Uradni list

Številka 71
Uradni list RS, št. 71/2007 z dne 7. 8. 2007
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 71/2007 z dne 7. 8. 2007


84. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Nizozemsko o vzajemnem vzdrževanju zalog surove nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov (BNLVZN), stran 1038.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Nizozemsko o vzajemnem vzdrževanju zalog surove nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov (BNLVZN)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Nizozemsko o vzajemnem vzdrževanju zalog surove nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov (BNLVZN), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 12. julija 2007.
Št. 001-22-99/07
Ljubljana, dne 20. julija 2007
dr. Janez Drnovšek l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Kraljevino Nizozemsko o vzajemnem vzdrževanju zalog surove nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov, podpisan 28. marca 2007 v Haagu.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Republic of Slovenia
the Kingdom of the Netherlands,
(hereinafter referred to as “the Contracting Parties”);
Having regard to Council Directive 68/414/EEC of 20 December 1968 imposing obligations on Member States of the European Economic Community to maintain minimum stocks of crude oil and/or petroleum products, as amended by Council Directive 98/93/EC of 14 December 1998 (hereinafter together referred to as “the Directive”);
Having regard to Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Directive which envisages the establishment of stocks within the territory of a Member State for the account of undertakings, established in another Member State, under agreements between Governments;
Having regard to national legislation regarding oil stocking obligations;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purposes of this Agreement:
a. “competent authority” means the governmental authority of each Contracting Party responsible for supervising the fulfilment by undertakings of the stock obligation;
b. “stocks” means any stocks of crude oil or petroleum products (including blending and finished products) covered by the Directive;
c. “stock obligation” means the overall quantity of stock required to be held under national law;
d. “supply crisis” in this Agreement shall have the same meaning as in Article 6, paragraph 2, of the Directive;
e. “territory” means the area within the European Union over which each Contracting Party exercises jurisdiction;
f. “undertaking” means any undertaking, body or entity established in the territory of one Contracting Party which holds stocks for the purpose of facilitating compliance, whether by that undertaking or a third party, with the law relating to oil stocking obligations of that or the other Contracting Party.
Article 2
This Agreement applies only to stocks covered by the Directive which have been accepted by the competent authorities of both Contracting Parties.
Article 3
1. An undertaking established in the Netherlands may hold stocks in Slovenia. Such stocks may be held either:
a. directly by the undertaking established in the Netherlands, or
b. by an undertaking established in Slovenia, on behalf of the undertaking established in the Netherlands.
2. An undertaking established in Slovenia may hold stocks in the Netherlands. Such stocks may be held either:
a. directly by the undertaking established in Slovenia, or
b. by an undertaking established in the Netherlands, on behalf of the undertaking established in Slovenia.
3. For stocks to be eligible for acceptance under Article 2 of this Agreement, the undertaking seeking acceptance of those stocks under that Article must have agreed to hold them whether itself or through the other undertaking, from the first day of any calendar month for a period of at least three full calendar months, after acceptance by the competent authorities.
4. If an undertaking holds stocks on behalf of another undertaking in accordance with paragraphs 1(b) or 2(b) of this Article, then those stocks shall not be taken into account by the undertaking first mentioned in its own stocking declarations.
Article 4
Neither Contracting Party shall oppose the removal of stocks to which this Agreement applies from its territory nor their treatment in accordance with directions issued by the competent authority of the other Contracting Party.
Article 5
1. No stocks may be accepted under Article 2 of this Agreement as being stocks to which this Agreement applies unless:
a. the undertaking seeking to hold the stocks outside the Contracting Party of establishment (“the first undertaking”) has furnished the competent authority of that Contracting Party, not later than ten working days before the commencement of the period to which the acceptance relates, with the following particulars:
i. its name and address and the name and address of the undertaking established in the territory of the Contracting Party where the stocks are to be held (“the second undertaking”), which is to hold the stocks on its behalf;
ii. the nature and quantity of the stocks;
iii. location of the depot(s) where the stocks are to be held;
iv. the period for which the stocks are to be held;
v. if requested the provisions of any agreement whereby the stocks are to be held on behalf of the first undertaking by the second undertaking; and,
b. both the first and the second undertaking consent to the competent authority of the Contracting Party in whose territory the stocks will be situated disclosing to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party any information obtained for the purpose of implementing this Agreement.
