Uradni list

Številka 16
Uradni list RS, št. 16/2011 z dne 7. 3. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 16/2011 z dne 7. 3. 2011


8. Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola št. 3 k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti glede združevanja in sodelovanja evropskih regij (MPEKČS), stran 13.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Protokola št. 3 k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti glede združevanja in sodelovanja evropskih regij (MPEKČS)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Protokola št. 3 k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti glede združevanja in sodelovanja evropskih regij (MPEKČS), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 4. februarja 2011.
Št. 003-02-2/2011-21
Ljubljana, dne 14. februarja 2011
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol št. 3 k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti glede združevanja in sodelovanja evropskih regij, sestavljen v Utrechtu 16. novembra 2009.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Protocol No. 3
to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning Euroregional Co-operation Groupings (ECGs)
The member states of the Council of Europe, signatory to this Protocol No. 3 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities (ETS No. 106),
Wishing to facilitate co-operation between territorial communities or authorities belonging to different states in keeping with states’ political and administrative structures and international commitments;
Being resolved to supplement for this purpose the legal framework provided by the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities and its Protocols of 9 November 1995 (ETS No. 159) and 5 May 1998 (ETS No. 169);
Considering the Declaration of the Third Summit of the Heads of State and Government of the Council of Europe (Warsaw,16 and 17 May 2005) and the Action Plan adopted at the Summit, which foresees the development of “transfrontier co-operation, as necessary”;
Aware of the difference between states in terms of the political and administrative organisation of territorial communities and authorities;
Wishing to forestall the difficulties that could arise from the diversity of national law in the field of transfrontier or interterritorial co-operation;
Wishing to meet the needs of those member states that are resolved to harmonise further their national law;
Aware that, for a number of member states, framework legislation may be sufficient, in particular having regard to the current state of their national law, which includes the relevant provisions of European Community law as adopted by the competent institutions of the European Union,
Have agreed as follows:
Part I
Article 1 – Euroregional co-operation groupings (ECGs)
1. Territorial communities or authorities and other bodies referred to under Article 3, paragraph 1, may set up a transfrontier co-operation body in the form of a “Euroregional co-operation grouping” (ECG) on the territory of the member states of the Council of Europe, Parties to this Protocol, under the conditions provided by it.
2. The objective of the ECG shall be to promote, support and develop, for the benefit of populations, transfrontier and interterritorial co-operation between its members in their common areas of competence and in keeping with the competences established under the national law of the states concerned.
Article 2 – Legal personality, legal capacity and applicable law
1. The ECG shall be a legal person, governed by the law of the Party, Council of Europe member state, in which it has its headquarters.
2. The ECG shall have the most extensive legal capacity accorded to legal persons under that state’s national law.
3. The law applicable to the type of corporate entity chosen for the ECG by the members shall be stipulated in the agreement establishing the ECG, without prejudice to the provisions of this Protocol or to any other specific provision adopted by the Party in accordance with Article 13.
4. The ECG shall have the right to its own budget and the power to implement it.
5. The ECG may enter into contracts, hire staff, acquire movable and immovable property and bring legal proceedings.
Article 3 – Membership
1. Members of the ECG shall be territorial communities or authorities of a Party and may also include the respective member state concerned of the Council of Europe. All legal persons established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character may be members if:
– their activity is financed mainly by the state, a territorial community or authority or similar body; or
– their management is subject to the control of these entities; or
– half the members of their administrative, managerial or supervisory organ are appointed by the state, a territorial community or authority or similar body.
Individuals may not be members of an ECG.
2. Territorial communities or authorities of a state non-party to this Protocol, which shares a border with a Party which is or will become the state in which the ECG has its headquarters, may take part in the establishment of, or join, this ECG if an agreement between these two states so allows, without prejudice to the provisions of this Protocol.
3. Territorial communities or authorities of the Parties shall have the majority of voting rights in the ECG.
Article 4 – Establishment of the ECG
1. The ECG shall be established by a written agreement between its founding members.
2. The prospective members shall submit all appropriate documentation to prove that the necessary procedures or formalities required by the national law applicable to them have been respected. This documentation shall be appended to the agreement.
