Uradni list

Številka 80
Uradni list RS, št. 80/2010 z dne 12. 10. 2010
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 80/2010 z dne 12. 10. 2010


130. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BMKVTP), stran 876.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BMKVTP)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BMKVTP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na 20. seji 22. septembra 2010.
Št. 003-02-8/2010-10
Ljubljana, dne 30. septembra 2010
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov, podpisan 31. marca 2010 v Skopju.
2. člen
Sporazum se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Makedonije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Makedonije (v nadaljevanju "pogodbenici") sta se
v skladu z že podpisanimi dvostranskimi in večstranskimi sporazumi o političnih in varnostnih zadevah ter o spodbujanju političnega, varnostnega, vojaškega in gospodarskega sodelovanja,
ob priznavanju pomembne vloge, ki jo ima vzajemno sodelovanje pogodbenic za utrjevanje miru, mednarodno varnost in medsebojno zaupanje,
zavedajoč se, da dobro sodelovanje lahko zahteva izmenjavo tajnih podatkov med pogodbenicama,
v želji vzpostaviti pravila, ki bodo urejala medsebojno varovanje tajnih podatkov,
1. člen
Pomen izrazov
V tem sporazumu izrazi pomenijo:
1) “tajni podatek” podatek, dokument ali gradivo, ki se ne glede na obliko prenaša ali nastane med pogodbenicama ter ga je treba varovati pred nepooblaščenim dostopom in je kot tak določen in ustrezno označen po notranjih zakonih in predpisih obeh pogodbenic;
2) “nacionalni varnostni organ” nacionalni organ, odgovoren za izvajanje tega sporazuma in nadzor nad njim;
3) “pristojni varnostni organ” vsak pristojni organ iz 3. člena, pooblaščen v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic in odgovoren za izvajanje sporazuma v zvezi z obravnavanimi področji;
4) “potreba po seznanitvi” potrebo po dostopu do tajnih podatkov v zvezi z danim uradnim položajem ali zaradi opravljanja določene naloge;
5) “nepooblaščen dostop” vsako obliko razkritja, zlorabe, odtujitve, spremembe, poškodbe, predložitve, uničenja tajnih podatkov kot tudi vsako drugo dejanje, ki ima za posledico kršitev varovanja ali izgubo takih podatkov. Nepooblaščen dostop vključuje tudi vsako dejanje ali opustitev dejanja, ki ima za posledico razkritje podatkov posamezniku, ki nima ustreznega dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov ali potrdila za dostop;
6) “stopnja tajnosti” kategorijo, ki v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic določa pomembnost tajnih podatkov, stopnjo omejitve dostopa do njih in stopnjo varovanja, ki jo zagotavljata pogodbenici;
7) “dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostno dovoljenje organizacije” pozitivno odločitev na podlagi postopka varnostnega preverjanja, ki potrjuje zanesljivost posameznika ali pravnega subjekta kot tudi druge varnostne vidike v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic. S tako odločitvijo je mogoče posamezniku ali pravnemu subjektu brez varnostnega tveganja dovoliti dostop do tajnih podatkov in možnost njihovega obravnavanja glede na stopnjo tajnosti, opredeljeno v dovoljenju;
8) “potrdilo za dostop” dokument, ki ga izda nacionalni varnostni organ Republike Makedonije, ki potrjuje, da ima tuji pravni subjekt ali posameznik varnostno dovoljenje in izpolnjuje pogoje za dostop do nacionalnih tajnih podatkov v Republiki Makedoniji;
9) “pogodbenica izvora” pogodbenico vključno z vsakim državnim organom ali zasebnim subjektom v njeni pristojnosti, ki da tajne podatke pogodbenici prejemnici;
10) “pogodbenica prejemnica” pogodbenico vključno z vsakim državnim organom ali zasebnim subjektom v njeni pristojnosti, ki prejme tajne podatke od pogodbenice izvora;
11) “pogodba s tajnimi podatki” pogodbo ali podpogodbo, vključno s pogajanji pred sklenitvijo pogodbe, ki vključuje ali zajema dostop do tajnih podatkov;
12) “izvajalec” posameznika ali pravni subjekt, ki je pravno sposoben sklepati pogodbe, in/ali stranko v pogodbi s tajnimi podatki v skladu z določbami tega sporazuma;
13) “tretja stran” vsako državo, organizacijo, pravni subjekt in posameznika, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma.
