Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Republike Avstrije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o delovanju Centra za sodelovanje varnostnih organov Dolga vas (MSAHCVO)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Republike Avstrije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o delovanju Centra za sodelovanje varnostnih organov Dolga vas (MSAHCVO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 6. februarja 2008.
Št. 003-02-2/2008-16
Ljubljana, dne 14. februarja 2008
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije, Vlado Republike Avstrije in Vlado Republike Madžarske o delovanju Centra za sodelovanje varnostnih organov Dolga vas, podpisan v Bruslju 8. november 2007.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljevanju slovenska pogodbenica), Vlada Republike Avstrije (v nadaljevanju avstrijska pogodbenica) in Vlada Republike Madžarske (v nadaljevanju madžarska pogodbenica),
v nadaljevanju pogodbenice, so se
zaradi spodbujanja in nadaljnjega razvijanja policijskega sodelovanja med sosednjimi državami;
ob upoštevanju dvostranskih mednarodnih pogodb o policijskem sodelovanju in mednarodnih pogodb o prevzemu oseb na skupni državni meji, ki veljajo med pogodbenicami;
ob upoštevanju načel policijskega sodelovanja, ki jih izvajajo države članice Evropske unije;
ob upoštevanju zakonodaj pogodbenic
1. člen
Ustanovitev centra
(1) Slovenska pogodbenica v Občini Lendava v Republiki Sloveniji na območju državne meje med Republiko Slovenijo in Republiko Madžarsko ustanovi Center za sodelovanje varnostnih organov (v nadaljevanju center). Center bo v prostorih Postaje mejne policije Dolga vas.
(2) Območje centra po tem dogovoru vključuje:
a) cesto od skupne državne meje do Postaje mejne policije Dolga vas zaradi prihoda na službeno mesto;
b) določene službene prostore v Postaji mejne policije Dolga vas in njim pripadajoče pomožne prostore;
c) določeno službeno parkirišče.
(3) V centru delajo uslužbenci pristojnih organov Republike Slovenije, Republike Avstrije in Republike Madžarske.
(4) Center je označen v jezikih pogodbenic ter z zastavami in državnimi grbi pogodbenic.
(5) Delovni čas centra soglasno določajo pristojni organi iz 3. člena.
2. člen
Center ima nalogo spodbujati in pospeševati sodelovanje med pogodbenicami, predvsem s:
a) spodbujanjem čezmejnega policijskega sodelovanja na podlagi dvostranskih mednarodnih pogodb o policijskem sodelovanju in veljavnih dvostranskih mednarodnih pogodb o prevzemu oseb na skupni državni meji, ki veljajo med pogodbenicami;
b) podporo pri ohranjanju javnega reda in varnosti ter pri preprečevanju čezmejne kriminalitete in nezakonitih migracij;
c) sodelovanjem z drugimi centri za sodelovanje varnostnih organov, ki jih ustanovijo države članice EU.
3. člen
Pristojni organi
Pristojni organi za izvajanje tega dogovora so:
a) za Republiko Slovenijo: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Policija, Uprava uniformirane policije, Sektor mejne policije;
b) za Republiko Avstrijo: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna direkcija za javno varnost;
c) za Republiko Madžarsko: Policija, Mejna straža, Urad za priseljevanje in državljanstvo.
4. člen
Področje sodelovanja
(1) Napotene uradne osebe avstrijske in madžarske pogodbenice niso upravičene za samostojno izvajanje policijskih ukrepov, temveč pošiljajo le informacije in svoje naloge opravljajo izključno na podlagi navodil pogodbenice, ki jih je napotila v center.
(2) Uradne osebe pogodbenic, ki delajo v centru, sodelujejo predvsem s podporo in svetovanjem:
a) pri spodbujanju in krepitvi čezmejnega sodelovanja in izmenjavi informacij o čezmejnem policijskem delu;
b) pri skupnem nastopanju proti nezakonitim migracijam in spremljajočim kaznivim dejanjem;
c) pri usklajevanju skupnih nalog mejne kontrole in nadzora ter drugih operacij na skupni državni meji ali na posameznih obmejnih območjih, kjer sodelujejo pogodbenice;
d) pri izmenjavi informacij o preprečevanju in zatiranju čezmejne kriminalitete;
e) na zaprosilo pri pomoči pri reševanju težav, ki nastanejo v zvezi z izvajanjem sporazumov o prevzemu oseb;
f) pri izmenjavi informacij v sodelovanju z drugimi centri za sodelovanje varnostnih organov, ki jih ustanovijo države članice EU;
g) pri izmenjavi drugih informacij in opravljanju drugih nalog, ki jim jih je dala pogodbenica, ki jih je napotila.
