Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Bolgarije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BBGIMVTP)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Bolgarije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov (BBGIMVTP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 14. decembra 2012.
Št. 003-02-10/2012-11
Ljubljana, dne 24. decembra 2012
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Bolgarije o izmenjavi in medsebojnem varovanju tajnih podatkov, sestavljen v Predosljah 9. maja 2012.
2. člen
Sporazum se v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku glasi:(1)
Vlada Republike Bolgarije in Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
ob spoznanju, da lahko medsebojno sodelovanje zahteva izmenjavo tajnih podatkov med pogodbenicama,
v želji, da bi zagotovili varovanje tajnih podatkov, izmenjanih med njima ali med javnimi in zasebnimi subjekti v njuni pristojnosti,
V tem sporazumu izrazi pomenijo:
a) tajni podatek: podatek, dokument ali gradivo, ki se ne glede na obliko prenese ali nastane med pogodbenicama, zahteva varovanje pred nepooblaščenim dostopom ter je kot tak določen in ustrezno označen v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic;
b) pogodbenica izvora: pogodbenica, vključno z javnimi ali zasebnimi subjekti v njeni pristojnosti, ki daje tajne podatke pogodbenici prejemnici;
c) pogodbenica prejemnica: pogodbenica, vključno z javnimi ali zasebnimi subjekti v njeni pristojnosti, ki prejema tajne podatke od pogodbenice izvora;
d) potreba po seznanitvi: načelo, po katerem se posamezniku lahko dovoli dostop do tajnih podatkov samo zaradi opravljanja njegovih uradnih dolžnosti ali nalog;
e) dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov: odločitev po končanem varnostnem preverjanju osebe v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi, na podlagi katere je posameznik pooblaščen za dostop do tajnih podatkov stopnje tajnosti, ki je navedena na dovoljenju, in za ravnanje z njimi;
f) varnostno dovoljenje organizacije: odločitev po končanem varnostnem preverjanju, da izvajalec izpolnjuje pogoje za ravnanje s tajnimi podatki v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi;
g) izvajalec: posameznik ali pravna oseba s sposobnostjo za sklepanje pogodb;
h) pogodba s tajnimi podatki: pogodba ali podpogodba, vključno s pogajanji pred sklenitvijo pogodbe, ki vsebuje tajne podatke ali vključuje dostop do njih;
i) tretja stran: država, vključno z javnimi ali zasebnimi subjekti v njeni pristojnosti, ali mednarodna organizacija, ki ni pogodbenica tega sporazuma;
j) nepooblaščen dostop: vsaka oblika razkritja tajnih podatkov, vključno z njihovo zlorabo, poškodovanjem, vpogledom in nepravilno stopnjo tajnosti, kot tudi vsako drugo dejanje, ki povzroči kršitev varovanja ali izgubo takih podatkov, ter vsako dejanje ali opustitev dejanja, ki povzroči razkritje podatkov nepooblaščeni osebi;
k) oznaka stopnje tajnosti: kategorija, ki v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic določa pomembnost tajnih podatkov, stopnjo omejitve dostopa do njih in stopnjo varovanja, ki jo zagotavljata pogodbenici;
l) nacionalni varnostni organ: organ, ki je v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pristojen za splošno izvajanje vseh vidikov tega sporazuma in ustrezen nadzor nad njimi;
m) kršitev varovanja tajnosti: dejanje ali opustitev dejanja v nasprotju z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi, ki povzroči ali lahko povzroči nepooblaščen dostop do tajnih podatkov ali njihovo uničenje.
Pogodbenici v skladu s svojimi notranjimi zakoni in predpisi ter ob upoštevanju interesov in varnosti države sprejmeta vse ustrezne ukrepe, da zagotovita varovanje tajnih podatkov, ki se prenesejo ali nastanejo po tem sporazumu.
(1) Nacionalna varnostna organa pogodbenic sta:
v Republiki Sloveniji:
Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov;
v Republiki Bolgariji:
Državna komisija za varovanje podatkov.
