Uradni list

Številka 30
Uradni list RS, št. 30/2010 z dne 13. 4. 2010
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 30/2010 z dne 13. 4. 2010


36. Sklep o potrditvi Pisma o nameri med Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije ter Carinsko in finančno stražo Republike Madžarske, stran 358.

Na podlagi osmega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08 in 108/09) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o potrditvi pisma o nameri med carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije ter carinsko in finančno stražo Republike Madžarske
1. člen
Potrdi se Pismo o nameri med Carinsko upravo Republike Slovenije ter Carinsko in finančno stražo Republike Madžarske, podpisano v Keszthelyju 27. novembra 2009.
2. člen
Pismo o nameri se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
1. National Security Authorities shall immediately notify each other of any suspicion or discovery of a breach of security or a compromise of Classified Information.
2. The relevant Party shall undertake appropriate measures under its national laws and regulations so as to limit the consequences of the breach of security or the compromise referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article and to prevent further violations. On request, the Parties shall provide investigative assistance and inform each other of the outcome of the investigation and the measures undertaken due to the violation.
Each Party shall bear its own expenses incurred in the course of implementation of this Agreement.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be resolved by consultation between the Parties and shall not be referred to any national or international tribunal or Third Party for settlement.
1. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. It is subject to approval in accordance with the national legal procedures of the Parties and shall enter into force on the first day following the receipt of the last of the notifications between the Parties that the necessary requirements for this Agreement to enter into force have been fulfilled.
2. Each Party has the right to terminate this Agreement in writing at any time. In such a case the validity of the Agreement will expire 6 months following the day on which the termination notice is received by the other Party.
3. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, all Classified Information released under this Agreement shall continue to be protected in accordance with this Agreement until the Originating Party dispenses the Recipient Party from this obligation.
4. In the event of termination of the Agreement, all Classified Information released under this Agreement shall be returned, upon request, to the Originating Party.
5. This Agreement may be amended at any time by written consent of both Parties. Such amendments shall enter into force in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
6. Implementing arrangements may be concluded between the National Security Authorities or Competent Authorities for the implementation of this Agreement.
Done in Luxembourg on 26th October 2009 in two originals in the Slovenian, Estonian and English languages, each text being equally authentic. In case of a different interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
On behalf
of the Government
of the Republic of Slovenia
Samuel Žbogar (s)
On behalf
of the Government
of the Republic of Estonia
Urmas Paet (s)
Related to Arrangement between the Customs Administration of the Republic of Slovenia and the Hungarian Customs and Finance Guard on the rules of procedure for exchanging data regarded as customs information for control purposes signed on 16 October 2008 the Parties declare that:
1. The Parties shall exchange data from customs declarations of customs procedures of release for free circulation and of export customs procedures initiated by Hungarian business operators in Slovenia and initiated by Slovenian business operators in Hungary as set out in the attached table.
2. The Parties agreed to exchange data by CCN Mail 2 “elotoelo” mailbox.
3. When starting with exchange the Parties shall exchange the data related to the period between 1 May 2004 and the starting day of the regular monthly exchanges. Afterwards the regular monthly exchanges of data shall begin. The actual exchange of data shall start one month after the signature of this letter of intent.
4. The structure of data to be exchanged is determined in the table attached to this letter of intent. The titles of data columns in data prints will be written in English language.
Signed in Keszthely on 27 November 2009 in two original copies in the English language.