3. The agreement shall specify, in addition to the list of members, the name of the ECG, the address of its headquarters, the duration, object and tasks of the ECG, as well as its geographical scope. The name of an ECG whose members have limited liability shall include the word “limited”.
4. Before concluding an agreement to found an ECG or before joining an ECG, the territorial communities or authorities shall, as appropriate, inform, notify or obtain authorisation from their national authorities regarding this intention.
5. Authorisation may be refused if membership of the ECG would violate this Protocol or provisions of national law, including the powers and responsibilities of prospective members, or if membership is not justified for reasons of public interest or of public policy of the Party concerned. In such a case, the Party shall give a statement of its reasons for withholding approval.
6. Each state may, in a declaration deposited with the instrument of ratification or at any subsequent time, waive the requirement of information, notification or authorisation referred to in paragraph 4, in general, or for specific categories of territorial communities or authorities or for specific types of co-operation.
7. The agreement shall be registered or published in the state where the ECG has its headquarters, as well as in all states to which its members belong, in accordance with the national law applicable.
8. The territorial communities or authorities, members of the ECG, shall inform their national authorities that the ECG has been lawfully established.
9. The agreement shall be written in the language(s) of the state where the ECG has its headquarters and in the language(s) of the member(s), all versions being equally authentic.
Article 5 – Statutes
1. The statutes of the ECG shall be an integral part of the agreement establishing it.
2. The statutes shall be written in the language(s) of the state where the ECG has its headquarters and in the language(s) of the member(s), all versions being equally authentic. They may specify which language or language(s) is(are) to be considered the working language(s).
3. In addition to the mandatory provisions of the agreement, the statutes shall contain rules on membership, withdrawal and dissolution of the ECG, including the legal consequences, as well as on operations, organs and their tasks, staffing, budgets and financing, liability, accountability and transparency of the ECG, without prejudice to the provisions of this Protocol and in conformity with the applicable law.
Article 6 – Amendments to the agreement and the statutes
Any amendment to the agreement referred to in Article 4 and any substantial amendment to the statutes referred to in Article 5 shall follow the same procedures and form of those articles respectively. Substantial amendments to the statutes shall be those entailing, directly or indirectly, an amendment to the agreement. The majority required for the adoption of any such amendment shall be determined in the statutes.
Article 7 – Tasks and scope of action
1. The ECG shall perform the tasks that its members entrust to it. These tasks shall be in accordance with the competences of the members under their respective national law and shall be listed in the agreement and in the statutes.
2. The ECG shall adopt decisions and ensure their implementation, in respect and for the benefit of individual persons or legal entities subject to the jurisdiction of the states to which its members belong. Members shall adopt or facilitate all necessary measures falling within their competences in order to ensure that the ECG’s decisions are implemented.
3. The tasks given to an ECG shall not concern the exercise of regulatory powers. The ECG shall not be empowered to take measures which might affect the rights and freedoms of individuals, or to impose levies of a fiscal nature.
4. The ECG may not exercise competences that territorial communities or authorities exercise as agents of the state to which they belong, except where duly authorised. It may exercise competences that states members of the ECG confer upon it.
Article 8 – Duration
1. The ECG shall be established for a limited or unlimited period of time, to be specified in the agreement and the statutes.
2. The ECG shall be wound up ipso facto when the period for which it was established has expired or if the territorial communities or authorities cease to control the majority of voting rights. It may also be wound up by a unanimous decision of its members.
Article 9 – Liabilities
1. The ECG – or, if its assets are not sufficient, its members jointly − shall be liable with regard to third parties for its acts, including debts of whatever nature, even if those acts do not fall within its tasks.
2. The ECG shall be liable to its members for any breach of the law to which it may be subject.
3. The organs of the ECG shall be liable with regard to the ECG for any breach of law they have committed in the exercise of their functions.
4. If a member of the ECG has only limited liability in accordance with the national law to which it is subject, the other members may also limit their liability in the statutes.
5. A state on whose territory it is intended to set up the headquarters of an ECG may prohibit the registration or publication of notice of an ECG if one or more of its prospective members has limited liability.
Article 10 – Dispute settlement
1. In the event of a dispute between the ECG and its members, the competent courts shall be those of the state in which the ECG has its headquarters.