(2) Pogodbenici se po diplomatski poti obveščata o vseh poznejših spremembah nacionalnih varnostnih organov.
(1) Tajni podatki, dani na podlagi tega sporazuma, so označeni z ustrezno stopnjo tajnosti v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic.
(2) Naslednje oznake stopnje tajnosti so enakovredne in ustrezajo oznakam stopenj tajnosti določenim z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic:
(1) Pogodbenici zagotavljata tajnim podatkom iz tega sporazuma enako raven varovanja kakor svojim tajnim podatkom enakovredne stopnje tajnosti.
(2) Dostop do tajnih podatkov je dovoljen samo posameznikom, ki imajo potrebo po seznanitvi s podatki, so bili poučeni o ravnanju s tajnimi podatki in njihovem varovanju ter so pravilno pooblaščeni v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
(3) Pogodbenici medsebojno priznavata dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov in varnostna dovoljenja organizacij. Skladno s tem velja 4. člen.
(4) Pogodbenica izvora:
a) zagotovi, da so tajni podatki označeni z ustrezno stopnjo tajnosti v skladu z njenimi notranjimi zakoni in predpisi, in
b) obvesti pogodbenico prejemnico o vseh pogojih za dajanje tajnih podatkov ali omejitvah njihove uporabe ter o vseh poznejših spremembah in/ali morebitnem preklicu stopnje tajnosti.
(5) Pogodbenica prejemnica:
a) zagotovi, da so tajni podatki označeni z enakovredno stopnjo tajnosti v skladu z drugim odstavkom 4. člena, in
b) zagotovi, da se stopnja tajnosti ne spremeni, razen s pisnim dovoljenjem pogodbenice izvora.
(6) Pogodbenici se pravočasno obvestita o vsaki spremembi notranjih zakonov in predpisov, ki vplivajo na varovanje tajnih podatkov.
(7) Pogodbenica zagotovi, da se izvajajo ustrezni ukrepi za varovanje tajnih podatkov, ki se obdelujejo, hranijo ali prenašajo v informacijsko-komunikacijskih sistemih. Ti ukrepi zagotavljajo zaupnost, celovitost, razpoložljivost, in kadar je primerno, nezatajljivost in verodostojnost tajnih podatkov ter ustrezno raven odgovornosti in sledljivosti dejanj, povezanih s takimi podatki.
(1) Pogodbenica prejemnica tajne podatke uporabi samo za namen, za katerega so ji bili dani, in z omejitvami, ki jih je navedla pogodbenica izvora.
(2) Pogodbenica prejemnica ne da tajnih podatkov tretji strani brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja pogodbenice izvora.
(1) Prenos tajnih podatkov poteka po diplomatski, vojaški ali drugi poti v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic.
(2) Druge odobrene poti prenosa tajnih podatkov se lahko uporabijo le, če se o tem dogovorita nacionalna varnostna organa.
(3) Pri prenosu velike pošiljke, ki vsebuje tajne podatke, se nacionalna varnostna organa medsebojno dogovorita o prevoznem sredstvu, poti in drugih varnostnih ukrepih ter jih potrdita.
(1) Vsi izvodi in prevodi so označeni z ustreznimi stopnjami tajnosti in varovani kot tajni podatki izvirnika. Prevodi in število izvodov so omejeni na najmanjšo količino, ki je potrebna za uradne namene.
(2) Vsak prevod se označi z enako stopnjo tajnosti kot izvirnik in vsebuje ustrezno navedbo v jeziku prevoda, da prevod vsebuje tajne podatke pogodbenice izvora.
(3) Tajni podatki izvirnika in prevoda stopnje STROGO TAJNO/CTPOГO CEKPETHO/TOP SECRET se razmnožujejo samo s pisnim dovoljenjem pogodbenice izvora.
