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CS/Art. 8 CHAPTER I Basic Provisions ARTICLE 8 Plenipotentiary Conference MOD 51 c) in the light of its decisions taken on PP-98 the reports referred to in No. 50 above, establish the strategic plan for the Union and the basis for the budget of the Union, and determine related financial limits, until the next plenipotentiary conference, after considering all relevant aspects of the work of the Union in that period; MOD 58A jbis) adopt and amend the General Rules of PP-98 conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union; ARTICLE 9 Principles Concerning Elections and Related Matters (MOD) 61 a) the Members States of the Council are elected with due regard to the need for equitable distribution of the seats on the Council among all regions of the world; MOD 62 b) the Secretary-General, the Deputy PP-94 Secretary-General and the Directors of PP-98 the Bureaux shall be elected among the candidates proposed by Member States as their nationals and shall all be nationals of different Member States, and at their election due consideration should be given to equitable geographical distribution amongst the regions of the world; due consideration should also be given to the principles embodied in No. 154 of this Constitution: CS/Art. 10 MOD 63 c) the members of the Radio Regulations PP-94 Board shall be elected in their PP-98 individual capacity from among the candidates proposed by Member States as their nationals. Each Member State may propose only one candidate. The members of the Radio Regulations Board shall not be nationals of the same Member State as the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau; at their election, due consideration should be given to equitable geographical distribution amongst the regions of the world and to the principles embodied in No. 93 of this Constitution. MOD 64 2 Provisions relating to taking up duties, vacancy and re-eligibility are contained in the Convention. ARTICLE 10 The Council (MOD) 66 2) Each Member State of the Council shall appoint a person to serve on the Council who may be assisted by one or more advisers. SUP* 67 MOD 70 2) The Council shall consider broad PP-98 telecommunication policy issues in accordance with the guidelines given by the Plenipotentiary Conference in order to ensure that the Union’s policies and strategy fully respond to changes in the telecommunication environment. ADD 70A 2bis) The Council shall prepare a report on the policy and strategic planning recommended for the Union, together with their financial implications, using the specific data prepared by the Secretary-General under No. 74A below. CS/Art. 11 ARTICLE 11 General Secretariat ADD 74A b) prepare, with the assistance of the PP-98 Coordination Committee, and provide to the Member States and Sector Members, such specific information as may be required for the preparation of a report on the policies and strategic plan for the Union, and coordinate the implementation of the plan; this report shall be communicated to the Member States and Sector Members for review during the last two regularly scheduled sessions of the Council before a plenipotentiary conference; CS/Art. 14 CHAPTER II Radiocommunication Sector ARTICLE 14 Radio Regulations Board MOD 95 a) the approval of Rules of Procedure, PP-98 which include technical criteria, in accordance with the Radio Regulations and with any decision which may be taken by competent radiocommunication conferences. These Rules of Procedure shall be used by the Director and the Bureau in the application of the Radio Regulations to register frequency assignments made by Member States. These Rules shall be developed in a transparent manner and shall be open to comment by administrations and, in case of continuing disagreement, the matter shall be submitted to the next world radiocommunication conference; ADD CHAPTER IV A ADD Working Methods of the Sectors ADD 145A The radiocommunication assembly, the world telecommunication standardization assembly and the world telecommunication development conference may establish and adopt working methods and procedures for the management of the activities of their respective Sectors. These working methods and procedures must be compatible with this Constitution, the Convention and the Administrative Regulations, and in particular Nos. 246D to 246H of the Convention. CS/Art. 28 CHAPTER V Other Provisions Concerning the Functioning of the Union ARTICLE 28 Finances of the Union MOD 159D 2ter Expenses incurred by the regional PP-98 conferences referred to in No. 43 of this Constitution shall be borne: ADD 159E a) by all the Member States of the region concerned, in accordance with their class of contribution; ADD 159F b) by any Member States of other regions which have participated in such conferences, in accordance with their class of contribution; ADD 159G c) by authorized Sector Members and other authorized organizations which have participated in such conferences, in accordance with the provisions of the Convention. MOD 161E 4) Bearing in mind the draft financial PP-98 plan as revised, the plenipotentiary conference shall, as soon as possible, determine the definitive upper limit of the amount of the contributory unit and set the date, which shall be a date within the penultimate week of the plenipotentiary conference, by which Member States, upon invitation by the Secretary-General, shall announce their definitive choice of class of contribution. CS/Art. 32 ARTICLE 32 MOD General Rules of Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings of the Union MOD 177 1 The General Rules of conferences, PP-98 assemblies and meetings of the Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference shall apply to the preparation of conferences and assemblies and to the organization of the work and conduct of the discussions of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union, as well as to the election of Member States of the Council, of the Secretary-General, of the Deputy Secretary- General, of the Directors of the Bureaux of the Sectors and of the members of the Radio Regulations Board. MOD 178 2 Conferences, assemblies and the Council PP-98 may adopt such rules as they consider to be essential in addition to those in Chapter II of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union. Such additional rules must, however, be compatible with this Constitution, the Convention and the aforesaid Chapter II; those adopted by conferences or assemblies shall be published as documents of the conference or assembly concerned. CS/Art. 44 CHAPTER VII Special Provisions for Radio ARTICLE 44 Use of the Radio-Frequency Spectrum and of the Geostationary-Satellite and Other Satellite Orbits (MOD) 195 1 Members shall endeavour to limit the number of frequencies and the spectrum used to the minimum essential to provide in a satisfactory manner the necessary services. To that end, they shall endeavour to apply the latest technical advances as soon as possible. CS/Art. 50 CHAPTER VIII Relations With the United Nations, Other International Organizations and Non-Member States ARTICLE 50 Relations With Other International Organizations MOD 206 In furtherance of complete international coordination on matters affecting telecommunication, the Union should cooperate with international organizations having related interests and activities. CS/Art. 55 CHAPTER IX Final Provisions ARTICLE 55 Provisions for Amending this Constitution MOD 224 1 Any Member State may propose any PP-98 amendment to this Constitution. Any such proposal shall, in order to ensure its timely transmission to, and consideration by, all the Member States, reach the Secretary-General not later than eight months prior to the opening date fixed for the plenipotentiary conference. The Secretary-General shall, as soon as possible, but not later than six months prior to the latter date, publish any such proposal for the information of all the Member States. MOD 228 5 Unless specified otherwise in the PP-98 preceding paragraphs of this Article, which shall prevail, the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union shall apply. ARTICLE 58 Entry into Force and Related Matters MOD 238 1 This Constitution and the Convention, adopted by the additional Plenipotentiary Conference (Geneva, 1992), shall enter into force on 1 July 1994 between Member States having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession. PART II – Date of Entry into Force The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument, enter into force on 1 January 2004 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Constitution of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998). Done at Marrakesh, 18 October 2002
