Uradni list

Številka 4
Uradni list RS, št. 4/2008 z dne 14. 1. 2008
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 4/2008 z dne 14. 1. 2008


11. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Ministrstvoma za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju pri izdaji vizumov in na drugih področjih konzularnega dela v Kišinjovu, stran 81.

Na podlagi prve alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo in Uradni list RS, št. 20/06 – ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvoma za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in Republike Madžarske o sodelovanju pri izdaji vizumov in na drugih področjih konzularnega dela v Kišinjovu, podpisan v Budimpešti 28. septembra 2007.
2. člen
Besedilo Sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the Slovene Party) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred to as the Hungarian Party, together: Parties)
recalling the trustful cooperation between the Slovene and Hungarian consular services;
with reference to the Agreement between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary on the mutual representation by their diplomatic and consular missions in processing visas and residence permits of 4 April 2007;
acknowledging the fact that simplification of visa issuance is the common interest of both countries;
in view of community achievements and drafts concerning cooperation in the field of visa issuance;
considering the fact that both the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary will soon start to fully apply the Schengen acquis;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Organizational framework of the activity
1. In this document and in communication with third parties the designation of the unit established by the Hungarian Party within the official organization of the Embassy of the Republic of Hungary in Chisinau to perform the activities detailed in the present Agreement is: Common Application Centre (hereinafter referred to as the Centre).
2. The Slovene Party shall notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova on her joining to the activities of the Centre through diplomatic channels in accordance with Article 8 of the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations of 24 April 1963.
Article 2
The main activities of the Centre
1. The main activity of the Centre is the management of applications for “A”, “B” and “C” visas (hereinafter referred to as uniform visas). This activity comprises the provision of information to visa applicants, the reception and registration of visa applications, forwarding data and documents including travel documents of visa applicants to the Embassy of the Slovene Party in Kiev (hereinafter: the Slovene Embassy), returning travel documents to visa applicants and organising interviews for the consular officer of the Slovene Party upon his or her request.
2. The Slovene consul may – during his or her presence at the Centre – carry out acts in D visa and residence permit issuing procedure within the competence of a diplomatic and consular mission of the Republic of Slovenia and perform tasks relating to consular protection or notarial acts. However, these tasks shall not impede his or her main tasks outlined in paragraph 1 of Article 2 of this Agreement. The Slovene consul shall conduct the interviews and consult the applicants or the nationals of the Republic of Slovenia during consular hours.
Article 3
Management of the Centre
1. The Centre is managed by a diplomat of the Hungarian Embassy (hereinafter referred to as the Hungarian consul) appointed to this task, performing consular functions subject to paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations of 18 April 1961 (hereinafter referred to as the Vienna Convention of 1961).
2. The Slovene Party takes part in the activities of the Centre through a consul of the Slovene Embassy or a civil servant appointed by the Slovene Foreign Ministry (hereinafter referred to as the Slovene consul) to this task, performing consular functions subject to paragraph 2 of Article 3 of the Vienna Convention of 1961. The Slovene consul shall be under the supervision of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and shall observe the instructions of the head of the Hungarian Embassy in issues related to the security of the Embassy.
3. The Slovene Party shall notify the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova of the appointment of the Slovene consul in accordance with Article 10 of the Vienna Convention of 1961. The notification may also refer to the tasks defined in Article 2.
4. The Slovene and the Hungarian consuls shall be in continuous and close contact with each other for the purpose of facilitating the activities of the Centre as stated in the present Agreement. In case of disputes that can not be solved directly by the consuls, the consuls shall seek the advice of their respective ministries without delay.
5. The Slovene and Hungarian embassies shall maintain separate mailboxes in order to make correspondence related to the work of the Centre transparent.
6. The Slovene consul shall be responsible for the observance of the present Agreement and the relevant regulations on the Slovene visa applications, and shall assist the Hungarian consul in performing his or her duties with regard to the operation of the Centre. The staff of the Centre may only be instructed through the Hungarian consul.
Article 4
The staff of the Centre
1. For the purpose of operating the Centre the Hungarian Party shall employ visa administrators who are nationals of the receiving State or have residence in the receiving State.
