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Uradni list RS, št. 179/2020 z dne 3. 12. 2020
Uradni list

Uradni list RS, št. 179/2020 z dne 3. 12. 2020


25. Zakon o ratifikaciji Pridružitvenega sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo (MPSEVA-1), stran 68.

Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 91. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
U K A Z 
o razglasitvi Zakona o ratifikaciji Pridružitvenega sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo (MPSEVA-1) 
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji Pridružitvenega sporazuma med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo (MPSEVA-1), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji dne 25. novembra 2020.
Št. 003-02-9/2020-15
Ljubljana, dne 3. decembra 2020
Borut Pahor 
Republike Slovenije 
Z A K O N 
1. člen
Ratificira se Pridružitveni sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo, podpisan v Parizu 8. oktobra 2020 in Ljubljani 19. oktobra 2020.
2. člen 
Sporazum se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
Association Agreement Between The Government of the Republic of Slovenia And The European Space Agency
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia (hereinafter referred to as “Slovenia”),
The European Space Agency (hereinafter referred to as “the Agency” or “ESA”), an intergovernmental organisation established by the Convention for the Establishment of a European Space Agency, opened for signature in Paris on 30 May 1975 and entered into force on 30 October 1980 (hereinafter referred to as “the Convention”),
hereinafter individually referred to as “Party” or collectively as “the Parties”,
RECALLING that the purpose of the Agency is to provide for and to promote, for exclusively peaceful purposes, cooperation among European States in space research and technology and their space applications,
NOTING that space has become a significant factor in technological, economic, scientific and cultural development,
CONVINCED of the benefits of sustaining and enhancing the level of international cooperation in space activities for exclusively peaceful purposes,
CONSIDERING that Slovenia is, since 1 May 2004, a Member of the European Union (hereinafter referred to as “EU”) and is thereby associated to the definition of an overall European Space Policy and is also participating with full rights and obligations, in the EU Copernicus and Galileo programmes,
HAVING REGARD to the successful results of the cooperation achieved under the Agreement between the Parties concerning space cooperation for peaceful purposes signed on 28 May 2008 and entered into force on 23 February 2009,
HAVING REGARD to the European Cooperating State (hereinafter referred to as “ECS”) Agreement between the Parties signed on 22 January 2010 and which entered into force upon Slovenia’s subscription to the Plan for European Cooperating States Charter between the Parties on 30 November 2010, and HAVING REGARD to its subsequent extension,
HAVING REGARD to the Association Agreement between the Parties signed on 5 July 2016 and which entered into force on 16 November 2016,
HAVING REGARD to the Resolution on industrial policy measures to achieve a successful integration of European states in the frame of ESA adopted by the Council of the Agency (hereinafter referred to as “Council”) on 13 December 2018 (ESA/C/R/CCLXXVII/Res.1 (final)), by which the Agency introduced an improved cooperative approach designed for European non-Member States with a view to their possible accession to the Convention,
CONSIDERING the wish expressed by Slovenia to continue to strengthen its cooperation with the Agency within the frame of the above mentioned improved cooperative approach, and the acceptance by the Council of this request,
HAVING REGARD to the Convention and in particular its Articles II, XIV.1 and XIV.3,
1. Slovenia hereby continues to be an Associate Member of the Agency pursuant to the conditions set out here below.
2. Slovenia hereby acknowledges that the Agency may establish Cooperation and Association Agreements with other non-Member States. Slovenia further agrees that, at all levels of its cooperation with the Agency as an Associate Member, it will act in conformity with the purpose for which the Agency was created as defined in the Convention, in particular the exploration and utilisation of space for exclusively peaceful purposes.
1. Slovenia shall participate in and benefit from, subject to other provisions of the present Agreement, the Basic Activities executed under the Agency’s General Budget, except the item “Technology Development”.
2. Slovenia may participate in the Agency’s optional programmes pursuant to the conditions of Article 4 below, as well as in further parts of the Agency’s activities and programmes or operational activities by providing experiments or observation facilities pursuant to the conditions established in Article 7 below.
1. Slovenia shall contribute annually to the Agency’s Basic Activities expenditure under the General Budget. This contribution shall represent 70 % of its contribution level shown in the scale calculated on the basis used for the Member States of the Agency and adopted in accordance with Article XIII.1 of the Convention. An amount representing 70 % of the latter contribution shall be used by the Agency to provide increased support in terms of training, organisation of events and advice with a view to achieve a successful integration of Slovenia in the frame of the Agency, the further development of sustainable and competitive industrial capabilities, and their integration in the space supply chain. For avoidance of doubt, Slovenia’s contribution referred to in this paragraph shall start accruing on a time proportional basis from the date of entry into force of this Agreement pursuant to Article 18 below.
2. Slovenia shall contribute to the expenditure of the activities and programmes in which it participates in accordance with the provisions of Article 4 below.
3. Slovenia’s contributions as provided for in this Article shall be updated and paid in conformity with the rules and procedures in force in the Agency for all Member States.
