Uradni list

Številka 75
Uradni list RS, št. 75/2015 z dne 8. 10. 2015
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 75/2015 z dne 8. 10. 2015


58. Uredba o ratifikaciji Poroštvene pogodbe med Kraljevino Belgijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Češko republiko, Kraljevino Dansko, Zvezno republiko Nemčijo, Republiko Estonijo, Irsko, Helensko republiko, Kraljevino Španijo, Francosko republiko, Republiko Hrvaško, Italijansko republiko, Republiko Ciper, Republiko Latvijo, Republiko Litvo, Velikim vojvodstvom Luksemburg, Madžarsko, Republiko Malto, Kraljevino Nizozemsko, Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Poljsko, Portugalsko republiko, Romunijo, Republiko Slovenijo, Slovaško republiko, Republiko Finsko, Kraljevino Švedsko, Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska in Evropsko investicijsko banko o posojilih, ki jih Evropska investicijska banka da za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih, stran 359.

Na podlagi šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD in 31/15) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji Poroštvene pogodbe med Kraljevino Belgijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Češko republiko, Kraljevino Dansko, Zvezno republiko Nemčijo, Republiko Estonijo, Irsko, Helensko republiko, Kraljevino Španijo, Francosko republiko, Republiko Hrvaško, Italijansko republiko, Republiko Ciper, Republiko Latvijo, Republiko Litvo, Velikim vojvodstvom Luksemburg, Madžarsko, Republiko Malto, Kraljevino Nizozemsko, Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Poljsko, Portugalsko republiko, Romunijo, Republiko Slovenijo, Slovaško republiko, Republiko Finsko, Kraljevino Švedsko, Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska in Evropsko investicijsko banko o posojilih, ki jih Evropska investicijska banka da za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih
1. člen
Ratificira se Poroštvena pogodba med Kraljevino Belgijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Češko republiko, Kraljevino Dansko, Zvezno republiko Nemčijo, Republiko Estonijo, Irsko, Helensko republiko, Kraljevino Španijo, Francosko republiko, Republiko Hrvaško, Italijansko republiko, Republiko Ciper, Republiko Latvijo, Republiko Litvo, Velikim vojvodstvom Luksemburg, Madžarsko, Republiko Malto, Kraljevino Nizozemsko, Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Poljsko, Portugalsko republiko, Romunijo, Republiko Slovenijo, Slovaško republiko, Republiko Finsko, Kraljevino Švedsko, Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska in Evropsko investicijsko banko o posojilih, ki jih Evropska investicijska banka da za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih, sklenjena v Luxembourgu 29. julija 2015.
2. člen
Besedilo pogodbe se v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi*:
* Besedilo pogodbe v francoskem in nemškem jeziku ter priloge 1 – Seznam naslovov za namene 10. člena, 4 – Poroštvena pogodba med državo članico in EIB z dne DD/MM/LL o posojilih, ki jih EIB da iz svojih lastnih sredstev skladno s finančnim protokolom – Polletna informacija med obdobjem 31/12/LL in 30/6/LL v skladu s členom 4.03 poroštvene pogodbe in 5 – Polletna informacija med obdobjem 31/12/LL in 30/6/LL o previdnostnih omejitvah, so na vpogled v Sektorju za mednarodno pravo Ministrstva za zunanje zadeve in Sektorju za mednarodne finančne odnose Ministrstva za finance.
G U A R A N T E E  A G R E E M E N T
between Kingdom of Belgium, Republic of Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Kingdom of Denmark, Federal Republic of Germany, Republic of Estonia, Ireland, Hellenic Republic, Kingdom of Spain, French Republic, Republic of Croatia, Italian Republic, Republic of Cyprus, Republic of Latvia, Republic of Lithuania, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, Hungary, Republic of Malta, Kingdom of the Netherlands, Republic of Austria, Republic of Poland, Portuguese Republic, Romania, Republic of Slovenia, Slovak Republic, Republic of Finland, Kingdom of Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and European Investment Bank
concerning loans to be made by the European Investment Bank in favour of investment projects in the African, Caribbean and Pacific States and in the Overseas Countries and Territories
This Agreement is made between:
acting through the services and ministries indicated in Annex 1 to the present Agreement (the “Guarantee Agreement” or “Guarantee”) and represented by the signatories listed on the signature pages
(each a “Guarantor” and collectively the “Guarantors” or “Member States”)
EUROPEAN INVESTMENT BANK having its seat at 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg Kirchberg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, represented by Mr. Werner Hoyer, President
(the “Bank”)
1. The Guarantors undertook certain obligations to act as guarantor in Article 4 of the Internal Agreement signed at Luxembourg and Brussels on 24 and 26 June 2013 respectively (the “Cotonou Internal Agreement III”) relating to the financing of Community aid under the multi-annual financial framework for the period 2014 to 2020 (equivalent to the third Financial Protocol) in accordance with the ACP-EU Partnership Agreement signed in Cotonou (Benin) on 23 June 2000 between the European Union and its Member States and the African, Caribbean and Pacific States, as first revised in Luxembourg on 25 June 2005 and as amended for the second time in Ouagadougou on 22 June 2010 (the “Cotonou Agreement”) and on the allocation of financial assistance for the Overseas Countries and Territories to which part four of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union applies under Council Decision 2001/822/EC of 27 November 2001 on the association of the Overseas Countries and Territories with the European Union (as amended or replaced from time to time, the “Association Decision”) (together the “Cotonou Framework”).
2. Having regard to the foregoing recital, the Board of Governors of the Bank decided on 31 May 2013 to authorise the Bank to grant finance from its own resources for investment projects over the period 2014 to 2020 covered by the third Financial Protocol to the Cotonou Agreement for a total amount of up to EUR 2 500 million, and up to EUR 100 million in the Overseas Countries and Territories.
3. In a continuation of the policy decided by the Board of Governors of the Bank on 1 March 2012 that the Bank may assume the full commercial risk on each individual private sector operation on own resources with a systematic carve-out of the political risk, which would continue to be guaranteed by the Member States, the aforementioned authorisation of the Board of Governors of the Bank was issued on condition that the finance granted by the Bank would be subject to the continued availability of a satisfactory guarantee (which is this Guarantee) from the Guarantors for their aggregate amount plus all related sums in accordance with the decision of the Board of Governors of 1 March 2012 and that the finance would be granted to finance investment projects satisfying the Bank’s normal criteria for lending from its own resources.
4. Article 4 of the Cotonou Internal Agreement III provides that this Guarantee shall be restricted to 75% of the total amount of the credits opened by the Bank under all Loan Agreements made pursuant to the Cotonou Partnership Agreement III and the Association Decision and that it shall cover all risks for public sector projects. It provides further that for private sector projects, this Guarantee shall cover all political risks and the EIB will assume the full commercial risk.
5. The said Article 4 further provides that Member States shall be liable under this Guarantee in proportion to their contributions to the capital of the Bank. Annex 2 of this Guarantee specifies, for information, the respective share of each Member State in the capital of the Bank as of the date of signature of this Guarantee.
6. The Guarantors and the Bank intend that, where the Guarantors are subrogated to the rights and remedies of the Bank in relation to any Loan, the Bank shall, if so requested by the Guarantors, administer and manage the Loan Agreement which has gone into default in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement concluded between the Bank and the Guarantors governing the procedures for payment and reimbursements under the Member States guarantee in favour of the Bank (the “Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement”).
A. In this Guarantee:
“Borrower” means any beneficiary of a Loan from the Bank within the scope of the third Financial Protocol to the Cotonou Agreement or the Association Decision.
“Credit Risk Policy Guidelines” means the Bank’s credit risk policy guidelines for own resource operations outside the European Union as well as, where applicable, the Bank's EU credit risk policy guidelines, as approved, amended, supplemented or modified by the Bank from time to time.