2. The Hungarian consul shall be responsible for the direction and supervision of the staff of the Centre.
Article 5
Use of premises and services provided by the Hungarian Embassy
1. The Hungarian Embassy shall provide the following premises for the operation of the Centre:
a. waiting room for applicants
b. room of the visa administrators
c. consular office
d. storage room.
2. The Hungarian Embassy shall provide the average equipment level of the foreign missions of the Schengen States (office furniture, telephone, telefax, Internet access, photo copier, PC, scanner, equipment for document examination, etc). The Slovene consul shall use the premises and the equipment exclusively for the performance of his or her official duties.
3. The Slovene consul may use the conference room of the Hungarian Embassy to receive guests or hold small-scale gatherings with the approval of the head of the Hungarian Embassy. The reception of guests or the holding of gatherings shall take place during office hours in as much as possible.
4. During his or her stay on the premises of the Hungarian Embassy the Slovene consul shall observe the rules and regulations of the Hungarian Embassy.
5. Overhead costs arising from the use of premises and equipment defined in paragraph 1–3 (heating, electricity, water, sewage, Internet access) shall be borne by the Hungarian Embassy. The Slovene Party shall make a contribution to the costs of the Centre in the amount of 50% of the visa fees collected for Slovene visa applications. The Slovene Embassy shall transfer this contribution to a bank account designated by the Hungarian Embassy within 14 days after the receipt of the visa fees as specified in paragraph 1 of Article 6.
6. By way of derogation to paragraph 5 the Slovene Party shall refund to the Hungarian Embassy against a receipt the costs of the international telephone calls conducted by the Slovene consul.
Article 6
Specific rules concerning visa applications managed by the Centre
1. The Centre shall not receive visa fees. Applicants pay the visa fee determined by the Republic of Slovenia to a bank account designated by the Hungarian Embassy. The Hungarian Embassy shall transfer the collected fees to a bank account designated by the Slovene Embassy at least every 90 days. Details on the transfer conditions shall be agreed upon via diplomatic channels.
2. The Centre shall not receive visa application – according to the provisions of the Annex – if the applicant is not exempted from the payment of uniform visa fee and has not provided a proof of payment with the application. Before that the applicant shall be requested to provide a proof of payment.
3. Referring to paragraph 2 of Article 2 of this Agreement, fees for D visas and residence permits shall be collected by the Slovene consul during his or her presence at the Centre and upon the submission by the applicants.
4. Detailed rules concerning the receipt and forwarding of applications by the Centre, return of travel documents and communication of visa refusal are contained in the Annex.
5. In case of lack of supporting documents listed in the Annex the application may be accepted and the applicant shall be requested in writing, using a form (“Form for completion of Visa application”) attached to the Annex, to provide the missing documents within fourteen days of submission and shall be notified that his or her silence shall be understood as a withdrawal of the visa application, and consequently, the visa procedure shall be stopped.
6. Visa applications and enclosed supporting documents shall be forwarded by the Centre to the Slovene Embassy through express postal service designated by the Slovene Party in the Annex. Frequency of transmission of the applications shall be determined by the Slovene Party considering the number of applications. Cost of transportation of applications and passports shall be paid by the sending Party directly to the express postal service.
7. The Hungarian consul shall be responsible for ensuring that the visa administrators are aware of the rules contained in the Annex and their amendments. To this end, the Hungarian consul may initiate the organization of joint trainings with the Slovene consul.
Article 7
Contractual processing
1. Apart from the activities of the Centre listed in paragraph 1 of Article 2 the Centre shall electronically register the following data of applications:
a. registration number of the application
b. first name and surname of the applicant
c. date of birth of the applicant
d. gender of the applicant
e. number of the travel document
f. expiration date of the travel document
g. issuing state of the travel document
h. fingerprints of the applicant upon request of the Slovene Party
i. photo of the applicant
j. type of the visa applied for
k. the country of destination
l. the amount of uniform visa fee
m. the date of receipt of the application
n. the date of forwarding of the application to the Slovene Embassy
o. the date of return of the travel document to the Centre
p. the date of return of the travel document to the applicant
q. contact data of the applicant.
2. Data listed in paragraph 1 (a)–(q) of this Article may be inserted into the information system of the Centre by Hungarian consuls or visa administrators. In the period before the deletion of the data from the information system, only the Hungarian consul has the right to access and change the data.