For the purpose of the execution of each Agency optional programme for which the respective Member States concerned have unanimously approved Slovenia’s participation, Slovenia shall from the date of that approval have the rights and obligations of a Participating State as set forth in the Declaration concerning the programme in question, in the applicable implementing rules and in any other decisions governing the execution of said programme. In particular, Slovenia shall contribute to cover the expenditure resulting from the execution of said programme in accordance with the provisions of the Declaration and of any subsequent revision of that Declaration by the Participating States on the occasion of meetings of the Agency’s Council or of the Council’s subordinate bodies. Slovenia intends to contribute to optional programmes in which it participates by the end of 2022 a minimum of 1.500.000 Euros at 2018 e.c. per year, it being understood that the sum of Slovenia’s overall yearly contributions to the Agency by the aforementioned date, including Basic Activities expenditure under the General Budget referred to in Article 3.1 above and Requesting Party Activities referred to in Article 10.2 below, shall amount to a minimum of 3.000.000 Euros at current e.c.
Slovenia shall be represented in the meetings of the Agency’s Council and subordinate bodies in accordance with the following provisions:
1. Slovenia shall have the right to be represented at open meetings of the Council of the Agency by not more than two delegates, who may be accompanied by advisors. Slovenia shall have the right to vote on questions relating to the activities and programmes in which it participates pursuant to the present Agreement, this being in its capacity of Participating State in the case of optional programmes. Slovenia shall not have the right to vote in Council on the General Budget or on matters related to it, but shall have the right to state its opinion and to be heard on other questions.
2. Slovenia shall have the right to be represented, by not more than two delegates who may be accompanied by advisors, at meetings of the subordinate bodies of the Agency, competent in any capacity to deal with the activities and programmes in which Slovenia participates. Slovenia shall also have the right to be similarly represented on the Programme Boards of the Agency concerned with those optional programmes in which Slovenia participates pursuant to Article 4 above. Slovenia shall have the right to be heard at the above meetings and to vote, in its capacity of Participating State, on issues relating to those activities and programmes.
3. For matters of common interest between the Agency and the EU, Slovenia shall be entitled to attend meetings of the Agency's subordinate bodies as an observer. For other matters, Slovenia may request to be represented in an observer capacity at meetings of any subordinate body of the Agency which is solely concerned with programmes in which Slovenia does not participate. Such request shall be accepted subject to the unanimous approval of the Agency Member States concerned.
4. Slovenia may attend Potential Participants’ meetings in an observer capacity, in particular meetings dealing with the preparation of programmes related to programmes in which Slovenia participates, unless the Agency Member States concerned decide otherwise.
5. Slovenia shall not have the right to be represented at the meetings of the Council or of any subordinate bodies which are held on a restricted basis in accordance with the relevant rules of procedure. However, Slovenia may be authorised by the body concerned, either at Slovenia’s request or at the request of one or more Member States, to attend discussions on certain items on the agendas of such meetings, when they involve matters of interest to Slovenia and the Agency, in order to express its opinion.
Slovenia shall have access, to the same extent as provided to Member States, to information, including contract reports, relating to the activities and programmes in which Slovenia participates.
1. Subject to the terms of Article 6 above and to the prior requirements and obligations of the Agency, Slovenia shall have access on a cost-reimbursable basis to the facilities and services of the Agency for Slovenia national space projects. The methods of calculating costs shall be those applied to the Agency’s Member States when utilising the Agency facilities and services for their own space projects. In return, Slovenia shall make available its facilities and services to the Agency and its Member States on favourable terms.
2. In developing its national space potential and in planning for national space missions, Slovenia shall give preference, pursuant to the terms of Article VIII of the Convention, to the use of European space transportation systems, and of facilities, products and services belonging to, or developed or operated under the auspices of, the Agency or its Member States. Slovenia shall, further, support the Agency’s efforts to promote the use of European transportation systems, facilities, products and services by those international bodies to which it belongs that employ systems or services with a space-based component. For the purpose of satisfying its facilities requirements for any given mission which are unmet on the basis of its own potential or that of its Member States, the Agency shall, subject to arrangements existing at the relevant time with other entities and on terms of parity in this matter with other Associate Members of the Agency, give detailed consideration to the appropriate Slovenian facilities with a view to their potential use.
1. For the purposes of this Agreement “Intellectual Property” has the meaning stated in Article 2 of the Convention establishing the World Intellectual Property Organisation, done in Stockholm, 14 July 1967.
2. The Parties shall ensure adequate and effective protection of Intellectual Property as may arise from the work done under this Agreement and of any pre-existing rights that may come into play in the course of such cooperation.
3. The specific provisions concerning the rights of access, dissemination and use of intellectual property as well as of technical information and data developed under the present Agreement, shall follow the Agency’s rules and procedures.
1. With a view to identifying possible areas of cooperation, the Parties shall exchange information in the following spheres:
(a) the content of, and plan for, their current and future space programmes;
(b) matters of scientific and technical interest resulting from their space activities. In particular, Slovenia shall receive reports published and made available by the Agency, as well as information relating to the progress of the Agency programmes and to activities in which Slovenia participates under the present Agreement.
2. Provisions of any Agency information shall in all cases be subject to Slovenian observance of any proprietary rights to the information, while Slovenia further undertakes not to disseminate information that is subject to non-disclosure agreements signed with the Agency or is not otherwise generally available beyond the territories of Slovenia and the Agency’s Member States, whether directly or through intermediaries operating within or outside those territories.
