Na podlagi prve alineje petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08 in 108/09) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Pogodba o finančni podpori Sekretariatu CEFTA, sklenjena v Bruslju 10. novembra 2009.
2. člen
Pogodba se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi(*):
Financial Support to the CEFTA Secretariat
1. Definition
This contract is made between the MINISTRY OF ECONOMY OF SLOVENIA, hereinafter referred to as the Ministry of Economy, represented by MINISTER OF ECONOMY and the CEFTA Secretariat, with a principal address at 12-16 Rue Joseph II, B-1000 Brussels, BELGIUM hereinafter referred to as the "Contractor".
2. The Grant
This contract is made under the Indicative Work Programme for the CEFTA Secretariat for October 2009–October 2010, the objectives and guidelines for which are outlined in the attached Annex 2. The Contractor undertakes to operate within these objectives and guidelines.
Ministry of Economy agrees to pay the Contractor, on the terms and conditions set out below, a grant of 20.000 EUR.
3. The Project
The Contractor agrees to use the grant only in support of the CEFTA Secretariat to the project "Development of a regional framework for trade policy in SEE". The project’s main geographic focus will be in Brussels and South Eastern Europe. The duration of the project shall be 1 (one) year commencing in October 2009.
The Contractor further agrees to use the grant only for the purposes detailed in Annex 2 attached to this contract. Any amendment to the design of the Project or to its duration shall be agreed in writing with the Ministry of Economy.
4. Reporting
The Contractor agrees to submit six monthly progress reports in line with its overall reporting schedule (March and October). The Contractor also agrees to submit, an annual Financial Statement detailing all expenditure on the Project.
The Contractor agrees to provide to the Ministry of Economy a copy of its audited accounts, which should identify the grant, within six months of the end of each accounting year for the duration of this contract. These accounts should itemise Project expenditure together with details of all sources of funding allocated to the Project, including funding from the Ministry of Economy.
Failure to comply with these conditions in full shall render the Contractor ineligible for further funding from the Ministry of Economy.
5. Financial Administration
The Contractor agrees to ensure that the grant is properly administered, that activities funded in accordance with the budget for the Project shall be recorded fully and accurately and that funds shall be assigned to the Project only by persons empowered by the Contractor to do so.
The Contractor further agrees that it shall exercise due diligence in the selection of any third party or agency through which the grant is to be administered. In particular the Contractor will endeavour to ensure that any such agency has the capacity and experience to manage the work assigned to it, that it is solvent and that adequate measures are in place for reporting, audit and evaluation of its activities.
6. Breach
In the event of any breach of the foregoing conditions the Contractor shall, at the request of the Ministry of Economy, repay the whole of the grant.
7. Liability
The Contractor shall bear responsibility in respect of any and all claims howsoever arising from or in connection with the execution of projects assisted under the terms of this Contract and the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Ministry of Economy in respect of any such claims.
In particular and without prejudice to sub-paragraph 1, Ministry of Economy not be liable in respect of any claim by, or on behalf of, any adviser, manager, volunteer, expert, employee, servant, or agent of the Contractor or by or on behalf of any other person claiming against the Contractor arising out of the implementation of this Contract nor shall the Ministry of Economy be liable in respect of any claims that may arise where an adviser, manager, volunteer, expert, employee, servant or agent of the Contractor is injured, disabled or killed in the course of employment or engagement under any project supported by the funds provided under this Contract.
8. Frustration of the Contract
The Contract shall be deemed to be frustrated if:
– The Project, for any reason, is not commenced within four months of signature of the Contract;
– At any time, Ministry of Economy considers that events have occurred which are sufficient to defeat or substantially prevent or delay the achievement of the stated objectives of the Project.
In the event that the Contractor believes that the contract has been frustrated, it shall immediately notify the Ministry of Economy accordingly and shall consult with the Iv1inistry of Economy as soon as may be with a view to a resolution of any outstanding issues.
In the case of frustration of the Contract, the Contractor agrees to refund immediately to the Ministry of Economy the balance of the grant.
9. Refund
The Contractor agrees to refund to the Ministry of Economy, within three months of completion of the Project, any part of the grant which has not been spent. If the refund is not made within three months, then interest, at European Central Bank base rate, shall be charged on the outstanding monies from the date of completion.
The Contractor further agrees that where the contracted work has been undertaken using funds provided by Ministry of Economy and from other sources, any funds remaining unexpended at the completion of the Project, shall be fully accounted for, and any portion attributable to Ministry of Economy shall be repaid forthwith. If the refund is not made within three months, then interest, at European Central Bank base rate, shall be charged on the outstanding monies from the date of completion.
10. Insurance
It shall be the sole responsibility of the Contractor to take out adequate and appropriate insurance cover in relation to all projects supported by the funds provided under this Contract.