5. člen
Pravni status
(1) Uradne osebe, ki delajo v centru, sodelujejo pri opravljanju svojih dejavnosti v okviru svojih pristojnosti.
(2) Pooblaščene so, da ob upoštevanju veljavnih notranjepravnih predpisov neposredno odgovarjajo na zaprosila, ki so jim jih poslale pristojne službe druge pogodbenice, ne glede na izmenjavo informacij prek nacionalnih centralnih organov.
(3) Svoje delo opravljajo v skupnih prostorih in na zaprosila uradnih oseb druge pogodbenice odgovorijo čim prej.
(4) Pristojni organi iz 3. člena si izmenjajo sezname imen uradnih oseb, ki so napotene v center, in se obveščajo o nastalih spremembah.
6. člen
Delovni jezik
Uradne osebe se sporazumevajo v slovenskem, nemškem, madžarskem ali angleškem jeziku. Njihova pravica je, da zaprosila in odgovore pošiljajo v svojem uradnem jeziku.
7. člen
(1) Slovenska pogodbenica brezplačno zagotovi drugim pogodbenicam potrebne prostore za opravljanje službe v centru in krije obratovalne stroške razen stroškov uporabe telekomunikacij.
(2) Prostori, ki so namenjeni samo uporabi drugim pogodbenicam, se s posebnim dogovorom dajo v uporabo tem pogodbenicam.
(3) Slovenska pogodbenica omogoči namestitev in delovanje telekomunikacijskih naprav ter naprav za obdelavo podatkov, ki jih zagotovijo druge pogodbenice, ter vzpostavitev potrebnih povezav, tudi z lokalnimi mrežami.
(4) Slovenska pogodbenica zaradi izvajanja dejavnosti, opredeljenih v tem sporazumu, omogoča strokovnjakom telekomunikacijskih naprav in naprav za obdelavo podatkov drugih pogodbenic vstop na državno ozemlje zaradi namestitve naprav ter vzpostavitve in vzdrževanja omrežnih povezav.
(5) Naprave in druge premičnine, ki jih v center prinesejo in namestijo druge pogodbenice, ostanejo v njihovi lasti. Za uvoz opreme in naprav, ki so potrebne za opravljanje službe, se ne plačujejo carinske ali druge dajatve.
8. člen
Delovanje centra
(1) Organi iz 3. člena imenujejo vsak svojo uradno osebo, ki je odgovorna za organizacijo, dejavnost in delovanje centra. Uradne osebe se sestajajo mesečno, da analizirajo delo, odpravljajo težave, pomanjkljivosti ali nepravilnosti in se dogovarjajo o nadaljnjem delu. O sestanku uradne osebe sestavijo zapisnik.
(2) Organi iz 3. člena pred začetkom delovanja centra sprejmejo poslovnik in sprejmejo druge ukrepe za zagotavljanje delovanja centra.
(3) Poslovnik je po potrditvi zavezujoč za vse pogodbenice.
(4) Predstavniki pristojnih organov iz 3. člena se sestanejo najmanj enkrat letno, da pregledajo sodelovanje in ocenijo delo v centru.
9. člen
Razmerje do drugih mednarodnih pogodb
Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na obveznosti, ki so jih pogodbenice sprejele na podlagi drugih sklenjenih dvostranskih in večstranskih mednarodnih pogodb.
10. člen
Reševanje sporov
Vsi spori v zvezi z razlago ali uporabo tega sporazuma se rešujejo s pogajanji med ministrstvi, ki so odgovorna za izvajanje tega sporazuma. Če ne morejo doseči soglasja, se spor rešuje po diplomatski poti.
11. člen
Depozitar tega sporazuma je Vlada Republike Slovenije.
12. člen
(1) Ta sporazum je na voljo za pristop sosednjim državam Republike Slovenije. Pogodbenice soglasno sprejmejo odločitev o pristopu. S pristopom postane za pristopnico zavezujoč poslovnik, ki je bil do tistega dne sprejet na podlagi 8. člena tega sporazuma.