3. Slovenia shall not be required to communicate any information obtained outside the Agency if it considers that such communication or dissemination would be inconsistent with, or contrary to, the interests of its own agreements with third parties, or the conditions under which such information has been obtained.
The Agency shall not be required to communicate information if it considers that such communication, or dissemination, would be inconsistent with, or contrary to, the interests of its own agreements with third parties, or the conditions under which such information was obtained.
4. The Parties may establish a scheme to permit the exchange of experts concerned with work within the competence of the Agency, in conformity with the application of the laws and regulations relating to the entry into, stay in or departure from Slovenia and with the Agency’s legal framework including agreements with third parties.
5. The Parties will also consult with each other when they are represented at international organisations, conferences and meetings relating to space activities, for the purpose of exchanging views on matters of mutual concern and will seek to harmonise, as appropriate, their positions on matters which are likely to have a bearing on the implementation of their common space programmes and activities.
1. With respect to the geographical distribution of contracts relating to the activities and programmes in which Slovenia participates, the Agency shall:
(a) strive at providing a fair industrial return to Slovenia for activities relating to the basic activities under the General Budget, excluding Technology Development, and
(b) for optional activities and programmes, and consistent with Article 4 above, implement for Slovenia the applicable rules developed for the various activities and programmes, to the same extent as for the other Participating States.
2. In order to further develop its industrial base Slovenia shall participate in an incentive scheme in the form of Requesting Party Activities which shall be operated in accordance with the attached Annexes I and II, and which constitute an integral part of present Agreement. Such incentive scheme shall be based on full cost reimbursement and national funding. Slovenia’s expenditures to Requesting Party Activities shall amount to a minimum of 500.000 Euros per year at 2018 e.c. and shall not exceed its contributions to optional programmes in which it participates pursuant to Article 4 above.
In addition to cooperation in the long-term continuing framework outlined above, the Parties may also develop arrangements for cooperating in individual bilateral projects in space activities pursued by both Parties and for the exchange of personnel. Approval of such arrangements, which shall not modify the rights and obligations of the Parties under the present Agreement, shall be subject to the Parties’ relevant procedures.
For the participation of Slovenia in programmes and activities of the Agency, the ESA Council Resolution ESA/C/XXII/Res.3 of 13th December 1977 on the Agency’s legal liability shall be applicable mutatis mutandis.
Each Party shall retain the right to take all precautionary measures in the interests of its security.
For the execution of the Agency‘s official activities undertaken within the frame of the present Agreement, Slovenia shall grant the following privileges and immunities:
1. The Agency shall have, in the territory of Slovenia, legal personality. It shall in particular have the capacity to contract, to acquire and dispose of movable and immovable property, and to be a party to legal proceedings.
2. The Agency shall have immunity from jurisdiction and execution except:
(a) where the Agency has expressly waived such immunity in a particular case;
(b) in respect of a civil action by a third party for damage arising from an accident caused by a motor vehicle belonging to, or operated on behalf of the Agency, or in respect of a motor traffic offence involving such a vehicle;
(c) in respect of an enforcement of an arbitration award made under Article 16 below;
(d) in the event of the attachment, pursuant to a decision by a juridical authorities, of the salaries and emoluments owed by the Agency to a staff member.
3. Within the scope of its official activities, the Agency, its property and income shall be exempt from direct taxes in Slovenia. The Agency shall also be exempted from indirect taxes when purchases or services of substantial value, strictly necessary for the exercise of the official activities of the Agency within the frame of the present Agreement, are made or used, by the Agency.
4. Without prejudice to Article 13 above, goods imported or exported by the Agency or on its behalf and strictly, necessary for the exercise of its official activities shall be exempt from all import and export duties and taxes and from all import or export prohibitions and restrictions. Any such imported or exported goods may not be sold, lent or transferred with or without payment in the territory of Slovenia except according to conditions defined by Slovenia. Sloveniaand the Agency shall define the procedures to be applied to the export or import of assets used in connection with their cooperation. The Agency shall cooperate with the Slovenianauthorities in order to ensure that the goods imported or exported by the Agency are being used for its official activities undertaken within the frame of the present Agreement.
5. The Agency may receive and hold in Slovenia any kind of funds, currency, cash or securities; it may dispose of them freely in Slovenia for any official purpose of the Agency and hold accounts in any currency.
6. Staff members of the Agency shall be exempt from national income tax on their salaries and emoluments paid by the Agency; however, such salaries and emoluments may be taken into account by Slovenia for the purpose of assessing the amount of taxation to be applied to income from other sources.
7. The circulation of publications and other information material sent by or to the Agency shall not be restricted in any way.
Slovenia shall notify the Agency’s Director General of the name of the authority appointed to represent it for the implementation of the present Agreement, as well as the names of Slovenia’s representative and advisors attending any meetings in accordance with Article 5 above.
1. The present Agreement, including its Annex I, may be amended by mutual agreement. The Party wishing to amend a provision of this Agreement, including its Annex I, shall notify the other Party in writing. Any amendment shall enter into force when each Party has notified the other in writing of its acceptance of the said amendment in accordance with its own procedures.
2. Annex II of the present Agreement may be amended by mutual written agreement between the Slovenian Co-Chair and the Agency’s Co-Chair nominated in accordance with section C. of Annex II of the present Agreement.
