme, njenega prevoza od kraja vstopa v državo do kraja projekta skupaj z morebitnimi stroški v zvezi z ravnanjem z njo ali njenim skladiščenjem in podobnimi stroški, njeno zavarovanje po dobavi do kraja projekta ter njeno vgraditev in vzdrževanje.
3. Vlada zagotovi tudi plače udeležencem usposabljanja in štipendistom, ko so na usposabljanju ali specializaciji.
4. Če je tako urejeno v projektnem dokumentu, vlada plača ali zagotovi, da se agenciji plača zahtevani znesek, določen v proračunu projekta projektnega dokumenta, za zagotovitev katere koli postavke iz prvega odstavka.
5. Sredstva, ki se vplačajo agenciji na podlagi prejšnjega odstavka, se nakažejo na račun, ki ga za ta namen določi agencija, upravlja pa se v skladu z veljavnimi finančnimi predpisi in pravili agencije.
6. Stroški za postavke, ki so prispevek vlade za projekt, ter kateri koli zneski, ki jih plača vlada na podlagi tega člena in kot so podrobno določeni v proračunih projektov, se štejejo kot ocene, ki temeljijo na najboljših informacijah med pripravo takih proračunov projektov. Ti zneski se po potrebi prilagodijo, da prikažejo dejanske stroške tako dobavljenih postavk.
7. Če je to primerno, vlada za vsak projekt predstavi oznake, po katerih se prepozna kot projekt, ki se uresničuje ob pomoči agencije.
VI. člen
Stroški domače udeležbe
1. Poleg prispevkov iz V. člena te priloge vlada pomaga agenciji tako, da ji zagotavlja pomoč pri plačilih ali zagotovi, da se ti lokalni stroški ali olajšave plačajo v zneskih, določenih v ustreznem projektnem dokumentu, ali na drug način, ki ga določi agencija v skladu z ustreznimi sklepi svojih upravnih teles:
a) lokalni stroški za administrativne in pisarniške storitve, vključno s potrebno lokalno tajniško pomočjo, tolmače prevajalce in podobno pomoč;
b) prevoz osebja v državi in
c) poštne in telekomunikacijske storitve za uradne namene.
2. Sredstva, ki se vplačajo na podlagi določb tega člena, nakaže vlada, upravlja pa jih agencija v skladu s petim odstavkom V. člena.
VII. člen
Razmerje do pomoči iz drugih virov
Če pogodbenica dobi pomoč za izvedbo projekta iz drugih virov, se pogodbenici posvetujeta o učinkoviti uskladitvi in uporabi pomoči, ki jo vlada dobi iz vseh virov. Obveznosti vlade po tej prilogi se ne spremenijo z dogovorom, ki bi ga utegnila skleniti z drugimi institucijami, ki sodelujejo z vlado pri izvajanju projekta.
VIII. člen
Uporaba pomoči
Vlada si čim bolj prizadeva, da najučinkoviteje izkoristi pomoč agencije in da se izkoristi za tisto, za kar je namenjena. Ne da bi omejila splošno naravo navedenega, vlada zato sprejme take ukrepe, kot so podrobno navedeni v projektnem dokumentu.
IX. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete
1. Vlada za agencijo, njeno lastnino, sredstva in premoženje ter njene uslužbence in strokovnjake upošteva Sporazum o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo.
2. (a) Razen če se pogodbenici v projektnih dokumentih v zvezi s posameznimi projekti ne dogovorita drugače, vlada zagotavlja vsem osebam, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu agencije in niso zajete v prvem odstavku ter tudi niso lokalno zaposleni državljani te vlade, enake privilegije in imunitete, kot jih imajo uslužbenci agencije v skladu z 18. oddelkom Sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo.
(b) Za namene Sporazuma o privilegijih in imunitetah Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo, navedenega v prejšnjih delih tega člena:
(1) se vsi akti in dokumenti v zvezi s projektom, ki jih imajo osebe, navedene v pododstavku a drugega odstavka, ali so pod njihovim nadzorom, štejejo za dokumente, ki pripadajo agenciji, in
(2) se za lastnino agencije štejejo oprema, predmeti in material, ki jih prinesejo ali kupijo ali si jih izposodijo te osebe v državi za projekt.