For the Customs Administration of the
Republic of Slovenia
Rajko Skubic (s)
For the Customs and Finance Guard
of the Republic of Hungary
János Nagy (s)
Description of data to be exchanged
|     |       DECLARATION         |  OF CUSTOMS |             |
|     |                           | DECLARATION |             |
|     |GENERAL INFORMATION        |             |             |
|1    |Country ID                 |             |             |
|2    |Office of                  |A            |             |
|     |dispatch/export/destination|             |             |
|3    |Customs office             |             |             |
|4    |Number of customs          |             |             |
|     |declaration                |             |             |
|5    |Date                       |             |             |
|6    |Declaration                |1            |             |
|7    |Sort of customs            |             |             |
|     |declaration                |             |             |
|8    |Sort of customs procedure  |             |             |
|9    |Consignor/exporter         |2            |country code,|
|     |                           |             |tax ID       |
|     |                           |             |number, name |
|     |                           |             |of company,  |
|     |                           |             |seat         |
|10   |Consignee                  |8            |country code,|
|     |                           |             |tax ID       |
|     |                           |             |number, name |
|     |                           |             |of company,  |
|     |                           |             |seat         |
|11   |Reference number           |7            |             |
|12   |Person responsible for     |9            |             |
|     |financial settlement       |             |             |
|13   |Trad./prod. Country        |11           |             |
|14   |Declarant/representative   |14           |             |
|15   |Country of                 |15           |             |
|     |dispatch/export code       |             |             |
|16   |Country of destination     |17           |             |
|     |code                       |             |             |
|17   |Identity and nationality   |18           |             |
|     |of means of transport at   |             |             |
|     |departure/arrival          |             |             |
|18   |Container                  |19           |             |
|19   |Delivery terms             |20           |             |
|20   |Identity and nationality   |21           |             |
|     |of active means of         |             |             |
|     |transport crossing the     |             |             |
|     |border                     |             |             |
|21   |Currency and total amount  |22           |             |
|     |invoiced                   |             |             |
|22   |Exchange rate              |23           |             |
|23   |Nature of transaction      |24           |             |
|24   |Generic code of operation  |             |             |
|25   |Particular code of         |             |             |
|     |operation                  |             |             |
|26   |Mode of transport at the   |25           |             |
|     |border                     |             |             |
|27   |Inland mode of transport   |26           |             |
|28   |Office of entry / exit     |29           |             |
|29   |Gross mass                 |35           |             |
|30   |Identification of          |49           |             |
|     |warehouse                  |             |             |
|31   |Code of warehouse          |             |             |
|32   |Customs warehousing        |             |             |
|     |duration                   |             |             |
|     |ITEM INFORMATION           |             |             |
|33   |Item no.                   |32           |             |
|34   |Packages and description   |31           |             |
|     |of goods                   |             |             |
|35   |Supplementary units        |41           |             |
|36   |Commodity code             |33           |             |
|37   |TARIC Code                 |             |10 characters|
|38   |Additional first TARIC     |             |4 characters |
|     |code                       |             |             |
|39   |Additional second TARIC    |             |4 characters |
|     |code                       |             |             |
|40   |National codes integrated  |             |4 characters |
|     |in TARIC                   |             |             |
|41   |Country origin code        |34           |             |
|42   |Preference                 |36           |             |
|43   |Procedure                  |37           |             |
|44   |Requested customs          |             |4 characters |
|     |procedure and previous     |             |             |
|     |customs procedure          |             |             |
|45   |Community/national codes   |             |3 characters |
|46   |Net mass (kg)              |38           |             |
|47   |Statistical value          |46           |             |
|48   |Place and date             |54           |             |
V zvezi z dogovorom med Carinsko Upravo Republike Slovenije in Madžarsko carinsko in finančno stražo o postopku izmenjave podatkov, obravnavanih kot carinske informacije za namene nadzora, podpisanim 16. oktobra 2008, pogodbenici izjavljata:
1. Pogodbenici bosta izmenjevali podatke iz carinskih deklaracij v zvezi s carinskimi postopki sprostitve v prosti promet in izvoznimi carinskimi postopki, ki jih začnejo madžarski nosilci dejavnosti v Sloveniji in slovenski nosilci dejavnosti na Madžarskem, kot je določeno v priloženi tabeli.
2. Pogodbenici soglašata, da bosta podatke izmenjevali prek poštnega predala CCN Mail 2 »elotoelo«.
3. Pogodbenici bosta najprej izmenjali podatke za obdobje med 1. majem 2004 in datumom začetka redne mesečne izmenjave. Potem bosta podatke izmenjevali redno vsak mesec. Izmenjava podatkov se bo začela en mesec po podpisu pisma o nameri.
4. Struktura podatkov za izmenjavo je določena v tabeli, ki je priložena pismu o nameri. V izpisu podatkov bodo naslovi stolpcev v angleškem jeziku.
Podpisano v Keszthelyju dne 27. novembra 2009 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Za Carinsko upravo
Republike Slovenije
Rajko Skubic l.r.