Where a dispute arises in relation to the application or interpretation of this Agreement or of detailed arrangements concluded pursuant to this Agreement and which cannot be settled amicably between the Parties, such dispute shall, at the request of either Party, be submitted to arbitration. In such case, the provisions of Article XVII of the Agency’s Convention shall apply mutatis mutandis unless the Parties agree otherwise.
1. Each Party shall notify the other Party in writing of the completion of its respective procedures for the entry into force of this Agreement. This Agreement shall enter into force on the date of the second of these notifications and shall remain in force until 31 December 2024.
2. The present Agreement may be terminated upon one year’s written notice by either Party before its expiry date referred to in paragraph 18.1 above.
3. Termination or expiry of the present Agreement shall not affect the validity of those rights and obligations of either Party which are meant to survive its termination or expiry or its interpretation such as, but not limited to, dispute resolution, liability, intellectual property rights, nor of additional arrangements entered into between the Parties. The participation of Slovenia in the Agency’s optional programmes, or parts thereof, pursuant to Article 4 above which is effective at the time of termination of this Agreement shall remain effective until the completion of the activities under the respective programmes or parts thereof, on the understanding that completion of the respective programmes will be notified by the Agency to Slovenia. Taking into account any outstanding obligation incurred under Article 4 above, Slovenia shall contribute to the part of the common infrastructure plan in force and the part of the fixed common costs to be borne by the General Budget at a rate to be mutually agreed. Article 4 above, and this paragraph, shall remain in force and continue to produce their effects after the termination or expiry of this Agreement.
4. One year before the expiry of the present Agreement, the Parties shall proceed to a formal review of their cooperation under this Agreement. On the basis of the latter review, the Parties shall examine ways and means of continuing or further developing such cooperation including the possibility of Slovenia extending the present Agreement or being granted the status of Member State of the Agency. The granting of such a status to Slovenia shall be subject of a specific Council decision, in accordance with the Convention and on the basis of a written request to be made by Slovenia.
5. The present Agreement may be extended for further periods by mutual agreement in writing. The present Agreement shall remain in force during the time necessary to complete the procedures for such renewal.
6. Upon its entry into force, the present Agreement shall replace the Association Agreement between the Parties referred to in the preamble, it being understood that the provisions of the latter Agreement shall nevertheless continue to apply to the extent necessary to secure the implementation of any arrangements and contracts that have been concluded within the framework of said Agreement and which are still effective on the date said Agreement ceases to be in force.
Done in two originals in the English language. The signatories may also establish translations hereof in the French, German and Slovenian languages, which shall not, however, be considered as authoritative for the purposes of interpretation.
Place: Ljubljana 
Date: 19 October 2020 
For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia 
Zdravko Počivalšek (s)
Place: Paris 
Date: 8 October 2020 
For the European Space Agency 
Johann-Dietrich Wörner (s)
Pridružitveni sporazum med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo
Vlada Republike Slovenije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Slovenija),
Evropska vesoljska agencija (v nadaljnjem besedilu: agencija ali ESA), medvladna organizacija, ustanovljena s Konvencijo o ustanovitvi Evropske vesoljske agencije, ki je bila na voljo za podpis v Parizu 30. maja 1975 in je začela veljati 30. oktobra 1980 (v nadaljnjem besedilu: konvencija),
v nadaljnjem besedilu vsaka od njiju pogodbenica ali skupno pogodbenici, sta se
OB SKLICEVANJU na namen agencije, ki je omogočati in spodbujati sodelovanje med evropskimi državami pri vesoljskih raziskavah in tehnologiji ter njihovi uporabi v vesolju v izključno miroljubne namene,
OB UGOTOVITVI, da je vesolje postalo pomemben dejavnik v tehnološkem, gospodarskem, znanstvenem in kulturnem razvoju,
PREPRIČANI o prednostih ohranjanja in višanja ravni mednarodnega sodelovanja pri vesoljskih dejavnostih v izključno miroljubne namene,
GLEDE NA TO, da je Slovenija od 1. maja 2004 članica Evropske unije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: EU) in tako povezana z opredelitvijo celovite evropske vesoljske politike ter sodeluje pri programih EU Copernicus in Galileo z vsemi pravicami in obveznostmi,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU dosežkov sodelovanja na podlagi sporazuma o sodelovanju v vesolju v miroljubne namene, ki sta ga pogodbenici podpisali 28. maja 2008, veljati pa je začel 23. februarja 2009,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU sporazuma evropske sodelujoče države (v nadaljnjem besedilu: ESD), ki sta ga pogodbenici podpisali 22. januarja 2010 in je začel veljati ob vključitvi Slovenije v načrt za evropsko sodelujočo državo 30. novembra 2010, in OB UPOŠTEVANJU njegovega podaljšanja,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU sporazuma o pridružitvi, ki sta ga pogodbenici podpisali 5. julija 2016 in je začel veljati 16. novembra 2016,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU Resolucije o ukrepih industrijske politike za uspešno vključevanje evropskih držav v okvir ESA, ki jo je svet agencije (v nadaljnjem besedilu: svet) sprejel 13. decembra 2018 (ESA/C/R/CCLXXVII/Res.1 (final)), s katero je agencija uvedla izboljšan način sodelovanja za evropske države nečlanice, da bi lahko pristopile h konvenciji,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU želje Slovenije še naprej krepiti sodelovanje z agencijo v okviru tega izboljšanega načina sodelovanja in dejstva, da je svet prošnjo sprejel,
OB UPOŠTEVANJU konvencije, predvsem II. člena ter prvega in tretjega odstavka XIV. člena,
