Uradni list

Številka 71
Uradni list RS, št. 71/2013 z dne 30. 8. 2013
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 71/2013 z dne 30. 8. 2013


60. Zakon o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o transferju obsojenih oseb (MDPKTOO), stran 447.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o transferju obsojenih oseb (MDPKTOO)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Dodatnega protokola h Konvenciji o transferju obsojenih oseb (MDPKTOO), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 15. julija 2013.
Št. 003-02-7/2013-14
Ljubljana, dne 23. julija 2013
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Dodatni protokol h Konvenciji o transferju obsojenih oseb, sklenjen v Strasbourgu 18. decembra 1997.
2. člen
Besedilo protokola se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The member States of the Council of Europe, and the other States signatory to this Protocol,
Desirous of facilitating the application of the Convention on the Transfer of Sentenced Persons opened for signature at Strasbourg on 21 March 1983 (hereinafter referred to as "the Convention") and, in particular, pursuing its acknowledged aims of furthering the ends of justice and the social rehabilitation of sentenced persons;
Aware that many States cannot extradite their own nationals;
Considering it desirable to supplement the Convention in certain respects,
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1 – General provisions
1 The words and expressions used in this Protocol shall be interpreted within the meaning of the Convention.
2 The provisions of the Convention shall apply to the extent that they are compatible with the provisions of this Protocol.
Article 2 – Persons having fled from the sentencing State
1 Where a national of a Party who is the subject of a sentence imposed in the territory of another Party as a part of a final judgment, seeks to avoid the execution or further execution of the sentence in the sentencing State by fleeing to the territory of the former Party before having served the sentence, the sentencing State may request the other Party to take over the execution of the sentence.
2 At the request of the sentencing State, the administering State may, prior to the arrival of the documents supporting the request, or prior to the decision on that request, arrest the sentenced person, or take any other measure to ensure that the sentenced person remains in its territory, pending a decision on the request. Requests for provisional measures shall include the information mentioned in paragraph 3 of Article 4 of the Convention. The penal position of the sentenced person shall not be aggravated as a result of any period spent in custody by reason of this paragraph.
3 The consent of the sentenced person shall not be required to the transfer of the execution of the sentence.
Article 3 – Sentenced persons subject to an expulsion or deportation order
1 Upon being requested by the sentencing State, the administering State may, subject to the provisions of this Article, agree to the transfer of a sentenced person without the consent of that person, where the sentence passed on the latter, or an administrative decision consequential to that sentence, includes an expulsion or deportation order or any other measure as the result of which that person will no longer be allowed to remain in the territory of the sentencing State once he or she is released from prison.
2 The administering State shall not give its agreement for the purposes of paragraph 1 before having taken into consideration the opinion of the sentenced person.
3 For the purposes of the application of this Article, the sentencing State shall furnish the administering State with:
a a declaration containing the opinion of the sentenced person as to his or her proposed transfer, and
b a copy of the expulsion or deportation order or any other order having the effect that the sentenced person will no longer be allowed to remain in the territory of the sentencing State once he or she is released from prison.
4 Any person transferred under the provisions of this Article shall not be proceeded against, sentenced or detained with a view to the carrying out of a sentence or detention order, for any offence committed prior to his or her transfer other than that for which the sentence to be enforced was imposed, nor shall he or she for any other reason be restricted in his or her personal freedom, except in the following cases:
a when the sentencing State so authorises: a request for authorisation shall be submitted, accompanied by all relevant documents and a legal record of any statement made by the convicted person; authorisation shall be given when the offence for which it is requested would itself be subject to extradition under the law of the sentencing State or when extradition would be excluded only by reason of the amount of punishment;
b when the sentenced person, having had an opportunity to leave the territory of the administering State, has not done so within 45 days of his or her final discharge, or if he or she has returned to that territory after leaving it.
5 Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 4, the administering State may take any measures necessary under its law, including proceedings in absentia, to prevent any legal effects of lapse of time.
6 Any contracting State may, by way of a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, indicate that it will not take over the execution of sentences under the circumstances described in this Article.
Article 4 – Signature and entry into force
1 This Protocol shall be open for signature by the member States of the Council of Europe and the other States signatory to the Convention. It shall be subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. A Signatory may not ratify, accept or approve this Protocol unless it has previously or simultaneously ratified, accepted or approved the Convention. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2 This Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the deposit of the third instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
3 In respect of any signatory State which subsequently deposits its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval, the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of deposit.