(4) Tajni podatki stopnje STROGO TAJNO/CTPOГO CEKPETHO/TOP SECRET se ne uničijo. Ko jih pogodbenici ne potrebujeta več, se vrnejo pogodbenici izvora.
(5) Tajni podatki stopnje TAJNO/СЕКРЕТНО/SECRET ali nižje stopnje se uničijo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi, ko jih pogodbenica prejemnica več ne potrebuje.
(6) Če v kriznih razmerah tajnih podatkov, ki se prenesejo ali nastanejo po tem sporazumu, ni mogoče varovati ali vrniti, se takoj uničijo. Pogodbenica prejemnica o uničenju tajnih podatkov čim prej obvesti nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice izvora.
(7) Tajni podatki se uničijo ali spremenijo tako, da jih ni mogoče delno ali v celoti obnoviti.
(8) Če je tajne podatke prepovedano uničiti, se vrnejo pogodbenici izvora.
(1) Pogodbe s tajnimi podatki se sklenejo in izvajajo v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi pogodbenic. Nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice na zaprosilo zagotovi podatke, ali sta bili izvajalcu, podizvajalcu in morebitnemu izvajalcu izdani ustrezno varnostno dovoljenje organizacije in dovoljenje za dostop do tajnih podatkov za opravljanje dolžnosti, pri katerih je potreben dostop do tajnih podatkov.
(2) Preden se tajni podatki, ki se nanašajo na pogodbo s tajnimi podatki, dajo izvajalcem, podizvajalcem ali morebitnim izvajalcem, nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice prejemnice zagotovi, da izvajalec, podizvajalec ali morebitni izvajalec izpolnjuje pogoje za varovanje tajnih podatkov v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
(3) Nacionalni varnostni organ lahko zahteva, da se pri izvajalcu ali podizvajalcu, ki je vključen v pogodbo s tajnimi podatki, opravi varnostni pregled zaradi neprekinjenega zagotavljanja skladnosti z varnostnimi standardi v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
(4) Pogodba s tajnimi podatki vsebuje varnostno prilogo z določbami o varnostnih zahtevah in stopnji tajnosti vsakega njenega vidika ali dela. Izvod takega dokumenta se predloži nacionalnima varnostnima organoma pogodbenic.
(5) Pogodbe z izvajalci, ki vsebujejo tajne podatke stopnje INTERNO/ЗА СЛУЖЕБНО ПОЛЗВАНЕ/RESTRICTED, imajo ustrezno določbo, ki opredeljuje minimalne ukrepe za varovanje takih tajnih podatkov.
10. ČLEN
(1) Za obiske, ki vključujejo dostop do tajnih podatkov, je potrebno predhodno dovoljenje nacionalnega varnostnega organa pogodbenice gostiteljice.
(2) Zaprosilo za obisk se predloži nacionalnemu varnostnemu organu vsaj 20 dni pred začetkom obiska. Zaprosilo za obisk vsebuje te podatke, ki se uporabljajo samo za namen obiska:
a) ime in priimek obiskovalca, datum in kraj rojstva, državljanstvo in številko osebne izkaznice ali potnega lista;
b) položaj obiskovalca s podatki o delodajalcu, ki ga obiskovalec zastopa;
c) podatke o projektu, pri katerem obiskovalec sodeluje;
d) veljavnost in stopnjo tajnosti obiskovalčevega dovoljenja za dostop do tajnih podatkov, če je to potrebno;
e) ime, naslov, telefonsko številko, številko telefaksa, elektronski naslov organizacije, v kateri bo obisk, in ime osebe za stike;
f) namen obiska, vključno z najvišjo stopnjo tajnosti obravnavanih podatkov;
g) datum in trajanje obiska; za večkratne obiske se navede skupno obdobje, v katerem bodo obiski opravljeni;
h) datum in podpis nacionalnega varnostnega organa pošiljatelja.
(3) V nujnih primerih se lahko nacionalna varnostna organa dogovorita o krajšem obdobju za predložitev zaprosila za obisk.
