Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju (BUSSOVP)
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Sporazuma med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju (BUSSOVP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 30. januarja 2015.
Št. 003-02-1/2015-2
Ljubljana, dne 9. februarja 2015
Borut Pahor l.r.
Republike Slovenije
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju, sklenjen z izmenjavo not 14. avgusta 2013 in 26. marca 2014.
2. člen
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v slovenskem in angleškem jeziku ter v prevodu glasi:
Št. 19/2013
»Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in se ima čast sklicevati na Memorandum o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije, podpisan v Washingtonu 10. marca 1995. Veleposlaništvo se ima poleg tega čast sklicevati na Severnoatlantsko pogodbo, podpisano v Washingtonu 4. aprila 1949, in na Sporazum med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantske pogodbe o statusu njihovih sil, sklenjen v Londonu 19. junija 1951, katerih pogodbenici sta Združene države Amerike in Republika Slovenija.
Ob upoštevanju razširjenega in okrepljenega sodelovanja med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike ima veleposlaništvo čast predlagati, da je navedeni memorandum še naprej osnova za krovni dokument o dvostranskem sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike. Memorandum se glasi:
'Na podlagi krepitve obrambnih in vojaških odnosov, ki so se uradno začeli maja 1994 z ustanovno sejo slovensko-ameriške dvostranske delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose,
ob potrditvi ciljev in načel Ustanovne listine Organizacije združenih narodov ter načel, ki urejajo odnose med državami, opredeljenih v sklepni listini Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi iz leta 1975, zlasti o nedotakljivosti meja, ozemeljski celovitosti, nevmešavanju v notranje zadeve in mirnem reševanju sporov,
ob podpiranju ciljev demokratične odgovornosti, preglednosti obrambnega načrtovanja, razporejanja proračunskih sredstev in porabe ter zakonitega civilnega nadzora nad vojaškimi strukturami,
ob poudarjanju potrebe po širših in tesnejših stikih ter posvetovanjih med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije ter med oboroženimi silami Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije na področju obrambe in varnosti,
ob priznavanju, da okrepljeni odnosi in sodelovanje v obrambnih zadevah in zadevah nacionalne varnosti omogočajo Ministrstvu za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvu za obrambo Republike Slovenije boljše razumevanje, izogibanje nesporazumom in izmenjavo znanja,
ob priznavanju skupnega interesa za spodbujanje sodelovanja med Organizacijo Severnoatlantske pogodbe in Republiko Slovenijo ter v želji okrepiti in dopolniti sodelovanje v okviru Partnerstva za mir Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe,
ob poudarjanju, da je takšno sodelovanje pomembno za spodbujanje miru, stabilnosti in varnosti v Evropi in ni v nasprotju z interesi katere koli druge države,
ob priznavanju pomena dialoga o vprašanjih ohranjanja miru, mednarodne varnosti in stabilnosti ter obrambno-varnostne politike, vojaške strategije in razvojnih programov
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije potrjujeta pripravljenost za nadaljnjo krepitev obrambnih in vojaških odnosov med Združenimi državami Amerike in Republiko Slovenijo na temelju načel enakosti, partnerstva ter medsebojne koristi in razumevanja. Možne oblike sodelovanja, za katere je treba skleniti nove izvedbene sporazume in ki lahko vodijo k novim predlogom v zvezi s tem, so:
I. okrepljeni stiki na obrambnem področju ob podpori ministra za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in ministra za obrambo Republike Slovenije, med drugim:
– nadaljnja zasedanja slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose vsaj enkrat letno za pospeševanje razvoja obrambnih in vojaških odnosov ter razpravo o regionalnih varnostnih vprašanjih,
– redna srečanja višjih in visokih uradnikov Ministrstva za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije za medsebojno seznanjanje z mednarodnim varnostnim okoljem in krepitev dvostranskega sodelovanja,
– imenovanje obrambnega atašeja Združenih držav Amerike, akreditiranega v Republiki Sloveniji, in obrambnega atašeja Republike Slovenije, akreditiranega v Združenih državah Amerike,
