Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Konvencije o varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine (MKVNKD)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Konvencije o varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine (MKVNKD), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 19. decembra 2007.
Št. 003-02-9/2007
Ljubljana, dne 27. decembra 2007
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Konvencija o varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine, sprejeta 17. oktobra 2003 v Parizu.
2. člen
Konvencija se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi(1):
The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization hereinafter referred to as UNESCO, meeting in Paris, from 29 September to 17 October 2003, at its 32nd session,
Referring to existing international human rights instruments, in particular to the Universal Declaration on Human Rights of 1948, the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights of 1966, and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights of 1966,
Considering the importance of the intangible cultural heritage as a mainspring of cultural diversity and a guarantee of sustainable development, as underscored in the UNESCO Recommendation on the Safeguarding of Traditional Culture and Folklore of 1989, in the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of 2001, and in the Istanbul Declaration of 2002 adopted by the Third Round Table of Ministers of Culture,
Considering the deep-seated interdependence between the intangible cultural heritage and the tangible cultural and natural heritage,
Recognizing that the processes of globalization and social transformation, alongside the conditions they create for renewed dialogue among communities, also give rise, as does the phenomenon of intolerance, to grave threats of deterioration, disappearance and destruction of the intangible cultural heritage, in particular owing to a lack of resources for safeguarding such heritage,
Being aware of the universal will and the common concern to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage of humanity,
Recognizing that communities, in particular indigenous communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals, play an important role in the production, safeguarding, maintenance and recreation of the intangible cultural heritage, thus helping to enrich cultural diversity and human creativity,
Noting the far-reaching impact of the activities of UNESCO in establishing normative instruments for the protection of the cultural heritage, in particular the Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of 1972,
Noting further that no binding multilateral instrument as yet exists for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage,
Considering that existing international agreements, recommendations and resolutions concerning the cultural and natural heritage need to be effectively enriched and supplemented by means of new provisions relating to the intangible cultural heritage,
Considering the need to build greater awareness, especially among the younger generations,of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage and of its safeguarding,
Considering that the international community should contribute, together with the States Parties to this Convention, to the safeguarding of such heritage in a spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance,
Recalling UNESCO’s programmes relating to the intangible cultural heritage, in particular the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity,
Considering the invaluable role of the intangible cultural heritage as a factor in bringing human beings closer together and ensuring exchange and understanding among them,
Adopts this Convention on this seventeenth day of October 2003.
I. General provisions
Article 1 – Purposes of the Convention
The purposes of this Convention are:
(a) to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage;
(b) to ensure respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities, groups and individuals concerned;
(c) to raise awareness at the local, national and international levels of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage, and of ensuring mutual appreciation thereof;
(d) to provide for international cooperation and assistance.
Article 2 – Definitions
For the purposes of this Convention,
1. The “intangible cultural heritage” means the practices, representations, expressions, knowledge, skills – as well as the instruments, objects, artefacts and cultural spaces associated therewith – that communities, groups and, in some cases, individuals recognize as part of their cultural heritage. This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities and groups in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and their history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, thus promoting respect for cultural diversity and human creativity. For the purposes of this Convention, consideration will be given solely to such intangible cultural heritage as is compatible with existing international human rights instruments, as well as with the requirements of mutual respect among communities, groups and individuals, and of sustainable development.
2. The “intangible cultural heritage”, as defined in paragraph 1 above, is manifested inter alia in the following domains:
(a) oral traditions and expressions, including language as a vehicle of the intangible cultural heritage;
(b) performing arts;
(c) social practices, rituals and festive events;
(d) knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe;
(e) traditional craftsmanship.
3. “Safeguarding” means measures aimed at ensuring the viability of the intangible cultural heritage, including the identification, documentation, research, preservation, protection, promotion, enhancement, transmission, particularly through formal and nonformal education, as well as the revitalization of the various aspects of such heritage.
4. “States Parties” means States which are bound by this Convention and among which this Convention is in force.
5. This Convention applies mutatis mutandis to the territories referred to in Article 33 which become Parties to this Convention in accordance with the conditions set out in that Article. To that extent the expression “States Parties” also refers to such territories.
Article 3 – Relationship to other international instruments
Nothing in this Convention may be interpreted as:
(a) altering the status or diminishing the level of protection under the 1972 Convention concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage of World Heritage properties with which an item of the intangible cultural heritage is directly associated; or
(b) affecting the rights and obligations of States Parties deriving from any international instrument relating to intellectual property rights or to the use of biological and ecological resources to which they are parties.
II. Organs of the Convention
Article 4 – General Assembly of the States Parties
1. A General Assembly of the States Parties is hereby established, hereinafter referred to as “the General Assembly”. The General Assembly is the sovereign body of this Convention.
2. The General Assembly shall meet in ordinary session every two years. It may meet in extraordinary session if it so decides or at the request either of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage or of at least one-third of the States Parties.
3. The General Assembly shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure.
Article 5 – Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
1. An Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, hereinafter referred to as “the Committee”, is hereby established within UNESCO. It shall be composed of representatives of 18 States Parties, elected by the States Parties meeting in General Assembly, once this Convention enters into force in accordance with Article 34.
2. The number of States Members of the Committee shall be increased to 24 once the number of the States Parties to the Convention reaches 50.
Article 6 – Election and terms of office of States Members of the Committee
1. The election of States Members of the Committee shall obey the principles of equitable geographical representation and rotation.
2. States Members of the Committee shall be elected for a term of four years by States Parties to the Convention meeting in General Assembly.
3. However, the term of office of half of the States Members of the Committee elected at the first election is limited to two years. These States shall be chosen by lot at the first election.
4. Every two years, the General Assembly shall renew half of the States Members of the Committee.
5. It shall also elect as many States Members of the Committee as required to fill vacancies.
6. A State Member of the Committee may not be elected for two consecutive terms.
7. States Members of the Committee shall choose as their representatives persons who are qualified in the various fields of the intangible cultural heritage.