Article 5 – Accession
1 Any non-member State which has acceded to the Convention may accede to this Protocol after it has entered into force.
2 In respect of any acceding State, the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of the deposit of the instrument of accession.
Article 6 – Territorial application
1 Any State may at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Protocol shall apply.
2 Any Contracting State may, at any later date, by declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend the application of this Protocol to any other territory specified in the declaration. In respect of such territory the Protocol shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of such declaration by the Secretary General.
3 Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may, in respect of any territory specified in such declaration, be withdrawn by a notification addressed to the Secretary General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General.
Article 7 – Temporal application
This Protocol shall be applicable to the enforcement of sentences imposed either before or after its entry into force.
Article 8 – Denunciation
1 Any Contracting State may at any time denounce this Protocol by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2 Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of the notification by the Secretary General.
3 This Protocol shall, however, continue to apply to the enforcement of sentences of persons who have been transferred in conformity with the provisions of both the Convention and this Protocol before the date on which such denunciation takes effect.
4 Denunciation of the Convention automatically entails denunciation of this Protocol.
Article 9 – Notifications
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council of Europe, any Signatory, any Party and any other State which has been invited to accede to the Convention of:
a any signature;
b the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c any date of entry into force of this Protocol in accordance with Articles 4 or 5;
d any other act, declaration, notification or communication relating to this Protocol.
In witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Protocol.
Done at Strasbourg, this eighteenth day of December 1997, in English and in French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of Europe, to the other States signatory to the Convention and to any State invited to accede to the Convention.
Države članice Sveta Evrope in druge države podpisnice tega protokola so se
v želji, da bi olajšale izvajanje Konvencije o transferju obsojenih oseb, ki je bila na voljo za podpis v Strasbourgu od 21. marca 1983 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: konvencija), ter zlasti doseganje priznanih ciljev spodbujanja pravičnosti in vključevanja obsojencev v družbo;
ob zavedanju, da mnoge države ne morejo izročati lastnih državljanov;
ker si želijo dopolniti konvencijo v nekaterih pogledih,
1. člen – Splošne določbe
1. Besede in izrazi v tem protokolu se razlagajo tako, da imajo enak pomen kakor v konvenciji.
2. Določbe konvencije se uporabljajo v obsegu, ki je v skladu, z določbami tega protokola.
2. člen – Osebe, ki so pobegnile iz države izreka kazni
1. Kadar se državljan pogodbenice, ki mu je na ozemlju druge pogodbenice s pravnomočno sodbo izrečena kazen, poskuša izogniti izvršitvi ali nadaljnji izvršitvi kazni v državi izreka kazni tako, da pred prestano kaznijo pobegne na ozemlje prve pogodbenice, lahko država izreka kazni zaprosi, da izvrši kazen prva pogodbenica.
2. Na zaprosilo države izreka kazni lahko država izvršitve kazni pred prejemom dokumentov, s katerimi se zaprosilo utemeljuje, ali pred odločitvijo o tem zaprosilu obsojenca pripre ali odredi kateri koli drug ukrep za zagotovitev navzočnosti obsojenca na njenem ozemlju do sprejetja odločitve. Vsako tako zaprosilo mora vsebovati informacije iz tretjega odstavka 4. člena konvencije. Tako odrejeni pripor ne sme poslabšati kazenskega položaja obsojenca.
3. Za prenos izvršitve kazni ni potrebno soglasje obsojenca.
3. člen – Obsojenci, zoper katere je odrejen izgon ali deportacija
1. Na zaprosilo države izreka kazni lahko država izvršitve kazni skladno s tem členom soglaša s premestitvijo obsojenca brez njegovega soglasja, kadar izrečena kazen ali izdana upravna odločba kot posledica te kazni vključuje izgon ali deportacijo ali kateri koli drug ukrep, na podlagi katerega ta oseba po izpustitvi na prostost ne bo smela ostati na ozemlju države izreka kazni.
2. Država izvršitve kazni da soglasje iz prejšnjega odstavka šele po proučitvi mnenja obsojenca.
3. Država izreka kazni za izvajanje tega člena državi izvršitve kazni predloži:
a) izjavo z mnenjem obsojenca o predlagani premestitvi in
b) izvod odločbe, s katero je izrečen izgon ali deportacija oziroma kateri koli drug ukrep, na podlagi katerega ta oseba po izpustitvi na prostost ne bo smela ostati na ozemlju države izreka kazni.