2. člen
Stopnje tajnosti
1. Tajni podatki se označijo z ustrezno stopnjo tajnosti v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic, preden se dajo v skladu s tem sporazumom.
2. Enakovredne stopnje tajnosti so:
|    za Republiko     |     za Republiko    |   v angleščini   |
|      Slovenijo      |      Makedonijo     |                  |
|    STROGO TAJNO     |    ДPЖABHA TAJHA    |    TOP SECRET    |
|        TAJNO        |   CTPOГO ДOBEPЛИBO  |      SECRET      |
|       ZAUPNO        |      ДOBEPЛИBO      |   CONFIDENTIAL   |
|       INTERNO       |       ИHTEPHO       |    RESTRICTED    |
3. člen
Nacionalni in pristojni varnostni organi
1. Nacionalna varnostna organa pogodbenic sta:
v Republiki Sloveniji:
Urad Vlade RS za varovanje tajnih podatkov;
v Republiki Makedoniji:
Direktorat za varovanje tajnih podatkov.
2. Nacionalna varnostna organa se obvestita o vsakem drugem pristojnem varnostnem organu, odgovornem za izvajanje tega sporazuma glede na obravnavana področja.
3. Pogodbenici se obvestita o vseh poznejših spremembah nacionalnih varnostnih organov.
4. člen
Dostop do tajnih podatkov
1. Dostop do podatkov stopnje INTERNO je omejen na posameznike, ki imajo potrebo po seznanitvi in so ustrezno usposobljeni.
2. Dostop do podatkov stopnje ZAUPNO in višje je omejen na posameznike, ki imajo potrebo po seznanitvi in jim je bilo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi izdano dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov.
3. Pogodbenici medsebojno priznavata dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov. Skladno s tem se uporablja drugi odstavek 2. člena.
5. člen
Varovanje tajnih podatkov
1. Pogodbenici v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in predpisi izvajata vse ustrezne ukrepe za varovanje tajnih podatkov, ki se dajo po tem sporazumu ali nastanejo po pogodbi s tajnimi podatki. Za te tajne podatke se zagotovi enako varovanje, kot je zagotovljeno za nacionalne tajne podatke enakovredne stopnje tajnosti iz 2. člena tega sporazuma.
2. Dostop do tajnih podatkov se odobri le tistim posameznikom/pravnim subjektom, ki jim je bilo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenice izdano dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostno dovoljenje organizacije ali potrdilo za dostop.
3. Pogodbenica izvora:
– zagotavlja označevanje tajnih podatkov z ustrezno oznako stopnje tajnosti v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi ter
– obvesti pogodbenico prejemnico o pogojih za dajanje ali omejitvah pri uporabi tajnih podatkov in o vseh poznejših spremembah stopenj tajnosti.
4. Pogodbenica prejemnica ne sme:
– tajnih podatkov dati tretji strani brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja pogodbenice izvora,
– uporabljati tajnih podatkov za namen, ki je drugačen od tistega, za katerega so bili zagotovljeni, in
– znižati ali preklicati stopnje tajnosti danih tajnih podatkov brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja pogodbenice izvora.
5. Če drugi sporazumi, sklenjeni med pogodbenicama, vsebujejo strožje predpise o izmenjavi ali varovanju tajnih podatkov, se uporabijo ti predpisi.
6. člen
Prenos tajnih podatkov
1. Tajni podatki se pošiljajo po diplomatskih ali drugih poteh, ki zagotavljajo varovanje pred nepooblaščenim dostopom, o katerih sta se predhodno dogovorila nacionalna varnostna organa pogodbenic. Pogodbenica prejemnica pisno potrdi prejem tajnih podatkov.