Article 7 – Functions of the Committee
Without prejudice to other prerogatives granted to it by this Convention, the functions of the Committee shall be to:
(a) promote the objectives of the Convention, and to encourage and monitor the implementation thereof;
(b) provide guidance on best practices and make recommendations on measures for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage;
(c) prepare and submit to the General Assembly for approval a draft plan for the use of the resources of the Fund, in accordance with Article 25;
(d) seek means of increasing its resources, and to take the necessary measures to this end, in accordance with Article 25;
(e) prepare and submit to the General Assembly for approval operational directives for the implementation of this Convention;
(f) examine, in accordance with Article 29, the reports submitted by States Parties, and to summarize them for the General Assembly;
(g) examine requests submitted by States Parties, and to decide thereon, in accordance with objective selection criteria to be established by the Committee and approved by the General Assembly for:
(i) inscription on the lists and proposals mentioned under Articles 16, 17 and 18;
(ii) the granting of international assistance in accordance with Article 22.
Article 8 – Working methods of the Committee
1. The Committee shall be answerable to the General Assembly. It shall report to it on all its activities and decisions.
2. The Committee shall adopt its own Rules of Procedure by a two-thirds majority of its Members.
3. The Committee may establish, on a temporary basis, whatever ad hoc consultative bodies it deems necessary to carry out its task.
4. The Committee may invite to its meetings any public or private bodies, as well as private persons, with recognized competence in the various fields of the intangible cultural heritage, in order to consult them on specific matters.
Article 9 – Accreditation of advisory organizations
1. The Committee shall propose to the General Assembly the accreditation of nongovernmental organizations with recognized competence in the field of the intangible cultural heritage to act in an advisory capacity to the Committee.
2. The Committee shall also propose to the General Assembly the criteria for and modalities of such accreditation.
Article 10 – The Secretariat
1. The Committee shall be assisted by the UNESCO Secretariat.
2. The Secretariat shall prepare the documentation of the General Assembly and of the Committee, as well as the draft agenda of their meetings, and shall ensure the implementation of their decisions.
III. Safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage at the national level
Article 11 – Role of States Parties
Each State Party shall:
(a) take the necessary measures to ensure the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory;
(b) among the safeguarding measures referred to in Article 2, paragraph 3, identify and define the various elements of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory, with the participation of communities, groups and relevant nongovernmental organizations.
Article 12 – Inventories
1. To ensure identification with a view to safeguarding, each State Party shall draw up, in a manner geared to its own situation, one or more inventories of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory. These inventories shall be regularly updated.
2. When each State Party periodically submits its report to the Committee, in accordance with Article 29, it shall provide relevant information on such inventories.
Article 13 – Other measures for safeguarding
To ensure the safeguarding, development and promotion of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory, each State Party shall endeavour to:
(a) adopt a general policy aimed at promoting the function of the intangible cultural heritage in society, and at integrating the safeguarding of such heritage into planning programmes;
(b) designate or establish one or more competent bodies for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory;
(c) foster scientific, technical and artistic studies, as well as research methodologies, with a view to effective safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, in particular the intangible cultural heritage in danger;
(d) adopt appropriate legal, technical, administrative and financial measures aimed at:
(i) fostering the creation or strengthening of institutions for training in the management of the intangible cultural heritage and the transmission of such heritage through forums and spaces intended for the performance or expression thereof;
(ii) ensuring access to the intangible cultural heritage while respecting customary practices governing access to specific aspects of such heritage;
(iii) establishing documentation institutions for the intangible cultural heritage and facilitating access to them.
Article 14 – Education, awareness-raising and capacity-building
Each State Party shall endeavour, by all appropriate means, to:
(a) ensure recognition of, respect for, and enhancement of the intangible cultural heritage in society, in particular through:
(i) educational, awareness-raising and information programmes, aimed at the general public, in particular young people;
(ii) specific educational and training programmes within the communities and groups concerned;
(iii) capacity-building activities for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage, in particular management and scientific research; and
(iv) non-formal means of transmitting knowledge;
(b) keep the public informed of the dangers threatening such heritage, and of the activities carried out in pursuance of this Convention;
(c) promote education for the protection of natural spaces and places of memory whose existence is necessary for expressing the intangible cultural heritage.
Article 15 – Participation of communities, groups and individuals
Within the framework of its safeguarding activities of the intangible cultural heritage, each State Party shall endeavour to ensure the widest possible participation of communities, groups and, where appropriate, individuals that create, maintain and transmit such heritage, and to involve them actively in its management.
IV. Safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage at the international level
Article 16 – Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity
1. In order to ensure better visibility of the intangible cultural heritage and awareness of its significance, and to encourage dialogue which respects cultural diversity, the Committee, upon the proposal of the States Parties concerned, shall establish, keep up to date and publish a Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
2. The Committee shall draw up and submit to the General Assembly for approval the criteria for the establishment, updating and publication of this Representative List.
Article 17 – List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding
1. With a view to taking appropriate safeguarding measures, the Committee shall establish, keep up to date and publish a List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding, and shall inscribe such heritage on the List at the request of the State Party concerned.
2. The Committee shall draw up and submit to the General Assembly for approval the criteria for the establishment, updating and publication of this List.
3. In cases of extreme urgency – the objective criteria of which shall be approved by the General Assembly upon the proposal of the Committee – the Committee may inscribe an item of the heritage concerned on the List mentioned in paragraph 1, in consultation with the State Party concerned.
Article 18 – Programmes, projects and activities for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage
1. On the basis of proposals submitted by States Parties, and in accordance with criteria to be defined by the Committee and approved by the General Assembly, the Committee shall periodically select and promote national, subregional and regional programmes, projects and activities for the safeguarding of the heritage which it considers best reflect the principles and objectives of this Convention, taking into account the special needs of developing countries.
2. To this end, it shall receive, examine and approve requests for international assistance from States Parties for the preparation of such proposals.
3. The Committee shall accompany the implementation of such projects, programmes and activities by disseminating best practices using means to be determined by it.
V. International cooperation and assistance
Article 19 – Cooperation
1. For the purposes of this Convention, international cooperation includes, inter alia, the exchange of information and experience, joint initiatives, and the establishment of a mechanism of assistance to States Parties in their efforts to safeguard the intangible cultural heritage.
2. Without prejudice to the provisions of their national legislation and customary law and practices, the States Parties recognize that the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage is of general interest to humanity, and to that end undertake to cooperate at the bilateral, subregional, regional and international levels.
Article 20 – Purposes of international assistance
International assistance may be granted for the following purposes:
(a) the safeguarding of the heritage inscribed on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent Safeguarding;
(b) the preparation of inventories in the sense of Articles 11 and 12;
(c) support for programmes, projects and activities carried out at the national, subregional and regional levels aimed at the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage;
(d) any other purpose the Committee may deem necessary.