2. In the event of a dispute between the ECG and a third party, the competent courts shall be those of the state in which the third party effectively resides or, in the case of a legal person, the state in which its seat or headquarters is located, as long as these states are member states of the Council of Europe.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, the ECG, the territorial communities or authorities, other public or private law entities concerned and third parties may conclude an arbitration agreement. If a third party´s residence, seat or headquarters is not located in the territory of a member state of the Council of Europe, the ECG shall conclude an arbitration agreement for all activities with this party.
4. Third parties shall retain, vis-à-vis territorial communities or authorities on behalf of which the ECG performs certain tasks, all the rights they would enjoy if those tasks were not performed by the ECG.
5. In any case the rights of individuals and legal persons shall include the right to appeal before all competent organs and courts, including the right of access to services in their own language and the right of access to information.
Article 11 – Supervision, administrative and judicial review
1. Decisions and acts of the ECG shall be subject to the same supervision and administrative and judicial review of the legality of acts of territorial communities or authorities as those required in the state in which the ECG has its headquarters.
2. The ECG shall comply with information requests made by the authorities of the states to which the territorial communities or authorities belong. The supervisory authorities of the Parties shall endeavour to establish means of appropriate co-ordination and information.
3. Decisions and acts of territorial communities or authorities and other public and private law entities shall be subject to the supervision and administrative and judicial review of the legality of acts of territorial communities or authorities and of other public law entities in the forms required in the states under whose jurisdiction the said authorities fall.
4. Where the ECG carries out any activity in contravention of the provisions on public policy, public security, public health or public morality of the states to which its members belong, or in contravention of the public interest of the said states, the competent authority or body of these states may prohibit that activity on its territory or require those members that fall under its jurisdiction to withdraw from the ECG unless the latter ceases the activity in question. Such prohibitions shall not constitute a means of arbitrary or disguised restriction on co-operation between the members. Review of the competent authority’s or body’s decision by a judicial authority shall be possible.
5. Notwithstanding the rules on dissolution of the ECG under the present Protocol and the statutes, at the request of a competent authority with a legitimate interest, a competent court or the competent authority of a Party where the ECG has its headquarters may order the ECG to be wound up if it finds that the ECG is acting outside the tasks entrusted to it. The competent court or authority may allow the ECG time to rectify the situation. If the ECG fails to do so within the time allowed, it may be declared wound up.
Article 12 – Financial audit
1. The management and budget implementation of the ECG shall be subject to financial audit in accordance with the national law of the Party in which it has its headquarters. This state shall inform the other states whose territorial communities or authorities are members of the ECG without delay of the results of the audit and of the measures taken concerning the ECG.
2. Any other state implicated either by its direct participation in the ECG or through the participation of its territorial communities or authorities or other legal persons listed in Article 3, paragraph 1, may, only on its territory and in accordance with the national law applicable, carry out a financial audit of the ECG. The ECG and the states of the members shall be informed in advance.
Part II
Article 13 – Implementation of the Protocol
1. The Parties shall take such legislative, administrative or other measures as are appropriate to ensure that the provisions of Part I are implemented.
2. In order to facilitate implementation of this Protocol, an appendix will provide the more detailed, but optional provisions for the establishment and operation of ECGs. The parties wishing to introduce into their national law all or part of the provisions of the appendix may do so in accordance with the relevant constitutional and legislative procedures.
3. The provisions of the appendix may be reproduced as they appear or may be adapted to meet the needs of the Parties concerned.
4. The Parties may declare that the provisions of the appendix, once introduced into their national legal system, constitute the implementing provisions referred to in paragraph 1.
5. The provisions of the appendix do not constitute an authoritative interpretation of the provisions included in Part I.
6. The provisions of the appendix shall be drafted by the Council of Europe and appended to this Protocol as soon as they are approved by the Committee of Ministers.
Article 14 – Information
1. The Parties shall inform their territorial communities or authorities of the measures taken to implement this Protocol.
2. The Parties shall notify the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of measures taken to implement this Protocol.
3. The Parties shall forward to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe all appropriate information on ECGs set up pursuant to this Protocol.
Article 15 – Applicability of other treaties
This Protocol shall not affect the applicability of treaties existing between the Parties in matters of transfrontier or interterritorial co-operation or the ability of the parties to conclude new treaties on the subject if they so wish.
