Uradni list

Številka 49
Uradni list RS, št. 49/2012 z dne 27. 6. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 49/2012 z dne 27. 6. 2012


34. Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o sodelovanju v boju proti kriminalu (BUKBPK), stran 131.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o sodelovanju v boju proti kriminalu (BUKBPK)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o sodelovanju v boju proti kriminalu (BUKBPK), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 15. maja 2012.
Št. 003-02-4/2012-9
Ljubljana, dne 23. maja 2012
dr. Danilo Türk l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Kabinetom ministrov Ukrajine o sodelovanju v boju proti kriminalu, podpisan v Kijevu 11. oktobra 2011.
2. člen
Sporazum se v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Kabinet ministrov Ukrajine (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenika) sta se
z namenom prispevati k razvoju medsebojnih odnosov,
v prepričanju, da je policijsko sodelovanje bistvenega pomena v boju proti kriminalu, zlasti organiziranemu, nezakoniti trgovini s prepovedanimi drogami, psihotropnimi snovmi in predhodnimi sestavinami, nezakonitim migracijam, trgovini z ljudmi ter kaznivimi dejanji z elementi terorizma in ekstremizma, in za njegovo učinkovito preprečevanje,
v prizadevanju, da spodbudita in dopolnita obstoječe sodelovanje med pristojnimi organi Republike Slovenije in Ukrajine za preprečevanje kriminala in boj proti njemu,
ob spoštovanju pravic in svoboščin prebivalstva držav pogodbenikov,
ob upoštevanju mednarodnih obveznosti in notranje zakonodaje njunih držav,
1. člen
Namen sporazuma
1. Namen tega sporazuma je okrepiti dvostransko sodelovanje med pogodbenikoma pri preprečevanju, zaznavanju in preiskovanju kriminala, zlasti z izmenjavo informacij o boju proti kriminalu, ter ohranjati redne stike med pristojnimi organi na vseh ustreznih ravneh.
2. Sodelovanje med pogodbenikoma temelji na načelu vzajemnosti in obsega izmenjavo informacij in identifikacijskih podatkov oseb ter druge ukrepe v skladu s tem sporazumom ter z mednarodnimi obveznostmi in notranjo zakonodajo držav pogodbenikov.
2. člen
Področja sodelovanja
1. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo držav pogodbenikov sodelujejo v boju proti kriminalu, predvsem organiziranemu, in pri njegovem učinkovitem preprečevanju, zlasti pa v primeru:
a) kaznivih dejanj zoper človekovo življenje in zdravje;
b) terorizma in z njim povezanimi kaznivimi dejanji in njihovem financiranju;
c) trgovine z ljudmi in tihotapljenja ljudi;
d) kaznivih dejanj zoper spolno nedotakljivost oseb, še posebej otrok;
e) kaznivih dejanj s področja uporabe računalnikov, avtomatiziranih sistemov in računalniških mrež (računalniška kriminaliteta);
f) nedovoljene uporabe, shranjevanja, razširjanja, uvoza, izvoza, izdelave in proizvodnje prepovedanih drog, psihotropnih sestavin, njihovih analogov ter predhodnih sestavin in trgovanja z njimi;
g) nezakonite proizvodnje, shranjevanja, prodaje orožja, streliva, eksploziva, jedrskih, radioaktivnih, kemijskih in bioloških snovi, tehnologij strateškega pomena ali vojaških tehnologij in trgovanja z njimi;
h) nezakonite trgovine s predmeti kulturnega in zgodovinskega pomena;
i) ponarejanja ali prenarejanja denarja, vrednotnic in vrednostnih papirjev, plačilnih sredstev in uradnih dokumentov;
j) pranja denarja in kaznivih dejanj gospodarskega kriminala;
k) kaznivih dejanj s področja dejavnosti javnih uslužbencev (korupcija);
l) premoženjskih kaznivih dejanj, povezanih zlasti s tatvinami in tihotapljenjem prevoznih sredstev;
m) tihotapljenja blaga.
