Uradni list

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Uradni list RS, št. 11/2010 z dne 16. 2. 2010
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 11/2010 z dne 16. 2. 2010


2. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o registrih izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal (MPRIPO), stran 4.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Protokola o registrih izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal (MPRIPO)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola o registrih izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal (MPRIPO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 2. februarja 2010.
Št. 003-02-2/2010-8
Ljubljana, dne 10. februarja 2010
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol o registrih izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal, sestavljen 21. maja 2003 v Kijevu (Ukrajina).
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Parties to this Protocol,
Recalling article 5, paragraph 9, and article 10, paragraph 2, of the 1998 Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters (the Aarhus Convention),
Recognizing that pollutant release and transfer registers provide an important mechanism to increase corporate accountability, reduce pollution and promote sustainable development, as stated in the Lucca Declaration adopted at the first meeting of the Parties to the Aarhus Convention,
Having regard to principle 10 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,
Having regard also to the principles and commitments agreed to at the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, in particular the provisions in chapter 19 of Agenda 21,
Taking note of the Programme for the Further Implementation of Agenda 21, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations at its nineteenth special session, 1997, in which it called for, inter alia, enhanced national capacities and capabilities for information collection, processing and dissemination, to facilitate public access to information on global environmental issues through appropriate means,
Having regard to the Plan of Implementation of the 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, which encourages the development of coherent, integrated information on chemicals, such as through national pollutant release and transfer registers,
Taking into account the work of the Intergovernmental Forum on Chemical Safety, in particular the 2000 Bahia Declaration on Chemical Safety, the Priorities for Action Beyond 2000 and the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register/Emission Inventory Action Plan,
Taking into account also the activities undertaken within the framework of the Inter-Organization Programme for the Sound Management of Chemicals,
Taking into account furthermore the work of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, in particular its Council Recommendation on Implementing Pollutant Release and Transfer Registers, in which the Council calls upon member countries to establish and make publicly available national pollutant release and transfer registers,
Wishing to provide a mechanism contributing to the ability of every person of present and future generations to live in an environment adequate to his or her health and well-being, by ensuring the development of publicly accessible environmental information systems,
Wishing also to ensure that the development of such systems takes into account principles contributing to sustainable development such as the precautionary approach set forth in principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development,
Recognizing the link between adequate environmental information systems and the exercise of the rights contained in the Aarhus Convention,
Noting the need for cooperation with other international initiatives concerning pollutants and waste, including the 2001 Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutants and the 1989 Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal,
Recognizing that the objectives of an integrated approach to minimizing pollution and the amount of waste resulting from the operation of industrial installations and other sources are to achieve a high level of protection for the environment as a whole, to move towards sustainable and environmentally sound development and to protect the health of present and future generations,
Convinced of the value of pollutant release and transfer registers as a cost-effective tool for encouraging improvements in environmental performance, for providing public access to information on pollutants released into and transferred in and through communities, and for use by Governments in tracking trends, demonstrating progress in pollution reduction, monitoring compliance with certain international agreements, setting priorities and evaluating progress achieved through environmental policies and programmes,
Believing that pollutant release and transfer registers can bring tangible benefits to industry through the improved management of pollutants,
Noting the opportunities for using data from pollutant release and transfer registers, combined with health, environmental, demographic, economic or other types of relevant information, for the purpose of gaining a better understanding of potential problems, identifying ‘hot spots’, taking preventive and mitigating measures, and setting environmental management priorities,
Recognizing the importance of protecting the privacy of identified or identifiable natural persons in the processing of information reported to pollutant release and transfer regi sters in accordance with applicable international standards relating to data protection,
Recognizing also the importance of developing internationally compatible national pollutant release and transfer register systems to increase the comparability of data,
Noting that many member States of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, the European Community and the Parties to the North American Free Trade Agreement are acting to collect data on pollutant releases and transfers from various sources and to make these data publicly accessible, and recognizing especially in this area the long and valuable experience in certain countries,
Taking into account the different approaches in existing emission registers and the need to avoid duplication, and recognizing therefore that a certain degree of flexibility is needed,
Urging the progressive development of national pollutant release and transfer registers,
Urging also the establishment of links between national pollutant release and transfer registers and information systems on other releases of public concern,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The objective of this Protocol is to enhance public access to information through the establishment of coherent, integrated, nationwide pollutant release and transfer registers (PRTRs) in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol, which could facilitate public participation in environmental decision-making as well as contribute to the prevention and reduction of pollution of the environment.
Article 2
For the purposes of this Protocol,
1. “Party” means, unless the text indicates otherwise, a State or a regional economic integration organization referred to in article 24 which has consented to be bound by this Protocol and for which the Protocol is in force;
2. “Convention” means the Convention on Access to Information, Public Participation in Decision-making and Access to Justice in Environmental Matters, done at Aarhus, Denmark, on 25 June 1998;
3. “The public” means one or more natural or legal persons, and, in accordance with national legislation or practice, their associations, organizations or groups;
4. “Facility” means one or more installations on the same site, or on adjoining sites, that are owned or operated by the same natural or legal person;
5. “Competent authority” means the national authority or authorities, or any other competent body or bodies, designated by a Party to manage a national pollutant release and transfer register system;
6. “Pollutant” means a substance or a group of substances that may be harmful to the environment or to human health on account of its properties and of its introduction into the environment;
7. “Release” means any introduction of pollutants into the environment as a result of any human activity, whether deliberate or accidental, routine or non-routine, including spilling, emitting, discharging, injecting, disposing or dumping, or through sewer systems without final waste-water treatment;
8. “Off-site transfer” means the movement beyond the boundaries of the facility of either pollutants or waste destined for disposal or recovery and of pollutants in waste water destined for waste-water treatment;
9. “Diffuse sources” means the many smaller or scattered sources from which pollutants may be released to land, air or water, whose combined impact on those media may be significant and for which it is impractical to collect reports from each individual source;
10. The terms “national” and “nationwide” shall, with respect to the obligations under the Protocol on Parties that are regional economic integration organizations, be construed as applying to the region in question unless otherwise indicated;
11. “Waste” means substances or objects which are:
(a) Disposed of or recovered;
(b) Intended to be disposed of or recovered; or
(c) Required by the provisions of national law to be disposed of or recovered;
12. “Hazardous waste” means waste that is defined as hazardous by the provisions of national law;
13. “Other waste” means waste that is not hazardous waste;
14. “Waste water” means used water containing substances or objects that is subject to regulation by national law.
Article 3
1. Each Party shall take the necessary legislative, regulatory and other measures, and appropriate enforcement measures, to implement the provisions of this Protocol.
2. The provisions of this Protocol shall not affect the right of a Party to maintain or introduce a more extensive or more publicly accessible pollutant release and transfer register than required by this Protocol.
3. Each Party shall take the necessary measures to require that employees of a facility and members of the public who report a violation by a facility of national laws implementing this Protocol to public authorities are not penalized, persecuted or harassed by that facility or public authorities for their actions in reporting the violation.
4. In the implementation of this Protocol, each Party shall be guided by the precautionary approach as set forth in principle 15 of the 1992 Rio Declaration on Environment and Development.
5. To reduce duplicative reporting, pollutant release and transfer register systems may be integrated to the degree practicable with existing information sources such as reporting mechanisms under licences or operating permits.
6. Parties shall strive to achieve convergence among national pollutant release and transfer registers.
Article 4
In accordance with this Protocol, each Party shall establish and maintain a publicly accessible national pollutant release and transfer register that:
(a) Is facility-specific with respect to reporting on point sources;
(b) Accommodates reporting on diffuse sources;
(c) Is pollutant-specific or waste-specific, as appropriate;
(d) Is multimedia, distinguishing among releases to air, land and water;
(e) Includes information on transfers;
(f) Is based on mandatory reporting on a periodic basis;
(g) Includes standardized and timely data, a limited number of standardized reporting thresholds and limited provisions, if any, for confidentiality;
(h) Is coherent and designed to be user-friendly and publicly accessible, including in electronic form;
(i) Allows for public participation in its development and modification; and
(j) Is a structured, computerized database or several linked databases maintained by the competent authority.
Article 5
1. Each Party shall ensure that the data held on the register referred to in article 4 are presented in both aggregated and non-aggregated forms, so that releases and transfers can be searched and identified according to:
(a) Facility and its geographical location;
(b) Activity;
(c) Owner or operator, and, as appropriate, company;
(d) Pollutant or waste, as appropriate;
(e) Each of the environmental media into which the pollutant is released; and
(f) As specified in article 7, paragraph 5, the destination of the transfer and, where appropriate, the disposal or recovery operation for waste.
2. Each Party shall also ensure that the data can be searched and identified according to those diffuse sources which have been included in the register.
3. Each Party shall design its register taking into account the possibility of its future expansion and ensuring that the reporting data from at least the ten previous reporting years are publicly accessible.
4. The register shall be designed for maximum ease of public access through electronic means, such as the Internet. The design shall allow that, under normal operating conditions, the information on the register is continuously and immediately available through electronic means.
5. Each Party should provide links in its register to its relevant existing, publicly accessible databases on subject matters related to environmental protection.
6. Each Party shall provide links in its register to the pollutant release and transfer registers of other Parties to the Protocol and, where feasible, to those of other countries.
Article 6
1. Each Party shall ensure that its register includes the information on:
(a) Releases of pollutants required to be reported under article 7, paragraph 2;
(b) Off-site transfers required to be reported under article 7, paragraph 2; and
(c) Releases of pollutants from diffuse sources required under article 7, paragraph 4.
2. Having assessed the experience gained from the development of national pollutant release and transfer registers and the implementation of this Protocol, and taking into account relevant international processes, the Meeting of the Parties shall review the reporting requirements under this Protocol and shall consider the following issues in its further development:
(a) Revision of the activities specified in annex I;
(b) Revision of the pollutants specified in annex II;
(c) Revision of the thresholds in annexes I and II; and
(d) Inclusion of other relevant aspects such as information on on-site transfers, storage, the specification of reporting requirements for diffuse sources or the development of criteria for including pollutants under this Protocol.
Article 7
1. Each Party shall either:
(a) Require the owner or the operator of each individual facility within its jurisdiction that undertakes one or more of the activities specified in annex I above the applicable capacity threshold specified in annex I, column 1, and:
(i) Releases any pollutant specified in annex II in quantities exceeding the applicable thresholds specified in annex II, column 1;
(ii) Transfers off-site any pollutant specified in annex II in quantities exceeding the applicable threshold specified in annex II, column 2, where the Party has opted for pollutant -specific reporting of transfers pursuant to paragraph 5 (d);
(iii) Transfers off-site hazardous waste exceeding 2 tons per year or other waste exceeding 2,000 tons per year, where the Party has opted for waste-specific reporting of transfers pursuant to paragraph 5 (d); or
(iv) Transfers off-site any pollutant specified in annex II in waste water destined for waste-water treatment in quantities exceeding the applicable threshold specified in annex II, column 1b;
to undertake the obligation imposed on that owner or operator pursuant to paragraph 2; or
(b) Require the owner or the operator of each individual facility within its jurisdiction that undertakes one or more of the activities specified in annex I at or above the employee threshold specified in annex I, column 2, and manufactures, processes or uses any pollutant specified in annex II in quantities exceeding the applicable threshold specified in annex II, column 3, to undertake the obligation imposed on that owner or operator pursuant to paragraph 2.
2. Each Party shall require the owner or operator of a facility referred to in paragraph 1 to submit the information specified in paragraphs 5 and 6, and in accordance with the requirements therein, with respect to those pollutants and wastes for which thresholds were exceeded.
3. In order to achieve the objective of this Protocol, a Party may decide with respect to a particular pollutant to apply either a release threshold or a manufacture, process or use threshold, provided that this increases the relevant information on releases or transfers available in its register.
4. Each Party shall ensure that its competent authority collects, or shall designate one or more public authorities or competent bodies to collect, the information on releases of pollutants from diffuse sources specified in paragraphs 7 and 8, for inclusion in its register.
5. Each Party shall require the owners or operators of the facilities required to report under paragraph 2 to complete and submit to its competent authority, the following information on a facility-specific basis:
(a) The name, street address, geographical location and the activity or activities of the reporting facility, and the name of the owner or operator, and, as appropriate, company;
(b) The name and numerical identifier of each pollutant required to be reported pursuant to paragraph 2;
(c) The amount of each pollutant required to be reported pursuant to paragraph 2 released from the facility to the environment in the reporting year, both in aggregate and according to whether the release is to air, to water or to land, including by underground injection;
(d) Either:
(i) The amount of each pollutant required to be reported pursuant to paragraph 2 that is transferred off-site in the reporting year, distinguishing between the amounts transferred for disposal and for recovery, and the name and address of the facility receiving the transfer; or
(ii) The amount of waste required to be reported pursuant to paragraph 2 transferred off-site in the reporting year, distinguishing between hazardous waste and other waste, for any operations of recovery or disposal, indicating respectively with ‘R’ or ‘D’ whether the waste is destined for recovery or disposal pursuant to annex III and, for transboundary movements of hazardous waste, the name and address of the recoverer or disposer of the waste and the actual recovery or disposal site receiving the transfer;
(e) The amount of each pollutant in waste water required to be reported pursuant to paragraph 2 transferred off-site in the reporting year; and
(f) The type of methodology used to derive the information referred to in subparagraphs (c) to (e), according to article 9, paragraph 2, indicating whether the information is based on measurement, calculation or estimation.
6. The information referred to in paragraph 5 (c) to (e) shall include information on releases and transfers resulting from routine activities and from extraordinary events.
7. Each Party shall present on its register, in an adequate spatial disaggregation, the information on releases of pollutants from diffuse sources for which that Party determines that data are being collected by the relevant authorities and can be practicably included. Where the Party determines that no such data exist, it shall take measures to initiate reporting on releases of relevant pollutants from one or more diffuse sources in accordance with its national priorities.
8. The information referred to in paragraph 7 shall include information on the type of methodology used to derive the information.
Article 8
1. Each Party shall ensure that the information required to be incorporated in its register is publicly available, compiled and presented on the register by calendar year. The reporting year is the calendar year to which that information relates. For each Party, the first reporting year is the calendar year after the Protocol enters into force for that Party. The reporting required under article 7 shall be annual. However, the second reporting year may be the second calendar year following the first reporting year.
2. Each Party that is not a regional economic integration organization shall ensure that the information is incorporated into its register within fifteen months from the end of each reporting year. Howeve r, the information for the first reporting year shall be incorporated into its register within two years from the end of that reporting year.
3. Each Party that is a regional economic integration organization shall ensure that the information for a particular reporting year is incorporated into its register six months after the Parties that are not regional economic integration organizations are required to do so.
Article 9
1. Each Party shall require the owners or operators of the facilities subject to the reporting requirements of article 7 to collect the data needed to determine, in accordance with paragraph 2 below and with appropriate frequency, the facility’s releases and off-site transfers subject to reporting under article 7 and to keep available for the competent authorities the records of the data from which the reported information was derived for a period of five years, starting from the end of the reporting year concerned. These records shall also describe the methodology used for data gathering.
2. Each Party shall require the owners or operators of the facilities subject to reporting under article 7 to use the best available information, which may include monitoring data, emission factors, mass balance equations, indirect monitoring or other calculations, engineering judgments and other methods. Where appropriate, this should be done in accordance with internationally approved methodologies.
Article 10
1. Each Party shall require the owners or operators of the facilities subject to the reporting requirements of article 7, paragraph 1, to assure the quality of the information that they report.
2. Each Party shall ensure that the data contained in its register are subject to quality assessment by the competent authority, in particular as to their completeness, consistency and credibility, taking into account any guidelines that may be developed by the Meeting of the Parties.
Article 11
1. Each Party shall ensure public access to information contained in its pollutant release and transfer register, without an interest having to be stated, and according to the provisions of this Protocol, primarily by ensuring that its register provides for direct electronic access through public telecommunications networks.
2. Where the information contained in its register is not easily publicly accessible by direct electronic means, each Party shall ensure that its competent authority upon request provides that information by any other effective means, as soon as possible and at the latest within one month after the request has been submitted.
3. Subject to paragraph 4, each Party shall ensure that access to information contained in its register is free of charge.
4. Each Party may allow its competent authority to make a charge for reproducing and mailing the specific information referred to in paragraph 2, but such charge shall not exceed a reasonable amount.
5. Where the information contained in its register is not easily publicly accessible by direct electronic means, each Party shall facilitate electronic access to its register in publicly accessible locations, for example in public libraries, offices of local authorities or other appropriate places.
Article 12
1. Each Party may authorize the competent authority to keep information held on the register confidential where public disclosure of that information would adversely affect:
(a) International relations, national defence or public security;
(b) The course of justice, the ability of a person to receive a fair trial or the ability of a public authority to conduct an enquiry of a criminal or disciplinary nature;
(c) The confidentiality of commercial and industrial information, where such confidentiality is protected by law in order to protect a legitimate economic interest;
(d) Intellectual property rights; or
(e) The confidentiality of personal data and/or files relating to a natural person if that person has not consented to the disclosure of the information to the public, where such confidentiality is provided for in national law.
The aforementioned grounds for confidentiality shall be interpreted in a restrictive way, taking into account the public interest served by disclosure and whether the information relates to releases into the environment.