Article 16 – Scope of Application
1. Each state shall, in a declaration deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe at the time of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, designate the categories of territorial communities or authorities and legal persons mentioned under Article 3, paragraph 1, which it excludes from the scope of this Protocol.
2. For the purpose of applying this Protocol, autonomous public communities or authorities vested with their own legislative power under the national law of the Party in whose jurisdiction they are situated shall be considered as “territorial communities or authorities”, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 1.
3. Any declaration made under paragraph 1 may be altered by a notification addressed to the Secretary General. Such notification shall become effective on the day of its receipt.
Article 17 – Reservations
No reservations in respect of this Protocol shall be permitted.
Article 18 – Terms and definitions
The terms and definitions used in this Protocol have the same meaning and purpose as the same terms and definitions given in the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities, its Additional Protocol and Protocol No. 2.
Part III
Article 19 – Signature and entry into force of the Protocol
1. This Protocol shall be open for signature by the states signatory to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities. It shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. A signatory to this Protocol may not ratify, accept or approve it unless it has previously or simultaneously ratified, accepted or approved the European Outline Convention. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2. This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following expiration of a period of three months after the date of deposit of the fourth instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
3. In respect of any signatory state which subsequently expresses its agreement to be bound by it, the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of deposit of the instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
Article 20 – Accession
1. After the entry into force of this Protocol, any state which has acceded to the European Outline Convention may also accede to this Protocol.
2. Accession shall be effected by the deposit with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe of an instrument of accession, which shall take effect on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of its deposit.
Article 21 – Denunciation
1. Any Party may, at any time, denounce this Protocol by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe. Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of six months after the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General.
2. If this Protocol is denounced, the legal personality and capacity of the ECGs established prior to denunciation shall be unaffected.
Article 22 – Notifications
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member states of the Council of Europe and any other state which has acceded to this Protocol of:
a. any signature;
b. the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c. any date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Articles 19 and 20;
d. any domestic legislation implementing the provisions of this Protocol pursuant to Article 13, paragraph 1;
e. the approval of the appendix, or parts thereof, by the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe;
f. any declaration received in application of the provisions of Article 4, paragraph 6, Article 13, paragraph 4, and Article 16, paragraphs 1 and 3, or any notification of modification of such declarations;
g. any other act, notification or communication relating to this Protocol.
In witness thereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
Done at Utrecht, this 16th day of November 2009, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member state of the Council of Europe and to any state which has acceded to this Protocol.
Protokol št. 3
k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti pri evropskih regionalnih združenjih za sodelovanje (ERZS)
Države članice Sveta Evrope, podpisnice protokola št. 3 k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti (ETS št. 106),
so se
v želji, da bi omogočile sodelovanje teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti različnih držav v skladu s politično in upravno organizacijo in mednarodnimi obveznostmi;
odločene, da dopolnijo pravni okvir iz Evropske okvirne konvencije o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti in protokolov z dne 9. novembra 1995 (ETS št. 159) in 5. maja 1998 (ETS št. 169);
z upoštevanjem deklaracije in akcijskega načrta, ki sta bila sprejeta na 3. sestanku voditeljev držav in vlad Sveta Evrope (Varšava, 16. in 17. maj 2005), ki ugotavlja, da je razvoj čezmejnega sodelovanja nujen;
z zavedanjem razlik med državami v politični in upravni organiziranosti teritorialnih skupnosti in oblasti;
v želji, da bi preprečili težave, ki bi lahko nastale zaradi razlik v notranjem pravu držav pri čezmejnem in medobmočnem sodelovanju;
v želji, da bi zadovoljili potrebe tistih držav članic, ki so odločene nadaljevati usklajevanje notranjega prava;
zavedajoč se, da je za mnoge države članice okvirna zakonodaja zadostna, posebej ob upoštevanju trenutnega stanja njihovega notranjega prava, ki vključuje ustrezne določbe prava Evropske skupnosti, ki so jih sprejele pristojne institucije Evropske unije,
1. del
1. člen – Evropska regionalna združenja za sodelovanje (ERZS)
1. Teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti in drugi organi iz prvega odstavka 3. člena lahko na ozemlju države članice Sveta Evrope, pogodbenice protokola, pod pogoji, določenimi v protokolu, ustanovijo organizacijo za čezmejno sodelovanje v obliki evropskega regionalnega združenja za sodelovanje (ERZS).