2. Sporazum ne zajema sodelovanja pri zagotavljanju pravne pomoči v kazenskih zadevah ali pri izročitvah. Prav tako ta sporazum ne dopušča sodelovanja v političnih, vojaških in finančnih zadevah, razen skupnega delovanja in boja proti kriminalu po prvem odstavku tega člena.
3. člen
Oblike sodelovanja
Sodelovanje med pristojnimi organi držav pogodbenikov po tem sporazumu poteka v naslednjih oblikah:
a) izmenjava informacij;
b) usklajevanje skupnih dejavnosti, usmerjenih v boj proti kriminalu in njegovemu preprečevanju;
c) ustanavljanje skupnih delovnih skupin;
d) izobraževanje in usposabljanje osebja.
4. člen
Izmenjava informacij
Pogodbenika si v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo njunih držav vzajemno izmenjujeta osebne podatke in informacije o osebah ter okoliščinah kaznivih dejanj, zlasti:
a) informacije o osebah, ki so storile kaznivo dejanje ali so vanj vpletene:
– priimek, prejšnji priimek, osebno ime, druga imena (psevdonimi, vzdevki), spol, datum in kraj rojstva, kraj stalnega prebivališča, trenutno in vsako nekdanje državljanstvo itd.;
– podatki o dokumentu, ki potrjuje identiteto posameznika iz prejšnje alineje tega člena, tj. o potnem listu ali drugi potni listini (številka, datum izdaje, organ izdajatelj, kraj izdaje, obdobje veljavnosti, območje veljavnosti);
– podatki o prstnem odtisu ali odtisu dlani osebe, vpletene v storitev kaznivega dejanja, profil ali vzorec DNK, oseb­ni opis, fotografija;
– drugi osebni podatki, ki jih zbirajo in si jih izmenjujejo pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov;
b) o načrtovanju kaznivih dejanj, predvsem terorističnih, uperjenih proti interesom držav pogodbenikov;
c) o predmetih in stvareh, ki lahko prispevajo k preiskavi in razkritju kaznivega dejanja;
d) o načrtovanih akcijah in operacijah, ki so lahko v interesu drugega pogodbenika;
e) o konceptualnih in analitičnih dokumentih ter specialistični literaturi;
f) o določbah notranje zakonodaje, pomembnih za sodelovanje držav pogodbenikov, in njihovih sprememb;
g) o izkušnjah, ki so posledica dejavnosti pristojnih organov držav pogodbenikov, zlasti o novih oblikah kriminala.
5. člen
Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov sprejmejo vse potrebne ukrepe za zagotovitev usklajevanja skupnih dejavnosti na njunem ozemlju pri:
a) iskanju oseb in predmetov, vključno z izvedbo ukrepov za iskanje in zaseg nezakonito pridobljenih premoženjskih koristi;
b) uporabi posebnih preiskovalnih tehnik;
c) zaščiti prič, žrtev in drugih oseb, da se prepreči ogrožanje življenja ali druga resna nevarnost, povezana s kazenskim postopkom;
d) načrtovanju in izvedbi skupnih programov za preprečevanje kriminala;
e) zagotavljanju javne varnosti na večjih dogodkih mednarodnega pomena.
6. člen
Skupne delovne skupine
1. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov po potrebi ustanovijo skupne analitične, delovne in preiskovalne skupine, v katerih si uradne osebe pristojnih organov držav pogodbenikov dejavno pomagajo s posvetovanjem na strokovni ravni.
2. Te uradne osebe opravljajo svoje dejavnosti skladno s priporočili pristojnih organov države pogodbenika, na ozemlju katerega se nahajajo.
3. Pogodbenika napotenim uradnikom, ki sodelujejo v skupnih delovnih skupinah, zagotavljata podporo in zaščito.
7. člen
Usposabljanje in izpopolnjevanje
1. Pogodbenika si pomagata pri usposabljanju in izpopolnjevanju, zlasti pri:
a) organizaciji skupnih seminarjev, vaj in tečajev;
b) usposabljanju specialistov;
c) izmenjavi strokovnjakov;
d) izmenjavi metod usposabljanja.