Article 21 – Forms of international assistance
The assistance granted by the Committee to a State Party shall be governed by the operational directives foreseen in Article 7 and by the agreement referred to in Article 24, and may take the following forms:
(a) studies concerning various aspects of safeguarding;
(b) the provision of experts and practitioners;
(c) the training of all necessary staff;
(d) the elaboration of standard-setting and other measures;
(e) the creation and operation of infrastructures;
(f) the supply of equipment and know-how;
(g) other forms of financial and technical assistance, including, where appropriate, the granting of low-interest loans and donations.
Article 22 – Conditions governing international assistance
1. The Committee shall establish the procedure for examining requests for international assistance, and shall specify what information shall be included in the requests, such as the measures envisaged and the interventions required, together with an assessment of their cost.
2. In emergencies, requests for assistance shall be examined by the Committee as a matter of priority.
3. In order to reach a decision, the Committee shall undertake such studies and consultations as it deems necessary.
Article 23 – Requests for international assistance
1. Each State Party may submit to the Committee a request for international assistance for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage present in its territory.
2. Such a request may also be jointly submitted by two or more States Parties.
3. The request shall include the information stipulated in Article 22, paragraph 1, together with the necessary documentation.
Article 24 – Role of beneficiary States Parties
1. In conformity with the provisions of this Convention, the international assistance granted shall be regulated by means of an agreement between the beneficiary State Party and the Committee.
2. As a general rule, the beneficiary State Party shall, within the limits of its resources, share the cost of the safeguarding measures for which international assistance is provided.
3. The beneficiary State Party shall submit to the Committee a report on the use made of the assistance provided for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage.
VI. Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund
Article 25 – Nature and resources of the Fund
1. A “Fund for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage”, hereinafter referred to as “the Fund”, is hereby established.
2. The Fund shall consist of funds-in-trust established in accordance with the Financial Regulations of UNESCO.
3. The resources of the Fund shall consist of:
(a) contributions made by States Parties;
(b) funds appropriated for this purpose by the General Conference of UNESCO;
(c) contributions, gifts or bequests which may be made by:
(i) other States;
(ii) organizations and programmes of the United Nations system, particularly the United Nations Development Programme, as well as other international organizations;
(iii) public or private bodies or individuals;
(d) any interest due on the resources of the Fund;
(e) funds raised through collections, and receipts from events organized for the benefit of the Fund;
(f) any other resources authorized by the Fund’s regulations, to be drawn up by the Committee.
4. The use of resources by the Committee shall be decided on the basis of guidelines laid down by the General Assembly.
5. The Committee may accept contributions and other forms of assistance for general and specific purposes relating to specific projects, provided that those projects have been approved by the Committee.
6. No political, economic or other conditions which are incompatible with the objectives of this Convention may be attached to contributions made to the Fund.
Article 26 – Contributions of States Parties to the Fund
1. Without prejudice to any supplementary voluntary contribution, the States Parties to this Convention undertake to pay into the Fund, at least every two years, a contribution, the amount of which, in the form of a uniform percentage applicable to all States, shall be determined by the General Assembly. This decision of the General Assembly shall be taken by a majority of the States Parties present and voting which have not made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article. In no case shall the contribution of the State Party exceed 1% of its contribution to the regular budget of UNESCO.
2. However, each State referred to in Article 32 or in Article 33 of this Convention may declare, at the time of the deposit of its instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, that it shall not be bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. A State Party to this Convention which has made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall endeavour to withdraw the said declaration by notifying the Director-General of UNESCO. However, the withdrawal of the declaration shall not take effect in regard to the contribution due by the State until the date on which the subsequent session of the General Assembly opens.
4. In order to enable the Committee to plan its operations effectively, the contributions of States Parties to this Convention which have made the declaration referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article shall be paid on a regular basis, at least every two years, and should be as close as possible to the contributions they would have owed if they had been bound by the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
5. Any State Party to this Convention which is in arrears with the payment of its compulsory or voluntary contribution for the current year and the calendar year immediately preceding it shall not be eligible as a Member of the Committee; this provision shall not apply to the first election. The term of office of any such State which is already a Member of the Committee shall come to an end at the time of the elections provided for in Article 6 of this Convention.
Article 27 – Voluntary supplementary contributions to the Fund
States Parties wishing to provide voluntary contributions in addition to those foreseen under Article 26 shall inform the Committee, as soon as possible, so as to enable it to plan its operations accordingly.
Article 28 – International fund-raising campaigns
The States Parties shall, insofar as is possible, lend their support to international fund-raising campaigns organized for the benefit of the Fund under the auspices of UNESCO.
VII. Reports
Article 29 – Reports by the States Parties
The States Parties shall submit to the Committee, observing the forms and periodicity to be defined by the Committee, reports on the legislative, regulatory and other measures taken for the implementation of this Convention.
Article 30 – Reports by the Committee
1. On the basis of its activities and the reports by States Parties referred to in Article 29, the Committee shall submit a report to the General Assembly at each of its sessions.
2. The report shall be brought to the attention of the General Conference of UNESCO.
VIII. Transitional clause
Article 31 – Relationship to the Proclamation of Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity
1. The Committee shall incorporate in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity the items proclaimed “Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity” before the entry into force of this Convention.
2. The incorporation of these items in the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity shall in no way prejudge the criteria for future inscriptions decided upon in accordance with Article 16, paragraph 2.
3. No further Proclamation will be made after the entry into force of this Convention.
IX. Final clauses
Article 32 – Ratification, acceptance or approval
1. This Convention shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by States Members of UNESCO in accordance with their respective constitutional procedures.
2. The instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Director-General of UNESCO.
Article 33 – Accession
1. This Convention shall be open to accession by all States not Members of UNESCO that are invited by the General Conference of UNESCO to accede to it.
2. This Convention shall also be open to accession by territories which enjoy full internal self-government recognized as such by the United Nations, but have not attained full independence in accordance with General Assembly resolution 1514 (XV), and which have competence over the matters governed by this Convention, including the competence to enter into treaties in respect of such matters.
3. The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Director-General of UNESCO.
Article 34 – Entry into force
This Convention shall enter into force three months after the date of the deposit of the thirtieth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, but only with respect to those States that have deposited their respective instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval, or accession on or before that date. It shall enter into force with respect to any other State Party three months after the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 35 – Federal or non-unitary constitutional systems
The following provisions shall apply to States Parties which have a federal or non-unitary constitutional system:
(a) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the legal jurisdiction of the federal or central legislative power, the obligations of the federal or central government shall be the same as for those States Parties which are not federal States;
(b) with regard to the provisions of this Convention, the implementation of which comes under the jurisdiction of individual constituent States, countries, provinces or cantons which are not obliged by the constitutional system of the federation to take legislative measures, the federal government shall inform the competent authorities of such States, countries, provinces or cantons of the said provisions, with its recommendation for their adoption.