“EIB Financing Operation” means a Loan extended by the Bank to eligible investment projects carried out in a Host Country from the Bank's own resources and in accordance with its own rules and procedures, granted under the Cotonou Framework and governed by a Loan Agreement entered into by the Bank with a Borrower.
“Guaranteed Debtor” means a Borrower or its Third-Party Guarantor.
“Guaranteed Sum(s)” means any obligation covered by this Guarantee consisting of principal, interest, commissions, indemnities, charges, expenses and other accessories and any other sum which is at any time owed by a Guaranteed Debtor to the Bank on account of a Loan or a Third-Party Guarantee.
“Host Government” means the authorities currently in place, or any successor authorities, that effectively control part or all of the territory of a Host Country or any political or territorial subdivision, or any other public authority of such country, and includes any entity located inside or outside the Host Country and vested with regulatory powers conferred by the laws of the Host Country.
“Host Country” means each ACP State and each Overseas Country and Territory within the meaning of the Cotonou Framework.
“Loan” means the provision of money from the Bank to a Borrower as a loan or as a bond or any equivalent instrument, which is acceptable to the Bank as a substitute for a loan in accordance with the Credit Risk Policy Guidelines, according to the terms laid down in a Loan Agreement.
“Loan Agreement” means a signed agreement concluded between the Bank and a Borrower, setting forth the terms applicable to an EIB Financing Operation in the form of Loan.
“Loan Loss Cover Account” means the account denominated in euro maintained by the Bank in the name of the Guarantors, which shall be funded from the income resulting from the application of risk-pricing on EIB Financing Operations and which shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement.
“Proportional Participation” means, in respect of each Guarantor, the proportion of that Guarantor’s contribution to the capital of the Bank; such proportion to be measured for the purposes of each call pursuant to Article 2 at the time of that call; the contributions of each Guarantor to the capital of the Bank as of the date of this Guarantee being set out at Annex 2 for information.
“Third-Party Guarantee” means a guarantee issued by a third party in favour of the Bank, including but not limited to a letter of credit or a comfort letter issued in connection with the grant of a Loan to a Borrower, and includes any undertaking by any party jointly liable for all or part of the Guaranteed Debtor’s obligations towards the Bank in respect of a Loan granted by the Bank.
“Third-Party Guarantor” means an issuer of a Third-Party Guarantee on behalf of a Borrower.
B. The following terms have the respective meanings assigned to them in the Recitals, Articles and Annexes specified hereafter:
Article or Annex
Arbitral tribunal
Section 4 of Annex 3
Association Decision
Recital 1
Section 4 of Annex 3
Section 4 of Annex 3
Cotonou Framework
Recital 1
Cotonou Internal Agreement III
Recital 1
Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement
Recital 7
Cotonou Agreement
Recital 1
Political Risks
Article 2.03
Section 4 of Annex 3
Project Agreement
Section 4 of Annex 3
Relevant Party
Section 4 of Annex 3
In this Guarantee, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) headings are for convenience only and do not affect the interpretation of this Guarantee;
(b) words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa;
(c) a reference to an Article, a party or an Annex is a reference to that Article of, or that party or Annex to, this Guarantee.
Scope of Guarantee
To the extent of its Proportional Participation and without prejudice to Article 2.02, each Guarantor as primary obligor and not merely as surety hereby irrevocably:
(a) guarantees, waiving any right to object, in accordance with the terms and conditions laid down below, the punctual and full performance of all financial obligations of every Guaranteed Debtor in respect of Loans made by the Bank from its own resources pursuant to the Cotonou Framework.
(b) undertakes to pay any amount of the Guaranteed Sum owed by the Guaranteed Debtor to the Bank, upon demand by the Bank, in euros and in accordance with the provisions laid down in Article 3.
The Guarantors’ obligations defined in Article 1.01 above shall apply to all EIB Financing Operations concluded pursuant to the Cotonou Internal Agreement III in respect of which the relevant Loan Agreement is or has been signed during the period between 1 January 2014 and 31 December 2020.
A. This Guarantee shall cover:
– all risks for Loan Agreements concluded between the Bank and public sector Borrowers within the Cotonou Framework; and
– Political Risks, as this term is defined in Article 2.03, for Loan Agreements concluded between the Bank and private sector Borrowers within the Cotonou Framework,
B. The total liability of the Guarantors under this Guarantee in respect of the Cotonou Framework is limited to 75% of the total amount of the credits opened by the Bank pursuant to the Cotonou Framework which are subject to the following ceilings, namely:
– EUR 2500 million for the third Financial Protocol to the Cotonou Agreement; and
– EUR 100 million for the Association Decision for the period after 31 December 2013.
Theobligations of the Guarantors under this Guarantee shall continue until payment is made in full of the Guaranteed Sums.
Calling of the Guarantee
This Guarantee may be called whenever a Guaranteed Debtor fails, in whole or in part, to pay any Guaranteed Sum on its due date. Any sum received or realised by the Bank for the purpose of discharge of a Guaranteed Sum shall be disregarded, if the Bank’s use of such sum is in any way restricted.
Before calling the Guarantee when a Guaranteed Debtor fails, in whole or in part, to pay any Guaranteed Sum on its due date, the Bank shall give to the Guarantors such prior notice as is reasonably practicable of its intention to make a call in respect thereof. For the avoidance of doubt, the obligations of the Bank under this Article 2.02 will not be construed in any way as a condition precedent to the enforceability of the obligations of the Guarantors under Article 1.01.
However, for Loan Agreements concluded between the Bank and private sector Borrowers, this Guarantee may only be called upon whenever, because of the occurrence of one of the events defined in Annex 3 (hereafter a “Political Risk”):
(i) a Guaranteed Debtor is unable to pay, or the Bank is unable to receive, a Guaranteed Sum on its due date; or
(ii) a Third-Party Guarantor is prevented from collecting amounts which are due to it in respect of a Guaranteed Sum, provided that:
(a) any demand for payment made by a Third-Party Guarantor on account of a payment that it has made on behalf of a Guaranteed Debtor must have been presented to the Bank at the latest 2 years from (x) the specified contractual final repayment date under the relevant agreement or (y) in case of early repayment, whether voluntary or obligatory, of the relevant Loan, the due date of that early repayment; and
(b) this Guarantee is limited to the amount which the Bank or, as the case may be, the Third-Party Guarantor could have recovered but for the occurrence of a Political Risk.
A precautionary demand upon the Bank under a Third-Party Guarantee can be made by a Third-Party Guarantor in the cases stated in Section 4, second paragraph, point (b), of Annex 3, where the enforcement period mentioned therein has not yet expired within the 2 years preclusion period set out in article 2.03 (ii) of this Guarantee. Such precautionary demand does not entitle the Bank to make a demand for payment under this Guarantee, but merely serves as a means to suspend the preclusion set out in article 2.03 (ii) of this Guarantee. Any remaining part of the preclusion period shall start to run again upon expiration of the enforcement period set out in Section 4, second paragraph, point (b), of Annex 3. The Bank shall inform the Guarantors of any precautionary demands made by a Third-Party Guarantor.
A. Subject to B below, the Bank’s determination as to the occurrence of a Political Risk shall be final and binding. The determination shall take effect 15 calendar days following notice to the Guarantors.
B. If a majority of the Guarantors, measured by their Proportional Participation, instructs the Bank to contest a Guaranteed Debtor’s claim that a Political Risk has occurred, the Bank shall execute such instructions pursuant to its obligations under the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement. However, the Guarantors and the Bank shall be bound as between themselves by any final decision of a competent court or arbitral tribunal over a dispute between the Bank and a Guaranteed Debtor that determines the occurrence of a Political Risk. The Bank shall keep the Guarantors regularly informed of the status of any such proceedings.
The Bank shall inform the Guarantors of each occurrence of a Political Risk and of any disagreement between the Bank and a Guaranteed Debtor as to the occurrence of a Political Risk.
