, Stran 2737
Na podlagi določila 7. člena Akta o ustanovitvi in 491. člena Zakona o gospodarskih družbah RAMAPO Holdings Limited, družba ustanovljena po ciprskem pravu, s sedežem v Nikoziji in poslovnim naslovom Kyriakou Matsi, 16, Eagle House, 10th floor, Agioi Omologites, P.C. 1082 Kyriakou Matsi, 16, Eagle House, 10th floor, Agioi Omologites, P.C. 1082 kot edini družbenik družbe TOMPLAST d.o.o., Cesta na Gradec 5, Mirna, na skupščini družbe TOMPLAST d.o.o. sprejme sklep:
Družbeniku RAMAPO Holdings Limited se vrnejo vplačana naknadna vplačila v višini 785.000 €.
Based on the Article 7 of the Articles of Association and Article 491 of Commercial Companies Act RAMAPO Holdings Limited, a company existing under laws of Cyprus, with corporate seat in Nicosia and business address Kyriakou Matsi, 16, Eagle House, 10th floor, Agioi Omologites, P.C. 1082 as solely shareholder of the company TOMPLAST d.o.o., Cesta na Gradec 5, Mirna on shareholders meeting of the company TOMPLAST d.o.o. adopts following resolutions: resolution:
Paid subsequent payments in the amount of 785.000 € shall be refunded to RAMAPO Holdings Limited.
RAMAPO Holdings Limited
ki jo zastopa direktor Tomas Lansky
RAMAPO Holdings Limited
represented by director Tomas Lansky