2. Where an undertaking is seeking to hold outside the territory of the Contracting Party of its establishment, stocks which will not be owned by that undertaking (the “beneficiary undertaking”), but will be held at its disposal by another undertaking (the “delegating undertaking”), then in addition to the provisions of paragraph 1 above, no stocks which are to be so held may be accepted under Article 2 of this Agreement as being stocks to which this Agreement applies, unless:
a. the stocks are to be held by virtue of an agreement in writing between the beneficiary undertaking and the delegating undertaking (the “contract”) which will subsist throughout the period to which the acceptance relates;
b. the beneficiary undertaking has the contractual right to acquire the stocks throughout the period of the contract and the methodology for establishing the price of such acquisition is specified in the contract;
c. the actual availability of the stocks for the beneficiary undertaking is guaranteed at all times throughout the period of the contract, and
d. the delegating undertaking is one which is subject to the jurisdiction of the Contracting Party, on whose territory the stocks are situated, insofar as the legal powers of that Contracting Party to control and verify the existence of the stocks are concerned.
3. Where the competent authority of one Contracting Party ("the first competent authority") has been furnished with particulars under paragraph 1(a) and 2 of this Article, or any changes in respect of such particulars, and accepts the stocks in question as stocks to which this Agreement applies, that authority shall, not later than ten working days before the commencement of the period to which the acceptance relates, transmit the particulars to the competent authority of the other Contracting Party ("the second competent authority") and notify it of such acceptance.
4. The second competent authority shall use all reasonable endeavours to notify the first competent authority whether or not it accepts the stocks in question as stocks to which this Agreement applies no later than five working days before the commencement of the period to which the acceptance relates. In the event that no such notification is received by the first competent authority before the aforementioned date, the second competent authority shall be deemed not to have accepted the stocks in question as stocks to which this Agreement applies.
5. Any acceptance under paragraph 3 and 4 of this Article may be withdrawn by either competent authority if any inaccuracy is found in the particulars furnished in respect of that acceptance under paragraph 1(a) or 2 of this Article or if there is any material change in the matters to which those particulars relate. Before withdrawing an acceptance under this provision the competent authority concerned shall inform the competent authority of the other Contracting Party and afford the undertaking, which had furnished the particulars a reasonable opportunity to make representations.
Article 6
1. Each competent authority shall require any undertaking holding stocks in the territory of the other Contracting Party to furnish it with a statistical return, at least monthly, of those stocks within six weeks of the expiry of the period to which the return relates.
2. Each statistical return to be furnished under paragraph 1 of this Article shall include particulars of:
a. the name and address of the undertaking holding the stocks in the other Contracting Party and where applicable, the name and address of the undertaking established in the Contracting Party where the stocks are to be held, which is to hold the stocks on its behalf;
b. the nature and quantity of the stocks; and
c. location of the depot(s) where the stocks are held.
3. Each competent authority shall if requested by the other competent authority transmit to the latter copies of every statistical return furnished under paragraph 1 of this Article.
4. The competent authority of the Contracting Party in which the stocks are held shall, by exercising from time to time its powers of inspection, check on the information contained in statistical returns so furnished and notify forthwith the competent authority of the other Contracting Party of any material discrepancy in respect of that information.
Article 7
1. In the event of a shortfall in the total amount of stocks which a delegating undertaking should be holding both on behalf of beneficiary undertakings and as part of the stock obligation of the Contracting party in which it is established the competent authority of the latter Contracting Party shall notify the competent authority of the other Contracting Party as soon as it becomes aware of the same.
