Uradni list

Številka 1
Uradni list RS, št. 1/2015 z dne 5. 1. 2015
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 1/2015 z dne 5. 1. 2015


3. Uredba o ratifikaciji Memoranduma o soglasju za institucionalni okvir Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo (2013), stran 27.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 – ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji Memoranduma o soglasju za institucionalni okvir Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo (2013)
1. člen
Ratificira se Memorandum o soglasju za institucionalni okvir Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo (2013), podpisan 28. novembra 2013 v Sarajevu, Bosna in Hercegovina ga je podpisala 18. aprila 2014 v Sarajevu.
2. člen
Besedilo memoranduma se v izvirniku v angleškem in v prevodu v slovenski jezik glasi:
The Governments of the Republic of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania, the Republic of Serbia, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Turkey, hereinafter referred to as the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the DPPI SEE Parties”),
Recognising the need to further enhance regional cooperation and regional consultation in the field of disaster management (capacity building, methods and practices) as essential;
Reaffirming their commitments expressed in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Institutional Framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative signed by the Governments of the Republic of Albania, the Republic of Bulgaria, the Republic of Croatia, the Republic of Macedonia, the Republic of Moldova, Montenegro, Romania and the Republic of Slovenia in Zagreb on 24 September 2007 and by the Governments of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Turkey in Sofia on 8th April 2008 and by the Republic of Serbia in Sarajevo on 7 April 2009, and which shall cease to be in force on 1st January 2014;
Acknowledging the successful cooperation among the Parties of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe as a regionally owned institutional framework for South Eastern Europe with an aim to improve and strengthen abilities and capacities to prevent and prepare for natural and man-made disasters;
Have agreed as follows:
I. DPPI SEE Goals and Objectives
Article 1
The principal objectives of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe are to contribute to the institutional capacity-building of disaster management organisations to enhance disaster prevention and preparedness in the countries of South Eastern Europe (hereinafter “the SEE”) region by:
a) Serving as a regional network and facilitator in disaster preparedness and prevention of natural and man-made disasters in the SEE region;
b) Enhance cooperation among the DPPI SEE Parties in view of EU enlargement and the process of Euro-Atlantic integration;
c) Supporting countries in the SEE region in their efforts to further develop disaster preparedness and prevention through common approach and cooperation with all relevant international organisations and bodies, especially the EU Civil Protection Mechanism;
d) Strengthening and enhancing bilateral and multilateral cooperation, facilitating exchange of information in the field of disaster preparedness and prevention at all levels among competent national disaster management authorities and other relevant institutions in the SEE region, in accordance with the national regulations regarding the exchange of information;
e) Identifying and sharing lessons learned and best practices.
II. DPPI SEE Governance and Coordination Structure
Article 2
DPPI SEE Regional Meeting
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting is a governing and decision-making forum/body, composed of Heads of the disaster management authorities of the DPPI SEE Parties supported by other relevant authorities/ministries responsible for disaster preparedness, prevention and management issues.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting provides a policy framework for the DPPI SEE and serves as a platform for internal consultations and recommendations to be forwarded to the appropriate national authorities to facilitate the decision-making process within the national governments.
It fosters networking and cooperation with international partners and actors, exchange of information, experiences, lessons learned and best practices in the field of disaster preparedness, prevention and response and resolves issues of common interest.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall be attended by the DPPI SEE Parties. Upon invitation, DPPI SEE Advisory Board members and DPPI SEE Partners may also participate in the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
The Chairmanship of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall rotate on an annual basis between the DPPI SEE Parties in alphabetical order.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting decides by consensus on the following:
a) amendments to the Memorandum of Understanding;
b) the seat and the composition of the DPPI SEE Secretariat;
c) any request pursuant to Article 13 of this Memorandum of Understanding;
d) adoption of Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules;
e) adoption of Annual Work Plan and Budget;
f) endorsement of Report on the implementation of the Annual Work Plan and Annual Financial Report;
g) projects that are funded from the DPPI SEE Budget.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting meets twice per year. Extraordinary sessions may be scheduled at the initiative of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and with the consensus of all DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting shall adopt Rules of Procedures and any other internal regulations governing the work of the DPPI SEE bodies and structures including the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 3
DPPI SEE Advisory Board (DPPI SEE AB)
The DPPI SEE Advisory Board is composed of experts with functional expertise, representing international partners of the DPPI SEE and invited by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The DPPI SEE Advisory Board advises on proposed and planned projects and activities, and contributes to sustained policy relevance.