4. Proti osebi, ki je bila premeščena po določbah tega člena, se ne sme uvesti postopek niti se ne sme obsoditi ali pripreti, da bi izvršili obsodbo ali priporni nalog za katero koli drugo kaznivo dejanje, storjeno pred njeno premestitvijo, in ne tisto, zaradi katerega je bila premeščena, ter se ji tudi iz kakšnega drugega razloga ne sme omejevati osebna svoboda, razen v teh primerih:
a) če država izreka kazni dovoli: predložita se zaprosilo za dovoljenje z vsemi ustreznimi dokumenti in zapisnik o zaslišanju obsojenca; dovoljenje se da, če je za samo kaznivo dejanje, za katero se prosi dovoljenje, predvidena izročitev po zakonodaji države izreka kazni ali kadar bi bila izročitev zavrnjena zgolj zaradi višine kazni;
b) če obsojenec, ki ima možnost zapustiti ozemlje države izvršitve kazni, tega po svoji dokončni izpustitvi ne stori v 45 dneh ali se na to ozemlje po odhodu vrne.
5. Ne glede na prejšnji odstavek lahko država izvršitve kazni sprejme katere koli potrebne ukrepe v skladu s svojo zakonodajo, vključno s postopkom v odsotnosti, da bi preprečila pravne učinke zastaranja.
6. Vsaka država pogodbenica lahko v izjavi, naslovljeni na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, navede, da ne bo prevzela izvrševanja kazni pod pogoji iz tega člena.
4. člen – Podpis in začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta protokol je na voljo za podpis državam članicam Sveta Evrope in drugim državam, podpisnicam konvencije. Protokol je treba ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti. Podpisnica ga ne sme ratificirati, sprejeti ali odobriti, če ni pred tem ali sočasno ratificirala, sprejela ali odobrila konvencije. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
2. Ta protokol začne veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od deponiranja tretje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
3. Za državo podpisnico, ki pozneje deponira listino o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi, začne ta protokol veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko je bila listina deponirana.
5. člen – Pristop
1. Država nečlanica, ki je pristopila h konvenciji, lahko pristopi k temu protokolu po začetku njegove veljavnosti.
2. Za vsako državo, ki pristopi, začne protokol veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja listine o pristopu.
6. člen – Ozemeljska uporaba
1. Ob podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu lahko vsaka država določi ozemlje ali ozemlja, za katera se ta protokol uporablja.
2. Vsaka država pogodbenica lahko kadar koli pozneje z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, razširi uporabo tega protokola na vsako ozemlje, navedeno v tej izjavi. Za to ozemlje začne protokol veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme tako izjavo.
3. Vsaka izjava na podlagi prejšnjih dveh odstavkov v zvezi z vsakim v njej navedenim ozemljem se lahko umakne z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja. Umik začne veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme tako izjavo.
7. člen – Časovna uporaba
Ta protokol se uporablja za izvrševanje kazni, ki so bile izrečene pred začetkom njegove veljavnosti ali po njej.
8. člen – Odpoved
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ta protokol kadar koli odpove z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope.
2. Odpoved začne veljati prvi dan meseca po poteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko generalni sekretar prejme tako obvestilo.
3. Protokol pa se še naprej uporablja za izvršitev kazni osebam, premeščenim v skladu s konvencijo in protokolom, preden odpoved začne veljati.
4. Odpoved konvencije pomeni tudi odpoved tega protokola.
9. člen – Uradna obvestila
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope uradno obvesti države članice Sveta Evrope, podpisnice, pogodbenice in vse druge države, povabljene, da pristopijo h konvenciji, o:
a) vsakem podpisu;
b) deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu;
c) vsakem datumu začetka veljavnosti tega protokola v skladu s 4. in 5. členom;
d) vsakem drugem dejanju, izjavi, uradnem obvestilu ali sporočilu v zvezi s tem protokolom.
Da bi to potrdili, so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali ta protokol.
Sklenjeno v Strasbourgu 18. decembra 1997 v francoskem in angleškem jeziku, pri čemer sta besedili enako verodostojni, v enem izvirniku, ki se hrani v arhivu Sveta Evrope. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope pošlje overjene kopije vsem državam članicam Sveta Evrope, drugim državam, ki so podpisale konvencijo, in vsem državam, povabljenim, da pristopijo h konvenciji.
3. člen
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za pravosodje.
4. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati petnajsti dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 713-01/10-57/12
Ljubljana, dne 15. julija 2013
EPA 1212-V
Državni zbor
Republike Slovenije
Janko Veber l.r.

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