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Uradni list RS, št. 23/2011 z dne 31. 3. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 23/2011 z dne 31. 3. 2011


16. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji kot mednarodne organizacije (MMABPK), stran 41.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji kot mednarodne organizacije (MMABPK)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma o ustanovitvi Mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji kot mednarodne organizacije (MMABPK), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 7. marca 2011.
Št. 003-02-3/2011-18
Ljubljana, dne 15. marca 2011
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o ustanovitvi Mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji kot mednarodne organizacije, sestavljen na Dunaju 2. septembra 2010.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
NOTING the important contributions in the fight against corruption of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), as the guardian of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC);
ACKNOWLEDGING the preparations made at the international level and in particular the substantial efforts of the Republic of Austria in close cooperation with UNODC as well as of the other founding Parties in establishing the International Anti-Corruption Academy, IACA, (hereinafter referred to as “the Academy”) and their strong support for the Academy;
NOTING the long-standing efforts and the continued support of the International Criminal Police Organization (INTERPOL) to design and develop initiatives to prevent and fight corruption worldwide;
NOTING the considerable support of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) and other participants in this common endeavor;
EMPHASIZING the global and inclusive nature of this initiative and the importance of striving for geographical diversity;
RECOGNIZING the importance of collaboration in joint efforts at the global and regional levels in support of UNCAC and other relevant international instruments;
SHARING common goals with regard to the delivery of technical assistance and capacity building as key instruments in the fight against corruption;
NOTING that anti-corruption education, professional training and research are important components of such assistance and capacity building;
WISHING to enhance their common goals by the establishment of the Academy on the basis of a multilateral agreement open to Member States of the United Nations and intergovernmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as “International Organizations”) and inviting them to join forces and to become Parties to this Agreement;
RESPONDING to the invitation of the Republic of Austria to host the Academy in Laxenburg near Vienna;
HAVE AGREED as follows:
Establishment and Status
1. There is hereby established the Academy as an International Organization.
2. The Academy shall possess full international legal personality.
3. The Academy shall inter alia have the legal capacity:
(a) to contract;
(b) to acquire and dispose of immovable and movable property;
(c) to institute and respond to legal proceedings;
(d) to take such other action as may be necessary for the fulfillment of its purpose and activities.
4. The Academy shall operate in accordance with this Agreement.
Purpose and Activities
1. The purpose of the Academy shall be to promote effective and efficient prevention and combating of corruption by
(a) providing anti-corruption education and professional training;
(b) undertaking and facilitating research into all aspects of corruption;
(c) providing other relevant forms of technical assistance in the fight against corruption;
(d) fostering international cooperation and networking in the fight against corruption.
2. The activities of the Academy shall observe the principle of academic freedom, meet highest academic and professional standards and address the phenomenon of corruption in a comprehensive and inter-disciplinary way, taking due account of cultural diversity, gender equality and recent developments in the field of corruption at the global and regional levels.
1. The seat of the Academy shall be located in Laxenburg, Austria, under such terms and conditions as agreed between the Academy and the Republic of Austria.
2. The Academy may establish facilities in other locations as required to support its activities.
The Academy shall have
(a) an Assembly of Parties, hereinafter referred to as “the Assembly”;
(b) a Board of Governors, hereinafter referred to as “the Board”;
(c) an International Senior Advisory Board;
(d) an International Academic Advisory Board;
(e) a Dean.
Assembly of Parties
1. The Assembly shall serve as a forum for the Parties to this Agreement to consult on the overall policy of the Academy and on other matters of interest under this Agreement.
2. The Assembly shall consist of representatives of the Parties. Each Party shall appoint a representative to act as a member of the Assembly. Each member of the Assembly shall have one vote.
3. In particular, the Assembly shall:
(a) Adopt recommendations relating to the Academy's policies and management for consideration by the Board;
(b) Adopt the work programme and budget of the Academy as proposed by the Board;
(c) Engage in fund-raising activities for the Academy in accordance with Article XI;
(d) Elect the members of the Board in accordance with Article VI;
(e) Decide on the removal of members of the Board by a two-thirds majority;
(f) Review the progress of activities of the Academy on the basis of, inter alia, reports by the Board;
(g) Approve international agreements;
(h) Approve the establishment of facilities in other locations.
