Na podlagi druge alinee prvega odstavka 107. člena in prvega odstavka 19. člena Ustave Republike Slovenije izdajam
Razglašam Zakon o ratifikaciji zakona Evropske konvencije o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic (MEKUOP), ki ga je sprejel Državni zbor Republike Slovenije na seji 1. oktobra 1999.
Št. 001-22-148/99
Ljubljana, dne 11. oktobra 1999
Republike Slovenije
Milan Kučan l. r.
1. člen
Ratificira se Evropska konvencija o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic, sklenjena v Strasbourgu 25. januarja 1996.
2. člen
Evropska konvencija o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic se v izvirniku v angleškem jeziku in v prevodu v slovenskem jeziku glasi:
The member States of the Council of Europe and the other States signatory hereto,
Considering that the aim of the Council of Europe is to achieve greater unity between its members;
Having regard to the United Nations Convention on the Right of the Child and in particular Article 4 which requires States Parties to undertake all appropriate legislative, administrative and other measures for the implementation of the rights recognised in the said Convention;
Noting the contents of Recommendation 1121 (1990) of the Parliamentary Assembly on the rights of the child;
Convinced that the rights and best interests of children should be promoted and to that end children should have the opportunity to exercise their rights, in particular in family proceedings affecting them;
Recognising that children should be provided with relevant information to enable such rights and best interests to be promoted and that due weight should be given to the views of children;
Recognising the importance of the parental role in protecting and promoting the rights and best interests of children and considering that, where necessary, States should also engage in such protection and promotion;
Considering, however, that in the event of conflict it is desirable for families to try to reach agreement before bringing the matter before a judicial authority,
Have agreed as follows:
Chapter I
Scope and object of the Convention and definitions
Article 1
Scope and object of the Convention
1. This Convention shall apply to children who have not reached the age of 18 years.
2. The object of the present Convention is, in the best interests of children, to promote their rights, to grant them procedural rights and to facilitate the exercise of these rights by ensuring that children are, themselves or through other persons or bodies, informed and allowed to participate in proceedings affecting them before a judicial authority.
3. For the purposes of this Convention proceedings before a judicial authority affecting children are family proceedings, in particular those involving the exercise of parental responsibilities such as residence and access to children.
4. Every State shall, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, specify at least three categories of family cases before a judicial authority to which this Convention is to apply.
5. Any Party may, by further declaration, specify additional categories of family cases to which this Convention is to apply or provide information concerning the application of Article 5, paragraph 2 of Article 9, paragraph 2 of Article 10 and Article 11.
6. Nothing in this Convention shall prevent Parties from applying rules more favourable to the promotion and the exercise of children’s rights.
Article 2
For the purposes of this Convention:
a the term “judicial authority” means a court or an administrative authority having equivalent powers;
b the term “holders of parental responsibilities” means parents and other persons or bodies entitled to exercise some or all parental responsibilities;
c the term “representative” means a person, such as a lawyer, or a body appointed to act before a judicial authority on behalf of a child;
d the term “relevant information” means information which is appropriate to the age and understanding of the child, and which will be given to enable the child to exercise his or her rights fully unless the provision of such information were contrary to the welfare of the child.
Chapter II
Procedural measures to promote the exercise of children’s rights
A. Procedural rights of a child
Article 3
Right to be informed and to express his or her views in proceedings
A child considered by internal law as having sufficient understanding, in the case of proceedings before a judicial authority affecting him or her, shall be granted, and shall be entitled to request, the following rights:
a to receive all relevant information;
b to be consulted and express his or her views;
c to be informed of the possible consequences of compliance with these views and the possible consequences of any decision.
Article 4
Right to apply for the appointment of a special representative
1. Subject to Article 9, the child shall have the right to apply, in person or through other persons or bodies, for a special representative in proceedings before a judicial authority affecting the child where internal law precludes the holders of parental responsibilities from representing the child as a result of a conflict of interest with the latter.
2. States are free to limit the right in paragraph 1 to children who are considered by internal law to have sufficient understanding.
Article 5
Other possible procedural rights
Parties shall consider granting children additional procedural rights in relation to proceedings before a judicial authority affecting them, in particular:
a the right to apply to be assisted by an appropriate person of their choice in order to help them express their views;
b the right to apply themselves, or through other persons or bodies, for the appointment of a separate representative, in appropriate cases a lawyer;
c the right to appoint their own representative;
d the right to exercise some or all of the rights of parties to such proceedings.
B. Role of judicial authorities
Article 6
Decision-making process
In proceedings affecting a child, the judicial authority, before taking a decision, shall:
a consider whether it has sufficient information at its disposal in order to take a decision in the best interests of the child and, where necessary, it shall obtain further information, in particular from the holders of parental responsibilities;
b in a case where the child is considered by internal law as having sufficient understanding:
– ensure that the child has received all relevant information;
– consult the child in person in appropriate cases, if necessary privately, itself or through other persons or bodies, in a manner appropriate to his or her understanding, unless this would be manifestly contrary to the best interests of the child;
– allow the child to express his or her views;
c give due weight to the views expressed by the child.
Article 7
Duty to act speedily
In proceedings affecting a child the judicial authority shall act speedily to avoid any unnecessary delay and procedures shall be available to ensure that its decisions are rapidly enforced. In urgent cases the judicial authority shall have the power, where appropriate, to take decisions which are immediately enforceable.
Article 8
Acting on own motion
In proceedings affecting a child the judicial authority shall have the power to act on its own motion in cases determined by internal law where the welfare of a child is in serious danger.
Article 9
Appointment of a representative
1. In proceedings affecting a child where, by internal law, the holders of parental responsibilities are precluded from representing the child as a result of a conflict of interest between them and the child, the judicial authority shall have the power to appoint a special representative for the child in those proceedings.
2. Parties shall consider providing that, in proceedings affecting a child, the judicial authority shall have the power to appoint a separate representative, in appropriate cases a lawyer, to represent the child.
C. Role of representatives
Article 10
1. In the case of proceedings before a judicial authority affecting a child the representative shall, unless this would be manifestly contrary to the best interests of the child:
a provide all relevant information to the child, if the child is considered by internal law as having sufficient understanding;
b provide explanations to the child if the child is considered by internal law as having sufficient understanding, concerning the possible consequences of compliance with his or her views and the possible consequences of any action by the representative;
c determine the views of the child and present these views to the judicial authority.
2. Parties shall consider extending the provisions of paragraph 1 to the holders of parental responsibilities.
D. Extension of certain provisions
Article 11
Parties shall consider extending the provisions of Articles 3, 4 and 9 to proceedings affecting children before other bodies and to matters affecting children which are not the subject of proceedings.
E. National bodies
Article 12
1. Parties shall encourage, through bodies which perform, inter alia, the functions set out in paragraph 2, the promotion and the exercise of children’s rights.
2. The functions are as follows:
a to make proposals to strengthen the law relating to the exercise of children’s rights;
b to give opinions concerning draft legislation relating to the exercise of children’s rights;
c to provide general information concerning the exercise of children’s rights to the media, the public and persons and bodies dealing with questions relating to children;
d to seek the views of children and provide them with relevant information.
F. Other matters
Article 13
Mediation or other processes to resolve disputes
In order to prevent or resolve disputes or to avoid proceedings before a judicial authority affecting children, Parties shall encourage the provision of mediation or other processes to resolve disputes and the use of such processes to reach agreement in appropriate cases to be determined by Parties.
Article 14
Legal aid and advice
Where internal law provides for legal aid or advice for the representation of children in proceedings before a judicial authority affecting them, such provisions shall apply in relation to the matters covered by Articles 4 and 9.
Article 15
Relations with other international instruments
This Convention shall not restrict the application of any other international instrument which deals with specific issues arising in the context of the protection of children and families, and to which a Party to this Convention is, or becomes, a Party.
Chapter III
Standing Committee
Article 16
Establishment and functions of the Standing Committee
1. A Standing Committee is set up for the purposes of this Convention.
2. The Standing Committee shall keep under review problems relating to this Convention. It may, in particular:
a consider any relevant questions concerning the interpretation or implementation of the Convention. The Standing Committee’s conclusions concerning the implementation of the Convention may take the form of a recommendation; recommendations shall be adopted by a three-quarters majority of the votes cast;
b propose amendments to the Convention and examine those proposed in accordance with Article 20;
c provide advice and assistance to the national bodies having the functions under paragraph 2 of Article 12 and promote international co-operation between them.
Article 17
1. Each Party may be represented on the Standing Committee by one or more delegates. Each Party shall have one vote.
2. Any State referred to in Article 21, which is not a Party to this Convention, may be represented in the Standing Committee by an observer. The same applies to any other State or to the European Community after having been invited to accede to the Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 22.
3. Unless a Party has informed the Secretary General of its objection, at least one month before the meeting, the Standing Committee may invite the following to attend as observers at all its meetings or at one meeting or part of a meeting:
– any State not referred to in paragraph 2 above;
– the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child;
– the European Community;
– any international governmental body;
– any international non-governmental body with one or more functions mentioned under paragraph 2 of Article 12;
– any national governmental or non-governmental body with one or more functions mentioned under paragraph 2 of Article 12.
4. The Standing Committee may exchange information with relevant organisations dealing with the exercise of children’s rights.
Article 18
1. At the end of the third year following the date of entry into force of this Convention and, on his or her own initiative, at any time after this date, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall invite the Standing Committee to meet.
2. Decisions may only be taken in the Standing Committee if at least one-half of the Parties are present.
3. Subject to Articles 16 and 20 the decisions of the Standing Committee shall be taken by a majority of the members present.
4. Subject to the provisions of this Convention the Standing Committee shall draw up its own rules of procedure and the rules of procedure of any working party it may set up to carry out all appropriate tasks under the Convention.
Article 19
Reports of the Standing Committee
After each meeting, the Standing Committee shall forward to the Parties and the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe a report on its discussions and any decisions taken.
Chapter IV
Article 20
Amendments to the Convention
1. Any amendment to the articles of this Convention proposed by a Party or the Standing Committee shall be communicated to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe and forwarded by him or her, at least two months before the next meeting of the Standing Committee, to the member States of the Council of Europe, any signatory, any Party, any State invited to sign this Convention in accordance with the provisions of Article 21 and any State or the European Community invited to accede to it in accordance with the provisions of Article 22.
2. Any amendment proposed in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall be examined by the Standing Committee which shall submit the text adopted by a three-quarters majority of the votes cast to the Committee of Ministers for approval. After its approval, this text shall be forwarded to the Parties for acceptance.
3. Any amendment shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of one month after the date on which all Parties have informed the Secretary General that they have accepted it.
Chapter V
Final clauses
Article 21
Signature, ratification and entry into force
1. This Convention shall be open for signature by the member States of the Council of Europe and the non-member States which have participated in its elaboration.
2. This Convention is subject to ratification, acceptance or approval. Instruments of ratification, acceptance or approval shall be deposited with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
3. This Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date on which three States, including at least two member States of the Council of Europe, have expressed their consent to be bound by the Convention in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph.
4. In respect of any signatory which subsequently expresses its consent to be bound by it, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of the deposit of its instrument of ratification, acceptance or approval.
Article 22
Non-member States and the European Community
1. After the entry into force of this Convention, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe may, on its own initiative or following a proposal from the Standing Committee and after consultation of the Parties, invite any non-member State of the Council of Europe, which has not participated in the elaboration of the Convention, as well as the European Community to accede to this Convention by a decision taken by the majority provided for in Article 20, sub-paragraph d of the Statute of the Council of Europe, and by the unanimous vote of the representatives of the contracting States entitled to sit on the Committee of Ministers.
2. In respect of any acceding State or the European Community, the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of deposit of the instrument of accession with the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
Article 23
Territorial application
1. Any State may, at the time of signature or when depositing its instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession, specify the territory or territories to which this Convention shall apply.
2. Any Party may, at any later date, by a declaration addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, extend the application of this Convention to any other territory specified in the declaration and for whose international relations it is responsible or on whose behalf it is authorised to give undertakings. In respect of such territory the Convention shall enter into force on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of such declaration by the Secretary General.
3. Any declaration made under the two preceding paragraphs may, in respect of any territory specified in such declaration, be withdrawn by a notification addressed to the Secretary General. The withdrawal shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of such notification by the Secretary General.
Article 24
No reservation may be made to the Convention.
Article 25
1. Any Party may at any time denounce this Convention by means of a notification addressed to the Secretary General of the Council of Europe.
2. Such denunciation shall become effective on the first day of the month following the expiration of a period of three months after the date of receipt of notification by the Secretary General.
Article 26
The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall notify the member States of the Council, any signatory, any Party and any other State or the European Community which has been invited to accede to this Convention of:
a any signature;
b the deposit of any instrument of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession;
c any date of entry into force of this Convention in accordance with Articles 21 or 22;
d any amendment adopted in accordance with Article 20 and the date on which such an amendment enters into force;
e any declaration made under the provisions of Articles 1 and 23;
f any denunciation made in pursuance of the provisions of Article 25;
g any other act, notification or communication relating to this Convention.
In witness whereof, the undersigned, being duly authorised thereto, have signed this Convention.
Done at Strasbourg, the 25th January 1996, in English and French, both texts being equally authentic, in a single copy which shall be deposited in the archives of the Council of Europe. The Secretary General of the Council of Europe shall transmit certified copies to each member State of the Council of Europe, to the non-member States which have participated in the elaboration of this Convention, to the European Community and to any State invited to accede to this Convention.
Države članice Sveta Evrope in druge države podpisnice te konvencije so se,
glede na to, da je cilj Sveta Evrope doseči večjo enotnost med njenimi članicami;
ob upoštevanju Konvencije Združenih narodov o otrokovih pravicah in zlasti 4. člena, ki zahteva, da države pogodbenice sprejmejo vse ustrezne zakonodajne, upravne in druge ukrepe za uresničevanje pravic, priznanih v omenjeni konvenciji;
glede na vsebino Priporočila 1121 (1990) Parlamentarne skupščine o otrokovih pravicah;
v prepričanju, da je treba spodbujati otrokove pravice in njihove koristi, in jim zato omogočiti uresničevanje njihovih pravic, zlasti v postopkih glede družinskega prava, ki jih zadevajo;
ob zavedanju, da je treba otrokom zagotoviti ustrezne informacije, da bi lahko spodbujali take pravice in koristi, in da je treba ustrezno upoštevati njihovo mnenje;
ob zavedanju, da je vloga staršev pomembna pri varstvu in spodbujanju otrokovih pravic in koristi ter glede na to, da morajo države sodelovati pri takšnem varstvu in spodbujanju, kadar je to potrebno;
glede na to, da je pri sporu zaželeno, da se družine skušajo sporazumeti, preden zadevo predajo pravosodnim organom;
dogovorile o naslednjem:
I. poglavje
Področje uporabe in cilj konvencije ter opredelitev pojmov
1. člen
Področje uporabe in cilj konvencije
1. Ta konvencija se uporablja za otroke, mlajše od 18 let.
2. Cilj te konvencije je v korist otrok spodbujati njihove pravice, jim priznati procesne pravice in jim omogočiti uresničevanje teh pravic tako, da so otroci sami ali prek drugih oseb ali organov obveščeni in jim je dovoljeno, da lahko sodelujejo v postopkih pred pravosodnimi organi, ki jih zadevajo.
3. Za namene te konvencije so postopki pred pravosodnimi organi, ki zadevajo otroke, postopki glede družinskega prava, zlasti tisti, ki se nanašajo na uresničevanje starševske odgovornosti, kot so vzgoja in varstvo ter osebni stiki z otrokom.
4. Vsaka država ob podpisu ali deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu v izjavi naslovljeni na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, določi vsaj tri vrste zadev družinskega prava, ki se obravnavajo pred pravosodnimi organi, in za katere se uporablja ta konvencija.
5. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko nadalje z izjavo določi dodatne vrste zadev družinskega prava, za katere se uporablja ta konvencija, ali zagotovi informacije o uporabi 5. člena, drugega odstavka 9. člena, drugega odstavka 10. člena in 11. člena.
6. Ta konvencija ne preprečuje pogodbenicam uporabe pravil, ugodnejših za spodbujanje in uresničevanje otrokovih pravic.
2. člen
Opredelitev pojmov
V tej konvenciji:
a) izraz “pravosodni organi” pomeni sodišče ali upravni organ z enakovrednimi pooblastili;
izraz “nosilci starševske odgovornosti” pomeni starše in druge osebe ali organe, ki so upravičeni delno ali v celoti uresničevati starševsko odgovornost;
c) izraz “zastopnik” pomeni osebo, kot je odvetnik, ali organ, imenovan, da otroka zastopa pred pravosodnimi organi;
d) izraz “ustrezne informacije” pomeni informacije, ki so primerne glede na otrokovo starost in stopnjo razumevanja ter se zagotovijo, da lahko otrok v celoti uresničuje svoje pravice, razen če bi bilo zagotavljanje takih informacij v nasprotju z otrokovo blaginjo.
II. poglavje
Procesni ukrepi za spodbujanje uresničevanja otrokovih pravic
A. Procesne pravice otroka
3. člen
Pravica do obveščenosti in do izražanja lastnega mnenja v postopkih
Otroku z zadostno stopnjo razumevanja po notranjem pravu se v postopkih pred pravosodnimi organi, ki ga zadevajo, priznavajo te pravice in jih je upravičen zahtevati:
a) da dobi vse ustrezne informacije;
b) da se z njim posvetujejo in da izrazi svoje mnenje;
c) da je obveščen o možnih posledicah upoštevanja tega mnenja in o možnih posledicah kakršne koli odločitve.
4. člen
Pravica zaprositi za imenovanje posebnega zastopnika
1. Ob upoštevanju 9. člena ima otrok pravico osebno ali prek drugih oseb ali organov zaprositi za posebnega zastopnika v postopkih pred pravosodnimi organi, ki ga zadevajo, kadar notranje pravo nosilcem starševske odgovornosti preprečuje zastopati otroka zaradi nasprotja interesov.
2. Države lahko svobodno omejijo pravico iz prvega odstavka na otroke z zadostno stopnjo razumevanja po notranjem pravu.
5. člen
Druge možne procesne pravice
Pogodbenice proučijo možnost, da otrokom priznajo dodatne procesne pravice v zvezi s postopki pred pravosodnimi organi, ki jih zadevajo, predvsem:
a) pravico zaprositi za pomoč ustrezno osebo, po lastni izbiri, da jim pomagajo izraziti njihovo mnenje;
b) pravico, da sami ali prek drugih oseb ali organov zaprosijo za imenovanje posebnega zastopnika, v ustreznih primerih odvetnika;
c) pravico do imenovanja svojega zastopnika;
d) pravico do uresničevanja nekaterih ali vseh pravic strank v takšnih postopkih.
B. Vloga pravosodnih organov
6. člen
Postopek sprejemanja odločitev
V postopkih, ki zadevajo otroka, pravosodni organi pred sprejemom odločitve:
a) proučijo, ali imajo na voljo dovolj informacij, da sprejmejo odločitev v korist otroka, in po potrebi pridobijo dodatne informacije, zlasti od nosilcev starševske odgovornosti;
b) kadar se za otroka po notranjem pravu šteje, da ima zadostno stopnjo razumevanja:
– zagotovijo, da je otrok dobil vse ustrezne informacije;
– se sami ali prek drugih oseb ali organov posvetujejo z otrokom osebno v ustreznih primerih, če je treba zasebno, na način, ki ustreza njegovi stopnji razumevanja, razen če to ne bi bilo očitno v nasprotju z njegovimi koristmi;
– omogočijo otroku, da izrazi svoje mnenje;
c) ustrezno upoštevajo izraženo otrokovo mnenje.
7. člen
Dolžnost hitrega ukrepanja
V postopkih, ki zadevajo otroka, pravosodni organi ukrepajo hitro, da se izognejo nepotrebnim zamudam. Na voljo so jim postopki, ki zagotavljajo hitro izvrševanje njihovih odločitev. V nujnih primerih so pravosodni organi pooblaščeni, da sprejmejo takoj izvršljive odločitve, kadar je to primerno.
8. člen
Ukrepanje na lastni predlog
V postopkih, ki zadevajo otroka, so pravosodni organi pooblaščeni v primerih, določenih z notranjim pravom, ukrepati na svoj predlog, kadar je resno ogrožena otrokova blaginja.
9. člen
Imenovanje zastopnika
1. V postopkih, ki zadevajo otroka, kadar notranje pravo nosilcem starševske odgovornosti preprečuje zastopati otroka zaradi nasprotja interesov med njimi in otrokom, so pravosodni organi pooblaščeni, da za otroka v takih postopkih imenujejo posebnega zastopnika.
2. Pogodbenice proučijo možnost, da bi v postopkih, ki zadevajo otroka, pravosodni organi imeli pooblastilo imenovati posebnega zastopnika, v ustreznih primerih odvetnika, ki bi zastopal otroka.
C. Vloga zastopnikov
10. člen
1. V postopkih pred pravosodnimi organi, ki zadevajo otroka, razen če to ne bi bilo očitno v nasprotju z otrokovimi koristmi, zastopnik:
a) zagotovi otroku vse ustrezne informacije, če se zanj po notranjem pravu šteje, da ima zadostno stopnjo razumevanja;
b) zagotovi otroku, če se zanj po notranjem pravu šteje, da ima zadostno stopnjo razumevanja pojasnilo o možnih posledicah upoštevanja njegovega mnenja in možnih posledicah ukrepanja zastopnika;
c) ugotovi otrokovo mnenje in ga predstavi pravosodnim organom.
2. Pogodbenice proučijo možnost razširitve določb prvega odstavka na nosilce starševske odgovornosti.
D. Razširitev nekaterih določb
11. člen
Pogodbenice proučijo možnost razširitve določb 3., 4. in 9. člena na postopke, ki zadevajo otroke, pred drugimi organi in na zadeve glede otrok, ki niso predmet postopkov.
E. Nacionalni organi
12. člen
1. Pogodbenice prek organov, ki med drugim opravljajo naloge iz drugega odstavka, podpirajo spodbujanje in uresničevanje otrokovih pravic.
2. Naloge so:
a) oblikovanje predlogov za krepitev prava o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic;
b) oblikovanje mnenj o predlogih zakonodaje o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic;
c) zagotavljanje splošnih informacij o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic medijem, javnosti, osebam in organom, ki se ukvarjajo z vprašanji glede otrok;
d) ugotavljanje mnenj otrok in zagotavljanje ustreznih informacij otrokom.
F. Druge zadeve
13. člen
Mediacija ali drugi postopki za reševanje sporov
Da bi preprečile ali rešile spore ali se izognile postopkom pred pravosodnimi organi, ki zadevajo otroke, pogodbenice spodbujajo mediacijo ali druge postopke za reševanje sporov ter uporabo takih postopkov za doseganje dogovora v ustreznih primerih, kot jih določijo pogodbenice.
14. člen
Pravna pomoč in svetovanje
Kadar notranje pravo predvideva pravno pomoč ali svetovanje za zastopanje otrok v postopkih pred pravosodnimi organi, ki jih zadevajo, se take določbe uporabljajo v zvezi z zadevami iz 4. in 9. člena.
15. člen
Razmerje do drugih mednarodnih listin
Ta konvencija ne omejuje uporabe nobene druge mednarodne listine, ki obravnava posebna vprašanja, ki izhajajo iz varstva otrok in družin, ter katere pogodbenica je ali bo postala pogodbenica te konvencije.
III. poglavje
Stalni odbor
16. člen
Ustanovitev in naloge stalnega odbora
1. Za namene te konvencije se ustanovi stalni odbor.
2. Stalni odbor obravnava probleme v zvezi s to konvencijo. Predvsem lahko:
a) obravnava pomembna vprašanja v zvezi z razlago ali izvajanjem te konvencije. Sklepi stalnega odbora glede izvajanja konvencije lahko imajo obliko priporočila; priporočila se sprejemajo s tričetrtinsko večino oddanih glasov;
b) predlaga spremembe konvencije in prouči spremembe, predlagane v skladu z 20. členom;
c) svetuje in pomaga nacionalnim organom, ki opravljajo naloge po drugem odstavku 12. člena, ter spodbuja mednarodno sodelovanje med njimi.
17. člen
1. Vsako pogodbenico lahko v stalnem odboru zastopa en predstavnik ali več. Vsaka pogodbenica ima en glas.
2. Vsako državo iz 21. člena, ki ni pogodbenica te konvencije, lahko v stalnem odboru zastopa en opazovalec. Enako velja za vse druge države in za Evropsko skupnost, potem ko so bile v skladu z določbami 22. člena povabljene, da pristopijo h konvenciji.
3. Razen če ni pogodbenica najmanj en mesec pred sejo obvestila generalnega sekretarja o svojem ugovoru, lahko stalni odbor povabi na vse svoje seje ali na eno sejo ali na del ene seje kot opazovalce:
– vsako državo, ki ni omenjena v drugem odstavku zgoraj;
– Odbor Združenih narodov za otrokove pravice;
– Evropsko skupnost;
– vsak mednarodni vladni organ;
– vsak mednarodni nevladni organ z eno ali več nalogami, omenjenimi v drugem odstavku 12. člena;
– vsak nacionalni vladni ali nevladni organ z eno ali več nalogami, omenjenimi v drugem odstavku 12. člena.
4. Stalni odbor lahko izmenjuje informacije z ustreznimi organizacijami, ki se ukvarjajo z uresničevanjem otrokovih pravic.
18. člen
1. Ob izteku tretjega leta po dnevu začetka veljavnosti te konvencije in na svojo pobudo generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope kadar koli po tem datumu skliče sejo stalnega odbora.
2. Stalni odbor lahko sprejema odločitve samo, če je prisotna najmanj polovica pogodbenic.
3. Ob upoštevanju 16. in 20. člena se odločitve stalnega odbora sprejemajo z večino glasov prisotnih članov.
4. Ob upoštevanju določb te konvencije stalni odbor sestavi svoj poslovnik in poslovnike vseh delovnih skupin, ki jih lahko ustanovi za izvajanje vseh ustreznih nalog po tej konvenciji.
19. člen
Poročila stalnega odbora
Po vsaki seji stalni odbor pošlje pogodbenicam in Odboru ministrov Sveta Evrope poročilo o svojih razpravah in vseh sprejetih odločitvah.
IV. poglavje
20. člen
Spremembe konvencije
1. Vsaka sprememba členov te konvencije, ki jo predlaga pogodbenica ali stalni odbor, se sporoči generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope, ki jo najmanj dva meseca pred naslednjo sejo stalnega odbora pošlje državam članicam Sveta Evrope, vsem podpisnicam, vsem pogodbenicam, vsem državam, ki so v skladu z določbami 21. člena povabljene, da podpišejo to konvencijo, in vsem državam ali Evropski skupnosti, ki so v skladu z določbami 22. člena povabljene, da pristopijo k njej.
2. Vsako spremembo, predlagano v skladu z določbami prejšnjega odstavka, prouči stalni odbor, ki predloži besedilo, sprejeto s tričetrtinsko večino oddanih glasov, v odobritev Odboru ministrov. Po tej odobritvi se to besedilo pošlje v sprejetje pogodbenicam.
3. Vsaka sprememba začne veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku enega meseca od dneva, ko so vse pogodbenice obvestile generalnega sekretarja o njenem sprejetju.
V. poglavje
Končne določbe
21. člen
Podpis, ratifikacija in začetek veljavnosti
1. Ta konvencija je na voljo za podpis državam članicam Sveta Evrope in državam nečlanicam, ki so sodelovale pri njeni pripravi.
2. Ta konvencija se ratificira, sprejme ali odobri. Listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi se deponirajo pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
3. Ta konvencija začne veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko so tri države, od tega najmanj dve državi članici Sveta Evrope, privolile, da jih v skladu z določbami prejšnjega odstavka zavezuje ta konvencija.
4. Za vsako podpisnico, ki kasneje privoli, da jo zavezuje ta konvencija, ta začne veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja njene listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju ali odobritvi.
22. člen
Države nečlanice in Evropska skupnost
1. Po začetku veljavnosti te konvencije lahko Odbor ministrov Sveta Evrope na lastno pobudo ali na predlog stalnega odbora in po posvetovanju s pogodbenicami povabi katero koli državo nečlanico Sveta Evrope, ki ni sodelovala pri pripravi konvencije, ter tudi Evropsko skupnost k pristopu k tej konvenciji na podlagi večinskega sklepa, kot je predvideno v pododstavku d) 20. člena Statuta Sveta Evrope, in na podlagi soglasja predstavnikov držav pogodbenic, ki imajo pravico sodelovati v Odboru ministrov.
2. Za vsako državo, ki pristopi k tej konvenciji, ali za Evropsko skupnost začne konvencija veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva deponiranja listine o pristopu pri generalnem sekretarju Sveta Evrope.
23. člen
Ozemlje uporabe
1. Vsaka država lahko ob podpisu ali ob deponiranju svoje listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu določi ozemlje ali ozemlja, za katera se uporablja ta konvencija.
2. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli kasneje z izjavo, naslovljeno na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope, razširi uporabo te konvencije na katero koli drugo v izjavi določeno ozemlje, za mednarodne odnose katerega je pristojna in v imenu katerega je pooblaščena, da sprejema obveznosti. Za tako ozemlje začne konvencija veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko je generalni sekretar prejel to izjavo.
3. Vsaka izjava iz prejšnjih dveh odstavkov se lahko v zvezi z vsakim v tej izjavi določenim ozemljem umakne z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja. Umik začne veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko je generalni sekretar prejel to uradno obvestilo.
24. člen
Pridržki glede konvencije niso dovoljeni.
25. člen
1. Vsaka pogodbenica lahko kadar koli odpove to konvencijo z uradnim obvestilom, naslovljenim na generalnega sekretarja Sveta Evrope.
2. Taka odpoved začne veljati prvi dan meseca po izteku treh mesecev od dneva, ko je generalni sekretar prejel uradno obvestilo.
26. člen
Uradna obvestila
Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope uradno obvesti države članice Sveta, vse podpisnice, vse pogodbenice in druge države ali Evropsko skupnost, ki so bile povabljene, da pristopijo k tej konvenciji, o:
a) vsakem podpisu;
b) deponiranju vsake listine o ratifikaciji, sprejetju, odobritvi ali pristopu;
c) vsakem dnevu začetka veljavnosti te konvencije v skladu z 21. ali 22. členom;
d) vsaki spremembi, sprejeti v skladu z 20. členom, in o dnevu začetka veljavnosti take spremembe;
e) vsaki izjavi, dani po določbah 1. in 23. člena;
f) vsaki odpovedi, dani na podlagi določb 25. člena;
g) vsakem drugem dejanju, uradnem obvestilu ali sporočilu v zvezi s to konvencijo.
Da bi to potrdili, so podpisani, ki so bili za to pravilno pooblaščeni, podpisali to konvencijo.
Sestavljeno v Strasbourgu 25. januarja 1996 v angleščini in francoščini, pri čemer sta obe besedili enako verodostojni, v enem samem izvodu, ki se deponira v arhivu Sveta Evrope. Generalni sekretar Sveta Evrope pošlje overjene kopije vsem državam članicam Sveta Evrope, državam nečlanicam, ki so sodelovale pri pripravi te konvencije, Evropski skupnosti in vsem državam, ki so bile povabljene, da pristopijo k tej konvenciji.
3. člen
Republika Slovenija ob deponiranju listine o ratifikaciji Evropske konvencije o uresničevanju otrokovih pravic z izjavo generalnemu sekretarju Sveta Evrope določi naslednje postopke s področja družinskega prava, za katere velja ta konvencija: postopek odločanja o vzgoji in varstvu otroka, postopek posvojitve, postopek skrbništva, postopek upravljanja otrokovega premoženja in postopek določanja višine preživnine.
4. člen
Za izvajanje konvencije skrbi Ministrstvo za delo, družino in socialne zadeve.
5. člen
Ta zakon začne veljati naslednji dan po objavi v Uradnem listu Republike Slovenije – Mednarodne pogodbe.
Št. 700-01/99-56/1
Ljubljana, dne 1. oktobra 1999
Državnega zbora
Republike Slovenije
Janez Podobnik, dr. med. l. r.