CV/Art. 2 CHAPTER I Functioning of the Union SECTION 1 ARTICLE 2 Elections and Related Matters The Council (MOD) 11 a) when a Member State of the Council does not have a representative in attendance at two consecutive ordinary sessions of the Council; Members of the Radio Regulations Board (MOD) 21 2 If, in the interval between two plenipotentiary conferences, a member of the Board resigns or is no longer in a position to perform his duties, the Secretary-General, in consultation with the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau, shall invite the Member States of the region concerned to propose candidates for the election of a replacement at the next session of the Council. However, if the vacancy occurs more than 90 days before a session of the Council or after the session of the Council preceding the next plenipotentiary conference, the Member State concerned shall designate, as soon as possible and within 90 days, another national as a replacement who will remain in office until the new member elected by the Council takes office or until the new members of the Board elected by the next plenipotentiary conference take office, as appropriate. The replacement shall be eligible for election by the Council or by the Plenipotentiary Conference, as appropriate. CV/Art 3 MOD 22 3 A member of the Radio Regulations Board is considered no longer in a position to perform his duties after three consecutive absences from the Board meetings. The Secretary-General shall, after consultation with the Board's Chairman as well as the member of the Board and the Member State concerned, declare existence of a vacancy in the Board and shall proceed as stipulated in No. 21 above. ARTICLE 3 Other Conferences and Assemblies MOD 47 7 In the consultations referred to in PP-98 Nos. 42, 46, 118, 123 and 138 of this Convention and in Nos. 26, 28, 29, 31 and 36 of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union, Member States which have not replied within the time-limits specified by the Council shall be regarded as not participating in the consultations, and in consequence shall not be taken into account in computing the majority. If the number of replies does not exceed one-half of the Member States consulted, a further consultation shall take place, the results of which shall be decisive regardless of the number of votes cast. SECTION 2 ARTICLE 4 The Council MOD 57 6 Only the travelling, subsistence and PP-98 insurance expenses incurred by the representative of each Member State of the Council, belonging to the category of developing countries, the list of which is established by the United Nations Development Programme, in that capacity at Council sessions, shall be borne by the Union. CV/Art 4 MOD 60A 9 bis A Member State which is not a Member PP-98 State of the Council may, with prior notice to the Secretary-General, send one observer at its own expense to meetings of the Council, its committees and its working groups. An observer shall not have the right to vote. ADD 60B 9 ter Sector Members may be represented as observers at meetings of the Council, its committees and its working groups, subject to the conditions established by the Council, including conditions relating to the number of such observers and the procedures for appointing them. ADD 61A 10 bis While at all times respecting the financial limits as adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference, the Council may, as necessary, review and update the strategic plan which forms the basis of the corresponding operational plans and inform the Member States and Sector Members accordingly. ADD* 61B 10 ter The Council shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure. ADD 62A 1) receive and review the specific data for strategic planning that is provided by the Secretary-General as noted in No. 74A of the Constitution and, in the last but one ordinary session of the Council before the next plenipotentiary conference, initiate the preparation of a draft new strategic plan for the Union, drawing upon input from Member States, Sector Members and the Sector advisory groups, and produce a coordinated draft new strategic plan at least four months before that plenipotentiary conference; ADD 62B 1 bis) establish a calendar for the development of strategic and financial plans for the Union, and of operational plans for each Sector and for the General Secretariat, so as to allow for the development of appropriate linkage among the plans; CV/Art. 4 MOD 73 7) review and approve the biennial PP-98 budget of the Union, and consider the budget forecast (included in the financial operating report prepared by the Secretary-General under No. 101 of this Convention) for the two-year period following a given budget period, taking account of the decisions of the Plenipotentiary Conference in relation to No. 50 of the Constitution and of the financial limits set by the Plenipotentiary Conference in accordance with No. 51 of the Constitution; it shall ensure the strictest possible economy but be mindful of the obligation upon the Union to achieve satisfactory results as expeditiously as possible. In so doing, the Council shall take into account the priorities established by the Plenipotentiary Conference as expressed in the strategic plan for the Union, the views of the Coordination Committee as contained in the report by the Secretary-General mentioned in No. 86 of this Convention and the financial operating report mentioned in No. 101 of this Convention; MOD 79 13) take any necessary steps, with the PP-98 agreement of a majority of the Member States, provisionally to resolve questions not covered by the Constitution, this Convention and the Administrative Regulations and which cannot await the next competent conference for settlement; MOD 81 15) send to Member States, within 30 PP-98 days after each of its sessions, summary records on the activities of the Council and other documents deemed useful; CV/Art. 5 SECTION 3 ARTICLE 5 General Secretariat MOD 87A dbis) prepare annually a four-year rolling PP-98 operational plan of activities to be undertaken by the staff of the General Secretariat consistent with the strategic plan, covering the subsequent year and the following three-year period, including financial implications, taking due account of the financial plan as approved by the plenipotentiary conference; this four- year operational plan shall be reviewed by the advisory groups of all three Sectors, and shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Council; SECTION 4 ARTICLE 6 Coordination Committee (MOD) 4 A report shall be made of the 111 proceedings of the Coordination Committee and will be made available on request to Member States of the Council. CV/Art. 8 SECTION 5 Radiocommunication Sector ARTICLE 8 Radiocommunication Assembly ADD 129A 1 bis The radiocommunication assembly is authorized to adopt the working methods and procedures for the management of the Sector's activities in accordance with No. 145A of the Constitution. ADD 136A 7) decide on the need to maintain, terminate or establish other groups and appoint their chairmen and vice-chairmen; ADD 136B 8) establish the terms of reference for the groups referred to in No. 136A above; such groups shall not adopt questions or recommendations. MOD 137A 4 A radiocommunication assembly may PP-98 assign specific matters within its competence, except those relating to the procedures contained in the Radio Regulations, to the radiocommunication advisory group indicating the action required on those matters. ARTICLE 10 Radio Regulations Board MOD 140 2 In addition to the duties specified in Article 14 of the Constitution, the Board shall: 1) consider reports from the Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau on investigations of harmful interference carried out at the request of one or more of the interested administrations, and formulate recommendations with respect thereto; 2) also, independently of the Radiocommunication Bureau, at the request of one or more of the interested administrations, consider