2. Podatki stopnje INTERNO se lahko pošljejo tudi s pošto ali z drugo dostavno službo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
3. Pri pošiljanju velikih pošiljk, ki vsebujejo tajne podatke, se pristojni varnostni organi vsakokrat posebej dogovorijo in odobrijo prevozna sredstva, pot ter druge varnostne ukrepe.
4. Elektronsko se tajni podatki pošiljajo v šifrirani obliki, tako da se uporabijo šifrirne metode in naprave, ki jih sprejmeta nacionalna varnostna organa v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
7. člen
Prevajanje, razmnoževanje, uničevanje
1. Podatki stopnje STROGO TAJNO se lahko prevajajo ali razmnožujejo le v izjemnih primerih s predhodnim pisnim soglasjem pogodbenice izvora.
2. Tajne podatke prevajajo posamezniki, ki imajo ustrezno dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov. Prevodi morajo imeti ustrezno oznako stopnje tajnosti in primerno oznako v jeziku prevoda, ki navaja, da prevod vsebuje tajne podatke pogodbenice izvora.
3. Pri razmnoževanju tajnih podatkov so na vsakem izvodu razmnožene ali označene tudi oznake stopnje tajnosti izvirnika. Za tako razmnožene podatke velja enak nadzor kot za izvirne podatke. Izvodi so omejeni na najmanjše število, potrebno za uradni namen.
4. Ob upoštevanju petega odstavka tega člena se tajni podatki uničijo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic na tak način, da jih ni mogoče delno ali v celoti obnoviti.
5. Podatki stopnje STROGO TAJNO se ne uničijo. Vrnejo se pogodbenici izvora.
8. člen
Pogodbe s tajnimi podatki
1. Pogodbe s tajnimi podatki se sklenejo in izvajajo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic. Na zahtevo nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice zagotovi podatke, ali je bilo predlaganemu izvajalcu izdano dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostno dovoljenje organizacije, ki ustreza zahtevani stopnji tajnosti. Če predlagani izvajalec nima dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostnega dovoljenja organizacije, lahko nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice zahteva, da se izvajalec varnostno preveri zaradi izdaje dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostnega dovoljenja organizacije, preden se mu dovoli dostop do tajnih podatkov.
2. Varnostna priloga je sestavni del vsake pogodbe s tajnimi podatki. V tej prilogi izvajalec pogodbenice izvora navede tajne podatke, ki se dajo pogodbenici prejemnici, in stopnjo tajnosti, določeno tem podatkom.
3. Za varovanje tajnih podatkov izvajalec izpolnjuje najmanj navedena merila:
a) da tajne podatke razkrije le posamezniku, ki ima dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov, potrebo po seznanitvi in je zaposlen ali sodeluje pri izvajanju pogodbe s tajnimi podatki;
b) da določi poti za varen prenos tajnih podatkov;
c) da določi postopke in načine sporočanja sprememb glede tajnih podatkov zaradi sprememb stopnje tajnosti ali ker njihovo varovanje ni več potrebno;
d) da določi postopek za odobritev obiskov, dostopa ali inšpekcijskih pregledov objektov pogodbenice, ki jih opravi osebje druge pogodbenice in se nanašajo na pogodbo s tajnimi podatki;
e) da obvesti svoj pristojni varnostni organ in nacionalni varnostni organ o vsakem dejanskem nepooblaščenem dostopu, poskusu ali sumu takega dostopa do tajnih podatkov, povezanih s pogodbo s tajnimi podatki, in o vseh ukrepih, ki so bili izvedeni, da se prepreči nadaljnje ogrožanje tajnih podatkov;
f) da se pri obravnavanju tajnih podatkov dosledno izvajajo fizični, organizacijski in tehnični ukrepi ter postopki in se tajni podatki iz pogodbe s tajnimi podatki uporabljajo le za namene, povezane s predmetom pogodbe;
g) da strogo upošteva postopke za obravnavanje tajnih podatkov in
h) da tajne podatke iz pogodbe s tajnimi podatki da tretji strani le z izrecnim pisnim soglasjem pogodbenice izvora.
