Uradni list

Številka 105
Uradni list RS, št. 105/2011 z dne 23. 12. 2011
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 105/2011 z dne 23. 12. 2011


Ob-5859/11 , Stran 2972
AT&T Global Network Holdings LLC, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wlilmington, Delaware 19801 ZDA kot ustanovitelj in edini družbenik družbe AT&T globalne omrežne storitve d.o.o. po svojem pooblaščencu: Ellen Spano, sprejme naslednje sklepe o vračilu naknadnega vplačila družbeniku. AT&T Global Network Holdings LLC, Corporation Trust Center, 1209 Orange Street, Wlilmington, Delaware 19801 USA the Founder and sole Shareholder of the company AT&T Globalne omrežne storitve d.o.o. by its authorized representative: Ellen Spano adopts the following Resolutions on the repayment of the additional payment to the artner. Ugotovi se, da je družbenik dne 5. januarja 2004 vplačal na račun družbe AT&T globalne omrežne storitve d.o.o. znesek 664.700.000,00 SIT kot naknadno vplačilo za kritje dela izgube, ugotovljene za poslovno leto 2002. It is noted that on January 5, 2004 the partner paid into the account of the company AT&T globalne omrežne storitve d.o.o. the sum in the amount of SIT 664,700,000.00 as additional payment to cover part of the losses ascertained for the financial year 2002. Za popolno kritje izgube je porabljen del vplačanega zneska v višini 308.638.000,00 SIT, tako so iz naslova naknadnih vplačil ostala sredstva v višini 1.485.820,40 EUR. Družbenik je zato v skladu in na podlagi 495. člena Zakona o gospodarskih družbah dne 14. 7. 2007 sklenil, da se mu del sredstev iz naslova naknadnih vplačil v znesku 500.000,00 EUR vrne. A part of the paid sum amounting to SIT 308,638,000.00 was used for the comprehensive cover of losses, therefore the available funds relating to additional payments in the amount of EUR 1,485,820.40 remained. In accordance with and pursuant to Article 495 of the Companies Act, the Shareholder resolved on 14 July 2007 that a part of the additional payments amounting to EUR 500,000.00 will be repaid. Sklep je bil realiziran 12. 5. 2008. The resolution was realized on 12 May 2008. Glede na to, da je družba v vseh naslednjih letih izkazovala dobiček, znašajo razpoložljiva sredstva iz naslova naknadnih vplačil še 985.820,40 EUR. Družbenik zato v skladu in na podlagi 495. člena Zakona o gospodarskih družbah sklene, da se mu del sredstev iz naslova naknadnih vplačil v znesku 500.000,00 EUR vrne. Considering that in the following years the Company was reporting profit, the available funds in respect of the addival payments amount to EUR 985,820.40. In accordance with and pursuant to Article 495 of the Companies Act, the Shareholder resolves to be repaid the part of the additional payments amounting to EUR 500,000.00. Sklep se objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije. The resolution shall be published in the Official Journal of the Republic of Slovenia. Izplačilo dela naknadnega vplačila v znesku 500.000,00 EUR se izvrši po preteku treh mesecev od dneva objave tega sklepa. The repayment of the part of the additional payment amounting to EUR 500,000.00 shall be made following three months as of the date of the publishing of this resolution.
Pooblaščenec Authorized person

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