1. Slovenija ostane pridružena članica agencije v skladu s spodaj navedenimi pogoji.
2. Slovenija potrjuje, da agencija lahko sklepa sporazume o sodelovanju in pridružitvi z drugimi državami nečlanicami. Slovenija tudi soglaša, da bo na vseh ravneh sodelovanja z agencijo kot pridružena članica delovala v skladu z namenom, za katerega je bila agencija ustanovljena in je opredeljen v konvenciji, zlasti raziskovanje vesolja in njegova uporaba v izključno miroljubne namene.
1. Slovenija v skladu z drugimi določbami tega sporazuma sodeluje v osnovnih dejavnostih, ki se izvajajo v okviru splošnega proračuna agencije, razen postavke tehnološki razvoj, in ima od njih koristi.
2. Slovenija lahko sodeluje v izbirnih programih agencije v skladu s pogoji iz 4. člena in v nadaljnjih delih dejavnosti agencije, njenih programih ali operativnih dejavnostih z zagotavljanjem poskusov ali opazovalnih objektov in naprav po pogojih iz 7. člena.
1. Slovenija letno prispeva v splošni proračun agencije k izdatkom za njene osnovne dejavnosti. Prispevek znaša 70 % prispevne stopnje po lestvici, izračunani na osnovi, ki se uporablja za države članice agencije in je bila sprejeta v skladu s prvim odstavkom XIII. člena konvencije. Znesek 70 % navedenega prispevka agencija uporabi za povečanje pomoči pri usposabljanju, organiziranju dogodkov in svetovanju za uspešno vključitev Slovenije v okvir agencije ter za nadaljnji razvoj trajnostnih in konkurenčnih industrijskih zmogljivosti in njihovo vključevanje v vesoljsko dobavno verigo. Prispevek Slovenije iz tega odstavka, za večjo jasnost, se začne odmerjati sorazmerno z dnem začetka veljavnosti tega sporazuma v skladu z njegovim 18. členom.
2. Slovenija prispeva k izdatkom za dejavnosti in programe, v katerih sodeluje v skladu z določbami 4. člena.
3. Prispevki Slovenije, kot jih določa ta člen, se posodabljajo in plačujejo, kot določajo pravila in postopki agencije, ki veljajo za vse države članice.
Za izvedbo vsakega izbirnega programa agencije, v katerem udeležbo Slovenije soglasno odobrijo ustrezne države članice, ima Slovenija od dneva odobritve pravice in obveznosti sodelujoče države, določene v izjavi o tem programu, veljavnih izvedbenih pravilih in drugih odločitvah, ki urejajo njegovo izvajanje. Slovenija zlasti prispeva k plačilu izdatkov, nastalih pri izvajanju navedenega programa, v skladu z določbami izjave in vsake poznejše spremembe te izjave, ki jo sprejmejo sodelujoče države na sestankih sveta agencije ali njegovih podrejenih teles. Slovenija namerava k izbirnim programom, v katerih sodeluje do konca leta 2022, prispevati najmanj 1.500.000 evrov letno glede na gospodarsko stanje v letu 2018, pri čemer se razume, da celotni znesek letnih prispevkov Slovenije agenciji do navedenega datuma, vključno z izdatki za osnovne dejavnosti v okviru splošnega proračuna iz prvega odstavka 3. člena in dejavnosti pogodbenice prosilke iz drugega odstavka 10. člena, znaša najmanj 3.000.000 evrov glede na zdajšnje gospodarsko stanje.
Slovenija je na sestankih sveta agencije in podrejenih teles zastopana v skladu s temi določbami:
1. Slovenija ima pravico, da jo na odprtih sestankih sveta agencije zastopata največ dva delegata, ki ju lahko spremljajo svetovalci. Slovenija ima pravico glasovati o vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na dejavnosti in programe, v katerih sodeluje v skladu s tem sporazumom, in sicer pri izbirnih programih kot sodelujoča država. Slovenija v svetu nima pravice glasovati o splošnem proračunu ali zadevah, povezanih z njim, lahko pa izrazi svoje mnenje o tem in drugih vprašanjih.
2. Slovenija ima pravico, da jo na sestankih podrejenih teles agencije, ki so kakor koli pristojna za dejavnosti in programe, v katerih sodeluje, zastopata največ dva delegata, ki ju lahko spremljajo svetovalci. Slovenija ima tudi pravico, da je podobno zastopana v programskih odborih agencije, ki se ukvarjajo s tistimi izbirnimi programi, v katerih Slovenija sodeluje v skladu s 4. členom. Slovenija ima pravico, da na teh sestankih izrazi mnenje in kot sodelujoča država glasuje o vprašanjih, ki se nanašajo na te dejavnosti in programe.