(2) Listina o pristopu se deponira pri depozitarju, ki o tem obvesti druge pogodbenice. Za državo pristopnico začne ta dogovor veljati 90 dni po deponiranju njene listine o pristopu.
13. člen
Končne določbe
(1) Ta sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega uradnega obvestila o izpolnjenih notranjepravnih pogojih ali z dnem deponiranja zadnje listine o odobritvi ali ratifikaciji. Depozitar vse pogodbenice uradno obvesti o datumu začetka veljavnosti.
(2) Ta sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica ga lahko odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju, ki o tem takoj uradno obvesti druge pogodbenice. Za pogodbenico, ki ga odpove, začne odpoved veljati šest mesecev od dne, ko depozitar uradno obvesti druge pogodbenice o odpovedi.
Sestavljeno v Bruslju dne 8. 11. 2007 v štirih izvirnikih v slovenskem, nemškem, madžarskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Vsaka pogodbenica prejme en izvod izvirnika. En izvirnik se shrani pri depozitarju. Ob razlikah v razlagi tega sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Dragutin Mate l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Avstrije
Günter Platter l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Madžarske
Albert Takacs l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the Slovenian Contracting Party), the Government of the Republic of Austria (hereinafter referred to as the Austrian Contracting Party) and the Government of the Republic of Hungary (hereinafter referred to as the Hungarian Contracting Party),
hereinafter referred to as the Contracting Parties,
aiming to promote and further develop police cooperation between the neighbouring countries;
having regard to bilateral police cooperation treaties and treaties on readmission of persons on the common state border in force between the Contracting Parties;
having regard to the principles of police cooperation applied by the European Union Member States;
having regard to the legislation of the Contracting Parties;
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Establishment of the Centre
(1) The Slovenian Contracting Party shall establish a Centre for Law Enforcement Cooperation (hereinafter referred to as the Centre), which shall be located in the Republic of Slovenia, municipality of Lendava, in the area of the state border between the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Hungary. The Centre shall be located in the premises of the Border Police Station Dolga vas.
(2) Under this Agreement, the area of the Centre shall comprise:
a) road extending from the common state border to the Border Police Station Dolga vas, for the purpose of arrival at place of work;
b) specified work premises in the Border Police Station Dolga vas and the appurtenant auxiliary premises;
c) specified official parking space.
(3) Work at the Centre shall be performed by officers of the competent authorities of the Republic of Slovenia, the Republic of Austria and the Republic of Hungary.
(4) The Centre shall be indicated in the languages of the Contracting Parties and shall be marked with the flags and the national coat-of-arms of the Contracting Parties.
(5) Service hours of the Centre shall be unanimously determined by the competent authorities referred to in Article 3.
Article 2
The Centre’s tasks shall be to promote and advance cooperation between the Contracting Parties, particularly through:
a) promoting cross border police cooperation based on bilateral police cooperation treaties and bilateral treaties on readmission of persons on the common state border in force between the Contracting Parties;
b) supporting the maintenance of public order and security and the prevention of cross border crime and illegal migration;
c) cooperating with other centres for law enforcement cooperation established between the EU Member States.
Article 3
Competent Authorities
The competent authorities to implement this Agreement shall be:
a) for the Republic of Slovenia: Ministry of the Interior, the Police, Uniformed Police Directorate, Border Police Section;
b) for the Republic of Austria: Ministry of the Interior, General Directorate for Public Security;
c) for the Republic of Hungary: the Police, the Border Guards, the Office of Immigration and Nationality.
Article 4
Scope of cooperation
(1) The seconded officials of the Austrian and Hungarian Contracting Parties shall not be competent to take independent police action, but shall merely supply information and perform their duties exclusively based on the instructions given to them by the seconding Contracting Party.
(2) The officers of the Contracting Parties working at the Centre shall cooperate primarily by giving support and advice:
a) in promoting and strengthening cross border cooperation and information exchange in the field of cross border policing;
b) in joint action against illegal migration and accompanying crimes;
c) in coordinating joint tasks of border checks and control as well as other operations at the common state border or in individual border areas involving the cooperation of the Contracting Parties;
d) in exchanging information on the prevention and repression of cross border crime;
e) upon request, in assisting each other in solving issues arising from the implementation of readmission agreements;
f) in exchanging information in cooperating with other centres for law enforcement cooperation established between the EU Member States;
g) in exchanging other information and performing other tasks assigned by the seconding Contracting Party.