2. Poleg tega pogodbenika spodbujata druge oblike izmenjave izkušenj in znanja, ki jih pridobita v boju proti kriminalu.
8. člen
Postopek sodelovanja
1. Zaprosila za pomoč in odgovori nanje so v pisni obliki. V nujnih primerih je dovoljeno ustno zaprosilo, ki mu takoj sledi pisna potrditev. Pisna zaprosila in odgovori nanje se pošljejo po pošti ali s tehničnimi sredstvi za sporočanje informacij v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo držav pogodbenikov.
2. Zaprosila za informacije ali pomoč naj vsebujejo:
– imena pristojnih organov prosilcev in zaprošenih pristojnih organov;
– namen in vsebino zaprosila, njegovo utemeljitev in podatke, ki se lahko uporabijo za njegovo izpolnitev, ter seznam morebitnih omejitev uporabe informacij iz zaprosila;
– seznam vprašanj, na katera je treba odgovoriti, ali ukrepov, ki naj se sprejmejo;
– želeni rok za izpolnitev zaprosila.
3. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov se lahko v posebnih primerih obvestijo brez ustreznega zaprosila, če je informacija lahko pomembna za boj proti obstoječi grožnji, uperjeni zoper veljavni javni red, ali v boju proti kriminalu.
4. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov si pomagajo skladno z notranjo zakonodajo svojih držav, razen če zaprosilo za pomoč ne spada v pristojnost pravosodnih organov. Če zaprošeni organ ni pristojen za izpolnitev zaprosila, ga pošlje ustreznemu pristojnemu organu.
5. Pristojni organi države zaprošenega pogodbenika v najkrajšem možnem času odgovorijo na zaprosilo iz prvega odstavka tega člena. Zaprošeni pogodbenik lahko pogodbenika prosilca prosi za dodatne informacije za izpolnitev zaprosila.
6. Vsak pogodbenik lahko v celoti ali deloma odkloni zaprosilo za pomoč, če meni, da bi izpolnitev slednjega lahko ogrozila suverenost, varnost ali druge pomembne interese države ali da zaprosilo ni v skladu z njegovo notranjo zakonodajo ali da krši obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz njegovih mednarodnih sporazumov. Če zaprosila ni mogoče izpolniti delno ali v celoti, se pogodbenika lahko dogovorita o drugih ukrepih, ki ustrezajo interesom obeh.
7. Zaprošeni pogodbenik nemudoma pisno obvesti drugega pogodbenika in navede razloge za odklonitev zaprosila ali njegovo delno izpolnitev.
9. člen
Uradniki za zvezo
1. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov lahko sklepajo dogovore o napotitvi uradnikov za zvezo na ozemlje države drugega pogodbenika za omejen ali neomejen čas.
2. Namen napotitve uradnikov za zvezo v državo drugega pogodbenika je okrepiti in pospešiti sodelovanje pristojnih organov držav pogodbenikov v njihovem boju proti kriminalu.
3. Uradniki za zvezo dejavno svetujejo in pomagajo, vendar ne izvajajo pooblastil uradnih oseb. Zagotavljajo informacije in izvajajo naloge po navodilih pogodbenika, ki jih je napotil.