4. V ustrezni pogodbi s tajnimi podatki se podrobneje določijo ukrepi, potrebni za varovanje tajnih podatkov, in postopek ocene in plačila odškodnine ob morebitni izgubi, ki je izvajalcu nastala zaradi nepooblaščenega dostopa do tajnih podatkov.
5. Pogodbe s tajnimi podatki, ki vključujejo podatke stopnje INTERNO, imajo ustrezno določbo, ki opredeljuje minimalne ukrepe za varovanje takih tajnih podatkov v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
6. Za stranke ustreznih podpogodb veljajo enake varnostne zahteve kot za izvajalca.
9. člen
1. Za obiske, pri katerih je potreben dostop do tajnih podatkov, je treba predhodno pridobiti odobritev nacionalnega varnostnega organa pogodbenice gostiteljice.
2. Odobritev iz prvega odstavka tega člena dobi izključno posameznik, ki ima ustrezno dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov, izdano v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenice, iz katere je obisk.
3. Zaprosilo za obisk vsebuje:
a) namen, datum in program obiska;
b) ime in priimek, datum in kraj rojstva, državljanstvo obiskovalca;
c) številko potnega lista ali številko osebne izkaznice;
d) položaj obiskovalca in ime subjekta, ki ga zastopa;
e) stopnjo dovoljenja obiskovalca za dostop do tajnih podatkov;
f) ime in naslov objekta, ki ga namerava obiskati;
g) ime, priimek in položaj osebe, ki jo namerava obiskati;
h) druge podatke, o katerih se dogovorijo pristojni varnostni organi.
4. Zaprosilo iz tretjega odstavka tega člena se pošlje najmanj 15 dni pred začetkom obiska. V nujnih primerih se pristojni varnostni organi lahko dogovorijo za krajši rok.
5. Nacionalna varnostna organa se lahko v posamezni pogodbi s tajnimi podatki dogovorita o seznamu obiskovalcev, ki so upravičeni do večkratnih obiskov. Seznam velja največ 12 mesecev. Zaprosilo za večkratne obiske se predloži v skladu s tretjim odstavkom tega člena. Ko je seznam odobren, se lahko izvajalci neposredno dogovarjajo o obiskih.
6. Pogodbenica na podlagi zaprosila druge pogodbenice odobri obiske varnostnega osebja druge pogodbenice, ki bo sodelovalo z ustreznimi organi pogodbenice gostiteljice pri ocenjevanju varovanja prenesenih tajnih podatkov.
7. Pristojni varnostni organi obeh pogodbenic zagotavljajo varstvo osebnih podatkov obiskovalcev v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
10. člen
Varnostno sodelovanje
1. Da bi dosegli in ohranili primerljive varnostne standarde, si nacionalna varnostna organa na podlagi zaprosila zagotavljata podatke o svojih nacionalnih varnostnih standardih, postopkih in praksah za varovanje tajnih podatkov. V ta namen se lahko nacionalna varnostna organa obiskujeta.
2. Nacionalna varnostna organa se obveščata o veljavnih notranjih zakonih in predpisih, ki urejajo varovanje tajnih podatkov, pa tudi o vseh poznejših spremembah.
3. Nacionalna varnostna organa se obveščata o vseh izjemnih varnostnih tveganjih in grožnjah, ki lahko ogrozijo dane tajne podatke.
4. Nacionalna varnostna organa si na podlagi zaprosila in v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pomagata pri postopkih varnostnega preverjanja.
5. Nacionalna varnostna organa se nemudoma obvestita o vsaki spremembi pri medsebojno priznanih dovoljenjih za dostop do tajnih podatkov/varnostnih dovoljenjih organizacij.