2. The Contracting Parties agree to consult each other as soon as reasonably practicable:
a. in the event of a supply crisis; or
b. on the occurrence of a shortfall referred to in paragraph (1) above; or
c. at the request of either of them in order to
i. resolve any difficulty arising in the interpretation or application of this Agreement; or
ii. amend any of the terms of the Agreement.
Article 8
This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month after each Contracting Party has notified the other Contracting Party through the diplomatic channel of the completion of its procedures necessary for the entry into force of the Agreement.
Article 9
1. This Agreement may be terminated by either Contracting Party by giving notice in writing, through the diplomatic channel to the other Contracting Party, not less than six months before the end of any calendar year, in which case it shall cease to be in force from the first day of the following calendar year.
2. Neither Contracting Party shall exercise the power of termination in paragraph 1 of this Article without having informed the Commission of the European Communities of its intention to do so.
3. This Agreement may not be terminated during a supply crisis.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement. Done in two originals at The Hague this 28th day of March 2007 in the English language only.
For the Republic of Slovenia
Andrej Vizjak (s)
For the Kingdom of the Netherlands
Maria J. A. van der Hoeven (s)
Republika Slovenija
Kraljevina Nizozemska
(v nadaljnjem besedilu »pogodbenici«) sta se
ob upoštevanju Direktive Sveta 68/414/EGS z dne 20. decembra 1968 o obveznosti držav članic EGS glede vzdrževanja minimalnih zalog surove nafte in/ali naftnih derivatov, kakor je bila nazadnje spremenjena z Direktivo Sveta 98/93/ES z dne 14. decembra 1998 (v nadaljnjem besedilu skupaj imenovani »direktiva«);
ob upoštevanju drugega odstavka 6. člena direktive, s katerim se predvideva vzpostavitev zalog na ozemlju države članice za potrebe podjetij, ustanovljenih v drugi državi članici, v skladu s sporazumi med vladami;
ob upoštevanju notranje zakonodaje glede obveznosti vzdrževanja zalog nafte
1. člen
V tem sporazumu:
a. »pristojni organ« pomeni vladni organ, ki je v pogodbenici odgovoren za nadzor nad izpolnjevanjem obveznosti podjetij glede zalog;
b. »zaloge« pomenijo vse zaloge surove nafte ali naftnih derivatov (vključno z mešanimi in končnimi proizvodi), ki jih zajema direktiva;
c. »obveznost zaloge« pomeni celotno količino zaloge, ki se vzdržuje v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo;
d. »kriza pri oskrbi« ima v tem sporazumu enak pomen kot v drugem odstavku 6. člena direktive;
e. »ozemlje« pomeni območje v Evropski uniji, nad katerim pogodbenici izvajata sodno pristojnost;
f. »podjetje« pomeni katero koli podjetje, organ ali subjekt, ki je ustanovljen na ozemlju ene pogodbenice in vzdržuje zaloge, in sicer to podjetje ali tretja stran, zaradi upoštevanja zakonodaje glede obveznosti vzdrževanja zaloge te ali druge pogodbenice.
2. člen
Sporazum se uporablja le za zaloge, ki jih zajema direktiva in sta jih odobrila pristojna organa pogodbenic.
3. člen
1. Podjetje, ustanovljeno na Nizozemskem, lahko vzdržuje zaloge v Sloveniji. Take zaloge lahko vzdržuje:
a. neposredno podjetje, ustanovljeno na Nizozemskem, ali
b. podjetje, ustanovljeno v Sloveniji, v imenu podjetja, ustanovljenega na Nizozemskem.
2. Podjetje, ustanovljeno v Sloveniji, lahko vzdržuje zaloge na Nizozemskem. Take zaloge lahko vzdržuje:
a. neposredno podjetje, ustanovljeno v Sloveniji, ali
b. podjetje, ustanovljeno na Nizozemskem, v imenu podjetja, ustanovljenega v Sloveniji.
