Na podlagi 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo in 20/06 – ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Organizacijo za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj o sodelovanju Republike Slovenije v Odboru za jeklo, sklenjen z izmenjavo pisem 31. maja 2007.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Secretary-General
Paris, 29 January 2007
Dear Minister,
By virtue of the mandate conferred upon me by the Council of the Organisation, I have the honour to invite Slovenia to take part in the work of the Steel Committee in accordance with the conditions below.
The Steel Committee functions on the basis of the applicable provisions of the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development and of the Decision of the Council Establishing a Steel Committee [C(78)171(Final)], as amended. Slovenia is invited to participate in the Steel Committee on an equal footing with the Member countries of the OECD by:
i) agreeing to co-operate in the activities of the Steel Committee in fulfilment of its mandate and in particular to keep the other participants informed and provide the Committee with the information it needs to carry out its tasks, and to contribute in an appropriate manner to the funding of the Committee's activities, and
ii) accepting the multilateral guidelines set out in paragraph 6 of the Annex to the Decision of the Council C(78)171(Final).
Mr. Andrej Vizjak
Minister of the Economy
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana
Republic of Slovenia
His Excellency
Mr. Janez Sumrada
Ambassador of Slovenia to France
Ms. Barbara Žele
Ministry of the Economy
Trade Policy Department
Kotnikova 5, 1000-SI
Republic of Slovenia
The amount of Slovenia's contribution to the expenses of the Committee will be calculated in accordance with the rules of the Organisation pursuant to the Resolution of the Council on Fees for Regular Observer Countries and Non-Member Full Participants in OECD Subsidiary Bodies [C(96)223/REV2], as amended.
If your government agrees with the above, I propose that the text of this letter, together with that of your reply, will constitute an Agreement between the Organisation and the government of Slovenia which will enter into effect on the date on which the Slovenian government informs the Organisation that it has completed the constitutional formalities required for its entry into force. Either party can terminate this Agreement by giving twelve months' notice in writing.
We look forward to welcoming the Republic of Slovenia to the work of the OECD's Steel Committee.
Yours sincerely,
Angel Gurría
The Republic of Slovenia
Andrej Vizjak, M.Sc.
Minister of the Economy
Number: 511-6/2007/11
Ljubljana, 31 May 2007
Dear Mr. A. Gurría,
Thank you for your letter of 29th January inviting Slovenia to participate in the Steel Committee on an equal footing with the Member countries of the OECD. On behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia I am expressing our gratitude for being invited to participate as a full member in the OECD Steel Committee.
Slovenia believes that with the participation in the Steel Committee its steel industry will benefit in respect of its policy orientations. With the well developed steel industry which has a significant national and regional impact Slovenia will endeavour to give an important contribution to the work of the OECD Steel Committee.
I have the honour, on behalf of the Government of the Republic of Slovenia, to inform you that Slovenia fully agrees with the text of your letter AG/2006.240.amf of 29th January. As soon as all the constitutional formalities required for entry into force of an Agreement between the OECD and the Government of the Republic of Slovenia will be completed, we will notify you.
It is my firm belief that our cooperation will develop successfully in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Andrej Vizjak, MSc
Mr. A. Gurría
OECD Secretary-General
2, rue André-Pascal
F-75775 Paris Cedex 16
Paris, 6th November, 1978
(Adopted by the Council at its 475th Meeting on 26th October, 1978)
The Council,
Having regard to the Convention on the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development of 14th December, 1960 (hereinafter referred to as the “Convention”) and, in particular, Articles 5(a), 6, 12, 13 and 20 thereof;
Having regard to the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation;
Having regard to the Financial Regulations of the Organisation and, in particular, Articles 5 and 14(b) thereof;
Having regard to the Communiqué approved by the Council meeting at Ministerial Level on 15th June, 1978 and, in particular, Annex II thereof [C(78)96(Final)];
Considering that the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Steel Industry has reached the conclusion that a Steel Committee should be established within the framework of the Organisation under Part II of the Budget and that a number of Member countries as well as the European Communities have expressed their intention to participate therein;
Noting that the Member countries participating in the proposed Committee and the European Communities agree as initial commitment to the multilateral guidelines set out in Paragraph 6 of the Annex hereto;
In order to seek solutions to the problems experienced by the Steel Industry and achieve the objectives set out in the Annex, a Steel Committee (hereinafter referred to as the “Committee”) is established within the framework of OECD and shall have the functions and the initial work programme set out in the Annex.