2. Cilj ERZS je v dobro prebivalstva spodbujati, podpirati in razvijati čezmejno in medobmočno sodelovanje članic na skupnih področjih iz njihove pristojnosti in v skladu s pristojnostmi iz njihovega notranjega prava.
2. člen – Pravna oseba, pravna sposobnost in veljavna zakonodaja
1. ERZS je pravna oseba, za katero velja pravo pogodbenice države članice Sveta Evrope, v kateri ima sedež.
2. ERZS ima najširšo pravno sposobnost, ki jo ta država po notranjem pravu priznava pravnim osebam.
3. Zakonodaja, ki se uporablja za vrsto pravne osebe, ki so jo za ERZS izbrale članice, je določena v sporazumu o ustanovitvi ERZS, ne da bi to vplivalo na določbe tega protokola ali druge posebne določbe, ki jih pogodbenice sprejmejo skladno s 13. členom.
4. ERZS ima pravico do svojega proračuna in pooblastilo za njegovo izvajanje.
5. ERZS lahko sklepa pogodbe, zaposluje osebje, pridobiva premičnine in nepremičnine ter sproža pravne postopke.
3. člen – Članstvo
1. Članice ERZS so teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti pogodbenice, vključno s posamezno državo članico Sveta Evrope, iz katere so teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti. Vse pravne osebe, ustanovljene posebej za zadovoljevanje potreb v splošnem interesu, ki niso industrijske ali trgovinske narave, lahko postanejo njegove članice, če:
– njihovo delovanje v glavnem financira država, teritorialna skupnost ali oblast ali podoben organ;
– te pravne osebe nadzirajo njihovo poslovanje;
– polovico članov njihovega upravnega, poslovodnega ali nadzornega organa imenuje država, teritorialna skupnost ali oblast ali podoben organ.
Fizične osebe ne morejo biti članice ERZS.
2. Teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti države nepogodbenice tega protokola, ki mejijo na pogodbenico, ki je ali bo država sedeža ECG, lahko sodelujejo pri njegovi ustanovitvi ali se mu pridružijo, če sporazum med državama to omogoča, ne da bi to vplivalo na določbe tega protokola.
3. Večino glasovalnih pravic v ERZS imajo teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti pogodbenic.
4. člen – Ustanavljanje ERZS
1. ERZS se ustanovi s pisnim sporazumom med članicami ustanoviteljicami.
2. Prihodnje članice predložijo ustrezne listine v dokaz, da spoštujejo vse potrebne postopke po veljavnem notranjem pravu. Te listine priložijo sporazumu.
3. Sporazum poleg seznama članic določa ime ERZS, naslov sedeža, trajanje, namen in njegove naloge ter zemljepisno območje. V imenu ERZS, katerega članice so pravne osebe z omejeno odgovornostjo, mora biti tudi beseda »omejeno«.
4. Teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti pred sklenitvijo sporazuma o ustanovitvi ERZS ali pred pristopom k ERZS po potrebi seznanijo in uradno obvestijo državne organe o tem namenu ali pridobijo njihovo odobritev.
5. Odobritev je lahko zavrnjena, če bi bilo članstvo v ERZS v nasprotju s tem protokolom ali notranjo zakonodajo, tudi s pooblastili in odgovornostmi prihodnjih članic, če članstvo ni utemeljeno z javnim interesom ali politiko države pogodbenice. V tem primeru pogodbenica da izjavo o razlogih za zavrnitev.
6. Vsaka država se lahko z izjavo, ki jo deponira z listino o ratifikaciji ali pozneje, odreče zahtevi po seznanjanju, uradnem obveščanju ali odobritvi iz četrtega odstavka za vse ali le za posamezne vrste skupnosti ali oblasti ali za posamezno vrsto sodelovanja.
7. Sporazum je registriran ali objavljen v državi, v kateri ima ERZS svoj sedež, in v vseh državah, v katerih so njegove članice, skladno z veljavnim notranjim pravom.
8. Teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki so članice ERZS, obvestijo svoje državne organe o uradni ustanovitvi ERZS.