There are no formal voting rights; decisions are to be reached by consensus.
Article 4
DPPI SEE Working Groups (DPPI SEE WG)
The DPPI SEE Regional Meeting may establish DPPI SEE WGs as technical bodies to develop and support specific DPPI SEE projects. DPPI SEE WGs shall be chaired on an informal basis by a country in the SEE region with the participation of national and international experts. DPPI SEE WGs report to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting and are supported by the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Article 5
The TRIO Mechanism
The Trio Mechanism (hereinafter “the Trio”) is comprised of the present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and representatives of the previous and incoming DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
The role of the Trio shall be to ensure the strategic coordination and planning of the DPPI SEE activities.
The Trio meetings shall take place twice a year back to back with Regional Meetings. The present DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office shall in coordination with other two members of the Trio, establish date, place and agenda for the meeting.
Article 6
DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors
Interested countries and international organisations/institutions may become DPPI SEE Partners and/or Donors and participate in DPPI SEE activities by notifying the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office or Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat or by announcing such interest at the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Participation shall be at the DPPI SEE Partner's own cost and with its own financial and human resources.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat
Article 7
The Seat
The seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat is in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (hereinafter: “the Host Country”). The DPPI SEE Secretariat shall have legal capacity as necessary for carrying out its functions.
The Host Country shall provide the facilities and office operating costs for the DPPI SEE Secretariat unless agreed otherwise. The legal capacity, privileges and immunities of the DPPI SEE Secretariat shall be defined in the Host Country Agreement to be concluded between the Host Country and the DPPI SEE Parties.
The Seat of the DPPI SEE Secretariat may be changed by the consensual decision of the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.
Article 8
Structure and Functions
The administrative/supportive structure for the DPPI SEE and DPPI SEE CiO is the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat consists of the Head of the DPPI SEE Secretariat and the Administrative/Finance Assistant. The mandate of the DPPI SEE Secretariat staff shall be three years with a possibility of extension for one additional year.
Article 9
The DPPI SEE Secretariat works under the guidance of the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office and reports to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting on its activities and expenditures. Additional reporting (narrative and financial) may be required by the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office.
Any reporting shall be provided in accordance with the Rules of Procedure and Financial Management Rules.
Article 10
The DPPI SEE Budget is composed of annual contributions by DPPI SEE Parties.
The DPPI SEE Secretariat prepares, on the basis of the DPPI SEE Annual Work Plan, the Budget to be presented for approval to the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting during its autumn session. The DPPI SEE Secretariat also prepares additional work plans and budgets for projects, which may be implemented with the assistance of DPPI SEE Partners.
DPPI SEE Partners that are contributing to the DPPI SEE projects budget may request specific audit reports.
Article 11
The DPPI SEE activities shall be financed from the DPPI SEE Budget and may be additionally financed by the DPPI SEE Parties/Partners/Donors.
The DPPI SEE Parties agree to make reasonable efforts to provide the human, technical and financial resources needed for the sustainable functioning of the DPPI SEE and the DPPI SEE Secretariat.
Each DPPI SEE Party’s annual financial contribution to the DPPI SEE shall be at least €25,000.00 and shall be transferred before the end of April of each year.
Delay in payment of the annual contribution by a DPPI SEE Party shall immediately result in the suspension of the right to take decisions and having the costs of participation in any DPPI SEE activity covered from the DPPI SEE Budget until such time as the payment is made.
DPPI SEE Parties participating in any given project also agree to provide matching contributions to financial support provided by DPPI SEE Partners, subject to mutual agreement, for the development and implementation of projects.
The financial management of the Budget and reporting shall be in accordance with the Financial Management Rules adopted by the DPPI SEE Regional Meeting.”