(a) Participants in the Committee shall be:
(i) Australia, Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the United States and the European Communities,
(ii) Any other Member country of the Organisation which decides to participate in the Committee at a later stage, and
(iii) Any non-Member country which becomes a participant in the Committee in conformity with the provisions of paragraph (b).
(b) The Committee shall, if the OECD Member countries participating therein so decide, propose to the Council that a non-Member country with substantial steel interests should be invited to become a participant in the Committee. In making such a proposal the Committee must be satisfied that the non-Member country has agreed and is able to undertake the same commitments, as appropriate, with regard to the Committee's work as the OECD Member countries which participate therein and that its participation in the Committee would contribute to achieving the objectives of the Committee. Such proposal shall specify the relevant provisions in respect of the non-Member country's participation in the Committee's work.
Expenditure required for the functioning of the Committee shall be defrayed from the appropriations authorised for that purpose under Part II of the Budget of the Organisation. The Committee shall prepare each year a Programme of Work and this with the corresponding budgetary proposals shall be submitted by the Secretary-General to the Council.
The Committee may make proposals to the Council on any matter within its terms of reference and, at the request of the Council or on its own initiative, the Committee may submit other communications to the Council. The Committee shall also make an annual report to the Council on its activities.
(a) The provisions of the Rules of Procedure of the Organisation shall apply to the Committee to the extent that this Decision does not derogate therefrom.
(b) The Committee may make recommendations to participants within the scope of its terms of reference.
(c) The Annex to the Rules of Procedure is amended by the insertion of a new paragraph as follows:
“26. Steel Committee. Its terms of reference are defined in the Decision of the Council establishing a Steel Committee [C(78)171(Final)]”.
This Decision and the Annex shall take effect on 26th October, 1978.
1. The world's steel industry is experiencing serious difficulties of both a cyclical and structural nature. These difficulties are widespread and are characterised by:
– persistent excess capacity;
– an exceptionally low level of demand;
– unjustifiably low prices on world markets;
– marked changes in traditional trade patterns;
– major dislocations of labour, frequently in areas already experiencing high unemployment;
– depressed financial performance among producers, which holds down investments needed for modernisation and rationalisation of plants;
– increasing governmental intervention in steel supply and demand, especially with foreign trade.
2. In virtually all major steel-producing nations, steel occupies a central place in the national economy. In a number of major areas, the magnitude of structural problems confronting the steel sector and resultant social and economic implications of the necessary structural adjustments are substantial.
3. The interrelationship of developments in the steel sectors from country to country and the potential that unilateral actions and policies can aggravate the problems of others have become clear. The convergence of cyclical problems among many nations serves to intensify the problems faced by each. There is general recognition that there may well be recurring cyclical difficulties.
4. In view of these difficulties, governments need to work closely together in order to:
– ensure that trade in steel will remain as unrestricted and free of distortion as possible. Restrictive actions should be avoided and, where necessary, strictly limited in scope and time, and in conformity with GATT rules(1);
– encourage reduction of barriers to trade;
– enable governments to act promptly to cope with crisis situations in close consultation with interested trading partners and in conformity with agreed principles;
– facilitate needed structural adaptations that will diminish pressures for trade actions and promote rational allocation of productive resources with the aim of achieving fully competitive enterprises;
– ensure that measures affecting the steel industry are consistent to the extent possible with general economic policies and take into account implications for related industries, including steel-consuming industries;
– avoid encouraging economically unjustified investments while recognising legitimate development needs;
– facilitate multilateral co-operation consistent with the need to maintain competition, to anticipate and, to the extent possible, prevent problems.
5. The Steel Committee will meet regularly and additionally as required to:
(1) continuously follow national, regional and world supply and demand conditions in steel and closely related industries, including steel-consuming industries, with a view to identifying potential problems and implications and making assessments and forecasts available to all interested parties;
(2) continuously follow the evolution of national, regional and world steel industries with regard to employment, profits, investments, capacity, input costs, productivity, and other aspects of viability and competitiveness;
(3) develop common perspectives regarding emerging problems or concerns in the steel sector and establish, where appropriate, multilateral objectives or guidelines for government policies;
(4) regularly review and assess government policies and actions in the steel sector in the light of the current situation, agreed multilateral objectives and guidelines and the GATT and other relevant international agreements;
(5) identify deficiencies and gaps in existing data needed by the Committee with a view to improving national inputs to the Committee and cross-national comparability of data.