3. Izraz »osebe, ki opravljajo storitve«, ki je uporabljen v IX., X. in XIII. členu te priloge, vključuje izvedbene strokovnjake, prostovoljce, svetovalce ter pravne in fizične osebe in njihove uslužbence. Vključuje tudi vladne ali nevladne organizacije ali podjetja, ki jih agencija lahko najame za izvedbo projekta, ki se uresničuje ob pomoči agencije, ali za pomoč pri njegovi izvedbi, in njihove uslužbence. V tej prilogi se nobena določba ne razlaga tako, da bi se omejevali privilegiji, imunitete ali olajšave, dane takim organizacijam ali podjetjem ali njihovim uslužbencem v kakšnem drugem dokumentu.
X. člen
Olajšave za pomoč, ki jo daje agencija
1. Vlada sprejme ukrepe, ki so lahko potrebni, da so agencija, njeni uslužbenci, strokovnjaki in druge osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v njenem imenu, izvzeti iz predpisov ali drugih pravnih določb, ki lahko posegajo v izvajanje te priloge, in jim dodeli druge olajšave, če je to potrebno za hitro in učinkovito pomoč agencije. Še posebej zagotovi te pravice in olajšave:
a) pravočasno dovoljenje za uslužbence, strokovnjake in druge osebe, ki opravljajo storitve v imenu agencije;
b) pravočasno brezplačno izdajanje potrebnih vizumov, licenc in dovoljenj;
c) dostop do delovnega mesta in vse potrebne pravice za gibanje;
d) prosto gibanje po državi ali iz nje ali vanjo, če je to potrebno za pravilno izvajanje pomoči agencije;
e) najugodnejši uradni menjalni tečaj;
f) vsa dovoljenja, potrebna za uvoz opreme, materiala in predmetov ter za njihov poznejši izvoz;
g) vsa dovoljenja, potrebna za uvoz stvari, ki pripadajo uslužbencem ali strokovnjakom agencije ali drugim osebam, ki opravljajo storitve v njenem imenu, ali so namenjene za njihovo osebno uporabo ali porabo, ter za poznejši izvoz takih stvari in
h) pravočasno carinjenje predmetov, navedenih v točkah f in g.
2. Ker se pomoč po tej prilogi zagotavlja v korist vlade in ljudi v Republiki Sloveniji, krije vlada vsa tveganja v zvezi z dejavnostmi po tej prilogi. Odgovorna je za reševanje zahtevkov, ki bi jih utegnila imeti kakšna tretja stran do agencije, njenih uslužbencev, strokovnjakov ali drugih oseb, ki opravljajo storitve v njenem imenu, in jim povrne škodo v zvezi z zahtevki ali odgovornostmi, ki izhajajo iz dejavnosti po tej prilogi. Navedena določba se ne uporablja, če pogodbenici skupaj ugotovita, da zahtevki ali odgovornosti izhajajo iz velike malomarnosti ali naklepnega ravnanja navedenih posameznikov.
XI. člen
Prekinitev ali prenehanje pomoči
1. Agencija lahko s pisnim obvestilom vladi prekine svojo pomoč pri vsakem projektu, če po njeni presoji nastanejo okoliščine, ki ovirajo ali utegnejo ovirati uspešno dokončanje projekta ali uresničitev njegovih ciljev. Agencija lahko v istem ali poznejšem pisnem obvestilu sporoči pogoje, pod katerimi je pripravljena ponovno zagotavljati pomoč pri projektu. Vsaka taka prekinitev traja, dokler vlada ne sprejme takih pogojev in dokler agencija pisno ne obvesti vlade, da je pripravljena ponovno zagotavljati pomoč.
2. Če stanje, navedeno v prvem odstavku, traja več kot štirinajst dni, potem ko agencija o tem in o prekinitvi pomoči obvesti vlado, lahko agencija kadar koli s pisnim obvestilom vladi preneha dajati svojo pomoč pri tem projektu.
3. V skladu s splošnimi pravnimi načeli ali na drugi podlagi določbe tega člena ne vplivajo na kakršne koli druge pravice ali pravna sredstva, ki jih agencija utegne imeti v takih okoliščinah.
XII. člen
Ta priloga se lahko spremeni s pisnim dogovorom pogodbenic. Vsa pomembna vprašanja, ki niso urejena z določbami te priloge, rešujeta v skladu z ustreznimi sklepi in odločitvami pristojnih organov agencije. Vsaka pogodbenica v celoti in z naklonjenostjo obravnava vsak predlog, ki ga druga pošlje po tem členu.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor - Uprava Republike Slovenije za jedrsko varnost.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije - Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-19/2007
Ljubljana, dne 17. maja 2007
EVA 2007-1811-0028
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.

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