Article 12
This Memorandum of Understanding may be amended in writing by consent of the DPPI SEE Parties pursuant to Article 2, paragraph 6 (a). The amendments shall enter into force in accordance with Article 14 of this Memorandum of Understanding.
Article 13
The DPPI SEE Regional meeting shall decide by consensus on the request of any party to accede to this Memorandum of Understanding and become the DPPI SEE Party.
Article 14
Entering into Force
This Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force the first day of the month following the month of the receipt of the sixth notification of the DPPI SEE Parties, by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina regarding the completion of their internal requirements for its entry into force.
For any DPPI SEE Party which after the deposit of the sixth notification pursuant to paragraph 1 of this Article notifies the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina about the completion of its internal procedures for entry into force of this Memorandum of Understanding, it shall enter in force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
After the signing, the original of this Memorandum of Understanding shall be deposited with the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina that shall serve as the Depositary. The Depositary shall provide the DPPI SEE Parties to the Memorandum of Understanding and the Secretariat with duly certified copies thereof.
This Memorandum of Understanding shall apply provisionally as of the date of its signing unless a DPPI SEE Party declares at the moment of signing of the Memorandum of Understanding that its internal legal requirements do not permit such provisional application. For any such DPPI SEE Party the Memorandum of Understanding shall enter into force on the date of its notification to the Depositary.
Article 15
This Memorandum of Understanding shall remain in force for undefined period, unless agreed otherwise among the DPPI SEE Parties.
Any DPPI SEE Party may denounce this Memorandum of Understanding with written notification to the DPPI SEE Chair-in-Office. The denunciation shall take effect three (3) months after the date of receipt of the notification.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being duly authorised by their respective Governments have signed this Memorandum of Understanding.
Done at Sarajevo, on this 28th November 2013, in one original in English
For the Government of the
Republic of Albania
Shemsi Prençi (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Croatia
Jadran Perinić (s)
For the Government of
Mirsad Mulić (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Slovenia
Darko But (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Bulgaria
Nikolay Nikolov (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Macedonia
Shaban Saliu (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Serbia
Djordje Babić (s)
For the Government of the
Republic of Turkey
Halil Afsarata (s)
ANNEX to the Signatory page for signing of the “Memorandum of Understanding on the Institutional Framework of the Disaster Preparedness and Prevention Initiative for South Eastern Europe”
Done at Sarajevo, on this 18th April 2014, in single authentic copy in English.
For the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Fahrudin Radončić (s)
Sveta ministrov Republike Albanije ter Bosne in Hercegovine ter vlade Republike Bolgarije, Republike Hrvaške, Republike Makedonije, Republike Moldavije, Črne gore, Romunije, Republike Srbije, Republike Slovenije in Republike Turčije, v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbeniki Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbeniki PPPN JVE), ki
priznavajo, da je bistvenega pomena nadaljnja krepitev regionalnega sodelovanja in regionalnega posvetovanja pri ukrepanju ob nesrečah (krepitev zmogljivosti, metode in prakse);
ponovno potrjujejo svoje zaveze iz Memoranduma o soglasju za institucionalni okvir Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje, ki so ga podpisale vlade Republike Albanije, Republike Bolgarije, Republike Hrvaške, Republike Makedonije, Republike Moldavije, Črne gore, Romunije in Republike Slovenije v Zagrebu 24. septembra 2007 ter vlade Bosne in Hercegovine in Republike Turčije v Sofiji 8. aprila 2008 in Republike Srbije v Sarajevu 7. aprila 2009 ter preneha veljati 1. januarja 2014;
priznavajo uspešno sodelovanje med pogodbeniki Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo kot regionalnega institucionalnega okvira za Jugovzhodno Evropo zaradi izboljšanja in okrepitve sposobnosti in zmogljivosti za preprečevanje naravnih nesreč in nesreč, ki jih povzroči človek, in pripravo nanje,
so se dogovorili:
1. člen
Glavni cilji Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo so prispevati h krepitvi institucionalnih zmogljivosti organizacij, odgovornih za ukrepanje ob nesrečah, da se izboljšata preprečevanje nesreč in pripravljenost nanje v državah Jugovzhodne Evrope (v nadaljnjem besedilu: JVE), in sicer tako:
a) da se v JVE uporablja kot regionalna mreža in spodbuja pripravljenost na naravne nesreče in nesreče, ki jih povzroči človek, ter njihovo preprečevanje;
b) da krepi sodelovanje med pogodbeniki PPPN JVE z vidika širitve EU in evroatlantskih povezav;
c) da podpira države v JVE pri njihovih prizadevanjih za nadaljnji razvoj pripravljenosti na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje s skupnim pristopom in sodelovanjem z vsemi ustreznimi mednarodnimi organizacijami in organi, zlasti z mehanizmom EU za civilno zaščito;
d) da krepi in pospešuje dvostransko in večstransko sodelovanje, spodbuja izmenjavo informacij o pripravljenosti na nesreče in o njihovem preprečevanju na vseh ravneh med organi, pristojnimi za ukrepanje ob nesrečah, in drugimi ustreznimi institucijami v JVE v skladu s predpisi držav o izmenjavi informacij;
e) da ugotavlja in izmenjuje pridobljena nova spoznanja in najboljše prakse.