10. člen
Varstvo podatkov
Ob upoštevanju notranje zakonodaje pogodbenikov in Konvencije Sveta Evrope o varstvu posameznikov pri avtomatski obdelavi osebnih podatkov, ki je bila sestavljena 28. januarja 1981 v Strasbourgu, pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov izpolnjujejo naslednje pogoje za varstvo osebnih podatkov, ki se izmenjajo pri njunem sodelovanju:
a) pogodbenik prejemnik sme podatke uporabiti samo za namene, opredeljene v tem sporazumu, če zagotavlja ustrezno varstvo osebnih podatkov;
b) na zaprosilo pogodbenika pošiljatelja pogodbenik prejemnik slednjega obvesti o uporabi poslanih podatkov in ugotovitvah;
c) podatki se lahko izmenjujejo samo med pristojnimi organi držav pogodbenikov, določenimi v tem sporazumu. Podatki se lahko pošljejo tretji strani le ob predhodnem pisnem soglasju pogodbenika pošiljatelja;
d) pogodbenik pošiljatelj zagotovi točnost poslanih podatkov. Če so poslani podatki netočni ali ne bi smeli biti razkriti, je treba o tem pogodbenika prejemnika nemudoma obvestiti. V takem primeru pogodbenik prejemnik napake popravi ali podatke uniči;
e) posamezniku se na njegovo pisno zahtevo zagotovijo vsi obstoječi podatki o njem in informacije o njihovi obdelavi. Glede razkrivanja informacij o osebnih podatkih prevlada notranja zakonodaja pogodbenika pošiljatelja;
f) pogodbenik pošiljatelj v skladu s svojo notranjo zakonodajo obvesti pogodbenika prejemnika o roku za izbris podatkov. Ne glede na to, je treba vse poslane osebne podatke izbrisati takoj, ko niso več potrebni za namene, za katere so bili poslani. Pogodbenik pošiljatelj mora biti obveščen o izbrisu poslanih podatkov in razlogih za izbris. Ob prenehanju veljavnosti tega sporazuma je treba vse prejete osebne podatke uničiti;
g) pogodbenika vodita evidenco o pošiljanju, prejemanju in izbrisu podatkov. Evidenca mora vsebovati informacije o tem, kateri podatki so bili poslani, čas in namen pošiljanja;
h) pogodbenika učinkovito varujeta prejete osebne podatke pred naključnim ali nepooblaščenim uničenjem ali naključno izgubo ter pred nedovoljenim dostopom, spreminjanjem in razširjanjem.
11. člen
Izmenjava tajnih podatkov
Pogodbenika tajne podatke, ki si jih pošiljata po tem sporazumu, vzajemno varujeta v skladu z notranjo zakonodajo njunih držav in ustreznimi mednarodnimi sporazumi.
12. člen
Pristojni organi
1. Za namen izvajanja tega sporazuma, so pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov:
za Republiko Slovenijo:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve, Generalna policijska uprava;
za Ukrajino:
– Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve;
– Varnostna služba;
– Uprava Službe državne mejne straže;
– Državna carinska uprava;
– Državna davčna uprava;
– Državna služba za nadzor financ.
Pristojni organi sodelujejo neposredno in operativno v okviru svojih pristojnosti.
2. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov si v tridesetih dneh od začetka veljavnosti sporazuma izmenjajo podatke za stike, potrebne za sodelovanje (telefonske številke in številke faksov, naslove itd.).
3. Pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov se nemudoma obvestijo o kakršnih koli spremembah podatkov iz prvega in drugega odstavka tega člena.
13. člen
Če se pogodbenika ne dogovorita drugače, stroške, ki so povezani z izvajanjem tega sporazuma, krije pogodbenik, na ozemlju katerega ti stroški nastanejo.
14. člen
Če se pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov ne dogovorijo drugače, sodelovanje med pogodbenikoma po tem sporazumu poteka v angleškem jeziku.
15. člen
Sestanki strokovnjakov
Predstavniki pogodbenikov se lahko po potrebi sestanejo, da ocenijo rezultate sodelovanja po tem sporazumu in se dogovorijo o njegovem nadaljnjem poteku.
16. člen
Vpliv na druge mednarodne sporazume
Določbe tega sporazuma ne vplivajo na druge dvostranske ali večstranske sporazume, ki zavezujejo državi pogodbenikov.
17. člen
Dodatni sporazumi
1. Ta sporazum se lahko spremeni in dopolni ob vzajemnem pisnem soglasju pogodbenikov. Spremembe in dopolnila se sestavijo v pisni obliki po enakem postopku, kakor je bil uporabljen za sprejetje tega sporazuma, in so sestavni del tega sporazuma.
2. Za namen izvajanja in razvoja sodelovanja po tem sporazumu lahko pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov sklenejo dodatne dogovore na podlagi tega sporazuma.
18. člen
Reševanje sporov
1. Vse spore zaradi razlage in izvajanja določb tega sporazuma pristojni organi držav pogodbenikov rešujejo s pogovori in pogajanji ob medsebojnim razumevanju.
2. Če soglasja ni mogoče doseči s pogovori in pogajanji po prvem odstavku tega člena, se spor reši po diplomatski poti.