6. Varnostne službe pogodbenic lahko operativne in/ali obveščevalne podatke izmenjavajo neposredno v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
7. Sodelovanje po tem sporazumu poteka v angleškem jeziku.
11. člen
Kršitev varnosti
1. Nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice takoj obvesti nacionalni varnostni organ druge pogodbenice o vsakem sumu ali odkritju kršitve ali ogrožanju varnosti izmenjanih tajnih podatkov in opravi ustrezno preiskavo. Pri preiskavi po potrebi sodeluje nacionalni varnostni organ druge pogodbenice.
2. Pri nepooblaščenem dostopu pri tretji strani do tajnih podatkov nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice, ki je poslala podatke, ukrepa, kot je predpisano v prvem odstavku tega člena.
3. V vseh primerih se nacionalni varnostni organ druge pogodbenice obvesti o izsledkih preiskave, prejme pa tudi končno poročilo o razlogih za škodo in njenem obsegu.
12. člen
Vsaka pogodbenica krije stroške, povezane z izpolnjevanjem svojih obveznosti po tem sporazumu.
13. člen
Končne določbe
1. Sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po prejemu zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so izpolnjene njune notranjepravne zahteve, potrebne za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
2. Sporazum je sklenjen za nedoločen čas. Vsaka pogodbenica ga lahko odpove s pisnim obvestilom, ki ga po diplomatski poti pošlje drugi pogodbenici. V tem primeru sporazum velja še šest mesecev po prejemu obvestila o odpovedi.
3. Ne glede na odpoved sporazuma se tajni podatki, ki so bili dani ali so nastali po njem, še naprej varujejo v skladu z njegovimi določbami.
4. Sporazum se lahko spremeni s pisnim soglasjem pogodbenic. Spremembe začnejo veljati v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
5. Pogodbenici rešujeta spor zaradi razlage ali izvajanja tega sporazuma izključno z neposrednimi posvetovanji in pogajanji.
6. Za izvajanje tega sporazuma se lahko sklenejo izvedbeni varnostni dogovori.
Sestavljeno v Skopju 31. marca 2010 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, makedonskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri različni razlagi določb sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Milan Tarman l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Makedonije
Lidija Kostovska l.r.
between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia on the Exchange and Mutual Protection of Classified Information
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Macedonia (hereinafter referred to as "the Contracting Parties"),
In accordance with bilateral and multilateral agreements already signed on political and security-related issues and on enhancing political, security, military and economic cooperation,
Recognizing the important role of the mutual cooperation between the Contracting Parties for the stabilization of peace, international security and mutual confidence,
Realizing that good cooperation may require exchange of Classified Information between the Contracting Parties,
Desiring to establish a set of rules regulating the mutual protection of Classified Information,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
For the purpose of this Agreement:
1) “Classified Information” means any information, document or material, regardless of its form, which is transmitted or generated between the Contracting Parties, requires protection against unauthorized access and is designated as such and marked appropriately under the national laws and regulations of either Contracting Party;
2) “National Security Authority” means the national authority responsible for the implementation and supervision of this Agreement;
3) “Competent Security Authority” means any competent entity authorized in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties referred to in Article 3 and which is responsible for the implementation of this Agreement according to the fields concerned;
4) “Need-to-know” means the need to have access to Classified Information in the context of a given official position or for the performance of a specific task;
5) “Unauthorized Access” means any form of disclosure, misuse, misappropriation, change, damage, submission, destruction of Classified Information, as well as any other action, resulting in a breach of security or loss of such information. Unauthorized access also includes any action or inaction that results in disclosure of the information to an individual who does not possess an appropriate Personnel Security Clearance Certificate or an Access Permit;
6) “Security Classification Level” means the category which under the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties characterizes the significance of the Classified Information, the level of restriction of access to it and the level of its protection by the Contracting Parties;
7) “Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificate” means a positive determination stemming from a vetting procedure that ascertains the trustworthiness of an individual or legal entity as well as other security aspects in accordance with national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties. Such a determination enables the individual or the legal entity to be granted access to and the possibility of handling Classified Information of a certain classification level defined in the security clearance certificate without a security risk;
8) “Access Permit” is a document issued by the National Security Authority of the Republic of Macedonia confirming that a foreign legal entity or individual has a security clearance certificate and is eligible to have access to the national Classified Information in the Republic of Macedonia;
9) “Originating Party” means the Contracting Party, including any state body or private entity under its jurisdiction, which releases Classified Information to the Receiving Party;
10) “Receiving Party” means the Contracting Party, including any state body or private entity under its jurisdiction, which receives Classified Information from the Originating Party;
11) “Classified Contract” means a contract or a subcontract, including pre-contractual negotiations, which contains or involves access to Classified Information;
12) “Contractor” means an individual or a legal entity possessing the legal capacity to conclude contracts and/or a party to a Classified Contract under the provisions of this Agreement;
13) “Third Party” means any state, organization, legal entity and individual which is not a party to this Agreement.