6. Participants in the Steel Committee agree to the following multilateral guidelines:
A. With respect to steel crisis trade actions:
1. No actions should be inconsistent with GATT provisions.
2. When actions are necessary they should be as limited and temporary as practicable and appropriate to the causes which led to their introduction.
3. All actions(2) taken by participants should be reported promptly to the Steel Committee and, in conformity with GATT rules, to the GATT. The status and rationale for maintaining such actions should be reported periodically to the Steel Committee. Participants agree to consult on any trade action of interest to another participant.
4. When taking action under domestic law and procedures to deal with serious difficulties of its industry, a participant shall take into account the concerns of trading partners that traditional trade flows established under normal conditions of competition not be severely disrupted.
5. Price guidelines should be in conformity with the international Anti-Dumping Code and are appropriate only during crisis periods of substantial excess capacity in exporting countries, widespread price-cutting by many exporters over many products in the importing market or on world markets, and depressed domestic industry conditions such as low capacity utilisation, profits, sales, investments and employment. Such actions should be expeditiously removed or liberalised as conditions improve.
6. Such price guidelines should neither exceed the lowest normal prices in the supplying country or countries where normal conditions of competition are prevailing, nor exceed the sums of the full costs of production (including overheads) and profit, as determined over a reasonable period of recent time, in the supplying country or countries; delivery costs to the importing market and import duties may be included in the event that price guidelines are established on a delivered basis.
B. Participants in the Steel Committee recall their determination to abstain from destructive competition in official support of export credit; they agree that their policies in the field of export credits for steel plant and equipment will be fully consistent with the Arrangement on Guidelines for Officially Supported Export Credits and contribute to the avoidance of competitive subsidisation of such exports.
C. Participants, recalling the general orientations for adjustment policies adopted as part of the Communiqué of the June 1978 Meeting of the Council at Ministerial Level, agree that domestic policies to sustain steel firms during crisis periods should not shift the burden of adjustment to other countries and thus increase the likelihood of restrictive trade actions by other countries (e.g. by artificially stimulating exports or by artificially displacing imports). Further, as a general rule, domestic measures should not prevent marginal facilities from closing in those instances where the facilities cannot become commercially viable within a reasonable period of time.
D. Participants in the Steel Committee agree to make every effort to provide effective programmes for steel worker re-adaptation away from facilities affected by structural adjustments into alternative employment. To this end, they will periodically exchange information on the effectiveness of policies and programmes to assist steel workers and communities.
E. Any action to restrict trade in steel-making materials should be reported promptly to the Steel Committee and be subject to consultation with affected parties.
7. With respect to the commitments agreed in this resolution the Steel Committee should promptly undertake an examination of government policies affecting the steel sector in the following areas:
(1) evolution of trade flows and the impact on them of government measures;
(2) guidelines for steel trade actions;
(3) adaptation of production structure through modernisation, closures and reconversions;
(4) re-adaptation of labour;
(5) domestic policies to sustain steel production and stimulate steel demand in times of crisis;
(6) domestic pricing and supply;
(7) government export credits for steel plant and equipment.
The Committee will continue the work initiated in the Ad Hoc Steel Group and may undertake examinations in other areas as deemed appropriate by the participants.