2. člen
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE je upravno telo za sprejemanje odločitev, ki ga sestavljajo vodje organov pogodbenikov PPPN JVE, pristojnih za ukrepanje ob nesrečah, in ga podpirajo drugi ustrezni organi/ministrstva, odgovorna za pripravljenost na nesreče, njihovo preprečevanje in ukrepanje ob nesrečah.
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE zagotavlja politični okvir za PPPN JVE in je izhodišče za notranja posvetovanja in priporočila, ki se pošljejo ustreznim nacionalnim organom kot pomoč pri sprejemanju odločitev njihovih vlad.
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE spodbuja vzpostavljanje mrež in sodelovanje z mednarodnimi partnerji in subjekti, izmenjavo informacij, izkušenj, novih spoznanj in najboljših praks o pripravljenosti na nesreče, njihovem preprečevanju in odzivanju nanje ter rešuje vprašanja, ki so v skupnem interesu.
Regionalnega zasedanja PPPN JVE se udeležujejo pogodbeniki PPPN JVE. Na njem lahko na povabilo sodelujejo tudi člani Svetovalnega odbora PPPN JVE in partnerji PPPN JVE.
Regionalnemu zasedanju PPPN JVE vsako leto predseduje drug pogodbenik PPPN JVE po abecednem redu.
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE s soglasjem odloča o:
a) spremembah memoranduma o soglasju,
b) sedežu in sestavi Sekretariata PPPN JVE,
c) kakršni koli prošnji v skladu s 13. členom tega memoranduma o soglasju,
d) sprejetju poslovnika in pravil o finančnem poslovanju,
e) sprejetju letnega načrta dela in proračuna,
f) potrditvi poročila o izvajanju letnega načrta dela in letnega finančnega poročila,
g) projektih, ki se financirajo iz proračuna PPPN JVE.
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE je dvakrat letno. Na pobudo predsedujočega PPPN JVE in s soglasjem vseh pogodbenikov PPPN JVE se lahko skličejo izredna zasedanja.
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE sprejme poslovnik in vse druge notranje predpise, ki urejajo delo organov in struktur PPPN JVE, vključno s Sekretariatom PPPN JVE.
3. člen
Svetovalni odbor PPPN JVE
Svetovalni odbor PPPN JVE sestavljajo strokovnjaki s funkcionalnim znanjem in izkušnjami, ki zastopajo mednarodne partnerje PPPN JVE in jih je v odbor povabil predsedujoči PPPN JVE. Svetovalni odbor svetuje o predlaganih in načrtovanih projektih in dejavnostih ter prispeva k zagotavljanju dolgoročne ustreznosti politike.
Formalnih glasovalnih pravic ni, odločitve se sprejemajo s soglasjem.
4. člen
Delovne skupine PPPN JVE
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE lahko ustanovi delovne skupine PPPN JVE kot strokovna telesa za razvoj posameznih projektov PPPN JVE in podporo tem projektom. Delovnim skupinam PPPN JVE neformalno predseduje ena od držav JVE ob sodelovanju nacionalnih in mednarodnih strokovnjakov. Delovne skupine PPPN JVE poročajo Regionalnemu zasedanju PPPN JVE, pomaga pa jim Sekretariat PPPN JVE.