3. Within five days of the notification by the Slovene consul about the issuance of the uniform visa, refusal of the application or termination of the procedure the Hungarian consul shall take measures towards the deletion of the data registered except for those listed in subparagraph 1 (a), (j), (k) (l) (m) and (p). Until the day of their deletion, the data is protected according to the national legislation of Hungary, on data protection.
4. Data listed in subparagraph 1 (a), (j), (k) (l) (m) and (p) may be retained for the purpose of statistics for two years after registration. Thereafter the Hungarian consul takes measures to delete the data.
5. Data listed in subparagraph 1 (a)–(m) and (q) of this Article shall be forwarded by the Centre to the Slovene Embassy on a chip card, together with the application.
Article 8
Participation of other European Union Member States and other states applying the Schengen acquis in the activities of the Centre
1. Participation in the activities of the Centre is open for Member States of the European Union and other states applying the Schengen acquis.
2. The Hungarian Party shall notify the Slovene Party if a European Union Member State or another state applying the Schengen acquis expresses its intention to join the Centre.
Article 9
Interim and Closing Provisions
1. Capturing of fingerprints of the applicant as a biometric data, is exercised by the Centre, upon the request by the Slovene party, and after implementation of European legislation on the capturing of biometric data.
2. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period and either of the Contracting Parties may terminate it at any time in writing, communicated through diplomatic channels. In case of termination, the Agreement remains in force for thirty (30) days following the receipt of the notice of termination by the other Contracting Party. This termination does not effect the operation of the Centre in relation to other European Union Member States and other states applying the Schengen acquis involved in the activities of the Centre.
3. The Contracting Parties may suspend the application of this Agreement wholly or partly at any time. The starting and closing date of the suspension shall be communicated through diplomatic channels and shall become effective thirty (30) days after the notification, unless agreed otherwise by the Contracting Parties.
4. As of the full implementation of the Schengen Agreement Hungary will fully represent Slovenia in the field of issuance of harmonised Schengen visa.
5. Issues related to the interpretation or the implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved by the Parties through negotiations.
6. The Annex does not constitute part of this Agreement. The Annex shall be prepared and maintained by the Slovene Party, who notifies the Hungarian consul in case of any modification.
7. The Contracting Parties may modify this Agreement in writing at any time, especially for the purpose of further deepening their cooperation in the field of visa issuance or based on experience gained during the operation of the Centre. This Agreement shall be modified by exchange of notes between the Parties.
8. In case of termination of this Agreement the Contracting Parties shall, if necessary, settle all outstanding expenses with each other, resulting from the implementation of this Agreement.
9. This Agreement shall enter into force on the day of the receipt of the last notification, by which Contracting Parties officially notify each other through diplomatic channels that their constitutional requirements for the entry into force have been fulfilled. The Agreement, however, enters into force temporarily as of the date of its signature.
Done in Budapest on 28th September 2007 in two copies in the English language.
For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
Ladislav Lipič (s)
For the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
of the Republic of Hungary
Krisztina Berta (s)
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju: slovenski pogodbenik) in Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Madžarske (v nadaljevanju: madžarski pogodbenik, skupaj: pogodbenika) sta se
ob sklicevanju na zaupanja vredno sodelovanje med slovensko in madžarsko konzularno službo,
glede na Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko o vzajemnem zastopanju s strani diplomatsko-konzularnih predstavništev pri obdelavi vizumov in dovoljenj za prebivanje z dne 4. aprila 2007,
ob priznavanju, da je poenostavitev postopka izdaje vizumov v skupnem interesu obeh držav,
glede na skupnostne dosežke in predloge v zvezi s sodelovanjem pri izdajanju vizumov,
glede na to, da bosta Republika Slovenija in Republika Madžarska kmalu začeli izvajati schengenski pravni red,
1. člen
Organizacijski okvir dejavnosti
1. V tem besedilu in pri stikih s tretjimi osebami se enota, ki jo je ustanovil madžarski pogodbenik v okviru uradne organizacije Veleposlaništva Republike Madžarske v Kišinjovu za opravljanje dejavnosti, navedenih v tem sporazumu, imenuje Skupni sprejemni center (v nadaljevanju: center).
2. Slovenski pogodbenik po diplomatski poti v skladu z 8. členom Dunajske konvencije o konzularnih odnosih z dne 24. aprila 1963 obvesti Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve in evropsko integracijo Republike Moldove, da se je pridružil dejavnosti centra.