11. Access
Ministry of Economy retains the right to monitor, evaluate and audit projects from time to time. The Contractor agrees to co-operate with the Ministry of Economy and its agents, in carrying out such monitoring visits, evaluations and audits and to provide access to all relevant documents as requested.
12. Publicity
The Contractor agrees to acknowledge the Ministry of Economy assistance in publicity about the Project.
13. Freedom of Information
The Contractor acknowledges and accepts that any information provided by it in its application or in Correspondence may be subject to release in accordance with the obligations of the Ministry of Economy under relevant freedom of information legislation in force in the Republic of Slovenia.
14. Applicable Law
This Contract shall in all respects be governed by Slovenian law and the District Court of Ljubljana shall have exclusive jurisdiction regarding any dispute arising in relation to it.
15. Procurement of Goods and Services
The Contractor shall ensure that any procurement of goods or services in connection with the Project is conducted in accordance with applicable legislation and/or regulations, and thereafter in line with best International practice.
16. Signature and Entry into Force
This Contract shall be signed by both Parties. It shall enter into force 60 days after the signature by the second of the two Parties and shall provisionally apply from the day of the last signature. It shall remain in force until 31 October 2010.
Read and approved for and on behalf of the Ministry of Economy of Slovenia
Date 6. 11. 2009
Name Dr Matej Lahovnik (s)
Read and approved for the CEFTA Secretariat
Date 10. 11. 2009
Name Renata Vitez (s)
Title Director
Finančna podpora sekretariatu CEFTA
1. Opredelitev
Ta pogodba se sklene med MINISTRSTVOM ZA GOSPODARSTVO SLOVENIJE, v nadaljnjem besedilu: ministrstvo za gospodarstvo, ki ga zastopa MINISTER ZA GOSPODARSTVO, in sekretariatom CEFTA s sedežem na 12-16 Rue Joseph II, B-1000 Bruselj, BELGIJA, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenik.
2. Pomoč
Ta pogodba se sklene kot del okvirnega programa sekretariata CEFTA za obdobje od oktobra 2009 do oktobra 2010, katerega cilji in smernice so podani v prilogi 2. Pogodbenik se zaveže, da bo deloval v okviru teh ciljev in smernic.
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo soglaša, da bo pogodbeniku ob rokih in pogojih, navedenih v nadaljnjem besedilu, izplačalo pomoč v višini 20.000 EUR.
3. Projekt
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo pomoč porabil le za podporo sekretariatu CEFTA pri projektu »Razvoj regionalnega okvira za trgovinsko politiko v JV Evropi«. Projekt bo v glavnem potekal v Bruslju in Jugovzhodni Evropi. Projekt traja 1 (eno) leto in se začne oktobra 2009.
Pogodbenik prav tako soglaša, da bo pomoč porabil le za namene, podrobno določene v prilogi 2 k tej pogodbi. O vsaki spremembi opisa ali trajanja projekta se je treba pisno dogovoriti z ministrstvom za gospodarstvo.
4. Poročanje
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo predložil šestmesečni poročili o napredku skladno s splošnim razporedom poročanja (marca in oktobra). Pogodbenik soglaša tudi, da bo predložil letni finančni pregled s podrobno opredeljenimi stroški projekta.
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo ministrstvu za gospodarstvo zagotovil izvod revidiranih računov, ki izkazujejo pomoč, v roku šestih mesecev po koncu vsakega obračunskega leta za čas trajanja te pogodbe. V teh računih je treba navesti postavke za stroške projekta skupaj s podrobnostmi o vseh virih financiranja projekta, vključno s finančnim deležem ministrstva za gospodarstvo.
Če pogodbenik teh pogojev ne bo v celoti izpolnil, ga ministrstvo za gospodarstvo ne bo več financiralo.
5. Finančno upravljanje
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo skrbel za ustrezno upravljanje s pomočjo, da bodo dejavnosti, financirane skladno s proračunom projekta, zabeležene v celoti in natančno, in da bodo sredstva projektu dodelile le osebe, ki jih bo za to pooblastil pogodbenik.
Poleg tega pogodbenik soglaša, da bo vsako tretjo stranko ali agencijo, ki bo upravljala s pomočjo, izbral s potrebno skrbnostjo. Pogodbenik si bo še zlasti prizadeval zagotoviti, da ima vsaka takšna agencija potrebne sposobnosti in izkušnje za dodeljeno delo, da je solventna in izvaja ustrezne ukrepe za poročanje, revizijo in ovrednotenje svojih dejavnosti.
6. Kršitve
Ob vsaki kršitvi navedenih pogojev pogodbenik na zahtevo ministrstva za gospodarstvo vrne celotno pomoč.
7. Odgovornost
Pogodbenik prevzema odgovornost za kateri koli zahtevek, ki nastane zaradi ali v zvezi z izvajanjem projektov pod pogoji te pogodbe, ter povrne stroške in varuje ministrstvo za gospodarstvo pri vseh tovrstnih zahtevkih.