19. člen
Začetek veljavnosti in trajanje sporazuma
1. Sporazum začne veljati trideseti dan po datumu prejema zadnjega od uradnih obvestil, s katerima se pogodbenika obvestita o dokončanju vseh notranjih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
2. Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas. Vsak pogodbenik ga lahko odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom o odpovedi po diplomatski poti. Sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po datumu prejema takega uradnega obvestila.
Sestavljeno v Kijevu dne 11. oktobra 2011 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, ukrajinskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Ob razlikah pri razlagi sporazuma prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Dragoljuba Benčina l.r.
Za Kabinet
ministrov Ukrajine
Anatolij Mogilev l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
with the intention of contributing to the development of mutual relations,
convinced of the substantial importance of police co-operation in combating and effectively preventing crime, in particular organized crime, the illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and precursors, illegal migration, trafficking in human beings, criminal acts with elements of terrorism and extremism,
endeavoring to promote and complement the existing cooperation between the competent authorities of the Republic of Slovenia and Ukraine, which prevent crime and fight against it,
while respecting the rights and freedoms of the population of the States of the Parties,
having regard to international obligations and the national legislation of their respective States,
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Purpose of Agreement
1. The purpose of this Agreement is to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the Parties in prevention, detection and investigation of crime, in particular, through exchange of information concerning fight against crime, as well as to maintain of regular contacts between the competent authorities at all appropriate levels.
2. Cooperation between the Parties shall be based on the principle of reciprocity and shall include the exchange of information and identification data of persons as well as other measures with the purpose of realization of this Agreement and in accordance with international obligations and national legislation of the States of the Parties.
Article 2
Areas of Cooperation
1. Competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall, in accordance with the national legislation of the States of the Parties, cooperate in combating and effectively preventing crime, especially organized crime, in particular:
a) crimes against person’s life and health;
b) terrorism, criminal offences related to terrorism and their financing;
c) trafficking in human beings and people smuggling;
d) crimes against sexual inviolability of a person, in particular children;
e) crimes in the sphere of using computers, automated systems and computer networks (cybercrime);
f) illicit use, storage, trade in, distribution, import, export, manufacture and production of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, their analogues and precursors;
g) illegal production, storage, sale, as well as trafficking in arms, ammunition, explosives, nuclear, radioactive, chemical and biological substances, technologies of strategic importance or military technologies;
h) illegal trade in objects of cultural and historical importance;
i) forgery or falsification of money, valuables and securities, payment instruments and official documents;
j) money laundering and crimes in the sphere of economic activity;
k) crimes in the sphere of state servant activity (corruption);
l) crimes against property, especially related to theft and smuggling of transport means;
m) smuggling of goods.
2. This Agreement does not cover the issues of cooperation in the sphere of providing legal assistance in criminal matters or extradition. Also, apart from counteraction and fight against crime in the spheres, stipulated in the paragraph 1 of this Article, this Agreement does not allow cooperating in the matters of political, military and fiscal nature.
Article 3
Forms of cooperation
Cooperation between the competent authorities of the States of the Parties according to this Agreement shall be carried out in the following forms:
a) exchange of information;
b) coordination of common activities, aimed at fighting crime and its prevention;
c) forming of joint working groups;
d) staff education and training.
Article 4
Exchange of information
The Parties shall mutually exchange personal data and information concerning a person, as well as circumstances of the offence, according to the national legislation of their States particularly on:
a) persons who committed the crime or are involved in committing crimes:
– information about: surname, former surname, first name, other names (aliases, nicknames), sex, date and place of birth, residence, current and any former nationality etc.;
– information about data of the document proving the individual’s identity under the preceding item of this article, i.e. a passport or another travel document (number, date of issue, the issuing authority, place of issue, validity period, area of validity);
– information about data referring to a fingerprint or palm print of a person involved in the commission of a criminal offence, DNA profile or sample, personal description, photograph;
– information about other personal data that are collected and exchanged by the competent authorities of the States of the Parties;
b) the planning of criminal acts, in particular acts of terrorism, directed against interests of the States of the Parties;
c) objects and things, which can assist in the process of investigation and disclosure of a crime;
d) planned actions and operations, which can be of interest to the other Party;
e) conceptual and analytical documents, as well as specialist literature;
f) provisions of the national legislation important for the cooperation of the States of the Parties and any changes to them;
g) experience, obtained as a result of activities of competent authorities of the States of the Parties, in particular concerning the new types of crime.