The Guarantee may also be called whenever a Guaranteed Debtor makes, or the Bank through the realisation of a Third-Party Guarantee receives, a payment which the Bank cannot, for any reason, use without restriction or over which it does not have unfettered control.
Terms of payments under the Guarantee
The Guarantors shall pay to the Bank the amounts demanded by the Bank in euro. The amounts demanded by the Bank shall take into account any funds which are capable of being applied by the Bank from the Loan Loss Cover Account in respect of unpaid Guaranteed Sums. The Loan Loss Cover Account shall be managed in accordance with the provisions of the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement and the terms and conditions laid down by the Bank’s governing bodies from time to time.
The Guarantors’ payment obligations under this Guarantee shall be made in accordance with the provisions of the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement, and in any case shall be made no later than 3 years after demand in writing is made by the Bank under the Guarantee.
The Bank shall not require any individual Guarantor to make any payment due, unless at the same time and in each Guarantor’s Proportional Participation, it requires the other Guarantors to make payment pursuant to this Guarantee. If the Bank has determined that a Political Risk has occurred, it may make such a demand, and the Guarantors shall comply with the demand, even in a case where the Guarantors have instructed the Bank in the terms envisaged by Article 2.05 B.
Loan terms, Administration and Information
The Bank shall manage all Loans covered by this Guarantee in accordance with good banking practice and with the Bank’s standard criteria and procedures, in particular, in accordance with its Credit Risk Policy Guidelines as modified from time to time, and subject to its usual controls. In recovering any Guaranteed Sum from any Guaranteed Debtor or from any security, the Bank shall act in a manner consistent with the care and diligence applied to recovery proceedings initiated for any sums to be recovered in relation to projects financed by the Bank without the benefit of this Guarantee.
The terms and conditions applicable to the Loans covered by this Guarantee shall be defined in accordance with the principles and guidelines laid down by the Bank’s governing bodies from time to time.
The Guarantors hereby authorise the Bank to grant to a Guaranteed Debtor one or more extensions of time and to generally amend the terms of the relevant agreement with any Guaranteed Debtor, including an amendment that has the effect of reducing or writing off an amount outstanding as part of a restructuring or composition with creditors, while remaining within the scope of the Cotonou Framework.
The Bank shall provide to the Guarantors twice a year by 31 January and 31 July respectively:
(i) an information sheet, in the form of Annex 4, containing information, effective as of 31 December and 30 Juneon the Loan Agreements covered by the present Guarantee; and
(ii) the prudential limits, in the form of Annex 5, as defined in accordance with the principles and guidelines laid down by the Bank’s governing bodies from time to time.
The Bank shall inform the Guarantors of any fact or circumstance, which it judges not to be already generally known and which it considers likely to result in the making of a demand under this Guarantee. The Bank is not obliged to seek such information.
To the extent that a Guarantor makes any payment to the Bank pursuant to this Guarantee, it shall be subrogated to the rights, including security rights, of the Bank in respect of its claims against the Guaranteed Debtors. Such right of subrogation may not be invoked to the detriment of the Bank.
In every Third-Party Guarantee, the Bank shall exclude any right of contribution against the Guarantors by the Third-Party Guarantor and shall exclude any other right of recourse of the Third-Party Guarantor against the Guarantors. The Bank shall indemnify the Guarantors for any liability towards Third-Party Guarantors resulting from this Guarantee.
Where the Guarantors are subrogated to the rights of the Bank, the Bank shall, if so requested by the Guarantors, administer and manage the relevant claims under Article 5.01 in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement.
The Guarantors and the Bank agree to apply the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement to all recovery actions initiated by the Bank in respect of Loan Agreements covered by this Guarantee.
As part of the subrogation upon the occurrence of a Non-Transfer of Currency, as defined in Annex 3, the following provision applies:
When a Guaranteed Sum falls due and where the Guaranteed Debtor, on terms acceptable to the Bank, makes a deposit, in the amount of the said Guaranteed Sum, or equivalent financial asset in favour of the Bank in local currency, in the currency of the Loan or in any other freely convertible currency but where such deposit or other asset is not transferable or convertible, the Guarantors hereby authorise the Bank to limit the Guarantors’ claim in respect of the portion of the Guaranteed Sum corresponding to the amount of the deposit or other asset, to such deposit or other asset.
Taxes and Expenses
Any fiscal charges and other expenses incurred in connection with the making, the performance or the enforcement of this Guarantee shall be borne by the Guarantors pro-rata to their Proportional Participations.
The Guarantors will indemnify the Bank for all taxes and expenses incurred by the Bank in seeking recovery of Guaranteed Sums, in accordance with the Cotonou III Arrears Administration Agreement.
Law applicable
This Guarantee shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the general principles common to the laws of the Member States.
Any dispute between the parties to this Guarantee that is not promptly and amicably resolved shall be referred for decision to the Court of Justice of the European Union pursuant to Article 272 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union.
Having regard to the fact that some of the information exchanged in the context of this Guarantee may be confidential and may even be in some instances commercially sensitive, both the Bank and the Guarantors undertake to abstain from divulging to a third-party, without the prior written consent of the other, any information communicated to either of them in the context of this Guarantee. This undertaking does not affect, however, the communication of information which is required by operation of law or by an order of a court of competent jurisdiction.
Notices and Communications
Notices and other communications given hereunder to the Guarantors or to the Bank shall be sent by registered letter or other recognised means of communication addressed to the recipient at its address set out below:
For a Guarantor:
Its address set out in Annex 1
For the Bank:
100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer 
L-2950 Luxembourg
Any change to the addresses as listed above shall have effect only after such change has been notified in writing to the other parties.
The Recitals and the five Annexes form an integral part of this Guarantee.
Signature of Guarantee
This Guarantee will be binding in respect of each Guarantor immediately upon its valid signature or, as applicable, its ratification of this Guarantee and shall have effect from 1 January 2014.
The authentic texts of this Guarantee shall be in English, French and German. Each Guarantor may sign in any one of the three authentic languages.
This Guarantee is signed in counterparts, each Guarantor signing two originals and delivering them to the Bank. The Bank shall deliver to each Guarantor one original counterpart signed by that Guarantor and the Bank. The Bank shall produce a conformed copy in the English language.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF each of the parties hereto has caused this Guarantee to be signed by its authorised signatory.