Article 36 – Denunciation
1. Each State Party may denounce this Convention.
2. The denunciation shall be notified by an instrument in writing, deposited with the Director-General of UNESCO.
3. The denunciation shall take effect twelve months after the receipt of the instrument of denunciation. It shall in no way affect the financial obligations of the denouncing State Party until the date on which the withdrawal takes effect.
Article 37 – Depositary functions
The Director-General of UNESCO, as the Depositary of this Convention, shall inform the States Members of the Organization, the States not Members of the Organization referred to in Article 33, as well as the United Nations, of the deposit of all the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession provided for in Articles 32 and 33, and of the denunciations provided for in Article 36.
Article 38 – Amendments
1. A State Party may, by written communication addressed to the Director-General, propose amendments to this Convention. The Director-General shall circulate such communication to all States Parties. If, within six months from the date of the circulation of the communication, not less than one half of the States Parties reply favourably to the request, the Director-General shall present such proposal to the next session of the General Assembly for discussion and possible adoption.
2. Amendments shall be adopted by a two-thirds majority of States Parties present and voting.
3. Once adopted, amendments to this Convention shall be submitted for ratification, acceptance, approval or accession to the States Parties.
4. Amendments shall enter into force, but solely with respect to the States Parties that have ratified, accepted, approved or acceded to them, three months after the deposit of the instruments referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article by two-thirds of the States Parties. Thereafter, for each State Party that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to an amendment, the said amendment shall enter into force three months after the date of deposit by that State Party of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
5. The procedure set out in paragraphs 3 and 4 shall not apply to amendments to Article 5 concerning the number of States Members of the Committee. These amendments shall enter into force at the time they are adopted.
6. A State which becomes a Party to this Convention after the entry into force of amendments in conformity with paragraph 4 of this Article shall, failing an expression of different intention, be considered:
(a) as a Party to this Convention as so amended; and
(b) as a Party to the unamended Convention in relation to any State Party not bound by the amendments.
Article 39 – Authoritative texts
This Convention has been drawn up in Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish, the six texts being equally authoritative.
Article 40 – Registration
In conformity with Article 102 of the Charter of the United Nations, this Convention shall be registered with the Secretariat of the United Nations at the request of the Director-General of UNESCO.
Generalna konferenca Organizacije združenih narodov za izobraževanje, znanost in kulturo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: UNESCO), katere 32. zasedanje je med 29. septembrom in 17. oktobrom potekalo v Parizu,
ob sklicevanju na obstoječe mednarodne dokumente o človekovih pravicah, še zlasti na Splošno deklaracijo o človekovih pravicah iz leta 1948, Mednarodni pakt o ekonomskih, socialnih in kulturnih pravicah iz leta 1966 in Mednarodni pakt o državljanskih in političnih pravicah iz leta 1966,
ob upoštevanju pomembnosti nesnovne kulturne dediščine kot gibalom kulturne raznolikosti in jamstvom za trajnostni razvoj, kakršnega poudarjajo Priporočilo UNESCO o varovanju tradicionalne kulture in folklore iz leta 1989, Splošna deklaracija UNESCO o kulturni raznolikosti iz leta 2001 in Istanbulska deklaracija iz leta 2002, ki je bila sprejeta na tretji okrogli mizi ministrov za kulturo,
ob upoštevanju globoko zakoreninjene soodvisnosti med nesnovno kulturno dediščino in snovno kulturno ter naravno dediščino,
ob spoznanju, da procesi globalizacije in socialnih sprememb, hkrati s pogoji, ki jih ustvarjajo za obnovo dialoga med skupnostmi, hkrati z nestrpnostjo prinašajo tudi resne grožnje poslabšanja, izginotja in uničenja nesnovne kulturne dediščine, še posebej zaradi pomanjkanja sredstev za varovanje takšne dediščine,
ob zavedanju obstoja splošne volje in skupne skrbi za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva,
ob spoznanju, da imajo skupnosti, še zlasti domorodne skupnosti, skupine in v nekaterih primerih posamezniki, pomembno vlogo pri ustvarjanju, varovanju, vzdrževanju in poustvarjanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine ter tako prispevajo k plemenitenju kulturne raznolikosti in človeške ustvarjalnosti,
ob ugotovitvi daljnosežnih posledic dejavnosti UNESCO pri oblikovanju normativnih instrumentov za zaščito kulturne dediščine, še zlasti Konvencije o varstvu svetovne kulturne in naravne dediščine iz leta 1972,
ob nadaljnji ugotovitvi, da trenutno ni nobenega zavezujočega večstranskega instrumenta za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine,
ob upoštevanju, da morajo biti obstoječi mednarodni sporazumi, priporočila in resolucije o kulturni in naravni dediščini učinkovito obogateni in nadgrajeni z novimi določili o nesnovni kulturni dediščini,
ob upoštevanju potrebe po večjem zavedanju, še posebej med mlajšimi generacijami, o pomembnosti nesnovne kulturne dediščine in njenega varovanja,
ob upoštevanju, da bi morala mednarodna skupnost skupaj z državami pogodbenicami te konvencije prispevati k varovanju takšne dediščine v duhu sodelovanja in vzajemne pomoči,
ob sklicevanju na programe UNESCO o nesnovni kulturni dediščini, še posebej na Razglasitev mojstrovin ustne in nesnovne dediščine človeštva,
ob upoštevanju neprecenljive vloge nesnovne kulturne dediščine kot dejavnika zbliževanja ljudi in zagotavljanja medsebojne izmenjave in razumevanja,
sprejema to konvencijo dne 17. oktobra 2003.
I. Splošne določbe
1. člen – nameni konvencije
Nameni te konvencije so:
(a) varovati nesnovno kulturno dediščino;
(b) zagotoviti spoštovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine skupnosti, skupin in posameznikov;
(c) dvigniti zavedanje o pomembnosti nesnovne kulturne dediščine na lokalni, nacionalni in mednarodni ravni ter zagotoviti medsebojno spoštovanje te dediščine;
(d) zagotoviti mednarodno sodelovanje in pomoč.