Organisation for Economic
Co-operation and Development
English – Or. English
Adopted by the Council at its 1135th Session on 11 May 2006 [C/M(2006)9]
Complete document available on OLIS in its original format
Having regard to the Resolution of the Council concerning the participation of non-Members in the work of the subsidiary bodies of the Organisation [C(2004)132/FINAL] in particular paragraphs 5 c) and 6 a) of its Annex II;
Having regard to the Resolution of the Council C(96)223/FINAL, concerning fees for non-Member participation in subsidiary bodies of the Organisation;
Noting the wish to revise the Resolution C(96)223/FINAL, in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in documents C(2004)185; C(2004)185/REV1; and C(2006)50;
DECIDED that the following fees shall be applicable to non-Member participants:
1. Regular observers
i) an annual fee of 5,000 EUR shall be applicable to a non-Member participant for a committee reporting directly to Council (“main committee”), including its subordinate bodies covered by the invitation;
ii) an annual fee of 1,700 EUR per subordinate body shall be applicable to a non-Member participant when the non-Member is not an observer in the parent main committee, up to a maximum of 5,000 EUR for more than three subordinate bodies of the same committee;
iii) the significant marginal costs of the observer’s initial integration and of subsequent special activity related to the observer, to the extent those costs exceed its annual fees for the body concerned;
iv) the fees will be subject to an automatic annual increase equal to the official French inflation rate of the previous calendar year. The resulting figures will be rounded to the nearest hundred;
2. Full participants
i) an annual percentage share, calculated on the basis used for Member state assessments, of the estimated costs of the subsidiary body concerned, including a 10 percent overhead charge, or a fee of 1.5 times the relevant observer fee, whichever is higher;
ii) any significant marginal costs of the participant’s initial integration;
3. Ceiling
In no case shall the total fees of a non-Member participant exceed the minimum total budget contribution of a Member country;
AGREED that these fees would be treated analogously to voluntary contributions as additions to the Organisation’s resource base for budget purposes and that the related cost to the Organisation of non-Member participation will be financed by them;
INVITED the Secretary-General to propose modifications and waivers as appropriate.
Organizacija za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj
Generalni sekretar
Pariz, 29. januar 2007
Spoštovani gospod minister,
na podlagi mandata, ki mi ga je podelil Svet organizacije, imam čast povabiti Slovenijo k sodelovanju v Odboru za jeklo pod naslednjimi pogoji.
Odbor za jeklo deluje na podlagi veljavnih določb Konvencije o organizaciji za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj ter Sklepa Sveta o ustanovitvi Odbora za jeklo [C(78)171(konč.)] in njihovih sprememb. Slovenija je povabljena k sodelovanju v Odboru za jeklo na enaki podlagi kot države članice OECD, s tem da:
i) se strinja, da sodeluje v Odboru za jeklo pri izpolnjevanju njegovega mandata, zlasti z dajanjem informacij drugim udeleženkam in odboru, ki jih ta potrebuje za opravljanje svojih nalog, ter da ustrezno prispeva k financiranju dejavnosti odbora, in
ii) sprejema večstranske smernice, določene v šestem odstavku priloge k Sklepu Sveta C(78)171(konč.).
Gospod Andrej Vizjak
Minister za gospodarstvo
Kotnikova 5
1000 Ljubljana
Republika Slovenija
V vednost:
Njegova ekscelenca
gospod Janez Šumrada
veleposlanik Republike Slovenije v Franciji
gospa Barbara Žele
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo
Sektor za trgovinsko politiko
Kotnikova 5, 1000-SI
Republika Slovenija
Znesek prispevka Slovenije k stroškom odbora bo izračunan po pravilih organizacije v skladu z Resolucijo Sveta o članarini držav stalnih opazovalk in polnopravnih udeleženk nečlanic v delovnih telesih OECD [C(96)223/REV2] in njenimi spremembami.
Če se vaša vlada s tem strinja, predlagam, da to pismo in vaš odgovor sestavljata sporazum med organizacijo in slovensko vlado, ki začne veljati na dan, ko slovenska vlada obvesti organizacijo, da je izpolnila ustavne formalnosti, potrebne za začetek njegove veljavnosti. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ta sporazum pisno odpove s šestmesečnim odpovednim rokom.
Z veseljem pozdravljamo sodelovanje Republike Slovenije v Odboru za jeklo OECD.
S spoštovanjem,
Angel Gurría
Republika Slovenija
mag. Andrej Vizjak
minister za gospodarstvo
Številka: 511-6/2007/11
Ljubljana, 31. maj 2007
Spoštovani gospod Angel Gurría,
zahvaljujem se vam za vaše pismo z dne 29. januarja, v katerem vabite Slovenijo k sodelovanju v Odboru za jeklo na enaki podlagi kot države članice OECD. V imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije izražam hvaležnost za povabilo k sodelovanju v Odboru za jeklo OECD kot polnopravna članica.
Slovenija verjame, da bo sodelovanje v Odboru za jeklo koristilo njeni industriji jekla ob upoštevanju njenih usmeritev. Z dobro razvito jeklarsko industrijo, ki ima pomemben nacionalni in regionalni vpliv, si bo Slovenija prizadevala pomembno prispevati k delu Odbora za jeklo OECD.