P O R O Š T V E N A  P O G O D B A
med Kraljevino Belgijo, Republiko Bolgarijo, Češko republiko, Kraljevino Dansko, Zvezno republiko Nemčijo, Republiko Estonijo, Irsko, Helensko republiko, Kraljevino Španijo, Francosko republiko, Republiko Hrvaško, Italijansko republiko, Republiko Ciper, Republiko Latvijo, Republiko Litvo, Velikim vojvodstvom Luksemburg, Madžarsko, Republiko Malto, Kraljevino Nizozemsko, Republiko Avstrijo, Republiko Poljsko, Portugalsko republiko, Romunijo, Republiko Slovenijo, Slovaško republiko, Republiko Finsko, Kraljevino Švedsko, Združenim kraljestvom Velika Britanija in Severna Irska in Evropsko investicijsko banko 
o posojilih, ki jih Evropska investicijska banka da za investicijske projekte v afriških, karibskih in pacifiških državah ter v čezmorskih državah in ozemljih
Ta pogodba je sklenjena med:
ki nastopajo prek služb in ministrstev, naštetih v prilogi 1 k pogodbi (“poroštvena pogodba” ali “poroštvo”), in jih zastopajo podpisniki, navedeni na podpisnih straneh
(posamezno “porok” in skupaj “poroki” ali “države članice”),
EVROPSKO INVESTICIJSKO BANKO s sedežem na 100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer, L-2950 Luxembourg Kirchberg, Veliko vojvodstvo Luksemburg, ki jo zastopa predsednik g. Werner Hoyer
1. da so poroki prevzeli določene obveznosti delovati kot porok v 4. členu Notranjega sporazuma, podpisanega v Luxembourgu in Bruslju 24. in 26. junija 2013 (“cotonoujski notranji sporazum III”), ki se nanaša na financiranje pomoči Skupnosti na podlagi večletnega finančnega okvira za obdobje od 2014 do 2020 (enakovredno tretjemu Finančnemu protokolu) in skladno s Sporazumom o partnerstvu, podpisanim 23. junija 2000 v Cotonouju (Benin) med Evropsko unijo in njenimi državami članicami ter afriškimi, karibskimi in pacifiškimi državami, kakor je bil prvič spremenjen v Luxembourgu 25. junija 2005 in drugič v Ouagadougou 22. junija 2010 (v nadaljnjem besedilu “cotonoujski sporazum”), ter o dodelitvi finančne pomoči čezmorskim državam in ozemljem, za katere velja četrti del Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije na podlagi Sklepa Sveta 2001/822/ES z dne 27. novembra 2001 o pridružitvi čezmorskih držav in ozemelj Evropski uniji (občasno spremenjenim ali nadomeščenim, “sklep o pridružitvi”) (skupno “cotonoujski okvir”);
2. da je ob upoštevanju zgoraj navedenega Svet guvernerjev banke 31. maja 2013 odločil, da pooblasti banko za odobritev finančnih sredstev iz njenih lastnih sredstev za investicijske projekte za obdobje od 2014 do 2020 na podlagi tretjega finančnega protokola Cotonoujskega sporazuma v skupni višini največ 2,5 milijarde EUR in največ 100 milijonov EUR za čezmorske države in ozemlja;
3. da je bilo v nadaljevanju politike, ki jo je določil Svet guvernerjev banke 1. marca 2012 o tem, da lahko banka prevzame celotno poslovno tveganje za posamezne posle zasebnega sektorja z lastnimi sredstvi, s sistematično izključitvijo političnega tveganja, za katerega bodo še vnaprej dajale poroštvo države članice, zgoraj navedeno dovoljenje Sveta guvernerjev banke izdano pod pogojem, da bodo finančna sredstva, ki jih odobri banka, pogojena s stalnim zadovoljivim poroštvom (kar je ta poroštvena pogodba), ki ga dajo poroki za njihov skupen znesek in vseh z njim povezanih vsot, skladno z odločitvijo Sveta guvernerjev z dne 1. marca 2012, ter da bodo finančna sredstva odobrena za tiste finančne investicije, ki bodo zadovoljile običajne kriterije banke za posojila iz lastnih sredstev;
4. da 4. člen cotonoujskega notranjega sporazuma III določa, da je to poroštvo omejeno na 75% celotnega zneska danih posojil banke po vseh posojilnih pogodbah, sklenjenih na podlagi cotonoujskega sporazuma o partnerstvu III in Sklepa o pridružitvi, ter da mora kriti vsa tveganja projektov javnega sektorja. Nadalje zagotavlja, da bo ta poroštvena pogodba krila vsa politična tveganja za projekte zasebnega sektorja ter da EIB prevzema celotno poslovno tveganje;
5. da omenjeni 4. člen določa tudi, da po tej poroštveni pogodbi države članice odgovarjajo sorazmerno z deleži v kapitalu banke. Priloga 2 te poroštvene pogodbe informativno določa delež posamezne države članice v kapitalu banke;
6. da so se poroki in banka sporazumeli, da kadar poroki prevzamejo pravice in pravna sredstva banke v povezavi s katerim koli posojilom, banka na zahtevo porokov vodi in upravlja neizpolnjeno posojilno pogodbo v skladu s pogoji cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III, ki je bil sklenjen med banko in poroki in ureja postopke plačil in povračil v zvezi s poroštvi držav članic v korist banke (cotonoujski sporazum o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III),
Pomen izrazov
A. V tej poroštveni pogodbi:
“posojilojemalec” pomeni prejemnika posojila banke v okviru tretjega Finančnega protokola cotonoujskega sporazuma ali Sklepa o pridružitvi;
“smernice politike kreditnega tveganja” pomeni smernice politike banke glede kreditnega tveganja za posle zunaj Evropske unije, ki jih financira iz lastnih sredstev, in kadar je ustrezno, smernice politike banke glede kreditnega tveganja znotraj EU, ki jih banka občasno odobri, spremeni, dopolni ali prilagodi;
“posel financiranja EIB” pomeni posojilo iz lastnih sredstev banke, ki ga ta podeli za upravičene investicijske projekte v državi gostiteljici v skladu s svojimi pravili in postopki, odobrenimi na podlagi cotonoujskega okvira in urejenimi s posojilno pogodbo, sklenjeno med banko in posojilojemalcem;
“dolžnik z jamstvom” pomeni posojilojemalca ali njegovega poroka kot tretje osebe;
“znesek ali zneski z jamstvom” pomeni katero koli obveznost, ki jo krije to poroštvo, vključno z glavnico, obrestmi, provizijami, odškodninami, stroški, izdatki ali drugimi dodatki, ter vsak znesek, ki ga kadar koli dolžnik z jamstvom dolguje banki iz posojila ali poroštva tretje osebe;
“vlada gostiteljica” pomeni trenutno ali vsako naslednjo oblast, ki dejansko nadzira del ali celotno ozemlje države gostiteljice ali politično ali ozemeljsko enoto, ali drug javni organ take države ter vključuje vsak subjekt znotraj ali zunaj države gostiteljice, ki ima pooblastila za urejanje po zakonodaji države gostiteljice;
“država gostiteljica” pomeni vsako afriško, karibsko in pacifiško državo ter čezmorske države in ozemlja skladno s cotonoujskim okvirom;
“posojilo” pomeni zagotovitev denarja banke posojilojemalcu v skladu s pogoji posojilne pogodbe, in sicer v obliki posojila ali obveznice ali katerega koli enakovrednega instrumenta, ki je v skladu s smernicami politike kreditnega tveganja za banko sprejemljiv kot nadomestilo za posojilo;
“posojilna pogodba” pomeni podpisano pogodbo, sklenjeno med banko in posojilojemalcem, ki določa pogoje, veljavne za posle, ki jih EIB financira v obliki posojila;
“račun za kritje izgub” pomeni račun, denominiran v evrih, ki ga vodi banka v imenu porokov v skladu z določbami cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III, na katerega se stekajo sredstva, ki izhajajo iz pribitka na podlagi ocene kreditnega tveganja pri poslih financiranja EIB, razen za projekte zasebnega sektorja;
“sorazmerna udeležba” pomeni za vsakega poroka delež njegovega prispevka v kapital banke; tak delež se meri za vsak poziv v skladu z 2. členom v času tega poziva; prispevki vsakega poroka v kapital banke na dan te poroštvene pogodbe so kot informacija določeni v prilogi 2;
“poroštvo tretje osebe” pomeni poroštvo, ki ga je v korist banke izdala tretja stran, kar vključuje, vendar pa ne samo, akreditiv ali patronatsko izjavo, izdano v povezavi z odobritvijo posojila posojilojemalcu, ter zajema vse zaveze katere koli strani, ki solidarno odgovarja za vse ali del obveznosti dolžnika z jamstvom do banke iz odobrenega posojila;
“porok kot tretja oseba” pomeni izdajatelja poroštva tretje osebe v imenu posojilojemalca.
B. Naslednji izrazi imajo pomen, kakor je določen v uvodnih navedbah, členih in prilogah, navedenih v nadaljnjem besedilu:
uvodna navedba,
člen ali priloga
4. oddelek priloge 3
sklep o pridružitvi
uvodna navedba 1
4. oddelek priloge 3
4. oddelek priloge 3
cotonoujski okvir
uvodna navedba 1
cotonoujski notranji sporazum III
uvodna navedba 1
cotonoujski sporazum o opravljanju zaostalih plačil III
uvodna navedba 7
cotonoujski sporazum
uvodna navedba 1
politična tveganja
člen 2.03
4. oddelek priloge 3
projektna pogodba
4. oddelek priloge 3
zadevna stranka 
4. oddelek priloge 3
Razen če sobesedilo ne zahteva drugače, v tej poroštveni pogodbi:
(a) so naslovi namenjeni zgolj boljši preglednosti in ne vplivajo na razlago poroštvene pogodbe;
(b) besede v ednini vključujejo množino in nasprotno;
(c) sklicevanje na neki člen, stranko ali prilogo pomeni sklicevanje na člen, stranko ali prilogo te poroštvene pogodbe.