(4) Nacionalna varnostna organa se lahko dogovorita o seznamu obiskovalcev, ki imajo pravico do večkratnih obiskov. Seznam velja za začetno obdobje do 12 mesecev in se lahko podaljša za največ 12 mesecev. Zaprosilo za večkratne obiske se predloži v skladu z drugim odstavkom tega člena. Ko je seznam potrjen, se lahko vključeni subjekti o obiskih dogovarjajo neposredno.
(5) Vsaka pogodbenica zagotavlja varstvo osebnih podatkov obiskovalcev v skladu z notranjimi zakoni in predpisi.
(6) Vsi tajni podatki, ki jih pridobi obiskovalec, veljajo za tajne podatke po tem sporazumu.
11. ČLEN
(1) Zaradi doseganja in ohranjanja ustreznih varnostnih standardov si nacionalna varnostna organa na zaprosilo zagotavljata podatke o svojih varnostnih standardih, postopkih in praksah za varovanje tajnih podatkov. V ta namen se lahko nacionalna varnostna organa obiskujeta.
(2) Nacionalna varnostna organa se obveščata o izjemnih varnostnih tveganjih, ki lahko ogrozijo dane tajne podatke.
(3) Nacionalna varnostna organa si na zaprosilo pomagata pri izvajanju postopkov varnostnega preverjanja.
(4) Nacionalna varnostna organa se takoj obvestita o vsaki spremembi v medsebojno priznanih dovoljenjih za dostop do tajnih podatkov in varnostnih dovoljenjih organizacij.
(5) Nacionalna varnostna organa se na zaprosilo enega od njiju lahko med seboj posvetujeta, da zagotovita tesno sodelovanje pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.
(6) Nacionalna varnostna organa lahko skleneta dogovore za izvajanje tega sporazuma.
12. ČLEN
(1) Ob kršitvi varovanja tajnosti nacionalni varnostni organ, v državi katerega je bilo varovanje tajnosti kršeno, o tem čim prej pisno obvesti nacionalni varnostni organ druge pogodbenice in opravi ustrezno preiskavo. Na podlagi zaprosila pri preiskavi lahko sodeluje ustrezen organ pogodbenice izvora.
(2) Ob kršitvi varovanja v tretji strani nacionalni varnostni organ pogodbenice pošiljateljice, če je mogoče, ukrepa v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
(3) V vsakem primeru mora biti druga pogodbenica seznanjena z ugotovitvami preiskave ter mora prejeti končno poročilo o vzrokih in obsegu povzročene škode.
13. ČLEN
Vsaka pogodbenica krije svoje stroške, ki nastanejo pri izvajanju tega sporazuma.
14. člen
Spore zaradi razlage ali uporabe tega sporazuma pogodbenici rešujeta z medsebojnimi posvetovanji in pogajanji ter jih ne predložita v reševanje mednarodnemu razsodišču ali tretji strani.
15. člen
(1) Sporazum začne veljati prvi dan drugega meseca po prejemu zadnjega uradnega obvestila, s katerim se pogodbenici po diplomatski poti obvestita, da so izpolnjene njune notranjepravne zahteve, potrebne za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma.
(2) Sporazum se lahko spremeni z medsebojnim pisnim soglasjem pogodbenic. Spremembe začnejo veljati v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena.
(3) Sporazum se sklene za nedoločen čas. Pogodbenica ga lahko odpove s pisnim obvestilom, ki ga po diplomatski poti pošlje drugi pogodbenici. V tem primeru sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po dnevu, ko druga pogodbenica prejme obvestilo o odpovedi.
(4) Ob odpovedi tega sporazuma se vsi tajni podatki, preneseni v skladu s tem sporazumom, še naprej varujejo v skladu z njegovimi določbami in se na podlagi zaprosila vrnejo pogodbenici izvora.