– izmenjava predstavnikov, ki se udeležujejo konferenc, simpozijev, seminarjev in tečajev o obrambnih in vojaških vprašanjih, ter uporaba programov, sredstev in zmogljivosti izobraževalnih ustanov,
– vključitev Republike Slovenije v ustrezne programe ameriške pomoči in usposabljanja,
– izmenjava civilnega in vojaškega osebja za izmenjavo izkušenj in mnenj o demokratičnih načelih, organizacijah in dejavnostih civilnega nadzora v zvezi z obrambnimi strukturami;
II. okrepljeni stiki in sodelovanje na vojaškem področju pod pristojnostjo načelnika Združenega štaba Združenih držav Amerike in načelnika Generalštaba Republike Slovenije, med drugim:
– obiski in izmenjava osebja oboroženih sil Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije, ki lahko vključujejo področja, kot so vojaška doktrina, pravo, logistika, medicina in vojaške vede, da bi omogočili boljše sodelovanje in medsebojno poznavanje,
– nadaljnji obiski obrambnih in vojaških delegacij na podlagi Skupnega programa Skupine za vojaške stike, ki je nastal na pobudo načelnika Združenega štaba in ga izvaja Evropsko poveljstvo Združenih držav Amerike, prilagojeni posameznim in sprotnim potrebam Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije,
– prizadevanja obeh generalštabov, posameznih vojaških zvrsti in poveljstev ter organov Ministrstva za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije za oblikovanje novih pobud za okrepljene dvostranske stike med oboroženimi silami.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije nameravata varovati podatke, ki jih prejmeta v okviru sodelovanja, in spoštujeta dogovorjeno stopnjo tajnosti. Take podatke je mogoče posredovati tretji strani samo, če je stran, ki jih je ustvarila, seznanjena in s tem soglaša. Zato nameravata Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije skupaj preučiti možnost sklenitve sporazuma o varovanju takih podatkov.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije priznavata potrebo po pogovorih o statusu vojaškega in civilnega osebja, povezanega z obrambnim področjem.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike bosta po potrebi proučili prilagoditev dvostranskih programov in dejavnosti za pomoč pri preoblikovanju in posodobitvi Slovenske vojske ter vzpostavitvi civilnega nadzora nad njo ter za okrepitev in dopolnitev sodelovanja v okviru Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe in njenega programa Partnerstva za mir.
Seznam področij obrambnega in vojaškega sodelovanja ni dokončen. Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike si bosta prizadevali za nova področja sodelovanja. V okviru slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose nameravata vsaj enkrat letno obravnavati oblike sodelovanja, časovni okvir in načine izvajanja ter si bosta do dogovorjenega roka prizadevali pripraviti program stikov in dejavnosti. Morebitne ovire ob okrepljenih obrambnih in vojaških odnosih nameravata čim prej obravnavati v okviru slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose.'
Če je navedeno sprejemljivo za Republiko Slovenijo, ima veleposlaništvo čast potrditi, da je Memorandum o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije veljaven in je osnova za prihodnje dvostransko sodelovanje, potrjena z izmenjavo not med veleposlaništvom in Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje odlično spoštovanje.«
Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike
Ljubljana, 14. avgust 2013
Št. 5611-216/2012/9
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije izraža svoje spoštovanje Veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike in se ima čast sklicevati na noto veleposlaništva št. 19/2013 z dne 14. avgusta 2013, ki se glasi:
»Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike izraža svoje spoštovanje Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije in se ima čast sklicevati na Memorandum o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije, podpisan v Washingtonu 10. marca 1995. Veleposlaništvo se ima poleg tega čast sklicevati na Severnoatlantsko pogodbo, podpisano v Washingtonu 4. aprila 1949, in na Sporazum med pogodbenicami Severnoatlantske pogodbe o statusu njihovih sil, sklenjen v Londonu 19. junija 1951, katerih pogodbenici sta Združene države Amerike in Republika Slovenija.