4. The Assembly shall meet at least once a year and shall take its decisions by simple majority unless otherwise provided by this Agreement. The Assembly shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall elect its officers, including its President and two Vice-Presidents. The members of the Board and the Dean may participate in the meetings of the Assembly without the right to vote.
Board of Governors
1. The Academy shall be governed by a Board consisting of eleven members in total. Nine members shall be elected by the Assembly taking due account of their qualifications and experience as well as the principle of equitable geographical distribution. In addition, UNODC and the Republic of Austria are each entitled to appoint one member. The members of the Board shall serve in their individual capacity for a term of six years and shall be eligible for reelection/re-appointment for not more than one additional term. At the first election five members shall be elected for a period of only three years.
2. In particular, the Board shall:
(a) Decide on the strategy, policies and guidelines for the activities of the Academy;
(b) Adopt the rules governing the operation of the Academy, including financial regulations and staff rules;
(c) Appoint the Dean for a renewable period of four years, evaluate his or her activities and terminate, if necessary, the appointment of the Dean;
(d) Establish, where appropriate, advisory boards and elect their members;
(e) Elect the members of the International Senior Advisory Board and the International Academic Advisory Board, taking due account of their professional qualifications and experience, the principle of equitable geographical distribution as well as gender equality;
(f) Submit the work programme and budget of the Academy to the Assembly for adoption;
(g) Appoint the independent external auditor;
(h) Approve the annual audited statement of the Academy’s accounts;
(i) Report to the Assembly on the progress of the activities of the Academy;
(j) Consider the recommendations of the Assembly relating to the Academy's policies and management;
(k) Adopt strategies and guidelines for ensuring the financial resources of the Academy and assist the Dean’s efforts to that effect;
(l) Determine the conditions of admission of participants in the Academy’s academic activities;
(m) Approve the establishment of cooperative relationships in accordance with Article XIII;
(n) Submit international agreements to the Assembly for approval;
(o) Evaluate the activities of the Academy on the basis of reports by the Dean and make recommendations concerning these activities.
3. The Board shall meet at least once a year at the seat of the Academy and shall take its decisions by simple majority unless otherwise provided by this Agreement. Each member shall have one vote. The Board shall adopt its rules of procedure, shall elect its officers, including its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson, and may establish committees as deemed necessary for the efficient functioning of the Academy.
International Senior Advisory Board
1. The Board shall be advised by an International Senior Advisory Board (ISAB) consisting of up to fifteen members who shall be eminent personalities with outstanding credentials from a wide variety of backgrounds of importance for the activities of the Academy.
2. The function of the International Senior Advisory Board shall be to reflect on the activities of the Academy and to offer observations and advice on how the highest standards with regard to the purpose of the Academy can be met and maintained.
3. The members of the International Senior Advisory Board shall serve in their individual capacity for a term of six years and shall be eligible for re-election. At the first election seven members shall be elected for a period of only three years.
4. The International Senior Advisory Board shall meet at least once a year and shall take its decisions by simple majority. Each member shall have one vote. The International Senior Advisory Board shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall elect its officers, including its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
5. The International Senior Advisory Board may recommend to the Board persons who fulfil the criteria of paragraph 1 for election to the International Senior Advisory Board.
International Academic Advisory Board
1. The Board shall be advised in matters related to education, training and research by an International Academic Advisory Board (IAAB) consisting of up to fifteen members who shall be eminent academic personalities or experts of highest qualifications in the fields of anticorruption practice, training and research and/or criminal justice and law enforcement related to anti-corruption as well as other fields of importance for the activities of the Academy.
2. The members of the International Academic Advisory Board shall serve in their individual capacity for a term of six years and shall be eligible for re-election. At the first election seven members shall be elected for a period of only three years.
3. The International Academic Advisory Board shall meet at least once a year and shall take its decisions by simple majority. Each member shall have one vote. The Academic Advisory Board shall adopt its rules of procedure and shall elect its officers, including its Chairperson and Vice-Chairperson.
4. The International Academic Advisory Board may recommend to the Board persons who fulfil the criteria of paragraph 1 for election to the International Academic Advisory Board.