appeals against decisions made by the Radiocommunication Bureau regarding frequency assignments. CV/Art. 10 MOD 141 3 The members of the Board shall participate, in an advisory capacity, in radiocommunication conferences. In this case, they shall not participate in these conferences as members of their national delegations. ADD 141A 3 bis Two members of the Board, designated by the Board, shall participate, in an advisory capacity, in plenipotentiary conferences and radiocommunication assemblies. In these cases, the two members designated by the Board shall not participate in these conferences or assemblies as members of their national delegations. ADD 142A 4 bis The members of the Board shall, while in the exercise of their duties for the Union, as specified in the Constitution and Convention, or while on mission for the Union, enjoy functional privileges and immunities equivalent to those granted to the elected officials of the Union by each Member State, subject to the relevant provisions of the national legislation or other applicable legislation in each Member State. Such functional privileges and immunities are granted to members of the Board for the purposes of the Union and not for their personal advantage. The Union may and shall withdraw the immunity granted to a member of the Board whenever it considers that such immunity is contrary to the orderly administration of justice and its withdrawal is not prejudicial to the interests of the Union. MOD 145 2) The Board shall normally hold up to four meetings a year, of up to five days' duration, generally at the seat of the Union, at which at least two-thirds of its members shall be present, and may carry out its duties using modern means of communication. However, if the Board deems necessary, depending upon the matters to be considered, it may increase the number of its meetings. Exceptionally, the meetings may be of up to two weeks' duration. CV/Art. 11A ARTICLE 11A PP-98 Radiocommunication Advisory Group MOD 160A 1 The radiocommunication advisory group PP-98 shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen of the study groups and other groups, and will act through the Director. MOD 160C 1) review priorities, programmes, PP-98 operations, financial matters and strategies related to radiocommunication assemblies, study groups and other groups and the preparation of radiocommunication conferences, and any specific matters as directed by a conference of the Union, a radiocommunication assembly or the Council; ADD 1 bis) review the implementation of the 160CA operational plan of the preceding period in order to identify areas in which the Bureau has not achieved or was not able to achieve the objectives laid down in that plan, and advise the Director on the necessary corrective measures; ADD 160I 7) prepare a report for the Radiocommunication Assembly on the matters assigned to it in accordance with No. 137A of this Convention and transmit it to the Director for submission to the assembly. ARTICLE 12 Radiocommunication Bureau MOD 164 a) coordinate the preparatory work of the PP-98 study groups and other groups and the Bureau, communicate to the Member States and Sector Members the results of this preparatory work, collect their comments and submit a consolidated report to the conference which may include proposals of a regulatory nature; CV/Art. 12 MOD 165 b) participate as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of radiocommunication conferences, of the radiocommunication assembly and of the radiocommunication study groups and other groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for radiocommunication conferences and meetings of the Radiocommunication Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council in carrying out these preparations; MOD 169 b) distribute to all Member States the Rules of Procedure of the Board, collect comments thereon received from administrations and submit them to the Board; MOD 170 c) process information received from administrations in application of the relevant provisions of the Radio Regulations and regional agreements and their associated Rules of Procedure and prepare it, as appropriate, in a form suitable for publication; MOD 175 3) coordinate the work of the radiocommunication study groups and other groups and be responsible for the organization of that work; MOD 175B 3ter) take practical measures to facilitate the PP-98 participation of developing countries in the radiocommunication study groups and other groups. MOD 180 d) submit to the world radiocommunication conference a report on the activities of the Radiocommunication Sector since the last conference; if a world radiocommunication conference is not planned, a report on the activities of the Sector covering the period since the last conference shall be submitted to the Council and, for information, to Member States and Sector Members; CV/Art. 13 MOD 181A f) prepare annually a rolling four-year PP-98 operational plan that covers the subsequent year and the following three-year period, including financial implications of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole; this four-year operational plan shall be reviewed by the radiocommunication advisory group in accordance with Article 11 A of this Convention, and shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Council; SECTION 6 Telecommunication Standardization Sector ARTICLE 13 PP-98 World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ADD 184A 1 bis The world telecommunication standardization assembly is authorized to adopt the working methods and procedures for the management of the Sector's activities in accordance with No. 145A of the Constitution. MOD 187 a) consider the reports of study groups PP-98 prepared in accordance with No. 194 of this Convention and approve, modify or reject draft recommendations contained in those reports, and consider the reports of the telecommunication standardization advisory group in accordance with Nos. 197H and 197I of this Convention; ADD191bis f) decide on the need to maintain, terminate or establish other groups and appoint their chairmen and vice- chairmen; ADD191ter g) establish the terms of reference for the groups referred to in No. 191bis above; such groups shall not adopt questions or recommendations. CV/Art. 14A MOD 191B 5 A world telecommunication PP-98 standardization assembly shall be presided over by a person designated by the government of the country in which the meeting is held or, in the case of a meeting held at the seat of the Union, by a chairman elected by the assembly itself. The chairman shall be assisted by vice-chairmen elected by the assembly. ARTICLE 14A PP-98 Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group MOD 197A 1 The telecommunication standardization PP-98 advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen of the study groups and other groups. ADD 1 bis) review the implementation of the 197CA operational plan of the preceding period in order to identify areas in which the Bureau has not achieved or was not able to achieve the objectives laid down in that plan, and advise the Director on the necessary corrective measures; ARTICLE 15 Telecommunication Standardization Bureau MOD 200 a) update annually the work programme PP-98 approved by the world telecommunication standardization assembly, in consultation with the chairmen of the telecommunication standardization study groups and other groups; CV/Art. 16 MOD 201 b) participate, as of right, but in an PP-98 advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the world telecommunication standardization assemblies and of the telecommunication standardization study groups and other groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for assemblies and meetings of the Telecommunication Standardization Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council concerning these preparations; MOD 205A g) prepare annually a rolling four-year PP-98 operational plan that covers the subsequent year and the following three-year period, including financial implications of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole; this four-year operational plan shall be reviewed by the telecommunication standardization advisory group in accordance with Article 14A of this Convention, and shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Council; SECTION 7 Telecommunication Development Sector ARTICLE 16 Telecommunication Development Conferences ADD 207A 1 The world telecommunication development conference is authorized to adopt the working methods and procedures for the management of the Sector's activities in accordance with No. 145A of the Constitution. ADD 209A a bis) decide on the need to maintain, terminate or establish other groups and appoint their chairmen and vice- chairmen; CV/Art. 17A ADD 209B a ter) establish the terms of reference for the groups referred to in No. 209A above; such groups shall not adopt questions or recommendations. MOD 210 b) regional telecommunication development conferences shall consider questions and priorities relating to telecommunication development, taking into account the needs and characteristics of the region concerned, and may also submit recommendations to world telecommunication development conferences; ADD 213A 3 A telecommunication development PP-98 conference may assign specific matters within its competence to the telecommunication development advisory group, indicating the recommended action on those matters. ARTICLE 17A PP-98 Telecommunication Development Advisory Group MOD 215C 1 The telecommunication development PP-98 advisory group shall be open to representatives of administrations of Member States and representatives of Sector Members and to chairmen and vice-chairmen of study groups and other groups. ADD 1 bis) review the implementation of the 215EA operational plan of the preceding period in order to identify areas in which the Bureau has not achieved or was not able to achieve the objectives laid down in that plan, and advise the Director on the necessary corrective measures. ADD 6bis) prepare a report for the world 215JA telecommunication development conference on the matters assigned to it in accordance with No. 213A of this Convention and transmit it to the Director for submission to the conference. CV/Art. 18 ARTICLE 18 PP-98 Telecommunication Development Bureau MOD 218 a) participate as of right, but in an advisory capacity, in the deliberations of the telecommunication development conferences and of the telecommunication development study groups and other groups. The Director shall make all necessary preparations for conferences and meetings of the Telecommunication Development Sector in consultation with the General Secretariat in accordance with No. 94 of this Convention and, as appropriate, with the other Sectors of the Union, and with due regard for the directives of the Council in carrying out these preparations; MOD 223A g) prepare annually a rolling four-year PP-98 operational plan that covers the subsequent year and the following three-year period, including financial implications of activities to be undertaken by the Bureau in support of the Sector as a whole; this four-year operational plan shall be reviewed by the telecommunication development advisory group in accordance with Article 17A of this Convention, and shall be reviewed and approved annually by the Council; CV/Art. 23 CHAPTER II MOD PP- Specific Provisions Regarding 98 Conferences and Assemblies ARTICLE 23 MOD Admission to Plenipotentiary Conferences SUP* 255 to 266 (MOD) 1 The following shall be admitted to 267 plenipotentiary conferences: ADD 268A b) the elected officials, in an advisory capacity; ADD 268B c) the Radio Regulations Board, in accordance with No. 141A of this Convention, in an advisory capacity; MOD 269 d) observers of the following PP-94 organizations, agencies and entities: ADD* i) the United Nations; 269A ADD* ii) regional telecommunication 269B organizations mentioned in Article 43 of the Constitution; ADD* iii) intergovernmental organizations 269C operating satellite systems; ADD* iv) the specialized agencies of the 269D United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; ADD* v) Sector Members referred to in 269E Nos. 229 and 231 of this Convention and organizations of an international character representing them. ADD* 2 The General Secretariat and the three 269F Bureaux of the Union shall be represented at the conference in an advisory capacity. CV/Art. 24 ARTICLE 24 MOD Admission to Radiocommunication Conferences SUP* 270 to 275 (MOD) 1 The following shall be admitted to 276 radiocommunication conferences: (MOD) b) observers of organisations and agencies 278 referred to in Nos. 269A to 269D of this Convention; MOD 279 c) observers of other international organizations invited by the government and admitted by the conference in accordance with the relevant provisions of Chapter I of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union; SUP* 281 (MOD) e) observers of Member States participating 282 in a non-voting capacity in a regional PP-98 radiocommunication conference of a region other than that to which the said Member States belong; ADD* f) in an advisory capacity, the elected 282A officials, when the conference is discussing matters coming within their competence, and the members of the Radio Regulations Board. CV/Art. 25 ARTICLE 25 MOD PP- Admission to Radiocommunication Assemblies, 98 World Telecommunication Standardization Assemblies and Telecommunication Development Conferences SUP* 283 to 294 (MOD) 1 The following shall be admitted to the 295 assembly or conference: MOD 297 b) observers of the following organisations and agencies: SUP* 298 ADD* i) regional telecommunication 298A organizations mentioned in Article 43 of the Constitution; ADD* ii) intergovernmental 298B organizations operating satellite systems; ADD* iii) any other regional 298C organization or other international organization dealing with matters of interest to the assembly or conference; ADD* iv) the United Nations; 298D ADD* v) the specialized agencies of 298E the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency; ADD* representatives of Sector Members 298F c) concerned. ADD* 2 The elected officials, the General 298G Secretariat and the Bureaux of the Union, as appropriate, shall be represented at the assembly or conference in an advisory capacity. Two members of the Radio Regulations Board, designated by the Board, shall participate in radiocommunication assemblies in an advisory capacity. CV/Art. 26 SUP* ARTICLE 26 SUP* ARTICLE 27 SUP* ARTICLE 28 SUP* ARTICLE 29 SUP* ARTICLE 30 ARTICLE 31 Credentials for Conferences MOD 334 5 Credentials shall be deposited with the PP-98 secretariat of the conference as early as possible; to that end, Member States should send their credentials, prior to the opening date of the conference, to the Secretary-General who shall transmit them to the secretariat of the conference as soon as the latter has been established. The committee referred to in No. 68 of the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union shall be entrusted with the verification thereof and shall report on its conclusions to the Plenary Meeting within the time specified by the latter. Pending the decision of the Plenary Meeting thereon, any delegation shall be entitled to participate in the conference and to exercise the right to vote of the Member State concerned. CV/Art. 32 CHAPTER III Rules of Procedure ARTICLE 32 MOD General Rules of Conferences, Assemblies and Meetings of the Union MOD 339A 1 The General Rules of conferences, PP-98 assemblies and meetings of the Union are adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference. The provisions governing the procedure for amending those Rules and the entry into force of amendments are contained in the Rules themselves. MOD 340 2 The General Rules of conferences, PP-98 assemblies and meetings of the Union shall apply without prejudice to the amendment provisions contained in Article 55 of the Constitution and in Article 42 of this Convention. CV/Art. 33 CHAPTER IV Other Provisions ARTICLE 33 Finances MOD 476 4 1) The organizations referred to PP-94 in Nos. 269A to 269E of Convention and other PP-98 organizations of an international character (unless they have been exempted by the Council, subject to reciprocity) and Sector Members which participate, in accordance with the provisions of this Convention, in a plenipotentiary conference, in a conference, assembly or meeting of a Sector of the Union, or in a world conference on international telecommunications, shall share in defraying the expenses of the conferences, assemblies and meetings in which they participate on the basis of the cost of these conferences and meetings and in accordance with the Financial Regulations. Nevertheless, Sector Members will not be charged separately for their attendance at a conference, assembly or meeting of their respective Sectors, except in the case of regional radiocommunication conferences. CV/Art. 42 CHAPTER VI Arbitration and Amendment ARTICLE 42 Provisions for Amending this Convention MOD 523 5 Unless specified otherwise in the PP-98 preceding paragraphs of this Article, which shall prevail, the General Rules of conferences, assemblies and meetings of the Union shall apply. PART II – Date of Entry into Force The amendments contained in the present instrument shall, as a whole and in the form of one single instrument, enter into force on I January 2004 between Member States being at that time parties to the Constitution and the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), and having deposited before that date their instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of, or accession to, the present amending instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the respective plenipotentiaries have signed the original of the present instrument amending the Convention of the International Telecommunication Union (Geneva, 1992), as amended by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Kyoto, 1994) and by the Plenipotentiary Conference (Minneapolis, 1998). Done at Marrakesh, 18 October 2002
U/8. čl. I. POGLAVJE Temeljne določbe 8. ČLEN Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov SPR. 51 c) v skladu s svojimi sklepi, sprejetimi v PP-98 zvezi s poročili iz št. 50 zgoraj, določi strateški načrt Zveze in podlago za njen proračun ter določi ustrezne finančne omejitve do naslednje konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, potem ko preuči vse pomembne vidike delovanja Zveze v tem obdobju; SPR. 58A jbis) sprejme ter spremeni in dopolni Splošna PP-98 pravila konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze; 9. ČLEN Načela v zvezi z volitvami in z njimi povezanimi zadevami (SPR) 61 a) da so države članice Sveta izvoljene ob primernem upoštevanju potrebne enakopravne razporeditve sedežev v Svetu med vsemi svetovnimi območji; SPR. 62 b) da so generalni sekretar, namestnik PP-94 generalnega sekretarja, direktorji uradov PP-98 izvoljeni izmed kandidatov, ki jih kot svoje državljane predlagajo države članice in so vsi državljani različnih držav članic, s tem da je ob njihovi izvolitvi upoštevana enakopravna geografska razporeditev med svetovnimi območji; pri tem je treba tudi ustrezno upoštevati načela iz št. 154 te ustave: U/10. čl. SPR. 63 c) da so člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo PP-94 izvoljeni kot posamezniki izmed PP-98 kandidatov, ki jih predlagajo države članice kot svoje državljane. Vsaka država članica lahko predlaga le enega kandidata. Člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo ne morejo biti državljani države članice, iz katere je direktor Urada za radiokomunikacije; ob njihovi izvolitvi je treba ustrezno upoštevati enakopravno geografsko razporeditev med svetovnimi območji in načela iz št. 93 te ustave; SPR. 64 2 Določbe, ki obravnavajo prevzem dolžnosti, prosta mesta in možnost ponovne izvolitve, so navedene v Konvenciji. 10. ČLEN Svet SPR. 66 2) Vsaka država članica Sveta imenuje osebo za delo v Svetu, ki ji lahko pomaga eden ali več svetovalcev. ČRT. 67 SPR. 70 2) Svet obravnava širše zadeve s PP-98 področja politike telekomunikacij v skladu s smernicami Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, da s tem zagotovi celovito odzivanje politike in strategije Zveze na spremembe v telekomunikacijskem okolju. DOP. 70A 2bis) Svet pripravi poročilo o politiki in strateškem načrtovanju, priporočenih Zvezi, skupaj z njunimi finančnimi posledicami, za kar uporabi posebne podatke, ki jih pripravi generalni sekretar v skladu s št. 74A spodaj. U/11. čl. 11. ČLEN Generalni sekretariat DOP. 74A b) ob podpori koordinacijskega komiteja PP-98 pripravlja in zagotavlja za države članice in sektorske članice take posebne informacije, ki bi lahko bile zahtevane za pripravo poročila o politikah in strateškem načrtu za Zvezo, in usklajuje izvajanje tega načrta; to poročilo se pošlje v pregled državam članicam in sektorskim članicam med zadnjima rednima sejama Sveta pred konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov; U/14. čl. II. POGLAVJE Sektor za radiokomunikacije 14. ČLEN Odbor za radijsko regulativo SPR. 95 a) potrditev poslovnika, ki vsebuje tehnična PP-98 merila v skladu s Pravilnikom o radiokomunikacijah in kakršnimkoli sklepom, ki ga lahko sprejmejo pristojne konference o radiokomunikacijah. Ta poslovnik uporabljata direktor in Urad pri izvajanju Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah za registracijo frekvenc, ki so jih dodelile države članice. Ta poslovnik se pripravi pregledno in je odprt za pripombe uprav; pri nenehnih nesoglasjih se zadeva predloži naslednji svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah: DOP. IV.A POGLAVJE DOP. Delovne metode sektorjev DOP. 145A Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah, svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji v telekomunikacijah in svetovna konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij lahko določijo in sprejmejo delovne metode in postopke za upravljanje dejavnosti njihovih ustreznih sektorjev. Te delovne metode in postopki morajo biti usklajeni s to ustavo, Konvencijo in Upravnim pravilnikom, zlasti s točkami od 246D do 246H Konvencije. U/28. čl. V. POGLAVJE Druge določbe, ki urejajo delovanje Zveze 28. ČLEN Finance Zveze SPR. 159D 2ter Izdatke območnih konferenc iz št. 43 te PP-98 ustave krijejo: DOP. 159E vse države članice iz zadevnega območja a) glede na svoj prispevni razred; DOP. 159F vse države članice iz drugih območij, ki b) se udeležijo takih konferenc, glede na svoj prispevni razred; DOP. 159G pooblaščene sektorske članice in druge c) pooblaščene organizacije, ki se udeležijo takih konferenc, v skladu z določbami Konvencije. SPR. 161E 4) Ob upoštevanju revidiranega PP-98 osnutka finančnega načrta se na konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov čimprej določi dokončna zgornja meja vrednosti prispevne enote in datum v predzadnjem tednu konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov, do katerega države članice na povabilo generalnega sekretarja sporočijo svojo dokončno izbiro prispevnega razreda. U/32. čl. 32. ČLEN SPR. Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze SPR. 177 1 Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in PP-98 zasedanj Zveze, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, se uporabljajo za pripravo konferenc in skupščin ter za organizacijo dela in vodenje razprav na konferencah, skupščinah in zasedanjih Zveze, pa tudi pri volitvah držav članic v Svet, generalnega sekretarja, namestnika generalnega sekretarja, direktorjev uradov sektorjev in članov Odbora za radijsko regulativo. SPR. 178 2 Konference, skupščine in Svet lahko PP-98 sprejmejo še takšna pravila, ki se jim zdijo bistvenega pomena poleg tistih iz II. poglavja Splošnih pravil konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze. Vendar morajo biti taka dodatna pravila usklajena s to ustavo, Konvencijo in prej omenjenim II. poglavjem; pravila, ki jih sprejmejo konference ali skupščine, se objavijo kot dokumenti zadevne konference ali skupščine. U/44. čl. VII . POGLAVJE Posebni predpisi za radio 44. ČLEN Uporaba radiofrekvenčnega spektra in orbit geostacionarnih in drugih satelitov (SPR) 195 1 Članice si prizadevajo omejiti število uporabljenih frekvenc in spektra na najnujnejši minimum, s katerim še lahko zadovoljivo zagotovijo vse potrebne storitve. Zato si prizadevajo za čimprejšnjo uporabo najnovejših tehničnih novosti. U/50. čl. VIII. POGLAVJE Odnosi z Združenimi narodi, drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami in državami nečlanicami 50. ČLEN Odnosi z drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami SPR. 206 Za pospešitev celovitega mednarodnega usklajevanja zadev, ki vplivajo na telekomunikacije, mora Zveza sodelovati z mednarodnimi organizacijami s podobnimi interesi in dejavnostmi. U/55. čl. IX. POGLAVJE Končne določbe 55. ČLEN Določbe o spremembah in dopolnitvah te ustave SPR. 224 1 Vsaka država članica lahko predlaga PP-98 kakršnokoli spremembo in dopolnitev te ustave. Vsak tak predlog se zaradi zagotovitve pravočasnega razpošiljanja vsem državam članicam v njihovo preučitev predloži generalnemu sekretarju najpozneje osem mesecev pred datumom začetka konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Generalni sekretar čimprej objavi vsak tak predlog, vendar najpozneje šest mesecev pred navedenim datumom, v informacijo vsem državam članicam. SPR. 228 5 Razen če ni v prejšnjih odstavkih tega PP-98 člena, ki sicer prevladajo, drugače določeno, se uporabljajo Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze. 58. ČLEN Začetek veljavnosti in s tem povezane zadeve SPR. 238 1 Ta ustava in Konvencija, sprejeti na dodatni konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Ženeva 1992), začneta veljati dne 1. julija 1994 za tiste države članice, ki so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu. II. DEL – Datum začetka veljavnosti Spremembe in dopolnitve v tem dokumentu začnejo veljati v celoti in v enem samem dokumentu 1. januarja 2004 za tiste države članice, ki so takrat pogodbenice Ustave in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992) in so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristopu k njemu. V DOKAZ NAVEDENEGA so pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali izvirnik tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Ustave Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), kakor sta jo spremenili in dopolnili Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994) in Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Minneapolis 1998). V Marakešu, 18. oktobra 2002
K/2. čl. I. POGLAVJE Delovanje Zveze 1. RAZDELEK 2. ČLEN Volitve in z njimi povezane zadeve Svet (SPR) 11 a) kadar predstavnik države članice Sveta ni navzoč na dveh zaporednih rednih sejah Sveta; Članice Odbora za radijsko regulativo (SPR) 21 2 Če v času med konferencama pooblaščenih predstavnikov član Odbora odstopi ali ne more več opravljati svojih dolžnosti, generalni sekretar po posvetu z direktorjem Urada za radiokomunikacije povabi države članice iz zadevnega območja, da na naslednji seji Sveta predlagajo za izvolitev nadomestne kandidate. Če pa se mesto izprazni več kakor 90 dni pred sejo ali po seji Sveta, ki je pred naslednjo Konferenco pooblaščenih predstavnikov, določi zadevna država članica čim prej, vendar najpozneje v 90 dneh, drugega, nadomestnega državljana, ki bo opravljal dolžnosti dokler novi član, ki ga izvoli Svet, ne zasede mesta, ali novi člani Odbora, ki jih izvoli naslednja Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, ne prevzamejo svojih dolžnosti, kakor je primerno. Nadomestni kandidat je upravičen, da ga izvoli Svet ali Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, kakor je primerno. K/3. čl. SPR 22 3 Po trikratni zaporedni odsotnosti na sestankih Odbora se šteje, da član Odbora za radijsko regulativo ne more več opravljati svojih dolžnosti. Po posvetovanju s predsedujočim Odbora in zadevnim članom uprave ter državo članico generalni sekretar objavi prosto mesto v Odboru in nadaljuje s postopkom, kakor določa št. 21 zgoraj. 3. ČLEN Druge konference in skupščine SPR 47 7 Pri posvetovanjih iz št. 42, 46, 118, PP-98 123 in 138 te konvencije ter št. 26, 28, 29, 31 in 36 Splošnih pravil konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze se države članice, ki ne odgovorijo v roku, kakor ga je določil Svet, štejejo za nesodelujoče na posvetovanjih in se zato ne upoštevajo pri izračunu večine. Če število odgovorov ne preseže polovice držav članic, s katerimi se je opravilo posvetovanje, se opravi dodatno posvetovanje, katerega izid pa je odločilen ne glede na število oddanih glasov. 2. RAZDELEK 4. ČLEN Svet SPR 57 6 Zveza krije samo potne stroške ter PP-98 stroške bivanja in zavarovanja za predstavnika, ki je po uradni dolžnosti na sejah Sveta iz vsake države članice Sveta s seznama držav v razvoju, pripravljenega v okviru Razvojnega programa Združenih narodov. K/4. čl. SPR 60A 9 bis Država članica, ki ni država članica PP-98 Sveta, lahko po predhodnem obvestilu generalnemu sekretarju in na svoje stroške pošlje enega opazovalca na seje Sveta, njegovih komitejev in delovnih skupin. Opazovalec nima glasovalne pravice. DOP 60B 9 ter Sektorske članice imajo lahko na zasedanjih Sveta, sestankih njegovih komitejev in delovnih skupin svoje predstavnike kot opazovalce, odvisno od pogojev, ki jidoloči Svet, vključno s pogoji, ki se nanašajo na število opazovalcev in postopke za njihovo imenovanje. DOP 61A 10 bis Čeprav Svet vedno upošteva finančne omejitve, ki jih sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov, lahko po potrebi pregleda in osveži strateški načrt, ki je podlaga za ustrezne operativne načrte, ter o tem obvesti države članice in sektorske članice. ADD* 61B 10 ter Svet sprejme svoj poslovnik. ADD 62A 1) prejeti in pregledati posebne podatke za strateško načrtovanje, ki ga zagotavlja generalni sekretar, kakor je navedeno v št. 74A Ustave, in na predzadnji redni seji Sveta pred naslednjim zasedanjem pooblaščenih predstavnikov dati pobudo za pripravo osnutka novega strateškega načrta Zveze, ob tem pridobi vhodne podatke od držav članic, sektorskih članic in sektorskih svetovalnih skupin ter izdela usklajen osnutek novega strateškega načrta najmanj štiri mesece pred tem zasedanjem pooblaščenih predstavnikov; ADD 62B 1 bis) določiti koledar razvoja strateških in finančnih načrtov Zveze ter operativnih načrtov za vsak sektor in za generalni sekreta in tako omogočiti razvoj ustrezne povezave med načrti; K/4. čl. SPR 73 7) pregledati in odobriti PP-98 dveletni proračun Zveze in preučiti predlog proračuna (vključen v poročilo o finančnem poslovanju, ki ga pripravi generalni sekretar v skladu s št. 101 Konvencije) za dveletno obdobje po danem proračunskem obdobju ter pri tem upoštevati sklepe Konference pooblaščenih predstavnikov v zvezi s št. 50 ustave in finančne omejitve, ki jih je določila Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov v skladu s št. 51 Ustave; zagotavljati najstrožje možno varčevanje, vendar ob upoštevanju obveznosti Zveze, da čim hitreje doseže zadovoljive rezultate. Pri tem Svet upošteva prednostne naloge, ki jih določi Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov s strateškim načrtom Zveze, mnenja koordinacijskega komiteja iz poročila generalnega sekretarja, omenjenega v št. 86 te konvencije, ter poročilo o finančnem poslovanju, omenjeno v št. 101 te konvencije; SPR 79 13) sporazumno z večino držav PP-98 članic sprejeti vse potrebne ukrepe za začasno reševanje vprašanj, ki jih ne pokrivajo Ustava, ta konvencija in Upravni pravilnik, in ne morejo čakati na rešitev do naslednje pristojne konference; SPR 81 15) v 30 dneh po vsaki svoji seji PP-98 poslati državam članicam Zveze povzetke o dejavnostih Sveta in druge dokumente, ki jih oceni za koristne; K/5. čl. 3. RAZDELEK 5. ČLEN Generalni sekretariat SPR 87A dbis) letno pripravlja štiriletni drseči PP-98 operativni načrt dejavnosti osebja generalnega sekretariata v skladu s strateškim načrtom; načrt dejavnosti zajema naslednje leto in nadaljnje triletno obdobje, vključno s finančnimi posledicami, ob ustreznem upoštevanju finančnega načrta, odobrenega na zasedanju pooblaščenih predstavnikov; ta štiriletni operativni načrt pregledajo svetovalne skupine vseh treh sektorjev, letno pa ga pregleda in potrjuje Svet; 4. RAZDELEK 6. ČLEN Koordinacijski komite (SPR) 111 4 O delovanju koordinacijskega komiteja se izdela poročilo, ki bo na zahtevo na voljo državam članicam Sveta. K/8. čl. 5. RAZDELEK Sektor za radiokomunikacije 8. ČLEN Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah DOP 129A 1 bis Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah je pooblaščena za sprejemanje delovnih metod in postopkov za upravljanje sektorskih dejavnosti v skladu s št. 145A Ustave. DOP 136A 7) odločati o potrebah za vzdrževanje, ukinitev ali vzpostavitev drugih skupin in imenovati njihove predsedujoče ter njihove namestnike; DOP 136B 8) določiti področje delovanja za skupine iz št. 136A zgoraj; te skupine ne odločajo o vprašanjih ali priporočilih. SPR 137A 4 Skupščina o radiokomunikacijah lahko posebne PP-98 zadeve iz svoje pristojnosti, razen zadev v zvezi s postopki iz Pravilnika o radijski regulativi, dodeli svetovalni skupini za radiokomunikacije, pri čemer nakaže želeno ukrepanje pri teh zadevah. 