Ob upoštevanju razširjenega in okrepljenega sodelovanja med Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike ima veleposlaništvo čast predlagati, da je navedeni memorandum še naprej osnova za krovni dokument o dvostranskem sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike. Memorandum se glasi:
'Na podlagi krepitve obrambnih in vojaških odnosov, ki so se uradno začeli maja 1994 z ustanovno sejo slovensko-ameriške dvostranske delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose,
ob potrditvi ciljev in načel Ustanovne listine Organizacije združenih narodov ter načel, ki urejajo odnose med državami, opredeljenih v sklepni listini Konference o varnosti in sodelovanju v Evropi iz leta 1975, zlasti o nedotakljivosti meja, ozemeljski celovitosti, nevmešavanju v notranje zadeve in mirnem reševanju sporov,
ob podpiranju ciljev demokratične odgovornosti, preglednosti obrambnega načrtovanja, razporejanja proračunskih sredstev in porabe ter zakonitega civilnega nadzora nad vojaškimi strukturami,
ob poudarjanju potrebe po širših in tesnejših stikih ter posvetovanjih med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije ter med oboroženimi silami Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije na področju obrambe in varnosti,
ob priznavanju, da okrepljeni odnosi in sodelovanje v obrambnih zadevah in zadevah nacionalne varnosti omogočajo Ministrstvu za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvu za obrambo Republike Slovenije boljše razumevanje, izogibanje nesporazumom in izmenjavo znanja,
ob priznavanju skupnega interesa za spodbujanje sodelovanja med Organizacijo Severnoatlantske pogodbe in Republiko Slovenijo ter v želji okrepiti in dopolniti sodelovanje v okviru Partnerstva za mir Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe,
ob poudarjanju, da je takšno sodelovanje pomembno za spodbujanje miru, stabilnosti in varnosti v Evropi in ni v nasprotju z interesi katere koli druge države,
ob priznavanju pomena dialoga o vprašanjih ohranjanja miru, mednarodne varnosti in stabilnosti ter obrambno-varnostne politike, vojaške strategije in razvojnih programov
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije potrjujeta pripravljenost za nadaljnjo krepitev obrambnih in vojaških odnosov med Združenimi državami Amerike in Republiko Slovenijo na temelju načel enakosti, partnerstva ter medsebojne koristi in razumevanja. Možne oblike sodelovanja, za katere je treba skleniti nove izvedbene sporazume in ki lahko vodijo k novim predlogom v zvezi s tem, so:
I. okrepljeni stiki na obrambnem področju ob podpori ministra za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in ministra za obrambo Republike Slovenije, med drugim:
– nadaljnja zasedanja slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose vsaj enkrat letno za pospeševanje razvoja obrambnih in vojaških odnosov ter razpravo o regionalnih varnostnih vprašanjih,
– redna srečanja višjih in visokih uradnikov Ministrstva za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije za medsebojno seznanjanje z mednarodnim varnostnim okoljem in krepitev dvostranskega sodelovanja,
– imenovanje obrambnega atašeja Združenih držav Amerike, akreditiranega v Republiki Sloveniji, in obrambnega atašeja Republike Slovenije, akreditiranega v Združenih državah Amerike,
– izmenjava predstavnikov, ki se udeležujejo konferenc, simpozijev, seminarjev in tečajev o obrambnih in vojaških vprašanjih, ter uporaba programov, sredstev in zmogljivosti izobraževalnih ustanov,
– vključitev Republike Slovenije v ustrezne programe ameriške pomoči in usposabljanja,
– izmenjava civilnega in vojaškega osebja za izmenjavo izkušenj in mnenj o demokratičnih načelih, organizacijah in dejavnostih civilnega nadzora v zvezi z obrambnimi strukturami;
II. okrepljeni stiki in sodelovanje na vojaškem področju pod pristojnostjo načelnika Združenega štaba Združenih držav Amerike in načelnika Generalštaba Republike Slovenije, med drugim:
– obiski in izmenjava osebja oboroženih sil Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije, ki lahko vključujejo področja, kot so vojaška doktrina, pravo, logistika, medicina in vojaške vede, da bi omogočili boljše sodelovanje in medsebojno poznavanje,
– nadaljnji obiski obrambnih in vojaških delegacij na podlagi Skupnega programa Skupine za vojaške stike, ki je nastal na pobudo načelnika Združenega štaba in ga izvaja Evropsko poveljstvo Združenih držav Amerike, prilagojeni posameznim in sprotnim potrebam Združenih držav Amerike in Republike Slovenije,
– prizadevanja obeh generalštabov, posameznih vojaških zvrsti in poveljstev ter organov Ministrstva za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstva za obrambo Republike Slovenije za oblikovanje novih pobud za okrepljene dvostranske stike med oboroženimi silami.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije nameravata varovati podatke, ki jih prejmeta v okviru sodelovanja, in spoštujeta dogovorjeno stopnjo tajnosti. Take podatke je mogoče posredovati tretji strani samo, če je stran, ki jih je ustvarila, seznanjena in s tem soglaša. Zato nameravata Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije skupaj preučiti možnost sklenitve sporazuma o varovanju takih podatkov.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije priznavata potrebo po pogovorih o statusu vojaškega in civilnega osebja, povezanega z obrambnim področjem.
Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike bosta po potrebi proučili prilagoditev dvostranskih programov in dejavnosti za pomoč pri preoblikovanju in posodobitvi Slovenske vojske ter vzpostavitvi civilnega nadzora nad njo ter za okrepitev in dopolnitev sodelovanja v okviru Organizacije Severnoatlantske pogodbe in njenega programa Partnerstva za mir.
Seznam področij obrambnega in vojaškega sodelovanja ni dokončen. Ministrstvo za obrambo Republike Slovenije in Ministrstvo za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike si bosta prizadevali za nova področja sodelovanja. V okviru slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose nameravata vsaj enkrat letno obravnavati oblike sodelovanja, časovni okvir in načine izvajanja ter si bosta do dogovorjenega roka prizadevali pripraviti program stikov in dejavnosti. Morebitne ovire ob okrepljenih obrambnih in vojaških odnosih nameravata čim prej obravnavati v okviru slovensko-ameriške delovne skupine za obrambne in vojaške odnose.'
Če je navedeno sprejemljivo za Republiko Slovenijo, ima veleposlaništvo čast potrditi, da je Memorandum o sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Ministrstvom za obrambo Združenih držav Amerike in Ministrstvom za obrambo Republike Slovenije veljaven in je osnova za prihodnje dvostransko sodelovanje, potrjena z izmenjavo not med veleposlaništvom in Ministrstvom za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije.
Veleposlaništvo Združenih držav Amerike tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Ministrstvu za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije svoje odlično spoštovanje.«
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije ima čast sporočiti, da je navedeno sprejemljivo za Republiko Slovenijo in je nota Veleposlaništva Združenih držav Amerike št. 19/2013 skupaj s to noto krovni dokument o dvostranskem sodelovanju na obrambnem in vojaškem področju med Republiko Slovenijo in Združenimi državami Amerike, ki začne veljati z dnem prejema uradnega obvestila, s katerim slovenska stran obvesti ameriško stran o izpolnitvi vseh notranjepravnih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek njegove veljavnosti.
Ministrstvo za zunanje zadeve Republike Slovenije tudi ob tej priložnosti izraža Veleposlaništvu Združenih držav Amerike svoje odlično spoštovanje.
Ljubljana, 26. marca 2014
No. 19/2013
"The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honor to refer to the Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Military Relations Between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia, signed in Washington on March 10, 1995. The Embassy has the further honor to refer to the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., on April 4, 1949, and to the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces, done at London on June 19, 1951, to which the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia are Parties.
Considering the expanding scope and level of cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America, the Embassy has the honor to propose that the above-referenced Memorandum continue to represent a basis for a framework document on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and military relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America. The above-referenced Memorandum reads as follows:
'Building on the expanding defense and military relationship formally initiated during the inaugural May 1994 meeting of the Slovenian-U.S. bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations;
Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, as well as the principles guiding relations between states as set forth in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975), particularly the inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, and peaceful resolution of disputes;
Endorsing the objectives of democratic accountability, transparency in defense planning, programming and budgeting, and legitimate civilian control of military establishments;
Underscoring the need to broaden and deepen interaction and consultations between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army in the areas of defense and security;
Recognizing that enhanced relations and cooperation in defense and national security matters offer an opportunity for the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to increase understanding, avoid misperceptions, and learn from each other;
Recognizing our common interest in fostering greater cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Republic of Slovenia and desiring to reinforce and complement fullest possible participation within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Partnership for Peace;
Emphasizing that such cooperation is important in the promotion of peace, stability, and security in Europe and is not directed against the interest of any other country; and
Recognizing the importance of dialogue on issues concerning peacekeeping and international security and stability, and of understanding national security policy, military strategy, and programs of military development;
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia affirm their readiness to broaden and expand defense and military relations between the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia based upon the principles of equality, partnership and mutual benefit and understanding. Among the steps which may be taken, subject to the conclusion of necessary implementing agreements, where appropriate, and which may generate additional proposals in this are:
I. Expansion of defense contacts under the auspices of the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America and the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia, including:
– Continued meetings of the U.S.-Slovenian Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations at least annually for the purposes of, among other things, expediting expanded defense and military relations and discussing regional security issues.