2. člen
Glavne dejavnosti centra
1. Glavna dejavnost centra je obravnava vlog za vizume A, B in C (v nadaljevanju: enotni vizumi). Ta dejavnost vključuje zagotavljanje informacij prosilcem za vizum, sprejem in vpis vizumskih vlog, pošiljanje podatkov in dokumentov, vključno s potnimi listinami prosilcev za vizum veleposlaništvu slovenskega pogodbenika v Kijevu (v nadaljevanju: slovensko veleposlaništvo), vračanje potnih listin prosilcem za vizum ter organiziranje pogovorov za konzularnega uradnika slovenskega pogodbenika, če ta tako zahteva.
2. Slovenski konzul lahko med prisotnostjo v centru izvaja postopke v zvezi z izdajo vizumov D in dovoljenj za prebivanje, ki so v pristojnosti diplomatsko-konzularnega predstavništva Republike Slovenije, ter opravlja naloge, povezane s konzularno zaščito ali notarskimi listinami. Te naloge pa ga ne smejo ovirati pri izvajanju glavnih nalog iz prvega odstavka 2. člena tega sporazuma. Slovenski konzul opravlja pogovore in svetuje prosilcem ali državljanom Republike Slovenije med konzularnimi urami.
3. člen
Vodenje centra
1. Center vodi diplomat madžarskega veleposlaništva (v nadaljevanju: madžarski konzul), ki je za to imenovan in opravlja konzularne naloge skladno z drugim odstavkom 3. člena Dunajske konvencije o diplomatskih odnosih z dne 18. aprila 1961 (v nadaljevanju: Dunajska konvencija iz 1961).
2. Slovenski pogodbenik sodeluje v dejavnostih centra prek konzula slovenskega veleposlaništva ali javnega uslužbenca, ki ga za to imenuje slovensko zunanje ministrstvo (v nadaljevanju: slovenski konzul) in opravlja konzularne naloge skladno z drugim odstavkom 3. člena Dunajske konvencije iz leta 1961. Slovenskega konzula nadzoruje Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije, konzul pa upošteva navodila vodje madžarskega veleposlaništva glede varnostnih vprašanj na veleposlaništvu.
3. Slovenski pogodbenik obvesti Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve in evropsko integracijo Republike Moldove o imenovanju slovenskega konzula skladno z 10. členom Dunajske konvencije iz 1961. Uradno obvestilo se lahko nanaša tudi na naloge, opredeljene v 2. členu.
4. Madžarski in slovenski konzul sta v stalnih in tesnih stikih, da se centru omogoča opravljanje dejavnosti, navedenih v tem sporazumu. Ob sporih, ki jih konzula ne moreta rešiti neposredno, se nemudoma posvetujeta s svojima ministrstvoma.
5. Slovensko in madžarsko veleposlaništvo imata ločena poštna predala, tako da je korespondenca, povezana z delom centra, pregledna.
6. Slovenski konzul je odgovoren za izvajanje tega sporazuma in ustreznih predpisov v zvezi s slovenskimi vizumskimi vlogami ter pomaga madžarskemu konzulu izvajati njegove naloge pri delovanju centra. Osebje centra lahko dela samo po navodilih madžarskega konzula.
4. člen
Osebje centra
1. Za potrebe delovanja centra madžarski pogodbenik zaposli vizumske uradnike, ki so državljani države sprejemnice ali v njej stalno prebivajo.
2. Madžarski konzul je odgovoren za vodenje in nadziranje osebja centra.
5. člen
Uporaba prostorov in storitev madžarskega veleposlaništva
1. Madžarsko veleposlaništvo za delovanje centra zagotovi naslednje prostore:
a. čakalnico za prosilce,
b. prostor za vizumske uradnike,
c. konzularno pisarno,
d. prostor za hrambo.
2. Madžarsko veleposlaništvo zagotovi standardno opremo na ravni tujih predstavništev schengenskih držav (pisarniško pohištvo, telefon, telefaks, internetni dostop, fotokopirni stroj, osebni računalnik, bralnik, opremo za pregledovanje dokumentov itd.). Slovenski konzul uporablja prostore in opremo izključno za opravljanje svojih uradnih dolžnosti.