Article 2
Security Classification Levels
1. Classified Information shall be marked with the appropriate security classification level under the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties before being released under this Agreement.
2. The equivalence of the national security classification markings is:
|  For the Republic  |   For the Republic    |    In English   |
|    of Slovenia     |     of Macedonia      |                 |
|    STROGO TAJNO    |     ДPЖABHA TAJHA     |   TOP SECRET    |
|       TAJNO        |   CTPOГO ДOBEPЛИBO    |     SECRET      |
|       ZAUPNO       |       ДOBEPЛИBO       |  CONFIDENTIAL   |
|      INTERNO       |        ИHTEPHO        |   RESTRICTED    |
Article 3
National and Competent Security Authorities
1. The National Security Authorities of the Contracting Parties are:
– in the Republic of Slovenia:
Government Office for the Protection of Classified Information
– in the Republic of Macedonia:
Directorate for Security of Classified Information.
2. The National Security Authorities shall notify each other of any other Competent Security Authority responsible for the implementation of this Agreement according to the fields concerned.
3. The Contracting Parties shall inform each other of any subsequent change of the National Security Authorities.
Article 4
Access to Classified Information
1. Access to information classified RESTRICTED shall be limited to individuals who have a Need-to-know and have been briefed accordingly.
2. Access to information classified CONFIDENTIAL and above shall be limited to individuals who have a Need-to-know and who, in accordance with national laws and regulations, have been issued a Personnel Security Clearance Certificate.
3. The Contracting Parties shall mutually recognize their respective security clearance certificates. Paragraph 2 of Article 2 shall apply accordingly.
Article 5
Protection of Classified Information
1. In accordance with their national laws and regulations, the Contracting Parties shall implement all appropriate measures for the protection of Classified Information, which shall be released under this Agreement or generated under a Classified Contract. Such Classified Information shall be afforded the same level of protection as has been provided for the national Classified Information with the corresponding security classification level, as defined in Article 2 of this Agreement.
2. Access to Classified Information shall only be granted to individuals/legal entities which have been issued Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificate or an Access Permit for Classified Information in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the respective Contracting Party.
3. The Originating Party shall:
– ensure that the Classified Information is marked with an appropriate security classification marking in accordance with its national laws and regulations; and
– inform the Receiving Party of any conditions of release or limitations on the use of the Classified Information, and of any subsequent changes of the classification level.
4. The Receiving Party is obliged not to:
– submit Classified Information to a Third Party without prior written consent of the Originating Party;
– use the Classified Information for a purpose other than the one it has been provided for; and
– downgrade or de-classify Classified Information transmitted without the prior written consent of the Originating Party.
5. If any other agreements concluded between the Contracting Parties contain stricter regulations regarding the exchange or protection of Classified Information, such regulations shall apply.
Article 6
Transmission of Classified Information
1. Classified Information shall be transmitted through diplomatic or other channels ensuring protection against unauthorized access, previously agreed upon between the National Security Authorities of the Contracting Parties. The Receiving Party shall confirm the receipt of the Classified Information in writing.
2. Information classified RESTRICTED may also be transmitted by mail or other delivery services in accordance with national laws and regulations.