– Regular meetings between senior and mid-level officials of the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to deepen mutual understanding of the international security environment and to seek enlargement of bilateral cooperation.
– Maintenance of a Defense Attaché of the United States of America accredited to the Republic of Slovenia and a Defense Attaché of the Republic of Slovenia accredited to the United States of America.
– Exchange of delegations to participate in the conferences, symposia, seminars and courses on defense and military issues and use of programs, resources and facilities of respective educational institutions.
– Implementation of related United States assistance and training programs for the Republic of Slovenia.
– Exchange of civilian and military officials for the purpose of sharing experiences and ideas regarding civilian controlled and democratically established principles, organizations, and activities relevant to defense establishments.
II. Expansion of military contacts and cooperation under the auspices of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America and the Chief of General Staff of the Republic of Slovenia, including:
– Visits and exchanges of officials of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army, to facilitate greater cooperation and understanding between the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army, to possibly include discussions on such issues as military doctrine, law, logistics, medicine, and military science.
– Continuation of visits of both defense and military delegations, building on the Joint Military Contact Team Program, initiated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and implemented by the United States European Command, and tailoring of such visits to the specific and evolving needs of the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia.
– Efforts by respective General Staffs, individual military services and commands, and organizations of the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to develop further initiatives for expanded bilateral military-to-military contacts.
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia intend to ensure the protection of information received in the course of cooperation and to observe any agreed-on level of its confidentiality. The transfer of such information to a third party is intended to be carried out only with knowledge and consent of the generating side. Towards this end, the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia intend to jointly consider an agreement governing protection of such information.
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia also recognize the need for discussions related to the status of military and Defense related civilian personnel.
Where appropriate, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America will consider tailoring of bilateral programs and activities to assist in reform, modernization and establishment of civilian control over the Slovenian Army and to reinforce and complement fullest possible cooperation undertaken within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its Partnership for Peace program.
The above areas of defense and military cooperation are not exhaustive. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America will strive to reach new areas of cooperation. Under the auspices of the Slovenian-U.S. Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America intend to discuss specific cooperative activities, schedules, and procedural arrangements at least annually and will seek to formulate a plan for contacts and activities by an agreed date. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America also intend to address expeditiously through the Slovenian-U.S. Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations any impediments which may arise to such expanded defense and military relations.'
If the foregoing is still acceptable to the Republic of Slovenia, the Embassy has the honor to confirm that the Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Military Relations between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia is valid, and a foundation for future bilateral cooperation, confirmed with the exchange of notes between the Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration."
The Embassy of the United States of America
Ljubljana, August 14, 2013
No. 5611-216/2012/9
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia presents its compliments to the Embassy of the United States of America and has the honor to refer to the Embassy's Note No. 19/2013 dated August 14, 2013, which reads as follows:
"The Embassy of the United States of America presents its compliments to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia and has the honor to refer to the Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Military Relations Between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia, signed in Washington on March 10, 1995. The Embassy has the further honor to refer to the North Atlantic Treaty, signed in Washington, D.C., on April 4, 1949, and to the Agreement Between the Parties to the North Atlantic Treaty Regarding the Status of Their Forces, done at London on June 19, 1951, to which the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia are Parties.
Considering the expanding scope and level of cooperation between the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America, the Embassy has the honor to propose that the above-referenced Memorandum continue to represent a basis for a framework document on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and military relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America. The above-referenced Memorandum reads as follows:
'Building on the expanding defense and military relationship formally initiated during the inaugural May 1994 meeting of the Slovenian-U.S. bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations;
Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the United Nations Charter, as well as the principles guiding relations between states as set forth in the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (1975), particularly the inviolability of frontiers, territorial integrity, non-interference in internal affairs, and peaceful resolution of disputes;
Endorsing the objectives of democratic accountability, transparency in defense planning, programming and budgeting, and legitimate civilian control of military establishments;
Underscoring the need to broaden and deepen interaction and consultations between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army in the areas of defense and security;
Recognizing that enhanced relations and cooperation in defense and national security matters offer an opportunity for the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to increase understanding, avoid misperceptions, and learn from each other;
Recognizing our common interest in fostering greater cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and the Republic of Slovenia and desiring to reinforce and complement fullest possible participation within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Partnership for Peace;
Emphasizing that such cooperation is important in the promotion of peace, stability, and security in Europe and is not directed against the interest of any other country; and
Recognizing the importance of dialogue on issues concerning peacekeeping and international security and stability, and of understanding national security policy, military strategy, and programs of military development;
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia affirm their readiness to broaden and expand defense and military relations between the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia based upon the principles of equality, partnership and mutual benefit and understanding. Among the steps which may be taken, subject to the conclusion of necessary implementing agreements, where appropriate, and which may generate additional proposals in this are:
I. Expansion of defense contacts under the auspices of the Secretary of Defense of the United States of America and the Minister of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia, including:
– Continued meetings of the U.S.-Slovenian Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations at least annually for the purposes of, among other things, expediting expanded defense and military relations and discussing regional security issues.
