Uradni list

Številka 5
Uradni list RS, št. 5/2015 z dne 23. 1. 2015
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 5/2015 z dne 23. 1. 2015


6. Uredba o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Koreje o gospodarskem sodelovanju, stran 37.

Na podlagi petega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09 in 80/10 ZUTD) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Koreje o gospodarskem sodelovanju
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Koreje o gospodarskem sodelovanju, podpisan v Seulu 11. aprila 2014.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Korea (hereinafter referred to as the “Parties”),
Desirous of further strengthening the friendly relations existing between the two countries;
Recognizing that the Agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Government of the Republic of Korea, signed in Seoul on January 21, 1999, contributed to facilitating trade and economic cooperation between the two countries;
Also recognizing that there is need for a renewed legal basis for continuing and further promoting their economic cooperation in fields of mutual interest on the basis of the principles of equality and mutual benefit after the termination of the aforementioned Agreement on April 3, 2005; and
Within the framework of the respective legislation in force in the two countries and in full conformity with their obligations arising from international agreements;
Have agreed as follows:
Article 1
The Parties shall, in accordance with their respective laws and regulations, endeavor to promote, expand and diversify bilateral cooperation in areas relevant to economic development which the Parties deem to be in their mutual interest and benefit.
Article 2
The Parties, taking into consideration their current economic relations, shall endeavor to create mutually favorable conditions for long term cooperation, in particular in the following fields:
(a) automotive industry;
(b) electronics;
(c) machinery manufacturing;
(d) chemical and pharmaceutical industry;
(e) energy;
(f) small and medium-sized enterprises;
(g) information and communication technology;
(h) tourism;
(i) transport and logistics;
(j) environment;
(k) trade and investment;
(l) bilateral economic cooperation in third countries or at the regional level; and
(m) any other areas of mutual interest that may be agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 3
Forms of cooperation under this Agreement may include:
(a) encouraging and facilitating communication and cooperation between governmental agencies, organizations and enterprises of both countries;
(b) creating favourable investment conditions;
(c) facilitating the exchange of information of mutual interest, particularly information concerning their respective laws and regulations and on national economic and industrial priorities;
(d) encouraging juridical persons and individuals of the two countries to explore the possibilities of implementing joint projects in the above-noted areas of cooperation;
(e) encouraging the participation of juridical persons and individuals of the two countries in international fairs and exhibitions held in the two countries; and
(f) any other forms of cooperation that may be agreed upon by the Parties.
Article 4
1. To facilitate the implementation of this Agreement, the Parties shall establish a Joint Commission.
2. The Joint Commission shall be composed of representatives of the Parties.
3. The Joint Commission shall carry out the following activities:
(a) promoting cooperation in the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3 and, if necessary, making recommendations for the implementation of this Agreement;
(b) identifying the fields to which the cooperation between the Parties is to be extended;
(c) reviewing the progress made towards achieving the objectives of this Agreement;
(d) identifying problems which may hinder bilateral trade and economic cooperation, and proposing measures to resolve these problems; and
(e) any other cooperative activities that may be agreed upon by the Parties.
4. (a) The Joint Commission shall meet alternately in the Republic of Slovenia and in the Republic of Korea, periodically or at the request of either Party and with the acceptance of the other Party.
(b) The host Party shall take minutes of the meeting of the Joint Commission, which shall be signed by the heads of both delegations at the end of the meeting.
5. Separate implementing arrangements setting out the details and procedures of the specific cooperative activities under this Agreement, following the recommendations made by the Joint Commission, may be concluded in accordance with the respective laws and regulations of the two countries.
Article 5
This Agreement does not affect rights and obligations of the Parties arising from other international agreements to which they are party. This Agreement shall apply without prejudice to the obligations arising from the membership of the Republic of Slovenia in the European Union.
Article 6
Any dispute arising out of the interpretation or implementation of this Agreement shall be settled through mutual consultations between the Parties.
Article 7
This Agreement may be amended with the mutual written consent of the Parties.
Article 8
1. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of receipt by the Parties of the last written notification through diplomatic channels confirming the completion of their respective internal procedures required for the entry into force of this Agreement.