Article 5
The competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall take all necessary measures to ensure coordination of the joint activities on their territory for the following purposes:
a) searching for persons and objects, including implementation of measures aimed at finding and confiscating of the illegally obtained proceeds;
b) implementation of special investigative techniques;
c) protection of witnesses, victims and other persons in order to avert danger to life or any other serious danger in connection with criminal proceedings;
d) planning and implementation of the joint programs aimed at crime prevention;
e) ensuring public security at major events of international significance.
Article 6
Joint working groups
1. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall establish as required joint analytical teams, working and investigative groups, in which officials of the competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall, on an expert basis, provide active assistance in the form of consultations.
2. These officials shall carry out their activities in accordance with the recommendations issued by the competent authorities of the State of the Party on whose territory they stay.
3. The Parties shall provide necessary assistance and protection to their seconded officials, participating in joint working groups.
Article 7
Training and improvement of qualifications
1. The Parties shall support each other in training and improvement of qualifications, in particular through:
a) holding joint seminars, exercises and training courses;
b) training of specialists;
c) exchanging experts;
d) sharing training methods.
2. In addition, the Parties shall encourage other forms of sharing experience and skills, obtained in the fight against crime.
Article 8
Cooperation procedure
1. Requests for assistance and replies to them shall be made in written form. In emergencies verbal request are permissible, followed immediately by written confirmation. Written requests and replies shall be transmitted via post or with the use of technical means of information communication, authorized by the national legislation of the States of the Parties.
2. Requests for information or assistance should contain:
– names of the requesting and requested competent authorities;
– aim and content of the request, its justification and data, which may be used for its execution, as well as a list of possible limitations concerning use of information, stated in the request;
– list of questions to be answered or measures to be taken;
– desired terms for compliance with the request.
3. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties may inform each other in specific cases without having to make a corresponding request in case, if the available information could be important in the fight against an existing threat to the law and order in force or in the fight against crime.
4. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties according to the national legislation of their States render each other assistance, provided that the request for assistance does not fall within the jurisdiction of the judicial authorities. If the requested authority has no powers to comply with this request, it shall forward the request to the appropriate authority.
5. The competent authorities of the State of the requested Party shall reply to the request specified in paragraph 1 this Article in the shortest possible period. The requested Party may ask the requesting Party for further information for compliance with the request.
6. Each Party may refuse completely or partially to the request for assistance, if it considers that fulfilling the same might threaten the sovereignty, security or other vital interest of the State, or if the request does not correspond to its national legislation, or if the request violates its obligations arising from international agreements. If the request can not be fulfilled completely or partially, the Parties may agree on other measures that would satisfy the interests of both Parties.
7. The requested Party shall promptly inform the other Party in written form, stating the reasons for refusal of a request or partial fulfillment.
Article 9
Liaison officers
1. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties may conclude arrangements concerning assignment of liaison officers for limited or unlimited periods of time to the territory of the State of the other Party.
2. The purpose of assigning liaison officers to the State of the other Party is to strengthen and accelerate cooperation of the competent authorities of the States of the Parties which fight against crime.
3. The liaison officers shall be active in advisory and supporting capacity without exercising sovereign powers. They provide information and carry out tasks according to the instructions they receive from the assigning Party.