Predmet poroštva
Vsak porok v okviru svoje sorazmerne udeležbe ter ne glede na člen 2.02 kot prvi zavezanec in ne le kot porok nepreklicno:
(a) jamči in se odpoveduje pravici do ugovora v skladu s spodaj navedenimi pogoji za pravočasno in popolno izpolnjevanje vseh finančnih obveznosti posameznega dolžnika z jamstvom glede posojil, ki jih je banka dala iz lastnih sredstev na podlagi cotonoujskega okvira;
(b) se zavezuje, da bo banki na njeno zahtevo plačal kateri koli znesek z jamstvom, ki ga dolžnik z jamstvom dolguje banki, v evrih in v skladu z določbami 3. člena.
Obveznosti porokov iz člena 1.01 veljajo za vse posle, ki jih financira EIB na podlagi cotonoujskega notranjega sporazuma III, za katere je ali je bila podpisana ustrezna posojilna pogodba med 1. januarjem 2014 in 31. decembrom 2020.
A. Poroštvo mora kriti:
– vsa tveganja posojilnih pogodb, sklenjenih med banko in posojilojemalci javnega sektorja skladno s cotonoujskim okvirom, in
– politična tveganja, kot so opredeljena v členu 2.03, za posojilne pogodbe, sklenjene med banko in posojilojemalci zasebnega sektorja skladno s cotonoujskim okvirom.
B. Skupna obveznost porokov iz te poroštvene pogodbe v zvezi s cotonoujskim okvirom je omejena na 75% skupnega zneska vseh kreditov, ki jih je banka dala na podlagi cotonoujskega okvira, zanje pa veljata naslednji omejitvi:
– 2,5 milijarde EUR za tretji Finančni protokol cotonoujskega sporazuma,
– 100 milijonov EUR za Sklep o pridružitvi za obdobje po 31. decembru 2013.
Obveznosti porokov iz te poroštvene pogodbe veljajo do plačila celotnih zneskov z jamstvom.
Uveljavljanje poroštva
To poroštvo je mogoče uveljavljati vsakokrat, ko dolžnik z jamstvom do roka ne plača celotnega ali dela zneska z jamstvom. Znesek, ki ga je banka prejela ali izterjala za poravnavo zneska z jamstvom, se ne upošteva, če je pri razpolaganju z njim kakor koli omejena.
Kadar dolžnik z jamstvom do roka ne plača celotnega ali dela zneska z jamstvom, banka pred uveljavljanjem poroštva v skladu z običajno prakso predhodno obvesti poroke, da ga namerava uveljaviti. Obveznosti banke iz člena 2.02 nedvomno niso predpogoj za izvršljivost obveznosti porokov iz člena 1.01.
Vendar pa je za posojilne sporazume med banko in posojilojemalci zasebnega sektorja to poroštvo mogoče uveljavljati le v primeru enega od dogodkov, opredeljenih v prilogi 3 (v nadaljnjem besedilu “politično tveganje”):
(i) dolžnik z jamstvom ni zmožen plačati ali banka ob zapadlosti ne more prejeti zneska z jamstvom ali
(ii) poroku kot tretji osebi je preprečena izterjava zneskov, ki so mu dolgovani v povezavi z zneskom z jamstvom, če:
(a) je porok kot tretja oseba zahtevo za plačilo, povezano s plačilom, ki ga je opravil v imenu dolžnika z jamstvom, vložil pri banki najmanj 2 leti od (x) pogodbenega datuma za končno vračilo, določenega v ustreznem sporazumu, ali (y) pri predčasnem vračilu posojila, bodisi prostovoljnem ali obveznem, od datuma zapadlosti predčasnega vračila in
(b) je to poroštvo omejeno na znesek, ki bi ga banka ali porok kot tretja oseba, odvisno od primera, lahko izterjal, če ne bi nastalo politično tveganje.
Porok kot tretja oseba lahko na podlagi poroštva tretje osebe predloži banki preventivni zahtevek v primerih iz točke (b) drugega odstavka 4. oddelka priloge 3, če v njej navedeni rok za izvršitev še ni potekel znotraj dveletnega prekluzivnega roka iz točke (ii) člena 2.03 te poroštvene pogodbe. Tak preventivni zahtevek banki ne daje pravice, da zahteva plačilo po tej poroštveni pogodbi, temveč je le sredstvo za odložitev prekluzivnega roka iz točke (ii) člena 2.03 te poroštvene pogodbe. Morebitni preostali del prekluzivnega roka začne ponovno teči po izteku roka za izvršitev, ki je določen v točki (b) drugega odstavka 4. oddelka priloge 3. Banka poroke obvesti o preventivnih zahtevkih poroka kot tretje osebe.
A. V skladu z B spodaj je ugotovitev banke o nastanku političnega tveganja dokončna in zavezujoča. Ugotovitev začne učinkovati 15 koledarskih dni po obvestilu porokom.
B. Če večina porokov, glede na njihov sorazmerni delež, banki da navodilo, naj izpodbija trditev dolžnika z jamstvom glede nastanka političnega tveganja, banka tako navodilo upošteva v skladu s svojimi obveznostmi iz cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III. Vendar pa poroke in banko medsebojno zavezuje vsaka dokončna odločitev pristojnega sodišča ali razsodišča v sporu med banko in dolžnikom z jamstvom o nastanku političnega tveganja. Banka poroke redno obvešča o stanju takih postopkov.
Banka poroke obvesti o vsakem nastanku političnega tveganja ter vsakem nesoglasju med banko in dolžnikom z jamstvom glede nastanka političnega tveganja.
Poroštvo je mogoče uveljavljati tudi takrat, ko dolžnik z jamstvom izvede plačilo ali ko banka na podlagi unovčenja poroštva tretje osebe prejme plačilo, s katerim iz katerega koli razloga ne more prosto razpolagati ali nad njim nima neomejenega nadzora.
Plačilni pogoji iz poroštvene pogodbe
Poroki plačajo zneske, ki jih terja banka v evrih. V zneskih, ki jih terja banka, so zajeta vsa sredstva, ki jih banka lahko črpa z računa za kritje izgub v zvezi z neplačanimi zneski z jamstvom. Račun za kritje izgub se vodi v skladu z določbami cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III ter s pogoji, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke.
Porok izpolnjuje plačilne obveznosti iz te poroštvene pogodbe v skladu z določbami cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III, v vsakem primeru pa morajo biti obveznosti izpolnjene najpozneje 3 leta po tem, ko banka poroku na podlagi poroštvene pogodbe pošlje pisno zahtevo.
Banka ne terja zapadlega zneska od posameznega poroka, če hkrati in skladno s sorazmerno udeležbo vsakega poroka ne zahteva plačila na podlagi te poroštvene pogodbe tudi od drugih porokov. Če je banka ugotovila, da je nastalo politično tveganje, lahko izda tak zahtevek, poroki pa ga morajo izpolniti, tudi če so banki dali navodilo v skladu s pogoji iz člena 2.05 B.
Posojilni pogoji, upravljanje in obveščanje
Banka v skladu z dobro bančno prakso ter običajnimi merili in postopki banke, zlasti ob upoštevanju smernic politike kreditnega tveganja, ki se občasno spremenijo, vodi vsa posojila, ki jih krije to poroštvo, in izvaja običajni nadzor. Pri izterjavi zneskov z jamstvom od dolžnikov z jamstvom ali iz naslova zavarovanj bo banka ravnala enako skrbno in gospodarno kot v postopkih za izterjavo zneskov v zvezi s projekti, ki jih banka financira brez tega poroštva.