2. Within the framework of paragraph 1 (c), any information on releases which is relevant for the protection of the environment shall be considered for disclosure according to national law.
3. Whenever information is kept confidential according to paragraph 1, the register shall indicate what type of information has been withheld, through, for example, providing generic chemical information if possible, and for what reason it has been withheld.
Article 13
1. Each Party shall ensure appropriate opportunities for public participation in the development of its national pollutant release and transfer register, within the framework of its national law.
2. For the purpose of paragraph 1, each Party shall provide the opportunity for free public access to the information on the proposed measures concerning the development of its national pollutant release and transfer register and for the submission of any comments, information, analyses or opinions that are relevant to the decision-making process, and the relevant authority shall take due account of such public input.
3. Each Party shall ensure that, when a decision to establish or significantly change its register has been taken, information on the decision and the considerations on which it is based are made publicly available in a timely manner.
Article 14
1. Each Party shall, within the framework of its national legislation, ensure that any person who considers that his or her request for information under article 11, paragraph 2, has been ignored, wrongfully refused, whether in part or in full, inadequately answered, or otherwise not dealt with in accordance with the provisions of that paragraph has access to a review procedure before a court of law or another independent and impartial body established by law.
2. The requirements in paragraph 1 are without prejudice to the respective rights and obligations of Parties under existing treaties applicable between them dealing with the subject matter of this article.
Article 15
1. Each Party shall promote public awareness of its pollutant release and transfer register, and shall ensure that assistance and guidance are provided in accessing its register and in understanding and using the information contained in it.
2. Each Party should provide adequate capacity-building for and guidance to the responsible authorities and bodies to assist them in carrying out their duties under this Protocol.
Article 16
1. The Parties shall, as appropriate, cooperate and assist each other:
(a) In international actions in support of the objectives of this Protocol;
(b) On the basis of mutual agreement between the Parties concerned, in implementing national systems in pursuance of this Protocol;
(c) In sharing information under this Protocol on releases and transfers within border areas; and
(d) In sharing information under this Protocol concerning transfers among Parties.
2. The Parties shall encourage cooperation among each other and with relevant international organizations, as appropriate, to promote:
(a) Public awareness at the international level;
(b) The transfer of technology; and
(c) The provision of technical assistance to Parties that are developing countries and Parties with economies in transition in matters relating to this Protocol.
Article 17
1. A Meeting of the Parties is hereby established. Its first session shall be convened no later than two years after the entry into force of this Protocol. Thereafter, ordinary sessions of the Meeting of the Parties shall be held sequentially with or parallel to ordinary meetings of the Parties to the Convention, unless otherwise decided by the Parties to this Protocol. The Meeting of the Parties shall hold an extraordinary session if it so decides in the course of an ordinary session or at the written request of any Party provided that, within six months of it being communicated by the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe to all Parties, the said request is supported by at least one third of these Parties.
2. The Meeting of the Parties shall keep under continuous review the implementation and development of this Protocol on the basis of regular reporting by the Parties and, with this purpose in mind, shall:
(a) Review the development of pollutant release and transfer registers, and promote their progressive strengthening and convergence;
(b) Establish guidelines facilitating reporting by the Parties to it, bearing in mind the need to avoid duplication of effort in this regard;
(c) Establish a programme of work;
(d) Consider and, where appropriate, adopt measures to strengthen international cooperation in accordance with article 16;
(e) Establish such subsidiary bodies as it deems necessary;
(f) Consider and adopt proposals for such amendments to this Protocol and its annexes as are deemed necessary for the purposes of this Protocol, in accordance with the provisions of article 20;
(g) At its first session, consider and by consensus adopt rules of procedure for its sessions and those of its subsidiary bodies, taking into account any rules of procedure adopted by the Meeting of the Parties to the Convention;
(h) Consider establishing financial arrangements by consensus and technical assistance mechanisms to facilitate the implementation of this Protocol;
(i) Seek, where appropriate, the services of other relevant international bodies in the achievement of the objectives of this Protocol; and
(j) Consider and take any additional action that may be required to further the objectives of this Protocol, such as the adoption of guidelines and recommendations which promote its implementation.
3. The Meeting of the Parties shall facilitate the exchange of information on the experience gained in reporting transfers using the pollutant-specific and waste-specific approaches, and shall review that experience in order to investigate the possibility of convergence between the two approaches, taking into account the public interest in information in accordance with article 1 and the overall effectiveness of national pollutant release and transfer registers.
4. The United Nations, its specialized agencies and the International Atomic Energy Agency, as well as any State or regional economic integration organization entitled under article 24 to sign this Protocol but which is not a Party to it, and any intergovernmental organization qualified in the fields to which the Protocol relates, shall be entitled to participate as observers in the sessions of the Meeting of the Parties. Their admission and participation shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Meeting of the Parties.
5. Any non-governmental organization qualified in the fields to which this Protocol relates which has informed the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe of its wish to be represented at a session of the Meeting of the Parties shall be entitled to participate as an observer unless one third of the Parties present at the session raise objections. Their admission and participation shall be subject to the rules of procedure adopted by the Meeting of the Parties.
Article 18
1. Except as provided for in paragraph 2, each Party to this Protocol shall have one vote.
2. Regional economic integration organizations, in matters within their competence, shall exercise their right to vote with a number of votes equal to the number of their member States which are Parties. Such organizations shall not exercise their right to vote if their member States exercise theirs, and vice versa.
Article 19
Annexes to this Protocol shall form an integral part thereof and, unless expressly provided otherwise, a reference to this Protocol constitutes at the same time a reference to any annexes thereto.
Article 20
1. Any Party may propose amendments to this Protocol.
2. Proposals for amendments to this Protocol shall be considered at a session of the Meeting of the Parties.
3. Any proposed amendment to this Protocol shall be submitted in writing to the secretariat, which shall communicate it at least six months before the session at which it is proposed for adoption to all Parties, to other States and regional economic integration organizations that have consented to be bound by the Protocol and for which it has not yet entered into force and to Signatories.
4. The Parties shall make every effort to reach agreement on any proposed amendment to this Protocol by consensus. If all efforts at consensus have been exhausted, and no agreement reached, the amendment shall as a last resort be adopted by a three-fourths majority vote of the Parties present and voting at the session.
5. For the purposes of this article, “Parties present and voting” means Parties present and casting an affirmative or negative vote.
6. Any amendment to this Protocol adopted in accordance with paragraph 4 shall be communicated by the secretariat to the Depositary, who shall circulate it to all Parties, to other States and regional economic integration organizations that have consented to be bound by the Protocol and for which it has not yet entered into force and to Signatories.
7. An amendment, other than one to an annex, shall enter into force for those Parties having ratified, accepted or approved it on the ninetieth day after the date of receipt by the Depositary of the instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval by at least three fourths of those which were Parties at the time of its adoption. Thereafter it shall enter into force for any other Party on the ninetieth day after that Party deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval of the amendment.
8. In the case of an amendment to an annex, a Party that does not accept such an amendment shall so notify the Depositary in writing within twelve months from the date of its circulation by the Depositary. The Depositary shall without delay inform all Parties of any such notification received. A Party may at any time withdraw a notification of non-acceptance, whereupon the amendment to an annex shall enter into force for that Party.
9. On the expiry of twelve months from the date of its circulation by the Depositary as provided for in paragraph 6, an amendment to an annex shall enter into force for those Parties which have not submitted a notification to the Depositary in accordance with paragraph 8, provided that, at that time, not more than one third of those which were Parties at the time of the adoption of the amendment have submitted such a notification.
10. If an amendment to an annex is directly related to an amendment to this Protocol, it shall not enter into force until such time as the amendment to this Protocol enters into force.
Article 21
The Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe shall carry out the following secretariat functions for this Protocol:
(a) The preparation and servicing of the sessions of the Meeting of the Parties;
(b) The transmission to the Parties of reports and other information received in accordance with the provisions of this Protocol;
(c) The reporting to the Meeting of the Parties on the activities of the secretariat; and
(d) Such other functions as may be determined by the Meeting of the Parties on the basis of available resources.
Article 22
At its first session, the Meeting of the Parties shall by consensus establish cooperative procedures and institutional arrangements of a non-judicial, non-adversarial and consultative nature to assess and promote compliance with the provisions of this Protocol and to address cases of non-compliance. In establishing these procedures and arrangements, the Meeting of the Parties shall consider, inter alia, whether to allow for information to be received from members of the public on matters related to this Protocol.
Article 23
1. If a dispute arises between two or more Parties about the interpretation or application of this Protocol, they shall seek a solution by negotiation or by any other peaceful means of dispute settlement acceptable to the parties to the dispute.
2. When signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to this Protocol, or at any time thereafter, a State may declare in writing to the Depositary that, for a dispute not resolved in accordance with paragraph 1, it accepts one or both of the following means of dispute settlement as compulsory in relation to any Party accepting the same obligation:
(a) Submission of the dispute to the International Court of Justice;
(b) Arbitration in accordance with the procedure set out in annex IV.
A regional economic integration organization may make a declaration with like effect in relation to arbitration in accordance with the procedures referred to in subparagraph (b).
3. If the parties to the dispute have accepted both means of dispute settlement referred to in paragraph 2, the dispute may be submitted only to the International Court of Justice, unless the parties to the dispute agree otherwise.
Article 24
This Protocol shall be open for signature at Kiev (Ukraine) from 21 to 23 May 2003 on the occasion of the fifth Ministerial Conference “Environment for Europe,” and thereafter at United Nations Headquarters in New York until 31 December 2003, by all States which are members of the United Nations and by regional economic integration organizations constituted by sovereign States members of the United Nations to which their member States have transferred competence over matters governed by this Protocol, including the competence to enter into treaties in respect of these matters.
Article 25
The Secretary-General of the United Nations shall act as the Depositary of this Protocol.
Article 26
1. This Protocol shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval by signatory States and regional economic integration organizations referred to in article 24.
2. This Protocol shall be open for accession as from 1 January 2004 by the States and regional economic integration organizations referred to in article 24.
3. Any regional economic integration organization referred to in article 24 which becomes a Party without any of its member States being a Party shall be bound by all the obligations under this Protocol. If one or more member States of such an organization is a Party, the organization and its member States shall decide on their respective responsibilities for the performance of their obligations under this Protocol. In such cases, the organization and the member States shall not be entitled to exercise rights under this Protocol concurrently.
4. In their instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the regional economic integration organizations referred to in article 24 shall declare the extent of their competence with respect to the matters governed by this Protocol. These organizations shall also inform the Depositary of any substantial modifications to the extent of their competence.
Article 27
1. This Protocol shall enter into force on the ninetieth day after the date of deposit of the sixteenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, any instrument deposited by a regional economic integration organization shall not be counted as additional to those deposited by the States members of such an organization.
3. For each State or regional economic integration organization which ratifies, accepts or approves this Protocol or accedes thereto after the deposit of the sixteenth instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, the Protocol shall enter into force on the nine tieth day after the date of deposit by such State or organization of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
Article 28
No reservations may be made to this Protocol.
Article 29
At any time after three years from the date on which this Protocol has come into force with respect to a Party, that Party may withdraw from the Protocol by giving written notification to the Depositary. Any such withdrawal shall take effect on the ninetieth day after the date of its receipt by the Depositary.
Article 30
The original of this Protocol, of which the English, French and Russian texts are equally authentic, shall be deposited with the Secretary-General of the United Nations.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the undersigned, being duly authorized thereto, have signed this Protocol.
DONE at Kiev, this twenty-first day of May, two thousand and three.
Annex I
| No. |       Activity      | Capacity threshold |    Employee     |
|     |                     |     (column 1)     |    threshold    |
|     |                     |                    |   (column 2)    |
|  1. |Energy sector                                               |
| (a) |Mineral oil and gas  |          *         |  10 employees   |
|     |refineries           |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Installations for    |          *         |                 |
|     |gasification and     |                    |                 |
|     |liquefaction         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Thermal power        |With a heat input   |                 |
|     |stations and other   |of 50 megawatts     |                 |
|     |combustion           |(MW)                |                 |
|     |installations        |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (d) |Coke ovens           |          *         |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (e) |Coal rolling mills   |With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |                     |1 ton per hour      |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (f) |Installations for the|          *         |                 |
|     |manufacture of coal  |                    |                 |
|     |products and solid   |                    |                 |
|     |smokeless fuel       |                    |                 |
|  2. |Production and processing of metals                         |
| (a) |Metal ore (including |          *         |  10 employees   |
|     |sulphide ore)        |                    |                 |
|     |roasting or sintering|                    |                 |
|     |installations        |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Installations for the|With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |production of pig    |2.5 tons per hour   |                 |
|     |iron or steel        |                    |                 |
|     |(primary or secondary|                    |                 |
|     |melting) including   |                    |                 |
|     |continuous casting   |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |processing of ferrous|                    |                 |
|     |metals:              |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |i) Hot-rolling mills |With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |                     |20 tons of crude    |                 |
|     |                     |steel per hour      |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |ii) Smitheries with  |With an energy of   |                 |
|     |hammers              |50 kilojoules per   |                 |
|     |                     |hammer, where the   |                 |
|     |                     |calorific power     |                 |
|     |                     |used exceeds 20 MW  |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |iii) Application of  |With an input of 2  |                 |
|     |protective fused     |tons of crude steel |                 |
|     |metal coats          |per hour            |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (d) |Ferrous metal        |With a production   |                 |
|     |foundries            |capacity of 20 tons |                 |
|     |                     |per day             |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (e) |Installations:       |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |i) For the production|                    |                 |
|     |of non-ferrous crude |          *         |                 |
|     |metals from ore,     |                    |                 |
|     |concentrates or      |                    |                 |
|     |secondary raw        |                    |                 |
|     |materials by         |                    |                 |
|     |metallurgical,       |                    |                 |
|     |chemical or          |                    |                 |
|     |electrolytic         |                    |                 |
|     |processes            |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |ii) For the smelting,|With a melting      |                 |
|     |including the        |capacity of 4 tons  |                 |
|     |alloying, of non -   |per day for lead    |                 |
|     |ferrous metals,      |and cadmium or 20   |                 |
|     |including recovered  |tons per day for    |                 |
|     |products (refining,  |all other metals    |                 |
|     |foundry casting,     |                    |                 |
|     |etc.)                |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (f) |Installations for    |Where the volume of |                 |
|     |surface treatment of |the treatment vats  |                 |
|     |metals and plastic   |equals 30 m3        |                 |
|     |materials using an   |                    |                 |
|     |electrolytic or      |                    |                 |
|     |chemical process     |                    |                 |
|  3. |Mineral industry                                            |
| (a) |Underground mining   |          *         |  10 employees   |
|     |and related          |                    |                 |
|     |operations           |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Opencast mining      |Where the surface   |                 |
|     |                     |of the area being   |                 |
|     |                     |mined equals 25     |                 |
|     |                     |hectares            |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production of:       |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |i) Cement clinker in |With a production   |                 |
|     |rotary kilns         |capacity of 500     |                 |
|     |                     |tons per day        |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |ii) Lime in rotary   |With a production   |                 |
|     |kilns                |capacity exceeding  |                 |
|     |                     |50 tons per day     |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |iii) Cement clinker  |With a production   |                 |
|     |or lime in other     |capacity of 50 tons |                 |
|     |furnaces             |per day             |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (d) |Installations for the|          *         |                 |
|     |production of        |                    |                 |
|     |asbestos and the     |                    |                 |
|     |manufacture of       |                    |                 |
|     |asbestos -based      |                    |                 |
|     |products             |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (e) |Installations for the|With a melting      |                 |
|     |manufacture of glass,|capacity of 20 tons |                 |
|     |including glass fibre|per day             |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (f) |Installations for    |With a melting      |                 |
|     |melting mineral      |capacity of 20 tons |                 |
|     |substances, including|per day             |                 |
|     |the production of    |                    |                 |
|     |mineral fibres       |                    |                 |
| (g) |Installations for the|With a production   |                 |
|     |manufacture of       |capacity of 75 tons |                 |
|     |ceramic products by  |per day, or with a  |                 |
|     |firing, in particular|kiln capacity of 4  |                 |
|     |roofing tiles,       |m3 and with a       |                 |
|     |bricks, refractory   |setting density per |                 |
|     |bricks, tiles,       |kiln of 300 kg/m3   |                 |
|     |stoneware or         |                    |                 |
|     |porcelain            |                    |                 |
|  4. |Chemical industry                                           |
| (a) |Chemical             |                    |  10 employees   |
|     |installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production on an     |                    |                 |
|     |industrial scale of  |                    |                 |
|     |basic organic        |                    |                 |
|     |chemicals, such as:  |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |i) Simple            |          *         |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons (linear |                    |                 |
|     |or cyclic, saturated |                    |                 |
|     |or unsaturated,      |                    |                 |
|     |aliphatic or         |                    |                 |
|     |aromatic)            |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |ii) Oxygen-containing|                    |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons such as |                    |                 |
|     |alcohols, aldehydes, |                    |                 |
|     |ketones, carboxylic  |                    |                 |
|     |acids, esters,       |                    |                 |
|     |acetates, ethers,    |                    |                 |
|     |peroxides, epoxy     |                    |                 |
|     |resins               |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |iii) Sulphurous      |                    |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |iv) Nitrogenous      |                    |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons such as |                    |                 |
|     |amines, amides,      |                    |                 |
|     |nitrous compounds,   |                    |                 |
|     |nitro compounds or   |                    |                 |
|     |nitrate compounds,   |                    |                 |
|     |nitriles, cyanates,  |                    |                 |
|     |isocyanates          |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |v) Phosphorus-       |                    |                 |
|     |containing           |                    |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |vi) Halogenic        |                    |                 |
|     |hydrocarbons         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |vii) Organometallic  |                    |                 |
|     |compounds            |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |viii) Basic plastic  |                    |                 |
|     |materials (polymers, |                    |                 |
|     |synthetic fibres and |                    |                 |
|     |cellulose-based      |                    |                 |
|     |fibres)              |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |ix) Synthetic rubbers|                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |x) Dyes and pigments |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |xi) Surface-active   |                    |                 |
|     |agents and           |                    |                 |
|     |surfactants          |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Chemical             |          *         |                 |
|     |installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production on an     |                    |                 |
|     |industrial scale of  |                    |                 |
|     |basic inorganic      |                    |                 |
|     |chemicals, such as:  |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |i) Gases, such as    |                    |                 |
|     |ammonia, chlorine or |                    |                 |
|     |hydrogen chloride,   |                    |                 |
|     |fluorine or hydrogen |                    |                 |
|     |fluoride, carbon     |                    |                 |
|     |oxides, sulphur      |                    |                 |
|     |compounds, nitrogen  |                    |                 |
|     |oxides, hydrogen,    |                    |                 |
|     |sulphur dioxide,     |                    |                 |
|     |carbonyl chloride    |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |ii) Acids, such as   |                    |                 |
|     |chromic acid,        |                    |                 |
|     |hydrofluoric acid,   |                    |                 |
|     |phosphoric acid,     |                    |                 |
|     |nitric acid,         |                    |                 |
|     |hydrochloric acid,   |                    |                 |
|     |sulphuric acid,      |                    |                 |
|     |oleum, sulphurous    |                    |                 |
|     |acids                |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |iii) Bases, such as  |                    |                 |
|     |ammonium hydroxide,  |                    |                 |
|     |potassium hydroxide, |                    |                 |
|     |sodium hydroxide     |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |iv) Salts, such as   |                    |                 |
|     |ammonium chloride,   |                    |                 |
|     |potassium chlorate,  |                    |                 |
|     |potassium carbonate, |                    |                 |
|     |sodium carbonate,    |                    |                 |
|     |perborate, silver    |                    |                 |
|     |nitrate              |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+                    |                 |
|     |v) Non-metals, metal |                    |                 |
|     |oxides or other      |                    |                 |
|     |inorganic compounds  |                    |                 |
|     |such as calc ium     |                    |                 |
|     |carbide, silicon,    |                    |                 |
|     |silicon carbide      |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Chemical             |          *         |                 |
|     |installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production on an     |                    |                 |
|     |industrial scale of  |                    |                 |
|     |phosphorous-, nitron-|                    |                 |
|     |or potassium-based   |                    |                 |
|     |fertilizers (simple  |                    |                 |
|     |or compound          |                    |                 |
|     |fertilizers)         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (d) |Chemical             |          *         |                 |
|     |installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production on an     |                    |                 |
|     |industrial scale of  |                    |                 |
|     |basic plant health   |                    |                 |
|     |products and of      |                    |                 |
|     |biocides             |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (e) |Installations using a|          *         |                 |
|     |chemical or          |                    |                 |
|     |biological process   |                    |                 |
|     |for the production on|                    |                 |
|     |an industrial scale  |                    |                 |
|     |of basic             |                    |                 |
|     |pharmaceutical       |                    |                 |
|     |products             |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (f) |Installations for the|          *         |                 |
|     |production on an     |                    |                 |
|     |industrial scale of  |                    |                 |
|     |explosives and       |                    |                 |
|     |pyrotechnic products |                    |                 |
|  5. |Waste and waste-water management                            |
| (a) |Installations for the|Receiving 10 tons   |  10 employees   |
|     |incineration,        |per day             |                 |
|     |pyrolysis, recovery, |                    |                 |
|     |chemical treatment or|                    |                 |
|     |landfilling of       |                    |                 |
|     |hazardous waste      |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Installations for the|With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |incineration of      |3 tons per hour     |                 |
|     |municipal waste      |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Installations for the|With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |disposal of non-     |50 tons per day     |                 |
|     |hazardous waste      |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (d) |Landfills (excluding |Receiving 10 tons   |                 |
|     |landfills of inert   |per day or with a   |                 |
|     |waste)               |total capacity of   |                 |
|     |                     |25,000 tons         |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (e) |Installations for the|With a treatment    |                 |
|     |disposal or recycling|capacity of 10 tons |                 |
|     |of animal carcasses  |per day             |                 |
|     |and animal waste     |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (f) |Municipal waste-water|With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |treatment plants     |100,000 population  |                 |
|     |                     |equivalents         |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (g) |Independently        |With a capacity of  |                 |
|     |operated industrial  |10.000 m3 per day   |                 |
|     |waste-water treatment|                    |                 |
|     |plants which serve   |                    |                 |
|     |one or more          |                    |                 |
|     |activities of this   |                    |                 |
|     |annex                |                    |                 |
|  6. |Paper and wood production and processing                    |
| (a) |Industrial plants for|          *         |  10 employees   |
|     |the production of    |                    |                 |
|     |pulp from timber or  |                    |                 |
|     |similar fibrous      |                    |                 |
|     |materials            |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (b) |Industrial plants for|With a production   |                 |
|     |the production of    |capacity of 20 tons |                 |
|     |paper and board and  |per day             |                 |
|     |other primary wood   |                    |                 |
|     |products (such as    |                    |                 |
|     |chipboard, fibreboard|                    |                 |
|     |and plywood)         |                    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Industrial plants for|With a production   |                 |
|     |the p reservation of |capacity of 50 m3   |                 |
|     |wood and wood        |per day             |                 |
|     |products with        |                    |                 |
|     |chemicals            |                    |                 |
|  7. |Intensive livestock production and aquaculture              |
| (a) |Installations for the|i) With 40,000      |  10 employees   |
|     |intensive rearing of |places for poultry  |                 |
|     |poultry or pigs      +--------------------+                 |
|     |                     |ii) With 2,000      |                 |
|     |                     |places for          |                 |
|     |                     |production pigs     |                 |
|     |                     |(over 30 kg)        |                 |
|     |                     +--------------------+                 |
|     |                     |iii) With 750       |                 |
|     |                     |places for sows     |                 |
| (b) |Intensive aquaculture|1,000 tons of fish  |                 |
|     |                     |and shellfish per   |                 |
|     |                     |year                |                 |
|  8. |Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage    |
|     |sector                                                      |
| (a) |Slaughterhouses      |With a carcass      |                 |
|     |                     |production capacity |                 |
|     |                     |of 50 tons per day  |                 |
| (b) |Treatment and        |                    |  10 employees   |
|     |processing intended  |                    |                 |
|     |for the production of|                    |                 |
|     |food and beverage    |                    |                 |
|     |products from:       |                    |                 |
|     +---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |i) Animal raw        |With a finished     |                 |
|     |material (other than |product production  |                 |
|     |milk)                |capacity of 75 tons |                 |
|     |                     |per day             |                 |
|     +---------------------+--------------------+                 |
|     |ii)Vegetable raw     |With a finished     |                 |
|     |materials            |product production  |                 |
|     |                     |capacity of 300     |                 |
|     |                     |tons per day        |                 |
|     |                     |(average value on a |                 |
|     |                     |quarterly basis)    |                 |
+-----+---------------------+--------------------+                 |
| (c) |Treatment and        |With a capacity to  |                 |
|     |processing of milk   |receive 200 tons of |                 |
|     |                     |milk per day        |                 |
|     |                     |(average value on   |                 |
|     |                     |an annual basis)    |                 |
|  9. |Other activities                                            |
| (a) |Plants for the       |With a treatment    |                 |
|     |pretreatment         |capacity of 10 tons |                 |
|     |(operations such as  |per day             |                 |
|     |washing, bleaching,  |                    |                 |
|     |mercerization) or    |                    |                 |
|     |dyeing of fibres or  |                    |                 |
|     |textiles             |                    |                 |
| (b) |Plants for the       |With a treatment    |                 |
|     |tanning of hides and |capacity of 12 tons |                 |
|     |skins                |of finished product |                 |
|     |                     |per day             |                 |
| (c) |Installations for the|With a consumption  |  10 employees   |
|     |surface treatment of |capacity of 150 kg  |                 |
|     |substances, objects  |per hour or 200     |                 |
|     |or products using    |tons per year       |                 |
|     |organic solvents, in |                    |                 |
|     |particular for       |                    |                 |
|     |dressing, printing,  |                    |                 |
|     |coating, degreasing, |                    |                 |
|     |waterproofing,       |                    |                 |
|     |sizing, painting,    |                    |                 |
|     |cleaning or          |                    |                 |
|     |impregnating         |                    |                 |
| (d) |Installations for the|                    |                 |
|     |production of carbon |          *         |                 |
|     |(hard-burnt coal) or |                    |                 |
|     |electrographite by   |                    |                 |
|     |means of incineration|                    |                 |
|     |or graphitization    |                    |                 |
| (e) |Installations for the|With a capacity for |                 |
|     |building of, and     |ships 100 m long    |                 |
|     |painting or removal  |                    |                 |
|     |of paint from ships  |                    |                 |
Explanatory notes:
Column 1 contains the capacity thresholds referred to article 7, paragraph 1 (a).
An asterisk (*) indicates that no capacity threshold is applicable (all facilities are subject to reporting).
Column 2 contains the employee threshold referred to in article 7, paragraph 1 (b).
“10 employees” means the equivalent of 10 full-time employees.
Annex II
|No.|  CAS |  Pollutant             |Threshold for releases |Threshold |Manufacture|
|   |number|                        |      (column 1)       | for off- | process   |
|   |      |                        +-------+-------+-------+   site   | or use    |
|   |      |                        | to air|   to  |to land|transfers |threshold  |
|   |      |                        |(column| water |(column|    of    | (column   |
|   |      |                        |  1a)  |(column|  1c)  |pollutants|   3)      |
|   |      |                        |kg/year|  1b)  |Kg/year| (column  | kg/year   |
|   |      |                        |       |kg/year|       |    2)    |           |
|   |      |                        |       |       |       | kg/year  |           |
| 1 |74-82-|Methane (CH             |100 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |8     |(4))                    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 2 |630-  |Carbon                  |500 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |08-0  |monoxide (CO)           |       |       |       |          |           |
| 3 |124-  |Carbon                  |    100|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |38-9  |dioxide (CO(2))         |million|       |       |          |           |
| 4 |      |Hydro-                  |    100|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |fluorocarbons (HFCs)    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 5 |10024-|Nitrous                 | 10 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |97-2  |oxide (N(2)O)           |       |       |       |          |           |
| 6 |7664- |Ammonia (NH             | 10 000|      –|      –|        – |   10 000  |
|   |41-7  |(3))                    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 7 |      |Non-methane volatile    |100 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |organic compounds       |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(NMVOC)                 |       |       |       |          |           |
| 8 |      |Nitrogen                |100 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |oxides (NO(X)/NO(2))    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 9 |      |Perfluorocarbons        |    100|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |(PFCs)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
| 10|2551- |Sulphur                 |     50|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |62-4  |hexafluoride            |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(SF(6))                 |       |       |       |          |           |
| 11|      |Sulphur                 |150 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |oxides (SO              |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(X)/SO(2))              |       |       |       |          |           |
| 12|      |Total nitrogen          |      –| 50 000| 50 000|   10 000 |   10 000  |
| 13|      |Total phosphorus        |      –|   5000|   5000|   10 000 |   10 000  |
| 14|      |Hydrochlorofluorocarbons|      1|      –|      –|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |      |(HCFCs)                 |       |       |       |          |           |
| 15|      |Chlorofluorocarbons     |      1|      –|      –|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |      |(CFC)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 16|      |Halons                  |      1|      –|      –|      100 |   10 000  |
| 17|7440- |Arsenic and             |     20|      5|      5|       50 |       50  |
|   |38-2  |compounds (as As)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 18|7440- |Cadmium and             |     10|      5|      5|        5 |        5  |
|   |43-9  |compounds (as Cd)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 19|7440- |Chromium and            |    100|     50|     50|      200 |   10 000  |
|   |47-3  |compounds (as Cr)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 20|7440- |Copper and              |    100|     50|     50|      500 |   10 000  |
|   |50-8  |compounds (as Cu)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 21|7439- |Mercury and             |     10|      1|      1|        5 |        5  |
|   |97-6  |compounds (as Hg)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 22|7440- |Nickel and              |     50|     20|     20|      500 |   10 000  |
|   |02-0  |compounds (as Ni)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 23|7439- |Lead and                |    200|     20|     20|       50 |       50  |
|   |92-1  |compounds (as Pb)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 24|7440- |Zinc and                |    200|    100|    100|     1000 |   10 000  |
|   |66-6  |compounds (as Zn)       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 25|15972-|Alachlor                |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |60-8  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 26|309-  |Aldrin                  |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |00-2  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 27|1912- |Atrazine                |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |24-9  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 28|57-74-|Chlordane               |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |9     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 29|143-  |Chlordecone             |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |50-0  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 30|470-  |Chlorfenvinphos         |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |90-6  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 31|85535-|Chloro-alkanes,         |      –|      1|      1|       10 |   10 000  |
|   |84-8  |C(10) – C(13)           |       |       |       |          |           |
| 32|2921- |Chlorpyrifos            |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |88-2  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 33|50-29-|DDT                     |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |3     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 34|107-  |1,2-                    |   1000|     10|     10|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |06-2  |dichloroethane (EDC)    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 35|75-09-|Dichloromethane         |   1000|     10|     10|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |2     |(DCM)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 36|60-57-|Dieldrin                |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |1     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 37|330-  |Diuron                  |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |54-1  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 38|115-  |Endosulphan             |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |29-7  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 39|72-20-|Endrin                  |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |8     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 40|      |Halogenated organic     |      –|   1000|   1000|     1000 |   10 000  |
|   |      |compounds (as AOX)      |       |       |       |          |           |
| 41|76-44-|Heptachlor              |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |8     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 42|118-  |Hexachlorobenzene       |     10|      1|      1|        1 |        5  |
|   |74-1  |(HCB)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 43|87-68-|Hexachlorobutadiene     |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |3     |(HCBD)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
| 44|608-  |1,2,3,4,5,6-            |     10|      1|      1|        1 |       10  |
|   |73-1  |hexachlorocyclohexane   |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(HCH)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 45|58-89-|Lindane                 |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |9     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 46|2385- |Mirex                   |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |85-5  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 47|      |PCDD + PCDF             |  0.001|  0.001|  0.001|    0.001 |    0.001  |
|   |      |(dioxins +              |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |furans) (as             |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |Teq)                    |       |       |       |          |           |
| 48|608-  |Pentachlorobenzene      |      1|      1|      1|        5 |       50  |
|   |93-5  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 49|87-86-|Pentachlorophenol       |     10|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |5     |(PCP)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 50|1336- |Polychlorinated         |    0.1|    0.1|    0.1|        1 |       50  |
|   |36-3  |biphenyls               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(PCBs)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
| 51|122-  |Simazine                |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |34-9  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 52|127-  |Tetrachloroethylene     |  2 000|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |18-4  |(PER)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 53|56-23-|Tetrachloromethane      |    100|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |5     |(TCM)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 54|12002-|Trichlorobenzenes       |     10|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |48-1  |(TCB)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 55|71-55-|1,1,1-                  |    100|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |6     |trichloroethane         |       |       |       |          |           |
| 56|79-34-|1,1,2,2-                |     50|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |5     |tetrachloroethane       |       |       |       |          |           |
| 57|79-01-|Trichloroethylene       |  2 000|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |6     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 58|67-66-|Trichloromethane        |    500|      –|      –|    1 000 |   10 000  |
|   |3     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 59|8001- |Toxaphene               |      1|      1|      1|        1 |        1  |
|   |35-2  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 60|75-01-|Vinyl                   |  1 000|     10|     10|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |4     |chloride                |       |       |       |          |           |
| 61|120-  |Anthracene              |     50|      1|      1|       50 |       50  |
|   |12-7  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 62|71-43-|Benzene                 |  1 000|200 (as|200 (as| 2000 (as |   10 000  |
|   |2     |                        |       | BTEX) | BTEX) | BTEX)(a) |           |
|   |      |                        |       | (a)   |  (a)  |          |           |
| 63|      |Brominated              |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |      |diphenylethers          |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(PBDE)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
| 64|      |Nonylphenol             |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |      |ethoxylates             |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(NP/NPEs)               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |and related             |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |substances              |       |       |       |          |           |
| 65|100-  |Ethyl                   |      –|200 (as|200 (as| 2000 (as |   10 000  |
|   |41-4  |benzene                 |       | BTEX) | BTEX) | BTEX)(a) |           |
|   |      |                        |       |  (a)  |  (a)  |          |           |
| 66|75-21-|Ethylene                |  1 000|     10|     10|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |8     |oxide                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 67|34123-|Isoproturon             |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |59-6  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 68|91-20-|Naphthalene             |    100|     10|     10|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |3     |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 69|      |Organotin               |      –|     50|     50|       50 |   10 000  |
|   |      |compounds               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(as total               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |Sn)                     |       |       |       |          |           |
| 70|117-  |Di-(2-ethyl             |     10|      1|      1|      100 |   10 000  |
|   |81-7  |hexyl)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |phthalate               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(DEHP)                  |       |       |       |          |           |
| 71|108-  |Phenols (as             |      –|     20|     20|      200 |   10 000  |
|   |95-2  |total C)                |       |       |       |          |           |
| 72|      |Polycyclic              |     50|      5|      5|       50 |       50  |
|   |      |aromatic                |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |hydrocarbons            |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(PAH)(b)                |       |       |       |          |           |
| 73|108-  |Toluene                 |      –|200 (as|200 (as| 2000 (as |   10 000  |
|   |88-3  |                        |       | BTEX) | BTEX) | BTEX)(a) |           |
|   |      |                        |       |  (a)  |  (a)  |          |           |
| 74|      |Tributyltin             |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |      |and                     |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |compounds               |       |       |       |          |           |
| 75|      |Triphenyltin            |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |      |and                     |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |compounds               |       |       |       |          |           |
| 76|      |Total                   |      –| 50 000|      –|        – |       **  |
|   |      |organic                 |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |carbon (TOC)            |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(as total C             |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |or COD/3)               |       |       |       |          |           |
| 77|1582- |Trifluralin             |      –|      1|      1|        5 |   10 000  |
|   |09-8  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 78|1330- |Xylenes                 |      –|200 (as|200 (as| 2000 (as |   10 000  |
|   |20-7  |                        |       | BTEX) | BTEX) | BTEX)(a) |           |
|   |      |                        |       |  (a)  |  (a)  |          |           |
| 79|      |Chlorides               |      –|      2|      2|2 million |   10 000  |
|   |      |(as total               |       |million|million|          |     (c)   |
|   |      |Cl)                     |       |       |       |          |           |
| 80|      |Chlorine and            | 10 000|      –|      –|        – |   10 000  |
|   |      |inorganic               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |compounds               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(as HCl)                |       |       |       |          |           |
| 81|1332- |Asbestos                |      1|      1|      1|       10 |   10 000  |
|   |21-4  |                        |       |       |       |          |           |
| 82|      |Cyanides (as            |      –|     50|     50|      500 |   10 000  |
|   |      |total CN)               |       |       |       |          |           |
| 83|      |Fluorides               |      –|  2 000|  2 000|   10 000 |   10 000  |
|   |      |(as total F)            |       |       |       |          |   (c)     |
| 84|      |Fluorine and            |  5 000|      –|      –|        – |   10 000  |
|   |      |inorganic               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |compounds               |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(as HF)                 |       |       |       |          |           |
| 85|74-90-|Hydrogen                |    200|      –|      –|        – |   10 000  |
|   |8     |cyanide                 |       |       |       |          |           |
|   |      |(HCN)                   |       |       |       |          |           |
| 86|      |Particulae              | 50 000|      –|      –|        – |        *  |
|   |      |matt er (M(10))         |       |       |       |          |           |
Explanatory notes:
The CAS number of the pollutant means the precise identifier in Chemical Abstracts Service.
Column 1 contains the thresholds referred to in article 7, paragraph 1 (a)(i) and (iv). If the threshold in a given sub-column (air, water or land) is exceeded, reporting of releases or, for pollutants in waste water destined for waste-water treatment, transfers to the environmental medium referred to in that sub-column is required with respect to the facility in question, for those Parties which have opted for a system of reporting pursuant to article 7, paragraph 1 (a).
Column 2 contains the thresholds referred to in article 7, paragraph 1 (a)(ii). If the threshold in this column is exceeded for a given pollutant, reporting of the off-site transfer of that pollutant is required with respect to the facility in question, for those Parties which have opted for a system of reporting pursuant to article 7, paragraph 1 (a)(ii).
Column 3 contains the thresholds referred to in article 7, paragraph (1)(b). If the threshold in this column is exceeded for a given pollutant, reporting of the releases and off-site transfers of that pollutant is required with respect to the facility in question, for those Parties which have opted for a system of reporting pursuant to article 7, paragraph 1 (b).
A hyphen (-) indicates that the parameter in question does not trigger a reporting requirement.
An asterisk (*) indicates that, for this pollutant, the release threshold in column (1)(a) is to be used rather than a manufacture, process or use threshold.
A double asterisk (**) indicates that, for this pollutant, the release threshold in column (1)(b) is to be used rather than a manufacture, process or use threshold.
a/ Single pollutants are to be reported if the threshold for BTEX (the sum parameter of benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene, xylene) is exceeded.
b/ Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are to be measured as benzo(a)pyrene (50-32-8), benzo(b)fluoranthene (205-99-2), benzo(k)fluoranthene (207-08-9), indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (193-39-5) (derived from the Protocol on Persistent Organic Pollutants to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution).
c/ As inorganic compounds.
Annex III
– Deposit into or onto land (e.g. landfill)
– Land treatment (e.g. biodegradation of liquid or sludgy discards in soils)
– Deep injection (e.g. injection of pumpable discards into wells, salt domes or naturally occurring repositories)
– Surface impoundment (e.g. placement of liquid or sludge discards into pits, ponds or lagoons)
– Specially engineered landfill (e.g. placement into lined discrete cells which are capped and isolated from one another and the environment)
– Release into a water body except seas/oceans
– Release into seas/oceans including sea-bed insertion
– Biological treatment not specified elsewhere in this annex which results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations specified in this part
– Physico-chemical treatment not specified elsewhere in this annex which results in final compounds or mixtures which are discarded by means of any of the operations specified in this part (e.g. evaporation, drying, calcination, neutralization, precipitation)
– Incineration on land
– Incineration at sea
– Permanent storage (e.g. emplacement of containers in a mine)
– Blending or mixing prior to submission to any of the operations specified in this part
– Repackaging prior to submission to any of the operations specified in this part
– Storage pending any of the operations specified in this part
– Use as a fuel (other than in direct incineration) or other means to generate energy
– Solvent reclamation/regeneration
– Recycling/reclamation of organic substances which are not used as solvents
– Recycling/reclamation of metals and metal compounds
– Recycling/reclamation of other inorganic materials
– Regeneration of acids or bases
– Recovery of components used for pollution abatement
– Recovery of components from catalysts
– Used oil re-refining or other reuses of previously used oil
– Land treatment resulting in benefit to agriculture or ecological improvement
– Uses of residual materials obtained from any of the recovery operations specified above in this part
– Exchange of wastes for submission to any of the recovery operations specified above in this part
– Accumulation of material intended for any operation specified in this part
Annex IV
1. In the event of a dispute being submitted for arbitration pursuant to article 23, paragraph 2, of this Protocol, a party or parties shall notify the other party or parties to the dispute by diplomatic means as well as the secretariat of the subject matter of arbitration and indicate, in particular, the articles of this Protocol whose interpretation or application is at issue. The secretariat shall forward the information received to all Parties to this Protocol.
2. The arbitral tribunal shall consist of three members. Both the claimant party or parties and the other party or parties to the dispute shall appoint an arbitrator, and the two arbitrators so appointed shall designate by common agreement the third arbitrator, who shall be the president of the arbitral tribunal. The latter shall not be a national of one of the parties to the dispute, nor have his or her usual place of residence in the territory of one of these parties, nor be employed by any of them, nor have dealt with the case in any other capacity.
3. If the president of the arbitral tribunal has not been designated within two months of the appointment of the second arbitrator, the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe shall, at the request of either party to the dispute, designate the president within a further two-month period.
4. If one of the parties to the dispute does not appoint an arbitrator within two months of the notification referred to in paragraph 1, the other party may so inform the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, who shall designate the president of the arbitral tribunal within a further two-month period. Upon designation, the president of the arbitral tribunal shall request the party which has not appointed an arbitrator to do so within two months. If it fails to do so within that period, the president shall so inform the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Europe, who shall make this appointment within a further two-month period.
5. The arbitral tribunal shall render its decision in accordance with international law and the provisions of this Protocol.
6. Any arbitral tribunal constituted under the provisions set out in this annex shall draw up its own rules of procedure.
7. The decisions of the arbitral tribunal, both on procedure and on substance, shall be taken by majority vote of its members.
8. The tribunal may take all appropriate measures to establish the facts.
9. The parties to the dispute shall facilitate the work of the arbitral tribunal and, in particular, using all means at their disposal, shall:
a) Provide it with all relevant documents, facilities and information;
b) Enable it, where necessary, to call witnesses or experts and receive their evidence.
10. The parties and the arbitrators shall protect the confidentiality of any information that they receive in confidence during the proceedings of the arbitral tribunal.
11. The arbitral tribunal may, at the request of one of the parties, recommend interim measures of protection.
12. If one of the parties to the dispute does not appear before the arbitral tribunal or fails to defend its case, the other party may request the tribunal to continue the proceedings and to render its final decision. Absence of a party or failure of a party to defend its case shall not constitute a bar to the proceedings. Before rendering its final decision, the arbitral tribunal must satisfy itself that the claim is well founded in fact and law.
13. The arbitral tribunal may hear and determine counterclaims arising directly out of the subject matter of the dispute.
14. Unless the arbitral tribunal determines otherwise because of the particular circumstances of the case, the expenses of the tribunal, including the remuneration of its members, shall be borne by the parties to the dispute in equal shares. The tribunal shall keep a record of all its expenses, and shall furnish a final statement thereof to the parties.
15. Any Party to this Protocol which has an interest of a legal nature in the subject matter of the dispute, and which may be affected by a decision in the case, may intervene in the proceedings with the consent of the tribunal.
16. The arbitral tribunal shall render its award within five months of the date on which it is established, unless it finds it necessary to extend the time limit for a period which should not exceed five months.
17. The award of the arbitral tribunal shall be accompanied by a statement of reasons. It shall be final and binding upon all parties to the dispute. The award will be transmitted by the arbitral tribunal to the parties to the dispute and to the secretariat. The secretariat will forward the information received to all Parties to this Protocol.
18. Any dispute which may arise between the parties concerning the interpretation or execution of the award may be submitted by either party to the arbitral tribunal which made the award or, if the latter cannot be seized thereof, to another tribunal constituted for this purpose in the same manner as the first.
Pogodbenice tega protokola so se
ob sklicevanju na deveti odstavek 5. člena in drugi odstavek 10. člena Konvencije o dostopu do informacij, udeležbi javnosti pri odločanju in dostopu do pravnega varstva v okoljskih zadevah iz leta 1998 (Aarhuška konvencija),
ob spoznanju, da registri izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal vzpostavljajo pomemben mehanizem za povečanje odgovornosti družb, zmanjšanje onesnaževanja in spodbujanje trajnostnega razvoja, kakor je navedeno v Deklaraciji iz Lucce, sprejeti na prvem sestanku pogodbenic Aarhuške konvencije,
ob upoštevanju 10. načela Deklaracije o okolju in razvoju iz Ria, 1992,
ob upoštevanju načel in zavez, sprejetih na konferenci Združenih narodov o okolju in razvoju leta 1992, zlasti pa določb iz 19. poglavja Agende 21,
ob upoštevanju Programa za nadaljnje izvajanje Agende 21, ki ga je sprejela generalna skupščina Združenih narodov na devetnajstem posebnem zasedanju leta 1997, v katerem je med drugim zahtevala povečanje zmogljivosti držav in zmožnosti za zbiranje, obdelavo in razširjanje podatkov, da bi javnosti z ustreznimi sredstvi olajšala dostop do informacij o okoljskih zadevah v svetu,
ob upoštevanju Načrta izvajanja, sprejetega na svetovnem vrhu o trajnostnem razvoju septembra 2002, ki spodbuja razvoj usklajenega in celovitega obveščanja o kemikalijah kakor na primer z državnimi registri izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal,
ob upoštevanju dela Medvladnega foruma za kemijsko varnost, zlasti pa Deklaracije iz Bahie o kemijski varnosti iz leta 2000, Prednostnih nalog po letu 2000 in Akcijskega načrta za register izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal/evidence izpustov,
ob upoštevanju dejavnosti, ki potekajo v okviru Medorganizacijskega programa za varno ravnanje s kemikalijami,
nadalje, ob upoštevanju dela Organizacije za gospodarsko sodelovanje in razvoj, zlasti pa priporočil njenega sveta o vodenju registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal, s katerim poziva države članice, naj vzpostavijo državne registre izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal ter jih dajo na voljo javnosti,
v želji, da bi z razvojem javno dostopnih informacijskih sistemov o okolju zagotovile mehanizem, ki bo današnjim in prihodnjim generacijam omogočal življenje v okolju, primernem za njihovo zdravje in blaginjo,
v želji zagotoviti tudi, da bo razvoj takih sistemov upošteval načela, ki prispevajo k trajnostnemu razvoju, kakršno je previdnostno načelo iz 15. načela Deklaracije o okolju in razvoju iz Ria, 1992,
ob priznavanju povezave med ustreznimi okoljskimi informacijskimi sistemi in uresničevanjem pravic iz Aarhuške konvencije,
ob ugotavljanju potrebe po sodelovanju pri drugih mednarodnih pobudah o onesnaževalih in odpadkih skupaj s Stockholmsko konvencijo o obstojnih organskih onesnaževalih, 2001 in Baselsko konvencijo o nadzoru prehoda nevarnih odpadkov preko meja in njihovega odstranjevanja, 1989,
ob priznavanju, da so cilji celovitega pristopa k čim večjemu zmanjševanju onesnaževanja in količine odpadkov iz industrijskih naprav ter drugih virov doseganje visoke stopnje varstva okolja v celoti, spodbujanje trajnostnega in okolju prijaznega razvoja ter varovanje zdravja današnjih in prihodnjih generacij,
v prepričanju, da so registri izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal stroškovno učinkovito sredstvo za spodbujanje okoljske učinkovitosti, zagotavljanje dostopa do informacij o izpustih onesnaževal na območjih in njihovih prenosih na območja in prek njih, ter za vlade, da spremljajo smeri razvoja, prikazujejo napredek pri zmanjševanju onesnaževanja, spremljajo in nadzirajo izvajanje nekaterih mednarodnih sporazumov, določajo prednostne naloge in ocenjujejo napredek, dosežen z okoljskimi usmeritvami in programi,
v prepričanju, da lahko registri izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal občutno koristijo industriji, s tem da se bolje ravna z onesnaževali,
glede na možnosti za uporabo podatkov iz registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal v povezavi z zdravstvenimi, okoljskimi, demografskimi, gospodarskimi in drugimi vrstami ustreznih podatkov za boljše razumevanje morebitnih težav, ugotavljanje “perečih točk”, sprejemanje preprečevalnih in blažilnih ukrepov ter določanje prednostnih nalog pri ravnanju z okoljem,
ob priznavanju pomena varstva zasebnosti ugotovljenih ali ugotovljivih fizičnih oseb pri obdelavi podatkov, poslanih v registre izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal v skladu z veljavnimi mednarodnimi standardi o varstvu podatkov,
ob priznavanju pomena razvoja mednarodno skladnih sistemov registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal zaradi boljše primerljivosti podatkov,
ob ugotavljanju, da številne države članice Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo, Evropske skupnosti in pogodbenice Severnoameriškega sporazuma o prosti trgovini (NAFTA) ukrepajo, da bi zbirale podatke o izpustih in prenosih onesnaževal iz različnih virov in da bi jih dale na razpolago javnosti, ter zlasti ob priznavanju dolgoletnih in dragocenih izkušenj v nekaterih državah,
ob upoštevanju različnih načinov vodenja obstoječih registrov izpustov in potrebe po preprečevanju podvajanja ter ob priznavanju, da je zaradi tega potrebna neka stopnja prožnosti,
ob spodbujanju postopnega razvoja državnih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal,
ob spodbujanju povezovanja med državnimi registri izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal in informacijskimi sistemi o drugih izpustih v javnem interesu
1. člen
Namen tega protokola je omogočiti širši dostop javnosti do informacij z oblikovanjem usklajenih in celovitih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal (RIPO) na državni ravni v skladu s tem protokolom, ki bodo omogočili sodelovanje javnosti pri odločanju o okoljskih zadevah in prispevali k preprečevanju in zmanjševanju onesnaževanja okolja.
2. člen
V tem protokolu:
1. »pogodbenica« pomeni državo ali organizacijo za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje iz 24. člena, ki se je strinjala, da jo ta protokol zavezuje in zanjo velja, razen če v besedilu ni navedeno drugače;
2. »konvencija« pomeni Konvencijo o dostopu do informacij, udeležbi javnosti pri odločanju in dostopu do pravnega varstva v okoljskih zadevah, sestavljeno v Aarhusu na Danskem 25. junija 1998;
3. »javnost« pomeni eno ali več fizičnih ali pravnih oseb in v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo ali prakso njihova združenja, organizacije ali skupine;
4. »industrijski kompleks« pomeni eno ali več naprav na istem kraju ali na sosednjih krajih, ki so v lasti ali jih upravlja ista fizična ali pravna oseba;
5. »pristojni organ« pomeni državni organ ali organe ali drugo pristojno telo ali telesa, ki jih pogodbenica določi za upravljanje sistema državnega registra izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal;
6. »onesnaževalo« pomeni snov ali skupino snovi, ki so lahko škodljive za okolje ali zdravje ljudi zaradi svojih lastnosti in vnosa v okolje;
7. »izpust« pomeni nameren ali nenameren, reden ali izreden vnos onesnaževal v okolje zaradi človekove dejavnosti, vključno z izlivanjem, izpuščanjem, odplakovanjem, vbrizgavanjem, odstranjevanjem oziroma odlaganjem ali odvajanjem po kanalizaciji brez čistilnih naprav;
8. »prenos s kraja nastanka« pomeni prenos onesnaževal ali odpadkov, namenjenih za odstranitev ali predelavo, in onesnaževal v odpadnih vodah, namenjenih za obdelavo v čistilni napravi, z območja industrijskega kompleksa;
9. »razpršeni viri« pomeni številne manjše ali raztresene vire, iz katerih se lahko onesnaževala izpuščajo v tla, zrak ali vodo in katerih skupni vpliv na te dele okolja je lahko precejšen ter za katere je zbiranje posameznih poročil nepraktično;
10. izraza »državni« in »na državni ravni« se v zvezi z obveznostmi iz tega protokola za pogodbenice, ki so organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, nanašata na to regijo, razen če ni drugače navedeno;
11. »odpadki« pomenijo snovi ali predmete, ki:
a) se odstranijo ali predelajo;
b) so namenjeni odstranitvi ali predelavi ali
c) jih je na podlagi notranje zakonodaje treba odstraniti ali predelati;
12. »nevarni odpadki« pomenijo odpadke, ki so opredeljeni kot nevarni v notranji zakonodaji;
13. »drugi odpadki« pomenijo odpadke, ki niso nevarni odpadki;
14. »odpadna voda« pomeni vodo, ki po uporabi vsebuje snovi ali predmete in jo ureja notranja zakonodaja.
3. člen
1. Pogodbenice sprejmejo potrebne zakonodajne in druge ukrepe ter ustrezne ukrepe za zagotavljanje izvajanja protokola.
2. Protokol ne posega v pravico pogodbenice, da ohrani ali uvede obširnejši ali javnosti dostopnejši register izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal, kakor ga zahteva ta protokol.
3. Pogodbenice sprejmejo potrebne ukrepe, s katerimi zagotovijo, da industrijski kompleksi ali javni organi ne kaznujejo, preganjajo ali nadlegujejo zaposlenih v industrijskem kompleksu in posameznikov, ki javnim organom prijavijo industrijski kompleks zaradi kršitve notranje zakonodaje, sprejete za izvajanje tega protokola.
4. Pri izvajanju tega protokola bodo pogodbenice upoštevale previdnostno načelo iz 15. načela deklaracije o okolju in razvoju iz Ria, 1992.
5. Da bi omejili podvojeno poročanje, se lahko sistemi registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal kar najbolj povezujejo z obstoječimi viri informacij, kakor so mehanizmi poročanja na podlagi dovoljenj ali dovoljenj za delovanje.
6. Pogodbenice si prizadevajo doseči usklajenost državnih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal.
4. člen
V skladu s tem protokolom pogodbenice vzpostavijo in vodijo javno dostopen državni register izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal, ki:
a) za industrijske komplekse daje podatke o točkastih virih;
b) zajema poročanje o razpršenih virih;
c) daje podatke o onesnaževalih oziroma odpadkih;
d) zajema več delov okolja in razlikuje med izpusti v zrak, tla in vodo;
e) vsebuje podatke o prenosih;
f) temelji na obveznem rednem poročanju;
g) vsebuje standardizirane podatke po obdobjih, omejeno število morebitnih standardiziranih mejnih količin poročanja in omejeno število morebitnih določb o tajnosti;
h) je usklajen in oblikovan tako, da je uporabniku prijazen in javno dostopen, tudi v elektronski obliki;
i) omogoča sodelovanje javnosti pri njegovem razvijanju in spreminjanju ter
j) je ena ali več povezanih strukturiranih računalniških podatkovnih zbirk, za katere skrbi pristojni organ.
5. člen
1. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da so podatki v registru iz 4. člena predstavljeni zbirno in posamezno tako, da je mogoče izpuste in prenose iskati in prepoznavati glede na:
a) industrijski kompleks in njegovo zemljepisno lego;
b) dejavnost;
c) lastnika ali upravljavca in po potrebi podjetje;
d) onesnaževala oziroma odpadke;
e) posamezne dele okolja, v katere se onesnaževalo izpušča, in
f) kraj prenosa in po potrebi postopek odstranitve ali predelave odpadkov, kakor je navedeno v petem odstavku 7. člena.
2. Pogodbenice tudi zagotovijo, da je mogoče podatke iskati in prepoznavati po tistih razpršenih virih, ki so vključeni v register.
3. Pogodbenice svoje registre oblikujejo tako, da upoštevajo možnost prihodnje širitve in zagotovijo, da so podatki iz poročil javno dostopni za vsaj zadnjih deset let.
4. Register je oblikovan tako, da je čim lažje dostopen javnosti po elektronski poti, na primer na svetovnem spletu. Njegova oblika v normalnih okoliščinah delovanja omogoča, da so podatki stalno in takoj na voljo po elektronski poti.
5. Pogodbenice bi morale v registru zagotoviti povezave do ustreznih obstoječih javno dostopnih podatkovnih zbirk o zadevah, ki so povezane z varstvom okolja.
6. Pogodbenice v registru zagotovijo povezave do registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal drugih pogodbenic tega protokola in po možnosti do registrov drugih držav.
6. člen
1. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da register vsebuje podatke o:
a) izpustih onesnaževal, o katerih je treba poročati na podlagi drugega odstavka 7. člena;
b) prenosih s kraja nastanka, o katerih je treba poročati na podlagi drugega odstavka 7. člena, in
c) izpustih onesnaževal iz razpršenih virov, o katerih je treba poročati na podlagi četrtega odstavka 7. člena.
2. Skupščina pogodbenic prouči izkušnje, pridobljene z razvojem državnih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal ter z izvajanjem tega protokola, in z upoštevanjem ustreznih mednarodnih procesov pregleda zahteve za poročanje po tem protokolu in v zvezi z njegovim nadaljnjim razvojem obravnava:
a) pregled dejavnosti iz priloge I;
b) pregled onesnaževal iz priloge II;
c) pregled mejnih količin iz prilog I in II ter
d) vključevanje drugih pomembnih vidikov, kakor so podatki o prenosih znotraj kraja nastanka, skladiščenje, podrobno določanje zahtev za poročanje o razpršenih virih ali razvoj meril za vključevanje onesnaževal v ta protokol.
7. člen
1. Pogodbenice:
a) ali zahtevajo, da lastnik ali upravljavec posameznega industrijskega kompleksa v njihovi pristojnosti, ki opravlja eno ali več dejavnosti iz priloge I z zmogljivostjo nad vrednostmi iz 1. stolpca priloge I in:
i) izpušča onesnaževala iz priloge II v količinah, ki presegajo mejne vrednosti iz 1. stolpca priloge II;
ii) onesnaževala iz priloge II prenaša s kraja nastanka v količinah, ki presegajo mejne vrednosti iz 2. stolpca priloge II, če se je pogodbenica odločila za poročanje o prenosih v skladu s pododstavkom d petega odstavka po posameznih onesnaževalih;
iii) prenaša letno več kakor dve toni nevarnih odpadkov ali več kakor 2000 ton drugih odpadkov s kraja nastanka, če se je pogodbenica odločila za poročanje o prenosih v skladu s pododstavkom d petega odstavka po vrsti odpadkov, ali
iv) prenaša onesnaževala iz priloge II s kraja nastanka v odpadnih vodah, namenjenih za obdelavo v čistilnih napravah, v količinah, ki presegajo mejne vrednosti iz 1.b stolpca priloge II;
sprejme obveznosti, ki so mu naložene na podlagi drugega odstavka,
b) ali zahtevajo, da lastnik ali upravljavec vsakega posameznega industrijskega kompleksa v njihovi pristojnosti, ki opravlja eno ali več dejavnosti iz priloge I s številom zaposlenih, ki je enako ali presega mejno število iz 2. stolpca priloge I, in izdeluje, predeluje ali uporablja onesnaževala iz priloge II v količinah, ki presegajo mejne vrednosti iz 3. stolpca priloge II, sprejmejo obveznosti, ki so mu naložene na podlagi drugega odstavka.
2. Pogodbenice zahtevajo, da lastnik ali upravljavec industrijskih kompleksov iz prvega odstavka pošlje podatke iz petega in šestega odstavka v skladu z zahtevami o onesnaževalih in odpadkih, pri katerih so bile presežene mejne količine.
3. Da bi pogodbenica dosegla namen tega protokola, se lahko pri posameznem onesnaževalu odloči, ali se uporablja mejna količina za izpust ali pa mejna količina za izdelavo, predelavo ali uporabo, če s tem izboljša informacija o izpustih in prenosih, ki je na voljo v njenem registru.
4. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da podatke o izpustih onesnaževal iz razpršenih virov iz sedmega in osmega odstavka za vključitev v registre zbirajo njihovi pristojni organi ali pa za to določijo enega ali več javnih organov ali pristojnih teles.
5. Pogodbenice zahtevajo, da lastniki ali upravljavci industrijskih kompleksov, ki morajo poročati po drugem odstavku, pripravijo in pristojnemu organu pošljejo te podatke po posameznih industrijskih kompleksih:
a) ime, naslov, zemljepisna lega in dejavnost ali dejavnosti industrijskega kompleksa, na katerega se nanaša poročilo, ter ime lastnika ali upravljavca in po potrebi podjetja;
b) ime in številčno oznako za vsako onesnaževalo, o katerem je treba poročati po drugem odstavku;
c) količino vsakega onesnaževala, o katerem je treba poročati po drugem odstavku, ki je bilo izpuščeno iz industrijskega kompleksa v okolje v letu poročanja, z navedbo skupne količine in ali je bilo izpuščeno v zrak, vodo ali v tla, skupaj z globinskim injektiranjem.
d) eno od naslednjega:
i) količino vsakega onesnaževala, o katerem je treba poročati po drugem odstavku, ki se v letu poročanja prenaša s kraja nastanka, z ločenim navajanjem količin, prenesenih v odstranjevanje ali predelavo, ter ime in naslov industrijskega kompleksa, ki je odpadke sprejel, ali
ii) količino odpadkov, o katerih je treba poročati po drugem odstavku, ki se v letu poročanja prenaša s kraja nastanka, z ločenim navajanjem nevarnih in drugih odpadkov, za kateri koli postopek predelave ali odstranjevanja ter z navedbo oznak “R” ali “D” glede na to, ali so odpadki namenjeni predelavi ali odstranitvi po prilogi III, pri čezmejnem pošiljanju nevarnih odpadkov pa ime in naslov predelovalca ali odstranjevalca odpadkov ter dejanskega kraja predelave ali odstranitve odpadkov;
e) količino vsakega onesnaževala v odpadni vodi, o katerem je treba poročati po drugem odstavku, ki se v letu poročanja prenese s kraja nastanka, in
f) metodologijo, uporabljeno za pridobivanje podatkov iz pododstavkov c do e, v skladu z drugim odstavkom 9. člena z navedbo, ali so podatki pridobljeni z meritvami, izračuni ali oceno.
6. Podatki iz pododstavkov c do e petega odstavka vključujejo podatke o izpustih in prenosih, ki nastanejo pri rednih dejavnostih in izrednih dogodkih.
7. Pogodbenice v svojih registrih z ustrezno prostorsko razpršenostjo prikažejo podatke o izpustih onesnaževal iz razpršenih virov, za katere pogodbenica določi, da podatke zbirajo ustrezni organi in da jih je mogoče vključiti. Če pogodbenica ugotovi, da takih podatkov ni, sprejme ukrepe za začetek poročanja o izpustih ustreznih onesnaževal iz enega ali več razpršenih virov v skladu z državnimi prednostnimi nalogami.
8. Podatki iz sedmega odstavka vključujejo informacije o metodologiji, uporabljeni za pridobivanje podatkov.
8. člen
1. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da so podatki, ki jih je treba vključiti v register, javno dostopni, urejeni in predstavljeni v registru po koledarskih letih. Leto poročanja je koledarsko leto, na katero se navedeni podatki nanašajo. Prvo leto poročanja je za vsako pogodbenico koledarsko leto po začetku veljavnosti protokola zanjo. Poročanje, zahtevano po 7. členu, je letno. Drugo leto poročanja pa je lahko drugo koledarsko leto po prvem letu poročanja.
2. Pogodbenice, ki niso organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, zagotovijo, da se podatki vključijo v njihove registre v petnajstih mesecih po poteku vsakega leta poročanja. Vendar pa se podatki za prvo leto poročanja v register vključijo v dveh letih po poteku navedenega leta poročanja.
3. Pogodbenice, ki so organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, zagotovijo, da se podatki za posamezno leto poročanja vključijo v njihove registre šest mesecev po tem, ko jih morajo vključiti pogodbenice, ki niso organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje.
9. člen
1. Pogodbenice zahtevajo, da lastniki ali upravljavci industrijskih kompleksov, ki morajo poročati po 7. členu, v skladu z drugim odstavkom in ustrezno pogosto zbirajo potrebne podatke za določitev izpustov in prenosov s kraja nastanka iz industrijskega kompleksa, o katerih je treba poročati po 7. členu, in da zapise podatkov, na podlagi katerih so bila sestavljena poročila, dajo na razpolago pristojnim organom za pet let od poteka leta poročanja. V arhivu je opisan tudi način zbiranja podatkov.
2. Pogodbenice zahtevajo, da lastniki ali upravljavci industrijskih kompleksov, ki morajo poročati po 7. členu, uporabijo najboljše razpoložljive informacije, ki lahko vključujejo podatke o spremljanju, emisijske faktorje, masne bilance, podatke o posrednem spremljanju ali druge izračune, strokovne ocene in druge metode. Po možnosti mora biti to narejeno v skladu z mednarodno priznanimi metodologijami.
10. člen
1. Pogodbenice zahtevajo, da lastniki ali upravljavci industrijskih kompleksov, za katere veljajo zahteve po poročanju po prvem odstavku 7. člena, zagotovijo kakovost podatkov, ki jih navajajo v poročilu.
2. Pogodbenice zagotovijo, da pristojni organi presojajo kakovost podatkov v njihovih registrih, zlasti glede popolnosti, doslednosti in verodostojnosti podatkov, ob upoštevanju vseh smernic, ki jih lahko oblikuje skupščina pogodbenic.
11. člen
1. Pogodbenice v skladu s tem protokolom zagotovijo dostop javnosti do informacij, ki jih vsebuje register izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal, ne da bi zahtevale navedbo razloga, zlasti tako da zagotovijo elektronski dostop do registra po javnem telekomunikacijskem omrežju.
2. Če podatki iz registrov niso lahko dostopni javnosti po neposredni elektronski poti, pogodbenice zagotovijo, da pristojni organi na zahtevo čim prej in najpozneje v enem mesecu po dani zahtevi izdajo podatke na druge učinkovite načine.
3. Ob upoštevanju četrtega odstavka pogodbenice zagotovijo, da je dostop do podatkov iz njihovih registrov brezplačen.
4. Pogodbenice lahko svojim pristojnim organom dovolijo zaračunavanje za razmnoževanje posameznih podatkov iz drugega odstavka in pošiljanje, vendar taki stroški ne smejo presegati razumnega zneska.
5. Če podatki iz registrov niso lahko dostopni javnosti po neposredni elektronski poti, pogodbenice omogočajo elektronski dostop do svojih registrov na javnih krajih, na primer v javnih knjižnicah, uradih lokalnih organov ali na drugih primernih krajih.
12. člen
1. Pogodbenice lahko pooblastijo pristojni organ, da skrbi za tajnost podatkov v registru, če bi njihovo javno razkritje škodljivo vplivalo na:
a) mednarodne odnose, obrambo države ali javno varnost;
b) sodni postopek, možnost, da se posamezniku pravično sodi, ali zmožnost, da javni organi izvedejo kazensko ali disciplinsko preiskavo;
c) tajnost poslovnih in industrijskih podatkov, če tako tajnost ščiti zakon zaradi varovanja pravno utemeljenih gospodarskih interesov;
d) pravice intelektualne lastnine ali
e) tajnost osebnih podatkov in/ali dokumentov, ki se nanašajo na fizično osebo, če ni privolila v razkritje podatkov javnosti in če tako tajnost ureja notranja zakonodaja.
Navedeni razlogi za tajnost se razlagajo omejevalno ob upoštevanju javnega interesa za razkritje in ob upoštevanju, ali se podatki nanašajo na izpuste v okolje.
2. Po pododstavku c prvega odstavka se razkritje podatkov o izpustih, ki so pomembni za varstvo okolja, obravnava po notranji zakonodaji.
3. Če ostanejo podatki tajni po prvem odstavku, se v registru navede, katera vrsta podatkov je bila zadržana, na primer z navedbo splošnih podatkov o kemikaliji in razlogov, zakaj so bili podatki zadržani.
13. člen
1. Pogodbenice zagotovijo ustrezne možnosti za udeležbo javnosti pri oblikovanju državnih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal v okviru notranje zakonodaje.
2. Za namen prvega odstavka pogodbenice poskrbijo za možnost brezplačnega dostopa javnosti do informacij o predlaganih ukrepih za oblikovanje državnega registra izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal ter za možnost dajanja pripomb, informacij, analiz ali mnenj, pomembnih za odločanje, ustrezni organ pa jih primerno upošteva.
3. Kadar se sprejme odločitev za vzpostavitev ali občutno spremembo registra, pogodbenice zagotovijo, da so informacije o odločitvi in ugotovitvah, na podlagi katerih je bila sprejeta, pravočasno dostopne javnosti.
14. člen
1. Pogodbenice v okviru svoje notranje zakonodaje zagotavljajo, da ima vsaka oseba, ki meni, da njen zahtevek za informacije iz drugega odstavka 11. člena ni bil upoštevan, da je bil delno ali v celoti neupravičeno zavrnjen, da je bil odgovor neustrezen ali da njen zahtevek kako drugače ni bil obravnavan v skladu z določbami iz navedenega odstavka, dostop do revizijskega postopka pred sodiščem ali pred drugim neodvisnim in nepristranskim telesom, določenim z zakonom.
2. Zahteve iz prvega odstavka ne posegajo v pravice in obveznosti v veljavnih pogodbah med pogodbenicami, ki urejajo vsebino tega člena.
15. člen
1. Pogodbenice spodbujajo ozaveščanje javnosti o registru izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal ter zagotavljajo pomoč in usmeritve pri dostopu do registra ter razumevanju in uporabljanju podatkov, ki jih vsebuje.
2. Pogodbenice morajo poskrbeti za ustrezno krepitev zmogljivosti v pristojnih organih in telesih ter usmeritve, da jim pomagajo pri opravljanju nalog iz tega protokola.
16. člen
1. Pogodbenice po potrebi sodelujejo in si pomagajo:
a) pri mednarodnih dejavnostih za uresničevanja namena tega protokola;
b) pri vzpostavljanju sistemov v državah po tem protokolu na podlagi medsebojnih sporazumov med pogodbenicami;
c) z izmenjavo podatkov o izpustih in prenosih v obmejnih območjih po tem protokolu in
d) z izmenjavo podatkov o prenosih med pogodbenicami po tem protokolu.
2. Pogodbenice spodbujajo medsebojno sodelovanje oziroma sodelovanje z ustreznimi mednarodnimi organizacijami, da bi spodbujale:
a) ozaveščenost javnosti na mednarodni ravni;
b) prenos tehnologije in
c) zagotavljanje tehnične pomoči v zvezi s tem protokolom pogodbenicam, ki so države v razvoju, in pogodbenicam, katerih gospodarstvo je v prehodu.
17. člen
1. Ustanovi se skupščina pogodbenic. Prvo zasedanje se skliče najpozneje dve leti po začetku veljavnosti tega protokola. Nato se redna zasedanja skupščine pogodbenic sklicujejo za rednimi sestanki pogodbenic konvencije ali hkrati z njimi, razen če pogodbenice tega protokola ne sklenejo drugače. Skupščina pogodbenic skliče izredno zasedanje, če tako sklene na rednem zasedanju ali na pisno zahtevo ene od pogodbenic, če v šestih mesecih od dneva, ko izvršilni sekretar Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo pogodbenice obvesti o tem, omenjeno zahtevo podpre vsaj ena tretjina navedenih pogodbenic.
2. Skupščina pogodbenic stalno pregleduje izvajanje in razvoj tega protokola na podlagi rednih poročil pogodbenice, za to pa:
a) pregleduje razvoj registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal ter spodbuja njihovo pospešeno uveljavljanje in poenotenje;
b) določi smernice, ki bodo pogodbenicam olajšale poročanje, z upoštevanjem potrebe po preprečevanju podvajanja dela v zvezi s tem;
c) oblikuje delovni program;
d) prouči in po potrebi sprejme ukrepe, ki bodo krepili mednarodno sodelovanje v skladu s 16. členom;
e) oblikuje pomožna telesa, za katera meni, da so potrebna;
f) v skladu z 20. členom obravnava in sprejme predloge za spremembe tega protokola in njegovih prilog, za katere meni, da so potrebne za namene tega protokola;
g) na prvem zasedanju obravnava in sporazumno sprejme poslovnik za svoja zasedanja in za zasedanja pomožnih teles z upoštevanjem poslovnikov, ki jih je sprejela skupščina pogodbenic konvencije;
h) obravnava sporazumno oblikovanje dogovorov o financiranju in mehanizmov tehnične pomoči, ki bodo olajšali izvajanje tega protokola;
i) po potrebi prosi za pomoč drugih ustreznih mednarodnih organov pri doseganju namena tega protokola in
j) obravnava in sprejme dodatne ukrepe, ki bi lahko bili potrebni za doseganje namena tega protokola, kakor so sprejetje smernic in priporočil, ki spodbujajo njegovo izvajanje.
3. Skupščina pogodbenic olajša izmenjavo podatkov o izkušnjah, pridobljenih s poročanjem o prenosih po posameznih onesnaževalih in vrstah odpadkov, in take izkušnje prouči, da bi ugotovila možnosti za poenotenje obeh načinov, ob upoštevanju javnega interesa za obveščenost v skladu s 1. členom ter splošne učinkovitosti državnih registrov izpustov in prenosov onesnaževal.
4. Organizacija združenih narodov, njene specializirane agencije in Mednarodna agencija za atomsko energijo ter države ali organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki imajo na podlagi 24. člena pravico podpisati ta protokol, vendar niso njegove pogodbenice, ter medvladne organizacije, usposobljene za področja, na katera se nanaša ta protokol, imajo pravico sodelovati kot opazovalke na zasedanjih skupščine pogodbenic. Za njihovo udeležbo in sodelovanje se uporablja poslovnik, ki ga je sprejela skupščina pogodbenic.
5. Nevladne organizacije, usposobljene za področja, na katera se nanaša ta protokol, ki so izvršilnega sekretarja Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo obvestile, da želijo biti zastopane na zasedanju skupščine pogodbenic, imajo pravico sodelovati kot opazovalke, razen če ena tretjina pogodbenic na zasedanju temu nasprotuje. Za njihovo udeležbo in sodelovanje se uporablja poslovnik, ki ga je sprejela skupščina pogodbenic.
18. člen
1. Pogodbenica tega protokola ima en glas, razen v primerih iz drugega odstavka.
2. Organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje pri zadevah, ki so v njihovi pristojnosti, uresničujejo svojo glasovalno pravico s številom glasov, ki je enako številu njihovih držav članic, ki so pogodbenice. Te organizacije pa nimajo glasovalne pravice, če to pravico uresničujejo njihove države članice, in nasprotno.
19. člen
Priloge k temu protokolu so njegov sestavni del in če ni izrecno določeno drugače, je sklicevanje na ta protokol obenem sklicevanje na njegove priloge.
20. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko predlaga spremembe tega protokola.
2. Predlogi za spremembe tega protokola se obravnavajo na zasedanju skupščine pogodbenic.
3. Predlogi za spremembe tega protokola se pisno predložijo sekretariatu, ki o njih vsaj šest mesecev pred zasedanjem, na katerem naj bi jih sprejeli, obvesti vse pogodbenice, druge države in organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so se strinjale, da jih ta protokol zavezuje, in zanje še ni začel veljati, ter podpisnice.
4. Pogodbenice si zelo prizadevajo, da bi se soglasno dogovorile o vsaki predlagani spremembi tega protokola. Če so vse možnosti za soglasno sprejetje izčrpane in ni dosežen sporazum, se sprememba v skrajnem primeru sprejme s tričetrtinsko večino glasov pogodbenic, ki so na zasedanju navzoče in glasujejo.
5. V tem členu »pogodbenice, ki so navzoče in glasujejo« pomeni pogodbenice, ki so navzoče in oddajo glas za ali proti.
6. Sekretariat o spremembah tega protokola, sprejetih po četrtem odstavku, obvesti depozitarja, ki jih razpošlje vsem pogodbenicam, drugim državam in organizacijam za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki so se strinjale, da jih ta protokol zavezuje in zanje še ni začel veljati, ter podpisnicam.
7. Sprememba, razen spremembe priloge, začne veljati za tiste pogodbenice, ki so jo ratificirale, sprejele ali odobrile, devetdeseti dan po dnevu, ko je depozitar prejel listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi od najmanj treh četrtin pogodbenic, ki so bile pogodbenice ob sprejetju spremembe. Nato začne veljati za vse druge pogodbenice devetdeseti dan po dnevu, ko te pogodbenice deponirajo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi spremembe.
8. Ob spremembi priloge pogodbenica, ki take spremembe ne sprejme, pisno obvesti depozitarja v dvanajstih mesecih od dneva, ko jo je razposlal. Depozitar o prejemu takega uradnega obvestila nemudoma obvesti vse pogodbenice. Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli umakne uradno obvestilo o zavrnitvi sprejetja in po tem začne sprememba priloge zanjo veljati.
9. Po dvanajstih mesecih od dneva, ko je depozitar razposlal spremembo priloge, kakor je določeno v šestem odstavku, začne veljati za tiste pogodbenice, ki depozitarju niso poslale uradnega obvestila po osmem odstavku, če do takrat takega uradnega obvestila ni poslala več kakor ena tretjina tistih, ki so bile pogodbenice ob sprejetju spremembe.
10. Če se sprememba priloge nanaša neposredno na spremembo tega protokola, ne začne veljati, dokler ne začne veljati sprememba tega protokola.
21. člen
Izvršilni sekretar Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo opravlja te naloge sekretariata za ta protokol:
a) pripravlja zasedanja in zagotavlja storitve za skupščino pogodbenic;
b) pogodbenicam pošilja poročila in druge informacije, prejete po tem protokolu;
c) poroča skupščini pogodbenic o dejavnostih sekretariata in
d) opravlja druge naloge, ki jih lahko določi skupščina pogodbenic na podlagi razpoložljivih sredstev.
22. člen
Na prvem zasedanju skupščina pogodbenic soglasno določi nesodne, spravne in posvetovalne postopke ter institucionalne ureditve sodelovanja za ocenjevanje in spodbujanje skladnosti s tem protokolom ter za obravnavanje primerov neskladnosti. Pri oblikovanju teh postopkov in ureditev skupščina pogodbenic med drugim obravnava, ali lahko od javnosti prejema podatke o zadevah, povezanih s tem protokolom.
23. člen
1. Pri sporu med dvema ali več pogodbenicami o razlagi ali uporabi tega protokola si pogodbenice prizadevajo za rešitev spora s pogajanji ali po drugi mirni poti, sprejemljivi za stranke v sporu.
2. Pri podpisu, ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi protokola ali pristopu k njemu ali kadar koli pozneje lahko država depozitarju pisno izjavi, da za spor, ki ni bil rešen v skladu s prvim odstavkom, sprejema v odnosu do druge pogodbenice, ki sprejema enako obveznost, kot obveznega enega ali oba od navedenih načinov reševanja sporov:
a) predložitev spora Meddržavnemu sodišču;
b) arbitražo v skladu s postopkom iz priloge IV.
Organizacija za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje lahko da enakovredno izjavo v zvezi z arbitražo v skladu s postopkom iz pododstavka b.
3. Če stranke v sporu sprejmejo oba načina reševanja sporov iz drugega odstavka, se lahko spor predloži samo Meddržavnemu sodišču, razen če se stranke v sporu ne dogovorijo drugače.
24. člen
Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis v Kijevu (Ukrajina) od 21. do 23. maja 2003 na peti ministrski konferenci Okolje za Evropo, nato pa na sedežu Združenih narodov v New Yorku do 31. decembra 2003 za vse države, ki so članice Združenih narodov, in za organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki jih sestavljajo neodvisne države članice Združenih narodov, na katere so njihove države članice prenesle pristojnosti za zadeve, ki jih ureja ta protokol, vključno s pristojnostjo za sklepanje mednarodnih pogodb v zvezi s temi zadevami.
25. člen
Depozitar tega protokola je generalni sekretar Združenih narodov.
26. člen
1. Ta protokol ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo države podpisnice in organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje iz 24. člena.
2. Za države in organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje iz 24. člena je protokol na voljo za pristop od 1. januarja 2004.
3. Za organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje iz 24. člena, ki postanejo pogodbenice, ne da bi bila tudi katera koli od njihovih držav članic pogodbenica tega protokola, veljajo vse obveznosti iz tega protokola. Če je ena ali več držav članic take organizacije pogodbenica, se organizacija in njene države članice dogovorijo o svojih nalogah za izpolnjevanje obveznosti iz tega protokola. V takih primerih organizacija in njene države članice ne morejo hkrati uresničevati pravic iz tega protokola.
4. Organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje iz 24. člena v svojih listinah o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu navedejo obseg svojih pristojnosti v zvezi z zadevami, ki jih ureja ta protokol. Te organizacije tudi obvestijo depozitarja o vsaki bistveni spremembi obsega svojih pristojnosti.
27. člen
1. Protokol začne veljati devetdeseti dan po dnevu deponiranja šestnajste listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
2. Za prvi odstavek tega člena se listina, ki jo deponira organizacija za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ne šteje kot dodatna tistim, ki so jih deponirale države članice te organizacije.
3. Za države ali organizacije za regionalno gospodarsko povezovanje, ki ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo ta protokol ali k njemu pristopijo po deponiranju šestnajste listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu, začne protokol veljati devetdeseti dan po dnevu, ko je ta država ali organizacija deponirala svojo listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
28. člen
K temu protokolu ni mogoče dati pridržkov.
29. člen
Kadar koli po treh letih od dneva, ko je ta protokol za pogodbenico začel veljati, lahko ta pogodbenica odpove protokol s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju. Taka odpoved začne veljati devetdeseti dan po dnevu, ko jo je depozitar prejel.
30. člen
Izvirnik tega protokola, katerega besedila v angleškem, francoskem in ruskem jeziku so enako verodostojna, se deponira pri generalnem sekretarju Združenih narodov.
V POTRDITEV TEGA so podpisani in za to pravilno pooblaščeni podpisali ta protokol.
SESTAVLJENO v Kijevu enaindvajsetega maja dva tisoč tri.
Priloga I
|Št.|     Dejavnost      |  Mejna vrednost  |   Mejno število  |
|   |                    | zmogljivosti (1. |    zaposlenih    |
|   |                    |     stolpec)     |   (2. stolpec)   |
| 1.|Energetika                                                |
| a)|rafinerije nafte in |         *        |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |plina               |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |uplinjanje in       |                  |                  |
|   |utekočinjanje       |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| c)|termoelektrarne in  |z vhodno toplotno |                  |
|   |druge kurilne       |močjo 50 megavatov|                  |
|   |naprave             |(MW)              |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| d)|koksarne            |         *        |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| e)|mlini za premog     |z zmogljivostjo  1|                  |
|   |                    |tone na uro       |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| f)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |izdelkov iz premoga |                  |                  |
|   |in trdnega          |                  |                  |
|   |brezdimnega goriva  |                  |                  |
| 2.|Proizvodnja in predelava kovin                            |
| a)|naprave za praženje |         *        |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |ali sintranje rud   |                  |                  |
|   |(vključno s         |                  |                  |
|   |sulfidnimi rudami)  |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |2,5 tone na uro   |                  |
|   |surovega železa ali |                  |                  |
|   |jekla (primarno ali |                  |                  |
|   |sekundarno          |                  |                  |
|   |taljenje), tudi s   |                  |                  |
|   |kontinuirnim litjem |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| c)|naprave za          |                  |                  |
|   |predelavo železa in |                  |                  |
|   |jekla:              |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |i) vroča valjarna   |z zmogljivostjo 20|                  |
|   |                    |ton surovega jekla|                  |
|   |                    |na uro            |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |ii) kovačije s      |z energijo 50     |                  |
|   |kladivi             |kilodžulov na     |                  |
|   |                    |kladivo, če       |                  |
|   |                    |uporabljena       |                  |
|   |                    |kalorična moč     |                  |
|   |                    |presega 20 MW     |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |iii) nanašanje      |z vložkom 2 ton   |                  |
|   |zaščitnih prevlek   |surovega jekla na |                  |
|   |iz staljenih        |uro               |                  |
|   |kovin               |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| d)|livarne železa in   |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |jekla               |zmogljivostjo 20  |                  |
|   |                    |ton na dan        |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| e)|naprave:            |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |i) za proizvodnjo   |         *        |                  |
|   |surovih barvnih     |                  |                  |
|   |kovin               |                  |                  |
|   |iz rude,            |                  |                  |
|   |koncentratov ali    |                  |                  |
|   |sekundarnih surovin |                  |                  |
|   |z metalurškimi,     |                  |                  |
|   |kemičnimi ali       |                  |                  |
|   |elektrolitskimi     |                  |                  |
|   |postopki            |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |ii) za taljenje     |s talilno         |                  |
|   |barvnih kovin,      |zmogljivostjo 4   |                  |
|   |vključno            |tone na dan za    |                  |
|   |zlitin in izdelkov. |svinec in kadmij  |                  |
|   |primernih za        |ali 20 ton na dan |                  |
|   |ponovno predelavo   |za vse druge      |                  |
|   |(iz postopkov       |kovine            |                  |
|   |rafinacije,         |                  |                  |
|   |vlivanja itd.)      |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| f)|naprave za          |v delovnih kadeh s|                  |
|   |površinsko obdelavo |prostornino 30 m3 |                  |
|   |kovin in plastičnih |                  |                  |
|   |mas z uporabo       |                  |                  |
|   |elektrolitskih ali  |                  |                  |
|   |kemičnih postopkov  |                  |                  |
| 3.|Nekovinska industrija                                     |
| a)|podzemno rudarjenje |         *        |                  |
|   |in sorodne          |                  |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |dejavnosti          |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|dnevni kop          |če je površina, na|                  |
|   |                    |kateri se dejansko|                  |
|   |                    |izkopava, velika  |                  |
|   |                    |25 hektarjev      |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| c)|naprave za          |                  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo:        |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |i) cementnega       |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |klinkerja v         |zmogljivostjo 500 |                  |
|   |rotacijskih pečeh   |ton na dan        |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |ii) apna v          |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |rotacijskih pečeh   |zmogljivostjo več |                  |
|   |                    |kakor 50 ton na   |                  |
|   |                    |dan               |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |iii) cementnega     |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |klinkerja ali apna  |zmogljivostjo 50  |                  |
|   |v drugih            |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |pečeh               |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| d)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo azbesta |                  |                  |
|   |in izdelavo         |                  |                  |
|   |azbestnih izdelkov  |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| e)|naprave za          |s talilno         |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo stekla, |zmogljivostjo 20  |                  |
|   |vključno s          |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |steklenimi vlakni   |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| f)|naprave za taljenje |s talilno         |                  |
|   |nekovin, vključno s |zmogljivostjo 20  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |mineralnih vlaken   |                  |                  |
| g)|naprave za izdelavo |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |keramičnih izdelkov |zmogljivostjo 75  |                  |
|   |z žganjem, zlasti   |ton na dan ali z  |                  |
|   |strešnikov, opek,   |zmogljivostjo peči|                  |
|   |ognjezdržnih opek,  |4 m3 in vložkom v |                  |
|   |ploščic, lončevine  |posamezno peč 300 |                  |
|   |ali porcelana       |kg/m3             |                  |
| 4.|Kemična industrija                                        |
| a)|naprave za          |                  |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |osnovnih organskih  |                  |                  |
|   |kemikalij na        |                  |                  |
|   |industrijski ravni, |                  |                  |
|   |kot so:             |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |i) enostavni        |         *        |                  |
|   |ogljikovodiki       |                  |                  |
|   |(ciklični ali       |                  |                  |
|   |aciklični, nasičeni |                  |                  |
|   |ali nenasičeni,     |                  |                  |
|   |alifatski ali       |                  |                  |
|   |aromatski)          |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |ii) ogljikovodiki z |                  |                  |
|   |vezanim kisikom,    |                  |                  |
|   |kakor so alkoholi,  |                  |                  |
|   |aldehidi, ketoni,   |                  |                  |
|   |karboksilne         |                  |                  |
|   |kisline, estri,     |                  |                  |
|   |acetati, etri,      |                  |                  |
|   |peroksidi,          |                  |                  |
|   |epoksidne smole     |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |iii) ogljikovodiki  |                  |                  |
|   |z vezanim žveplom   |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |iv) ogljikovodiki z |                  |                  |
|   |vezanim dušikom,    |                  |                  |
|   |kakor so amini,     |                  |                  |
|   |amidi, nitroso-,    |                  |                  |
|   |nitrospojine ali    |                  |                  |
|   |nitratne spojine,   |                  |                  |
|   |nitrili, cianati,   |                  |                  |
|   |izocianati          |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |v) ogljikovodiki z  |                  |                  |
|   |vezanim fosforjem   |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |vi) halogenirani    |                  |                  |
|   |ogljikovodiki       |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |vii) organokovinske |                  |                  |
|   |spojine             |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |viii) osnovne       |                  |                  |
|   |plastične mase      |                  |                  |
|   |(polimeri,          |                  |                  |
|   |sintetična vlakna   |                  |                  |
|   |in celulozna        |                  |                  |
|   |vlakna)             |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |ix) sintetični      |                  |                  |
|   |kavčuk              |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |x) organska barvila |                  |                  |
|   |in pigmenti         |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |xi) površinsko      |                  |                  |
|   |aktivne snovi       |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |osnovnih            |                  |                  |
|   |anorganskih         |                  |                  |
|   |kemikalij na        |                  |                  |
|   |industrijski ravni, |                  |                  |
|   |kot so:             |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |i) plini, kakor so  |                  |                  |
|   |amonijak, klor ali  |                  |                  |
|   |vodikov klorid,     |                  |                  |
|   |fluor ali vodikov   |                  |                  |
|   |fluorid, ogljikovi  |                  |                  |
|   |oksidi, žveplove    |                  |                  |
|   |spojine, dušikovi   |                  |                  |
|   |oksidi, vodik,      |                  |                  |
|   |žveplov dioksid,    |                  |                  |
|   |karbonilklorid      |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |ii) kisline, kakor  |                  |                  |
|   |so kromova kislina, |                  |                  |
|   |fluorovodikova      |                  |                  |
|   |kislina, fosforjeva |                  |                  |
|   |kislina, dušikova   |                  |                  |
|   |kislina,            |                  |                  |
|   |klorovodikova       |                  |                  |
|   |kislina, žveplova   |                  |                  |
|   |kislina, oleum,     |                  |                  |
|   |žveplasta kislina   |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |iii) baze, kakor so |                  |                  |
|   |amonijev hidroksid, |                  |                  |
|   |kalijev hidroksid,  |                  |                  |
|   |natrijev hidroksid  |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |iv) soli, kakor so  |                  |                  |
|   |amonijev klorid,    |                  |                  |
|   |kalijev klorat,     |                  |                  |
|   |kalijev karbonat,   |                  |                  |
|   |natrijev karbonat,  |                  |                  |
|   |perborat, srebrov   |                  |                  |
|   |nitrat              |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+                  |                  |
|   |v) nekovine,        |                  |                  |
|   |kovinski oksidi ali |                  |                  |
|   |druge anorganske    |                  |                  |
|   |spojine, kakor so   |                  |                  |
|   |kalcijev karbid,    |                  |                  |
|   |silicij, silicijev  |                  |                  |
|   |karbid              |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| c)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |fosforjevih,        |                  |                  |
|   |dušikovih ali       |                  |                  |
|   |kalijevih gnojil    |                  |                  |
|   |(enostavnih ali     |                  |                  |
|   |sestavljenih) na    |                  |                  |
|   |industrijski ravni  |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| d)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |osnovnih sredstev   |                  |                  |
|   |za zaščito rastlin  |                  |                  |
|   |in biocidov na      |                  |                  |
|   |industrijski ravni  |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| e)|naprave, v katerih  |         *        |                  |
|   |se uporabljajo      |                  |                  |
|   |kemični ali         |                  |                  |
|   |biološki postopki   |                  |                  |
|   |za industrijsko     |                  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |osnovnih            |                  |                  |
|   |farmacevtskih       |                  |                  |
|   |izdelkov            |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| f)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |industrijsko        |                  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |                  |                  |
|   |eksplozivov in      |                  |                  |
|   |pirotehničnih       |                  |                  |
|   |sredstev            |                  |                  |
| 5.|Ravnanje z odpadki in odpadno vodo                        |
| a)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo 10|   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |sežiganje,          |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |pirolizo,           |                  |                  |
|   |predelavo, kemično  |                  |                  |
|   |obdelavo ali        |                  |                  |
|   |odlaganje nevarnih  |                  |                  |
|   |odpadkov            |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo 3 |                  |
|   |sežiganje           |ton na uro        |                  |
|   |komunalnih odpadkov |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| c)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo 50|                  |
|   |odstranjevanje      |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |nenevarnih odpadkov |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| d)|odlagališča (razen  |ki sprejmejo 10   |                  |
|   |odlagališč za       |ton odpadkov na   |                  |
|   |inertne odpadke)    |dan ali s skupno  |                  |
|   |                    |zmogljivostjo     |                  |
|   |                    |25.000 ton        |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| e)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |odstranjevanje ali  |obdelave 10 ton na|                  |
|   |predelavo živalskih |dan               |                  |
|   |trupov in živalskih |                  |                  |
|   |odpadkov            |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| f)|čistilne naprave za |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |komunalne odpadne   |100.000           |                  |
|   |vode                |populacijskih     |                  |
|   |                    |ekvivalentov      |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| g)|neodvisno           |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |upravljane čistilne |10.000 m3 na dan  |                  |
|   |naprave za          |                  |                  |
|   |industrijsko        |                  |                  |
|   |odpadno vodo za eno |                  |                  |
|   |ali več dejavnosti  |                  |                  |
|   |iz te priloge       |                  |                  |
| 6.|Proizvodnja in predelava papirja in lesa                  |
| a)|industrijske        |         *        |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |naprave za          |                  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo vlaknin |                  |                  |
|   |iz lesa ali         |                  |                  |
|   |podobnega           |                  |                  |
|   |vlaknastega         |                  |                  |
|   |materiala           |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
| b)|industrijske        |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |naprave za          |zmogljivostjo 20  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo         |ton na dan        |                  |
|   |papirja, kartona in |                  |                  |
|   |lepenke ter drugih  |                  |                  |
|   |izdelkov, narejenih |                  |                  |
|   |v glavnem iz lesa   |                  |                  |
|   |(kakor so iverne    |                  |                  |
|   |plošče, plošče iz   |                  |                  |
|   |stisnjenih vlaken   |                  |                  |
|   |in vezane lesene    |                  |                  |
|   |plošče)             |                  |                  |
+---+--------------------+------------------+                  |
|(c)|industrijske        |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |naprave za zaščito  |zmogljivostjo 50  |                  |
|   |lesa in izdelkov iz |m3 na dan         |                  |
|   |lesa s kemikalijami |                  |                  |
| 7.|Intenzivna živinoreja in ribogojstvo                      |
| a)|naprave za          |i) s 40.000 mesti |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |intenzivno rejo     |za perutnino      |                  |
|   |perutnine ali       +------------------+                  |
|   |prašičev            |ii) z 2000 mesti  |                  |
|   |                    |za prašiče pitance|                  |
|   |                    |(težje od 30 kg)  |                  |
|   |                    +------------------+                  |
|   |                    |iii) s 750 mesti  |                  |
|   |                    |za plemenske      |                  |
|   |                    |svinje            |                  |
| b)|intenzivno          |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |ribogojstvo         |zmogljivostjo 1000|                  |
|   |                    |ton rib in        |                  |
|   |                    |lupinarjev letno  |                  |
| 8.|Živalski in rastlinski izdelki v živilski industriji      |
| a)|klavnice            |z zmoglj   ivostjo|                  |
|   |                    |zakola 50 ton na  |                  |
|   |                    |dan               |                  |
| b)|obdelava in         |                  |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |predelava za        |                  |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo hrane   |                  |                  |
|   |in pijače iz:       |                  |                  |
|   +--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |i) živalskih        |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |surovin (razen      |zmogljivostjo 75  |                  |
|   |mleka)              |ton končnih       |                  |
|   |                    |izdelkov na dan   |                  |
|   +--------------------+------------------+                  |
|   |ii) rastlinskih     |s proizvodno      |                  |
|   |surovin             |zmogljivostjo 300 |                  |
|   |                    |ton končnih       |                  |
|   |                    |izdelkov na dan   |                  |
|   |                    |(povprečna        |                  |
|   |                    |četrtletna        |                  |
|   |                    |vrednost)         |                  |
| c)|obdelava in         |z zmogljivostjo za|                  |
|   |predelava mleka     |200 ton mleka na  |                  |
|   |                    |dan (povprečna    |                  |
|   |                    |letna vrednost)   |                  |
| 9.|Druge dejavnosti                                          |
| a)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |predhodno obdelavo  |obdelave 10 ton na|                  |
|   |(postopki, kakor so |dan               |                  |
|   |spiranje, beljenje, |                  |                  |
|   |mercerizacija) ali  |                  |                  |
|   |barvanje vlaken ali |                  |                  |
|   |tkanin              |                  |                  |
| b)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |strojenje kož       |obdelave 12 ton   |                  |
|   |                    |končnih izdelkov  |                  |
|   |                    |na dan            |                  |
| c)|naprave za          |z zmogljivostjo   |                  |
|   |površinsko obdelavo |porabe 150 kg na  |   10 zaposlenih  |
|   |snovi, predmetov    |uro ali 200 ton   |                  |
|   |ali izdelkov z      |letno             |                  |
|   |uporabo organskih   |                  |                  |
|   |topil, zlasti za    |                  |                  |
|   |apreturo, tiskanje, |                  |                  |
|   |premazovanje,       |                  |                  |
|   |razmaščevanje,      |                  |                  |
|   |impregniranje proti |                  |                  |
|   |vodi in drugo       |                  |                  |
|   |impregniranje,      |                  |                  |
|   |klejanje, barvanje  |                  |                  |
|   |in čiščenje         |                  |                  |
| d)|naprave za          |         *        |                  |
|   |proizvodnjo ogljika |                  |                  |
|   |(antracita) ali     |                  |                  |
|   |elektrografita s    |                  |                  |
|   |sežiganjem ali      |                  |                  |
|   |grafitizacijo       |                  |                  |
| e)|obrati za gradnjo,  |z zmogljivostjo za|                  |
|   |barvanje ali        |ladje, dolge 100 m|                  |
|   |odstranjevanje      |                  |                  |
|   |barve z ladij       |                  |                  |
V 1. stolpcu so navedene mejne vrednosti iz podostavka a prvega odstavka 7. člena.
Zvezdica (*) pomeni, da se mejna vrednost ne uporablja (poročati je treba za vse industrijske komplekse).
V 2. stolpcu je navedeno mejno število zaposlenih iz pododstavka b prvega odstavka 7. člena.
“10 zaposlenih” pomeni 10 zaposlenih za polni delovni čas.
Priloga II
|Št.|Številka|Onesnaževalo            | Mejna količina izpustov   |   Mejna    |   Mejna    |
|   |   CAS  |                        |      (1. stolpec)         | količina   | količina   |
|   |        |                        |                           |prenosov s  |    za      |
|   |        |                        +---------+--------+--------+   kraja    |proizvodnjo,|
|   |        |                        | v zrak  | v vodo |  v tla | nastanka   | predelavo  |
|   |        |                        |  (1.a   |  (1.b  |  (1.c  |onesnaževala|    ali     |
|   |        |                        |stolpec) |stolpec)|stolpec)|    (2.     |  uporabo   |
|   |        |                        | kg/leto | kg/leto| kg/leto| stolpec)   |    (3      |
|   |        |                        |         |        |        |  kg/leto   | stolpec)   |
|   |        |                        |         |        |        |            |  kg/leto   |
| 1 |74-82-8 |metan (CH               | 100 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |(4))                    |         |        |        |            |            |
| 2 |630-08-0|ogljikov                | 500 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |monoksid                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(CO)                    |         |        |        |            |            |
| 3 |124-38-9|ogljikov                |     100 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |dioksid                 |milijonov|        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(CO(2))                 |         |        |        |            |            |
| 4 |        |fluorirani              |     100 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |ogljikovodiki           |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(HFC)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 5 |10024-  |dušikov                 |  10 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |97-2    |oksid (N                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(2)O)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 6 |7664-41-|amonijak                |  10 000 |       –|       –|          – |     10 000 |
|   |7       |(NH(3))                 |         |        |        |            |            |
| 7 |        |nemetanske              | 100 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |hlapne                  |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |organske                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(NMVOC)                 |         |        |        |            |            |
| 8 |        |dušikovi                | 100 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |oksidi (NO              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(X)/NO(2))              |         |        |        |            |            |
| 9 |        |perfluorirani           |     100 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |ogljikovodiki           |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(PFC)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 10|2551-62-|žveplov                 |      50 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |4       |heksafluorid            |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(SF(6))                 |         |        |        |            |            |
| 11|        |žveplovi                | 150 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |oksidi (SO              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(X)/SO(2))              |         |        |        |            |            |
| 12|        |celotni                 |       – |  50 000|  50 000|     10 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |dušik                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 13|        |celotni                 |       – |    5000|    5000|     10 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |fosfor                  |         |        |        |            |            |
| 14|        |delno                   |       1 |       –|       –|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |halogenirani            |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |klorofluoroogljikovodiki|         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(HCFC)                  |         |        |        |            |            |
| 15|        |klorofluoroogljikovodiki|       1 |       –|       –|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(CFC)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 16|        |haloni                  |       1 |       –|       –|        100 |     10 000 |
| 17|7440-38-|arzen in                |      20 |       5|       5|         50 |         50 |
|   |2       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot As)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 18|7440-43-|kadmij in               |      10 |       5|       5|          5 |          5 |
|   |9       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Cd)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 19|7440-47-|krom in                 |     100 |      50|      50|        200 |     10 000 |
|   |3       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Cr)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 20|7440-50-|baker in                |     100 |      50|      50|        500 |     10 000 |
|   |8       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Cu)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 21|7439-97-|živo                    |      10 |       1|       1|          5 |          5 |
|   |6       |srebro in               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Hg)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 22|7440-02-|nikelj in               |      50 |      20|      20|        500 |     10 000 |
|   |0       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Ni)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 23|7439-92-|svinec in               |     200 |      20|      20|         50 |         50 |
|   |1       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Pb)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 24|7440-66-|cink in                 |     200 |     100|     100|       1000 |     10 000 |
|   |6       |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Zn)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 25|15972-  |alaklor                 |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |60-8    |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 26|309-00-2|aldrin                  |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 27|1912-24-|atrazin                 |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |9       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 28|57-74-9 |klordan                 |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 29|143-50-0|klordekon               |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 30|470-90-6|klorfenvinfos           |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
| 31|85535-  |kloroalkani,            |       – |       1|       1|         10 |     10 000 |
|   |84-8    |C(10) – C               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(13)                    |         |        |        |            |            |
| 32|2921-88-|klorpirifos             |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |2       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 33|50-29-3 |DDT                     |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 34|107-06-2|1,2-                    |    1000 |      10|      10|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |dikloretan              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(EDC)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 35|75-09-2 |diklorometan            |    1000 |      10|      10|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(DCM)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 36|60-57-1 |dieldrin                |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 37|330-54-1|diuron                  |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
| 38|115-29-7|endosulfan              |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
| 39|72-20-8 |endrin                  |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 40|        |halogenirane            |       – |    1000|    1000|       1000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |organske                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot AOX)               |         |        |        |            |            |
| 41|76-44-8 |heptaklor               |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 42|118-74-1|heksaklorobenzen        |      10 |       1|       1|          1 |          5 |
|   |        |(HCB)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 43|87-68-3 |heksaklorobutadien      |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(HCBD)                  |         |        |        |            |            |
| 44|608-73-1|1,2,3,4,5,6             |      10 |       1|       1|          1 |         10 |
|   |        |-                       |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |heksaklorocikloheksan   |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(HCH)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 45|58-89-9 |lindan                  |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
| 46|2385-85-|mireks                  |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
|   |5       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 47|        |PCDD +                  |   0.001 |   0.001|   0.001|      0.001 |      0.001 |
|   |        |PCDF                    |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(dioksini               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |+ furani)               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot Teq)               |         |        |        |            |            |
| 48|608-93-5|pentaklorobenzen        |       1 |       1|       1|          5 |         50 |
| 49|87-86-5 |pentaklorofenol         |      10 |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(PCP)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 50|1336-36-|poliklorirani           |     0.1 |     0.1|     0.1|          1 |         50 |
|   |3       |bifenili                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(PCB)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 51|122-34-9|simazin                 |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
| 52|127-18-4|tetrakloroetilen        |   2 000 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(PER)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 53|56-23-5 |tetraklorometan         |     100 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(TCM)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 54|12002-  |triklorobenzeni         |      10 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
|   |48-1    |(TCB)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 55|71-55-6 |1,1,1-                  |     100 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |trikloroetan            |         |        |        |            |            |
| 56|79-34-5 |1,1,2,2-                |      50 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |tetrakloroetan          |         |        |        |            |            |
| 57|79-01-6 |trikloroetilen          |   2 000 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
| 58|67-66-3 |triklorometan           |     500 |       –|       –|      1 000 |     10 000 |
| 59|8001-35-|toksafen                |       1 |       1|       1|          1 |          1 |
|   |2       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 60|75-01-4 |vinilklorid             |   1 000 |      10|      10|        100 |     10 000 |
| 61|120-12-7|antracen                |      50 |       1|       1|         50 |         50 |
| 62|71-43-2 |benzen                  |   1 000 |200 (kot|200 (kot|  2000 (kot |     10 000 |
|   |        |                        |         |  BTEX) | BTEX)  |   BTEX)    |            |
|   |        |                        |         |   (a)  |  (a)   |    (a)     |            |
| 63|        |bromirani               |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |difeniletri             |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(PBDE)                  |         |        |        |            |            |
| 64|        |nonilfenol              |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |in                      |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |nonilfenol              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |etoksilati              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(NP/NPE)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 65|100-41-4|etil                    |       – |200 (kot|200 (kot|  2000 (kot |     10 000 |
|   |        |benzen                  |         | BTEX)  | BTEX)  |   BTEX)    |            |
|   |        |                        |         |   (a)  |   (a)  |     (a)    |            |
| 66|75-21-8 |etilen                  |   1 000 |      10|      10|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |oksid                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 67|34123-  |izoproturon             |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |59-6    |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 68|91-20-3 |naftalen                |     100 |      10|      10|        100 |     10 000 |
| 69|        |organo-                 |       – |      50|      50|         50 |     10 000 |
|   |        |kositrove               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |celotni                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |Sn)                     |         |        |        |            |            |
| 70|117-81-7|di-(2-                  |      10 |       1|       1|        100 |     10 000 |
|   |        |etilheksil)             |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |ftalat                  |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(DEHP)                  |         |        |        |            |            |
| 71|108-95-2|fenoli                  |       – |      20|      20|        200 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |celotni C)              |         |        |        |            |            |
| 72|        |policiklični            |      50 |       5|       5|         50 |         50 |
|   |        |aromatski               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |ogljikovodiki           |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(PAH)(b)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 73|108-88-3|toluen                  |       – |200 (kot|200 (kot|  2000 (kot |     10 000 |
|   |        |                        |         |  BTEX) | BTEX)  |   BTEX)    |            |
|   |        |                        |         |  (a)   |   (a)  |     (a)    |            |
| 74|        |spojine                 |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |tributilkositra         |         |        |        |            |            |
| 75|        |spojine                 |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |        |trifenilkositra         |         |        |        |            |            |
| 76|        |celotni                 |       – |  50 000|       –|          – |         ** |
|   |        |organski                |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |ogljik                  |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(TOC) (kot              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |celotni C               |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |ali COD/3)              |         |        |        |            |            |
| 77|1582-09-|trifluralin             |       – |       1|       1|          5 |     10 000 |
|   |8       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 78|1330-20-|ksileni                 |       – |200 (kot|200 (kot|  2000 (kot |     10 000 |
|   |7       |                        |         |  BTEX) |BTEX)   |   BTEX)    |            |
|   |        |                        |         |   (a)  |  (a)   |     (a)    |            |
| 79|        |kloridi                 |       – |       2|       2| 2 milijona |     10 000 |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |milijona|milijona|            |    (c)     |
|   |        |celotni                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |Cl)                     |         |        |        |            |            |
| 80|        |klor in                 |  10 000 |       –|       –|          – |     10 000 |
|   |        |anorganske              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |celotna                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |HCl)                    |         |        |        |            |            |
| 81|1332-21-|azbest                  |       1 |       1|       1|         10 |     10 000 |
|   |4       |                        |         |        |        |            |            |
| 82|        |cianidi                 |       – |      50|      50|        500 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |celotni                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |CN)                     |         |        |        |            |            |
| 83|        |fluoridi                |       – |   2 000|   2 000|     10 000 |     10 000 |
|   |        |(kot                    |         |        |        |            |    (c)     |
|   |        |celotni F)              |         |        |        |            |            |
| 84|        |fluor in                |   5 000 |       –|       –|          – |     10 000 |
|   |        |anorganske              |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |spojine                 |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(kot HF)                |         |        |        |            |            |
| 85|74-90-8 |vodikov                 |     200 |       –|       –|          – |     10 000 |
|   |        |cianid                  |         |        |        |            |            |
|   |        |(HCN)                   |         |        |        |            |            |
| 86|        |delci (PM               |  50 000 |       –|       –|          – |          * |
|   |        |(10))                   |         |        |        |            |            |
Številka onesnaževala CAS je natančna oznaka Službe za izmenjavo kemijskih izvlečkov.
V 1. stolpcu so navedene mejne vrednosti iz prve in četrte točke pododstavka a prvega odstavka 7. člena. Če je presežena mejna vrednost v danem podstolpcu (zrak, voda ali tla), morajo pogodbenice, ki so se odločile za način poročanja iz pododstavka a prvega odstavka 7. člena za industrijski kompleks poročati o izpustih ali pri onesnaževalih v odpadni vodi, ki je namenjena v čistilne naprave o prenosih v dele okolja iz navedenega podstolpca.
V 2. stolpcu so navedene mejne vrednosti iz druge točke pododstavka a prvega odstavka 7. člena. Če so za posamezno onesnaževalo presežene mejne vrednosti iz tega stolpca, morajo pogodbenice, ki so se odločile za način poročanja iz druge točke pododstavka a prvega odstavka 7. člena, za industrijski kompleks poročati o prenosu tega onesnaževala s kraja nastanka.
V 3. stolpcu so navedene mejne vrednosti iz pododstavka b prvega odstavka 7. člena. Če so za posamezno onesnaževalo presežene mejne vrednosti iz tega stolpca, morajo pogodbenice, ki so se odločile za način poročanja iz pododstavka b prvega odstavka 7. člena, za industrijski kompleks poročati o izpustih ali prenosu tega onesnaževala s kraja nastanka.
Črtica (–) pomeni, da se za parameter ne zahteva poročanje.
Zvezdica (*) pomeni, da se za tako onesnaževalo mejna količina izpusta v 1. a stolpcu uporablja namesto mejne količine za izdelavo, predelavo ali uporabo.
Dvojna zvezdica (**) pomeni, da se za tako onesnaževalo mejna količina izpusta v 1. b stolpcu uporablja namesto mejne količine za izdelavo, predelavo ali uporabo.
Opombe pod črto:
a/ O posameznih onesnaževalih je treba poročati, če je prekoračena mejna vrednost BTEX (vsota parametrov za benzen, toluen, etilbenzen, ksilen).
b/ Policiklični aromatski ogljikovodiki (PAH) se merijo kot benzo(a)piren (50-32-8), benzo(b)fluoranten (205-99-2), benzo(k)fluoranten (207-08-9), indeno (l,2,3-cd) piren (193-39-5) (iz Protokola o obstojnih organskih onesnaževalih h Konvenciji o onesnaževanju zraka na velike razdalje prek meja).
c/ Kot anorganske spojine.
Priloga III
– odlaganje v ali na zemljo (npr. odlagališče)
– obdelava v zemlji (npr. biološka razgradnja tekočih odpadkov ali gošč v zemlji)
– globinsko injektiranje (npr. odpadkov s črpalkami v vrtine, solne jaške ali naravno dana odlagališča)
– površinska zajezitev (npr. vlivanje tekočih odpadkov v jame, ribnike ali lagune)
– posebej prirejeno odlagališče (npr. odlaganje v posamezne nevpadljive obložene celice s pokrovom, ločene med seboj in od okolja)
– izpuščanje v vodo, razen v morje/oceane
– izpuščanje v morje/oceane, vključno z odlaganjem na morsko dno
– biološka obdelava, ki ni določena drugje v tej prilogi, pri kateri nastanejo končne spojine ali mešanice, ki se odstranjujejo z enim od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu
– fizikalno-kemična obdelava, ki ni določena drugje v tej prilogi, pri kateri nastanejo končne spojine ali mešanice, ki se odstranjujejo z enim od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu (npr. izparevanje, sušenje, kalcinacija, nevtralizacija, obarjanje)
– sežiganje na kopnem
– sežiganje na morju
– trajno skladiščenje (npr. nameščanje posod v rudnik)
– spajanje ali mešanje pred izvajanjem enega od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu
– ponovno pakiranje pred izvajanjem enega od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu
– skladiščenje do enega od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu
– uporaba načeloma kot gorivo ali drugače za pridobivanje energije
– pridobivanje topil/regeneracija
– recikliranje/pridobivanje organskih snovi, ki se ne uporabljajo kot topila
– recikliranje/pridobivanje kovin in njihovih spojin
– recikliranje/pridobivanje drugega anorganskega materiala
– regeneracija kislin ali baz
– predelava sestavin, ki se uporabljajo za zmanjšanje onesnaževanja
– predelava sestavin iz katalizatorjev
– ponovno rafiniranje olja in druga ponovna uporaba olja
– vnos v tla ali na tla v korist kmetijstvu ali za ekološko izboljšanje
– uporaba odpadkov, pridobljenih s katerim koli postopkom, navedenim v tem delu
– izmenjava odpadkov za predelavo s katerim koli postopkom, navedenim v tem delu
– skladiščenje odpadkov do enega od postopkov, navedenih v tem delu
Priloga IV
1. Če se spor predloži v reševanje arbitraži po drugem odstavku 23. člena tega protokola, stranka ali stranke po diplomatski poti obvestijo drugo stranko ali stranke v sporu ter sekretariat o vsebini arbitraže ter zlasti navedejo člene tega protokola, katerih razlaga ali uporaba je sporna. Sekretariat pošlje prejete podatke vsem pogodbenicam tega protokola.
2. Razsodišče sestavljajo trije člani. Tožeča stranka ali stranke in druga stranka ali stranke v sporu imenujejo po enega razsodnika in tako imenovana razsodnika sporazumno določita tretjega razsodnika, ki je predsednik razsodišča. Ta ni državljan nobene od strank v sporu, nima običajnega prebivališča na njihovem ozemlju, ni pri njih zaposlen, niti se ni s to zadevo kakor koli drugače ukvarjal.
3. Če predsednik razsodišča ni bil določen v dveh mesecih od imenovanja drugega razsodnika, imenuje predsednika izvršilni sekretar Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo na zahtevo ene od strank v sporu v naslednjih dveh mesecih.
4. Če ena od strank v sporu ne imenuje razsodnika v dveh mesecih od prejema obvestila iz prvega odstavka, lahko druga stranka o tem obvesti izvršilnega sekretarja Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo, ki v naslednjih dveh mesecih določi predsednika razsodišča. Ko je predsednik razsodišča določen, zahteva od stranke, ki ga ni imenovala, da to stori v dveh mesecih. Če tega ne stori v navedenem roku, predsednik o tem obvesti izvršilnega sekretarja Gospodarske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo, ki imenuje razsodnika v naslednjih dveh mesecih.
5. Razsodišče odloča po mednarodnem pravu in tem protokolu.
6. Razsodišče, ustanovljeno po tej prilogi, sestavi svoj poslovnik.
7. Razsodišče sprejema odločitve o postopku in vsebini z večino glasov svojih članov.
8. Razsodišče lahko sprejme vse potrebne ukrepe za ugotovitev dejstev.
9. Stranke v sporu olajšajo delo razsodišča in mu zlasti z vsemi razpoložljivimi sredstvi:
a) zagotavljajo vso ustrezno dokumentacijo, sredstva in informacije;
b) po potrebi omogočijo vabljenje prič ali izvedencev in pridobijo njihove izjave ali mnenja.
10. Stranke in razsodniki varujejo tajne podatke, ki jih med postopkom razsodišča prejmejo kot tajne.
11. Na zahtevo ene od strank lahko razsodišče priporoči začasne ukrepe za varovanje.
12. Če ena od strank v sporu ne pride na razsodišče ali če se ji ne uspe zagovarjati, lahko druga stranka zahteva, da razsodišče nadaljuje postopek in sprejme končno odločitev. Odsotnost stranke ali dejstvo, da se ji ni uspelo zagovarjati, ne ovira postopka. Preden razsodišče sprejme končno odločitev, se mora prepričati, da je zahtevek dejansko in pravno dobro utemeljen.
13. Razsodišče lahko obravnava protizahtevke, ki izhajajo neposredno iz vsebine spora, in o njih odoloča.
14. Če razsodišče zaradi posebnih okoliščin primera ne določi drugače, krijejo stroške razsodišča, vključno z denarnim nadomestilom za njegove člane, stranke v sporu v enakih deležih. Razsodišče vodi evidenco vseh svojih stroškov in strankam predloži končni obračun.
15. Vsaka pogodbenica tega protokola, ki ima pravni interes v zvezi z vsebino spora in jo odločitev lahko prizadene, lahko s soglasjem razsodišča vstopi v postopek.
16. Razsodišče izda razsodbo v petih mesecih od dneva ustanovitve, razen če ne ugotovi, da je treba ta rok podaljšati, vendar le za obdobje, ki ne sme biti daljše od petih mesecev.
17. Razsodbi razsodišča se priloži obrazložitev. Razsodba je dokončna in zavezujoča za vse stranke v sporu. Razsodišče pošlje razsodbo strankam v sporu in sekretariatu. Sekretariat pošlje prejete informacije vsem pogodbenicam tega protokola.
18. Morebiten spor med strankami zaradi razlage ali izvršitve razsodbe lahko stranka predloži razsodišču, ki jo je izdalo, če to ni več mogoče, pa drugemu razsodišču, ki se v ta namen ustanovi na enak način kakor prvo.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Ministrstvo za okolje in prostor.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 801-01/09-40/10
Ljubljana, dne 2. februarja 2010
EPA 813-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
mag. Vasja Klavora l.r.

AAA Zlata odličnost

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