V čast mi je, da vas v imenu Vlade Republike Slovenije obvestim, da se Slovenija popolnoma strinja z vsebino pisma AG/2006.240.amf z dne 29. januarja. Po izpolnjenih ustavnih formalnostih, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma med OECD in Vlado Republike Slovenije, vas bomo o tem uradno obvestili.
Trdno sem prepričan, da se bo naše sodelovanje v prihodnosti uspešno razvijalo.
S spoštovanjem,
Andrej Vizjak
Gospod A. Gurría
generalni sekretar
2, rue André-Pascal
F-75775 Paris Cedex 16
Pariz, 6. november 1978
(ki ga je sprejel Svet na svoji 475. seji 26. oktobra 1978)
ob upoštevanju Konvencije o Organizaciji za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj z dne 14. decembra 1960 (v nadaljevanju »konvencija«) in zlasti točke a 5. člena, 6., 12., 13. in 20. člena konvencije;
ob upoštevanju poslovnika organizacije;
ob upoštevanju finančnega pravilnika organizacije ter zlasti 5. člena in točke b 14. člena pravilnika;
ob upoštevanju sporočila, potrjenega na seji Sveta na ministrski ravni 15. junija 1978, in zlasti priloge II sporočila [C(78)96(konč.)];
glede na to, da je v ta namen ustanovljena delovna skupina za jeklarsko industrijo ugotovila, da bi bilo treba v okviru organizacije ustanoviti Odbor za jeklo pod II. delom proračuna, in da so številne države članice in Evropske skupnosti izrazile svoj namen sodelovati pri tem;
ob ugotovitvi, da države članice, ki so udeležene v predlaganem odboru, in Evropske skupnosti soglašajo z začetnimi zavezami iz večstranskih smernic iz šestega odstavka priloge k temu sklepu,
Zaradi reševanja težav, ki jih ima jeklarska industrija, in doseganja ciljev iz priloge se v okviru OECD ustanavlja Odbor za jeklo (v nadaljevanju »odbor«), ki bo imel naloge in začetni delovni program, kot so navedeni v prilogi.
(a) Udeleženke v odboru so:
(i) Avstralija, Avstrija, Belgija, Kanada, Danska, Finska, Francija, Nemčija, Grčija, Irska, Italija, Japonska, Luksemburg, Nizozemska, Norveška, Španija, Švedska, Švica, Združeno kraljestvo, Združene države Amerike in Evropske skupnosti;
(ii) vsaka druga država članica organizacije, ki se za udeležbo v odboru odloči pozneje, in
(iii) vsaka država nečlanica, ki postane udeleženka v odboru v skladu z določbami odstavka b.
(b) Odbor na podlagi odločitve držav članic OECD, ki so v njem udeležene, predlaga Svetu, da se država nečlanica, ki ima v jeklarstvu velike interese, povabi, naj postane udeleženka v odboru. Ko odbor da tak predlog, mora vedeti, ali se država nečlanica strinja in ali je sposobna prevzeti enake obveznosti pri delu odbora kot države članice OECD, ki so v njem udeležene, ter ali bo njena udeležba v odboru pripomogla k doseganju njegovih ciljev. Tak predlog mora vsebovati ustrezne določbe o udeležbi države nečlanice pri delu odbora.
Stroški delovanja odbora se krijejo iz proračunskih sredstev, odobrenih za ta namen v II. delu proračuna organizacije. Odbor vsako leto pripravi delovni program in ga skupaj z ustreznimi proračunskimi predlogi predloži generalnemu sekretarju Sveta.
Odbor lahko daje Svetu predloge za vse zadeve v skladu s svojimi pooblastili, na njegovo zahtevo ali na lastno pobudo pa mu predloži tudi druga sporočila. Za Svet pripravi tudi letno poročilo o svojem delovanju.
(a) Določbe poslovnika organizacije se za odbor uporabljajo v obsegu, v katerem ne odstopajo od tega sklepa.
(b) Odbor lahko udeleženkam daje priporočila v okviru svojih pooblastil.
(c) Priloga k poslovniku se spremeni, tako da se vstavi nov odstavek, ki se glasi:
»26. Odbor za jeklo. Njegova pooblastila so opredeljena s Sklepom Sveta o ustanovitvi Odbora za jeklo [C(78)171(konč.)].«
Ta sklep in priloga začneta veljati 26. oktobra 1978.