3. Da bi bile zaloge v skladu z 2. členom tega sporazuma primerne za odobritev, se mora podjetje, ki zaprosi za odobritev teh zalog po navedenem členu, strinjati, da jih bo vzdrževalo samo ali prek drugega podjetja od prvega dne vsakega koledarskega meseca za obdobje najmanj treh celotnih koledarskih mesecev po odobritvi pristojnih organov.
4. Če podjetje vzdržuje zaloge v imenu drugega podjetja v skladu s točko b prvega odstavka ali točko b drugega odstavka tega člena, prvo omenjeno podjetje teh zalog v svojih izjavah o zalogah ne upošteva.
4. člen
Nobena pogodbenica ne nasprotuje premiku zalog, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum, s svojega ozemlja in ne ravnanju z njimi v skladu s smernicami, ki jih izda pristojni organ druge pogodbenice.
5. člen
1. Nikakršne zaloge se ne smejo odobriti v skladu z 2. členom sporazuma kot zaloge, za katere se uporablja sporazum, razen če:
a. podjetje, ki zaprosi za odobritev vzdrževanja zalog zunaj pogodbenice ustanavljanja (»prvo podjetje«), predloži pristojnemu organu te pogodbenice najpozneje v desetih delovnih dneh pred začetkom obdobja, na katero se nanaša odobritev, te podatke:
i. svoje ime in naslov ter ime in naslov podjetja, ustanovljenega na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katerem naj bi se vzdrževale zaloge (»drugo podjetje«), in ki naj bi vzdrževalo zaloge v njegovem imenu;
ii. vrsto in količino zalog;
iii. kraj skladišča ali skladišč za nameravano vzdrževanje zalog;
iv. obdobje nameravanega vzdrževanja zalog;
v. na zahtevo vse določbe katerega koli sporazuma, po katerem zaloge prvega podjetja vzdržuje drugo podjetje, in
b. prvo in drugo podjetje dopustita pristojnemu organu pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere bodo zaloge, da razkrije pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice vse informacije, pridobljene za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
2. Če podjetje zaprosi za vzdrževanje zalog, katerih lastnik ne bo to podjetje (»upravičeno podjetje«), ampak jih bo zato, da bo to podjetje razpolagalo z njimi, vzdrževalo drugo podjetje (»pooblaščeno podjetje«) zunaj ozemlja pogodbenice ustanovitve, se dodatno k določbam prvega odstavka tako vzdrževane zaloge ne smejo odobriti v skladu z 2. členom tega sporazuma kot zaloge, za katere se uporablja sporazum, razen če:
a. se zaloge vzdržujejo na podlagi pisnega sporazuma med upravičenim podjetjem in pooblaščenim podjetjem (»pogodba«), ki bo veljal za vse obdobje, na katero se nanaša odobritev;
b. ima upravičeno podjetje pogodbeno pravico do pridobivanja zalog ves čas trajanja pogodbe in če je v njej podrobno navedena metodologija določanja cene takih nabav;
c. je dejanska razpoložljivost zalog za upravičeno podjetje zajamčena za ves čas trajanja pogodbe in
d. velja za pooblaščeno podjetje sodna pristojnost pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere so zaloge, kolikor se to nanaša na zakonska pooblastila te pogodbenice, da nadzira in preverja obstoj zalog.
3. Če pristojni organ ene pogodbenice (»prvi pristojni organ«) prejme podatke iz točke a prvega odstavka in drugega odstavka tega člena ali kakršne koli spremembe glede omenjenih podatkov ter odobri te zaloge kot zaloge, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum, ta organ najpozneje v desetih delovnih dneh pred začetkom obdobja, na katero se nanaša odobritev, pošlje podatke pristojnemu organu druge pogodbenice (»drugi pristojni organ«) in ga obvesti o taki odobritvi.
4. Drugi pristojni organ stori vse, kar je v njegovi moči, da obvesti prvi pristojni organ o potrditvi ali zavrnitvi odobritve teh zalog kot zalog, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum, najpozneje v petih delovnih dneh pred začetkom obdobja, na katero se nanaša odobritev. Če prvi pristojni organ take odobritve ne prejme pred predhodno omenjenim rokom, se šteje, da drugi pristojni organ ni odobril teh zalog kot zalog, za katere se uporablja ta sporazum.