3. In case of transmitting a large consignment containing Classified Information, the Competent Security Authorities shall agree on and approve the means of transportation, the route and the other security measures on a case-by-case basis.
4. Classified Information shall be transmitted electronically in an encrypted form, by using cryptographic methods and devices accepted by the National Security Authorities of the Contracting Parties in accordance with national laws and regulations.
Article 7
Translation, Reproduction, Destruction
1. Information classified TOP SECRET may be translated or reproduced only in exceptional cases upon prior written consent of the Originating Party.
2. All translations of Classified Information shall be made by individuals possessing appropriate Personnel Security Clearance Certificates. Such translations shall bear an appropriate classification marking and a suitable annotation in the language of the translation, indicating that the translation contains Classified Information of the Originating Party.
3. When Classified Information is reproduced, the classification markings of the original shall also be reproduced or marked on each copy. Such reproduced information shall be subject to the same security measures as the original information. The number of the copies shall be limited to the minimum required for official purposes.
4. Subject to paragraph 5 of this Article, Classified Information shall be destroyed in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Contracting Parties in such a manner as to eliminate the possibility of its partial or total reconstruction.
5. Information classified TOP SECRET shall not be destroyed. It shall be returned to the Originating Party.
Article 8
Classified Contracts
1. Classified Contracts shall be concluded and implemented in accordance with the national laws and regulations of each Contracting Party. Upon request the National Security Authority of each Contracting Party shall provide information on whether a proposed Contractor has been issued a national Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificate, corresponding to the required security classification level. If the proposed Contractor does not hold a Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificate, the National Security Authority of either Contracting Party may request that the Contractor be security cleared for the issuance of a Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificate before access to Classified Information is granted.
2. A security annex shall be an integral part of each Classified Contract. In this annex the Contractor of the Originating Party shall specify the Classified Information to be released to the Receiving Party and the security classification level granted to that information.
3. In order to protect the Classified Information the Contractor shall meet at least the following criteria:
a) to disclose Classified Information only to an individual who has a relevant Personnel Security Clearance Certificate, has a Need-to-know and is employed or engaged in the performing of the Classified Contract;
b) to determine the channels for safe transmission of the Classified Information;
c) to determine the procedures and mechanisms for communicating any changes in respect of the Classified Information either because of changes in its security classification level or because its protection is no longer required;
d) to determine the procedure for the approval of visits, access or inspections by personnel of one of the Contracting Parties to the facilities of the other Contracting Party that are related to the Classified Contract;
e) to notify its Competent Security Authority and National Security Authority of any actual, attempted or suspected unauthorized access to Classified Information, related to the Classified Contract and measures taken in order to prevent any further compromise of Classified Information;
f) consistently to take physical, organizational and technical measures and perform procedures in handling Classified Information and to use such information under the Classified Contract only for the purposes related to the subject of the contract;
g) to adhere strictly to the procedures for handling of Classified Information; and
h) to release Classified Information under the Classified Contract to any Third Party only with an explicit written consent of the Originating Party.
4. The measures required for protection of the Classified Information, as well as the procedure for assessment of and indemnification for possible losses caused to the Contractors by unauthorized access to Classified Information shall be specified in more detail in the relevant Classified Contract.
5. Classified Contracts including information classified RESTRICTED, shall contain an appropriate clause identifying the minimum measures to be applied for the protection of such Classified Information in accordance with national laws and regulations.
6. The parties to the relevant subcontracts shall be subject to the same security requirements as the Contractor.
Article 9
1. Visits necessitating access to Classified Information shall be subject to prior approval of the National Security Authority of the host Contracting Party.
2. The approval referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article shall be given exclusively to the individual holding an appropriate Personnel Security Clearance Certificate issued in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the visiting Contracting Party.
