Uradni list

Številka 60
Uradni list RS, št. 60/2012 z dne 6. 8. 2012
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 60/2012 z dne 6. 8. 2012


47. Uredba o ratifikaciji Protokola med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o izvajanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Rusko federacijo o ponovnem sprejemu z dne 25. maja 2006, stran 208.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o izvajanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Rusko federacijo o ponovnem sprejemu z dne 25. maja 2006, podpisan v Moskvi 25. aprila 2012.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi(*):
med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Ruske federacije o izvajanju Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Rusko federacijo o ponovnem sprejemu z dne 25. maja 2006
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Ruske federacije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici)
sta se v želji po vzpostavitvi potrebnih pogojev, ki jih določa 20. člen Sporazuma med Evropsko skupnostjo in Rusko federacijo o ponovnem sprejemu z dne 25. maja 2006 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: sporazum),
1. člen
Pristojni organi
1. Pristojni organi, odgovorni za izvajanje tega sporazuma, so:
za slovensko pogodbenico:
osrednji pristojni organ: Ministrstvo za notranje zadeve Republike Slovenije, Policija;
za rusko pogodbenico:
osrednji pristojni organ: Zvezni urad za migracije;
pristojna organa: Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Ruske federacije in Zvezna varnostna služba Ruske federacije.
2. Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti nemudoma uradno obvestita o spremembah seznama pristojnih organov iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
3. Pri izvajanju določb sporazuma in tega protokola osrednja pristojna organa sodelujeta neposredno, razen v primerih, določenih s tem protokolom.
4. Za izvajanje tega protokola se osrednja pristojna organa v 30 koledarskih dneh od datuma podpisa protokola po diplomatski poti uradno obvestita o svojih podatkih za stike.
5. Osrednja pristojna organa se nemudoma neposredno uradno obvestita o spremembah podatkov za stike.
2. člen
Predložitev prošnje za ponovni sprejem in odgovor nanjo
1. Prošnjo za ponovni sprejem, ki je pripravljena skladno s 7. členom sporazuma, osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke po pošti ali kurirski službi pošlje osrednjemu pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice v roku iz prvega odstavka 11. člena sporazuma.
2. Odgovor na prošnjo za ponovni sprejem osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice po pošti ali kurirski službi pošlje osrednjemu pristojnemu organu pogodbenice prosilke v roku, določenem v drugem odstavku 11. člena sporazuma, in poleg tega po potrebi uporabi še tehnična sredstva za pošiljanje besedil.
3. Osebni podatki, ki jih v prošnji za ponovni sprejem navede pogodbenica prosilka, se pošiljajo skladno z določbami 17. člena sporazuma.
3. člen
Drugi dokumenti
1. Če pogodbenica prosilka meni, da utegnejo biti za ugotavljanje državljanstva osebe, ki naj bi bila ponovno sprejeta, ali za utemeljitev ponovnega sprejema državljanov tretjih držav ali oseb brez državljanstva bistveni tudi drugi dokumenti, ki niso navedeni v prilogah 2 do 5 sporazuma, jih lahko zaprošeni pogodbenici predloži skupaj s prošnjo za ponovni sprejem.
2. Zaprošena pogodbenica ima pravico do odločitve, ali bo pri obravnavanju prošnje za ponovni sprejem upoštevala dokumente iz prvega odstavka tega člena.
4. člen
1. Če pogodbenica prosilka ne more predložiti nobenega dokumenta iz prilog 2 in 3 sporazuma, zaprošena pogodbenica z osebo, ki naj bi bila ponovno sprejeta, opravi razgovor na podlagi zaprosila iz odstavka D prošnje za ponovni sprejem.
2. Za izvedbo razgovora so odgovorni predvsem predstavniki osrednjega pristojnega organa na diplomatskem predstavništvu ali konzulatu države zaprošene pogodbenice v državi pogodbenice prosilke.
3. Ob odsotnosti predstavnikov osrednjega pristojnega organa iz drugega odstavka tega člena razgovor opravijo uradniki diplomatskega predstavništva ali konzulata države zaprošene pogodbenice v državi pogodbenice prosilke.
4. Osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice o ugotovitvah razgovora obvesti osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke v najkrajšem mogočem času, najpozneje pa v 10 koledarskih dneh od datuma prejema prošnje za ponovni sprejem, ki vsebuje zaprosilo za razgovor. Roki za odgovor na prošnjo za ponovni sprejem začnejo teči z dnem, ko osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice pošlje obvestilo o ugotovitvah razgovora.