3. Slovenski konzul lahko z dovoljenjem vodje madžarskega veleposlaništva uporablja konferenčno sobo madžarskega veleposlaništva za sprejemanje gostov oziroma za prirejanje manjših srečanj. Če je le mogoče, sprejemanje gostov in srečanja potekajo med uradnimi urami.
4. Med prisotnostjo v prostorih madžarskega veleposlaništva mora slovenski konzul spoštovati pravila in predpise tega veleposlaništva.
5. Splošne stroške, ki izhajajo iz uporabe prostorov in opreme, določenih v prvih treh odstavkih tega člena (ogrevanje, elektrika, voda, kanalizacija, internetni dostop), krije madžarsko veleposlaništvo. Slovenski pogodbenik prispeva k stroškom centra v višini 50% vizumskih taks, zbranih od slovenskih vizumskih vlog. Slovensko veleposlaništvo prenakaže ta prispevek na bančni račun, ki ga določi madžarsko veleposlaništvo, v štirinajstih (14) dneh po prejemu vizumskih taks, kot je to navedeno v prvem odstavku 6. člena.
6. Ne glede na peti odstavek tega člena slovenski pogodbenik madžarskemu veleposlaništvu ob predložitvi računa povrne stroške mednarodnih telefonskih klicev slovenskega konzula.
6. člen
Posebna pravila za vizumske vloge, ki jih obravnava center
1. Center ne sprejema vizumskih taks. Prosilci plačajo vizumsko takso, ki jo določi Republika Slovenija, na bančni račun, ki ga določi madžarsko veleposlaništvo. Zbrane takse madžarsko veleposlaništvo prenakaže najmanj vsakih 90 dni na bančni račun, ki ga določi slovensko veleposlaništvo. O podrobnostih glede prenakazila bo dogovorjeno po diplomatski poti.
2. Center vizumske vloge ne sprejme – skladno z določbami v prilogi – če prosilec za vizum ni oproščen plačila takse za enotni vizum in vlogi ne predloži dokazila o plačilu. Pred tem je od prosilca treba zahtevati, da predloži dokazilo o plačilu.
3. Skladno z drugim odstavkom 2. člena tega sporazuma takso za vizum D in za dovoljenje za prebivanje pobere slovenski konzul, ko je prisoten v centru in po predložitvi prosilčeve vloge.
4. Podrobna pravila o tem, kako center sprejema in pošilja vloge, vrača potne listine in obvešča o zavrnitvi vizuma, so v prilogi.
5. Če je spremna dokumentacija, navedena v prilogi, pomanjkljiva, se vloga lahko sprejme, od prosilca pa se z obrazcem iz priloge (Obrazec za dopolnitev vizumske vloge) pisno zahteva, da v štirinajstih (14) dneh po vložitvi vloge predloži manjkajoče dokumente, in se obvesti, da se njegov molk šteje za umik vizumske vloge, vizumski postopek pa se ustavi.
6. Center pošlje vizumske vloge in priloženo spremno dokumentacijo slovenskemu veleposlaništvu prek ponudnika hitre pošte, ki ga določi slovenski pogodbenik v prilogi. Pogostost pošiljanja vlog določi slovenski pogodbenik glede na njihovo število. Pogodbenik, ki dokumente pošilja, plača stroške pošiljanja vlog in potnih listov neposredno ponudniku hitre pošte.
7. Madžarski konzul mora zagotoviti, da so vizumski uradniki seznanjeni s pravili iz priloge in njihovimi spremembami. Za ta namen lahko madžarski konzul da pobudo za organizacijo skupnega usposabljanja s slovenskim konzulom.
7. člen
Pogodbena obdelava
1. Poleg dejavnosti centra iz prvega odstavka 2. člena center elektronsko vpisuje naslednje podatke o vlogah:
a. številko vloge,
b. ime in priimek prosilca,
c. datum rojstva prosilca,
d. spol prosilca,
e. številko potne listine,
f. datum poteka veljavnosti potne listine,
g. državo, ki je izdala potno listino,
h. prstne odtise prosilca – na zahtevo slovenskega pogodbenika,
i. fotografijo prosilca,
j. vrsto zaprošenega vizuma,
k. namembno državo,
l. znesek takse za enotni vizum,
m. datum prejema vloge,
n. datum pošiljanja vloge slovenskemu veleposlaništvu,
o. datum vračila potnih listih centru,
p. datum vračila potnih listih prosilcu,
q. kontaktne podatke o prosilcu.