9. Sporazum je napisan v jeziku države, v kateri ima ERZS sedež, in v jezikih članic, pri čemer so vse različice enako verodostojne.
5. člen – Statut
1. Statut ERZS je sestavni del sporazuma o ustanovitvi.
2. Statut je napisan v jeziku države, v kateri ima ERZS svoj sedež, in v jezikih članic, pri čemer so vse različice enako verodostojne. Članice lahko določijo, kateri jeziki so delovni jeziki.
3. Statut poleg obvezne navedbe sporazuma vsebuje pravila o članstvu, izstopu članic in prenehanju ERZS, vključno s pravnimi posledicami, delovanju, organih in njihovih nalogah, zaposlovanju, proračunu in financiranju, odgovornosti ter preglednosti ERZS, ne da bi to vplivalo na določbe tega protokola in skladno z zakonodajo.
6. člen – Spremembe sporazuma in statuta
Vsaka sprememba sporazuma iz 4. člena in vsaka bistvena sprememba statuta iz 5. člena se sprejmeta po enakem postopku in v obliki, ki jo predpisujejo njune določbe. Bistvena sprememba statuta je sprememba, ki neposredno ali posredno povzroči spremembo sporazuma. Večina, potrebna za sprejetje vsake spremembe, je določena v statutu.
7. člen – Naloge in področje delovanja
1. ERZS opravlja naloge, ki mu jih zaupajo članice. Naloge so skladne s pristojnostmi članic po njihovem notranjem pravu in so naštete v sporazumu in statutu.
2. ERZS sprejema odločitve v zvezi s fizičnimi ali pravnimi osebami držav in v njihovo dobro v skladu s pravnim redom držav, ki jim pripadajo, in zagotovi njihovo uresničevanje. Članice sprejemajo ali omogočajo potrebne ukrepe iz svoje pristojnosti za uresničevanje odločitev ERZS.
3. ERZS nima zakonodajnih pristojnosti pri opravljanju svojih nalog. ERZS ni pristojen za sprejemanje ukrepov, ki bi lahko vplivali na pravice in svoboščine posameznikov ali uvedbo davkov.
4. ERZS ne izvaja pristojnosti, ki jih v imenu države izvajajo njene teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, razen če je za to pravilno pooblaščen. ERZS lahko izvaja pristojnosti, ki jih države članice ERZS prenesejo nanj.
8. člen – Trajanje
1. ERZS se ustanovi za določen ali nedoločen čas, opredeljen v sporazumu in statutu.
2. ERZS samodejno preneha po poteku obdobja, za katero je bil ustanovljen, ali ko teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti nimajo več večine. Preneha lahko tudi s soglasno odločitvijo članic.
9. člen – Odgovornost
1. ERZS je, če njegova sredstva niso zadostna, skupaj s članicami odgovoren za svoja dejanja do tretjih tudi pri dolgovih, čeprav taka dejanja ne spadajo med njegove naloge.
2. ERZS je svojim članicam odgovoren za kršitev zakona, ki velja zanj.
3. Organi ERZS so ERZS odgovorni za vsako kršitev zakona, ki nastane pri opravljanju njihovih nalog.
4. Če je ena članica ERZS po svoji notranji zakonodaji samo omejeno odgovorna, lahko tudi druge članice omejijo svojo odgovornost s statutom.
5. Država, v kateri bo sedež ERZS, lahko ugovarja registraciji ali objavi obvestila o ustanovitvi ERZS, če je ena ali več prihodnjih članic omejeno odgovorna.
10. člen – Reševanje sporov
1. Ob sporu med ERZS in njegovimi članicami je za reševanje pristojno sodišče države, v kateri ima ERZS sedež.
2. Ob sporu med ERZS in tretjim je za reševanje pristojno sodišče države, v kateri prebiva, če gre za pravno osebo, pa tam, kjer je njen sedež ali uprava, kjer opravlja dejavnost, če so te države članice Sveta Evrope.
3. Ne glede na drugi odstavek lahko ERZS, teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, druge javne ali zasebne pravne osebe in tretji sklenejo arbitražni sporazum. Če tretji nima stalnega prebivališča ali sedeža na ozemlju države članice Sveta Evrope, ERZS sklene z njim arbitražni sporazum glede vseh dejavnosti, ki jih opravlja z njim.