10. ČLEN Odbor za radijsko regulativo SPR 140 2 Poleg dolžnosti, določenih v 14. členu Ustave, Odbor: 1) obravnava poročila direktorja Urada za radiokomunikacije o preiskavah škodljivega motenja, ki so bile opravljene na zahtevo ene ali več zainteresiranih uprav, in o tem oblikuje ustrezna priporočila; 2) prav tako na zahtevo ene ali več zainteresiranih uprav in neodvisno od Urada za radiokomunikacije obravnava tudi pritožbe proti odločbam o dodelitvi frekvenc, ki jih je izdal Urad za radiokomunikacije. K/10. čl. MOD 141 3 Člani Odbora sodelujejo kot svetovalci na konferencah o radiokomunikacijah. V tem primeru na teh konferencah ne smejo sodelovati kot člani svojih državnih delegacij. DOP 141A 3 bis Dva člana Odbora, ki ju imenuje Odbor, sodelujeta kot svetovalca na konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov in skupščinah o radiokomunikacijah. V takih primerih člana, ki ju je imenoval Odbor, ne sodelujeta na teh konferencah ali skupščinah kot člana svojih državnih delegacij. DOP 142A 4 bis Člani Odbora pri opravljanju svojih dolžnosti za Zvezo, določenih v Ustavi in Konvenciji, ali kadar opravljajo naloge za Zvezo, uživajo položajne privilegije in imuniteto, enake tistim, ki jih vsaka država članica podeli izvoljenim funkcionarjem Zveze ob upoštevanju ustreznih določb državnih zakonodaj ali drugih veljavnih zakonodaj v vsaki državi članici. Taki položajni privilegiji in imunitete se podelijo članom Odbora zaradi potreb Zveze in ne zaradi njihovih osebnih koristi. Zveza lahko prekliče in bo preklicala imuniteto, podeljeno članu Odbora, kadarkoli presodi, da je taka imuniteta v nasprotju s pravilnim delovanjem sodnega sistema in da ta preklic ne škoduje interesom Zveze. MOD 145 2) Odbor se običajno sestane do štirikrat letno s trajanjem do pet dni, navadno na sedežu Zveze, kjer morata biti na seji navzoči vsaj dve tretjini članov, in lahko svoje naloge izvaja s sodobnimi komunikacijskimi sredstvi. Če Odbor meni, da je glede na obravnavane zadeve to potrebno, lahko poveča število sestankov. Izjemoma lahko sestanki trajajo do dva tedna. K/ 11.A čl. 11. A ČLEN PP-98 Svetovalna skupina za radiokomunikacije SPR 160A 1 Svetovalna skupina za PP-98 radiokomunikacije je odprta za predstavnike uprav držav članic, predstavnike sektorskih članic in za predsedujoče študijskih in drugih skupin ter deluje prek direktorja. SPR 160C 1) pregleduje prednostne naloge, PP-98 programe, poslovanje, finančne zadeve in strategije, ki se nanašajo na skupščine o radiokomunikacijah, študijske in druge skupine in na pripravo konferenc o radiokomunikacijah, ter vse posebne zadeve, ki jim jih odredi konferenca Zveze, skupščina o radiokomunikacijah ali Svet; DOP 160CA 1 bis) pregleduje izvajanje operativnega načrta predhodnega obdobja, da ugotovi področja, na katerih Urad ni dosegel ali ni mogel doseči ciljev, zapisanih v tem načrtu, in svetuje direktorju o potrebnih popravljalnih ukrepih; DOP 160I 7) pripravi poročilo za skupščino o radiokomunikacijah v zvezi z zadevami, ki so ji bile dodeljene v skladu s št. 137A te konvencije, in ga pošlje direktorju za predložitev skupščini. 12. ČLEN Urad za radiokomunikacije SPR 164 a) usklajevati pripravljalna dela PP-98 študijskih in drugih skupin ter Urada, sporočati državam članicam in sektorskim članicam rezultate teh pripravljalnih del, zbirati njihove pripombe in predložiti usklajeno poročilo konferenci, ki lahko vključi regulativne predloge; K/12. čl. SPR 165 b) ima pravico sodelovati, vendar le kot svetovalec, pri posvetovanjih konferenc o radiokomunikacijah, skupščine o radiokomunikacijah ter študijskih skupin za radiokomunikacije in drugih skupin. Direktor izvede vse potrebne priprave za konference in zasedanja Sektorja za radiokomunikacije ob posvetovanju z generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te konvencije, po potrebi pa tudi z drugimi sektorji Zveze, pri izvajanju teh priprav pa mora ustrezno upošteva direktive Sveta; SPR 169 b) vsem državam članicam razdeliti poslovnik Odbora, zbrati pripombe, ki jih nanj dobi od državnih uprav, in jih predložiti Odboru; SPR 170 c) obdelati informacije, ki jih dobi od državnih uprav, z uporabo ustreznih določb Pravilnika o radiokomunikacijah in območnih sporazumov ter pripadajočih poslovnikov in jih po potrebi pripraviti v obliki, primerni za objavo; SPR 175 3) usklajevati delo študijskih skupin za radiokomunikacije in drugih skupin ter odgovarjati za organizacijo tega dela; SPR 175B 3ter) sprejemati praktične ukrepe za PP-98 olajšanje sodelovanja držav v razvoju v študijskih skupinah za radiokomunikacije in drugih skupinah. SPR 180 d) predložiti svetovni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja za radiokomunikacije po zadnji konferenci; če svetovna konferenca o radiokomunikacijah ni načrtovana, se poročilo o dejavnostih sektorja v dveletnem obdobju po zadnji konferenci predloži Svetu in državam članicam Zveze; K/13. čl. DOP 181A f) letno pripravljati štiriletni drseči PP-98 operativni načrt, ki zajema naslednje leto in nadaljnje triletno obdobje, vključno s finančnimi posledicami zaradi dejavnosti Urada v podporo sektorju kot celoti; ta štiriletni operativni načrt pregleda svetovalna skupina za radiokomunikacije v skladu z 11. A členom te konvencije, letno pa ga pregleduje in potrjuje Svet; 6. RAZDELEK Sektor za standardizacijo telekomunikacij 13. ČLEN PP-98 Svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij DOP 184A 1 bis Svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij je pooblaščena, da sprejme delovne metode in postopke za upravljanje sektorskih dejavnosti v skladu s št. 145A Ustave. SPR 187 a) obravnavati poročila študijskih skupin, PP-98 pripravljena v skladu s št. 194 te konvencije, in potrjevati, spreminjati ali zavračati osnutke priporočil iz teh poročil ter obravnavati poročila svetovalne skupine za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v skladu s št. 197H in 197I te konvencije; DOP191bis f) odločiti o ohranitvi, ukinitvi ali ustanovitvi drugih skupin ter imenovanju njihovih predsedujočih in namestnikov predsedujočih; DOP191ter g) določiti področja delovanja za skupine iz št. 191bis zgoraj; te skupine ne odločajo o vprašanjih ali priporočilih. K/14.A čl. SPR 191B 5 Svetovni skupščini o standardizaciji PP-98 telekomunikacij predseduje oseba, ki jo določi vlada države, kjer je zasedanje, ali pri zasedanju na sedežu Zveze predsedujoči, ki ga izvoli sama skupščina. Predsedujočemu pomagata namestnika predsedujočega, ki ju izvoli skupščina. 14.A ČLEN PP-98 Svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij SPR 197A 1 Svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo PP-98 telekomunikacij je odprta za predstavnike državnih uprav držav članic, predstavnike sektorskih članic ter za predsedujoče študijskih in drugih skupin. DOP 197CA 1 bis) pregledovati izvajanje operativnega načrta predhodnega obdobja za ugotovitev področij, na katerih Urad ni dosegel ali ni mogel doseči ciljev, zapisanih v tem načrtu, in svetovati direktorju o potrebnih popravljalnih ukrepih; 15. ČLEN Urad za standardizacijo telekomunikacij SPR 200 a) letno osveževati delovni program, ki ga PP-98 je odobrila svetovna skupščina o standardizaciji telekomunikacij, ob posvetovanju s predsedujočimi študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij in drugih skupin; K/16. čl. SPR 201 b) Ima pravico sodelovati, vendar v vlogi PP-98 svetovalca, na posvetovanjih svetovnih skupščin o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in študijskih skupin za standardizacijo telekomunikacij ter drugih skupin. Direktor ob posvetovanju z generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te konvencije in po potrebi še z drugimi sektorji Zveze, pripravi vse potrebno za skupščine in zasedanja sektorja za standardizacijo telekomunikacij ob ustreznem upoštevanju direktiv Sveta v zvezi s temi pripravami; SPR 205A g) letno pripraviti drseči štiriletni PP-98 operativni načrt, ki zajema naslednje leto in nadaljnje triletno obdobje, vključno s finančnimi posledicami dejavnosti, ki jih bo opravljal Urad v podporo sektorju kot celoti; ta štiriletni operativni načrt pregleda svetovalna skupina za standardizacijo telekomunikacij v skladu s 14. A členom te konvencije ter ga letno pregleda in potrdi Svet; 7. RAZDELEK Sektor za razvoj telekomunikacij 16. ČLEN Konference o razvoju telekomunikacij DOP 207A 1 Konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij je pooblaščena, da sprejme delovne metode in postopke za upravljanje sektorskih dejavnosti v skladu s št. 145A Ustave. DOP 209A a bis) Odločiti, ali je treba ohraniti, ukinitiali ustanoviti druge skupine ter določiti njihove predsedujoče in namestnike predsedujočih; K/17. A čl. DOP 209B a ter) določiti področje delovanja skupin iz št. 209A zgoraj; te skupine ne odločajo o vprašanjih ali priporočilih. SPR 210 b) območne konference o razvoju telekomunikacij obravnavajo vprašanja in prednostne naloge v zvezi z razvojem telekomunikacij ob upoštevanju potreb in značilnosti zadevnega območja in lahko pošljejo priporočila na svetovne konference o razvoju telekomunikacij; DOP. 213A 3 Konferenca o razvoju telekomunikacij PP-98 lahko dodeli posebne zadeve iz svoje pristojnosti svetovalni skupini za razvoj telekomunikacij, pri čemer nakaže priporočeno ukrepanje s temi zadevami. 