Zlasti in brez poseganja v prvi pododstavek ministrstvo za gospodarstvo ni odgovorno za noben zahtevek s strani ali v imenu svetovalca, vodje, prostovoljca, strokovnjaka, zaposlenega, uradnika ali zastopnika pogodbenika, ali s strani ali v imenu katere koli druge osebe, ki proti pogodbeniku uveljavlja odškodninski zahtevek zaradi izvajanja te pogodbe; ministrstvo za gospodarstvo prav tako ni odgovorno za noben zahtevek, ki lahko nastane, kadar je svetovalec, vodja, prostovoljec, strokovnjak, zaposleni, uradnik ali zastopnik pogodbenika poškodovan, ubit ali ga doleti invalidnost med zaposlitvijo ali sodelovanjem v katerem koli projektu, ki poteka s podporo sredstev, dodeljenih po tej pogodbi.
8. Nemožnost izpolnitve
Šteje se, da pogodbe ni mogoče izpolniti, če:
– se projekt iz katerega koli razloga ne začne v štirih mesecih po podpisu pogodbe;
– ministrstvo za gospodarstvo kadar koli meni, da je prišlo do dogodkov, ki lahko izničijo ali bistveno preprečijo ali odložijo doseganje navedenih ciljev projekta.
Kadar pogodbenik meni, da pogodbe ni mogoče izpolniti, o tem nemudoma obvesti ministrstvo za gospodarstvo in se z njim čim prej posvetuje glede rešitve odprtih vprašanj.
V primeru nemožnosti izpolnitve pogodbe pogodbenik soglaša, da bo preostali znesek pomoči nemudoma vrnil ministrstvu za gospodarstvo.
9. Povračilo
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo v roku treh mesecev po dokončanju projekta ministrstvu za gospodarstvo vrnil vse neporabljene dele pomoči. Če se povračilo ne opravi v treh mesecih, se od dne dokončanja na preostale zneske zaračunajo obresti po tečaju Evropske centralne banke.
Poleg tega pogodbenik soglaša, da bo v primeru, ko se je delo po pogodbi začelo s sredstvi ministrstva za gospodarstvo in sredstvi iz drugih virov, v celoti prikazal vsa neporabljena sredstva ob dokončanju projekta, in izplačal vse deleže, ki pripadajo ministrstvu za gospodarstvo. Če se izplačilo ne opravi v treh mesecih, se od dne dokončanja na preostale zneske zaračunajo obresti po tečaju Evropske centralne banke.
10. Zavarovanje
Za zadostno in primerno zavarovanje vseh projektov, ki potekajo ob podpori sredstev, zagotovljenih po tej pogodbi, je odgovoren izključno pogodbenik.
11. Dostop
Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo si pridržuje pravico do občasnega spremljanja, vrednotenja in revizije projektov. Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo pri izvajanju spremljanja, vrednotenja in revizije sodeloval z ministrstvom za gospodarstvo in njegovimi zastopniki ter na zahtevo omogočil dostop do vseh s tem povezanih dokumentov.
12. Obveščanje
Pogodbenik soglaša, da bo pri obveščanju o projektu navedel pomoč ministrstva za gospodarstvo.
13. Svoboda obveščanja
Pogodbenik potrjuje in sprejema, da se lahko vse informacije iz prijave ali korespondence objavijo skladno z obveznostmi ministrstva za gospodarstvo po zakonodaji o svobodi obveščanja v Republiki Sloveniji.
14. Pravo, ki se uporablja
To pogodbo v vseh pogledih ureja slovenska zakonodaja, za vse spore v zvezi z njo pa je pristojno izključno okrožno sodišče v Ljubljani.
15. Dobava blaga in storitev
Pogodbenik zagotavlja, da vsa dobava blaga ali storitev v zvezi s projektom poteka v skladu z veljavno zakonodajo in/ali predpisi in v skladu z najboljšo mednarodno prakso.
16. Podpis in začetek veljavnosti
To pogodbo podpišeta obe stranki. Veljati začne 60 dni po podpisu druge od obeh strank, začasno pa se začne uporabljati od dneva zadnjega podpisa. Velja do 31. oktobra 2010.
Za in v imenu Ministrstva za gospodarstvo Slovenije prebral in odobril
Datum 6. 11. 2009
Ime dr. Matej Lahovnik, l.r.
Za sekretariat CEFTA prebrala in odobrila
Datum 10. 11. 2009
Ime Renata Vitez, l.r.
Naziv direktorica
3. člen
Za izvajanje pogodbe skrbi Ministrstvo za gospodarstvo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-36/2010
Ljubljana, dne 24. junija 2010
EVA 2010-1811-0013
Vlada Republike Slovenije
mag. Mitja Gaspari l.r.
(*) Priloga 2 je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve ter v Ministrstvu za gospodarstvo.