Article 5
Legal status
(1) The officers working at the Centre shall cooperate in the performance of their activities within the scope of their competences.
(2) They shall be authorised to directly respond, in compliance with their national regulations in force, to requests forwarded by the competent authorities of another Contracting Party notwithstanding the information exchange via the national central authorities.
(3) They shall perform their work at common premises and respond to requests by officers of another Contracting Party as soon as possible.
(4) The competent authorities referred to in Article 3 shall exchange lists of names of officers seconded to the Centre and keep each other informed of any changes.
Article 6
Working language
The officers shall mutually communicate in the Slovenian, German, Hungarian or English languages. They shall have the right to forward requests and responses in their own language.
Article 7
(1) The Slovenian Contracting Party shall provide, free of charge, other Contracting Parties with the necessary premises to perform the work at the Centre, and cover the operating costs, with the exception of costs of the use of telecommunications.
(2) The premises intended solely for use by other Contracting Parties shall be assigned for use to those Contracting Parties with a special arrangement.
(3) The Slovenian Contracting Party shall facilitate the installation and operation of telecommunication devices and data processing devices provided by other Contracting Parties as well as the establishment of the necessary connections, also with local networks.
(4) For the purpose of performing the activities set forth in this Agreement, the Slovenian Contracting Party shall enable telecommunication and data processing experts of other Contracting parties to enter its state territory in order to install devices and establish and maintain network connections.
(5) Devices and other movables brought to and installed at the Centre by other Contracting Parties shall remain their property. No customs duty or other charges shall be levied on the importation of equipment and devices necessary to perform the work.
Article 8
Operation of the Centre
(1) Each of the authorities referred to in Article 3 shall designate an officer responsible for the organisation, activities and operation of the Centre. The officers shall meet on a monthly basis in order to analyse the work, eliminate problems, deficiencies or irregularities and agree on further work. Minutes shall be drawn up of each meeting.
(2) Prior to the start of the Centre’s operation, the authorities referred to in Article 3 shall adopt the rules of procedure and any other measures with a view to ensuring the Centre’s operation.
(3) After the rules of procedure have been confirmed, they shall become binding on all the Contracting Parties.
(4) The representatives of the competent authorities referred to in Article 3 shall meet at least once annually in order to review the cooperation and evaluate the Centre’s work.
Article 9
Relation to other treaties
The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect the obligations undertaken by the Contracting Parties based on other bilateral or multilateral treaties.
Article 10
Settlement of disputes
Any dispute related to the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled through negotiations among the Ministries responsible for the implementation of this Agreement. If they are unable to decide the disputed issue, the dispute shall be resolved through diplomatic channels.
Article 11
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia shall be the Depositary of this Agreement.
Article 12
(1) This Agreement shall be open for accession by neighbouring countries of the Republic of Slovenia. The decision on accession shall be taken unanimously by the Contracting Parties. With the accession, the rules of procedure adopted until that date based on Article 8 of this Agreement shall become binding on the acceding state.
(2) The instrument of accession shall be deposited with the Depositary, which shall notify the other Contracting Parties of the deposit of the instrument of accession. For the Acceding State, this Agreement shall enter into force 90 days after the date of the deposit of its instrument of accession.
Article 13
Final provisions
(1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the deposit of the last formal notice on the fulfillment of all internal legal procedures or the last instrument of approval or ratification. Depositary shall notify all Contracting Parties of the date of its entry into force.
(2) This Agreement shall be concluded for an indefinite period of time. Each Contracting Party may denounce this Agreement by written notification to the Depositary, which shall immediately notify other Contracting Parties. The denunciation shall take effect, in respect of the denouncing Contracting Party, 6 months after the date on which the Depositary has notified the other Contracting Parties of the denunciation.
Done at Brussels on 8. 11. 2007 in four original copies, each in the Slovenian, German, Hungarian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. Each Contracting Party shall receive one original copy. One original copy shall be deposited with the Depositary. In case of differences in the interpretation of the Agreement, the English version shall prevail.
For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Dragutin Mate (s)
For the Government of the Republic of Austria
Günter Platter (s)
For the Government of the Republic of Hungary
Albert Takacs (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-08/07-14/1
Ljubljana, dne 6. februarja 2008
EPA 1652-IV
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
France Cukjati, dr. med., l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v madžarskem in nemškem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.