3. V zadevah, ki so v skupnem interesu agencije in EU, ima Slovenija pravico udeležbe na sestankih podrejenih teles agencije kot opazovalka. V drugih zadevah Slovenija lahko zaprosi, da je kot opazovalka zastopana na sestankih katerega koli podrejenega telesa agencije, ki obravnava samo programe, pri katerih Slovenija ne sodeluje. Taki prošnji se ugodi, če jo soglasno potrdijo ustrezne države članice agencije.
4. Slovenija se kot opazovalka lahko udeležuje sestankov morebitnih sodelujočih, zlasti sestankov o pripravi programov, povezanih s programi, v katerih sodeluje, razen če ustrezne države članice agencije ne odločijo drugače.
5. Slovenija nima pravice biti zastopana na sestankih sveta ali katerih koli podrejenih teles, ki so v skladu z ustreznim poslovnikom zaprti. Da bi lahko izrazila svoje mnenje, pa ji ustrezno telo na njeno prošnjo ali prošnjo ene ali več držav članic lahko odobri udeležbo v razpravah o nekaterih točkah dnevnega reda teh sestankov, če obravnavajo vprašanja v interesu Slovenije in agencije.
Slovenija ima dostop do enakega obsega informacij kot države članice, tudi do poročil o pogodbah v zvezi z dejavnostmi in programi, v katerih sodeluje.
1. Ob upoštevanju določb 6. člena ter predhodnih zahtev in obveznosti agencije ima Slovenija na podlagi vračljivih stroškov dostop do objektov in naprav ter storitev agencije za slovenske državne vesoljske projekte. Stroški se izračunavajo po metodah, ki se uporabljajo za države članice agencije za uporabo agencijinih objektov in naprav ter storitev za njihove vesoljske projekte. Agenciji in njenim državam članicam Slovenija v zameno daje na voljo svoje objekte in naprave ter storitve pod ugodnimi pogoji.
2. Slovenija pri razvoju svojih vesoljskih zmožnosti in načrtovanju nacionalnih vesoljskih misij v skladu s pogoji iz VIII. člena konvencije prednostno uporablja evropske vesoljske prevozne sisteme ter objekte, naprave, izdelke in storitve, ki pripadajo agenciji ali njenim državam članicam ali so jih te razvile ali se upravljajo pod njihovim pokroviteljstvom. Slovenija podpira tudi prizadevanje agencije za spodbujanje uporabe evropskih prevoznih sistemov, objektov, naprav, izdelkov in storitev pri tistih mednarodnih organih, ki jim pripada in uporabljajo sisteme ali storitve, povezane z vesoljem. Ob upoštevanju takrat veljavnih dogovorov z drugimi subjekti in pod enakimi pogoji, ki v tej zadevi veljajo za druge pridružene članice agencije, agencija podrobno prouči možnost uporabe ustreznih slovenskih objektov in naprav za misije, pri katerih s svojimi zmogljivostmi ali zmogljivostmi svojih držav članic ne more zadovoljiti zahtev glede objektov in naprav.
1. V tem sporazumu ima intelektualna lastnina pomen, naveden v 2. členu Konvencije o ustanovitvi Svetovne organizacije za intelektualno lastnino, sklenjene v Stockholmu 14. julija 1967.
2. Pogodbenici zagotovita primerno in učinkovito varstvo intelektualne lastnine, nastale pri delu, opravljenem po tem sporazumu, in vseh predhodnih pravic, ki se lahko uveljavijo pri tem sodelovanju.
3. Posebne določbe o pravicah do dostopa do intelektualne lastnine ter tehničnih informacij in podatkov, ki nastanejo po tem sporazumu, ter njihovega razširjanja in uporabe upoštevajo pravila in postopke agencije.
1. Za določitev možnih področij sodelovanja si pogodbenici izmenjujeta informacije o:
(a) vsebini in načrtovanju svojih sedanjih in prihodnjih vesoljskih programov;
(b) zadevah v znanstvenem in tehničnem interesu, ki izhajajo iz njunih vesoljskih dejavnosti. Slovenija zlasti dobi poročila, ki jih objavlja in daje na voljo agencija, ter informacije v zvezi z napredovanjem programov agencije in dejavnostmi, v katerih Slovenija sodeluje po tem sporazumu.
2. V zvezi z informacijami, ki jih dobi od agencije, Slovenija vselej upošteva pravice lastništva nad informacijami, zavezuje se tudi, da ne bo razširjala informacij, za katere veljajo sporazumi o nerazkrivanju, podpisani z agencijo, ali ki niso neposredno ali po posrednikih, ki delujejo na ozemlju Slovenije in držav članic agencije ali zunaj teh ozemelj, kako drugače splošno dostopne zunaj teh ozemelj.
3. Sloveniji ni treba sporočiti nobene informacije, pridobljene zunaj agencije, če meni, da sporočanje ali razširjanje ni v skladu z njenimi sporazumi s tretjimi stranmi ali je v nasprotju z njimi ali pogoji, pod katerimi je informacijo dobila.
Agenciji ni treba sporočiti informacije, če meni, da sporočanje ali razširjanje ni v skladu z njenimi sporazumi s tretjimi stranmi ali je v nasprotju z njimi ali pogoji, pod katerimi je informacijo dobila.
