Na podlagi tretje in sedme alinee petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo in 20/06 – ZNOMCMO) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Ministrstvom za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za izobraževanje in znanost Republike Bolgarije o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju, podpisan v Sofiji 20. marca 2007.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(*)
med Ministrstvom za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za izobraževanje in znanost Republike Bolgarije o znanstvenem in tehnološkem sodelovanju
Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje in znanost Republike Bolgarije, v nadaljevanju pogodbenika,
sta se na podlagi Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Bolgarije o sodelovanju v izobraževanju, kulturi in znanosti, podpisanega v Ljubljani 21. marca 1994, in v skladu s 3. členom Programa sodelovanja v znanosti, izobraževanju in kulturi med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Bolgarije za obdobje 2006–2008, podpisanega v Sofiji 10. maja 2006,
glede na pomembnost mednarodnega znanstvenega in tehnološkega sodelovanja za nacionalni gospodarski razvoj in blaginjo obeh držav,
z željo po spodbujanju in pospeševanju sodelovanja na področju znanosti in tehnologije,
1. člen
1. Pogodbenika bosta razvijala in spodbujala sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije v skladu s tem sporazumom in veljavno zakonodajo Republike Slovenije in Republike Bolgarije.
2. Pogodbenika bosta spodbujala in podpirala znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje z vzpostavitvijo neposrednih povezav med znanstvenimi inštituti, znanstvenimi združenji, univerzami, vladnimi agencijami in drugimi organizacijami na področju raziskav in razvoja v skladu z njuno notranjo zakonodajo.
3. Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za izobraževanje in znanost Republike Bolgarije sta »pristojna organa« za izvajanje določb tega sporazuma.
2. člen
1. Sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije po tem sporazumu vključuje:
a) skupne raziskave pri posebnih projektih in programih v skladu s skupno dogovorjenimi prednostnimi nalogami v znanosti, tehnologiji in inovacijah;
b) izmenjavo znanstvenikov, specialistov, raziskovalcev in strokovnjakov za izvajanje programov in projektov za znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje;
c) izmenjavo znanstvenih in tehnoloških podatkov, dokumentacije ter laboratorijskih vzorcev in opreme;
d) organizacijo in prirejanje skupnih znanstvenih konferenc, simpozijev, delavnic, razstav itd.;
e) druge oblike sodelovanja, če se pogodbenika tako dogovorita.
2. Pogodbenika bosta spodbujala sodelovanje na področju znanosti in tehnologije med podjetniki.
3. Finančne pogoje sodelovanja in izvajanja skupnih projektov določita pogodbenika za vsak primer posebej.
3. člen
1. Pogodbenika spodbujata in podpirata sodelovanje in udeležbo pri večstranskih znanstvenih, tehnoloških in razvojnih programih ter projektih.
2. Pogodbenika izmenjavata informacije o svojih prednostnih nalogah pri znanstvenem in tehničnem sodelovanju ter spodbujata svoje sodelujoče organizacije, da začnejo skupaj sodelovati pri razvojno-raziskovalnih projektih v okvirnih programih EU itd.
4. člen
1. Za doseganje ciljev tega sporazuma se ustanovi skupna komisija za znanstveno in tehnološko sodelovanje (v nadaljevanju: skupna komisija), sestavljena iz enakega števila predstavnikov obeh pogodbenikov.
2. Skupna komisija se srečuje enkrat letno, razen če je dogovorjeno drugače, izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Bolgariji, v dogovorjenem času.
3. Skupna komisija pripravi pravila za izvajanje sporazuma.
4. Skupna komisija sprejema sklepe s soglasjem vseh svojih članov.
5. člen
1. Skupna komisija:
a) ustvarja ugodne pogoje za izvajanje tega sporazuma;
b) določi prednostne naloge sodelovanja;
c) pomaga in nudi podporo pri izvajanju skupnih projektov in programov;
d) uvaja in sprejema programe sodelovanja;
e) preverja splošne pogoje tega sodelovanja in izdaja priporočila za dosego boljših rezultatov;
f) letno predloži poročilo Ministrstvu za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvu za izobraževanje in znanost Republike Bolgarije o rezultatih izvajanja določb tega sporazuma in o drugih rezultatih tega sodelovanja.
6. člen
1. Pravice intelektualne lastnine, ki izhajajo iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, se urejajo s sporazumi med sodelujočimi organizacijami, navedenimi v drugem odstavku 1. člena sporazuma.
Pri varstvu intelektualne lastnine se upoštevajo mednarodni sporazumi o intelektualni lastnini, katerih stranki sta tako Republika Slovenija in Republika Bolgarija, kakor tudi veljavna zakonodaja obeh držav.
2. Znanstveni in tehnološki podatki nelastniške narave, ki izhajajo iz sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, so skupna last pogodbenikov in/ali organizacij v skladu z zakonodajo Republike Slovenije oziroma Republike Bolgarije. Takšni podatki ne smejo biti last tretje strani, razen če je bilo drugače dogovorjeno med pogodbenikoma in/ali organizacijami v skladu z zakonodajo pogodbenikov.
7. člen
1. V skladu s tem sporazumom in obstoječimi mednarodnimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenika vzajemno poenostavita vstop na in izstop z ozemlja države, v kateri poteka delo za sodelujoče osebje in potrebno opremo za projekte in programe pogodbenikov po tem sporazumu.
2. Za osebje iz točke b 2. člena, ki ga eden od pogodbenikov pošlje drugemu, veljajo na ozemlju države prejemnice zakonodajne določbe te države.
8. člen
Stroški izmenjave raziskovalcev iz točke b 2. člena tega sporazuma, ki sodelujejo pri izvajanju programov in projektov, se krijejo na naslednji način, razen če se pogodbenika dogovorita drugače:
1. Država pošiljateljica krije stroške potovanja med glavnima mestoma obeh držav ali – če je to bolj ugodno – med ustanovo pošiljateljico in ustanovo prejemnico.
2. Država prejemnica na svojem ozemlju krije stroške nastanitve, obrokov in lokalnih prevozov, ki so potrebni za izvajanje programov in projektov.
3. Pogodbenika zagotovita ustrezno zdravstveno zavarovanje za svoje znanstvenike, specialiste, raziskovalce in strokovnjake za čas njihovega bivanja v državi prejemnici pred njihovim prihodom v državo prejemnico.
9. člen
Raziskovalci, strokovnjaki in predstavniki organizacij tretjih držav ali mednarodnih organizacij so lahko s soglasjem sodelujočih organizacij povabljeni k sodelovanju pri projektih in programih po tem sporazumu. Stroške takega sodelovanja krije zainteresirana organizacija tretje države, razen če se državi, ki sta odgovorni za izvajanje sporazuma, dogovorita drugače.
10. člen
1. Določbe tega sporazuma se lahko spremenijo ali dopolnijo le s soglasjem obeh pogodbenikov. Spremembe ali dopolnitve se oblikujejo kot poseben protokol, ki je sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. Morebitne spore v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem tega sporazuma se rešujejo s posvetovanji v okviru skupne komisije ali pa se o njih dogovorijo osebe, pristojne za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
11. člen
Ta sporazum ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti iz drugih mednarodnih sporazumov, ki jih sklene kateri od pogodbenikov.
12. člen
1. Ta sporazum začne veljati po izmenjavi not, ki potrjujeta, da sta pogodbenika dokončala notranjepravne postopke, potrebne za začetek njegove veljavnosti. Datum začetka veljavnosti je datum prejema zadnje note.
2. Ta sporazum je sklenjen za obdobje petih let. Samodejno se podaljšuje za nadaljnja petletna obdobja, razen če eden od pogodbenikov šest mesecev prej pisno ne sporoči svoje namere o odpovedi.
3. Prenehanje veljavnosti sporazuma ne vpliva na izvajanje projektov ali programov, ki že potekajo po tem sporazumu, in ob njegovi odpovedi še niso dokončani, razen če je dogovorjeno drugače.
Sestavljeno v Sofiji, dne 20. marca 2007
v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, bolgarskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob različni razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Ministrstvo
za visoko šolstvo,
znanost in tehnologijo
Republike Slovenije
dr. Jure Zupan l.r.
Za Ministrstvo
za izobraževanje
in znanost
Republike Bolgarije
dr. Daniel Valtchev l.r.
between the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bolgaria on Scientific and Technological Cooperation
The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria, hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”,
on the basis of the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria on Cooperation in the Fields of Education, Culture and Science signed in Ljubljana on 21 March 1994, and in accordance with article 3 of the Program of Cooperation in the Fields of Science, Education and Culture between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Bulgaria for the period 2006-2008 signed in Sofia on 10 May 2006,
considering the importance of international scientific and technological cooperation for the national economy development and prosperity of both countries,
desiring to encourage and promote cooperation in the sphere of science and technology,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
1. The Parties shall develop and promote cooperation in the field of science and technology in accordance with this Agreement and the legislation in force of the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Bulgaria.
2. The Parties shall encourage and support the scientific and technological cooperation, by establishing direct contacts between scientific institutes, scientific societies, universities, government agencies and other research and development organizations, in compliance with the respective national legislation.
3. The Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria are “Responsible authorities” for the implementation of the provisions of this Agreement.
Article 2
1. Under this Agreement, cooperation in the field of science and technology shall comprise:
a) Joint research on specific projects and programs according to mutually agreed upon priorities in science, technology and innovations;
b) Exchange of scientists, specialists, researchers and experts for the purpose of carrying out programs and projects for scientific and technological cooperation;
c) Exchange of scientific and technological information, documents, as well as laboratory samples and equipment;
d) Organization and holding of joint scientific conferences, symposia, workshops, exhibitions, etc;
e) Other forms of cooperation as may be mutually agreed by the Parties.
2. The Parties shall encourage collaboration in the sphere of science and technology among entrepreneurs.
3. Financial terms of cooperation and implementation of joint projects shall be defined by the Parties in each particular case.
Article 3
1. The Parties shall encourage and support cooperation and participation in multilateral scientific, technological and development programs and projects.
2. The Parties shall exchange information on their priorities regarding the scientific and technological cooperation and shall encourage their cooperating organizations to initiate joint participation in R&D projects within the EU Framework Programs, etc.
Article 4
1. For the purpose of achieving the goals of this Agreement, a Joint Commission on Scientific and Technological Cooperation (hereinafter: “Joint Commission”) shall be established, composed of equal number of representatives of the Parties.
2. The Joint Commission shall meet once a year, unless agreed otherwise, alternately in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Republic of Bulgaria at mutually agreed times.
3. The Joint Commission shall formulate rules for the implementation of the Agreement.
4. The Joint Commission shall reach decisions by full consent of all its members.
Article 5
1. The Joint Commission shall:
a) Create favorable conditions for the implementation of this Agreement;
b) Determine the priorities for cooperation;
c) Assist and support the implementation of joint projects and programs;
d) Initiate and approve programs of cooperation;
e) Review the general conditions of this cooperation and make recommendations for achieving better results;
f) Provide a report annually to the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Slovenia and to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Bulgaria on the results of carrying out the provisions of this Agreement and on other results related to the cooperation.
Article 6
1. The intellectual property rights arising from the cooperative activities under this Agreement shall be regulated by agreements among the cooperating institutions indicated in the second paragraph of Article 1 of this Agreement.
The protection of intellectual property rights shall be subject to the international agreements on intellectual property, to which both the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Bulgaria are parties, as well as to the legislation in force of both countries.
2. Scientific and technological information of a non-proprietary nature resulting from the cooperation under this Agreement shall be possessed jointly by the Parties and/or the institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Slovenia or the Republic of Bulgaria. Such information may not be the property of a third party, unless otherwise agreed by the Parties and/or the institutions in accordance with the legislation of the Parties.
Article 7
1. In accordance with the present Agreement, and in conformity with the existing international laws and regulations, each Party reciprocally shall facilitate entry to and exit from the territory of the country of work of personnel and equipment engaged in or used in projects and programs of the Parties under the present Agreement;
2. The personnel referred to in Article 2, paragraph “b” sent by one of the Parties to the other, respectively shall be subject to the provisions of the legislation of the receiving country in the territory of this country.
Article 8
Costs for the exchange of researchers referred in the Article 2, Paragraph “b” of this Agreement, who participate in the implementation of programs and projects, unless agreed otherwise by the Parties, shall be covered as follows:
1. The sending country shall cover travel costs between the capitals of both countries, or – if more convenient – between the sending and receiving institution.
2. On its territory, the receiving country shall cover lodging, meal and local transportation costs necessary for carrying out the programs and projects.
3. The Parties shall provide for adequate medical insurance for their own scientists, specialists, researchers and experts for the time of their stay in the receiving country, prior to their arrival to the receiving country.
Article 9
Researchers, experts and representatives of institutions of third countries or international organizations may be invited to participate in projects and programs under the Agreement, upon consent of the institutions cooperating under this Agreement. The costs of such participation shall be covered by the interested institution of the third country, unless the two countries responsible for the implementation of the Agreement agree otherwise.
Article 10
1. The provisions of this Agreement may be modified or amended only by consensus of both Parties. Modifications and amendments shall be drawn up in a separate protocol, representing an integral part of this Agreement.
2. Any disputes related to the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through consultations within the Joint Commission or by the persons responsible for the implementation of this Agreement.
Article 11
This Agreement does not affect the rights and obligations arising from other international agreements concluded by either Party.
Article 12
1. This Agreement shall enter into force upon an exchange of notes confirming that the Contracting Parties have completed their legal internal procedures required for its entry into force. The date of the entry into force shall be the date of the receipt of the last note.
2. This Agreement is concluded for a period of five years. It shall be automatically prolonged for another five-year period, unless either Party notifies the other Party in writing of its intention to terminate the Agreement, at least six months before the date of its expiration.
3. The termination of the Agreement shall not affect the carrying out of any project or program undertaken under this Agreement and not fully executed at the time of the termination of this Agreement, unless agreed otherwise.
Done in Sofia on 20th day of March 2007
in two original copies in Slovenian, Bulgarian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Ministry
of Higher Education,
Science and Technology
of the Republic of Slovenia
dr. Jure Zupan (s)
For the Ministry
of Education
and Science
of the Republic of Bulgaria
dr. Daniel Valtchev (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma je pristojno Ministrstvo za visoko šolstvo, znanost in tehnologijo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-34/2008
Ljubljana, dne 17. aprila 2008
EVA 2008-1811-0018
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v bolgarskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.