4. Tretji ima v razmerju do teritorialnih skupnosti in oblasti, v imenu katerih ERZS opravlja posamezne naloge, vse pravice, ki bi jih imel, če teh nalog ne bi opravljal ERZS.
5. V vsakem primeru imata posameznik in pravna oseba pravico do pritožbe na vse pristojne organe in sodišča, tudi pravico do storitev v svojem jeziku in do dostopa do informacij.
11. člen – Nadzor, upravna in sodna presoja
1. Zakonitost odločitev in dejanj ERZS se nadzira ter upravno in sodno presoja na enak način kot zakonitost odločitev in dejanj teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti v državi, v kateri ima ERZS sedež.
2. Če organ države, na ozemlju katere so teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti, tako zahteva, mu mora ERZS dati podatke. Nadzorni organi pogodbenic si prizadevajo vzpostaviti primerne načine za usklajevanje in obveščanje.
3. Zakonitost odločitev in dejanj teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti in drugih oseb javnega ali zasebnega prava se nadzira in upravno ter pravno presoja na enak način kot dejanja teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti in drugih oseb javnega prava v državi, ki ji omenjene oblasti pripadajo.
4. Kadar ERZS opravlja dejavnost, ki je v nasprotju z javnim redom, javno varnostjo, javnim zdravjem ali javno moralo držav, ki ji članice pripadajo, ali v nasprotju z javnim interesom teh držav, lahko njihov pristojni organ prepove sporno dejavnost na svojem ozemlju ali zahteva od tistih članic, ki so v njegovi pristojnosti, da izstopijo iz ERZS, če ne prenehajo s sporno dejavnostjo. Take prepovedi ne smejo biti sredstvo za samovoljo ali prikrito omejevanje sodelovanja med članicami. Sodišče lahko presoja o odločitvah pristojnih organov ali teles.
5. Ne glede na pravila o prenehanju ERZS po tem protokolu in statutu lahko pristojno sodišče ali organ pogodbenice, v kateri je sedež ERZS, na zahtevo pristojnega organa, ki ima pravni interes, odredi prenehanje ERZS, če ugotovi, da deluje v nasprotju z nalogami, ki so mu bile zaupane. Sodišče ali pristojni organ lahko določi rok, v katerem mora ERZS urediti razmere. Če mu to ne uspe v določenem roku, se lahko odredi njegovo prenehanje.
12. člen – Finančna revizija
1. Upravljanje in izvajanje proračuna ERZS se finančno revidira v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo pogodbenice, v kateri je njegov sedež. Ta država nemudoma obvesti druge države, katerih teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti so članice ERZS, o ugotovitvah revizije in ukrepih, ki se nanašajo na ERZS.
2. Vsaka druga država, ki sodeluje v ERZS neposredno ali prek svojih teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti ali drugih pravnih oseb iz prvega odstavka 3. člena, lahko finančno revidira ERZS samo na svojem ozemlju in skladno s svojo notranjo zakonodajo. ERZS in države, iz katerih so članice, morajo biti o tem vnaprej obveščene.
2. del
13. člen – Izvajanje protokola
1. Za izvajanje določb iz 1. dela tega protokola sprejmejo države pogodbenice ustrezne zakonodajne, upravne in druge ukrepe.
2. Za lažje izvajanje tega protokola se pripravi priloga s podrobnejšimi, vendar neobvezujočimi določbami za ustanovitev in delovanje ERZS. Pogodbenice lahko z ustreznimi zakonodajnimi postopki v svojo notranjo zakonodajo vključijo vse ali nekatere določbe priloge.
3. Določbe iz priloge se lahko uporabijo nespremenjene ali prilagojene potrebam pogodbenic.
4. Ko pogodbenice sprejmejo določbe priloge v svoj pravni red, lahko izjavijo, da so to določbe za izvajanje iz prvega odstavka.
5. Določbe priloge se ne štejejo za verodostojno razlago določb iz 1. dela.
6. Določbe priloge pripravi Svet Evrope in jih po odobritvi Odbora ministrov priloži k protokolu.
14. člen – Obveščanje
1. Pogodbenice obveščajo svoje teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti o ukrepih za izvajanje tega protokola.