3. A request for a visit shall include:
a) the purpose, date and program of the visit;
b) the visitor’s name, date and place of birth, nationality;
c) passport number or identity card number;
d) the position of the visitor and the name of the entity which he or she represents;
e) the level of the Personnel Security Clearance Certificate held by the visitor;
f) the name and address of the facility to be visited;
g) the name and position of the person to be visited;
h) other data, if agreed upon by the Competent Security Authorities.
4. The request referred to in paragraph 3 of this Article shall be transmitted at least 15 days prior to the commencement of the visit. In urgent cases, the Competent Security Authorities can agree on a shorter period.
5. In a particular Classified Contract, the National Security Authorities may agree on a list of visitors entitled to recurring visits. The list shall be valid for a period not exceeding 12 months. The request for a recurring visit shall be submitted in accordance with the provision of paragraph 3 of this Article. Once the list has been approved, visits may be arranged directly between the Contractors involved.
6. At the request of the other Contracting Party, each Contracting Party shall authorize visits of the security personnel of the other Contracting Party to participate with the appropriate authorities of the host Contracting Party in the assessment of the protection of the Classified Information transmitted.
7. The Competent Security Authorities of both Contracting Parties shall ensure the protection of the personal data of the visitors in accordance with their national laws and regulations.
Article 10
Security Cooperation
1. In order to achieve and maintain comparable security standards, the National Security Authorities shall, on request, provide each other with information about their national security standards, procedures and practices for the protection of Classified Information. To this aim the National Security Authorities may visit each other.
2. The National Security Authorities shall inform each other of the national laws and regulations in force regulating the protection of Classified Information as well as any subsequent amendments.
3. The National Security Authorities shall inform each other of exceptional security risks and threats that may endanger the released Classified Information.
4. On request, the National Security Authorities shall, in accordance with national laws and regulations, assist each other in carrying out security clearance procedures.
5. The National Security Authorities shall promptly inform each other about any changes in mutually recognized Personnel/Facility Security Clearance Certificates.
6. The security services of the Contracting Parties may exchange operative and/or intelligence information directly in accordance with national laws and regulations.
7. Cooperation under this Agreement shall be effected in the English language.
Article 11
Breach of Security
1. The National Security Authority of either Contracting Party shall immediately notify the National Security Authority of the other Contracting Party of any suspicion or discovery of a breach or compromise of security of the exchanged Classified Information and shall carry out an appropriate investigation. The National Security Authority of the other Contracting Party shall, if required, cooperate in the investigation.
2. In cases in which unauthorized access to Classified Information has occurred in a Third Party, the National Security Authority of the sending Contracting Party shall take the actions set forth in paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. In all cases the National Security Authority of the other Contracting Party shall be informed of the results of the investigation and shall receive a final report on the reasons for and extent of the damage.
Article 12
Each Contracting Party shall bear the expenses related to the implementation of its obligations under this Agreement.
Article 13
Final Provisions
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month following the receipt of the last notification by which the Contracting Parties inform each other through diplomatic channels that their internal legal requirements necessary for the entry into force of this Agreement have been fulfilled.
2. This Agreement is concluded for an unlimited period of time. It may be terminated by either Contracting Party upon giving written notice to the other Contracting Party through diplomatic channels. In such a case, this Agreement shall remain in force for another six-month period after the receipt of the termination notice.
3. Notwithstanding the termination of this Agreement, the Classified Information transmitted or generated under this Agreement shall continue to be protected in accordance with the provisions set forth herein.
4. This Agreement may be amended by written consent of the Contracting Parties. Such amendments shall enter into force in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 1 of this Article.
5. Any dispute regarding the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be resolved exclusively by direct consultations and negotiations between the Contracting Parties.
6. Implementing security arrangements may be concluded for the implementation of this Agreement.
Done in Skopje on 31 March 2010, in two originals, each in the Slovenian, Macedonian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation of the provisions of this Agreement, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of
the Republic of Slovenia
Milan Tarman (s)
For the Government of
the Republic of Macedonia
Lidija Kostovska (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 040-05/09-25/11
Ljubljana, dne 22. septembra 2010
EPA 369-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Pavel Gantar l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v makedonskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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