5. člen
Mehanizem trio
Mehanizem trio (v nadaljnjem besedilu: trio) sestavljajo sedanji predsedujoči PPPN JVE ter predstavnika prejšnjega in prihodnjega predsedujočega PPPN JVE.
Vloga tria je zagotoviti strateško usklajevanje in načrtovanje dejavnosti PPPN JVE.
Zasedanja tria so dvakrat letno za regionalnimi zasedanji. Sedanji predsedujoči PPPN JVE v sodelovanju z drugima članoma tria določi datum, kraj in dnevni red zasedanja.
6. člen
Partnerji PPPN JVE in/ali donatorji
Zainteresirane države in mednarodne organizacije/ustanove lahko postanejo partnerji in/ali donatorji PPPN JVE in sodelujejo pri dejavnostih PPPN JVE, ko o tem uradno obvestijo predsedujočega PPPN JVE ali vodjo Sekretariata PPPN JVE ali ko tako željo izrazijo na Regionalnem zasedanju PPPN JVE.
Partnerji PPPN JVE sodelujejo na lastne stroške ter z lastnimi finančnimi in človeškimi viri.
Sekretariat PPPN JVE
7. člen
Sekretariat PPPN JVE ima sedež v Sarajevu, Bosna in Hercegovina (v nadaljnjem besedilu: država gostiteljica). Sekretariat PPPN JVE ima pravno sposobnost, kakor je potrebno za izvajanje njegovih nalog.
Država gostiteljica zagotovi objekte in krije stroške poslovanja pisarne Sekretariata PPPN JVE, razen če ni dogovorjeno drugače. Pravna sposobnost, privilegiji in imunitete Sekretariata PPPN JVE so opredeljeni v sporazumu z državo gostiteljico, ki se sklene med državo gostiteljico in pogodbeniki PPPN JVE.
Sedež Sekretariata PPPN JVE se lahko spremeni s soglasno odločitvijo Regionalnega zasedanja PPPN JVE.
8. člen
Sestava in naloge
Sekretariat PPPN JVE deluje kot administrativna/podporna struktura PPPN JVE in predsedujočega PPPN JVE.
Sekretariat PPPN JVE ima vodjo in administrativnega/finančnega pomočnika. Mandat osebja Sekretariata PPPN JVE je tri leta z možnostjo podaljšanja za nadaljnje leto.
9. člen
Sekretariat PPPN JVE deluje po navodilih predsedujočega PPPN JVE ter poroča o svojih dejavnostih in izdatkih Regionalnemu zasedanju PPPN JVE. Predsedujoči PPPN JVE lahko zahteva dodatno poročanje (opisno in finančno).
Poročanje poteka v skladu s poslovnikom in pravili o finančnem poslovanju.
10. člen
Proračun PPPN JVE je sestavljen iz letnih prispevkov pogodbenikov PPPN JVE.
Sekretariat PPPN JVE na podlagi letnega načrta dela PPPN JVE pripravi proračun in ga na jesenskem zasedanju predloži v potrditev Regionalnemu zasedanju PPPN JVE. Sekretariat PPPN JVE pripravi tudi dodatne načrte dela in proračune za projekte, ki se lahko izvajajo s pomočjo partnerjev PPPN JVE.
Partnerji PPPN JVE, ki prispevajo k proračunu projektov PPPN JVE, lahko zahtevajo posebna poročila o reviziji.
11. člen
Dejavnosti PPPN JVE se financirajo iz proračuna PPPN JVE, lahko pa jih financirajo tudi pogodbeniki PPPN JVE/partnerji/donatorji.
Pogodbeniki PPPN JVE soglašajo, da bodo v skladu z možnostmi zagotavljali človeške, tehnične in finančne vire, potrebne za trajno delovanje PPPN JVE in Sekretariata PPPN JVE.
Letni finančni prispevek posameznega pogodbenika za PPPN JVE znaša najmanj 25.000 € in se nakaže vsako leto do konca aprila.