2. člen – opredelitev pojmov
V tej konvenciji:
1. »Nesnovna kulturna dediščina« pomeni prakse, predstavitve, izraze, znanja, veščine in z njimi povezani orodja, predmete, izdelke in kulturne prostore, ki jih skupnosti, skupine in včasih tudi posamezniki prepoznavajo kot del svoje kulturne dediščine. Skupnosti in skupine nesnovno kulturno dediščino, preneseno iz roda v rod, nenehno poustvarjajo kot odziv na svoje okolje, naravo in zgodovino, in zagotavlja občutek za identiteto in neprekinjenost s prejšnjimi generacijami, s čimer spodbuja spoštovanje do kulturne raznolikosti in človeške ustvarjalnosti. V tej konvenciji nesnovna kulturna dediščina pomeni le tisto dediščino, ki je skladna z obstoječimi mednarodnimi instrumenti za človekove pravice, z zahtevami o medsebojnem spoštovanju med skupnostmi, skupinami in posamezniki in s trajnostnim razvojem.
2. »Nesnovna kulturna dediščina«, kakor je določena v prvem odstavku, so med drugim tudi:
(a) ustna izročila in izrazi, vključno z jezikom kot nosilcem nesnovne kulturne dediščine;
(b) uprizoritvene umetnosti;
(c) družbene prakse, rituali in praznovanja;
(d) znanje in prakse o naravi in svetu;
(e) tradicionalne obrtne veščine.
3. »Varovanje« pomeni ukrepe za zagotovitev ohranjanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine, vključno s prepoznavanjem, dokumentiranjem, raziskovanjem, ohranjanjem, zaščito, spodbujanjem, izboljševanjem, prenosom, še posebej s formalno in neformalno izobrazbo kakor tudi z oživitvijo različnih vidikov te dediščine.
4. »Države pogodbenice« pomeni države, ki jih ta konvencija zavezuje in za katere velja.
5. Ta konvencija se smiselno uporablja za ozemlja, navedena v 33. členu, ki postanejo pogodbenice te konvencije v skladu s pogoji iz tega člena. V takem obsegu se izraz »države pogodbenice« nanaša tudi na ta ozemlja.
3. člen – odnos do drugih mednarodnih instrumentov
Nobene določbe v tej konvenciji ni mogoče tolmačiti tako, da:
(a) spremeni status ali zmanjša stopnjo zaščite za dobrine svetovne dediščine, zagotovljene s Konvencijo o varstvu svetovne kulturne in naravne dediščine iz leta 1972, s katero je nesnovna kulturna dediščina neposredno povezana; ali
(b) vpliva na pravice in obveznosti držav pogodbenic iz katerega koli mednarodnega instrumenta o pravicah intelektualne lastnine ali uporabi bioloških in ekoloških virov, katerih pogodbenice so.
II. Organi konvencije
4. člen – generalna skupščina držav pogodbenic
1. S tem se ustanovi generalna skupščina držav pogodbenic, v nadaljnjem besedilu »generalna skupščina«. Generalna skupščina je najvišji organ te konvencije.
2. Generalna skupščina se na rednih zasedanjih sestaja vsaki dve leti. Skupščina se lahko sestane na izrednem zasedanju, če tako zahtevata medvladni odbor za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine ali vsaj tretjina držav pogodbenic.
3. Generalna skupščina bo sprejela svoj poslovnik.
5. člen – medvladni odbor za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine
1. Medvladni odbor za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine, v nadaljnjem besedilu »odbor«, se ustanovi znotraj organizacije UNESCO. Odbor sestavljajo predstavniki 18 držav pogodbenic, ki jih izvolijo države pogodbenice na zasedanju generalne skupščine po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije v skladu s 34. členom.
2. Število držav članic odbora se poveča na 24, ko število držav pogodbenic te konvencije doseže število 50.
6. člen – volitve in mandat držav članic odbora
1. Pri volitvah držav članic odbora se upoštevajo načela enakopravne geografske zastopanosti in rotacije.
2. Države pogodbenice konvencije na zasedanju generalne skupščine izvolijo države članice odbora za štiri leta.
3. Vendar je mandat polovice držav članic odbora, ki so izvoljene na prvih volitvah, omejen na dve leti. Te države so na prvih volitvah izbrane z žrebom.
4. Vsaki dve leti generalna skupščina obnovi polovico držav članic odbora.
5. Prav tako izvoli toliko držav članic odbora, kolikor jih je potrebnih za zapolnitev praznih mest.
6. Država članica odbora ne more biti izvoljena dvakrat zaporedoma.
7. Države članice odbora izberejo za svoje predstavnike osebe, usposobljene za različna področja nesnovne kulturne dediščine.
7. člen – naloge odbora
Brez poseganja v ostale pravice iz te konvencije, so naloge odbora:
(a) pospeševanje ciljev konvencije in spodbujanje ter spremljanje njenega izvajanja;
(b) zagotavljanje najboljših praks in priporočil glede ukrepov za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine;
(c) priprava in predložitev osnutka načrta v odobritev generalni skupščini za uporabo virov sklada v skladu s 25. členom;
(d) iskanje načinov za povečevanje lastnih virov in izvajanje potrebnih ukrepov v ta namen skladno s 25. členom;
(e) priprava in predložitev izvedbenih smernic za izvajanje te konvencije v odobritev generalni skupščini;
(f) pregledovanje poročil v skladu z 29. členom, ki so jih predložile države pogodbenice, in priprava njihovih povzetkov za generalno skupščino;
(g) pregledovanje prošenj, ki so jih predložile države pogodbenice, in odločanje o njih v skladu z nepristranskimi izbirnimi merili, ki jih določi odbor in potrdi generalna skupščina, za:
(i) vpis v sezname in za predloge iz 16., 17. in 18. člena;
(ii) odobritev mednarodne pomoči v skladu z 22. členom.
8. člen – načini dela odbora
1. Odbor za svoje delo odgovarja generalni skupščini. Poroča ji o vseh svojih dejavnostih in odločitvah.
2. Odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik z dvotretjinsko večino svojih članic.
3. Odbor lahko začasno ustanovi kakršno koli ad hoc posvetovalno telo, za katerega meni, da mu bo v pomoč pri izvajanju njegovih nalog.
4. Odbor lahko na svoja zasedanja za posvetovanje o posebnih zadevah povabi katera koli javna ali zasebna telesa in uveljavljene in priznane posameznike na različnih področjih nesnovne kulturne dediščine.