2. Pogodbenice obvestijo generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope o ukrepih za izvajanje tega protokola.
3. Pogodbenice pošljejo generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope vse podatke v zvezi z ustanovitvijo ERZS po tem protokolu.
15. člen – Veljavnost drugih mednarodnih pogodb
Ta protokol ne vpliva na veljavnost pogodb med pogodbenicami o čezmejnem ali medteritorialnem sodelovanju ali na možnost, da pogodbenice sklenejo nove pogodbe s tega področja, če tako želijo.
16. člen – Področje uporabe
1. Ob ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu k protokolu vsaka država z izjavo, ki jo deponira pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope, določi vrste teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti in pravnih oseb iz prvega odstavka 3. člena, ki jih izključi iz njegove uporabe.
2. V tem protokolu se avtonomne skupnosti ali oblasti, ki imajo po notranji zakonodaji pogodbenice, v pristojnosti katere so, lastno zakonodajno oblast, štejejo za »teritorialne skupnosti ali oblasti« ne glede na določbe prvega odstavka.
3. Vsaka izjava iz prvega odstavka se lahko spremeni z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju. Tako uradno obvestilo velja od dneva prejema obvestila.
17. člen – Pridržki
Pridržki k protokolu niso dovoljeni.
18. člen – Pomen izrazov
Pomen izrazov je enak kot v Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti, njenem dodatnem protokolu in protokolu št. 2.
3. del
19. člen – Podpis in začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis državam podpisnicam Evropske okvirne konvencije o čezmejnem sodelovanju teritorialnih skupnosti ali oblasti. Protokol se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri. Podpisnice tega protokola ga ne smejo ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti, če predhodno ali istočasno ne ratificirajo, sprejmejo ali odobrijo Evropske okvirne konvencije o čezmejnem sodelovanju lokalnih skupnosti in oblasti. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
2. Ta protokol začne veljati prvi dan v mesecu po poteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja četrte listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju in odobritvi.
3. Za državo podpisnico, ki pozneje izrecno izrazi obvezujoče soglasje, protokol začne veljati prvi dan v mesecu po poteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja.
20. člen – Pristop
1. Ko protokol začne veljati, lahko vsaka država, ki je pristopila k Evropski okvirni konvenciji o čezmejnem sodelovanju lokalnih skupnosti in oblasti, pristopi tudi k temu protokolu.
2. Pristop se izvede z deponiranjem pristopne listine pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope, ki začne veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja.
21. člen – Odpoved
1. Pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove ta protokol z uradnim obvestilom generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope. Taka odpoved začne veljati po poteku šestih mesecev od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme uradno obvestilo.
2. Če se ta protokol odpove, to ne vpliva na pravno osebo in pravno sposobnost ERZS, vzpostavljeni pred odpovedjo.
22. člen – Uradna obvestila
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope uradno obvešča države članice Sveta Evrope in druge države, ki so pristopile k protokolu, o:
a. vsakem podpisu;
b. deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu;
c. vsakem datumu začetka veljavnosti tega protokola po 19. in 20. členu;
d. vsakem notranjepravnem aktu, sprejetem za izvajanje določb tega protokola, na podlagi prvega odstavka 13. člena;
e. prilogi ali njenem delu, ki ga sprejme Odbor ministrov Sveta Evrope;
f. vsaki izjavi v zvezi z uporabo šestega odstavka 4. člena, četrtega odstavka 13. člena ter prvega in tretjega odstavka 16. člena, ali vsakem drugem uradnem obvestilu o spremembi teh izjav;
g. vsakem drugem dejanju, uradnem obvestilu ali sporočilu, ki se nanaša na ta protokol.
V potrditev tega so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta protokol.
Sestavljeno v Utrechtu 16. novembra 2009 v angleškem in francoskem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni, v enem izvodu, ki se hrani v arhivu Sveta Evrope. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope pošlje overjene kopije vsaki državi članici Sveta Evrope in vsaki državi, ki je pristopila k temu protokolu.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi Služba Vlade Republike Slovenije za lokalno samoupravo in regionalno politiko.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 200-04/10-1/15
Ljubljana, dne 4. februarja 2011
EPA 1483-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
Miran Potrč l.r.

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