1. Svetovna jeklarska industrija doživlja resne ciklične in strukturne težave. So zelo razširjene, zanje pa so značilni:
– stalni presežek zmogljivosti,
– izjemno majhno povpraševanje,
– neupravičeno nizke cene na svetovnih trgih,
– vidne spremembe tradicionalnih trgovinskih vzorcev,
– večje premestitve dela, pogosto na območjih, na katerih je že visoka brezposelnost,
– slabi finančni rezultati proizvajalcev, ki zavirajo potrebne naložbe v posodobitev in racionalizacijo proizvodnje,
– vse večje vladno poseganje v ponudbo jekla in povpraševanje po njem, zlasti v zunanji trgovini.
2. Jeklo v praktično vseh večjih državah proizvajalkah zaseda osrednje mesto v domačem gospodarstvu. Na številnih večjih območjih imajo strukturne težave v jeklarski industriji ter s tem mogoče družbene in gospodarske posledice zaradi nujnega strukturnega prilagajanja veliko razsežnost.
3. Postalo je jasno, da so dogajanja v jeklarski industriji posameznih držav medsebojno povezana ter da lahko enostransko delovanje in politika še poslabšata položaj drugih. Hkratne ciklične težave v številnih državah še povečujejo težave vsake posamezne države. Velja prepričanje, da se ciklične težave lahko ponavljajo.
4. Glede na te težave morajo vlade tesno sodelovati, da:
– zagotavljajo, da bo trgovina z jeklom ostala čim bolj neomejena in neizkrivljena. Omejevanja ne bi smelo biti, vendar kadar je potrebno, bi moralo biti ozko usmerjeno in časovno omejeno ter skladno s pravili GATT(3);
– spodbujajo zmanjševanje ovir v trgovini;
– omogočajo vladam, da se takoj lotijo reševanja kriznih razmer v tesnem sodelovanju z zainteresiranimi trgovinskimi partnerji in po dogovorjenih načelih;
– olajšajo potrebno strukturno prilagajanje, ki bo zmanjšalo pritiske za uvedbo trgovinskih ukrepov in spodbudilo racionalno razporeditev proizvodnih virov za dosego popolnoma konkurenčnih podjetij;
– zagotavljajo, da so ukrepi za jeklarsko industrijo čim skladnejši s splošno gospodarsko politiko in da upoštevajo mogoče posledice za sorodno industrijo, vključno z industrijo porabnikov jekla;
– ne spodbujajo gospodarsko neupravičenih naložb, priznavajo pa upravičene razvojne potrebe;
– olajšajo večstransko sodelovanje in hkrati ohranjajo potrebno konkurenčnost ter da težave predvidijo in jih v največji mogoči meri preprečijo.
5. Odbor za jeklo se bo redno sestajal in po potrebi tudi dodatno, da bo:
(1) stalno spremljal razmere v nacionalni, regionalni in svetovni ponudbi in povpraševanju v jeklarski in z njo tesno povezani industriji, vključno z industrijo porabnikov jekla, z namenom ugotavljati mogoče težave in posledice ter pripravljati ocene in napovedi, dostopne vsem zainteresiranim stranem;
(2) stalno spremljal razvoj nacionalne, regionalne in svetovne jeklarske industrije glede na zaposlovanje, dobiček, naložbe, zmogljivosti, vhodne stroške, produktivnost ter druge vidike uspešnosti in konkurenčnosti;
(3) razvijal skupne poglede na nastajajoče težave in zaskrbljenost v jeklarski industriji ter po potrebi začrtal večstranske cilje ali smernice vladnih politik;
(4) redno pregledoval in ocenjeval vladne politike in ukrepe v jeklarskem sektorju z vidika trenutnih razmer, dogovorjenih večstranskih ciljev in smernic ter sporazuma GATT in drugih takih mednarodnih sporazumov;
(5) ugotavljal pomanjkljivosti podatkov, ki jih potrebuje odbor, in razhajanja med njimi, da bi izboljšal prispevek posameznih držav k delovanju odbora in s tem medsebojno primerljivost podatkov.
6. Udeleženke v Odboru za jeklo se strinjajo z naslednjimi večstranskimi smernicami:
A. V zvezi s trgovinskimi ukrepi za rešitev jeklarske krize:
1. Noben ukrep ne sme biti neskladen z določbami GATT.
2. Kadar so potrebni ukrepi, naj bodo čim bolj omejeni in kratkotrajni ter izvedljivi in ustrezni glede na vzroke, ki so privedli do njihove uvedbe.
3. Udeleženke morajo o vseh ukrepih(4) takoj poročati Odboru za jeklo in GATT skladno s pravili GATT. O stanju in smislu ohranjanja takih ukrepov je treba Odboru za jeklo redno poročati. Udeleženke soglašajo, da se bodo posvetovale z drugo udeleženko o vseh trgovinskih ukrepih, ki bi jo zanimali.
4. Udeleženka pri reševanju resnih težav v industriji ob uvajanju ukrepov po notranji zakonodaji in postopkih upošteva zaskrbljenost trgovinskih partnerjev, da bi nastale resne motnje v tradicionalnih trgovinskih tokovih, ki so se oblikovali v normalnih konkurenčnih razmerah.
5. Cenovne smernice morajo biti skladne z mednarodnim Protidampinškim zakonikom in so primerne samo v kriznih obdobjih zaradi presežkov zmogljivosti držav izvoznic, vsesplošnega zniževanja cen mnogih izvoznikov za številne izdelke na uvoznem ali svetovnem trgu ter zaradi slabih razmer v domači industriji, kadar so izraba zmogljivosti, dobiček, prodaja, naložbe in zaposlovanje nizki. Take ukrepe je treba ukiniti ali sprostiti takoj, ko se razmere izboljšajo.
6. Take cenovne smernice ne smejo preseči najnižjih običajnih cen v eni ali več državah dobaviteljicah, v katerih vladajo običajne konkurenčne razmere, ali zneska celotnih proizvodnih stroškov (vključno z režijskimi stroški) in dobička, ugotovljenega v primernem novejšem obdobju v eni ali več državah dobaviteljicah; lahko se vključijo stroški dobave na uvozni trg in uvozne dajatve, če so cenovne smernice pripravljene na pariteti dobavljeno.
B. Udeleženke v Odboru za jeklo so odločene, da se bodo vzdržale uničevalne konkurence v obliki uradnega podpiranja izvoznih kreditov; strinjajo se, da bo njihova politika glede izvoznih kreditov za jeklarne in njihovo opremo popolnoma v skladu z Dogovorom o smernicah za uradno podprte izvozne kredite ter da bo pripomogla k izogibanju konkurenčnega subvencioniranja takih izvoznih poslov.
C. Udeleženke se ob sklicevanju na splošne usmeritve prilagoditvene politike, sprejete kot del sporočila s seje Sveta na ministrski ravni iz junija 1978, strinjajo, da notranje politike za podporo jeklarskim podjetjem v kriznih obdobjih ne smejo preusmeriti bremena prilagajanja na druge države in s tem povečati verjetnost omejevalnih trgovinskih ukrepov drugih držav (npr. z umetnim spodbujanjem izvoza ali umetnim nadomeščanjem uvoza). Notranji ukrepi praviloma tudi ne smejo preprečevati zapiranja podjetij, ki so na robu preživetja, kadar ne morejo postati gospodarsko uspešna v razumnem času.
D. Udeleženke v Odboru za jeklo se strinjajo, da si bodo prizadevale pripraviti učinkovite programe za prilagajanje jeklarskih delavcev za druge zaposlitve zunaj podjetij, ki jih je prizadelo strukturno prilagajanje. Zato si bodo redno izmenjavale informacije o učinkovitosti politik in programov za pomoč jeklarskim delavcem in skupnostim.
E. Vsak ukrep za omejevanje trgovine z materiali za proizvodnjo jekla je treba takoj sporočiti Odboru za jeklo in se o njem posvetovati s prizadetimi stranmi.
7. Odbor za jeklo mora v skladu z zavezami, dogovorjenimi v tej resoluciji, takoj pregledati vladne politike za jeklarski sektor na naslednjih področjih:
(1) razvoj trgovinskih tokov in vpliv vladnih ukrepov nanje,
(2) smernice za trgovinske ukrepe v jeklarstvu,
(3) prilagajanje proizvodnih struktur s pomočjo posodabljanja, zapiranja in preoblikovanja,
(4) prilagajanje delovne sile,
(5) notranje politike za ohranitev proizvodnje jekla in spodbujanje povpraševanja po jeklu v kriznih časih,
(6) oblikovanje domačih cen in ponudba,
(7) vladni izvozni krediti za jeklarne in njihovo opremo.
Odbor bo nadaljeval delo, ki ga je začela v ta namen ustanovljena skupina za jeklo, lahko pa proučuje tudi druga področja, če se udeleženkam to zdi primerno.
Brez oznake zaupnosti
Organizacija za gospodarsko
sodelovanje in razvoj
C (1996)223/REV2
19. maj 2006
Sprejeta na 1135. zasedanju Sveta 11. maja 2006 [C/M(2006)9]
Celoten dokument je na voljo na OLIS v izvirni obliki
ob upoštevanju Resolucije Sveta o udeležbi nečlanic v delovnih telesih organizacije [C(2004)132/KONČ.], zlasti točke c petega in točke a šestega odstavka njene priloge II;
ob upoštevanju Resolucije Sveta C(96)223/KONČ. o članarini za udeležbo nečlanic v delovnih telesih organizacije;
glede na željo, da se spremeni Resolucija C(96)223/KONČ. skladno s pogoji iz dokumentov C(2004)185, C(2004)185/REV1 in C(2006)50,
ODLOČIL, da za nečlanice udeleženke veljajo naslednje članarine:
1. stalne opazovalke
i) letna članarina 5000 EUR velja za nečlanico udeleženko v odboru, ki neposredno poroča Svetu (»glavni odbor«), vključno z njegovimi podrejenimi telesi, naštetimi v vabilu;
ii) letna članarina 1700 EUR za podrejeno telo velja za nečlanice udeleženke, kadar nečlanica ni opazovalka v matičnem glavnem odboru, in največ 5000 EUR za več kot tri podrejena telesa istega odbora;
iii) večji mejni stroški zaradi začetne vključitve opazovalke in zaradi nadaljnjega posebnega dela, povezanega z njo, in sicer v višini, v kateri ti stroški presežejo letno članarino za neko telo;
iv) članarine se bodo samodejno letno povečevale v višini uradne francoske stopnje inflacije za prejšnje koledarsko leto. Dobljene številke bodo zaokrožene na najbližjo stotico;
2. polnopravne udeleženke
i) letni odstotni delež ocenjenih stroškov za neko delovno telo, izračunan od osnove, ki se uporablja za oceno države članice, vključno 10 odstotkov za režijske stroške, oziroma 1,5-kratna članarina te opazovalke, če je to večji znesek;
ii) vsi večji mejni stroški zaradi začetne vključitve udeleženke;
3. zgornja meja
skupna članarina nečlanice udeleženke nikakor ne sme presegati najnižjega skupnega proračunskega prispevka države članice;
SOGLAŠAL, da se te članarine obravnavajo podobno kot prostovoljni prispevki, in sicer kot dodatni viri organizacije za proračunske namene, in da se iz njih financirajo stroški organizacije, ki se nanašajo na udeležbo nečlanic;
POZVAL generalnega sekretarja, da predlaga ustrezne spremembe in oprostitve.
3. člen
Sklep Sveta OECD o ustanovitvi Odbora za jeklo (C(78)171(konč.)) ter Resolucija Sveta OECD o članarini držav stalnih opazovalk in polnopravnih udeleženk nečlanic v delovnih telesih OECD (C(1996)223/REV2) sta prilogi k tej uredbi in njen sestavni del.
4. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
5. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-51/2007
Ljubljana, dne 11. oktobra 2007
EVA 2007-1811-0095
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(1) It is noted that references to GATT rules and provisions in this Annex do not alter the rights and obligations under the GATT of individual participants which are contracting parties to the GATT nor confer by implication equivalent rights or obligations on participants which are not contracting parties to the GATT.
(2) It is understood that these include all safeguard measures subject to the reporting requirements under the GATT.
(3) Opozoriti je treba, da sklicevanja v tej prilogi na pravila in določbe GATT ne spremenijo pravic in dolžnosti, ki jih imajo posamezne udeleženke, ki so pogodbenice GATT, prav tako pa tudi ne dajejo takih pravic ali obveznosti udeleženkam, ki niso pogodbenice GATT.
(4) Razume se, da so to vsi zaščitni ukrepi, ki jih je treba sporočati v skladu z zahtevami GATT.