Za Carinsko in finančno stražo
Republike Madžarske
János Nagy l.r.
Vrsta podatkov za izmenjavo
|   |        DEKLARACIJE       |   CARINSKE   |                |
|   |                          |  DEKLARACIJE |                |
|   |SPLOŠNE INFORMACIJE       |              |                |
|1  |ID države                 |              |                |
|2  |Odpremni/izvozni/namembni |A             |                |
|   |urad                      |              |                |
|3  |Carinski urad             |              |                |
|4  |Številka carinske         |              |                |
|   |deklaracije               |              |                |
|5  |Datum                     |              |                |
|6  |Deklaracija               |1             |                |
|7  |Vrsta carinske deklaracije|              |                |
|8  |Vrsta carinskega postopka |              |                |
|9  |Pošiljatelj/izvoznik      |2             |koda države,    |
|   |                          |              |davčna          |
|   |                          |              |številka, ime   |
|   |                          |              |podjetja, sedež |
|10 |Prejemnik                 |8             |koda države,    |
|   |                          |              |davčna          |
|   |                          |              |številka, ime   |
|   |                          |              |podjetja, sedež |
|11 |Opravilna številka        |7             |                |
|12 |Odgovorni za plačilni     |9             |                |
|   |promet                    |              |                |
|13 |Država trg./proiz.        |11            |                |
|14 |Deklarant/zastopnik       |14            |                |
|15 |Šifra države              |15            |                |
|   |odpreme/izvoza            |              |                |
|16 |Šifra namembne države     |17            |                |
|17 |Registracija in država    |18            |                |
|   |prevoznega sredstva ob    |              |                |
|   |odhodu/prihodu            |              |                |
|18 |Zabojnik                  |19            |                |
|19 |Dobavni pogoji            |20            |                |
|20 |Registracija in država    |21            |                |
|   |aktivnega prevoznega      |              |                |
|   |sredstva ob prehodu meje  |              |                |
|21 |Valuta in skupni znesek   |22            |                |
|   |računa                    |              |                |
|22 |Valutni tečaj             |23            |                |
|23 |Vrsta posla               |24            |                |
|24 |Splošna šifra vrste posla |              |                |
|25 |Podrobnejša šifra vrste   |              |                |
|   |posla                     |              |                |
|26 |Vrsta prevoza na meji     |25            |                |
|27 |Vrsta prevoza v           |26            |                |
|   |notranjosti               |              |                |
|28 |Urad vstopa/izstopa       |29            |                |
|29 |Bruto masa                |35            |                |
|30 |Identifikacija skladišča  |49            |                |
|31 |Oznaka skladišča          |              |                |
|32 |Trajanje carinskega       |              |                |
|   |skladiščenja              |              |                |
|   |PODATKI O BLAGU IZ POSTAVK|              |                |
|   |CARINSKE DEKLARACIJE      |              |                |
|33 |Zaporedna številka        |32            |                |
|   |postavke                  |              |                |
|34 |Tovorki in opis blaga     |31            |                |
|35 |Posebna merska enota      |41            |                |
|36 |Tarifna oznaka            |33            |                |
|37 |Tarifna oznaka TARIC      |              |10 znakov       |
|38 |Tarifna številka          |              |4 znaki         |
|39 |Tarifna podštevilka KN    |              |4 znaki         |
|40 |Podštevilka TARIC         |              |4 znaki         |
|41 |Šifra države porekla      |34            |                |
|42 |Ugodnosti                 |36            |                |
|43 |Postopek                  |37            |                |
|44 |Zahtevani carinski        |              |4 znaki         |
|   |postopek in predhodni     |              |                |
|   |carinski postopek         |              |                |
|45 |Skupnostne/nacionalne     |              |3 znaki         |
|   |šifre postopkov           |              |                |
|46 |Neto masa (kg)            |38            |                |
|47 |Statistična vrednost      |46            |                |
|48 |Kraj in datum             |54            |                |
3. člen
Za izvajanje pisma o nameri skrbi Ministrstvo za finance – Carinska uprava Republike Slovenije.
4. člen
Ta sklep začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 51002-11/2010
Ljubljana, dne 18. marca 2010
EVA 2010-1811-0003
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Borut Pahor l.r.

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