Pogoji, ki veljajo za posojila, ki jih krije to poroštvo, morajo biti določeni v skladu z načeli in smernicami, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke.
Poroki s tem pooblaščajo banko, da dolžniku z jamstvom enkrat ali večkrat podaljša rok ter splošno spremeni pogoje sporazuma, podpisanega s katerim koli dolžnikom z jamstvom, vključno s spremembo, ki ima za posledico zmanjšanje ali odpis neporavnanega zneska v okviru prestrukturiranja ali poravnave z upniki, če to ostane v cotonoujskem okviru.
Banka porokom dvakrat letno, do 31. januarja in do 31. julija, pošlje:
(i) preglednico v obliki iz priloge 4 s podatki na dan 31. december in 30. junij o posojilnih pogodbah, ki jih krije to poroštvo, in
(ii) previdnostne omejitve v obliki priloge 5, kakor so določene v skladu z načeli in smernicami, ki jih občasno določijo organi upravljanja banke.
Banka poroke obvesti o vseh dejstvih ali okoliščinah, za katere meni, da niso splošno znane in katerih posledica bi verjetno bili zahtevki, dani na podlagi tega poroštva. Banka takih informacij ni zavezana iskati.
Prenos pravic
V obsegu plačila, ki ga porok izvrši banki na podlagi poroštva, se nanj prenesejo tudi pravice banke, vključno s pravicami zavarovanja, ki jih ima banka do dolžnikov z jamstvom. Na pravico do prenosa se ni mogoče sklicevati v škodo banke.
Banka pri vsakem poroštvu tretje osebe izključi kakršno koli pravico porokov kot tretjih oseb do poplačila porokov, izključi pa tudi vse druge regresne pravice poroka kot tretje osebe do porokov. Banka porokom povrne škodo za kakršne koli obveznosti do porokov kot tretjih oseb, ki izhajajo iz te poroštvene pogodbe.
Če se na poroke prenesejo pravice banke, ta na podlagi zahteve porokov upravlja in vodi ustrezne terjatve iz člena 5.01 v skladu s pogoji cotonoujskega sporazuma o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III.
Banka in poroki so se sporazumeli, da uporabljajo cotonoujski sporazum o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III za vse postopke izterjave, ki jih začne banka v zvezi s posojilnimi pogodbami, ki jih krije to poroštvo.
Pri prenosu pravic, nastalih zaradi neprenosa valute, kakor je opredeljen v prilogi 3, se uporablja naslednja določba:
Ko zapade znesek z jamstvom in dolžnik z jamstvom pod pogoji, s katerimi se strinja banka, položi znesek v višini omenjenega zneska z jamstvom ali enakovredno finančno premoženje v korist banke v domači valuti, v valuti posojila ali v kateri koli drugi prosto zamenljivi valuti, pa tak depozit ali drugo premoženje ni prenosljivo ali zamenljivo, poroki s tem pooblastijo banko, da omeji terjatev porokov glede deleža zneska z jamstvom, ki ustreza višini depozita ali drugega premoženja, na tak depozit ali drugo premoženje.
Davki in stroški
Davčna bremena in drugi stroški, ki nastanejo v zvezi z dajanjem, izvajanjem ali uveljavitvijo tega poroštva, bremenijo poroke po deležih njihove sorazmerne udeležbe.
Poroki banki povrnejo vse davke in stroške, ki jih je imela banka pri izterjavi zneskov z jamstvom, v skladu s cotonoujskim sporazumom o upravljanju zaostalih plačil III.
Pravo, ki se uporablja
Za to poroštveno pogodbo veljajo splošna načela, skupna pravu držav članic, in je sestavljena v skladu z njimi.
Sodna pristojnost
Spori med pogodbenicami te poroštvene pogodbe, ki niso brez odlašanja rešeni po mirni poti, se predložijo v odločanje Sodišču Evropske unije v skladu z 272. členom Pogodbe o delovanju Evropske unije.
Ob upoštevanju, da so lahko nekatere informacije, izmenjane po tej poroštveni pogodbi, zaupne, v nekaterih primerih pa tudi poslovno občutljive, se banka in poroki zavezujejo, da tretji osebi brez predhodnega pisnega soglasja druge strani ne bodo razkrili nobenih informacij, ki jih je ena od strani dobila v okviru te poroštvene pogodbe. Ta obveznost se ne nanaša na informacije, ki jih je treba dati na podlagi zakona ali odredbe pristojnega sodišča.
10. ČLEN
Obvestila in sporočila
Obvestila in druga sporočila, dana po tej pogodbi porokom ali banki, se pošljejo s priporočenim pismom ali drugim priznanim komunikacijskim sredstvom na navedene naslove prejemnikov:
za poroka:
naslov iz priloge 1,
za banko:
100, boulevard Konrad Adenauer 
L-2950 Luxembourg.
Morebitne spremembe navedenih naslovov začnejo učinkovati šele, ko so o njih druge stranke pisno obveščene.
Uvodne navedbe in pet prilog so sestavni del te poroštvene pogodbe.
11. ČLEN
Podpis poroštvene pogodbe
Ta poroštvena pogodba postane zavezujoča za vsakega poroka takoj po njegovem veljavnem podpisu ali po potrebi po njeni ratifikaciji in učinkuje od 1. januarja 2014.
Verodostojna besedila te poroštvene pogodbe so v angleškem, francoskem in nemškem jeziku. Vsak porok jo lahko podpiše v katerem koli izmed treh verodostojnih jezikov.
Ta poroštvena pogodba je podpisana v dvojnikih, vsak porok podpiše dva originalna izvoda in ju posreduje banki. Banka vsakemu poroku pošlje en originalni izvod, ki ga podpišeta porok in banka. Banka priskrbi ustrezen izvod v angleškem jeziku.
V DOKAZ NAVEDENEGA so pooblaščeni podpisniki pogodbenic podpisali to poroštveno pogodbo.
Slika 1
Slika 2
Annex 2
Respective participation of Guarantors as of the date of this Guarantee
Capital of the Bank 
subscribed by the Member States as:
United Kingdom 
Czech Republic
any action by the Host Government which, directly or indirectly, prevents a Guaranteed Debtor from converting funds in local currency into the currency of the Loan Agreement or into a freely convertible currency or into another currency deemed acceptable by the Bank, or from transferring outside the Host Country the local currency concerned or the currency into which the local currency has been converted, for the purpose of (i) paying any Guaranteed Sum, (ii) receiving any Guaranteed Sum in the currency and in accordance with the terms and conditions agreed, or (iii) recovering any Guaranteed Sum which has been duly paid; and
any failure by the Host Government to take action with a view to effecting or allowing such conversion or such transfer by or on behalf of the Bank, or a Guaranteed Debtor;
with the proviso that:
(a) the Guaranteed Debtor is able freely and lawfully to avail itself within the Host Country of the local currency or other currency into which the local currency has been converted; and
(b) the Guaranteed Debtor concerned or, as the case may be, the Bank has without success for a period of 30 days endeavoured by all reasonable means to complete the necessary legal formalities to effect the transfer or conversion.
any measure or series of measures taken, directed, authorised, ratified, or approved by the Host Government, which is an administrative action or a legislative action and constitutes expropriation within the meaning of this Section 2.
A measure constitutes an act of expropriation within the meaning of this Section 2 if the measure:
(a) prevents the Guaranteed Debtor from paying a Guaranteed Sum and results in a default that continues for a period of 90 days; or
(b) deprives for a period of 90 days a Third-Party Guarantor or the Bank of its rights as a creditor against collateral security or commercial guarantees of repayment in respect of scheduled payments that have fallen due for other reasons than as a consequence of one of the risks defined in this Annex; or
(c) deprives a Third-Party Guarantor or the Bank, for a 90-day period, of the use of funds deposited either in local currency or in foreign currency, with a financial institution in the Host Country, by him or for his account for the purposes of recovery under scheduled payments.