4. Pogodbenici lahko vzpostavita sistem za izmenjavo strokovnjakov za področja v pristojnosti agencije v skladu z zakoni in drugimi predpisi o vstopu v Slovenijo, prebivanju v njej ali odhodu iz nje ter s pravnim okvirom agencije, tudi sporazumi s tretjimi stranmi.
5. Poleg tega se pogodbenici posvetujeta zaradi izmenjave stališč o zadevah v skupnem interesu, kadar sta zastopani v mednarodnih organizacijah, na konferencah in sestankih v zvezi z vesoljskimi dejavnostmi, ter si prizadevata, če je to primerno, uskladiti stališča o zadevah, ki bi lahko vplivale na izvajanje njunih skupnih vesoljskih programov in dejavnosti.
1. Glede na geografsko razporeditev pogodb o dejavnostih in programih, v katerih sodeluje Slovenija:
(a) si agencija prizadeva zagotoviti Sloveniji pošteno industrijsko povračilo za dejavnosti, povezane s temeljnimi dejavnostmi v okviru splošnega proračuna, razen tehnološkega razvoja, in
(b) agencija v skladu s 4. členom za izbirne dejavnosti in programe za Slovenijo uporablja veljavna pravila, razvita za različne dejavnosti in programe, enako kot za druge sodelujoče države.
2. Slovenija za nadaljnji razvoj svoje industrije sodeluje v sistemu spodbud, in sicer z dejavnostmi pogodbenice prosilke, ki se izvajajo v skladu s prilogama I in II, ki sta sestavni del tega sporazuma. Sistem spodbud temelji na povračilu vseh stroškov in nacionalnem financiranju. Izdatki Slovenije za dejavnosti pogodbenice prosilke znašajo najmanj 500.000 evrov letno glede na gospodarsko stanje v letu 2018 in ne presegajo njenih prispevkov za izbirne programe, v katerih sodeluje v skladu s 4. členom.
Poleg sodelovanja v navedenem dolgoročnem stalnem okviru se pogodbenici lahko dogovorita tudi za sodelovanje pri posameznih dvostranskih projektih na področju vesoljskih dejavnosti, ki jih izvajata obe, in za izmenjavo osebja. Ti dogovori, ki ne spreminjajo pravic in obveznosti pogodbenic po tem sporazumu, se odobrijo po ustreznih postopkih pogodbenic.
Za sodelovanje Slovenije v programih in dejavnostih agencije se smiselno uporablja resolucija sveta ESE ESA/C/XXII/Res.3 z dne 13. decembra 1977 o pravni odgovornosti agencije.
Vsaka pogodbenica obdrži pravico do sprejetja vseh previdnostnih ukrepov, potrebnih za njeno varnost.
Slovenija prizna agenciji v zvezi z njenimi uradnimi dejavnostmi, ki jih izvaja na podlagi tega sporazuma, te privilegije in imunitete:
1. Agencija ima na ozemlju Slovenije status pravne osebe. Ima sposobnost sklepati pogodbe, pridobivati premično in nepremično premoženje in razpolagati z njim ter biti stranka v sodnem postopku.
2. Agencija uživa imuniteto v sodnih in izvršilnih postopkih, razen:
(a) kadar se v posamezni zadevi izrecno odpove imuniteti;
(b) v zvezi s civilno tožbo, ki jo vloži tretja stran ob škodi zaradi nesreče, ki jo je povzročilo motorno vozilo, ki je v lasti agencije ali se upravlja v njenem imenu, ali v zvezi s prometnim prekrškom, v katerega je tako vozilo vpleteno;
(c) v zvezi z izvrševanjem arbitražne odločbe iz 16. člena;
(d) ob izvršbi na plačo in druge prejemke, ki jih agencija izplačuje uslužbencu, v skladu z odločbo sodnega organa.
3. Pri opravljanju uradnih dejavnosti so agencija, njeno premoženje in dohodki oproščeni neposrednih davkov v Sloveniji. Agencija je oproščena tudi posrednih davkov na nakupe ali storitve večje vrednosti, ki jih opravi ali uporabi in so nujni za opravljanje njenih uradnih dejavnosti na podlagi tega sporazuma.
4. Brez vpliva na 13. člen je blago, ki ga uvozi ali izvozi agencija ali je uvoženo ali izvoženo v njenem imenu in je nujno potrebno za opravljanje njenih uradnih dejavnosti, izvzeto iz vseh uvoznih in izvoznih dajatev in davkov ter iz vseh uvoznih ali izvoznih prepovedi in omejitev. Tako uvoženo ali izvoženo blago se na ozemlju Slovenije ne sme prodati, posoditi ali odplačno ali neodplačno prenesti, razen pod pogoji, ki jih določi Slovenija. Slovenija in agencija določita postopke, ki se uporabljajo pri izvozu ali uvozu sredstev, ki se uporabljajo v zvezi z njunim sodelovanjem. Agencija sodeluje s slovenskimi organi oblasti za zagotovitev, da se blago, ki ga uvozi ali izvozi, uporablja za njene uradne dejavnosti na podlagi tega sporazuma.
5. Agencija lahko v Sloveniji dobi in ima katera koli sredstva, valuto, gotovino ali vrednostne papirje; z njimi lahko v Sloveniji prosto razpolaga za vse uradne namene in lahko ima račune v kateri koli valuti.