2. This Agreement shall remain in force for an initial period of five (5) years and shall thereafter be automatically renewed for successive periods of two (2) years unless either Party notifies the other Party, in writing, of its intention to terminate the Agreement at least six (6) months in advance before the expiry date of that relevant period.
3. The termination of this Agreement shall not affect the validity or duration of any cooperative activities undertaken under this Agreement and not yet completed at the time of its termination.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized by their respective Governments, have signed this Agreement.
Done in duplicate at Seoul on 11 April 2014 in the English language.
Igor Senčar (s)
Cho Tae-yong (s)
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Republike Koreje (v nadaljnjem besedilu: pogodbenici) sta se
v želji, da okrepita prijateljske vezi med državama,
ob upoštevanju, da je Sporazum o trgovinskem in gospodarskem sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Republike Koreje, podpisan 21. januarja 1999 v Seulu, prispeval k pospeševanju trgovinskega in gospodarskega sodelovanja med državama,
ob zavedanju, da je po prenehanju veljavnosti omenjenega sporazuma 3. aprila 2005 potreben nov pravni okvir za nadaljevanje in spodbujanje gospodarskega sodelovanja med državama na področjih v skupnem interesu po načelih enakosti in obojestranske koristi, ter
ob upoštevanju veljavne zakonodaje obeh držav in v skladu z njunimi obveznostmi po mednarodnih pogodbah
1. člen
Pogodbenici si v skladu s svojimi zakoni in predpisi prizadevata spodbujati dvostransko sodelovanje ter povečati njegov obseg in raznolikost na področjih, ki so pomembna za gospodarski razvoj in za katere ocenjujeta, da so v njunem skupnem interesu in obojestransko korist.
2. člen
Pogodbenici si ob upoštevanju trenutnih gospodarskih odnosov med državama prizadevata ustvariti pogoje, ki so ugodni za obe strani in omogočajo dolgoročno sodelovanje, zlasti na naslednjih področjih:
a) avtomobilska industrija
b) elektronika
c) proizvodnja strojev
d) kemična in farmacevtska industrija
e) energetika
f) mala in srednje velika podjetja
g) informacijska in komunikacijska tehnologija
h) turizem
i) promet in logistika
j) okolje
k) trgovina in naložbe
l) dvostransko gospodarsko sodelovanje v tretjih državah ali na regionalni ravni
m) druga področja v skupnem interesu, o katerih se dogovorita pogodbenici.
3. člen
Oblike sodelovanja po tem sporazumu so lahko:
a) spodbujanje in omogočanje komunikacije in sodelovanja med vladnimi agencijami, organizacijami in gospodarskimi družbami obeh držav;
b) ustvarjanje ugodnih pogojev za naložbe;
c) omogočanje izmenjave informacij v skupnem interesu, zlasti informacij o zakonih in predpisih obeh držav ter nacionalnih prednostnih nalogah v gospodarstvu in industriji;
d) spodbujanje pravnih in fizičnih oseb obeh držav, da iščejo možnosti za izvedbo skupnih projektov na omenjenih področjih sodelovanja;
e) spodbujanje udeležbe pravnih in fizičnih oseb obeh držav na mednarodnih sejmih in razstavah, ki potekajo v obeh državah;
f) druge oblike sodelovanja, o katerih se dogovorita pogodbenici.
4. člen
1. Za spodbujanje izvajanja sporazuma pogodbenici ustanovita skupno komisijo.
2. Skupno komisijo sestavljajo predstavniki pogodbenic.
3. Naloge skupne komisije so:
a) spodbujanje sodelovanja na področjih iz 2. in 3. člena in po potrebi priprava priporočil za izvajanje sporazuma;
b) opredelitev področij za razširitev sodelovanja med pogodbenicama;
c) spremljanje napredka pri doseganju ciljev sporazuma;
d) ugotavljanje težav, ki bi lahko ovirale dvostransko trgovinsko in gospodarsko sodelovanje, in predlaganje ukrepov za njihovo reševanje;
e) druge oblike sodelovanja, o katerih se dogovorita pogodbenici.
4. a) Skupna komisija zaseda redno ali na predlog ene od pogodbenic, ki ga sprejme druga pogodbenica, in sicer izmenično v Republiki Sloveniji in Republiki Koreji.
b) Pogodbenica gostiteljica pripravi zapisnik zasedanja skupne komisije, ki ga ob zaključku zasedanja podpišeta vodji delegacij.
5. Podrobnosti in postopki določene oblike sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, ki jo priporoči skupna komisija, se lahko opredelijo s posebnim izvedbenim dogovorom, ki se sklene v skladu z zakoni in predpisi obeh držav.
5. člen
Sporazum ne vpliva na pravice in obveznosti pogodbenic iz mednarodnih sporazumov, ki ju zavezujejo. Uporablja se brez poseganja v obveznosti, ki izhajajo iz članstva Republike Slovenije v Evropski uniji.
6. člen
Spore glede razlage ali izvajanja sporazuma pogodbenici rešujeta z medsebojnim posvetovanjem.
7. člen
Sporazum se lahko spremeni s pisnim soglasjem obeh pogodbenic.
8. člen
1. Sporazum začne veljati z dnem prejema zadnjega od pisnih uradnih obvestil, s katerima pogodbenici po diplomatski poti potrdita, da sta zaključili notranjepravne postopke, ki so potrebni za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
2. Sporazum velja za začetno obdobje petih (5) let, nato se samodejno podaljšuje za nadaljnja obdobja dveh (2) let, razen če ena od pogodbenic vsaj šest (6) mesecev pred koncem tekočega obdobja pisno uradno ne obvesti druge, da namerava sporazum odpovedati.
3. Odpoved sporazuma ne vpliva na veljavnost ali trajanje sodelovanja po tem sporazumu, ki ob odpovedi sporazuma še ni zaključeno.
V POTRDITEV TEGA sta podpisana, ki sta ju ustrezno pooblastili njuni vladi, podpisala ta sporazum.
Sklenjeno v Seulu 11. aprila 2014 v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku.
Igor Senčar l.r.
Cho Tae-yong l.r.
3. člen
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-3/2015
Ljubljana, dne 15. januarja 2014
EVA 2014-1811-0154
Vlada Republike Slovenije
dr. Miroslav Cerar l.r.

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