No measure on the part of the Host Government shall be deemed to constitute an expropriation if it constitutes a bona fide non-discriminatory measure of general application of a kind that governments normally take in the public interest for such purposes as ensuring public safety, raising tax revenue, protecting the environment or regulating economic activities, unless the measure is designed by the Host Government to have a confiscatory effect.
Breach by the Host Government of a contractual obligation owed to a Guaranteed Debtor shall not of itself constitute an expropriatory measure.
any act of war (declared or otherwise), revolution, insurrection, civil war, riot or social strife, terrorism or sabotage having the direct and immediate effect of
(i) preventing a Guaranteed Debtor for a period of 90 days from paying a Guaranteed Sum; or
(ii) preventing a Third-Party Guarantor or the Bank for a period of 90 days from effecting recovery in respect of Guaranteed Sums which have been duly paid or from receiving a Guaranteed Sum in the due currency and in the manner contractually provided for.
In all cases, to constitute an act of war or civil disturbance, the act must have been undertaken with the primary intent of pursuing a political objective. Acts undertaken principally in order to support labour, employment, students’ interests or other non-political objectives shall not be covered under this Section 3.
The time periods of 30 or 90 days referred to in Sections 1, 2 and 3 of this Annex shall not apply if the payment default, deprivation of entitlement or non-recovery results from the extension of an event, as defined in this Annex, the existence of which has been duly established during a prior payment default for which the time periods referred to above have already been applied.
the repudiation or breach by a Host Government ofa Project Agreement (as defined below), where the repudiation or breach either:
(i) prevents, or materially contributes to preventing, the Guaranteed Debtor from performing its obligations towards the Bank; or
(ii) prevents the Bank or a Third-Party Guarantor from realising the full value of security taken over the revenues or other benefits derived from any security interest in the Project Agreement.
Cover shall be limited to cases where an arbitral tribunal renders a final, binding and enforceable award providing for damages in respect of the Relevant Party’s claim for damages for breach or repudiation; provided that:
(a) the award is for a specified monetary amount, and is rendered for breach of a contractual obligation under, or for repudiation of, a Project Agreement by the Host Government;
(b) the Relevant Party has made reasonable efforts to exhaust all legal remedies to enforce the award against the Host Government for a period of 180 consecutive days from the date of the award. A precautionary demand upon the Bank can be made by a Third-Party Guarantor in cases where this period has not yet expired within the 2 years preclusion period set out in Article 2.03(ii) of this Guarantee. Such precautionary demand does not entitle the Bank to make a demand for payment under this Guarantee, but merely serves as a means to suspend the preclusion set out in article 2.03(ii) of this Guarantee. Any remaining part of the preclusion period shall start to run again upon expiration of the enforcement period. The Bank shall inform the Guarantors of any precautionary demands made by a Third-Party Guarantor;
(c) the Host Government’s refusal to enforce the award is arbitrary and/or discriminatory.
For this purpose:
(a) An “arbitral tribunal” means any arbitral tribunal or panel, wherever it is established, which is independent from the Host Government, and which is entrusted under the terms of the Project Agreement to make a final, binding and enforceable award on a claim by a Relevant Party there under and whose award is capable of enforcement in the Host Country under the provisions of the New York Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards;
(b) An award is deemed to be “binding”, if it creates legal rights for the parties in relation to the subject matter of the dispute between them;
(c) An award is deemed to be “enforceable” unless the arbitral tribunal that renders the award, or any other competent body, suspends or denies the enforcement of the award;
(d) An award of an arbitral tribunal is deemed “final”, if the time for appeal or challenge to the award has expired without an admissible challenge or appeal having been made;
(e) “Project” means a project within the scope of the Cotonou Framework and described by a Project Credit Report;
(f) “Project Agreement” means an agreement, contract or binding commitment between a Relevant Party and a Host Government which is directly related to a Project and is, in the reasonable opinion of the Bank, critical to the financial or technical viability of the Project, and includes, by way of illustration, any of the following types of agreement or commitment, namely supply agreements, off-take agreements, subsidy agreements, user agreements, concessions, licences to exploit, or price setting mechanisms;
(g) “Relevant Party” means a Borrower or a parent company or a subsidiary of the Borrower situated in the same country than the Borrower.
The Relevant Party or the Third-Party Guarantor shall be obliged to take all reasonable efforts to exhaust available remedies to enforce the award against the Host Government or to use reasonable efforts to ensure that the Relevant Party or the Third-Party Guarantor which is able to exercise those remedies does so.
Each agreement with a Guaranteed Debtor shall reserve for the Bank the right to specify the measures that the Relevant Party or the Third-Party Guarantor shall take, or shall ensure be taken, to enforce an arbitral award on a claim for breach or repudiation of contract. The Bank is not obliged to require any party to take measures that are, in the judgement of the Bank, disproportionate to their likely benefit.
The Bank may agree to reimburse any Guaranteed Debtor for the reasonable cost of enforcement proceedings. The Guarantors shall reimburse the Bank for any cost it thereby incurs.
None of the following acts or risks shall warrant the calling of the Guarantee:
– any act of the Host Country to which the Guaranteed Debtor or, in the case of Section 4 of this Annex, the Relevant Party, has freely consented or where the preponderant cause lies in the illegal and unreasonable conduct of the Guaranteed Debtor or the Relevant Party;
– any Political Risk, as defined above, clearly prevailing at the date on which the Bank signed the relevant Loan Agreement or security agreement and producing the effects referred to in this Annex at such date.
Priloga 2
Deleži porokov na dan te poroštvene pogodbe
Kapital banke, 
ki so ga vpisale države članice:
Združeno kraljestvo
Češka republika
vsako dejanje vlade gostiteljice, ki dolžniku z jamstvom neposredno ali posredno prepreči zamenjavo sredstev v domači valuti v valuto iz posojilne pogodbe ali v prosto zamenljivo valuto ali v drugo za banko sprejemljivo valuto ali prenos ustrezne domače valute ali valute, v katero je bila zamenjana domača valuta, iz države gostiteljice zaradi (i) plačila zneska z jamstvom, (ii) prejema zneska z jamstvom v dogovorjeni valuti ter v skladu z dogovorjenimi pogoji ali (iii) izterjave ustrezno plačanega zneska z jamstvom, in
da vlada gostiteljica ni sprejela nobenih ukrepov, s katerimi bi izvedla ali dovolila, da tako zamenjavo ali prenos opravi banka ali dolžnik z jamstvom ali se opravi v njuno korist,
pod pogojem, da:
(a) lahko dolžnik z jamstvom v državi gostiteljici prosto in zakonito uporablja domačo valuto ali valuto, v katero je bila domača valuta zamenjana, in
(b) si je ta dolžnik z jamstvom ali banka, odvisno od primera, 30 dni neuspešno z vsemi razumnimi sredstvi prizadeval opraviti potrebne pravne formalnosti za prenos ali zamenjavo.
vsak ukrep ali skupino ukrepov, ki jih je sprejela, usmerjala, dovolila, potrdila ali odobrila vlada gostiteljica in so upravni ali zakonski ukrep ter pomenijo razlastitev v smislu tega 2. oddelka.
Ukrep pomeni razlastitev v smislu tega 2. oddelka, če:
(a) preprečuje dolžniku z jamstvom plačati znesek z jamstvom, posledica česar je 90-dnevna zamuda pri plačilu, ali
(b) poroka kot tretjo osebo ali banko za 90 dni prikrajša za pravice upnika v zvezi z zavarovanjem s premoženjem ali komercialnim poroštvom za vračilo predvidenih plačil, ki so zapadla iz drugih razlogov in ne zaradi enega od tveganj, opredeljenih v tej prilogi, ali
(c) poroka kot tretjo osebo ali banko za 90 dni prikrajša za uporabo sredstev, ki jih položi sam ali sama ali so položena za njegov ali njen račun v domači ali tuji valuti pri finančni instituciji v državi gostiteljici zaradi izterjave predvidenih plačil.