Article 10
Data protection
In accordance with their national legislation and the Council of Europe Convention for the Protection of Persons with Regard to the Automatic Processing of Personal Data, done at Strasbourg on 28 January 1981 the competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall apply the following terms and conditions for the protection of personal data exchanged during their cooperation:
a) the Party receiving the data may use it solely for the purposes specified in this Agreement provided that it ensures adequate personal data protection;
b) upon request by the sending Party, the receiving Party shall inform the latter on the use of the transferred data and achieved results;
c) data may only be exchanged between the competent authorities of the States of the Parties specified in this Agreement. Such data may be forwarded to any third Party only upon prior written consent of the sending Party;
d) the Party sending the data shall ensure the accuracy of the transferred data. In case transferred data is inaccurate or should not have been disclosed, the receiving Party shall be immediately informed. In this case the receiving Party shall correct the mistakes or destroy the data;
e) upon written request by any person, all existing data about him/her, as well as the information on its processing, shall be provided to him/her. As regards disclosing information on personal data, the national legislation of the sending Party shall prevail;
f) the sending Party shall, in accordance with its national legislation, inform the receiving Party on the time limit for the deletion of data. Regardless of the latter fact, all transferred personal data must be deleted after becoming unnecessary for the purposes they were transferred. The sending Party must be informed about the deletion of the transferred data and the reasons for the deletion. All received personal data must be destroyed upon the termination of the present Agreement;
g) the Parties shall keep a record of any transfer, receipt and deletion of data. The record must contain information as to which data was transferred, when and for what purpose;
h) the Parties shall efficiently protect the received personal data from accidental or unauthorised destruction or accidental loss as well as against unauthorised access, alteration or dissemination.
Article 11
Exchange of secret information
The Parties shall transmit and mutually protect the secret information within the framework of this Agreement in compliance with the national legislation of their States and on the grounds of the corresponding international agreements.
Article 12
Competent authorities
1. For the purpose of the implementation of this Agreement the competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall be the following:
On the part of the Republic of Slovenia:
– Ministry of the Interior, General Police Directorate.
On the part of Ukraine:
– Ministry of Internal Affairs;
– Security Service;
– Administration of the State Border Guard Service;
– State Customs Service;
– State Tax Service;
– State Financial Monitoring Service.
These competent authorities shall directly and operatively cooperate within their competence.
2. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall exchange relevant contact information (telephone and fax numbers, address etc.) necessary for cooperation within 30 days after the Agreement has entered into force.
3. The competent authorities of the States of the Parties shall notify each other without delay of any changes in the data provided pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Article.
Article 13
Unless otherwise agreed by the Parties, costs related to fulfillment of this Agreement shall be borne by the Party on the territory of which these expenses occur.
Article 14
Unless otherwise agreed by the competent authorities of the States of the Parties, cooperation between the Parties within the framework of this Agreement shall be implemented in the English language.
Article 15
Meetings of experts
Representatives of the Parties may, if required, meet in order to sum up the achievements of the cooperation carried out under this Agreement and discuss its further developments.
Article 16
Implications for other international agreements
The provisions of this Agreement shall not affect any bilateral or multilateral agreement binding the States of the Parties.
Article 17
Additional Agreements
1. This Agreement may be amended and supplemented by mutual consent of the Parties. These amendments and supplements shall be drawn up in written form, following the same procedure as used for the adoption of this Agreement and shall form an integral part thereof.
2. For the purpose of implementing and developing the cooperation under this Agreement the competent authorities of the States of the Parties may conclude further arrangements on the basis of this Agreement.
Article 18
Settlement of Disputes
1. Any disputes concerning interpretation and implementation of the provisions of this Agreement shall be resolved by mutual understanding and through consultations and negotiations between the competent authorities of the States of the Parties.
2. If during consultations and negotiations the consensus is not reached according to the paragraph 1 of this Article, the issue shall be settled through diplomatic channels.
Article 19
Entry into force and term of validity of the Agreement
1. The present Agreement shall enter into force on the thirtieth day following the date of the receipt of the last written notification by which the Parties have informed each other of the completion of all internal procedures necessary for its entry into force.
2. This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Either Party may terminate it by sending a written notification of termination through diplomatic channels. This Agreement shall cease to have effect six months after the date of the receipt of such written notification.
Done in Kyiv on the 11 day of October 2011 in two original copies, each in the Slovenian, Ukrainian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation of this Agreement the English text shall prevail.
For the Government
of the Republic of Slovenije
Dragoljuba Benčina (s)
For the Cabinet
of Ministers of Ukraine
Anatolij Mogilev (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve – Generalna policijska uprava.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 212-05/09-1/11
Ljubljana, dne 15. maja 2012
EPA 176-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Gregor Virant l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v ukrajinskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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