Ob zamudi pri plačilu letnega prispevka pogodbeniku PPPN JVE takoj začasno preneha pravica do sprejemanja odločitev in kritja stroškov udeležbe pri kateri koli dejavnosti PPPN JVE iz proračuna PPPN JVE, dokler plačilo ni oprav­ljeno.
Pogodbeniki PPPN JVE, ki sodelujejo pri posameznih projektih, soglašajo tudi, da bodo na podlagi medsebojnega dogovora zagotovili prispevke za razvoj in izvajanje teh projektov, ki bodo enakovredni finančni pomoči partnerjev PPPN JVE.
Finančno upravljanje proračuna in poročanje potekata v skladu s pravili o finančnem poslovanju, ki jih sprejme Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE.
12. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju se lahko spremeni na podlagi pisnega soglasja pogodbenikov PPPN JVE v skladu s točko a šestega odstavka 2. člena. Spremembe začnejo veljati v skladu s 14. členom tega memoranduma o soglasju.
13. člen
Regionalno zasedanje PPPN JVE s soglasjem odloča o prošnji katerega koli pogodbenika, da pristopi k temu memorandumu o soglasju in postane pogodbenik PPPN JVE.
14. člen
Začetek veljavnosti
Ta memorandum o soglasju začne veljati prvi dan v mesecu po mesecu, ko Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Bosne in Hercegovine prejme šesto uradno obvestilo pogodbenikov PPPN JVE o izpolnitvi njihovih notranjih zahtev za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Za vsakega pogodbenika PPPN JVE, ki po deponiranju šestega uradnega obvestila v skladu s prvim odstavkom tega člena uradno obvesti Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Bosne in Hercegovine o končanju svojih notranjih postopkov za začetek veljavnosti tega memoranduma o soglasju, ta začne veljati na dan, ko je uradno obvestil depozitarja.
Po podpisu se izvirnik tega memoranduma o soglasju deponira pri Svetu ministrov Bosne in Hercegovine, ki je depozitar. Depozitar pogodbenikom PPPN JVE memoranduma o soglasju in Sekretariatu pošlje njegove pravilno overjene kopije.
Ta memorandum o soglasju se začasno uporablja od dneva podpisa, razen če pogodbenik PPPN JVE ob njegovem podpisu izjavi, da njegovi notranje pravni postopki ne dovoljujejo take začasne uporabe. Za vsakega takega pogodbenika PPPN JVE memorandum o soglasju začne veljati na dan, ko je uradno obvestil depozitarja.
15. člen
Ta memorandum o soglasju velja za nedoločen čas, razen če se pogodbeniki PPPN JVE ne dogovorijo drugače.
Vsak pogodbenik PPPN JVE lahko ta memorandum o soglasju odpove s pisnim uradnim obvestilom predsedujočemu PPPN JVE. Odpoved začne veljati tri (3) mesece po prejemu uradnega obvestila.
DA BI TO POTRDILI, so podpisani, ki so jih njihove vlade za to pravilno pooblastile, podpisali ta memorandum o soglasju.
Sestavljeno v Sarajevu 28. novembra 2013 v enem izvirniku v angleškem jeziku.
Za Svet ministrov
Republike Albanije
Shemsi Prençi l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Hrvaške
Jadran Perinić l.r.
Za Vlado
Črne gore
Mirsad Mulić l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Slovenije
Darko But l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Bolgarije
Nikolay Nikolov l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Makedonije
Shaban Saliu l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Srbije
Djordje Babić l.r.
Za Vlado
Republike Turčije
Halil Afsarata l.r.
PRILOGA k podpisani strani o podpisu Memoranduma o soglasju za institucionalni okvir Pobude za pripravljenost na nesreče in njihovo preprečevanje za Jugovzhodno Evropo
Sestavljeno v Sarajevu 18. aprila 2014 v enem izvirniku v angleškem jeziku.
Za Svet ministrov
Bosne in Hercegovine
Fahrudin Radončić l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje memoranduma o soglasju skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-43/2014
Ljubljana, dne 24. decembra 2014
EVA 2014-1811-0027
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Miroslav Cerar l.r.

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