17. A ČLEN PP-98 Svetovalna skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij DOP 215C 1 Svetovalna skupina za razvoj PP-98 telekomunikacij je odprta za predstavnike državnih uprav držav članic, predstavnike sektorskih članic ter predsedujoče in namestnike predsedujočih študijskih in drugih skupin. DOP 215EA 1 bis) pregledovati izvajanje operativnega načrta v predhodnem obdobju, da ugotovi področja, kjer Urad ni dosegel ali ni mogel doseči ciljev iz tega načrta in svetovati direktorju o potrebnih popravljalnih ukrepih. DOP 215JA 6bis) pripraviti poročilo o svetovni konferenci o razvoju telekomunikacij o zadevah, ki so ji bile dodeljene v skladu s št. 213A te konvencije, in ga poslati direktorju, da ga predloži konferenci. K/18. čl. 18. ČLEN PP-98 Urad za razvoj telekomunikacij SPR 218 a) ima pravico sodelovati, vendar le kot svetovalec, na posvetovanjih konferenc o razvoju telekomunikacij in študijskih skupin za razvoj telekomunikacij ter drugih skupin. Direktor po posvetovanju z generalnim sekretariatom v skladu s št. 94 te konvencije in po potrebi z drugimi sektorji Zveze, pripravi vse potrebno za konference in zasedanja sektorja za razvoj telekomunikacij ob ustreznem upoštevanju direktiv Sveta pri teh pripravah; SPR 223A g) letno pripraviti drseči štiriletni PP-98 operativni načrt, ki zajema naslednje leto in nadaljnje triletno obdobje, vključno s finančnimi posledicami dejavnosti Urada v podporo sektorju kot celoti; ta štiriletni operativni načrt pregleda svetovalna skupina za razvoj telekomunikacij v skladu s 17.A členom te konvencije in ga letno pregleduje in potrjuje Svet; K/23. čl. II. POGLAVJE SPR PP-98 Posebne določbe o konferencah in skupščinah 23. ČLEN SPR Udeležba na konferencah pooblaščenih predstavnikov ČRT* 255 to 266 (SPR) 267 1 Konferenc pooblaščenih predstavnikov se lahko udeležijo: DOP 268A b) voljeni funkcionarji v vlogi svetovalcev; DOP 268B c) Odbor za radijsko regulativo v skladu s št. 141A te konvencije v vlogi svetovalca; SPR 269 d) opazovalci iz naslednjih organizacij, PP-94 agencij in pravnih ali fizičnih oseb: ADD* 269A i) Združenih narodov; ADD* 269B ii) območnih telekomunikacijskih organizacij, omenjenih v 43. členu Ustave; ADD* 269C iii) medvladnih organizacij, ki upravljajo satelitske sisteme; ADD* 269D iv) specializiranih agencij Združenih narodov in Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo; ADD* 269E v) sektorske članice iz št. 229 in 231 te konvencije in mednarodne organizacije, ki jih zastopajo. ADD* 269F 2 Generalni sekretariat in trije uradi Zveze sodelujejo na konferenci v vlogi svetovalcev. K/24. čl. 24. ČLEN SPR Udeležba na konferencah o radiokomunikacijah SUP* 270 to 275 (SPR) 276 1 Konferenc o radiokomunikacijah se lahko udeležijo: (SPR) 278 b) opazovalci iz organizacij in agencij, navedenih v št. od 269A do 269D te konvencije; SPR 279 c) opazovalci iz drugih mednarodnih organizacij, ki jih povabi vlada in jim udeležbo dovoli konferenca v skladu z ustreznimi določbami I. poglavja Splošnih pravil konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze; ČRT 281 (SPR) 282 e) opazovalci držav članic, ki se brez PP-98 glasovalne pravice udeležujejo na območni konferenci o radiokomunikacijah drugega območja kakor je tisto, ki mu pripadajo omenjene države članice. ADD* 282A f) voljeni funkcionarji v vlogi svetovalcev, kadar konferenca obravnava zadeve, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, in člani Odbora za radijsko regulativo. K/25. čl. 25. ČLEN SPR PP-98 Udeležba na skupščinah o radiokomunikacijah, svetovnih skupščinah o standardizaciji telekomunikacij in konferencah o razvoju telekomunikacij SUP* 283 to 294 (SPR) 295 1 Skupščine ali konference se lahko udeležijo: SPR 297 b) opazovalci iz naslednjih organizacij in agencij: ČRT* 298 DOP* 298A i) območnih telekomunikacijskih organizacij, navedenih v 43. členu Ustave; DOP* 298B ii) medvladnih organizacij, ki upravljajo satelitske sisteme; DOP* 298C iii) vse druge območne organizacije ali druge mednarodne organizacije, ki se ukvarjajo z zadevami, zanimivimi za skupščino ali konferenco; DOP* 298D iv) Združenih narodov; DOP* 298E v) specializiranih agencij Združenih narodov in Mednarodne agencije za atomsko energijo; DOP* 298F c) predstavniki zadevnih sektorskih članic. DOP* 298G 2 Voljeni funkcionarji, generalni sekretariat in uradi Zveze, kakor je ustrezno, sodelujejo na skupščini ali konferenci v vlogi svetovalca. Dva člana Odbora za radijsko regulativo, ki ju imenuje Odbor, sodelujeta na radiokomunikacijskih skupščinah v vlogi svetovalca. K/26. čl. ČRT* 26. ČLEN ČRT* 27. ČLEN ČRT* 28. ČLEN ČRT* 29. ČLEN ČRT* 30. ČLEN 31. ČLEN Poverilnice za konference SPR 334 5 Poverilnice se čimprej deponirajo pri PP-98 sekretariatu konference; zato pošljejo države članice svoje poverilnice pred dnevom odprtja konference generalnemu sekretarju, ki jih izroči sekretariatu konference takoj po njegovi ustanovitvi. Komite iz št. 68 Splošnih pravil konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze, ki mu je zaupano overjanje, o svojih ugotovitvah poroča plenarnemu zasedanju v roku, določenem na zasedanju. Do odločitve plenarnega zasedanja o tem ima vsaka delegacija pravico sodelovati na konferenci in uveljavlja glasovalno pravico svoje države članice. K/32. čl. III. POGLAVJE Poslovnik 32. ČLEN SPR Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze SPR 339A 1 Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in PP-98 zasedanj Zveze sprejme Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov. Določbe, ki opredeljujejo postopek za spremembo in dopolnitev teh pravil, in začetek veljavnosti sprememb in dopolnitev, so vključene v pravila. SPR 340 2 Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in PP-98 zasedanj Zveze se uporabljajo brez škode za določbe o spremembah in dopolnitvah iz 55. člena Ustave in 42. člena te konvencije. K/33. čl. IV. POGLAVJE Druge določbe 33. ČLEN Finance SPR 476 4 1) Organizacije iz št. od 269A PP-94 do 269E konvencije in druge mednarodne PP-98 organizacije (razen če jih Svet ne izvzame na podlagi vzajemnosti) ter sektorske članice, ki sodelujejo v skladu z določbami te konvencije na konferenci pooblaščenih predstavnikov, na konferenci, skupščini ali zasedanju sektorja Zveze, ali na svetovni konferenci o mednarodnih telekomunikacijah, si delijo stroške konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj, na katerih sodelujejo, na podlagi stroškov teh konferenc in zasedanj ter v skladu s finančnim pravilnikom. Ne glede na to se sektorskim članicam ne bo posebej zaračunavala njihova prisotnost na konferenci, skupščini ali zasedanju njihovih sektorjev, razen za območne konference o radiokomunikacijah. K/42. čl. VI. POGLAVJE Arbitraža ter spremembe in dopolnitve 42. ČLEN Določbe za spreminjanje in dopolnjevanje te konvencije SPR 523 5 Razen če v prejšnjih odstavkih tega PP-98 člena ni drugače določeno, se uporabljajo Splošna pravila konferenc, skupščin in zasedanj Zveze. II. RAZDELEK – Začetek veljavnosti Spremembe in dopolnitve v tem dokumentu začnejo v celoti in v obliki enega samega dokumenta veljati 1. januarja 2004 za tiste države članice, ki so takrat pogodbenice Ustave in Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992) in so pred tem datumom deponirale svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah ali pristopu k njemu. V DOKAZ NAVEDENEGA so pooblaščeni predstavniki podpisali izvirnik tega dokumenta o spremembah in dopolnitvah Konvencije Mednarodne telekomunikacijske zveze (Ženeva 1992), kakor sta jo spremenili in dopolnili Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Kjoto 1994) in Konferenca pooblaščenih predstavnikov (Minneapolis 1998). V Marakešu, 18. oktobra 2002