V potrditev tega sta podpisana, ki sta bila za to pravilno pooblaščena, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sestavljeno v Predosljah, 9. maja 2012 v dveh izvirnikih v slovenskem, bolgarskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer so vsa besedila enako verodostojna. Pri različni razlagi prevlada angleško besedilo.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Gregor Majcen l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Bolgarije
Cveta Markova l.r.
The Government of the Republic of Bulgaria and the Government of Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”),
realising that mutual co-operation may require exchange of Classified Information between the Parties,
wishing to ensure the protection of Classified Information exchanged between the Parties or between public and private entities under their jurisdiction,
have agreed as follows:
For the purposes of this Agreement these terms mean the following:
a) Classified Information: Any information, document or material, regardless of its form, transmitted or generated between the Parties, which requires protection against unauthorized access and is designated as such and marked appropriately in accordance with the national laws and regulations of either Party.
b) Originating Party: The Party, including any public or private entities under its jurisdiction, which releases Classified Information to the Recipient Party.
c) Recipient Party: The Party, including any public or private entities under its jurisdiction, which receives Classified Information from the Originating Party.
d) Need-to-Know: A principle by which access to Classified Information may be granted to an individual only in connection with his/her official duties or tasks.
e) Personnel Security Clearance: A positive determination following an accomplished vetting procedure in accordance with national laws and regulations, on the basis of which an individual is eligible to have access to and to handle Classified Information up to the level defined in the clearance.
f) Facility Security Clearance: A positive determination following an accomplished vetting procedure that a Contractor has the capability to handle Classified Information, in accordance with national laws and regulations.
g) Contractor: An individual or a legal entity possessing the capacity to contract.
h) Classified Contract: A contract or a sub-contract, including pre-contractual negotiations, which contains Classified Information or involves access to it.
i) Third Party: A state, including any public or private entities under its jurisdiction, or an international organisation that is not a Party to this Agreement.
j) Unauthorised access: Any form of disclosure of Classified Information, including misuse, damage, submission and incorrect classification thereof, as well as any other actions, resulting in breach of protection or loss of such information, as well as any actions or omissions that have resulted in making the information known to an unauthorised person.
k) Security classification level: The category which under the national laws and regulations characterises importance of Classified Information, level of restriction of access to it and of its protection by the Parties.
l) National Security Authority: The authority, which in compliance with the national laws and regulations is responsible for the general implementation and the relevant controls of all aspects of this Agreement.
m) Breach of security: An action or an omission contrary to the national laws and regulations, which results or may result in an unauthorised access or destruction of Classified Information.
In accordance with their national laws and regulations and in respect of national interests and security both Parties shall take all appropriate measures to ensure the protection of Classified Information, which is transmitted or generated according to this Agreement.
(1) The National Security Authorities of The Parties are:
In the Republic of Slovenia:
Government Office for the Protection of Classified Information;
In the Republic of Bulgaria:
State Commission on Information Security.
(2) The Parties shall inform each other through diplomatic channels of any subsequent changes of the National Security Authorities.
(1) Classified Information released under this Agreement shall be marked with the appropriate Security classification level in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Parties.
(2) The following national Security classification levels are equivalent and correspond to the Security classification levels specified in the national laws and regulations of the Parties:
(1) The Parties shall afford to Classified Information referred to in this Agreement the same protection as to their own Classified Information of the corresponding Security classification level.
(2) Access to Classified Information shall be allowed only to those individuals with a Need-to- Know, who have been briefed on handling and protection of Classified Information and who have been duly authorised in accordance with national laws and regulations.
(3) The Parties shall mutually recognise their Personnel Security Clearances and Facility Security Clearances. Article 4 shall apply accordingly.
(4) The Originating Party shall:
a) ensure that the Classified Information is marked with an appropriate Security classification level in accordance with its national laws and regulations, and
b) inform the Recipient Party of any conditions of release or limitations on the use of the Classified Information and of any subsequent changes in the Security classification levels and/or the eventual declassification.
(5) The Recipient Party shall:
a) ensure that the Classified Information is marked with an equivalent security classification level in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 4, and
b) ensure that the Security classification level is not changed unless authorized in writing by the Originating Party.