9. člen – akreditacija svetovalnih organizacij
1. Odbor generalni skupščini predlaga akreditacijo priznanih nevladnih organizacij na področju nesnovne kulturne dediščine za svetovanje odboru.
2. Prav tako odbor generalni skupščini predlaga merila in načine take akreditacije.
10. člen – sekretariat
1. Odboru pomaga sekretariat UNESCO.
2. Sekretariat pripravlja gradivo za generalno skupščino in odbor za pripravo osnutka dnevnega reda srečanj in zagotavljanje uresničevanja njunih odločitev.
III. Varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine na nacionalni ravni
11. člen – vloga držav pogodbenic
Vsaka država pogodbenica:
(a) izvaja ustrezne ukrepe za zagotovitev varovanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine na njenem ozemlju;
(b) med ukrepi varovanja iz tretjega odstavka 2. člena prepoznava in določa različne dele nesnovne kulturne dediščine na svojem ozemlju ob sodelovanju skupnosti, skupin in ustreznih nevladnih organizacij.
12. člen – popisi nesnovne kulturne dediščine
1. Za zagotovitev prepoznavanja z namenom varovanja mora vsaka država pogodbenica glede na svoje stanje pripraviti enega ali več popisov nesnovne kulturne dediščine na njenem ozemlju. Te sezname je treba redno osveževati.
2. V svojih rednih občasnih poročilih vsaka država pogodbenica odboru v skladu z 29. členom zagotavlja ustrezne podatke o svojih popisih.
13. člen – drugi varovalni ukrepi
Za zagotavljanje varovanja, razvoja in predstavitve nesnovne kulturne dediščine na svojem ozemlju, si vsaka država pogodbenica prizadeva za:
(a) sprejemanje splošne politike za predstavitev nesnovne kulturne dediščine v družbi in za vključevanje varovanja te dediščine v načrtovanje programov;
(b) določitev ali ustanovitev enega ali več ustreznih teles za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine na svojem ozemlju;
(c) spodbujanje znanstvenih, tehničnih in umetnostnih raziskav ter raziskovalnih metodologij za učinkovito varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine, še zlasti ogrožene nesnovne kulturne dediščine;
(d) sprejemanje ustreznih zakonskih, tehničnih, administrativnih in finančnih ukrepov za:
(i) spodbujanje ustanavljanja ali krepitve izobraževalnih institucij na področju upravljanja z nesnovno kulturno dediščino in za prenos te dediščine prek forumov in okolij za predstavljanje ali izražanje te dediščine;
(ii) zagotavljanje dostopa do nesnovne kulturne dediščine ob spoštovanju uveljavljenih praks pri dostopu do posameznih vidikov te dediščine;
(iii) ustanavljanje institucij za dokumentiranje nesnovne kulturne dediščine in olajšanje dostopa do njih.
14. člen – izobraževanje, ozaveščanje in izboljšanje zmogljivosti
Vsaka država pogodbenica si z vsemi ustreznimi sredstvi prizadeva za:
(a) zagotavljanje prepoznavanja, spoštovanja in izboljševanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine v družbi, še zlasti s/z:
(i) programi izobraževanja, ozaveščanja in informiranja za splošno javnost in še zlasti mlade;
(ii) posebnimi programi izobraževanja in usposabljanja znotraj ustreznih skupnosti in skupin;
(iii) dejavnostmi za izboljšanje zmogljivosti varovanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine, še predvsem upravljanja in znanstvenih raziskav; in
(iv) neformalnih načinov prenašanja znanja;
(b) obveščanje javnosti o nevarnostih, ki pretijo tej dediščini, in o dejavnostih za izvajanje te konvencije;
(c) spodbujanje izobraževanja za zaščito naravnih okolij in spominskih krajev, potrebnih za izražanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine.
15. člen – sodelovanje skupnosti, skupin in posameznikov
V okviru dejavnosti varovanja nesnovne kulturne dediščine si vsaka država pogodbenica prizadeva zagotoviti najširše možno sodelovanje skupnosti, skupin in po potrebi tudi posameznikov, ki ustvarjajo, vzdržujejo in prenašajo to dediščino, in njihovo aktivno vključitev v upravljanje s to dediščino.
IV. Varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine na mednarodni ravni
16. člen – reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva
1. Za zagotavljanje večje opaznosti nesnovne kulturne dediščine in zavedanje o njeni pomembnosti ter spodbujanje dialoga, ki spoštuje kulturno raznolikost, odbor na predlog vpletenih držav pogodbenic pripravi, osveži in objavi Reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva.
2. Odbor sestavi in generalni skupščini predloži v odobritev merila za pripravo, osvežitev in objavo tega reprezentativnega seznama.
17. člen – seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki jo je nujno nemudoma zavarovati
1. Za izvajanje ustreznih varovalnih ukrepov odbor pripravi, osveži in objavi seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki jo je nujno nemudoma zavarovati in jo na prošnjo vpletene države pogodbenice vključiti v seznam takšne dediščine.
2. Odbor sestavi in generalni skupščini predloži v odobritev merila za pripravo, osvežitev in objavo tega seznama.
3. V izjemno nujnih primerih – objektivna merila za tako uvrstitev potrdi generalna skupščina na predlog odbora – lahko odbor ob posvetovanju z zadevno državo pogodbenico del nesnovne kulturne dediščine uvrsti na seznam iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
18. člen – programi, projekti in dejavnosti za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine
1. Na podlagi predlogov, ki jih predložijo države pogodbenice, in v skladu z merili, ki jih določi odbor in potrdi generalna skupščina, odbor redno občasno izbira in spodbuja nacionalne, lokalne in regionalne programe, projekte in dejavnosti za varovanje dediščine, za katere meni, da najbolje odražajo načela in cilje te konvencije, ob upoštevanju posebnih potreb držav v razvoju.
2. Za pripravo takšnih predlogov odbor prejme, preuči in odobri prošnje za dodelitev mednarodne pomoči od držav pogodbenic.
3. Odbor sodeluje pri izvajanju takih projektov, programov in dejavnosti z razširjanjem najboljših praks s sredstvi, ki jih sam določi.
V. Mednarodno sodelovanje in pomoč
19. člen – sodelovanje
1. Za namene te konvencije mednarodno sodelovanje med drugim vključuje izmenjavo informacij in izkušenj, skupne iniciative in vzpostavitev mehanizma pomoči državam pogodbenicam pri njihovih prizadevanjih za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine.
2. Brez poseganja v določila njihove nacionalne zakonodaje in običajnega prava ter praks se države pogodbenice zavedajo, da je varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine v splošnem interesu človeštva in se zato zavzemajo za sodelovanje na dvostranski, lokalni, regionalni in mednarodni ravni.
20. člen – nameni mednarodne pomoči
Mednarodna pomoč se lahko dodeli za:
(a) varovanje dediščine s seznamom nesnovne kulturne dediščine, ki jo je nujno nemudoma zavarovati;
(b) pripravo popisov iz 11. in 12. člena;
(c) podporo programom, projektom in dejavnostim na nacionalni, lokalni in regionalni ravni, namenjenim varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine;
(d) za vsak drug namen, ki je po mnenju odbora nujen.
21. člen – oblike mednarodne pomoči
Pomoč, ki jo državi pogodbenici odobri odbor, urejajo izvedbene smernice iz 7. člena in sporazum iz 24. člena in ima lahko naslednje oblike:
(a) raziskave o različnih vidikih varovanja;
(b) zagotavljanje strokovnjakov in izvajalcev;
(c) usposabljanje vsega ustreznega osebja;
(d) določanje standardov in drugih ukrepov;
(e) vzpostavljanje in delovanje infrastrukture;
(f) dobavljanje opreme in strokovnega znanja;
(g) druge oblike finančne in tehnične pomoči, vključno z donacijami in posojili z nižjo obrestno mero, kadar je to primerno.
22. člen – pogoji za mednarodno pomoč
1. Odbor določi postopek za pregled prošenj za mednarodno pomoč in natančno opredeli podatke o prošnji, na primer predvidene ukrepe in potrebne posege, skupaj z oceno njihovih stroškov.
2. V nujnih primerih odbor prošnje za pomoč obravnava prednostno.
3. Da bi dosegel odločitev, odbor opravi raziskave in posvetovanja, ki so po njegovem mnenju potrebni.
23. člen – prošnje za mednarodno pomoč
1. Vsaka država pogodbenica lahko odboru pošlje prošnjo za mednarodno pomoč pri varovanju nesnovne kulturne dediščine na njenem ozemlju.
2. Tako prošnjo lahko skupaj pošljeta dve ali več držav pogodbenic.
3. Prošnja mora vsebovati podatke iz prvega odstavka 22. člena, skupaj s potrebno dokumentacijo.
24. člen – vloga držav pogodbenic prejemnic
1. V skladu z določili te konvencije odobreno mednarodno pomoč ureja sporazum med državo pogodbenico prejemnico pomoči in odborom.
2. Splošno pravilo je, da država pogodbenica prejemnica v okviru svojih sredstev deli stroške varovanih ukrepov, za katere je odobrena mednarodna pomoč.
3. Država pogodbenica prejemnica odboru pošlje poročilo o porabi pomoči, zagotovljene za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine.
VI. Sklad za nesnovno kulturno dediščino
25. člen – sestava in viri sklada
1. Ustanovi se sklad za varovanje nesnovne kulturne dediščine (v nadaljnjem besedilu: sklad).
2. V skladu so sredstva v upravljanju, pridobljena skladno s finančnimi predpisi UNESCO.
3. Sredstva sklada sestavljajo:
(a) prispevki držav pogodbenic;
(b) sredstva, ki jih v ta namen rezervira generalna konferenca UNESCO;
(c) prispevki, darila ali volila, ki jih lahko prispevajo:
(i) druge države;
(ii) organizacije in programi Združenih narodov, predvsem Razvojni program Združenih narodov, in druge mednarodne organizacije;
(iii) javna ali zasebna telesa ali posamezniki;
(d) vse obresti od virov sklada;
(e) sredstva, zbrana s plačili za dogodke, organizirane v korist sklada in s prejemki zanje;
(f) katerih koli drugih virov, dovoljenih s predpisi sklada, ki jih pripravi odbor.
4. Viri, ki jih porabi odbor, so določeni na podlagi smernic generalne skupščine.
5. Odbor lahko sprejema prispevke in druge oblike pomoči za splošne in posebne namene za posebne projekte, ki jih odobri odbor.
6. Prispevke skladu ne sme spremljati noben politični, ekonomski ali drug pogoj, ki ni v skladu s cilji te konvencije.
26. člen – prispevki držav pogodbenic skladu
1. Brez vpliva na kakršne koli prostovoljne prispevke se države pogodbenice te konvencije zavzemajo, da bodo najmanj vsaki dve leti v sklad vplačale prispevek, katerega znesek v enakem odstotku za vse države določi generalna skupščina. Generalna skupščina to odločitev sprejme z večino glasov navzočih držav pogodbenic, ki volijo, in ki niso podale izjave iz drugega odstavka tega člena. Prispevek države pogodbenice ne bo v nobenem primeru presegal 1% njenega prispevka v redni proračun UNESCO.
2. Vendar lahko vsaka država iz 32. ali 33. člena te konvencije ob deponiranju svojih listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu izjavi, da je določbe iz prvega odstavka tega člena ne zavezujejo.
3. Država pogodbenica te konvencije, ki je podala izjavo iz drugega odstavka tega člena, si prizadeva umakniti to izjavo z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu direktorju UNESCO. Vendar umik izjave ne bo spremenil pogojev plačevanja prispevka posamezne države do datuma začetka naslednjega zasedanja generalne skupščine.
4. Za učinkovito delovanje odbora morajo države pogodbenice te konvencije, ki so podale izjavo iz drugega odstavka tega člena, redno plačevati prispevke najmanj vsaki dve leti, ki morajo biti čim bolj izenačeni s prispevki, ki bi jih države dolgovale, če bi jih zavezovale določbe prvega odstavka tega člena.
5. Vsaka država pogodbenica te konvencije, ki zaostaja s plačilom obveznega ali prostovoljnega prispevka za tekoče leto in predhodno koledarsko leto, ne izpolnjuje pogojev za članico odbora; ta določba ne velja pri prvih volitvah. Mandat vsake take članice, ki je že članica odbora, se konča ob volitvah, določenih v 6. členu te konvencije.
27. člen – prostovoljni dodatni prispevki v sklad
Države pogodbenice, ki želijo zagotoviti prostovoljne prispevke poleg tistih, predvidenih v 26. členu, o tem čim prej obvestijo odbor in mu s tem omogočijo ustrezno načrtovanje njegovih dejavnosti.
28. člen – mednarodne kampanje za zbiranje sredstev
Države pogodbenice v največji možni meri pomagajo pri mednarodnih kampanjah za zbiranje sredstev v korist sklada pod okriljem UNESCO.
VII. Poročila
29. člen – poročila držav pogodbenic
Države pogodbenice odboru predložijo poročila o zakonih, predpisih in drugih ukrepih za uresničevanje te konvencije, ob upoštevanju oblik in rokov, ki jih določi odbor.
30. člen – poročila odbora
1. Na vsakem zasedanju generalne skupščine odbor predloži poročilo generalni skupščini na podlagi svojih dejavnosti in poročil držav pogodbenic iz 29. člena.
2. Poročilo se pošlje v vednost generalni konferenci UNESCO.
VIII. Prehodna klavzula
31. člen – odnos do razglasitve mojstrovin ustne in nesnovne dediščine človeštva
1. Odbor še pred začetkom veljavnosti te konvencije vključi enote, razglašene za »mojstrovine ustne in nesnovne dediščine človeštva«, v reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva.
2. Vključitev teh enot v reprezentativni seznam nesnovne kulturne dediščine človeštva nikakor ne vpliva na merila za prihodnje vpise na seznam, o katerih se odloča v skladu z drugim odstavkom 16. člena.
3. Po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije ne bo nobene druge razglasitve.
IX. Končne določbe
32. člen – ratifikacija, sprejetje ali odobritev
1. To konvencijo države članice UNESCO ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo v skladu s svojimi ustreznimi notranjepravnimi postopki.
2. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri generalnemu direktorju UNESCO.
33. člen – pristop
1. K tej konvenciji lahko pristopijo vse države nečlanice UNESCO, ki jih k pristopu povabi generalna konferenca UNESCO.
2. K tej konvenciji lahko prav tako pristopijo ozemlja, ki uživajo popolno notranjo samoupravo, ki jo kot tako priznava Organizacija združenih narodov, vendar niso pridobila popolne neodvisnosti v skladu z Resolucijo 1514 (XV) Generalne skupščine in so pristojna za zadeve iz te konvencije, vključno s pristojnostjo za sklepanje pogodb o takih zadevah.
3. Listina o pristopu se deponira pri generalnemu direktorju UNESCO.
34. člen – začetek veljavnosti
Ta konvencija začne veljati tri mesece po datumu deponiranja tridesete listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, vendar samo za tiste države, ki so na ta dan ali prej deponirale svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu. Za vsako drugo državo pogodbenico začne veljati tri mesece po deponiranju njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
35. člen – zvezni ali decentralizirani ustavni sistemi
Za države pogodbenice z zveznim ali decentraliziranim ustavnim sistemom veljajo naslednje določbe:
(a) kadar je izvajanje določb te konvencije v pristojnosti zvezne ali centralizirane zakonodajne oblasti, so obveznosti zvezne ali centralizirane vlade enake kakor obveznosti držav pogodbenic, ki niso zvezne države;
(b) kadar je izvajanje določb te konvencije v pristojnosti posameznih sestavnih držav, pokrajin, provinc ali kantonov, ki jih zvezni ustavni sistem ne zavezuje k sprejetju zakonodajnih ukrepov, zvezna vlada obvesti pristojne organe takih držav, pokrajin, provinc ali kantonov o navedenih določbah skupaj s svojim priporočilom za sprejetje.
36. člen – odpoved
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko odpove to konvencijo.
2. Odpoved se uradno sporoči z deponiranjem pisnega obvestila pri generalnem direktorju UNESCO.
3. Odpoved začne veljati dvanajst mesecev po prejemu obvestila o odpovedi. Odpoved nikakor ne vpliva na finančne obveznosti države pogodbenice, ki odstopa, in mora svoje obveznosti poravnati do začetka veljavnosti odpovedi.
37. člen – naloge depozitarja
Generalni direktor UNESCO kot depozitar te konvencije obvesti države članice organizacije in države nečlanice organizacije iz 33. člena kakor tudi Organizacijo združenih narodov o deponiranju vseh listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu iz 23. in 33. člena, ter o odpovedih iz 36. člena.
38. člen – spremembe
1. Država pogodbenica lahko s pisnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega direktorja, predlaga spremembe te konvencije. Generalni direktor to obvestilo pošlje vsem državam pogodbenicam. Če šest mesecev po datumu pošiljanja obvestila najmanj polovica pogodbenic pozitivno odgovori na to zahtevo, generalni direktor ta predlog predstavi na naslednjem zasedanju generalne skupščine za razpravo in morebitno sprejetje.
2. Spremembe se sprejmejo z dvotretjinsko večino navzočih in glasujočih držav pogodbenic.
3. Ko so spremembe te konvencije sprejete, se jih pošlje državam pogodbenicam, da jih ratificirajo, sprejmejo, odobrijo ali pristopijo k njim.
4. Spremembe začnejo veljati samo za tiste države pogodbenice, ki so jih ratificirale, sprejele, odobrile ali pristopile k njim, tri mesece po tem, ko sta dve tretjini držav pogodbenic deponirali listine iz tretjega odstavka tega člena. Pozneje začne za vsako državo pogodbenico, ki ratificira, sprejme, odobri spremembo ali k njej pristopi, ta sprememba veljati tri mesece po tem, ko je pogodbenica deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu k njej.
5. Postopek, določen v tretjem ali četrtem odstavku, ne velja za spremembe 5. člena o številu držav članic odbora. Te spremembe začnejo veljati takrat, ko so sprejete.
6. Država, ki postane pogodbenica te konvencije po začetku veljavnosti sprememb v skladu s četrtim odstavkom tega člena, se, če ni izrazila drugega namena, obravnava kot:
(a) pogodbenica te konvencije, kakor je bila spremenjena, in
(b) pogodbenica te nespremenjene konvencije glede na vse države pogodbenice, ki jih ne zavezujejo te spremembe.
39. člen – verodostojna besedila
Ta konvencija je sestavljena v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
40. člen – registracija
V skladu s 102. členom ustanovne listine Združenih narodov se to konvencijo na zahtevo generalnega direktorja UNESCO registrira pri sekretariatu Organizacije združenih narodov.
3. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije je pristojno Ministrstvo za kulturo.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 612-04/07-11/1
Ljubljana, dne 19. decembra 2007
EPA 1771-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
(1) Besedilo konvencije v arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.