6. Uslužbenci agencije so oproščeni nacionalnega davka od dohodka od plač in drugih prejemkov, ki jih izplačuje agencija, Slovenija pa te plače in druge prejemke lahko upošteva pri izračunu višine davka, ki se plača od dohodka iz drugih virov.
7. Razpošiljanje publikacij in drugega informativnega gradiva, ki ga agencija pošilja ali prejema, ni nikakor omejeno.
Slovenija generalnemu direktorju agencije uradno sporoči ime organa, ki jo zastopa pri izvajanju tega sporazuma, in imena slovenskega predstavnika in svetovalcev, ki se bodo udeleževali sestankov v skladu s 5. členom.
1. Ta sporazum, vključno s prilogo I, se lahko spremeni z vzajemnim soglasjem. Pogodbenica, ki želi spremeniti določbo tega sporazuma, vključno s prilogo I, o tem uradno pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico. Sprememba začne veljati po tem, ko pogodbenici druga drugo uradno pisno obvestita, da v skladu s svojimi postopki sprejemata to spremembo.
2. Priloga II k temu sporazumu se lahko spremeni z vzajemnim pisnim soglasjem slovenskega sopredsedujočega in agencijinega sopredsedujočega, imenovanih v skladu z oddelkom C priloge II k temu sporazumu.
Spor glede uporabe ali razlage tega sporazuma ali podrobnejših dogovorov, sklenjenih v skladu z njim, ki ga pogodbenici ne moreta rešiti po mirni poti, se na zahtevo ene od njiju predloži arbitraži. V tem primeru se smiselno uporabijo določbe XVII. člena konvencije agencije, razen če se pogodbenici ne dogovorita drugače.
1. Vsaka pogodbenica uradno pisno obvesti drugo pogodbenico o dokončanju svojih postopkov, potrebnih za začetek veljavnosti tega sporazuma. Ta sporazum začne veljati na dan drugega od teh uradnih obvestil in velja do 31. decembra 2024.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko ta sporazum odpove pred datumom njegovega poteka iz prvega odstavka 18. člena, in sicer s pisnim obvestilom eno leto vnaprej.
3. Odpoved ali potek tega sporazuma ne vpliva na veljavnost pravic in obveznosti pogodbenic, ki ne ugasnejo z njegovo odpovedjo ali potekom ali z njegovo razlago, med drugim na primer v zvezi z reševanjem sporov, odgovornostjo, pravicami intelektualne lastnine, in tudi ne z dodatnimi dogovori med pogodbenicama. Slovenija še naprej sodeluje v izbirnih programih agencije ali njihovih delih po 4. členu, ki se izvajajo ob njegovi odpovedi, in sicer do dokončanja dejavnosti iz ustreznih programov ali njihovih delov, pri čemer agencija uradno obvesti Slovenijo o dokončanju teh programov. Ob upoštevanju morebitnih neporavnanih obveznosti, ki nastanejo po 4. členu, mora Slovenija prispevati k delu veljavnega skupnega infrastrukturnega načrta in k delu skupnih stalnih stroškov, ki jih krije splošni proračun, po vzajemno dogovorjeni stopnji. 4. člen in ta odstavek ostaneta v veljavi in učinkujeta tudi po odpovedi ali poteku tega sporazuma.
4. Leto dni pred potekom tega sporazuma pogodbenici uradno pregledata sodelovanje po tem sporazumu. Na podlagi pregleda proučita načine za nadaljevanje sodelovanja ali njegovo krepitev, tudi možnost, da Slovenija ta sporazum podaljša ali dobi status države članice agencije. O podelitvi tega statusa Sloveniji odloči svet s posebno odločitvijo v skladu s konvencijo in na pisno prošnjo Slovenije.
5. Ta sporazum se z vzajemnim pisnim soglasjem lahko podaljšuje za nadaljnja obdobja. V veljavi ostane, dokler je to potrebno za dokončanje postopkov za njegovo podaljšanje.
6. Z dnem začetka veljavnosti ta sporazum nadomesti pridružitveni sporazum med pogodbenicama, naveden v preambuli, določbe pridružitvenega sporazuma pa se kljub temu še naprej uporabljajo, kolikor je potrebno za zagotovitev izvajanja dogovorov in pogodb, sklenjenih na njegovi podlagi, ki so še veljavni na dan, ko pridružitveni sporazum preneha veljati.
Sklenjeno v dveh izvirnikih v angleškem jeziku. Pogodbenici lahko izvirnik tega sporazuma prevedeta v francoski, nemški in slovenski jezik, ti prevodi pa se za namene razlage ne štejejo za verodostojne.
Kraj: Ljubljana 
Datum: 19. oktober 2020 
Za Vlado Republike Slovenije 
Zdravko Počivalšek l.r.
Kraj: Pariz 
Datum: 8. oktober 2020 
Za Evropsko vesoljsko agencijo 
Johann-Dietrich Wörner l.r.
3. člen 
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za gospodarski razvoj in tehnologijo.
4. člen 
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 630-02/20-5/15
Ljubljana, dne 25. novembra 2020
Državni zbor 
Republike Slovenije 
Igor Zorčič 

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