– Regular meetings between senior and mid-level officials of the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to deepen mutual understanding of the international security environment and to seek enlargement of bilateral cooperation.
– Maintenance of a Defense Attaché of the United States of America accredited to the Republic of Slovenia and a Defense Attaché of the Republic of Slovenia accredited to the United States of America.
– Exchange of delegations to participate in the conferences, symposia, seminars and courses on defense and military issues and use of programs, resources and facilities of respective educational institutions.
– Implementation of related United States assistance and training programs for the Republic of Slovenia.
– Exchange of civilian and military officials for the purpose of sharing experiences and ideas regarding civilian controlled and democratically established principles, organizations, and activities relevant to defense establishments.
II. Expansion of military contacts and cooperation under the auspices of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the United States of America and the Chief of General Staff of the Republic of Slovenia, including:
– Visits and exchanges of officials of the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army, to facilitate greater cooperation and understanding between the Armed Forces of the United States of America and the Slovenian Army, to possibly include discussions on such issues as military doctrine, law, logistics, medicine, and military science.
– Continuation of visits of both defense and military delegations, building on the Joint Military Contact Team Program, initiated by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and implemented by the United States European Command, and tailoring of such visits to the specific and evolving needs of the United States of America and the Republic of Slovenia.
– Efforts by respective General Staffs, individual military services and commands, and organizations of the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia to develop further initiatives for expanded bilateral military-to-military contacts.
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia intend to ensure the protection of information received in the course of cooperation and to observe any agreed-on level of its confidentiality. The transfer of such information to a third party is intended to be carried out only with knowledge and consent of the generating side. Towards this end, the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia intend to jointly consider an agreement governing protection of such information.
The Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia also recognize the need for discussions related to the status of military and Defense related civilian personnel.
Where appropriate, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America will consider tailoring of bilateral programs and activities to assist in reform, modernization and establishment of civilian control over the Slovenian Army and to reinforce and complement fullest possible cooperation undertaken within the framework of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and its Partnership for Peace program.
The above areas of defense and military cooperation are not exhaustive. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America will strive to reach new areas of cooperation. Under the auspices of the Slovenian-U.S. Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations, the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America intend to discuss specific cooperative activities, schedules, and procedural arrangements at least annually and will seek to formulate a plan for contacts and activities by an agreed date. The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia and the Department of Defense of the United States of America also intend to address expeditiously through the Slovenian-U.S. Bilateral Working Group on Defense and Military Relations any impediments which may arise to such expanded defense and military relations.'
If the foregoing is still acceptable to the Republic of Slovenia, the Embassy has the honor to confirm that the Memorandum on Cooperation in the Field of Defense and Military Relations between the Department of Defense of the United States of America and the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Slovenia is valid, and a foundation for future bilateral cooperation, confirmed with the exchange of notes between the Embassy and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia.
The Embassy of the United States of America avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia the assurances of its highest consideration."
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia has the honor to confirm that the above mentioned is acceptable to the Republic of Slovenia and the Note of the Embassy of the United States of America No. 19/2013 and this Note in reply constitute a framework document on bilateral cooperation in the field of defense and military relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the United States of America, which shall enter into force on the date of the receipt of the notification, with which the Slovenian side informs the American side that all the internal procedures necessary for its entry into force have been met.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia avails itself of this opportunity to renew to the Embassy of the United States of America the assurances of its highest consideration.
Ljubljana, 26 March 2014
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Ljubljana, dne 30. januarja 2015
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Republike Slovenije
dr. Milan Brglez l.r.