(6) The Parties shall in due time inform each other about changes in the national laws and regulations affecting the protection of Classified Information.
(7) Each Party shall ensure that appropriate measures are implemented for the protection of Classified Information processed, stored or transmitted in communication and information systems. Such measures shall ensure the confidentiality, integrity, availability and, where applicable, non-repudiation and authenticity of Classified Information as well as an appropriate level of accountability and traceability of actions in relation to that information.
(1) The Recipient Party shall use Classified Information only for the purpose for which it has been released and within the limitations stated by the Originating Party.
(2) The Recipient Party shall not release Classified Information to a Third Party without a prior written consent of the Originating Party.
(1) Classified Information shall be transmitted by diplomatic, military or other channels in accordance with the national laws and regulations of the Parties.
(2) Other approved channels of transmission of Classified Information may only be used if agreed upon between the National Security Authorities.
(3) In case of transferring a large consignment containing Classified Information, the National Security Authorities shall mutually agree on and approve the means of transportation, the route and the other security measures.
(1) All reproductions and translations shall be marked with the appropriate Security classification levels and they shall be protected as the original Classified Information. The translations and the number of reproductions shall be limited to the minimum required for an official purpose.
(2) All translations shall be marked with the original Security classification level and shall contain a suitable annotation, in the language of translation, indicating that they contain Classified Information of the Originating Party.
(3) Classified Information marked STROGO TAJNO/ CTPOГO CEKPETHO/ TOP SECRET, both original and translation, shall be reproduced only upon the written permission of the Originating Party.
(4) Classified Information marked STROGO TAJNO/ CTPOГO CEKPETHO/ TOP SECRET shall not be destroyed. It shall be returned to the Originating Party after it is no longer considered necessary by the Parties.
(5) Information classified as TAJNO/СЕКРЕТНО/SECRET or below shall be destroyed after it is no longer considered necessary by the Recipient Party, in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
(6) In situation in which it is impossible to protect or return Classified Information transmitted or generated under this Agreement, the Classified Information shall be destroyed immediately. The Recipient Party shall inform the National Security Authority of the Originating Party about this destruction as soon as possible.
(7) Classified Information shall be destroyed or modified in such a manner as to eliminate the possibility of its partial or total reconstruction.
(8) If destruction of the Classified Information is prohibited, it shall be returned to the Originating Party.
(1) Classified Contract shall be concluded and implemented in accordance with national laws and regulations of each Party. Upon request the National Security Authority of each Party shall furnish information whether a contractor, sub-contractor and potential contractor has been issued an appropriate Facility Security Clearance and Personnel Security Clearance to perform functions which require access to the Classified Information.
(2) Before providing Classified Information related to a Classified Contract to contractors, sub-contractors or potential contractors, the National Security Authority of the Recipient Party shall ensure that such contractor, sub-contractor or potential contractor fulfils the conditions to protect the Classified Information in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
(3) Each National Security Authority may request that a security inspection is carried out at the contractor or sub-contractor involved in Classified Contract to ensure continuing compliance with security standards in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
(4) A Classified Contract shall contain a security annex with provisions on the security requirements and on the classification of each aspect or element of the Classified Contract. A copy of such document shall be submitted to the National Security Authorities of the Parties.
(5) Contracts placed with contractors involving Classified Information at INTERNO/ ЗА СЛУЖЕБНО ПОЛЗВАНЕ/ RESTRICTED levels will contain an appropriate clause identifying the minimum measures to be applied for the protection of such Classified Information.
(1) Visits necessitating access to Classified Information shall be subject to prior permission of the National Security Authority of the host Party.