1. The Dean shall be responsible for day-to-day management of the Academy and its substantive programme. The Dean shall report to and be accountable to the Board.
2. In particular, the Dean shall:
(a) Represent the Academy externally;
(b) Ensure the proper administration of the Academy, including human resources and financial management;
(c) Prepare the work programme and budget of the Academy for consideration by the Board and adoption by the Assembly. The work programme shall include research priorities, training activities, curricula and tool development;
(d) Implement the work programme and budget;
(e) Submit to the Board annual and ad hoc reports on the activities of the Academy including an annual audited statement of the Academy’s accounts;
(f) Propose the establishment of cooperative relationships in accordance with Article XIII for approval by the Board;
(g) Coordinate the work of the Academy with the work of the Parties to this Agreement and other international and national institutions, agencies and networks as relevant taking into account the relevant recommendations and guidelines of the Assembly and the Board as well as advice from the International Senior Advisory Board and the International Academic Advisory Board;
(h) Enter into contracts and arrangements on behalf of the Academy and negotiate international agreements for consideration by the Board and approval by the Assembly;
(i) Actively seek appropriate funding for the Academy and accept voluntary contributions on behalf of the Academy in accordance with the relevant Board strategies and guidelines as well as the financial regulations;
(j) Undertake other assignments or activities as may be determined by the Board.
Academic and Administrative Staff
1. The Academy shall strive to recruit and retain academic and administrative staff with the highest possible qualifications.
2. In order to maximize efficiency and cost-effectiveness the Academy shall develop a plan and conclude appropriate arrangements for part-time or visiting academic staff and shall encourage States, International Organizations, universities and other relevant institutions to consider supporting the staffing of the Academy, including by secondment of staff.
Financing of the Academy
1. Notwithstanding the long-term goal to make the Academy self-sustainable, the resources of the Academy include the following:
(a) voluntary contributions by the Parties to this Agreement;
(b) voluntary contributions from the private sector and other donors;
(c) tuition fees, training workshop and technical assistance fees, publication and other service revenue;
(d) income accruing from such contributions, fees, revenue and other income including from trusts and endowments.
2. The fiscal year of the Academy shall be from 1 January to 31 December.
3. The accounts of the Academy shall, in accordance with the financial regulations adopted by the Board in accordance with Article VI paragraph 2 subparagraph b, be subject to an annual independent external audit which shall meet the highest standards of transparency, accountability and legitimacy.
4. The Parties to this Agreement are encouraged to engage in fund-raising activities for the Academy, including through organizing joint donor conferences.
Consultation and Exchange of Information
1. The Parties to this Agreement shall keep each other informed of and consult on matters of interest concerning their cooperation under this Agreement, either at meetings of the Assembly or at other times as appropriate.
2. Consultation and exchange of information and documents under this Article shall be done in accordance with each Party’s applicable rules concerning disclosure of information and subject to arrangements, which the Parties may decide to conclude for the purposes of safeguarding the confidentiality, restricted character and security of the information exchanged. Any such arrangements shall continue to apply even after the termination of this Agreement and, with regard to a particular Party, even after that Party’s withdrawal from this Agreement.
Cooperative Relationships
The Academy may establish cooperative relationships with States, other International Organizations as well as public or private entities which can contribute to the Academy’s work.
Privileges and Immunities
1. The Academy, the members of the Assembly, the members of the Board, the members of the International Senior Advisory Board and of the International Academic Advisory Board, the Dean, the staff and experts shall enjoy such privileges and immunities as agreed between the Academy and the Republic of Austria.
2. The Academy may conclude agreements with other States in order to secure appropriate privileges and immunities.
The Parties to this Agreement shall not be responsible, individually or collectively, for any debts, liabilities, or other obligations of the Academy; a statement to this effect shall be included in each of the agreements concluded by the Academy under Article XIV.
This Agreement may be amended only with the consent of all Parties to this Agreement. Notification of such consent shall be made in writing to the Depositary. Any amendment shall come into force upon receipt by the Depositary of the notification of all Parties to this Agreement, or at such other date as the Parties may agree.
Transitional Provisions
1. The Parties acknowledge the transitional arrangements for the establishment and initial operations of the Academy contained in the Memorandum concerning the Establishment of the International Anti-Corruption Academy in Laxenburg, Austria of 29 January 2010 and agree to respect them until the decision-making organs of the Academy are fully operational.
2. Any decision affecting obligations entered into for the purposes of the establishment and initial operations of the Academy or creating liability for the Partners (UNODC, the Association “Friends of the Academy” or the Republic of Austria) may only be taken unanimously by the Board.
Entry into Force and Depositary
1. This Agreement shall be open for signature by Member States of the United Nations (hereinafter referred to as “States”) and intergovernmental organizations (hereinafter referred to as “International Organizations”) until 31 December 2010. It shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval.
2. States and International Organizations which have not signed this Agreement may subsequently accede thereto.
3. This Agreement shall enter into force sixty days after the date of deposit of the instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession by three States or International Organizations.
4. For every State or International Organization which ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Agreement after the date of its entry into force, this Agreement shall enter into force sixty days after the date of deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession.
5. The Federal Minister for European and International Affairs of the Republic of Austria shall be the Depositary of this Agreement.
Settlement of Disputes
Any dispute arising between the Academy and any Party to this Agreement or between any Parties under this Agreement concerning the interpretation or application of this Agreement or of any supplementary agreement or any question affecting the Academy or the relations of the Parties which is not settled by negotiation or other agreed mode of settlement, shall be referred for final decision to a tribunal of three arbitrators: one to be chosen by each party to the dispute, and the third, who shall be chairman of the tribunal, to be chosen by the first two arbitrators. Should either party to the dispute not have chosen its arbitrator within six months following the appointment by the other party of its arbitrator or should the first two arbitrators fail to agree upon the third within six months following the appointment of the first two arbitrators, such second or third arbitrator shall be chosen by the President of the International Court of Justice at the request of either party to the dispute.
1. Any of the Parties to this Agreement may withdraw from this Agreement by written notification to the Depositary. Such withdrawal shall become effective three months after receipt of such notification by the Depositary.
2. Withdrawal from this Agreement by a Party to this Agreement shall not limit, reduce or otherwise affect its contribution, if any that has been made before the effective date of withdrawal.
1. The Parties to this Agreement, acting unanimously, may terminate this Agreement at any time and wind up the Academy by written notification to the Depositary. Any assets of the Academy remaining after payment of its legal obligations shall be disposed of in accordance with a unanimous decision of the Assembly.
2. The provisions of this Agreement shall continue to be applicable after its termination to the extent necessary to permit an orderly disposal of assets and settlement of accounts.
Done at Vienna on 2 September 2010 in the Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish languages, each text being equally authentic.
OB UPOŠTEVANJU prispevka Urada Združenih narodov za droge in kriminal (UNODC) v boju proti korupciji v vlogi varuha Konvencije Združenih narodov proti korupciji (UNCAC),
OB PRIZNAVANJU priprav na mednarodni ravni, zlasti prizadevanj Republike Avstrije v tesnem sodelovanju z UNODC in drugih ustanovnih pogodbenic za ustanovitev Mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji (IACA, v nadaljnjem besedilu: akademija) ter njihove odločne podpore akademiji,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU dolgotrajnih prizadevanj in podpore Mednarodne organizacije kriminalistične policije (INTERPOL) pri oblikovanju in razvoju pobud za preprečevanje korupcije v svetu in boja proti njej,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU podpore Evropskega urada za boj proti goljufijam (OLAF) in drugih sodelujočih,
OB POUDARJANJU globalnega in vključujočega značaja te pobude ter prizadevanj za široko geografsko zastopanost,
OB ZAVEDANJU pomembnosti sodelovanja v skupnih prizadevanjih na globalni in regionalni ravni pri uresničevanju UNCAC in drugih mednarodnih dokumentov s področja boja proti korupciji,
SKLADNO s skupnim namenom zagotoviti tehnično pomoč in zmogljivosti, ki so ključna sredstva v boju proti korupciji,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU, da so izobraževanje, poklicno usposabljanje in raziskovanje za boj proti korupciji pomemben del take pomoči in zagotavljanja zmogljivosti,
V ŽELJI okrepiti svoj skupni namen z ustanovitvijo akademije na podlagi večstranskega sporazuma, odprtega za države članice Organizacije združenih narodov in medvladne organizacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: mednarodne organizacije), ter jih povabiti, da združijo moči in postanejo njegove pogodbenice,
OB SPREJETJU predloga Republike Avstrije, da gosti akademijo v mestu Laxenburg v bližini Dunaja,
1. člen
Ustanovitev in status
1. Ustanovi se akademija, ki je mednarodna organizacija.
2. Akademija je subjekt mednarodnega prava.
3. Akademija ima med drugim pravno sposobnost:
a) sklepati pogodbe,
b) pridobivati in prodajati nepremične in premičnine,
c) začeti pravne postopke in nastopati pred sodiščem,
d) izvajati druge ukrepe, potrebne za uresničevanje svojega namena in dejavnosti.
4. Akademija deluje v skladu s tem sporazumom.
2. člen
Namen in dejavnosti
1. Namen akademije je prispevati k uspešnemu in učinkovitemu preprečevanju korupcije in boju proti njej, tako da:
a) zagotavlja izobraževanje in poklicno usposabljanje za boj proti korupciji,
b) uvaja in spodbuja raziskave o vseh vidikih korupcije,
c) zagotavlja druge ustrezne oblike tehnične pomoči v boju proti korupciji,
d) spodbuja mednarodno sodelovanje in povezovanje v boju proti korupciji.
2. Akademija pri svojih dejavnostih upošteva načelo akademske svobode, izpolnjuje najvišje akademske in strokovne standarde ter obravnava pojav korupcije na celovit in interdisciplinaren način z upoštevanjem kulturne raznolikosti, enakosti spolov ter najnovejših spoznanj o korupciji na globalni in regionalni ravni.
3. člen
1. Akademija ima sedež v Laxenburgu v Avstriji pod pogoji, dogovorjenimi med akademijo in Republiko Avstrijo.
2. Akademija lahko za izvajanje svojih dejavnosti po potrebi ustanovi enote tudi drugje.
4. člen
Akademija ima:
a) skupščino pogodbenic (v nadaljnjem besedilu: skupščina),
b) svet guvernerjev (v nadaljnjem besedilu: svet),
c) mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor,
d) mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor,
e) dekana.
5. člen
Skupščina pogodbenic
1. Skupščina pogodbenic je forum pogodbenic za posvetovanje o splošnih usmeritvah akademije in drugih zadevah iz tega sporazuma.
2. Skupščino sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic. Vsaka od njih imenuje svojega člana skupščine. Vsak član ima en glas.
3. Skupščina predvsem:
a) sprejema priporočila o usmeritvah in upravljanju akademije, ki jih predloži v obravnavo svetu,
b) sprejema program dela in proračun akademije, ki ju predlaga svet,
c) sodeluje pri zbiranju sredstev za akademijo v skladu z 11. členom,
d) voli člane sveta v skladu s 6. členom,
e) odloča o razrešitvi članov sveta z dvetretjinsko večino,
f) ocenjuje napredek pri dejavnostih akademije, med drugim na podlagi poročil sveta,
g) odobri mednarodne sporazume,
h) odobri ustanovitev enot drugje.
4. Skupščina se sestane vsaj enkrat letno in odloča z navadno večino, če sporazum ne določa drugače. Skupščina sprejme svoj poslovnik, izvoli svoje funkcionarje, med njimi predsednika in dva podpredsednika. Člani sveta in dekan se lahko udeležujejo zasedanj skupščine brez pravice glasovanja.
6. člen
Svet guvernerjev
1. Akademijo vodi svet, sestavljen iz enajstih članov. Devet jih izvoli skupščina, ob upoštevanju njihove strokovne usposobljenosti in izkušenj ter načela pravične geografske zastopanosti. UNODC in Republika Avstrija imata pravico imenovati vsak enega člana. Člani sveta so imenovani za šest let in so lahko znova izvoljeni ali imenovani le za en mandat. Na prvih volitvah je pet članov izvoljenih le za tri leta.
2. Svet predvsem:
a) odloča o strategiji, usmeritvah in priporočilih za delovanje akademije,
b) sprejema pravila za delovanje akademije, skupaj s finančnimi in kadrovskimi pravilniki,
c) imenuje dekana za štiri leta z možnostjo ponovnega imenovanja, ocenjuje njegovo delo in ga po potrebi razreši,
d) kadar je to potrebno, ustanovi svetovalne odbore in voli njihove člane,
e) voli člane mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora in mednarodnega akademskega svetovalnega odbora, ob upoštevanju njihove strokovne usposobljenosti in izkušenj, načela pravične geografske zastopanosti in enakosti med spoloma,
f) predloži skupščini v sprejetje program dela in proračun akademije,
g) imenuje neodvisnega zunanjega revizorja,
h) potrjuje revidirano letno računovodsko poročilo akademije,
i) poroča skupščini o napredku pri dejavnostih akademije,
j) obravnava priporočila skupščine glede usmeritev in upravljanja akademije,
k) sprejema strategije in priporočila za zagotavljanje finančnih sredstev akademije ter pomaga dekanu pri tovrstnih prizadevanjih,
l) določa pogoje za vključevanje v akademske dejavnosti,
m) odobri sodelovanje v skladu s 13. členom,
n) predlaga mednarodne sporazume v odobritev skupščini,
o) ocenjuje dejavnosti akademije na podlagi poročil dekana in daje ustrezna priporočila.
3. Svet se sestane vsaj enkrat letno na sedežu akademije in odloča z navadno večino, če sporazum ne določa drugače. Vsak član ima en glas. Svet sprejme svoj poslovnik, izvoli svoje funkcionarje, med njimi predsednika in podpredsednika, in lahko ustanovi odbore, če je to potrebno za učinkovito delovanje akademije.
7. člen
Mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor
1. Svetu svetuje mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor, ki ga sestavlja petnajst članov, uglednih osebnosti z odličnimi priporočili iz različnih okolij, pomembnih za dejavnosti akademije.
2. Naloga mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora je presoja dejavnosti akademije ter dajanje mnenj in nasvetov o tem, kako naj ta dosega in ohranja najvišje standarde delovanja.
3. Vsak član mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora je izvoljen za šest let z možnostjo ponovne izvolitve. Na prvih volitvah je sedem članov izvoljenih samo za tri leta.
4. Mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor se sestane vsaj enkrat letno in odloča z navadno večino. Vsak član ima en glas. Mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik in izvoli svoje funkcionarje, med njimi predsednika in podpredsednika.
5. Mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor lahko svetu predlaga posameznike, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz prvega odstavka, v izvolitev v mednarodni visoki svetovalni odbor.
8. člen
Mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor
1. Akademiji pri izobraževanju, usposabljanju in raziskavah pomaga mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor, sestavljen iz največ petnajstih članov, uglednih akademikov ali visoko usposobljenih strokovnjakov z izkušnjami iz prakse, izobraževanja in raziskav s področja boja proti korupciji ali kazenskega pravosodja ter odkrivanja in pregona kaznivih dejanj, povezanih s korupcijo, ali drugih področij, pomembnih za delovanje akademije.
2. Vsak član mednarodnega akademskega svetovalnega odbora je izvoljen za šest let z možnostjo ponovne izvolitve. Na prvih volitvah je sedem članov izvoljenih samo za tri leta.
3. Mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor se sestane vsaj enkrat letno in odloča z navadno večino. Vsak član ima en glas. Mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor sprejme svoj poslovnik in izvoli svoje funkcionarje, med njimi predsednika in podpredsednika.
4. Mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor lahko predlaga svetu posameznike, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje iz prvega odstavka, v izvolitev v mednarodni akademski svetovalni odbor.
9. člen
1. Dekan je odgovoren za vodenje akademije in izvajanje programa. Dekan poroča svetu in mu je odgovoren.
2. Dekan predvsem:
a) zastopa akademijo v javnosti;
b) skrbi za upravljanje akademije, skupaj s kadrovskim in finančnim poslovanjem;
c) pripravi program dela in proračun akademije, ki ju obravnava svet in sprejme skupščina. Program dela vključuje prednostne raziskovalne dejavnosti, usposabljanje, oblikovanje študijskih programov in učnih sredstev;
d) izvaja program dela in proračun;
e) predloži svetu letna in po potrebi vmesna poročila o dejavnostih akademije, skupaj z revidiranim letnim računovodskim poročilom;
f) predlaga svetu v odobritev sodelovanje v skladu s 13. členom;
g) usklajuje delo akademije z delom pogodbenic ter drugih ustreznih mednarodnih in državnih ustanov, agencij in mrež v skladu z navodili skupščine in sveta ter mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora in mednarodnega akademskega svetovalnega odbora;
h) sklepa pogodbe in dogovore v imenu akademije ter se pogaja o mednarodnih sporazumih, predloženih v obravnavo svetu in v odobritev skupščini;
i) pridobiva ustrezna finančna sredstva za akademijo in sprejema prostovoljne prispevke zanjo v skladu z ustreznimi strategijami in priporočili sveta ter finančnimi predpisi;
j) opravlja druge naloge ali dejavnosti, ki jih določi svet.
10. člen
Akademsko in administrativno osebje
1. Akademija si prizadeva zaposliti in obdržati čim bolj strokovno usposobljeno akademsko in administrativno osebje.
2. Akademija oblikuje načrt za povečanje učinkovitosti delovanja in stroškovne učinkovitosti ter sklene dogovore s honorarnim ali gostujočim akademskim osebjem ter spodbuja države, mednarodne organizacije, univerze in druge ustrezne ustanove, naj prispevajo k zagotavljanju kadrov za akademijo, tudi z napotitvijo svojega osebja.
11. člen
Financiranje akademije
1. Ob dolgoročnem cilju finančne neodvisnosti akademije njena sredstva vključujejo:
a) prostovoljne prispevke pogodbenic,
b) prostovoljne prispevke zasebnega sektorja in drugih donatorjev,
c) šolnine, plačila za usposabljanja in tehnično pomoč, prihodke iz založniške in drugih dejavnosti,
d) dohodek od teh prispevkov, plačil in prihodkov ter druge dohodke, tudi iz skladov in zapuščin.
2. Proračunsko leto akademije traja od 1. januarja do 31. decembra.
3. Skladno s pravili finančnega poslovanja, ki jih sprejme svet na podlagi točke b) drugega odstavka 6. člena, računovodske izkaze akademije letno pregleda neodvisni zunanji revizor, ki izpolnjuje najvišja merila transparentnosti, odgovornosti in zakonitosti.
4. Pogodbenice se spodbujajo k sodelovanju pri zbiranju sredstev za dejavnosti akademije, skupaj s prirejanjem donatorskih konferenc.
12. člen
Posvetovanje in izmenjava informacij
1. Pogodbenice se medsebojno obveščajo in posvetujejo o zadevah, povezanih s sodelovanjem po tem sporazumu, na zasedanjih skupščine ali ob drugih priložnostih.
2. Posvetovanje in izmenjava informacij ter dokumentov na podlagi tega člena se izvajata v skladu z veljavnimi predpisi pogodbenic o razkrivanju informacij in dogovori, ki jih te lahko sklenejo za ohranjanje zaupnosti, omejenega značaja in varnosti izmenjanih informacij. Vsak tak dogovor velja tudi po prenehanju veljavnosti sporazuma in ostaja obvezujoč tudi za pogodbenico, ki sporazum odpove.
13. člen
Akademija lahko sodeluje z državami, drugimi mednarodnimi organizacijami ter javnimi ali zasebnimi subjekti, ki lahko prispevajo k njenemu delu.
14. člen
Privilegiji in imunitete
1. Akademija, člani skupščine, sveta, mednarodnega visokega svetovalnega odbora in mednarodnega akademskega svetovalnega odbora, dekan, osebje in strokovnjaki uživajo privilegije in imunitete, o katerih se dogovorita akademija in Republika Avstrija.
2. Za zagotovitev ustreznih privilegijev in imunitet lahko akademija sklene sporazume tudi z drugimi državami.
15. člen
Pogodbenice niso ne posamič in ne skupinsko odgovorne za kakršne koli dolgove ali druge obveznosti akademije; izjava o tem je sestavni del vsakega sporazuma, ki ga na podlagi 14. člena sklene akademija.
16. člen
Ta sporazum se lahko spremeni samo s soglasjem vseh pogodbenic. Pisno uradno obvestilo o tem se pošlje depozitarju. Sprememba začne veljati z dnem, ko depozitar prejme uradno obvestilo vseh pogodbenic, ali na drug dan, o katerem se pogodbenice dogovorijo.
17. člen
Prehodne določbe
1. Pogodbenice sprejemajo prehodno ureditev o ustanovitvi in začetku delovanja akademije iz Memoranduma o ustanovitvi mednarodne akademije za boj proti korupciji v Laxenburgu v Avstriji z dne 29. januarja 2010 in se strinjajo, da jo bodo spoštovale do končne vzpostavitve delovanja organov odločanja akademije.
2. Vsako odločitev, ki vpliva na obveznosti, povezane z ustanovitvijo in začetkom delovanja akademije, ali iz katere izhaja odgovornost partnerjev (UNODC, Združenja »Prijatelji akademije« ali Republike Avstrije), lahko sprejme le svet soglasno.
18. člen
Začetek veljavnosti in depozitar
1. Ta sporazum je na voljo za podpis državam članicam Organizacije združenih narodov (v nadaljnjem besedilu: države) in medvladnim organizacijam (v nadaljnjem besedilu: mednarodne organizacije) do 31. decembra 2010. Sporazum se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri.
2. Države in mednarodne organizacije, ki sporazuma niso podpisale, lahko k njemu pristopijo.
3. Sporazum začne veljati po preteku šestdesetih dni od dneva deponiranja listin o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu treh držav ali mednarodnih organizacij.
4. Za vsako državo ali mednarodno organizacijo, ki sporazum ratificira, sprejme ali odobri ali k njemu pristopi po začetku njegove veljavnosti, ta začne veljati po preteku šestdesetih dni od dneva deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu.
5. Depozitar sporazuma je zvezni minister za evropske in mednarodne zadeve Republike Avstrije.
19. člen
Reševanje sporov
Vsak spor med akademijo in pogodbenico ali spor med pogodbenicami zaradi razlage ali uporabe sporazuma, katerega koli dopolnilnega sporazuma ali vprašanja v zvezi z akademijo ali odnosov med pogodbenicami, ki se ne reši s pogajanji ali drugim dogovorjenim načinom reševanja, se pošlje v končno presojo arbitražnemu sodišču, sestavljenemu iz treh arbitrov: vsaka stranka v sporu določi po enega arbitra, tretjega, predsednika sodišča, pa izbereta prva dva. Če ena od strank v sporu ne izbere svojega arbitra v šestih mesecih po imenovanju arbitra druge stranke ali če se prva dva arbitra ne sporazumeta o tretjem v šestih mesecih po njunem imenovanju, drugega ali tretjega arbitra izbere predsednik Meddržavnega sodišča na zahtevo ene od strank v sporu.
20. člen
1. Vsaka od pogodbenic lahko sporazum odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom depozitarju. Odpoved začne veljati tri mesece po dnevu, ko depozitar prejme uradno obvestilo.
2. Če pogodbenica odpove sporazum, to njenega prispevka, ki ga da pred datumom začetka veljavnosti odpovedi, ne omeji, ne zmanjša ali kako drugače vpliva nanj.
21. člen
Prenehanje veljavnosti
1. Pogodbenice se lahko soglasno odločijo, da sporazum preneha veljati in se akademija ukine, s tem da pošljejo pisno uradno obvestilo depozitarju. Z ostankom premoženja akademije po poravnavi njenih pravnih obveznosti se ravna tako, kot soglasno odloči skupščina.
2. Določbe sporazuma se uporabljajo tudi po prenehanju njegove veljavnosti, kolikor je potrebno za ustrezno prodajo premoženja in poravnavo računov.
Sestavljeno na Dunaju 2. septembra 2010 v angleškem, arabskem, francoskem, kitajskem, ruskem in španskem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za javno upravo v sodelovanju s Komisijo za preprečevanje korupcije.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 214-02/11-7/9
Ljubljana, dne 7. marca 2011
EPA 1617-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
mag. Vasja Klavora l.r.

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