Ukrepanje vlade gostiteljice pa ne pomeni razlastitve, če gre za splošno veljaven nediskriminacijski ukrep v dobri veri, ki ga vlade običajno sprejmejo v javnem interesu zaradi zagotavljanja javne varnosti, povečanja davčnih prihodkov, varovanja okolja ali urejanja gospodarskih dejavnosti s predpisi, razen če je ukrep vlade gostiteljice oblikovan tako, da učinkuje kot zaplemba.
Če vlada gostiteljica krši pogodbene obveznosti do dolžnika z jamstvom, to še ne pomeni razlastitvenega ukrepa.
vojno (napovedano ali nenapovedano), revolucijo, vstajo, državljansko vojno, upor ali nemire, terorizem ali sabotažo, ki neposredno in nemudoma:
(i) dolžniku z jamstvom za 90 dni preprečijo plačilo zneska z jamstvom ali
(ii) poroku kot tretji osebi ali banki za 90 dni preprečijo izterjavo ustrezno plačanih zneskov z jamstvom ali prejem zneska z jamstvom v ustrezni valuti na način, predviden s pogodbo.
Za vse primere pa velja, da gre za vojno ali državljanske nemire le takrat, ko je bil njihov temeljni namen uveljavljanje političnih ciljev. Ta 3. oddelek ne zajema dejanj, do katerih je prišlo zaradi podpore delavcem, zaposlovanju, študentskim interesom ali drugim nepolitičnim ciljem.
Časovno obdobje 30 ali 90 dni iz 1., 2. in 3. oddelka te priloge se ne uporablja, če je razlog za neplačilo, prikrajšanje za pravice ali neizterjavo nadaljevanje v tej prilogi opredeljenega dogodka, katerega nastanek je bil pravilno ugotovljen pri prejšnjem neplačilu, kjer je že bilo uveljavljeno navedeno časovno obdobje.
da vlada gostiteljica ne prizna projektne pogodbe (kakor je opredeljena spodaj) ali jo krši, s tem da:
(i) dolžniku z jamstvom preprečuje izpolnjevanje obveznosti do banke ali k temu bistveno prispeva ali
(ii) banki ali poroku kot tretji osebi preprečuje unovčenje celotne vrednosti zavarovanja, ki se nanaša na prihodke ali druge prejemke iz zavarovanja po projektni pogodbi.
Kritje je omejeno na primere, ko razsodišče izda dokončno, zavezujočo in izvršljivo razsodbo glede odškodninskega zahtevka zadevne stranke za škodo, nastalo zaradi kršitve ali nepriznavanja projektne pogodbe, če:
(a) se razsodba nanaša na določen denarni znesek in je bila izdana, ker je vlada gostiteljica kršila pogodbene obveznosti iz projektne pogodbe ali projektne pogodbe ni priznala;
(b) si je zadevna stranka v 180 zaporednih dneh od datuma razsodbe v razumnem obsegu prizadevala, da bi izkoristila vsa pravna sredstva za izvršitev razsodbe zoper vlado gostiteljico. Porok kot tretja oseba lahko pri banki vloži preventivni zahtevek v primerih, ko omenjeno obdobje znotraj dveletnega prekluzivnega roka iz točke (ii) člena 2.03 poroštvene pogodbe še ni poteklo. Tak preventivni zahtevek banki ne daje pravice, da zahteva plačilo po tej poroštveni pogodbi, temveč je le sredstvo za odložitev prekluzivnega roka iz točke (ii) člena 2.03 te poroštvene pogodbe. Morebitni preostali del prekluzivnega roka začne ponovno teči po izteku roka za izvršitev. Banka poroke obvesti o vseh preventivnih zahtevkih poroka kot tretje osebe;
(c) vlada gostiteljica samovoljno in/ali diskriminacijsko zavrne izvršitev razsodbe.
V ta namen:
(a) “razsodišče” pomeni vsako arbitražno sodišče ali senat ne glede na to, kje je ustanovljen, ki je neodvisen od vlade gostiteljice ter je v skladu s projektno pogodbo pooblaščen za sprejetje dokončne, zavezujoče in izvršljive razsodbe o zahtevku zadevne stranke na podlagi projektne pogodbe, in katerega razsodbo je v državi gostiteljici mogoče izvršiti v skladu z določbami Newyorške konvencije o priznanju in izvršitvi tujih arbitražnih odločb;
(b) je razsodba “zavezujoča”, če v zvezi s predmetom spora med pogodbenicami vzpostavlja zakonite pravice;
(c) je razsodba “izvršljiva”, razen če razsodišče, ki je razsodbo izdalo, ali drug pristojni organ odloži izvršitev razsodbe ali ne dovoli njene izvršitve;
(d) je razsodba razsodišča “dokončna”, če je potekel rok za pritožbo ali izpodbijanje sodbe, ne da bi do dopustnega izpodbijanja ali pritožbe prišlo;
(e) “projekt” pomeni projekt po cotonoujskem okviru, ki je opisan v poročilu o kreditiranju projekta;
(f) je “projektna pogodba” sporazum, pogodba ali zavezujoči dogovor med zadevno stranko in vlado gostiteljico, ki se neposredno nanaša na projekt ter je v skladu z razumno oceno banke ključen za finančno in tehnično izvedljivost projekta ter na primer vključuje enega od naslednjih vrst sporazumov ali zavez, in sicer: pogodbe o dobavi, pogodbe o odjemu, pogodbe o subvencioniranju, pogodbe o uporabi, koncesije, licence za izkoriščanje ali mehanizme za določanje cen;
(g) “zadevna stranka” pomeni posojilojemalca ali matično podjetje ali podružnico posojilojemalca s sedežem v isti državi, kjer ga ima posojilojemalec.
Zadevna stranka ali porok kot tretja oseba je zavezan, da si bo v razumnem obsegu prizadeval izkoristiti vsa razpoložljiva pravna sredstva za izvršitev razsodbe zoper vlado gostiteljico ali v razumnem obsegu prizadeval zagotoviti, da zadevna stranka ali porok kot tretja oseba, ki lahko uporabi ta sredstva, to tudi stori.
Vsaka pogodba z dolžnikom z jamstvom daje banki pravico, da določi ukrepe, ki jih mora sprejeti zadevna stranka ali porok kot tretja oseba, ali da zagotovi sprejetje takih ukrepov, da se razsodba o zahtevku zaradi kršitve ali nepriznavanja pogodbe izvrši. Banka ne sme od nobene strani zahtevati sprejetja ukrepov, ki so po mnenju banke nesorazmerni z njihovimi pričakovanimi koristmi.
Banka lahko soglaša, da dolžniku z jamstvom povrne stroške v razumni višini, ki so nastali zaradi postopka izvršitve. Poroki banki povrnejo vse stroške, ki jih je pri tem imela.
Poroštva ni mogoče uveljavljati v primeru navedenih dejanj ali tveganj:
– vsakega dejanja države gostiteljice, na katero je brez prisile pristal dolžnik z jamstvom ali zadevna stranka v primeru iz 4. oddelka te priloge, ali kadar je glavni vzrok nezakonito in nerazumno vedenje dolžnika z jamstvom ali zadevne stranke;
– vsakega političnega tveganja, kakor je opredeljeno zgoraj, ki je očitno obstajalo na dan, ko je banka podpisala posojilno pogodbo ali dogovor o zavarovanju, ter je na ta dan že imelo učinke, navedene v tej prilogi.
3. člen
Za izvajanje pogodbe skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za finance.
4. člen
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-42/2015
Ljubljana, dne 23. septembra 2015
EVA 2015-1811-0180
Mag. Dejan Židan l.r.

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