5. Če z razgovorom ni mogoče dokazati, da ima oseba, ki naj bi bila ponovno sprejeta, državljanstvo zaprošene pogodbenice, ali če pogodbenica prosilka ne zagotovi prisotnosti te osebe na razgovoru, prošnjo za ponovni sprejem, ki vsebuje zaprosilo za razgovor, osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice zavrne.
5. člen
Predložitev vloge za tranzit in odgovor nanjo
1. Vlogo za tranzit, ki je pripravljena skladno s prvim odstavkom 15. člena sporazuma, osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke po pošti ali kurirski službi pošlje osrednjemu pristojnemu organu zaprošene pogodbenice najpozneje v 15 delovnih dneh pred načrtovanim tranzitom.
2. Odgovor na vlogo za tranzit osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice po pošti ali kurirski službi pošlje osrednjemu pristojnemu organu pogodbenice prosilke v 10 delovnih dneh od prejema vloge za tranzit in poleg tega po potrebi uporabi še tehnična sredstva za pošiljanje besedil.
6. člen
Postopek ponovnega sprejema in tranzita
1. Za namene ponovnega sprejema in tranzita pogodbenici določita te mejne prehode:
za slovensko pogodbenico: vsa mednarodna letališča na območju Republike Slovenije;
za rusko pogodbenico: vsa mednarodna letališča na območju Ruske federacije.
Osrednja pristojna organa se lahko za vsak posamezen primer dogovorita o uporabi drugih mejnih prehodov.
2. Osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke najpozneje v 5 delovnih dneh pred načrtovanim tranzitom osebe, ki naj bi bila ponovno sprejeta, osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice obvesti o datumu, času, mejnem prehodu in drugih podrobnostih tranzita.
Osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice v najkrajšem mogočem času, najpozneje pa v 4 delovnih dneh od datuma prejema podatkov o tranzitu osebe, ki naj bi bila ponovno sprejeta, osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke uradno obvesti o sprejemljivosti predlaganega načina tranzita.
Če način tranzita, ki ga je predlagal osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke, za osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice ni sprejemljiv, se je treba čim prej dogovoriti o drugačnem načinu tranzita.
3. O podrobnostih organizacije tranzita se osrednja pristojna organa pogodbenic dogovorita v vsakem posameznem primeru.
7. člen
Spremljanje oseb med prevozom zaradi ponovnega sprejema ali tranzita
1. Če je za prevoz osebe potrebno spremstvo, osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke vnaprej sporoči ime in priimek spremljevalcev, vrsto, številko in datum izdaje njihovih potnih listov, številko leta ter datum in čas prihoda in odhoda.
2. Če se podatki o spremstvu iz prvega odstavka tega člena spremenijo, osrednji pristojni organ pogodbenice prosilke o tem takoj pisno uradno obvesti osrednji pristojni organ zaprošene pogodbenice.
3. Spremljevalci morajo med bivanjem na območju države zaprošene pogodbenice ravnati skladno z njeno zakonodajo.
4. Spremljevalci nosijo civilna oblačila ter imajo pri sebi veljavni potni list in dokumente, ki dovoljujejo ponovni sprejem ali tranzit.
5. Spremljevalci ne smejo nositi orožja in drugih predmetov, za katere na območju države zaprošene pogodbenice veljajo omejitve ali ki niso dovoljeni.
6. Pristojni organi pogodbenic sodelujejo pri vseh vprašanjih, povezanih s prisotnostjo spremljevalcev na območju države zaprošene pogodbenice. Pristojni organi zaprošene pogodbenice spremljevalcem po potrebi zagotovijo mogočo pomoč.
8. člen
Stroške zaprošene pogodbenice, ki nastanejo zaradi ponovnega sprejema ali tranzita, skladno s 16. členom sporazuma krije pogodbenica prosilka in jih poravna v evrih v 30 koledarskih dneh po predložitvi dokazil o stroških.
9. člen
1. Za izvajanje tega protokola dokumente iz 3. in 7. člena protokola ter oddelkov III in IV sporazuma pripravi:
– slovenska pogodbenica v slovenskem jeziku s priloženim prevodom v angleški ali ruski jezik;
– ruska pogodbenica v ruskem jeziku s priloženim prevodom v angleški ali slovenski jezik.