(2) A request for visit shall be submitted to the relevant National Security Authority at least 20 days prior to the commencement of the visit. The request for the visit shall include the following data that shall be used for the purpose of the visit only:
a) the visitor's name, date and place of birth, citizenship and identification card/passport number;
b) the visitor's position, with a specification of the employer which the visitor represents;
c) a specification of the project in which the visitor participates;
d) the validity and level of the visitor's Personnel Security Clearance, if required;
e) the name, address, phone/fax number, e-mail and point of contact of the entity to be visited;
f) the purpose of the visit, including the highest Security classification level of Classified Information to be involved;
g) the date and duration of the visit. In case of recurring visits the total period covered by the visits shall be stated;
h) the date and signature of the sending National Security Authority.
(3) In urgent cases, the National Security Authorities can agree on a shorter period for the submission of the request for visit.
(4) The National Security Authorities may agree on a list of visitors entitled to recurring visits. The list shall be valid for an initial period not exceeding 12 months and may be extended for a further period of time not exceeding 12 months. A request for recurring visits shall be submitted in accordance with Paragraph 2 of this Article. Once the list has been approved, visits may be arranged directly between the subjects involved.
(5) Each Party shall guarantee the protection of personal data of the visitors in accordance with the national laws and regulations.
(6) Any Classified Information acquired by a visitor shall be considered as Classified Information under this Agreement.
(1) In order to achieve and maintain relevant standards of security, the National Security Authorities shall, on request, provide each other with information about their national security standards, procedures and practices for the protection of Classified Information. To this aim the National Security Authorities may visit each other.
(2) The National Security Authorities shall inform each other of exceptional security risks that may endanger the released Classified Information.
(3) On request, the National Security Authorities shall assist each other in carrying out security clearance procedures.
(4) The National Security Authorities shall promptly inform each other about any changes in mutually recognized Personnel Security Clearances and Facility Security Clearances.
(5) In order to ensure close co-operation in the implementation of the present Agreement, the National Security Authorities may hold consultations at the request made by one of them.
(6) Implementing arrangements may be concluded between the National Security Authorities for the implementation of this Agreement.
(1) In case of a breach of security, the National Security Authority in whose state a breach of security occurred shall inform the National Security Authority of the other Party as soon as possible and shall carry out the appropriate investigation. On request, the appropriate authority of the Originating Party shall cooperate in the investigation.
(2) In case a breach of security occurs at a Third Party, the National Security Authority of the dispatching Party shall take the actions under paragraph 1 of this Article, where possible.
(3) In any case, the other Party shall be informed of the results of the investigation and shall receive the final report on the reasons and extent of damage caused.
Each Party shall bear its own expenses incurred in the course of implementation of this Agreement.
Any dispute regarding the interpretation or application of this Agreement shall be settled by consultations and negotiations between the Parties and shall not be referred to any international tribunal or Third Party for settlement.
(1) This Agreement shall enter into force on the first day of the second month from the date of receipt of the latest written notification by which the Parties have informed each other, through diplomatic channels, that their internal legal requirements necessary for its entry into force have been fulfilled.
(2) This Agreement may be amended by mutual written consent of the Parties. Amendments shall enter into force in accordance with paragraph 1 of this Article.
(3) This Agreement is concluded for an indefinite period of time. Either Party may denounce this Agreement by giving the other Party notice in writing through diplomatic channels. In that case, this Agreement shall terminate six months from the date on which the other Party has received the denunciation notice.
(4) In case of termination of this Agreement, all Classified Information transferred pursuant to this Agreement shall continue to be protected in accordance with the provisions set forth herein and, upon request, returned to the Originating Party.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Agreement.
Done in Predoslje on 9 May 2012 in two originals in the Slovenian, Bulgarian and English languages, all texts being equally authentic. In case of any divergence of interpretation, the English text shall prevail.
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Gregor Majcen (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Bulgaria
Tsveta Markova (s)
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi Urad Vlade Republike Slovenije za varovanje tajnih podatkov.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 040-05/12-4/12
Ljubljana, dne 14. decembra 2012
EPA 162-VI
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
dr. Gregor Virant l.r.
(1) Besedilo sporazuma v bolgarskem jeziku je na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve.