Na podlagi prve alineje šestega odstavka 75. člena Zakona o zunanjih zadevah (Uradni list RS, št. 113/03 – uradno prečiščeno besedilo, 20/06 – ZNOMCMO, 76/08, 108/09, 80/10 – ZUTD, 31/15 in 30/18 – ZKZaš) je Vlada Republike Slovenije izdala
1. člen
Ratificira se Sporazum o sodelovanju med Vlado Republike Slovenije in Vlado Suverenega vojaškega bolničarskega reda svetega Janeza iz Jeruzalema, z Rodosa in Malte, podpisan v Rimu 19. maja 2022.
Besedilo sporazuma se v izvirniku v angleškem in prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The Government of the Republic of Slovenia and The Government of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta (hereinafter referred to as the “Sovereign Order of Malta”)
Considering the traditionally excellent relations between the Republic of Slovenia and the Sovereign Order of Malta since the establishment of diplomatic relations in 1992;
Considering that the Sovereign Order of Malta, in its international capacity, has been dedicated to the service of the sick and poor in the world ever since its foundation more than 900 years ago;
Recalling that the Republic of Slovenia and the Sovereign Order of Malta, according to their respective international legal personality, have a long tradition of cooperation inter alia in the field of medicine, health and social projects;
Desirous to further develop the friendly relations and cooperation between the Parties and in particular to facilitate the Sovereign Order of Malta’s humanitarian assistance on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia;
Taking into account that the Sovereign Order of Malta entrusts the management of its humanitarian missions to Appointed organizations or Bodies;
hereby agree:
For the purposes of the present international agreement:
a. “Contracting Parties” means the Government of the Republic of Slovenia and the Sovereign Order of Malta;
b. “Additional Protocol” means any future agreement concluded between the Contracting Parties enhancing the present Cooperation Agreement;
c. “Appointed Organizations or Body” means subordinate Organisations or Body of the Sovereign Order of Malta, such as National Associations, foundations, aid services or any other institution connected to the Sovereign Order of Malta or established in view of the accomplishment of its works; in particular, the expression “Appointed Organizations or Body” means the “Slovenian Association of the Sovereign Order of Malta” (“Slovensko društvo Suverenega malteškega viteškega reda”), “Order of Malta Aid – Slovenia” (“Društvo Malteška pomoč Slovenija”), and “Malteser International”. For the purposes of the present Agreement, “appointed organizations” may be further agreed upon by the Contracting Parties in additional protocols.
(1) The purpose of this Agreement is to establish the general framework and guidelines of the cooperation between the Republic of Slovenia and the Sovereign Order of Malta aimed at promoting the hospitaller and health-care actions of the latter on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia as well as in third States.
(2) According to their means, the Contracting Parties shall support and implement measures intended to facilitate, develop and diversify their social, humanitarian, and health cooperation as well as provide relief in situations of humanitarian and natural disaster.
Project Implementation with Appointed Organisations and Partners of the Sovereign Order of Malta
(1) For the purpose of accomplishing its mission, the Sovereign Order of Malta takes actions directly or through its Appointed Organisations or Bodies. These Appointed Organisations or Bodies act within the framework of their competences.
(2) For the effective implementation of the tasks arising from the present Agreement, the Sovereign Order of Malta and its Appointed Organizations or Bodies shall cooperate with the State and local authorities and organizations involved in the execution of these tasks on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia as well as in third States.
(3) The Sovereign Order of Malta has the right to act in collaboration with religious or lay institutions in order to accomplish all or part of any operation or activity within the scope of the present Agreement.
Objective of the Cooperation
The Contracting Parties shall make the effort to promote mutual cooperation on the basis of principles of sovereign equality and mutual respect as well as according to the laws, rules and internal regulations in harmony with their respective policies.
The cooperation foreseen in this international Agreement will be inter alia in the following areas:
a. health and care;
b. food security and safety;
c. volunteering;
d. disaster risk reduction; and
e. social, humanitarian and disability affairs.
Fields of foreseen development of special cooperation
(1) Within the framework of the present Agreement and with reference to Slovenian law, the Contracting Parties shall cooperate by means of:
a. rendering voluntary assistance and providing information upon request in case of disaster or a threat of its occurrence;
b. exchanging information, technical and legal documentation, methodological and other literature, video and photo materials related to disaster prevention preparedness and response in cases of disaster;
c. supplying the rescue teams with equipment;
d. organizing and holding joint expert meetings, workshops, conferences and exercises;
e. exchanging experience and good practices;
f. organizing exchange and training of experts, including exchange of lecturers and trainers from the respective training centres and institutions; and
g. joint planning, development and implementation of projects and research works in the area of disaster prevention preparedness and response.
(2) | The Sovereign Order of Malta, through the Slovenian Association shall have the possibility to establish nursing facilities on the territory of the Republic of Slovenia in accordance with the Slovenian legislation. |
Flag and Emblem of the Sovereign Order of Malta
(1) | The use of the flag and emblem of the Sovereign Order of Malta by its Appointed Organizations or Bodies shall be in accordance with established customs and the Slovenian legislation. |
The Contracting Parties shall mutually protect the names, flags, emblems, coats-of-arms, and other symbols of sovereignty of the other Contracting Party against any kind of abuse or violation. The Contracting Parties shall defend them against any imitation or illegal reproduction.
(1) In order to ensure proper implementation, monitoring and supervision of the cooperation, a Mixed Commission shall be set up to examine and choose cooperation projects and plans to attain the objectives set out in this international agreement. To this effect, the Mixed Commission shall prepare annual reports and set out future projects and orientations.
(2) The Mixed Commission shall be composed of two representatives of each Party.
(3) Each Contracting Party shall notify its members to the other through diplomatic channels. The Mixed Commission shall meet when the need arises at the initiative of either of the Party.
(1) | The present international Agreement is concluded for a period of 10 years. It shall be renewed automatically by tacit consent. |
(2) The present international Agreement terminates 6 months after the receipt of the written notification of a Contracting Party by the other Contracting Party.
(3) Notwithstanding the termination or expiry of the present international agreement, the Contracting Parties shall implement projects which have been started before the date of the termination or expiry.
This Agreement may be amended by written mutual consent of the Contracting Parties. Unless otherwise agreed upon, such an amendment shall enter into force under conditions similar to those of the successive Article 14.
(1) If any dispute arises regarding the interpretation, application or performance of the present Agreement, including its existence, validity or termination, the Contracting Parties will resolve it by way of mutual consultation to develop appropriate measures to ensure the fulfilment of this Agreement. Such difficulties shall not derogate from the Contracting Parties’ obligation to uphold their commitments in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement until the time those difficulties are settled.
(2) Any dispute that arises between the Contracting Parties shall be settled between them in good faith and in the spirit of cooperation with a clear intention of resolving matters efficiently.
(1) This Agreement shall be written in English in two original copies.
(2) The Contracting Parties shall agree on the use of English as the language of expression and writing of any correspondence concerning, directly or indirectly, the recognition of this Agreement.
(3) Each Contracting Party shall be considered as depositary of the original of this international Agreement.
The present Agreement shall enter into force after each Contracting Party has notified to the other through diplomatic channels that required internal procedures in accordance with their legislation have been fulfilled.
Done in Rome on 19 May 2022.
For the Government of the Republic of Slovenia Stanislav Raščan (s) | For the Government of the Sovereign Military Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes and of Malta Stefano Ronca (s) |
Vlada Republike Slovenije in Vlada Suverenega vojaškega bolničarskega reda sv. Janeza iz Jeruzalema, z Rodosa in Malte (v nadaljnjem besedilu: Suvereni malteški red)
sta se
ob upoštevanju tradicionalno odličnih odnosov med Republiko Slovenijo in Suverenim malteškim redom od vzpostavitve diplomatskih odnosov leta 1992;
ob upoštevanju, da Suvereni malteški red v svojem mednarodnem delovanju predano pomaga bolnim in revnim po svetu vse od svoje ustanovitve pred več kot 900 leti;
ob upoštevanju, da Republiko Slovenijo in Suvereni malteški red v skladu z njunima mednarodnima pravnima osebnostma povezuje dolga tradicija sodelovanja, med drugim na področju medicine, zdravstva in socialnih projektov;
v želji, da se še naprej razvijajo prijateljski odnosi in sodelovanje med pogodbenicama in zlasti da se Suverenemu malteškemu redu omogoči zagotavljanje humanitarne pomoči na ozemlju Republike Slovenije;
ob upoštevanju, da Suvereni malteški red opravljanje humanitarnih dejavnosti zaupa izbranim organizacijam ali organom;
Za namene tega mednarodnega sporazuma:
a) »pogodbenici« pomeni Vlado Republike Slovenije in Suvereni malteški red;
b) »dodatni protokol« pomeni vsak prihodnji dogovor med pogodbenicama, ki bi nadgradil ta sporazum o sodelovanju;
c) »izbrane organizacije ali organi« pomeni podrejene organizacije ali organe Suverenega malteškega reda, kot so nacionalna združenja, fundacije, službe pomoči ali druge ustanove, povezane s Suverenim malteškim redom ali ustanovljene za uresničevanje njegovih ciljev, še zlasti »izbrane organizacije ali organi« pomeni Slovensko društvo Suverenega malteškega viteškega reda, Društvo Malteška pomoč Slovenija in humanitarno agencijo Malteser International. Za namene sporazuma se lahko pogodbenici z dodatnimi protokoli dogovorita o še drugih »izbranih organizacijah«.
(1) Namen sporazuma je določiti splošni okvir in smernice za sodelovanje med Republiko Slovenijo in Suverenim malteškim redom za spodbujanje njegovih bolničarskih in zdravstvenih dejavnosti na ozemlju Republike Slovenije in tretjih držav.
(2) Pogodbenici po svojih zmožnostih podpirata in izvajata ukrepe za spodbujanje, razvoj in raznovrstnost sodelovanja na socialnem, humanitarnem in zdravstvenem področju ter zagotavljata pomoč ob humanitarnih in naravnih nesrečah.
Izvajanje projektov s pomočjo izbranih organizacij in partnerjev Suverenega malteškega reda
(1) Za opravljanje svojega poslanstva Suvereni malteški red izvaja ukrepe sam ali s pomočjo izbranih organizacij ali organov. Izbrane organizacije ali organi delujejo v okviru svojih pristojnosti.
(2) Za učinkovito izvajanje dejavnosti, ki izhajajo iz sporazuma, Suvereni malteški red in njegove izbrane organizacije ali organi sodelujejo z državnimi in lokalnimi organi oblasti in organizacijami, ki sodelujejo pri izvajanju takih dejavnosti na ozemlju Republike Slovenije in tretjih držav.
(3) Za delno ali celovito izvajanje ukrepov ali dejavnosti na podlagi sporazuma lahko Suvereni malteški red sodeluje z verskimi ali laičnimi ustanovami.
Pogodbenici bosta spodbujali medsebojno sodelovanje v skladu z zakoni, pravili in notranjimi predpisi ter v skladu s svojimi politikami, in sicer ob upoštevanju načela suverene enakosti in vzajemnega spoštovanja.
Sodelovanje po tem mednarodnem sporazumu bo med drugim potekalo na naslednjih področjih:
a) zdravje in oskrba,
b) prehranska varnost,
c) prostovoljstvo,
d) zmanjševanje tveganj za nesreče in
e) socialne in humanitarne zadeve ter invalidnost.
Predvidena področja sodelovanja
(1) Po sporazumu in ob upoštevanju slovenske zakonodaje pogodbenici sodelujeta tako, da:
a) na zaprosilo zagotavljata prostovoljno pomoč in informacije ob nesreči ali možnosti njenega nastanka;
b) si izmenjujeta informacije, tehnično in pravno dokumentacijo, metodološko in drugo literaturo ter posnetke in slikovno gradivo o pripravljenosti za preprečevanje nesreč in odzivanju nanje;
c) reševalnim skupinam zagotovita opremo;
d) organizirata in izvajata skupna strokovna srečanja, delavnice, konference in vaje;
e) si izmenjujeta izkušnje in dobre prakse;
f) organizirata izmenjavo in usposabljanje strokovnjakov ter izmenjavo predavateljev in izvajalcev usposabljanja iz svojih centrov in ustanov za usposabljanje; ter
g) skupaj načrtujeta, razvijata in izvajata projekte in raziskave v zvezi s pripravljenostjo za preprečevanje nesreč in odzivanjem nanje.
(2) Suvereni malteški red lahko s pomočjo Slovenskega društva v skladu s slovensko zakonodajo ustanavlja negovalne ustanove na ozemlju Republike Slovenije.
Zastava in emblem Suverenega malteškega reda
Izbrane organizacije in organi lahko zastavo in emblem Suverenega malteškega reda uporabljajo skladno z uveljavljenimi običaji in slovensko zakonodajo.
Pogodbenici bosta vzajemno varovali imena, zastave, embleme, grbe in druge simbole suverenosti druge pogodbenice pred vsemi vrstami zlorabe ali kršitve. Pogodbenici jih bosta zaščitili tudi pred vsemi vrstami ponarejanja ali nezakonite reprodukcije.
(1) Za ustrezno izvajanje in spremljanje sodelovanja ter nadzor nad njim se ustanovi mešana komisija, ki prouči in izbere projekte sodelovanja in načrte zanje, da se dosežejo cilji iz tega mednarodnega sporazuma. V ta namen mešana komisija pripravlja letna poročila ter določa prihodnje projekte in usmeritve.
(2) Mešano komisijo sestavljata po dva predstavnika vsake pogodbenice.
(3) Vsaka od pogodbenic po diplomatski poti uradno obvesti drugo o svojih predstavnikih. Mešana komisija se sestaja po potrebi na pobudo katerekoli pogodbenice.
(1) Ta mednarodni sporazum se sklene za deset let. Podaljšuje se samodejno, s tihim soglasjem.
(2) Mednarodni sporazum preneha veljati šest mesecev po tem, ko ena od pogodbenic od druge prejme pisno uradno obvestilo o odpovedi.
(3) Ne glede na odpoved ali potek tega mednarodnega sporazuma pogodbenici izpeljeta projekte, katerih izvajanje se je začelo pred odpovedjo ali potekom sporazuma.
Sporazum se lahko spremeni s pisnim soglasjem pogodbenic. Če ni drugače dogovorjeno, začne taka sprememba veljati pod pogoji iz 14. člena.
(1) Morebitne spore glede razlage, uporabe ali izvajanja sporazuma, tudi glede njegovega obstoja, veljavnosti ali prenehanja veljavnosti, pogodbenici rešujeta s posvetovanjem in sprejetjem ustreznih ukrepov za zagotovitev izvajanja sporazuma. Ne glede na take težave sta pogodbenici obvezani, da spoštujeta svoje zaveze v skladu z določbami sporazuma, dokler se težave ne rešijo.
(2) Spori med pogodbenicama se rešujejo v dobri veri in v duhu sodelovanja z jasnim namenom učinkovitega reševanja težav.
(1) Sporazum se sklene v angleškem jeziku v dveh izvirnikih.
(2) Pogodbenici se strinjata, da bosta za sporočanje in pisno korespondenco o zadevah, ki so neposredno ali posredno povezane s priznavanjem sporazuma, uporabljali angleški jezik.
(3) Vsaka od pogodbenic se šteje kot depozitarka izvirnika tega mednarodnega sporazuma.
Ta sporazum začne veljati po tem, ko vsaka od pogodbenic drugo pogodbenico po diplomatski poti uradno obvesti, da so bili zaključeni vsi potrebni notranji postopki v skladu z njeno zakonodajo.
Sklenjeno v Rimu, 19. maja 2022.
Za Vlado Republike Slovenije Stanislav Raščan l.r. | Za Vlado Suverenega vojaškega bolničarskega reda sv. Janeza iz Jeruzalema, z Rodosa in Malte Stefano Ronca l.r. |
Za izvajanje sporazuma skrbijo ministrstvo, pristojno za delo, družino in socialne zadeve, ministrstvo, pristojno za kmetijstvo in prehrano, ministrstvo, pristojno za obrambo, ministrstvo, pristojno za zdravje, in ministrstvo, pristojno za zunanje zadeve.
Ta uredba začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 00704-214/2022
Ljubljana, dne 30. maja 2022
EVA 2022-1811-0046
Vlada Republike Slovenije