2. Posvetovanja med pristojnimi organi o izvajanju protokola so v angleškem jeziku, razen če se pogodbenici za vsak posamezen primer ne dogovorita drugače.
10. člen
Ta protokol lahko pogodbenici spremenita z medsebojnim soglasjem.
11. člen
Začetek in prenehanje veljavnosti
1. Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti uradno pisno obvestita o končanih notranjih postopkih, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega protokola.
2. Protokol začne veljati, kot določi Skupni odbor za ponovni sprejem po prejemu uradnega obvestila skladno z drugim odstavkom 20. člena sporazuma, da sta pogodbenici končali vse potrebne notranje postopke za začetek veljavnosti protokola.
3. Protokol preneha veljati hkrati s sporazumom.
Sestavljeno v Moskvi dne 25. aprila 2012 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, ruskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna.
Pri razlikah v razlagi tega protokola prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Ada Filip Slivnik l.r.
Za Vlado
Ruske federacije
Nikolaj Smorodin l.r.
between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation on the implementation of the Agreement between the European Community and the Russian Federation on readmission of 25 May 2006
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the Parties),
wishing to establish the necessary conditions as provided for in Article 20 of the Agreement between the European Community and the Russian Federation on readmission of 25 May 2006 (hereinafter referred to as the Agreement),
have agreed as follows:
Article 1
Competent authorities
1. The competent authorities responsible for the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement are:
for the Slovenian Party:
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Slovenia, Police – central competent authority;
for the Russian Party:
Federal Migration Service – central competent authority;
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation;
Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation.
2. The Parties shall immediately notify each other through diplomatic channels of any changes in the competent authorities referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article.
3. For the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement and of this Implementing Protocol the central competent authorities shall directly co-operate with each other except in cases foreseen in this Implementing Protocol.
4. For the implementation of this Implementing Protocol the central competent authorities shall notify each other through diplomatic channels of their contact data within 30 calendar days from the date of the signing of this Implementing Protocol.
5. Further the central competent authorities shall notify each other immediately directly of any changes in the contact data.
Article 2
Submission of the readmission application and reply thereto
1. A readmission application, compiled pursuant to Article 7 of the Agreement, shall be submitted by the central competent authority of the requesting Party to the central competent authority of the requested Party by mail or courier within the time limits foreseen in Article 11 (1) of the Agreement.
2. A reply to the readmission application shall be sent by the central competent authority of the requested Party to the central competent authority of the requesting Party by mail or courier and using additionally, if necessary, technical means of information transmission in time limits indicated in the Article 11 (2) of the Agreement.
3. Personal data included by the requesting Party into the readmission application shall be transmitted in accordance with the provisions of the Article 17 of the Agreement.
Article 3
Other documents
1. If the requesting Party considers that other documents which are not listed in Annexes 2 to 5 to the Agreement may be essential for establishing the nationality of the person to be readmitted or for establishing grounds for readmission of the third country nationals or stateless persons, then such documents may be also attached to the readmission application submitted to the requested Party.
2. The requested Party has the right to decide whether the documents referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article may be taken into consideration in processing the readmission application.
Article 4
1. In case the requesting Party is unable to present any of documents listed in Annexes 2 and 3 to the Agreement, the requested Party shall interview the person to be readmitted upon the request indicated in paragraph “D” of the readmission application.
2. The primary duty for interview implementation is laid on the representatives of the central competent authority at the diplomatic mission or consular post of the State of the requested Party in the State of the requesting Party.
3. In the absence of representatives of the central competent authority referred to in paragraph 2 of this Article the interview shall be carried out by the officials of the diplomatic mission or consular post of the State of the requested Party in the State of the requesting Party.
4. The central competent authority of the requested Party shall inform the central competent authority of the requesting Party of the results of the interview within the shortest possible time period, but not later than 10 calendar days from the date of the receipt of the readmission application containing the request for an interview. The time limits for the reply to the readmission application shall begin to run on the date of sending information of the interview results by the central competent authority of the requested Party.
5. If the nationality of the State of the requested Party of the person to be readmitted is not proved by the result of the interview or a person has not been presented for the interview by the requesting Party, the readmission application containing the request for an interview is refused by the central competent authority of the requested Party.
Article 5
Submission of the transit application and reply thereto
1. A transit application compiled pursuant to Article 15 (1) of the Agreement shall be submitted by the central competent authority of the requesting Party to the central competent authority of the requested Party by mail or courier not later than 15 working days before the planned transit.
2. A reply to the transit application shall be sent by the central competent authority of the requested Party to the central competent authority of the requesting Party by mail or courier and using additionally, if necessary, technical means of information transmission, within 10 working days from the date of the receipt of the transit application.
Article 6
Readmission and Transit Procedure
1. For the purposes of readmission and transit the Parties identify the following border crossing points:
the Slovenian Party: in all international airports within the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;
the Russian Party: in all international airports within the territory of the Russian Federation.
The central competent authorities may agree on the use of other border crossing points on a case-by-case basis.
2. The central competent authority of the Requesting Party not later than 5 working days before the supposed date of transfer of the person to be readmitted informs the central competent authority of the Requested Party on date, time, border crossing point and others modalities of the transfer.
The central competent authority of Requested Party within the shortest possible time period but not later than 4 working days from the date of receiving the information on the transfer of the person to be readmitted, notifies the central competent authority of the Requesting Party on an acceptability of the transfer modalities.
In case if the transfer modalities proposed by the central competent authority of the Requesting Party are not acceptable for the central competent authority of the Requested Party, other modalities for the transfer shall be arranged as soon as possible.
3. The modalities for the organization of the transit shall be agreed by the central competent authorities of the Parties in each particular case.
Article 7
Escorting persons in transfer due to readmission or transit
1. In case the escort is needed to transfer a person the central competent authority of the requesting Party shall inform beforehand of the first names and surnames of the escorts, types, numbers and dates of issue of their passports, flight numbers, date and time of arrival and departure.
2. In case there are any changes in the data concerning the escort referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article the central competent authority of the requesting Party shall immediately notify the central competent authority of the requested Party of these changes in written form.
3. The escorts during their stay in the territory of the State of the requested Party shall be obliged to obey the legislation of the State of the requested Party.
4. The escorts shall be in civilian clothes and carry valid passports as well as documents of approval for readmission or transit.
5. The escorts shall not bear weapons and any other items which are not allowed or restricted in the territory of the State of the requested Party.
6. The competent authorities of the Parties shall co-operate with each other on all the issues related to the presence of the escorts in the territory of the State of the requested Party. The competent authorities of the requested Party shall provide the escorts with possible assistance if necessary.
Article 8
The readmission or transit costs incurred by the requested Party shall be borne by the requesting Party in accordance with Article 16 of the Agreement and reimbursed in euro within 30 calendar days upon the submission of the documents proving the costs.
Article 9
1. For the implementation of the provisions of this Implementing Protocol the documents provided for in Article 3 and 7 of this Implementing Protocol, as well as in sections III and IV of the Agreement shall be drawn up by:
– the Slovenian Party – in the Slovenian language with translation into the English or Russian language appended;
– the Russian Party – in the Russian language with translation into the English or Slovenian language appended.
2. Consultations between the competent authorities concerning the implementation of this Implementing Protocol shall be held in English language, unless the Parties agree otherwise on a case-by-case basis.
Article 10
The Parties may amend this Implementing Protocol upon mutual agreement.
Article 11
Entry into force and termination
1. The Parties shall notify each other through diplomatic channels in written form that their internal procedures required for entry into force of this Implementing Protocol have been completed.
2. This Implementing Protocol enters into force in order specified by the Joint Readmission Committee after the notification to the Joint Readmission Committee in accordance with the Article 20 (2) of the Agreement about this Implementing Protocol and that both Parties have completed their respective internal procedures necessary therefore.
3. The Implementing Protocol shall be terminated at the same time as the Agreement.
Done at Moscow, on 25 April 2012, in duplicate, each in Slovenian, Russian and English language, all texts being equally authentic.
In case of differences in the interpretation of this Implementing Protocol, the English text shall be used.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Ada Filip Slivnik (s)
For the Government of the
Russian Federation
Nikolay Smorodin (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za notranje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-27/2012/4
Ljubljana, dne 19. julija 2012
EVA 2012-1811-0055
Vlada Republike Slovenije
Janez Janša l.r.
(*) Besedilo sporazuma v ruskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.

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