Na podlagi tretje alineje šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD, 31/15 in 30/18 – ZKZaš) izdaja Vlada Republike Slovenije
o ratifikaciji Protokola o spremembi naslova Evropskega sporazuma o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu nevarnega blaga (ADR) z dne 30. septembra 1957
1. člen
Ratificira se Protokol o spremembi naslova Evropskega sporazuma o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu nevarnega blaga (ADR) z dne 30. septembra 1957, sprejet v Ženevi 13. maja 2019.
Besedilo protokola se v angleškem izvirniku in slovenskem prevodu glasi:
The Parties to the present Protocol,
Having considered the provisions of article 6 of the European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road (ADR), done at Geneva on 30 September 1957 (hereafter referred to as “the Agreement”), relating to the eligibility of a country for accession to the agreement;
Noting that, in accordance with such article, the Agreement is open for accession not only to countries members of the Economic Commission for Europe and countries admitted to the Commission in consultative capacity under paragraph 8 of the Commission’s mandate, but also to countries members of the United Nations (not members of the Commission) that participate in the Commission’s work, in application of paragraph 11 of the Commission’s mandate;
Taking into account the General Assembly Resolution 72/271 of 12 April 2018 on Improving global road safety, reaffirming the role and importance of ADR as one of the main United Nations legal instruments contributing to road safety and encouraging Member States that have not yet done so to consider becoming contracting parties;
Noting further the views of the Working Party on the Transport of Dangerous Goods of the Inland Transport Committee of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and the proposal from the Government of Portugal, that the mention “European” in the title of the agreement is not consistent with the conditions for the participation of non-European States stipulated on its article 6 and may represent an obstacle for accession to the agreement of States that are not members of the Commission;
Agree as follows,
Amendment to the title of the Agreement
The title of the Agreement shall be amended to read “Agreement Concerning the International Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road”. The acronym “ADR” remains unchanged.
1. The amendment in Article 1 shall be deemed to be accepted provided that none of the Parties have given the Secretary-General written objection to it within six months from the date on which the Secretary-General circulates the adopted Protocol.
2. The Secretary-General shall notify all Parties as soon as possible whether an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed within the six months following the date of notification. If an objection to the proposed amendment has been expressed during that period, the amendment shall be deemed not to have been accepted and shall be of no effect whatsoever.
3. If no such objection has been expressed during that period, the amendment shall enter into force for all Parties to the Agreement on 1 January 2021.
4. Any State that becomes a party to the ADR following the expiry of the six months period mentioned in paragraph 1 above but before the entry into force of this Protocol, shall become party to this Protocol upon its entry into force. Any State that becomes a party to the ADR after the entry into force of the Protocol shall be bound by the ADR, as amended by this Protocol.
The original of this Protocol, which is authentic in English and French, shall be deposited with the depositary of the treaty.
Pogodbenice tega protokola
so proučile določbe 6. člena Evropskega sporazuma o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu nevarnega blaga (ADR), sklenjenega v Ženevi 30. septembra 1957 (v nadaljevanju: sporazum), ki ureja upravičenost države, da pristopi k sporazumu;
ugotavljajo, da je po tem členu sporazum na voljo za pristop ne samo državam članicam Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo oziroma državam, sprejetim v komisijo v posvetovalni vlogi po osmem odstavku mandata komisije, ampak tudi državam članicam Združenih narodov (nečlanice komisije), ki sodelujejo pri delu komisije, ob upoštevanju enajstega odstavka mandata komisije;
ob upoštevanju Resolucije Generalne skupščine 72/271 z dne 12. aprila 2018 o izboljšanju cestnoprometne varnosti v svetu, ki potrjuje vlogo in pomen ADR kot enega glavnih pravnih aktov Združenih narodov, ki prispevajo k cestnoprometni varnosti, ter spodbuja države članice, ki še niso pristopile k sporazumu, da to storijo;
so seznanjene tudi s stališčem Delovne skupine za prevoz nevarnega blaga pri Odboru za notranji promet Ekonomske komisije Združenih narodov za Evropo in predlogom portugalske vlade, da beseda „Evropski“ v naslovu sporazuma ni v skladu s pogoji za sodelovanje neevropskih držav, določenimi v 6. členu, kar bi lahko oviralo pristop držav nečlanic komisije k sporazumu,
se strinjajo:
Sprememba naslova sporazuma
Naslov sporazuma se spremeni tako, da se glasi »Sporazum o mednarodnem cestnem prevozu nevarnega blaga«. Kratica »ADR« ostane nespremenjena.
1. Sprememba 1. člena velja za sprejeto, če nobena pogodbenica ne da pisnega ugovora generalnemu sekretarju v šestih mesecih od dneva, ko generalni sekretar uradno razpošlje sprejeti protokol.
2. Generalni sekretar čim prej uradno obvesti vse pogodbenice, če je bil v šestih mesecih od dneva uradnega obvestila dan ugovor zoper predlagano spremembo. Če je v tem času dan ugovor zoper predlagano spremembo, se šteje, da sprememba ni bila sprejeta in nima nikakršnega učinka.
3. Če v tem času ni bil dan noben ugovor, začne sprememba veljati za vse pogodbenice sporazuma 1. januarja 2021.
4. Vsaka država, ki postane pogodbenica ADR po poteku šestmesečnega roka iz prvega odstavka, a pred začetkom veljavnosti tega protokola, postane pogodbenica protokola, ko ta začne veljati. Vsaka država, ki postane pogodbenica ADR po začetku veljavnosti protokola, je zavezana k ADR, kot je spremenjen s tem protokolom.
Izvirnik protokola, verodostojen v angleščini in francoščini, se deponira pri depozitarju te mednarodne pogodbe.
Za izvajanje protokola skrbi ministrstvo, pristojno za promet.
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00724-17/2020
Ljubljana, dne 23. decembra 2020
EVA 2020-1811-0036
Vlada Republike Slovenije