5. Vse odobritve po tretjem in četrtem odstavku tega člena lahko vsak pristojni organ prekliče, če ugotovi kakršne koli nepravilnosti pri podatkih, predloženih glede odobritve iz točke a prvega odstavka ali drugega odstavka tega člena, ali če pride do bistvene spremembe pri zadevah, na katere se nanašajo podatki. Pred preklicem odobritve po tej določbi pristojni organ obvesti pristojni organ druge pogodbenice in da podjetju, ki je predložilo podatke, ustrezno priložnost za pojasnitev.
6. člen
1. Pristojni organ zahteva od podjetja, ki vzdržuje zaloge na ozemlju druge pogodbenice, da se mu predloži vsaj mesečno statistično poročilo o teh zalogah v šestih tednih po poteku obdobja, na katero se nanaša poročilo.
2. Statistično poročilo, ki se mora predložiti v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena, vsebuje te podatke:
a. ime in naslov podjetja, ki vzdržuje zaloge v drugi pogodbenici, ter kadar je to primerno, ime in naslov podjetja, ki je ustanovljeno na ozemlju pogodbenice, na katerem naj bi se vzdrževale zaloge, in naj bi vzdrževalo zaloge v njegovem imenu;
b. vrsto in količino zalog in
c. kraj skladišča ali skladišč za vzdrževanje zalog.
3. Na zahtevo pristojni organ drugemu pristojnemu organu pošlje kopije vseh statističnih poročil v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
4. Pristojni organ pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere se vzdržujejo zaloge, z občasnim uresničevanjem svojih inšpekcijskih pooblastil preverja informacije iz tako poslanih statističnih poročil, o kakršnem koli bistvenem neskladju glede teh informacij pa nemudoma obvesti pristojni organ druge pogodbenice.
7. člen
1. Ob primanjkljaju v celotni količini zalog, ki naj bi jih pooblaščeno podjetje uporabilo v imenu upravičenih podjetij in kot del obveznosti zalog pogodbenice, na ozemlju katere je bilo ustanovljeno, pristojni organ te pogodbenice obvesti pristojni organ druge pogodbenice takoj, ko je bil s tem seznanjen.
2. Pogodbenici se sporazumeta, da se bosta posvetovali, kakor hitro bo to v praksi izvedljivo:
a. ob morebitni krizi pri oskrbi ali
b. ob primanjkljaju iz prvega odstavka ali
c. na zaprosilo katere koli pogodbenice, da bi
i. rešili kakršno koli težavo pri razlagi ali uporabi tega sporazuma ali
ii. spremenili katere koli pogoje v tem sporazumu.
8. člen
Sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca, potem ko sta se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestili o dokončanih postopkih, potrebnih za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
9. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko sporazum odpove po diplomatski poti s pisnim obvestilom drugi pogodbenici najmanj šest mesecev pred koncem katerega koli koledarskega leta; v takem primeru sporazum preneha veljati prvi dan naslednjega koledarskega leta.
2. Nobena pogodbenica ne uporabi pooblastila odpovedi iz prvega odstavka tega člena, ne da bi o tem namenu prej obvestila Komisijo Evropskih skupnosti.
3. Tega sporazuma ni mogoče odpovedati med krizo pri oskrbi.
V potrditev tega sta podpisana, ki sta ju pravilno pooblastili njuni vladi, podpisala ta sporazum. Sestavljeno v dveh izvirnikih v Haagu 28. marca 2007 v angleškem jeziku.
Za Republiko Slovenijo
Andrej Vizjak l.r.
Za Kraljevino Nizozemsko
Maria J.A. van der Hoeven l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 320-04/07-5/1
Ljubljana, dne 12. julija 2007
EPA 1534-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.

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