2. Podatke, ki so navedeni v točkah od a do q v prvem odstavku tega člena, lahko vnašajo v informacijski sistem centra madžarski konzul ali vizumski uradniki. Dokler podatki niso izbrisani iz informacijskega sistema, ima pravico do vpogleda in njihovega popravka izključno madžarski konzul.
3. V petih dneh od obvestila slovenskega konzula o izdaji enotnega vizuma, zavrnitvi vloge ali prekinitvi postopka madžarski konzul izpelje postopek za izbris vnesenih podatkov, razen tistih, navedenih v točkah a, j, k, l, m in p prvega odstavka. Do dneva izbrisa vnesenih podatkov se podatki varujejo skladno z notranjo zakonodajo Madžarske, ki ureja varstvo osebnih podatkov.
4. Podatki iz točk a, j, k, l, m in p prvega odstavka se lahko v statistične namene hranijo dve leti po vpisu. Po tem obdobju madžarski konzul sprejme ukrepe za izbris teh podatkov.
5. Center pošlje podatke iz točk od a do m in q prvega odstavka tega člena slovenskemu veleposlaništvu na čipni kartici skupaj z vlogo.
8. člen
Sodelovanje drugih držav članic Evropske unije in drugih držav, ki uporabljajo schengenski pravni red, pri dejavnostih centra
1. Pri dejavnostih centra lahko sodelujejo države članice Evropske unije in druge države, ki uporabljajo schengenski pravni red.
2. Madžarski pogodbenik obvesti slovenskega pogodbenika o izraženi nameri države članice Evropske unije ali druge države, ki uporablja schengenski pravni red, da se pridruži centru.
9. člen
Prehodne in končne določbe
1. Zajem prstnih odtisov prosilca kot biometrični podatek opravlja center na zahtevo slovenskega pogodbenika in po uveljavitvi evropske zakonodaje, ki ureja zajemanje biometričnih podatkov.
2. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas; oba pogodbenika ga lahko kadar koli odpovesta in to pisno sporočita po diplomatski poti. Ob odpovedi sporazum velja še trideset (30) dni po tem, ko drugi pogodbenik prejme obvestilo o odpovedi. Odpoved sporazuma ne vpliva na delovanje centra glede drugih držav članic Evropske unije in drugih držav, ki uporabljajo schengenski pravni red in so vključene v delovanje centra.
3. Pogodbenika lahko kadar koli delno ali v celoti prekineta izvajanje tega sporazuma. Začetni in končni datum prekinitve izvajanja sporazuma se sporočita po diplomatski poti, prekinitev pa začne veljati trideset (30) dni po prejemu uradnega obvestila, razen če se pogodbenika ne dogovorita drugače.
4. Po polni uveljavitvi schengenskega sporazuma bo Madžarska v celoti zastopala Slovenijo pri izdajanju enotnih schengenskih vizumov.
5. Vprašanja glede razlage ali izvajanja tega sporazuma pogodbenika rešujeta s pogajanji.
6. Priloga ni sestavni del sporazuma. Pripravi in vzdržuje jo slovenski pogodbenik, ki madžarskega konzula obvesti o morebitnih spremembah.
7. Pogodbenika lahko kadar koli pisno spremenita sporazum predvsem zaradi nadaljnjega poglabljanja sodelovanja pri izdaji vizumov ali glede na izkušnje, pridobljene med delovanjem centra. Sporazum se spremeni z izmenjavo not med pogodbenikoma.
8. Če sporazum preneha veljati, pogodbenika po potrebi drug drugemu poravnata neporavnane stroške, ki so nastali z izvajanjem tega sporazuma.
9. Sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega od uradnih obvestil, s katerima se pogodbenika uradno po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so izpolnjeni njuni notranjepravni pogoji, potrebni za začetek veljavnosti sporazuma. Sporazum pa se začne začasno uporabljati z dnem podpisa.
Sestavljeno v Budimpešti dne 28. septembra 2007 v dveh izvodih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije
Ladislav Lipič l.r.
Za Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Madžarske
Krisztina Berta l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-67/2007
Ljubljana, dne 27. decembra 2007
EVA 2007-1811-0114
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.

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